An Ensemble of Modified Support Vector Regression Models For Data-Driven Prognostics

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An Ensemble of Modified Support Vector

Regression Models for Data-Driven Prognostics

Josey Mathew∗ , Prahlad Vadakkepat∗ , Ming Luo† , and Chee Khiang Pang∗

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
National University of Singapore, Singapore 117576.
† Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology,

71 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 638075.


Abstract—Accurate models for estimation of remaining useful algorithms. Physical-model based algorithms work from first
life (RUL) is a key tool to improve productivity and reliability in principles developing detailed mathematical models of the
modern industries. Recent advancements in machine learning and unit that are simulated and compared to the real system to
easier availability of data are driving development of data driven
prognostic frameworks for estimation of RUL. Direct adoption of diagnose faults and estimate the RUL. However, developing
learning algorithms is challenging due to inherent characteristics precise mathematical models is not practical for modern com-
of the domain like non-causal definition of required target, plex engineering systems. Data-driven [7]–[10] approaches
heterogeneity among the units, and temporal dependencies. on the other hand utilizes historical records from similar
This paper proposes a prognostic framework that attempts to machines to approximate physical degradation models. With
overcome these using a modified support vector regression (SVR)
as its base. SVR is modified with temporal features and an recent advancements in computational processes and learning
adaptive penalty term that gives higher importance to targets algorithms there is a large push to develop more robust and
closer to the end-of-life of units. An ensemble of such models accurate data-driven prognostic algorithms. Direct adoption of
is learned on groups of units having similar trajectories. The machine learning algorithms has had limited success due to
framework is evaluated on benchmark data set to estimate the the unique challenges in prognostic applications.
RUL of aircraft engines.
Index Terms—Support Vector Regression, Data-driven Prog- This paper reviews some of the challenges in learning
nostics, Ensemble, Time-series prognostic models from run-to-failure (RTF) data sets and
develops a novel framework to overcome them. Support vector
I. I NTRODUCTION regression (SVR), a machine learning algorithm with strong
theoretical foundations and generalization capabilities based
Industries are under constant pressure to improve profitabil- on structural risk minimization is adapted to address the
ity while ensuring that the reliability and safety of equipment challenges posed by the prognostic task. The framework is
and personnel are not compromised. A principal mechanism empirically evaluated on a popular benchmark data set to
to achieve this objective is by performing regular maintenance estimate the RUL in aircraft engines.
of the equipment. Costs associated with maintenance however,
forms a considerable chunk of operational expenses in most II. C HALLENGES IN DATA - DRIVEN P ROGNOSTICS
industries. Performing appropriate maintenance at the optimal Ease of collection and storage of historical sensor measure-
time is essential to avoid unexpected breakdowns that can ments and maintenance records are driving the development of
significantly hamper the operations of the industry. Historically novel data-driven algorithms to estimate RUL. Challenges in
maintenance philosophies have been categorized into reactive, adopting data-driven algorithms for prognostics are described
preventive, and predictive approaches [1]. Reactive philosophy in this section.
[2] performs maintenance activity only when the machine is Historical data available for learning typically consists
broken and as such is used only for non-critical systems. Time- of RTF measurements from n units {U 1 , · · · , U n } of a
based or preventive maintenance relies on statistical estimates fleet or multiple maintenance cycles of the same unit. The
of failure time to determine optimal maintenance schedules but RTF data for the ith machine consists of time-series sensor
do not adapt to the actual condition of the individual machine. measurements from an initial state to final state before an
Finally, predictive maintenance [3] is the modern condition unplanned failure or scheduled maintenance represented as
driven strategy that tracks “health” of the unit in real-time to {s1i , · · · , sfi i }. Each unit has a different failure time fi . The
estimate the remaining useful life (RUL) and optimizes the aim of prognostic models is to estimate the RUL (rkt ≈ fk −t)
maintenance schedule. given U tk = {s1k , · · · , stk }, the measurement up to time t.
A large number of predictive maintenance algorithms and Learning from such data sets falls under the paradigm
framework have been developed [1], [4]–[6] and can be of supervised machine learning algorithms that learn a
broadly classified into physical-model based and data-driven mapping function f (·) from an input x to approximate

