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Create your own Creative Assignment

Your task, is to choose a concept from the course and make something creative with it.
The requirements are that it is clear, informational, accurate and creative.

Rules of the game: You can choose any topic from the course (except those already
covered). Examples could be the cochlea, disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s Disease),
different types of emotions (fear, pleasure, etc.), forms of learning and memory, etc.

Modality: You can use almost any medium for your creative assignment (however feel
free to run it by me if you are unsure). This could include creating a model using clay,
playdough, styrofoam, recyclables, food, clothes or anything else you can get your
hands on (avoid buying anything solely for this). Or it could be an Infographic, a cartoon,
an animation, a poem/song, a meme, etc. get creative! Remember that all work must be
your own, and that plagiarism is not accepted.

Feel free to use pictures from textbooks/lecture notes/internet to give you ideas or
information regarding your topic.

Your assignment should be informative/educational and accurate (although some

creative license is allowed/encouraged). Think about it possibly being used as a playful
educational tool or something that could be featured in lectures in the future.

Submission: You need to submit a picture/video/other of your creation in a format that

can be easily read. You can provide more than one file for your submission, with and
without labels for example (if it helps with clarity). It should be clear which topic or
concept you are focusing on.

Grading: Your submission will be graded based on four criteria:

- Clarity: Your submission should be clear and convey information with ease for
your audience. This includes making text/fonts legible, avoiding/defining
- Detail: How much of the aspects covered in the course are represented in your
submission. How much information does your submission convey. Keep in mind
to balance detail with clarity
- Accuracy: Are the labels, details, etc. accurate
- Creativity: Creative use of materials, design, angle or viewpoint, and the amount
of thought that went into the submission

Note: Aim to make any files you submit clearly labeled as your own and distinguishable
from other people’s submissions. E.g.: Lastname Firstname – Creative Assignment 3 –
Topic name.

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