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List of Schemes

PA (Public assistance): For those who are unable to work. Comes in the form of cash grants, medical, and educational assistance. Rent and Utilities Assistance Scheme(RUAS): For those just slightly overqualified for PA, but unable to pay for rent or utilities HOPE (Home Ownership Plus Education) Scheme: Helps young, lowincome families through educational bursaries, house grants, training grants for the mother, and further cash incentives for family planning Work Support Scheme: Families with low income and low savings and inadequate family or communal support receive various grants such as health, medical, educational grants Healthy Start Program: Help low income families with children aged 6 or below to enhance parent-child interactions and parenting skills. Aim is to strengthen the family unit as a whole and provide opportunities for children to receive early education and development. HSP provides Parenting Programs, Family Development, and Child Development in the form of kindergarten and childcare fees. CCC Comcare Fund (citizens consultative committee): Provides urgent and temporary assistance in the form of cash, vouchers or food rations. CCC stands for Citizens Consultative Committees. KiFAS( Kindergarten Financial Assistant Scheme: Provides financial aid for low-income families who want to place their children in nurseries or kindergartens but are unable to pay for it Small Families Improvement Scheme (SFIS): Rewards poor families with incentives if they keep their families small in order to better their own quality of life, replaced by HOPE Womens Charter: Provides care, maintenance and protection of women, but also children involved in divorce and separation situations, AND also protection for children against family violence, Parental duties to maintain children, and offences against girls and women SCFA (Student Care Fee Assistance Programme): For families which need to put their children in Student Care Centres but unable to afford it, available for children with disabilities as well

CFAC (Centre-based Financial Assistance Scheme for Childen): Similar to SCFA, but more stringent as it is for even lower income limits (ICCP) Integrated Child Care Programme: MCYS funds child care centres that cater for disabilities Project Bridge run by YMCA to encourage youths back to education PAL Programme: Supported by SANA with a focus on drug prevention and a return to school on drug prevention and a return to school Enhanced Step up: Provide school social work services to students with socio-emotional issues and those at-risk of dropping out of school and to motivate students with high absenteeism and out of school youths to be meaningfully engaged. The service is carried out through casework and counselling, family intervention and group work (Service A)/lifeskills training (Service B) provided by approved service providers Unpaid Infant Care Leave Scheme: Newly implemented in 2008 that enables working parents to take up to 6 days of unpaid leave to care for children 2 years and below Disabled Peoples Association of Singapore: Source of information for all assistance and services Adult Enhancement Programme: Skills enhancement programme for adults who have graduated from special needs school, where they are given further training and social skills to help them blend into mainstream life more independently Red Cross Home for the Disabled: Highly subsidized housing for severely intellectually or physically disabled persons whose families are unable to provide care Traffic Accident Fund: Help those who have survived an accident but suffered a permanent disability as a result, up to $10k within 7 years to purchase assistive equipment, and other monetary benefits for low income families. Families of victims who have passed away are also eligible. SEED (Sustainable Enhancements for Eldercare and Disability Services): Organisations that provide care and service for elderly or disabled can tap into this fund to carry out R&D VCF (VWO Charities Capability Fund): For VWOs to tap into to improve capabilities

GO! Fund (Golden Opportunities): Supports organisations that provide programmes and activities that meaningfully engage seniors, empower them to contribute to society. Support efforts by seniors to develop programmes/activities for themselves and other seniors; Nurture a vibrant and effective seniors' voluntary sector; and Develop the seniors industry in Singapore. Silver Community Test Bed programme: Encourage companies to develop elder friendly products and services by providing funding and a test-bed platform to test new prototypes
Caregivers Training Grant: The Caregivers Training Grant (CTG) helps

caregivers build their capabilities so that they are able to better care for the physical and socio-emotional needs of PWDs or the elderly.

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