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Implementation of the fully homomorphic encryption scheme over integers

with shorter keys

Conference Paper · July 2015

DOI: 10.1109/NTMS.2015.7266495


8 2,260

3 authors:

Luan Cardoso Santos Guilherme Bilar

University of Campinas Universidade Federal de São Carlos


Fábio Dacêncio Pereira

Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marília


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Implementation of the fully homomorphic encryption
scheme over integers with shorter keys
Luan Cardoso dos Santos Guilherme Rodrigues Bilar
Institute of Computation Department of Computer Science
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Universidade Federal de São Carlos
Campinas, Brazil São Carlos, Brazil
luan.cardoso[at] guilherme.bilar[at]

Fábio Dacêncio Pereira

Centro Universitário Eurípides de Marilia
Marília, Brazil

Abstract— New researches in the field of homomorphic In this work, we show that, for research purposes, a modest
encryption schemes have made it possible to implement a variety domestic computer can be used to implement and execute FHE
of schemes using different techniques and programming schemes, which are deemed too complex and slow for real-
languages. In this paper we describe the implementation of a world applications. The objective is also to produce public
DGHV scheme variant using Python and the GMPY2 library. available code that can be used and improved by other
This scheme was first proposed in 2010, by van Dijk et al, and researchers in their works.
later modified into two variants by Coron in 2011 and 2012,
which reduced the prohibitive size of the public keys, at the cost The current principal homomorphic cryptosystems are
of computational power. Besides that, this paper also present a shown in figure 1. On the branch of “Learning with errors”,
comparison of these implementations with the previous important works are the RLWE scheme proposed by
implementation of Coron’s first variant. Brakersky[6], and the BGV scheme[7]. On the branch of
Keywords— cryptography; homomorphism; post-quantum; lattices, the principal systems were the ones proposed by
python Gentry and Halevi[1]. Lastly, using as the underlying bases
integer arithmetic, we have the DGHV scheme[3], from which
I. INTRODUCTION Coron proposed two variants[2][3].
Modern cryptography is build up on hard-to-solve
problems, such as the factorization of integers and elliptic FHE
curves. With the rise of the quantum computer theory, and
specially the shor algorithm, the current “hard problems” may
not be adequate for the creation of cryptosystem in the future. LWE Integers Lattices

