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Equilibrium Review Worksheet

1. Two colourless solutions are mixed in a stoppered flask. As the reaction proceeds, the
resulting solution turns red, and a colourless gas is formed. After a few minutes, no more
gas is evolved but the red colour remains. What evidence is there that equilibrium has
been established?

2. At a given temperature, analysis of an equilibrium mixture represent below is given as:

SO2(g) + NO2(g) <=====> SO3(g) + NO(g) where
[SO2] = 4.0 M, [NO2] = 0.50 M, [SO3] = 3.0 M, [NO] = 2.0 M Find the value of Keq

3. Consider the reaction: N2O4(g) <=====> 2 NO2(g)

ΔHo = 58.576 kJ; Keq = 0.87 at 55oC

What is the effect of each of these changes upon the concentration of N2O4 at
a) increasing the temperature,
b) increasing the volume,
c) adding more NO2(g) to the system without changing pressure or
d) adding He gas to the container,
e) adding a catalyst.

4. How can you increase the concentration of the product(s) in each of these reactions
by varying the temperature and pressure (caused by volume change)?
(a) 4 NH3(g) + 5 O2(g) <=====> 4 NO(g) + 6 H2O(g) ΔHo = -903.75 kJ (b) Br2(g) +
Cl2(g) <=====> 2 BrCl(g) ΔHo = 14.64 kJ (c) BaSO4(s) <=====> Ba2+(aq) + SO42-
ΔHo = 24267.2 kJ

5. Does the equilibrium constant for the reaction

Br2(l) <======> Br2(g)
increase or decrease as temperature increases? Explain.

6. A substance (CD) decomposes into C and D.

CD(g) <======> C(g) + D(g)
At the temperature of the experiment, 15.0 percent of CD is decomposed when
equilibrium is established.

a) If the initial concentration of CD is 0.200 mol/L, what are the equilibrium

concentrations of CD, C and D?
b) What is K for the reaction at this temperature?

7. A reaction may be represented by: A(g) + B(g) <=====> AB(g) At a given temperature
1.0 mole of A and 1.0 mole of B are placed in the 1.0 litre vessel and allowed to reach
equilibrium. Analysis revealed that the
equilibrium concentration of AB was 0.40 molar. What percent of A had been converted
to products?

8. Gas X2 reacts with gas Y2 according to the equation: X2 + Y2 <=====> 2 XY 0.50 mole each
of X2 and Y2 are placed in a 1.0 litre vessel and allowed to reach equilibrium at a given
temperature. The equilibrium concentration of XY is found to be 0.025 mol/L. What is the
equilibrium constant for this reaction?

9. Under a given set of conditions, an equilibrium mixture SO2(g) +

NO2 <=====> SO3(g) + NO(g)
in a 1.00 L container was analyzed and found to contain 0.300 mole of SO3, 0.200 mole
of NO, 0.0500 mole of NO2, and 0.400 mole of SO2. Calculate the equilibrium constant
for this reaction.

10.At 55oC, the K for the reaction: 2 NO2(g) <=====> N2O4(g) is 1.15 a) Write the
equilibrium expression.
b) Calculate the concentration of N2O4(g) present in equilibrium with 0.50 mole of

11.One mole of NH3 was injected into a 1 L flask at a certain temperature. The equilibrium
2 NH3 <=====> N2 + 3 H2
was then analyzed and found to contain 0.300 moles of H2.
a) Calculate the concentration of N2 at equilibrium.
b) Calculate the concentration of NH3 at equilibrium.
c) Calculate the equilibrium constant for this system at this temperature and pressure.
d) Which way would the equilibrium be shifted if 0.600 mole of H2(g) were injected
into the flask?
e) How would the injection of hydrogen into the flask affect the equilibrium constant?
f) How would the equilibrium constant be affected if the pressure of this system
were suddenly increased?

12.When 0.5 mole of CO2 and 0.5 mole of H2 were forced into a 1 litre reaction container,
and equilibrium was established:
CO2(g) + H2(g) <======> H2O(g) + CO(g)
Under the conditions of the experiment, K=2.00.
a) Find the equilibrium concentration of each reactant and product. b) How would the
equilibrium concentrations differ if 0.50 mole of H2O and 0.50 mole of CO had been
introduced into the reaction vessel instead of the CO2 and H2?

13.At 462oC, the reaction (1): heat + 2 NOCl(g) <=====> 2 NO(g) + Cl2(g) has an
equilibrium constant, Keq = 8.0 x 10-2.
a) What is Keq at 462oC for the reaction: 2 NO(g) + Cl2(g) <=====> 2 NOCl(g) b) What is
Keq at 462oC for the reaction: NOCl(g) <=====> NO(g) + ½Cl2(g)
Answer these true-or-false questions related the reaction (1) at 462oC. c) ______
The reaction is exothermic
d) ______ After equilibrium is established, increasing the concentration of NO causes an
increase in the concentration of Cl2.
e) ______ After equilibrium is established, decreasing the volume of the container
favours the formation of NOCl.
f) ______ After equilibrium is established, increasing the temperature favours the formation
of NO and Cl2.
g) ______ After equilibrium is established, decreasing the partial pressure of Cl2 causes the
equilibrium position to shift to the left.
h) ______ Adding argon gas to the equilibrium system at constant total pressure will cause
an increase in the yield of products.
i) ______ Adding a catalyst decreases the time required for the reaction to reach
j) ______ Adding more NOCl to the equilibrium system changes the value of Keq.
k) ______ Increasing the temperature causes Keq to increase. l) ______ Adding
a catalyst causes Keq to change.
m) ______ The addition of a catalyst increases the yield of product. n) ______ At 462oC,
two moles of NOCl react completely and form 3 moles of product (2 moles of NO and 1
mole of Cl2.)
o) ______ Increasing the temperature increases the rate of the forward reaction. p) ______
Increasing the temperature increases the rate of the reverse reaction. q) ______ At a given
temperature only one set of product and reactant concentrations satisfies Keq.

Ksp Review Problems

1. A solution contains 0.150 M MgCl2. Determine the concentration of Mg2+ and Cl- ions in the solution.

2. The molar solubility of Ba3(PO4)2 in water is 1.4 × 10-8M. Calculate the Ksp for this salt.

3. Gold(III) chloride, AuCl3, has a Ksp = 3.2 × 10-25. Calculate the molar solubility of AuCl3 in: a) pure
b) 0.02 M HCl

4. Silver acetate, AgC2H3OO, has Ksp = 4 × 10-3.

a) Does a precipitate form when 0.010 mol of AgNO3 and 0.30 mol of Ca(C2H3OO)2 are
dissolved in a total volume of 1.00 L of solution? b)Would a precipitate of silver acetate
form if 18.0 mL of 0.10M AgNO3 were added to 40.0 mL of 0.024 M NaC2H3OO?

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