Fala - Apresentação Energy Innovation

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Slide 1 - How does our company work?

Data exchange today in Europe is not always transparent, focused on business and too
complex. We need to enable data access to enable markets to function. Considering our
scenario of moving towards a more sustainable future, we need to consider solutions coming
from private initiatives on the markets. In this context, data access for consumers and third
parties is the key for digital green energy transition.
The new idea is that electricity is a commodity
t-Grid is an online platform that allows an electricity retailer’s customers to trade renewable
energy across the grid. It’s agile and real time pricing means benefits for the customer,
retailer and distribution network alike.
But who are our customers and why would they use our platform to buy energy?
We’re going to start with domestic households and small scale companies who produce or
want to buy renewable energy.
Our platform then matches sellers with buyers and both can negotiate the price of the
It facilitates the transaction by calculating the amount of electricity to be transferred, confirms
payment and manages the transfer of surplus electricity, therefore, creating a competitive
and dynamic market.

Slide 2 - How does our company work?

Enabling Technology: Renewable Energy and Blockchain
Blockchain Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that can be used to securely record
all transactions taking place on a given network. It allows:
● Increased direct trading and sharing of verifiable information, removing the need for
the middleman, and enabling newer lower-cost operating models on a smaller scale.
● Flexibility in the system, enabling decentralized flexible energy sources to provide
services to the electricity grid.

Our business model is focused on Peer-to-Peer

Any participant with or without renewable generation assets or energy storage can trade
electricity with their peers. They’re referred to as the “Uber or Airbnb of energy” because
they create an online marketplace for energy where consumers and energy suppliers make
peer-to-peer transactions.

Slide 3 - App interface

This diagram shows a peer-to-peer renewable trading model. The process begins with
renewable energy producers, like homeowners with solar panels, generating electricity
excess. They connect to the grid via network operators, and electricity sellers, ranging from
local businesses to individuals, join the exchange to list surplus electricity for sale. Major
consumers and household consumers contract with network operators to access the grid,
and household consumers contract with electricity sellers. This facilitates direct renewable
energy trading on the exchange, with prices determined by supply, demand, and agreed
rates. The exchange records transactions and integrates data into billing systems for
seamless financial settlement, fostering renewable adoption, energy efficiency, and potential
cost savings for consumers, while promoting sustainable energy source integration into the

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