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K3/T3 leerblad grammar Unit 1

Present simple

I, you, we, they  hele werkwoord
I walk, you walk, we walk, they walk

she, he, it  hele werkwoord + s

she walks, he walks, it walks

carry  carries
do  does
watch  watches

to be heeft 3 vormen in de tegenwoordige tijd: am, is en are
I am 15 years old.
You are my best friend.
She is never late.
He is my cousin.
It is a beautiful day.
We are classmates.
You are students at Vechtdal College Ommen.
They are very smart.

A als iets een feit is
He eats much.
It rains a lot in autumn.

B als iets altijd of regelmatig gebeurt of een gewoonte is

She walks the dog every day.
He always goes to school by bike.

sometimes, often, always, usually, never, every day

don’t / doesn’t + hele werkwoord
I like the film  I don’t like the film
We see a mouse  We don’t see a mouse
She goes to Hellendoorn  She doesn’t go to Hellendoorn
do / does + hele werkwoord
I like the film  Do I like the film?
We see a mouse  Do we see a mouse?
She goes to Hellendoorn  Does she go to Hellendoorn?

Present continuous

I  am (not)  werkwoord + ing
I am / I’m typing an email at the moment.
Am I typing an email?
I am not / I’m not typing an email.

she, he, it  is (not)  werkwoord + ing

She is / she’s reading a message.
Is she reading a message?
She is not / she’s not / she isn’t reading a message.

He is / he’s talking to his friend.

Is he talking to his friend?
He is not / he’s not / he isn’t talking to his friend.

It is / it’s raining now.

Is it raining now?
It is not / it’s not / it isn’t raining now.

you, we, they  are (not)  werkwoord + ing

You are / you’re talking too fast.
Are you talking too fast?
You are not / you’re not / you aren’t talking too fast.

We are / we’re watching a film.

Are we watching a film?
We are not / we’re not / we aren’t watching a film.

They are / they’re playing an online game.

Are they playing an online game?
They are not / they’re not / they aren’t playing an online game.

A als iets een poosje duurt
It is raining.
B als iets een poosje aan de gang is
They are playing a game.
C als iemand nu ergens mee bezig is, nu iets aan het doen is
I am watching TV right now.

at the moment, now, right now

Has it snowed in four years?

Have they watched The Voice of Holland?

Versterkende bijwoorden

Versterkende bijwoorden (intensifiers) zijn woorden die je kunt gebruiken om de betekenis van
een ander woord te versterken. Ze staan direct vóór het woord waar ze iets over zeggen en
geven antwoord op de vraag: Hoe? (How?)

Leer de meestvoorkomende uit je hoofd

absolutely absoluut
deeply diep-
exremely enorm
perfectly volmaakt
quite nogal, redelijk
really echt
seriously ernstig
so zo
too té
very erg

You must be absolutely quiet during the concert.

I'm feeling deeply unhappy about my bad grade.
Hannah’s extremely excited about the book.
I'm perfectly happy where we live now.
These two creatures look quite different.
It’s really great that you’re my friend.
I’m seriously worried about her.
I’m so sorry about that.
I feel too sick to go to school today.
You’re very good at drawing!

Voorzetsels van plaats

Je gebruikt de volgende voorzetsels om aan te geven waar iets of iemand is.

Leer de meestvoorkomende uit je hoofd

above boven
under onder
behind achter
in front of voor
around rondom
between tussen
near (vlak)bij, in de buurt
next to naast
at bij
in in
on op

Let op! Het voorzetsel on gebruik je om te zeggen dat iets ergens bovenop ligt of zit:
I’m sitting on the chair.

Het voorzetsel at gebruik je om te zeggen dat iemand of iets op een bepaalde locatie is:
I’ll see you at school.


Vergelijkingen maak je met de vergrotende en overtreffende trap

woorden van 1 lettergreep: …er than / the …est,

The shirt is small.
That shirt is smaller than this one.
The blue shirt is the smallest.

woorden van 2 of meer lettergrepen: more than / the most

This sweater is expensive.
That sweater is more expensive.
The Tommy Hillfiger sweater is the most expensive.
Many rules are important.
This rule is more important than that rule.
But that is the most important rule.

Er is ook nog een andere manier om mensen, dieren en dingen te vergelijken: (not) as … as
That boy is as tall as his father.
The Lamboughini is not as expensive as the Maserati.

big bigger biggest
nice nicer nicest
busy busier busiest

Onregelmatige vormen / uitzonderingen

goed beter best
good better best

slecht slechter slechtst

bad worse worst

weinig minder minst

little less least

veel meer meest

much more most
many more most

ver verder verst

far further furthest

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