Math 110 Statistics Final Review Exercises

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Math 120 Practice Final Exam Elementary Statistics 1. Arandom sample of 36 orders at a fast food restaurant was studied to determine the dollar amount (rounded to the nearest dollar) of the order. (Some orders included meals for more than one person.) The results were: 12 33 18 13 15, 2 23 17 9 11 5 7 NOt eos iiooitieg coer gitor iat nggueoltaeG 26 19 7 30 m% 10 8 29 28 12 4 21 a) Make a stem and leaf plot for these data. b) Make a box-and whisker plots for these data. Label the low and high values. Label the first and third quartiles and the median. c) Make a frequency table with six classes showing the class limits, class boundaries, frequencies, and cumulative frequencies. Class Limits Class Boundaries Frequency Cumulative Frequency ell d) Make a histogram with 6 classes. e) Find a point estimate for the average dollar amount spent and find a95% confidence interval for the average dollar amount of orders at this fast food restaurant. What does this confidence interval mean? (Use a complete sentence.) Practice Exam 2. Anarticle in the local paper claims that the average amount spent in a visit to a fast food restaurant is $20. Is the fast food restaurant in problem # 1 unusually cheap? (Conduct a hypothesis test to answer this question. Use a 5% level of significance.) Assume that the amount people spend is approximately normally distributed, a) Ho Hy b) Is this a right-tailed, two-tailed or left-tailed test? ©) Compute the z or t value of the sample test statistic. Show the appropriate computation. d) Find the p-value for the sample test statistic. Sketch of the appropriate curve and label the test statistic and p-value on the sketch. e) Based on your answers above, do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? What do you conclude about the average cost at this restaurant? State your conclusion in nontechnical terms. 3. Ina market survey 100 randomly selected people were asked two questions. They were asked if they bought Sparkle toothpaste in the last month, and if they saw an ad for Sparkle on TV in the last month. The responses are in the accompanying table. Bought Sparkle Did not buy Sparkle | Row total Saw ad 32 33 ca Did not see ad 7 18 35 Column total 49 51 700 a) Find P(saw ad). a ___ b) Find P(bought Sparkle toothpaste given saw ad) b. ©) Find P(saw ad and bought Sparkle toothpaste). ° Practice Exam 4, The probability that a truck will be going over the speed limit on I-80 between Cheyenne and Rock Springs is .75. Suppose that a random sample of § trucks is observed on this stretch of |- aerate een as probability distribution b. Find the standard deviation of this probability distribution. . What is the probability that exactly 3 of the 5 trucks are going over the speed limit? d. What is the probability that 2 or 3 of them are going over the speed limit? 5. In Manoa Valley on the island of Oahu the annual rainfall averages 43.6 inches with standard deviation 7.5 inches. a) For a given year, make a sketch and find the probability that the annual rainfall will be more than 53 inches b) Find the probability that the average rainfall over the past 5 years is more than 53 inches. 6. Atoll free computer software support line has established a target length of time for each customer help phone call. The calls are targeted to have a mean duration of 7 minutes with a standard deviation of 2 minutes. For one help technician the most recent 10 calls had the following duration. (12 points) Cal# 1.2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 4 4.8 Length 8 15 10 12°10 12 a. Make a control chart for the length of calls. Label points. b, Identify all out-of-control signals (high or low) that you find. . What is a possible interpretation of an out-of-control signal below the mean? d. What is a possible interpretation of an out-of-control signal above the mean? Practice Exam 7. Two athletes are training for the Boston Marathon. George is training on a hilly jogging loop along the Oregon coast. The local jogging club knows that for the general population of runners, the mean time to complete this loop is t = 167.4 minutes with standard deviation t= 25.9 minutes. George's time is 91.5 minutes. Fred is training on a longer, flat jogging loop in Florida. For the general population of runners it is known that the mean time to complete this loop is t = 143.1 minutes, with standard deviation t = 20.7 minutes. Fred's time is 86.2 minutes. Who do you think is in better condition? Explain using z-scores and a diagram. 