978-1-7281-0303-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 885

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the desired output y ≈ f (x). This mapping function is iterative learning in neural networks. The convex nature also
learned using a training data set of known input-output pairs means that the solution is stable and not dependent of initial
{(x1 , y1 ), · · · , (xn , yn )}. A clear definition of desired output parameters of the learning algorithm. However, the adoption
is however challenging for prognostic applications. Given the of SVR for prognostic applications has been limited in liter-
RTF of Unit i (U i ) a straightforward output target at time ature. This paper attempts to bridge this gap by modifying
t is of the form fi − t. This non-causal target assignment SVR for prognostic modeling by addressing the challenges
requires knowledge of the future events which is not available mentioned above. The time dependency is captured using an
while making predictions for the test unit U tk . Number of auto-regressive window of features. The proposed framework
approximations have been proposed with varying degree of utilizes an exponential HI formulation as the target label for
success to address this challenge. The target is approximated SVR with an adaptive error penalty. Diversity in the training
as a kink function in [11] with constant RUL during the initial units is addressed by clustering the RTF data into groups based
stages beyond which it is set to fi − t. Other approaches on their measured trajectories.
include approximating the internal health index (HI) of the ma-
chine using an exponential model [2], [12] or linear function III. P ROPOSED F RAMEWORK FOR DATA - DRIVEN
with variations allowed in failure threshold [13], [14]. These P ROGNOSTICS
approximations are then utilized as targets for the learning The framework for prognostic modeling using the modified
algorithm with no emphasis given to their exactness. SVR algorithm is shown in Fig. 1. During the training phase,
Another major challenge is the inherent variations present historical RTF from the n units (U 1 , · · · , U n ) are prepro-
even among units of similar type due to manufacturing dif- cessed for supervised learning. The challenge in defining
ferences and operational conditions. Such diversity affects the targets for the learning algorithm is partially addressed by
generalization capability as a single model is unable to capture health modeling (HM) that assigns a synthetic HI hti to each
nuances present in the fleet. Multiple models in an ensemble measurement. It is worth noting that HM algorithm models HI
framework have been used to adapt to such diversity. In [7], using the complete run-to-failure data that is available during
[8], [13], multiple neural network models trained with different training and as such cannot be applied to estimate HI in real-
parameters were used. Ensemble models trained on different time implementations. The multi-variate time-series data set
random subsets of data have also been described for prognostic is then clustered into k groups C1 , · · · , Ck to identify units
application [15]. An ensemble of different learning algorithms having similar sensor and degradation profiles. A prognostic
has also been developed [14]. Above ensemble techniques at- regression model (PRM) is trained on each group to learn
tempts at addressing heterogeneity in the data using modeling the functional mapping from the input feature xti to its
techniques while not attempting to differentiate the variations corresponding HI hti . The k PRM are combined as an ensemble
in the data itself. model that can be used to make prediction of the HI of a test
The sequential form of RTF for each unit with the differing unit from its partial run data. The final predicted HI is then
length is also challenging to machine learning algorithms mapped back to obtain an estimate of the RUL.
that expect a fixed dimensional feature vector x. Addition- Each sub-component of the framework is described in detail
ally, most learning algorithms assume that the features are in the following sub-sections.
drawn from an independent and identically distributed (iid)
A. Health Modeling
distribution. Such an assumption is not valid for RTF data
sets as measurements and predictions at time t are dependent The objective of prognostic modeling is to estimate the RUL
on its past. A time-window based modification is generally given sensor measurements up to time t by learning from
t RTF data from n units. An implicit definition of RUL for
 t where thet−q−1feature vector is redefined from x = si to
x = si · · · si so that the algorithm is aware of the learning is fi − t where fi is the failure time for the ith unit.
context of window size q before estimating the RUL [7], [8]. However, this definition is non-causal and is dependent on
In spite of such challenges numerous frameworks have been future events and inadvertently introduces a linear degradation
proposed for data-driven prognostic modeling. RUL of aircraft assumption. Training PRM using such a definition hinders the
engines are estimated using an ensemble of neural networks learning capacity of the algorithm. A better estimate of the
in [7]. Recurrent neural networks are used to diagnose faults RUL can be obtained if an indicator for the state of health
in railway track systems in [9]. Support vector regression is known and can be used to forecast its future evolution.
(SVR) is shown to be an effective time-series based prognostic Such an indicator is often not present or observable in realistic
algorithm in [17]. engineering applications [6], [7]. An alternative approach is to
SVR based algorithms have inherent advantages compared utilize synthetic indicators of health either based on domain
to other data-driven algorithms like neural networks or general knowledge or heuristic intuition. In [7], [12] the target HI to
path models. SVR optimization is based on the structural risk be predicted is approximated as,
minimization principle that balances between empirical risk t
hit = a(e−bsi +c − ec ) (1)
minimization and generalization capability of the model [18].
The convex optimization problem also guarantees a single where a, b, c are parameters that are empirically estimated by
solution that is easily reachable unlike local optima using assuming the HI to be close to 1 during the initial cycles and


