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Oral TA Rubric

ENG 102

Oral Text Analysis Rubric

Name: Comments Total

1 pt.
Introductory Statement:
A statement that introduces the article being evaluated is
clear and concise: title, authors’ last names, year of
publication, source, and the purpose of the study
3 pt.
The elements are thoroughly analyzed. Clear examples
are provided and justified.

2 pt.
Concluding Statement:
The presentation ends with a summary and justification
of the findings that will be used to expand the literature

Language and Organization

1 pt.
Coherence and Unity of Ideas and the Clarity of
Slides/Annotated Article: Ideas are clear, coherent and
fluid. Slides are well organized and contain little to no
grammatical errors. Annotated article is clear.

3 pts.
o Good sentence structure/variety
o Correct use of passive/active voice
o Appropriate academic word choice
o Appropriate use of verb tenses
o Appropriate use of metadiscourse cues
o Appropriate use of neutral language

Time: 5-6 minutes Total: 10 pts.

Notes: ________________________________________________________________________



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