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Appendix to Exp.


Calculate the mole fraction of solvent A in volumetric flasks no. 1 to 7 in table 1

before entering the laboratory.
Appendix to Experiment 34

Student name: ………………………………. Student no. ………………..

Results and calculations:

6.1). The densities and molecular masses of the solvents are:
Solvent A = METHANOL and solvent B = WATER
Solvent Molecular mass / g mol-1 Density / g cm-3
Solvent A 32.04 0.7914
Solvent B 18.02 1.000

Warning: the vapour of methanol is dangerous. Prevent the inhaling of methanol


6.2) Calculate the mole fractions of solvent A in volumetric flasks 1 to 7 in Table 1.

Table 1:
No. Volume A Volume B Mole fraction of A Refractive index
*1 0 10 0.00 1.3330
2 3 7
3 4 6
4 5 5
5 7 3
6 9 1
*7 10 0 1.00 1.3280
*It is not necessary to prepare solutions no 1 and 7. Use a drop of distilled water for no 1
and a drop of methanol for no 7 in the refractometer.

6.3). Plot Graph 1 of refractive indices (Y-axis, between 1,328 and 1,344) against mole
fraction of solvent A (X-axis, between 0 and 1). Try to choose your scale as big
as possible.

6.4). From Graph 1 determine the molar fraction of the distillate and residue (liquid)
and complete table 2. (Hint: (a) Mole fraction of A in distillate and in residue in
no.2 – 4 are read from the calibration curve where mole fraction  0.4. (b) For
no. 6 – 8 the mole fraction of A  0.6. Why?

Appendix to Exp. 34
Graph 1: ………………………………………………………………………………….


Appendix to Exp. 34

Table 2:
No Total Volume Volume Boiling Refrac- ● Mole Boiling Refrac- ▲
volume/ A B point/ tive fraction point/ tive Mole
cm3 0
C when index of of A in 0
C when index frac-
distillate distillate distillate residue of tion of
sample (2 dec.) sample residue A in
is taken is taken residue
(2 dec.)
1 50 0 59 1.3280 1.00 59 1.3280 1.00
. 2 ±60 50 (1 x10)
4 ml
3 ±70 50 (2x10)
4 ±90 50 (4x10)
5 0 50 94 1.3330 0.00 94 1.3330 0.00
6 ±60 (1 x 10) 50
. 7 ±70 (2x10) 50
4 ml
8 ±80 (3x10) 50

6.5). Two further graphs (on one graph paper) are prepared. A plot of boiling point
against mole fraction of solvent A in the distillate (Graph 2a with data points
plotted on graph as: ●) and a plot of boiling point against mole fraction of solvent
A in the residue (graph 2b with data points plotted on graph as: ▲). Remember
to name your axes and graph. Draw a smooth curve through your points.1

6.6). The vapour-pressure diagram is a Type I. Is there an azeotropic mixture? If your

. answer is affirmative, give the mole fraction of the azeotropic mixture?

 Take note: The distillation diagram of methanol-water mixture is represented by a Type I vapour
pressure diagram. Due to time constraints you did not do enough boiling point-methanol mole fraction
determinations water-methanol mixtures to clearly demonstrate that a Type I was the result. Take this
information into consideration when drawing the smooth curve through the points on your graph.

Appendix to Exp. 34

Graph 2: …………………………………………………………………………….


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