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Test engine
uf11 Health Prognostic
hf11 Regression
Historical run-to-failure Modeling C1
uf22 Health
hf22 Trajectory Prognostic
Modeling Regression Ensemble
clustering C2
.. .. .. Model
. . . .
ufnn Health Prognostic
Modeling hfnn Regression
Model Re-scaling


Fig. 1. Proposed framework for prognostic applications

0 close to the end-of-life of the unit. The above synthetic HI valid alignments between two time-series of lengths n and m.
is used by the proposed framework. Additionally, an adaptive And finally, Da,b (π) is the distance metric computed as,
weighting is introduced into the learning algorithm (Section
III-C) to give higher importance to errors made closer to X
Da,b (π) = φ(xπai , bπyi ) (3)
the end-of-life of the unit. These models were then used to
estimate the HI of a test engine with partial data and multiplied
by a constant (average RUL) to obtain an estimate of the RUL where φ(·, ·) is a distance metric like Euclidean distance.
of the machine. For a richer representation of the whole spectrum of costs
among the different alignments in I(n, m) the DTW metric
has been extended to the global alignment kernel (GAK) [20]
B. Trajectory Clustering
as, X
The training data set consists of RTF data from multiple kGA (a, b) = exp−Da,y (π) . (4)
similar units over a period of time. Each unit starts with a π∈I(n,m)
different initial condition and operates under different loading
and environmental conditions. These variations affect the GAK can be trivially used for multi-variate time-series of dif-
degradation profile of individual models and hence attempting fering lengths by using kernels like Gaussian for computation
to fit a single time-series model to all the units is difficult. To of the distance metric. The proposed framework utilizes DTW
overcome this issue a clustering of units is performed prior with GAK to compute similarity between the different training
to modeling by the SVR algorithm. This clustering identifies units and cluster them into k different groups.
units with similar degradation profiles and builds individual
C. Prognostic Regression Modeling
models for them.
Partitional clustering algorithms like k-means clustering Support Vector Regression (SVR) [18] is a non-linear
requires the determination of a similarity index between each regression algorithm than maps the features into a higher
pair of units. The multi-variate time-series with differing dimensional kernel based Hilbert space where the mapping
lengths in prognostic data sets make it hard to determine is linearized. Given a training data set of N iid sample,
traditional similarity metrics like Euclidean distance. Dy- S = {(x1 , y1 ), · · · , (xN , yN )} where x1 , · · · , xN ∈ Rm are
namic time wrapping (DTW) [19] has been used compute the m dimensional features and y1 , · · · , yN ∈ R are their
similarity between two time-series. Given two time-series respective output values, SVR learns a mapping function f (x)
a = (a1 , · · · , an ) and b = (b1 , · · · , bm ) DTW computes the to predict yi by optimizing the following,
minimum distance between them with respect to the alignment 1X
π as, max∗ − (αi − αi∗ )K(xi , xj )(αj − αj∗ )− (5)
α,α 2 i,j
DTW(a, b) = min Da,b (π) (2) X X
π∈I(n,m)  (αi + αi∗ ) + yi (αi − αi∗ )
(P i i
where π = (π a , π b ) are incremental integer vectors of length αi∗
i αi − =0
l ≤ n + m − 1 such that 1 = πa1 ≤ · · · ≤ πal = n and s. t.
1 = πb1 ≤ · · · ≤ πbl = m. I(n, m) is the set of all possible αi , αi∗ ∈ [0, C],


