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Gender and The Military

For centuries, the issue on women’s for lacking physical strength compared to men whose role are
frontliners in a combat.

Through those years of debate, it is undeniably that women’s role in the military state that they are
better educated and score higher on intelligence test than men.

If we are to analyze the gender role of military facilities today compared to military of the past centuries,
we can say that there is an evolution somehow, in the USA during the early 20th century at the outser of
WWII. Two (2) percent of the women of U.S armed forces served as military personnel as to 2010,
fifteen (15) percent of the women are represented in U.S military personnel, including troops that are
deployed in combat zone. Although the military assignments are open to both genders, law prevents
women to engage in an offensive warfare.

Here in the Philippines, during 1963 to 1993 women are granted the right to serve in Philippine military
and to be trained as a combat soldiers. I can say that the Philippine women that serves in the military
corps are evolving to have the courage and strength to join the combat groups and assigned as a field
commander. In finding solution for this the Armed Forces of the Philippine (AFP) came up with the
‘’Gender and Development (GAD)’’ programs to intensify protection of women’s rights in serving the
military corps. It is good that in our generation now, more women are participating in what believed are
men-capable works

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