With that, a relatively new area on cryptology, the post-

quantum cryptology started to get more and more importance. BVG Gentry-Halevi
RLWE (2011) DGHV (2010) Gentry (2009)
Amongst the post-quantum cryptosystem capable of resisting Scheme(2012) (2010)
attacks, even from a quantum computer, the fully
homomorphic algorithms stands. DGHV with DGHV with
smaller modulus
keys(2011) change(2012)
A fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) scheme is a
cryptosystem that allows one, using only public data, to Figure 1. The three principal base problems used to create fully homomorphic
compute a arbitrary computation on the cyphertext, and get as schemes
result the encrypted computation over the plain text. In other
words, having a computation f(), a message m and the II. MOTIVATION
encryption of said message E(m), there is a function f’() such As stated previously, the defining characteristic of a FHE
as[5]: scheme is that one can execute arbitrary processing on the
𝑓 ′ (𝐸(𝑚)) = 𝐸(𝑓(𝑚)) cyphertext, without having to decrypt said data. Such
characteristic and the fact of most FHE schemes are also
This characteristic is very desirable, as it allows secure asymmetric key schemes opens up some interesting uses. The
processing on secret data to be executed by a unsecure third canonical example of use is a voting system, where the data
part without unencrypting the data. processing is executed in a way that the votes are not
decrypted, keeping their secrecy, but allowing that the counting Then generate the vectors s (0) and s (1) of length ⌈√Θ⌉,
can be executed by a public part. (0) (1)
following the conditions that s1 = s1 = 1; for each
A FHE scheme can also be used to provide an encrypted κ ∈ [0, √θ) and b = {0,1}, there is at least one set bit amongst
database, where, in a hypothetical scenario, the server would (b)
si ’s, k⌊√B⌋ < 𝑖 ≤ (𝑘 + 1)⌊√B⌋, with B = Θ/θ and the set
have an encrypted data base, and would be capable of (0) (1)
executing encrypted queries, returning the result as encrypted S = {(i, j): si . sj = 1} has exactly θ elements.
data without having any information about the query and its
returned data. After that, initialize a system-wide pseudorandom number
generator f with a seed se, then use f(se) to generate ui,j ∈
On the other hand, FHE schemes are a recent research area, [0, 2𝜅+1 ) with 1 ≤ 𝑖, 𝑗 ≤ ⌈√Θ⌉, (𝑖, 𝑗) ≠ (1,1). Then, set 𝑢1,1
and there is still much to be done before this technique can be
such as:
used in practical applications.
∑ 𝑢𝑖,𝑗 = 𝑥𝑝 𝑚𝑜𝑑2𝜅+1
Where 𝑥𝑝 ← ⌊2𝜅 /𝑝⌉. Then, compute the encryptions𝜎 (𝑏) of
Here we show a small description of the implemented
system, as proposed by Coron. the vectors s (b) choosing for each i ∈ [1, ⌈√Θ⌉] and b = {0,1},
random integers r′i,b ∈ (−2ρ , 2ρ ) and q′i,b ∈ [0, q0 ). Compute
Gentry defines that the DGHV scheme uses as a base block (b) (b)
a set in public integers 𝑥𝑖 = 𝑝. 𝑞𝑖 + 𝑟𝑖 , 0 ≤ 𝑖 ≤ 𝜏, where the σ(b) as: σi = si + 2r′i,b + p. q′i,b mod x0
integer p is secret [4]. Let the secret key sk = (s (0) , s (1) ) and the public key
The DGHV is have the following parameters: pk = (pk ∗ , se, u1,1 , σ(0) , σ(1) ).
 γis the bit-length of thexi ’s; B. Encrypt
 ηis the bit-length of secret keyp; Choose a matrix of random numbers b = (bi,j )1≤i,j≤β ∈
′ ′
[0,2α )β×β and a random integer in the interval (−2ρ , 2ρ ).
 ρis the bit-length of the noiseri ; Return the cyphertext as:
 τis the number ofxi ’s contained in the public key;
c ∗ = m + 2r + 2 ∑ bij ∙ xi,0 ∙ xj,1 mod x0
 ρ′ 𝑖s a secondary noise parameter used in encryption . 1≤i,j≤β

Were m ∈ {0,1}, being it the plaintext bit being encrypted.

Coron proposed a modification on the DGHV scheme, with C. Evaluate
the addition of a new parameter β. This parameter allows to The evaluation function are those capable of executing a
save only 2β integers, manipulating x′i,j integers in the form computation on the cyphertext. In this scheme, we have two
x′i,j = xi,0 . xj,1 mod x0 para 1 ≤ i, j ≤ β. With that, the public functions, named Add( ) and Mult( ).Being the cyphertext a
key size is reduced from τ to 2√τ integers with γ bits each. single bit, these functions are analogous to the logical
Moreover, with the objective of turning the scheme fully operations XOR and NAND, executed on those bits. They are
homomorphic, it’s necessary to add λ3 elements y with length defined as following:
κ = γ + 2 + ⌈log 2 (λ + 1)⌉. That would increase the public
Add(pk, c1∗ , c2∗ ): Returns c1∗ + c2∗ mod x0
key size from 𝒪̃ (λ7 ) to 𝒪̃ (λ8 ). Coron then proposed that only
the first y was stored into the public key, with the other ones Mult(pk, c1∗ , c2∗ ): Returns c1∗ ∙ c2∗ mod x0
being generated with a pseudo-random number generator. That
way, the public key size is still 𝒪̃ (λ7 ) and the elements y are
recovered in execution time [2]. D. Expand
Now, for completeness, we describe Coron’s proposed This function expands the cyphertext, and receives as
scheme primitives, according to the description in [2]: arguments the cyphertext c* and computes the associated
matrix z. This function is separated from the Decrypt and
A. Keygen Encrypt functions since it can be computed using only public
First, generate an odd integer of η bits, and then pick an data. First, for each i,j such as1 < 𝑖, 𝑗 < √𝛩, compute ui,j using
integer q0 ∈ [0, 2γ /p), chosen as the product of λ2 bits long the pseudorandom number generator f(se). Let yi,j = ui,j /2κ ,
prime numbers, and let x0 = q0 ∙ p. Generate β pairs of and then compute zi,j = [c ∗ ∙ yi,j ]2 . Keep only ⌈log 2 (θ + 1)⌉
integers xi,0 , xi,1 in the interval 1 ≤ i ≤ β. Let xi,b = p. qi,b + bits of precision after the binary point. Return the expanded
ri,b , 1 ≤ i ≤ β, 0 ≤ b ≤ 1 where ri,b are integers in (−2ρ , 2ρ ) cyphertext as c = (c ∗ , z)
and q i,b are random integers in [0,q0 ). Let the partial public
key pk ∗ = (x0 , x1,0 , x1,1 , … , xβ,0 , xβ,1 ). E. Decrypt
(0) (1)
Return the plaintext m as 𝑚 ← [𝑐 ∗ − ⌊∑𝑖,𝑗 𝑠𝑖 ∙ 𝑠𝑗 ∙ 𝑧𝑖𝑗 ⌉] . †