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where,  ∈ R+ is the width of zero loss band around yi , This formulation introduces ti that modifies the zero error loss
C ∈ R+ is the regularization parameter, K(·, ·) is the kernel region around the target value as shown in Fig. 2. The blue
function, and α, α∗ ∈ R+n are the optimization variables region shows the insensitive region of SVR as given in (6),
[18]. The optimal values of α, α∗ are used to compute the while the inner red region shows the modified loss region for
output function as, SVR-P as defined in (8). This formulation is more beneficial
N for prognostic applications as higher penalty is given as time
f (x) = (αi − αi∗ )K(x, xi ) + b. (6) increases nudging the PRM to more accurately predict the HI
i=1 at later stages of machine life. Additionally, this also helps to
reduce the ambiguity in the definition of target for PRM.
SVR formulation assumes independence between the fea-
ture vector x. This restricts the capacity of SVR to capture
temporal dependency that exists in prognostic application. A
simple approach is to use a feature vector with a window of
past measurements [21]. Such a formulation has been used
in areas like financial time-series prediction, environmental 0.8

Health Index
parameter estimation, electrical load prediction, and machine
reliability forecasting [22], [23]. Additionally, temporal de-
pendency in output [24] can also be captured using past
predictions of length p as,
-insensitve region
xti = f (xt−1 ) · · · f (xt−p ) sti st−1 · · · sit−q−1
i i i Modified SVR
(7) SVR
Such a formulation limits SVR to fixed window of features 0.0
and introduces problems in initialization. In the proposed
framework the window parameters p, q (∈ [0, 30]) are tuned 0 50 100 150 200
using cross-validation and auto-regressive components are Time
initialized to the mean values from the training data set.
Alternate modifications to SVR include an alignment kernel Fig. 2. Comparison of SVR loss region
[25] to identify common sub-segments of the time-series and
multiple kernel regression [23] approach. The structural risk IV. C ASE S TUDY: A IRCRAFT E NGINE D EGRADATION
minimization principle with its strong regularization approach DATA S ET
enables SVR to generalize with sparse amount of data. How- Prognostic models have been developed for a wide range
ever, the adoption of SVR for prognostic applications has been of applications like railway track fault identification [9],
limited [27]. aerospace remaining life determination, semi-conductor cham-
The original optimization problem of SVR in (6) considers ber degradation, etc. However, the lack of common bench-
all the training instances to be equal imposing a fixed zero marking data set hindered development and comparison of
error loss of width  around the target yi . However, the different models. The PHM society released the commercial
target for prognostic applications are an approximation in modular aero-propulsion system simulation (CMAPSS) data
the form of synthetic HI as explained earlier. A fixed width set [16] to create a common benchmarking platform for
insensitive region around the target inadvertently biases the researchers. The repository consists of four sub data sets
learning algorithm to a strict definition of output, even though (FD001-FD004) and PHM data challenge data set. Each data
the HI is synthetically generated. The ambiguity in the HI set consists of a training and test units consisting of sensor
is higher during the initial lifetime of the unit while being data from a fleet of aircraft engines that were generated
more accurate towards its end-of-life. This uncertainty can be using NASA simulation software. The FD001 and FD003 data
captured by adapting the width of the insensitive region based sets were generated under a single operating condition while
on the fraction of lifetime. FD002 and FD004 operated under 6 different regimes. FD001
This modified SVR model for prognostic applications and FD002 were simulated with one induced fault while the
(SVR-P) can be determined by modifying the original objec- rest had two types of faults.
tive function given in (6) as following, The training units consist of RTF data from multiple en-
1 X X ti ∗ t t t ∗
gines with different initial conditions to mimic manufacturing
max∗ − (αi − αiti )K(stii , sjj )(αjj − αjj )− (8) variations. The objective of the data set is to build models
α,α 2 i,j t ,t
i j to estimate the RUL of test units. Faults modes are injected
t ∗ ∗
tii (αiti + αij ) + yiti (αiti − αiti ) at random unknown points of operation for both training and
i t i ti testing unit. Measurements from 21 sensors along with three
(P Pi
ti ti ∗ operating settings are provided as defined in [16].
i ti (αi − αi ) =0
s. t. ∗ In engineering applications early prediction of end-of-life is
αiti , αiti ∈ [0, C] preferred to late predictions. This can ensure safe operation of