8. ACPAis auditing the accounts of a large interstate banking system. Out of a random sample of 152 accounts it was found that 19 had transaction errors. Let p be the proportion of all such accounts with transaction errors. a) Find a point estimate for p. b) Find a 99% confidence interval for p. 9. Let x be a random variable that represents the weights in kilograms (kg) of healthy adult female deer (does)from Mesa Verde park. Then x has a distribution that is approximately normal with 1 = 63.0 kg and standard deviation o= 7.1 kg. A doe is considered to be malnourished if it weighs less than 54 kg. a) If the doe population is healthy, what is the probability that a single dee captured, (weighed and released) at random weighs less than 54 kg? b) What is the probability that the mean weight of a random sample of 50 does is less that 54 kg if the does are healthy? ©) It is thought that the deer in Yellowstone are larger than those in Mesa Verde. Ifa random sample of 36 does from Yellowstone has a mean weight of 64 kg, find a 95% confidence interval for the mean weight of Yellowstone does. Assume o= 7.1 kg. Show all calculations. d) Construct a hypothesis test to determine whether the Yellowstone does are, in fact, larger. Show all calculations. Use a 1% level of significance Practice Exam 10. Highlands State College is doing a study to determine if fees for course schedule changes have any effect on the number of course schedule changes that students make during the drop/add period. A random sample of student schedules showed the following data. Use a 1% level of significance to test the claim that the number of course schedule changes is independent of the fee change. [ Schedule No fee $25 fee Total No changes 125 135 260 Changes 75 65 140 l Total 200 200 400 a) Ho: Hy: b) Which sampling distribution should you use; standard normal or Student's t or X°?. Why? ©) Sketch the critical region with the critical values shown, d) Compute the value of the sample test statistic and show its location on the sketch above. (Show how you would set up the equation, but let your calculator do the work.) ) Find the p-value for the sample test statistic. f) Based on your answers above, do you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis? State your conclusion in nontechnical terms. What conclusion do you make about course changes and fees? Practice Exam 11. Let x be the age of a licensed automobile driver. Let y be the percentage of all fatal accidents for a given age due to speeding. For example, the first data pair indicates that 36% of all fatal accidents of 17-year olds are due to speeding. (20 points) MeeeEg a eore cuar ay arisge Ore erg, Vas aoitcdoa ecuaDE aia andr ar ito a) Draw a scatter diagram for the data. Label. b) Find the point (x,y) and plot it on the graph above. Label. ©) Find the equation of the least squares line. (Use your calculator) 4) For drivers 30 years old, what is the predicted percentage of fatal accidents that are due to speeding. (Show your work below.) Plot that point on your graph and label. €) Draw the least-squares regression line on your graph ) Describe the strength of the linear relationship between x and y. Explain using r. 12. A student who has not been attending class shows up on the day of a quiz... There are only 3 questions. It is multiple choice with 4 possible answers for each question but only 1 choice is correct. a) Draw a tree diagram to show how the student can select right/ wrong answers if the student is randomly guessing. Label each branch with the associated probability. b) Letr represent the number of questions answered correctly. Create a table to show the r probability distribution ¢) Draw a histogram to show the distribution d) What is the probability that the student gets exactly 2 questions correct? ) What is the probability that the student gets at least one question correct? Practice Exam Answers for use with Brase & Brase text 10" ed. 1a) 0 234456777899 1 012234456789 2 12333567899 3 03 flees ee ee b) Make graph vertical. Label vertical scale, Median: 14 Qy:7.5 Qg: 23 ©) Class Limits Class Boundaries Frequency Cumulative Frequency 2-7 1.5-7.5 9 9 8-13 75-135 8 7 14-19 13.5-19.5 7 24 20-25 19.5 - 25.5 5 29 26-34 25.5-31.5 6 35 32-37 315-375 1 36 d) Label horizontal scale with class boundaries. Label vertical scale with frequency. e) P ( 12.461