†[𝑥]𝑛 Denotes the reduction of x modulo n

F. Recrypt
To execute the recrypt procedure, necessary to refresh the
noise level on the cyphertext, apply the decryption circuit over For the tests, a laptop with a Core i5 m520@2.4GHz CPU
the expanded cyphertext z and to the secret key encryptions and 4GB of Ram memory was used. The obtained times are the
(𝑏) arithmetic average of 20 executions.
𝜎𝑖 .
Table2 shows the obtained times [11] for the algorithm
The Table 1[2]show the concrete parameters used by Coron
described by Coron.
in his work. Those parameters were chosen to mitigate certain
kinds of attacks against the cyphertext. TABLE2: EXECUTION TIMES

TABLE 1:THE CONCRETE PARAMETERS Instance KeyGen Encrypt Decrypt Expand

Toy 0.6 s 0.00236 s 0.0001 s 1.28103 s
Key size 𝝀 𝝆 𝜼 𝜸 𝜷 𝚯 𝜽 Small 10 s 0.01294 s 0.0002 s 8.08505 s
Medium 1 min 1 s * * *
Toy 42 16 1088 1,6 × 105 12 144 15 Large 11 min 21s * * *
*Memory overflow on the test machine
Small 52 24 1632 8,6 × 10 23 533 15
Medium 62 32 2176 4,2 × 10 44 1972 15
Large 72 39 2652 1,9 × 107 88 7897 15


In our implementation, we used the Python programing
language. Our choice was based on the fact that python is a
quick and easy way to prototype a single-use software. The
generated codes also have a good readability, that will help in
the creation of future works and implementations that are more
efficient. One of the problems faced during the implementation
of this work, besides the lack of reference code, was that the int
primitive of python did not showed enough speed to deal with
the homomorphic primitives. In order to solve that, we used the
mathematical library GMPY2. This library wraps for use in Figure 3: Time comparision on the keygen primitive
python efficiently coded mathematical primitives. The most
used one was the multiple precision integer (MPZ), a numeric In the Figure 3: Time comparision on the keygen
type with no limits in its length. primitive is shown an illustrative time comparison between our
results the ones obtained by Coron. Besides the architecture
and language differences, our implementation was slightly
faster. That shows that the MPZ primitive have an execution
time compatible to that obtained by the SAGE mathematical
language used in Coron’s implementation. The same can be
said about the decrypt and encrypt primitives

Figure 2: Correlation of the primitives and their resuts

Figure 4: Time comparision on the decrypt primitive
In Figure 2, we have a small explanation on how each
primitive of the scheme correlates with each other, and the
objects each one generates.
these random numbers. Table 3 shows a comparison between
the generated key sizes of first and the second variations
proposed by Coron.


