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Date First Term Exam -
Class:- 11th Roll No:
Sub:-Eloctronics Marks:-50
Student Name
Q. 1) Select the correct alternatives
By maximum power transfer theorem R anl R should be a) Zero
2)A practical current source has ts
input impedance in a) series biD
b)Equal C)Dfferent
e Circut
Or these
3)A solar cell is an example of a) AC source b) DC source c Done h
h e current in LCR Series Circuit is maximum when a) X = 0 bX, x C) Xc = 0
5) In a parallel resonant circuit at resonance current is a)
6) In India AC power line has nominal minimum
voltage and the exacd trequency Is
a) 100v, 100, b) 120v, 60i C) 230p,50/1,
7) Sensitivity of a multimeter is given in terms of a) Ohms/ampere b) Ohms/voit
a. 2) State true of false
c) volts/chms

nductance measured in Henry b) In

c) Series resonance is known as Rejectorcase
circut of capacitors current
d) In parallel
leads voltage by 90
circuit current through each resistor is same
a. 3) Match the
column A column B
Capacitive Reactance

Impedance R
a.4) Short answer questions 12
State kirchhoffs laws with suitable examples 2)Whatdo you mean by self-inductance and mutual inductance
3 State Faraday's lawofelectromagnetic inductance4)
the terms a)
Q Factor
do you mean by RMS value of AC
5) Explain Resonant Frequency b)
) Draw the circuit diagram of multirange DC voltmeter
a. 5) Differentiate between
) electric feld and magnetic field
2) Series type ohmmeter and shunt type ohmmeter
4) Capacitive Reactance and Inductive Reactance
a. hevenin's Theoremand Norton's
6) Solve the following problems
1) Draw Thevenin's equivalent circuit and find voltage across R

2Caiculate the X of 250 uH coil at 1)1MH, Frequency 2) 10 MH, Frequency

mvng col galvanometerhas full scale defection of 5 mA and meter resistance of 40 ohms. comvert t to read upto 10 mA
.Explain parallel resonance with sutable grapn
. 8 ) what do you mean by PMMC ? Explain in brief
Date: First Term Exam Roll No:
Class:-11th Sub:- Electronics I Marks:-50
Q. 1) Select
correct alternatives and rewrite the sentences
1) Rectifier circuit is known ad
2) The process of
Converter a) AC to DC b) DC to AC c) none of these d) both a and b
AC into DC Is known as
a) rectification D) amplification c) inversion d) transtormation
3) In a good conductor, the energy levels in a valence
a) are patialy filled b) overlap with conduction c) both a and b g) neither a nor b
4) A doped semiconductor is known as
5) When transistor is used as an amplifier it increases
a) Ntype b) P-type c) both type d) none of these
-a) frequency b) ampitude c) both d) phase
ransistor has double base structure
7) The couping circut is essential to avoid a) AC flow
a) FET b) MOSFET c) NPN d) UJT
b) DC flow c) distortion d) noise
8) In class B. operating point is at a) cutoff b) saturation point C) center d) anywhere
Q.2) State true or false
1) Differential amplifier is used in OP-AMP 2) Class A amplifier has better effciency
3) FET s a voltage operated deviIce 4) In CE configuration, the phase sht is 180
5) NPN transistor is a unipolar transistor
a. 3) Solve the following questions
1) Write a li_t of transistor types with their symbols and terminals 2)Write the comparison between N-type and
3)Draw the block diagram of power suppiy
P-type semiconductor
4) State different types of biasing methods ) Define Oscillator and
Q 4) Solve any five of the following classity them
1 Explain action of transistor a s a switch 2) Explain working of half wave rectifier with waveform
3) What do you mean by MOSFET ? Write its types and switching action. 4) Explain the
working of Sawtooth Oscillator
5) Explain Differential amplifier with its circuit diagram 6) Why coupling is necessary? List
different methods
Q. 5) Solve any three of the following
1) Write the difference between LED and Photodiode
2) Explain class A, class 8, and class C power supply with suitable
3) What do you mean by crossover distortion 7 How it can be eliminated ? diagram
4) Draw a circut diagram of three stage RC
coupled amplifier

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