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Test 1

Name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date -------------------------Grade 7

Task 1 Read the text and do the task below:

What is a superhero?

Superheroes have special powers which they use to do good things like helping people and fighting crime. They
usually wear special clothes, like a cape. Sometimes they wear a mask so no one knows who they are. Some
superheroes use gadgets, like Spiderman's web shooter.

Modern superheroes started as stories in comic books. Superman was one of the first famous superheroes. The
first Superman comic was published in 1938. Superman is an alien from the planet Krypton. He can fly and he is
super strong. He is superfast and no weapons can hurt him. The only thing that can hurt him is Kryptonite rock
from his home planet.

In 1941, Wonder Woman was created. She was the first female superhero. Wonder Woman's story comes from
ancient Greek myths. She has some superhuman powers like Superman. She is good at fighting and she has lots of
weapons too like a lasso and magic bracelets.

Sometimes superheroes have friends that help them, like Jimmy Olsen in the Superman stories. These friends are
called 'sidekicks'. One of the most famous sidekicks is Robin from 'Batman and Robin'. Sometimes superheroes
group together like Iron Man, Captain America and Thor in the Avengers, or the mutants in the X-Men team.

Decide if the sentences are True or false:

1. Superheroes use their special power to help people.

2. Superheroes never wear masks so people can see their faces and know who they are.
3. For the first time we could read about superheroes in comic books.
4. Superman is an alien means that he is from the planet Earth.
5. The story about Wonder Woman's comes from ancient Roman myths.
6. Wonder Woman uses a lasso and magic bracelets as weapons.
7. Superheroes enemies are called sidekicks.

Correct the false sentences:

Task 2 Complete the sentences with the words and expressions below:

Good manners, confiscate, obsessed, sense of humour, embarrassed, injustice

1. Brian makes everybody laugh. He has got a --------------------------------------------------------------

2. Amy has got ------------------------------------------------------, she is very polite.
3. It’s --------------------------------------------- that children in poor countries cannot go to school.
4. I feel -------------------------------------------when my father tells stupid jokes.
5. Teachers can------------------------------- mobile phones from students.
6. One of my friends is ----------------------------------with her look.

Task 3 Put the verbs in the Present Simple Tense:

Hello, my name is Julia and this is my family. My mother’s name is Rachel. She is a housewife She gets up at seven
o’clock and __________ (prepare) breakfast for us. She __________ (enjoy) watching films on TV. My father’s
name is David. He is an office worker. He __________ (go) to work after breakfast and __________ (come) back
home at about five in the afternoon. He is a successful tennis player and he __________ (play) tennis in his free
time. My younger brother Tom is very naughty. He __________ (study) at a primary school, sometimes he
__________ (not do) his homework. My elder brother James is a student at a high school. He likes music very
much and he __________ (play) the guitar in a band. All the family members __________ (spend) time together at
weekends. On Saturdays, we usually go to a shopping mall. We do some shopping and __________ (watch) a film
at the cinema. After shopping, we __________ (drive) to the seaside and drink something at a cafe. On Sundays,
we always stay at home and do the housework. In the afternoon, we __________ (sit) in the living room and talk
about our weekly plans. I love my family very much and I __________ (enjoy) spending time with them.

Task 4 Use the correct reflexive pronoun:

1. Sally saw -------------------------in the mirror.

2. Tom can paint the picture --------------------------, because he is good at painting.
3. The children did the washing up ---------------------------
4. Simon and George did their homework -------------------------------------
5. Kate, did you bake this cake ------------------------?
6. Shall I make tea for you? No, I can do it ----------------------------
7. Your face is dirty! Look at -------------------------in the mirror.

Total -------------------33

Mark -------------------

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