Instance 1st Variation 2nd Variation

Toy 0.95 MB 354 KB
Small 9.6 MB 1690 KB
Medium 89 MB 7.9 MB
Large 802 MB 18 MB

Figure 5: Time comparision on the encrypt primitive It is also viable to compare the execution times of our
previous python implementation of the second variation and
In the figures Figure 4 and Figure 5, the execution times for the one present here, shown in Table 4 and 5.
encrypt and decrypt, we see execution times very minor scale.
That’s one of the characteristics of a homomorphic encryption
scheme, especially regarding the decrypt primitive: It need to TABLE 4: EXECUTION TIME WITH “TOY” SECURITY
have low complexity to enable the scheme to evaluate
Primitive 1st Variation 2nd Variation
homomorphically its own decryption circuit, and generate less
KeyGen 0,6 s 0,6 s
noise on that operation than the amount removed by the
“refresh” of the cyphertext. Our implementation have behaved 0,002 s 0,02 s
within the expected parameters in these three primitives. On Decrypt 0,0001 s 0s
the other hand, we only have been able to execute those in the Expand 1,28103 s 0,02 s
Toy and Small testing instances, due to a memory overflown in
the machine used for tests. In Table 4, the execution times are those with the “Toy”
instance. This security parameter is considered insecure, and
has the function of being just a “test” instance, whose
execution times are useful for comparison and debugging. In
that table, we can observe similar times between both
implementations, with the exception of the expansion
primitive. In that case, the execution time of the first variation
is about 60 times longer. That fact is due to both the differences
between the variations and the overhead of the matrix in the
first implementation.
Primitive 1st Variation 2nd Variation
KeyGen 10 s 3,6 s
Encrypt 0,01294 s 0,6 s
Figure 6: Time comparision on the expansion primitive Decrypt 0,002 s 0s
Expand 8,08505 s 1,9 s
The Expansion primitive had some difficulties in our
implementation, as shown in the Figure 66, the execution time
of this particular primitive is far too high in comparison to the The execution times shown in Table 5 were generated with
original implementation made by Coron. That occurred due to the “Small” parameters, created with the same propose as Toy,
the time access of the matrix, the generation of the random only for a functional analysis of the scheme, but with higher
numbers and characteristics intrinsic to the python language. parameters then Toy. It is possible to see a great difference in
the execution time of some primitives, for example, the
This variation of the scheme and this python execution time of the KeyGen primitive on the first variation is
implementation can be compared with other python more than two times bigger than the execution time on the
implementation of the second variation proposed by Coron. In second variation due to improvements added in the KeyGen,
the second variation the key size of the public key was reduced prosed by Coron.
even more, from a factor of complexity 𝒪̃ (λ7 ) to ̃𝒪 (λ5 ). That
reduction was gained at the cost of increasing the execution The encrypt primitive of the first variation is faster than the
time of the Recrypt primitive as Coron describe in his paper second variation due to the trade off on the processing-storage
[2]. In a simplistic way, was applied the concept of using a relation. The Expand primitive on the first variation is
pseudo random number generator to generate the necessary approximately four times slower than the second variation, for
values in execution time, only storing correction factors of the same reason previous explained.
The source code of both implementations are available for ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the scientific community in the GitHub website for further We want to express our sincere thank you to all the teachers
modifications and improvement [9][10]. of the Univem department of computer science, who helped us
VI. FUTURE WORKS during our undergrad course and in these works. We would
also like to thank CNPq (National council for scientific and
The continuity of this work will be the improvement of technological development), who gave us studentship and
python code, with the objective of gaining a more efficient allowed us to work on full time.
code. The knowledge accumulated in the creation of this script A special thanks goes to Prof. Dr. Fábio Dacêncio Pereira,
can also be used in the implementation of such primitives in our advisor teacher.
faster language, such as C. Another way to reach
improvements would be the use of code parallelism or the REFERENCES
Python-specific Numba library, as the experiments showed that
these could generate significant gains.
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Figure 7: Proposal of paralell execution

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