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Slide 1 - Market and technology of bifacial solar cells

Bifacial solar cells are a highly promising innovation in the solar energy sector, challenging
conventional thinking and driving significant advancements. It is considered as a novel concept
due its transformative impact on solar energy capture and conversion.

Looking at the market share in 2023, we can see from the graph that bifacial cells hold a market
share of 70%, and it is expected to rise to 90% within the next decade.

Bifacial solar cells operate by absorbing light from both the front and back sides, utilizing
reflected light, also known as albedo, from the ground to generate more electricity than regular
solar cells. Compared to mPV, bPV cells add a layer of anti-reflection coating and back contacts
instead of the back surface field (BSF) at the back side of PV cells.

Slide 2 - Applications
bPV was first used in space in 1974 on a space station, producing up to 34% more electricity
than regular panels. They are now deployed on various space stations, satellites and
spacecraft. Bifacial technology is not limited to space, as it’s used on earth as large-scale power
plants, and dual use of land area such as combined electricity production and agriculture and
areas with high albedo, such as snowy regions and rooftops near reflective surfaces.

More information about the challenges and advantages for this technology can be found on the

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