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AI Art Series

Best Text Prompts To Create Stunning AI


Best Text Prompts To Create Stunning AI Art

Art is subjective and AI art is no exception. To create a piece of AI art that resonates
with your audience, you need to proactively put yourself in their shoes. Ask yourself:
Would this prompt be interesting, engaging, and beautiful? Is this the type of prompt my
audience will enjoy? Does this prompt stand out from other works of AI art?
To answer all these questions and more, here are some helpful tips on how to create
stunning AI art by using the right text prompts.
Provide a Clear Title and Description
When creating any piece of art, the title and description are crucial. Not only will these
elements inform your audience, but they will also inform you. You might discover that
the mood of your work is completely different from what you thought it would be. Also,
you might find that the words you use to describe your piece are completely different
from what you imagined.
This is all part of the creative process so embrace it! When creating your title and
description, ask yourself the following questions:
* What is this piece of art about?
* What words come to mind when I think about this prompt?
* What emotion do I want the audience to feel?
* What emotion do I want to feel when creating this piece?
* What is the message behind this piece?
Once you find the answers to all of these questions, you will have a good idea of what
text prompts to use to create your AI art.
Use the Right Words to Create Stunning AI Art
Artificial intelligence is an interesting topic, but the AI art created with it is even more
interesting. With AI, the artist sets a prompt for the computer to interpret, and then the
computer creates an image based on that prompt. This process is fascinating because it
allows a computer to understand concepts such as color, texture, and more from a
human perspective.
This is especially important if you plan to create and share AI art online. If you want your
piece to stand out, you need to be intentional about what words you use in your prompt.
The better words that you use, the better your AI art creations will be.
Create a Mood with your Prompts
A mood can be described as an overall feeling or atmosphere, such as happy, scary,
exciting, and more. AI art is interesting because it allows you to create a piece of art
with a certain mood. This means that you don’t have to create a happy piece of AI art.
Instead, you can create a piece of art with a certain mood, such as spooky, scary, and
Think of the text prompts that will encapsulate the mood that you are trying to create.
You may not get this right the first time around so be prepared to test it over and over
again. In time, you will know which text prompts to use to create the right mood.
Use Adjectives to Define your Emotion
When creating a piece of art with AI, you can control the emotion behind the image.
While AI art will always be colored, it will never contain any adjectives. This means that
if you want your AI art to convey a certain emotion, you must specify that in your text
The more adjectives that you can think of to describe your AI art the better. Only using
one adjective tends to create a simpler piece of AI art. Using more than one adjective
can bring your AI art to life.

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