53)=.1050 b) P ( ¥ >53) = .0025 6. The control chart should indicate that the mean is 7. b) Call 2 is longer than 3 standard deviations above the mean. Calls 8, 9, and 10 had 2 out of three calls beyond 2 standard deviations above the mean. ) The technician was able to efficiently handle the questions or the callers had very simple problems. d) The caller may have had a very complicated problem, or the technician didn’t know the answer. 7. George: p= 1674 0 =25.9 Fred: y= 143.1 0= 20.7 George is doing better. His time is further below the mean, showing that he is faster in relation to other runners than Fred is. 8a) p= 0.125 b) 0.0559< p <.1941 9. a) P(x< 54) = 0.1024 b) P( x <60) = 0.0014 ©) 59.68

63 2=0.845 p-value = 0.199 Do not reject the null hypothesis. There is not enough evidence to conclude that the does are larger at Yellowstone. 10. Ho: Course schedule changes and charging fees for changes are independent H; : Changing course schedules and charging a fee are not independent b) Use the 7? distribution because we are testing for independence. d) x? = 1.099 e) p-value = .2945 f) Do not reject the null hypothesis. It seems that charging a fee does not affect the number of course changes. 14. a) graph byhand. —_b) (47, 16.4) ©) y=-496x+39.8 — d) 24.9% (30, 24.9) e) line should go through points from parts b & d ) r= -959; a strong negative correlation; as age increases accidents due to speeding decrease. 12. d) P(r=2)=0.141 e)P(r2 1)=.579 b) (binomial dist.) r pir 0 0.422 1 0.422 2 0.141 3 0.016 a g 5 po 4 - s G X Soe ad ovy os . < x 2 r = 1 Vi iso 150 133° 1950 $550 3160 3750 Dilerw Crtient aypera bre peplanrart le) Class width . Mgh-be 33-2 4. 54 > use ie class ~~ be 6 Louee Upper [lower Upper Lis Was |Baundany Batodary Tetly | Frequency B- 7 45 Ls Mau | 4 ro | a) US 13S Me tn | 2 ol _4 BS 19S HY iT uo - 25 195 285 | ope 5 26 - 3t 55 35 ME I 6 sn - 37 313 32S \ ' e) ake _ 588 15,5 We at 954, aure Yet the Pola BG: PUVG £ pe £1857 Tb SEI he Fry, T a1 a | | aia | a lee |e | gare » O19} co) | | | 7/8 W ee | yl -| a} O7 | | Sls. a] oF No Ab: &§ RAS ray) ah EW ws S| Sree na Bh eal deal a 3 Rh se ‘| els 4 as aa fa) a 3 aN a9 3 » DO ea aa | =] Oh 00 sg] 9 ae | i | _ | " ao x a|0 | 1 A 4 | e & g oy of} - lao Q i as : $ = sin quer \ ad 4s L Ss “ Saqoa saris 1 | rec ¥ | 1] 2 aa frora Caleslatoc) ol we ees Eee (A) Woke Wi cea ste et idiidiuus al 9g A BCABLASS = ale at eeateeeee) 8 an binowpa § C5, mele 2). PleeD=3627 —-d). ee = _Pln=2) + Plrs3) = 08194 12697 = .352le 77. 180 bratiice Fram Be tick 0 = NS ucts a) Ple >53) =. 1050 | normea? (53,10", 4341.5.) eee Ib) 2¢ R283) 0025 aS ce Tench C93,10"" 4346, We) He 34 710 120 fraclies Exape ‘1 Coca ea MIA mia ye 18.1 ta | = 28,9 min “O° = 20-7 mia x= US Lo, 2. B* Bate o ee ere a Sad. 20,7_ [oes 298 2,2 -208 ei ae ee kts tabi. belli _comolrtimn.. Mes Tere 46 mtre_atandard doriatitye, belo gee te Behl ae de ata | ft 120 Practice Exam. ee (por 03.0 ky 0 = 11 ky ae 2/085 oS : Carmo F C10" 4, 63,01.) oon Pie 259) bg normed £ (108? $4, 62, "ae. ) : rete ieee NGF Zn 26 2a ; We. we F351, sure Chat tho popliloa, Artin Lut! glt td Celarter, toh,b% kg © G6,32ky. | OQ van = = OU | Ho! o> OF ) A} wr 63 ; ge 7 i OY- G3 = PG | rl fie | i h | prvalye= ./97 | Do not nypect Po. frvalue > of. | Dare. ca rot Lnough eidince te Coreluch | Hat bhp Yetlours deer av Lager, ae mot vaclepap stent. i? Met acy MH ne tating we dlegendinee le) af = Gnl2n-! | eal eee } cd | t= Clas 130" 4 Case, (18-70% , (63-78* 130 1sO 70 Fo | 4, 1 fee And lhe Mtember Of Achedale Aaggtas | | | [%*= 1099 prvalue* -294S | OCP caf (1099, 10°F, 1) | : on )20 Froctice Exane 63.3 bapeldrg, HW) U1 ay 87 47 87 67 77 yu 3¢ 2% a 2 lo 1 9 fr a ‘ o> . om 5 2 yon? 6 ‘ I. oe L 5 1 15 2 25 50 35 Yo 19 % $5 Wo Os % 15 Bo id by From calculators X= UT Ge 1G.43 (ag) = C47, 1u.43) ce) Lineg Cathe) a2 3h76 = =.496 E29 St | pees Tae ye 3g, 1% ~ 4G d) x=30 y= 24,76 —.496 (30) gn ey Go, 24.88) 2) prac a line between pe Points ta puts bea, Pl r= 959 How @ a ry oibng, Pyotr Mente, eee detest age and We te o 5) a) b) a a) b) 2). YU 2 (ps-30" x 30 = ns=152 0 ral p= iD = 125 PC R-E epegrey. 99 2 gge 298 4 Aas Fase pres poe / 7125 C8673) 192 ALD“ 2DF 05812 p & PC.08l Hp 2.144 =. 99 He! fen aed the apoa td pete dele Changes ae wi f Wi detedele changin au ad entké, gpa tent Te clawed. 1 We're Aeyling ge exclephnilbatt, 2 IF4I lao XK? af = DO!) = i ale . 4 Ciasene® 4 (75-70, Wes-20)- 130 TO =n 1.099 pole = AVS P (reads ott — eauitiael a Clinompaf an, pnd = a ee Por zi) at en = PCralde Piers 20+ Pérs3> = 0,579 ) sound-2f6 = \> Plnsod= 422-0, 578 e eed

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