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the unit by giving sufficient time for planning maintenance. To • For most of the models, modified zero loss region of
favor such early predictions, the organizers of data challenge SVR-P reduces the penalty score significantly. This is
have provided an exponential scoring function that penalizes further validated in Fig. 3 where the actual and predicted
the difference between estimated RUL r̂it and the true RUL rit HI using ensemble models on the training subset of
for a fleet of n engines as, FD001 is shown. It can be observed that the predictions
 t −r t
e− r̂i10 i
made using the modified loss is closer to the true value
X − 1 for r̂it − rit < 0 (diagonal line) and the prediction error tapers as true HI
s= si , si = t
r̂i −rit (9)
e 13 − 1 for r̂t − rt ≥ 0 gets closer to 0 or the unit is nearing its end-of-life.
i i
• Fixing the target for regression algorithms as HI reduces
The proposed prognostic framework was evaluated on the penalty score drastically when compared to directly
FD001 and FD003 subsets of CMAPSS data sets that operated estimating the RUL. Direct estimation of RUL is hard due
under a single regime. Out of 21 sensors a few have no to its very definition as a linear function which is available
trends while others have either a positive or negative trend only after the unit has reached its end-of-life. With such
through the lifetime of the unit. Sensors 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, a definition the targets for the regression algorithm will
15 were selected following analysis in [12] as features for the vary a lot although the sensor values are within a small
algorithm. It is worth noting that a rigorous sensor selection region.
with feature extraction can further improve the performance • The single PRM has the best overall score in FD001 data
of the prognostic framework. set while ensemble model performs better for FD003. The
To improve the prediction closer to the end-of-life of the ensemble approach is more suitable for FD003 as it has
unit the SVR-P shown in (8) was used with tii set as  times two different fault types that are differentiated in the unit
target value normalized in the range of (0, 1]. Nine different clustering model before being trained using regression
groups of trajectories were identified using GAK distance algorithm.
while training to form the PRM clusters of the ensemble.
For models with target HI, the exponential HI (1) was used
to determine the target value for the regression model. In 1.25
addition to the above the other hyper-parameters like the
regularization parameter C (∈ [1, 500]), width of loss band
 (∈ [0.1, 0.4]), and window width parameters were tuned 1.00
using cross-validation to reduce the root-mean square error
Predicted Health Index

on a subset of the training data set.


Score penalty
Prognostic model Error band Target
FD001 FD003
SVR Constant RUL 68749 1078 × 106
SVR-P Modified RUL 47037 1212 × 106
0.25 Modified
SVR-W Constant RUL 53330 3943 × 103
SVR-P-W Modified RUL 39773 5139 × 103 Constant
SVR-W Constant HI 8183 44530
SVR-P-W Modified HI 698 9534
Ensemble SVR-W Constant HI 1832 2034 0.00
Ensemble SVR-P-W Modified HI 797 1087 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25
Health Index
The model learned from the training subset of the data set
using parameters and configurations described earlier. The test
Fig. 3. Prediction with constant and modified -insensitive loss functions for
units were then used to estimate RUL and evaluated using random training unit
the exponential score loss function (9). Various configurations
of the proposed framework was implemented and evaluated. The CMAPSS data set has been used extensively for the
Four different types of models were trained using either the development and evaluation of diagnostic and prognostic algo-
original SVR, SVR-P, SVR-P with window features (SVR- rithms. In [27], a higher level overview of the data set and cat-
P-W), and ensemble of SVR-P-W models. The improvement egorization of published literature based on problem objective,
with respect to using HI instead of directly estimating RUL treatment of uncertainty, performance evaluation is given. The
was also evaluated. difference in sensor selection, learning objectives, evaluation
The exponential score penalty computed using (9) for above metrics make a direct comparison among the methods difficult.
model combinations is given in Table I. From the results, the An extensive comparison based on multiple algorithms is
following observations can be inferred. available in [7], [8]. The best penalty score reported in these


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