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With the rapid development of the internet also came some problems regarding safety, namely

cybercrime. Certain age groups, the older and the very young to be exact, seem to be more prone to
these crimes. While some say cybercrime is not as serious of a problem as usual crime, other disagree
with the statement. This essay will focus on cybercrime on these two age groups and how it is as
important as traditional crime.

The internet is a strange and new phenomenon to the older population, because they are used
to older technology, but also to the younger age group since their brain is not fully developed and they
lack judgement. The usual result is people getting scammed and sending money to the criminals to
pretend to be some company. In some cases, the victims get their personal information, including bank
account numbers, social security and health insurance numbers stolen, which is a considerable loss for
most people

It is also hard to filter the content and the people we engage with on the internet. One can
access websites which do not regulate the language that is used in a proper way. The people on these
sites can sometimes behave improperly and use vulgar and unethical vocabulary which can cause
psychological harm, force the victims to things, and in some cases cause the victims to do harm to
themselves or others.

Also, people sometimes think that the things they post or upload on websites can be deleted
from the internet forever. But everything is stored and can never be erased, which helps criminal
investigators with fraud and tax evasion cases with companies. Also, celebrities sometimes think the
things they said in the past are forgotten about, but people often dig up their past to hold them
accountable for their actions.

To conclude, the internet has seen accelerated development and some people are still learning
how to properly use it. If the users are not careful, they can be victims of bullying, hate crimes, scams,
data thefts and many more. Also, people hope their past actions would not have any consequences, but
the past always comes out and brings justice. With the development still in process, we are yet to see
the internet’s full potential and how it may change in the future.

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