Ict Workshop

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ICT Workshop was conducted in Jamia millia Islamia on

the date from 15th November to 20th November
through these days.was divided into three sessions per
Hon’ble Mr. Dori Lal Chaudhry and Professor Fawzia
Nadeem introduced the works of theme, which is ICT
used in education.
First Session.
In this session, there was several works done by the
head of workshop and classes representative like
inaugural address by head and given some overview
about the objective of workshop and class
representative to attendance.
In which they given some information about the theme
and overview of workshop.
In this session, prayer was offered by the student in
Urdu and Hindi language. After that, Professor Fawziya
Nadeem introduced some kind of rule and regulation
of workshop.
Second season.: Professor Jessy Abraham.
Second session was held in New Haul Salamat Ullah
block with two section B and C.
Professor Jessy Abraham may be discussed about the
ICT policy perspective, in which they gave definition of
ICT is a technology that supports activities involving
information such activities included gathering,
processing, storing and presenting data increasingly.
These activities also involve collaboration and
communication. Hence, IT become ICT.
They get some underlining principles.:
Technology does not exist in isolation.
ICT contributes at various points along line.
ICT used in education activities.
The key output is knowledge, experience and product.
The output should be useful to users.
She said, ICT can help in study for example. SWAYAM,
National Digital Library, E Pathsala, Etcetera.
Third session: Dr Dayal Sandhu.
This session was also held in new blog Salamat Ullah
blog with two sections, B and C.
Dr Dayal Sandhu C is assistant professor in center for
distance and online education in Jamia Millia Islamia.
See is a qualified in various exams like Netzer F and
also PHD Holder. Dr Sandhu, start with topic of ICT,
today's rapidly evolving world, integrating Information
and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has
become a pivotal force for transforming traditional
learning approaches. ICT in education, often called e-
learning or digital learning, has revolutionized how
students learn and teachers teach. This digital
transformation has significantly impacted the
educational landscape by enhancing accessibility,
interactivity, and effectiveness.
new liberal era in which they define the neural
liberalism. In the context of ICT and uses of the ICT in
the neoliberal era. She said the neural liberal era has
been imagined as period of intense technology.
Revolution., the goal of a high technology-based
education since the age of globalization of competition
and the rise of intelligence. So, need of innovation is
technology. Also said about the radical changing
technology in social changes that help to increase
awareness about the education. This session was very
useful in formative and exciting.
On the second day 16th November,
there have been also three sessions held on this day.
There were advance lectures held in which the lecturer
gives some most important experience-based
knowledge to the student and the student kept them
in a very desireful manner.
Session 4th.: Dr Ajit Kumar.
Dr Kumar given lecture on the topic of TPACK.
Framework for supportive uses of technology in
classroom in which Dr Kumar described the kinds of
knowledge required by teachers for the successful
integration of technology in teaching They give the
important we on teachers need to know about the
interactions of technology, pedagogy and content in
which they suggest theoretical framework of
understanding teacher knowledge, how to produce a
productive thing for learners. The use of ICT in
education is multifaceted. It provides students access
to various online resources, including textbooks,
research materials, and educational videos. This
accessibility breaks down geographical barriers, making
quality education available to learners worldwide,
regardless of their location or economic background.
Additionally, ICT facilitates lifelong learning, allowing
individuals to acquire knowledge conveniently and
One of the most remarkable aspects of ICT in
education is its ability to cater to diverse learning
styles. Interactive learning platforms, simulations, and
multimedia resources engage students in ways that
traditional methods often cannot. This active
engagement fosters critical thinking, problem-solving,
and creativity, preparing students for the complex
challenges of the modern world.

Season 5th. Dr Sanjay Kumar Chaudhary.

After the lunch break, the learner would gather in the
multimedia lab where the Dr Chaudhary gave the
lecture on the topic of Enrichment of classroom
practice through ICT. According to the Dr Chaudhary,
ICT and considerable knowledge and positive
understanding of ICT and its potential in teaching and
learning, such as lack of proper access to ICT resources,
overcrowded classroom, lack of pedological support,
are more influential on the integration process,
according to the ICT help pupils to develop new skills
and becomes more creative. ICT stimulus the
development of imagination as well as initiative. It is a
valuable tool for producing worth both in terms of
content and form. It is. Improves people’s academic
performance as their classroom experience also
improves substantially whenever necessary multimedia
increment helps communicate difficult concepts in
simpler ways. And thus offer a unique advantage in the
field of education. It enables learners to experience
their subject in a performed way. Digital tools and
platforms streamline administrative tasks, allowing
educators to focus more on the core of teaching and
individualized instruction.
Season 6th Dr. Nandita Deb.
On the last session of the day, lecturer Dr Nandita Dev
take lecture on the topic of FOSS and TLM. According
to the Dr Dave, TLM is commonly used term is the way
field of Education that stands for teaching and learning
material. In broad sense, the terms refer of the
educational materials that teachers use in the
classroom to support specific learning objectives.
One interactive whiteboard.
Two video conference system.
Tablet slate
Ford PC.
5th digital TV.
6th digital recorder.
7th projector.
8 student response system.
It helps in e-learning potential e-content benefits light
instruction video content delivery, a student to a
student interaction, up to date learning materials, self-
learning. These give in prospective on in the ICT skills
and optimum utilization of ICT towards developing an
improved teaching and learning environment.
Season 7th. Dr Gulshan Mufeed.
On the third day of workshop, there had been lecture
held on three sessions in early morning lecture, taken
by Dr Gulshan Mufeed on the topic of use of open
office tools in teaching learning. Dr Gulshan firstly
differentiate between the Microsoft tools and open
office tools, in which. C differentiate application
features advantage, paid or free application. Ut Of
tools in MS Office, Excel, PowerPoint, Etcetera. In
OpenOffice, C said, a processor, a speed sheet, calcium.
Application, a formula editor and a database
management application, the reading open-source
office software suit for word processing. Some
advantages of open office suits have no licensing fees.
It is free for everyone to use and distribute at no cost.
Many features that are available at. Extra of the cost
and on in the office are. Suits are very free with open
office. There have been many features like styles and
templates, frames, column and table tables, etc. These
tools are very helpful for learners.
Season 8. Professor Anoj Raj.
After the first session of the 17th November second
season has started with lecture of Professor Anoj Raj
on the topic of views interactive. Tools of learning,
teaching and assessment. According to him, the
activities carried out through digital and interactive
tools increases student concentration and therefore
the assimilate concepts more quickly enhancing
learning these type of tools involves learners in more
practical learning with the aims of reinforcing what
they have learned. There are some ICT based teaching
learning assessment like first PowerPoint, second
Internet homework assignment, 3rd online grading
system, 4th classroom tablets, 5th keeping student
engaged, 6th helps student with differentiate learning
styles 7th prepare students with life skill. Multimedia or
interactive materials can be used online as the basis for
assignment task.

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