Case Study Communication Example

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You are not the Campus Director!!!

A case study by
Prof. Gaurav Kumar Mishra
Assistant Professor – Business
Communication & Soft Skills
Doon Business School, Dehradun
This case study is intended for academic
purpose only and it is intended for teaching a
theory or to cover a designated topic to the
students of business management

It is often seen that at young age people have

the tendency to lose their cool without
realizing the consequences. Their obsession is
their ego and stubbornness. Moreover, taking
a ‘no’ for them is greater than capital
punishment which is unacceptable at any
given point of time. However, the steps and
decisions taken at this age decides your future.
The whole life boils down to one insane move
and that is what matters the most!
Judy was a young dynamic girl who was
aspiring to become a manager and hence she
decided to take the most interesting course for
herself and the specialization she chose was
Human Resource. Management has been
considered as the ladder of success for many
bright aspirants and they give shape to their
careers using it with their determination and
hard work. Judy was also one of those who was
living with her vibrant dreams to achieve
success but there was something bigger than
her dreams which was overpowering her
abilities to take a right decision and that was
her immeasurable ego. She was way too high
on herself and an egocentric personality who
wouldn’t realize what could be the after
effects of one wrong move.
College life is full of surprises and a blend of
positive and negative experiences. She wasn’t
aware what she was about to witness until the
day actually came.
Every learner’s life transforms with a right
mentor. They are not only the transformers of
our career but also the craftsman who give us
shape and stability. And they deserve the
utmost respect for their invaluable
contribution. Professor Carl Wilson is a man of
honor. He is a respectable man in college. A 35
years old male with ample of experience and
exposure in corporates and education sector.
At a very young age, he had gained multiple
accomplishments and currently he is working
as Department head – Trainings & Placement.
Extremely talented in his organizing skills, he
streamlined many processes in the campus
with his impeccable mindset and experience.
His command over controlling the processes
has set an example throughout and left an
everlasting impression on the witnesses.
Judy was almost on the verge of completing
her course and it was high time to look for the
right opportunity for her career. Every college
sets a policy for students to give them a fair
chance. Professor had always taken care of
this parity among students. Also, he had a
strong connect with the students to
understand each and every individual to place
them for a right position. Besides, he also
ensured that students are not leaving with
dissatisfaction regarding their career choices.
The placement process started in the campus
and the companies started pouring in for
conducting their processes. Students were
completely engrossed in understanding the
right choice for them and things were moving
smoothly. Though Judy was a bright student
but it is often said that luck plays a major role
when you are about to do something
remarkable. In her case luck was not favoring
her and this was leading to her anger and
aggression. All the processes for which she
appeared were not very difficult to get
through but somewhere she was not able to
qualify in either one of them. Failing day by day
was adding to her rage and anguish. It was
becoming worse as she was not coping with
the social bearing. Her friend circle was facing
the extreme rudeness and exasperation from
her and there was a psychological change
creating a problem for her and her social
bonds. Failing to understand her reason to get
through the placement processes, now she
was moving towards the stage where her ego
and stubbornness was about to dominate her
inner conscience and such situations lead to
only destruction and demolish one’s moral
Professor was fairly understanding this change
Judy was going through and even with all the
efforts he was putting in to give several
opportunities to her, she was not able to grab
one. Several candidates were already holding
a good placement offer and as per the policy
now they were looking for another better
option and one day a big brand came to the
campus for hiring potential candidates. This
was a golden opportunity for Judy and she
registered her name for this chance. But
looking at the profile and remuneration which
was not matching her standard, she declined
to appear in the process. This was the matter
of negligence and irresponsible behavior.
Professor was upset with her decision and
faced the embarrassment in front of the
corporate personnel who came for hiring.
Educational organizations take such kind of
matters on a serious note as this directly
effects the image of the college and hampers
the corporate relationship. Every college has a
policy designed to avoid such manifestation.
Professor was roused by this incident and
blocked Judy from appearing for the next
placement process. This was another big brand
for which Judy registered her name but the
profile and remuneration was again not
matching her standard just like the previous
profile but now as per the policy she was not
allowed to sit for the process. Professor was
following the protocol of non-compliance
which Judy wanted to overlook not realizing
her mistake. Also, he charged an injunction for
her irrational behavior and gave her the first
warning to make her understand the gravity of
the situation.
This decision vexed Judy’s temper and in her
full rage she decided to confront Professor for
an explanation. At this point of time her
conscience completely left her inner-self and
without thinking about the consequences she
charged into Professor’s cabin and yelled on
top of her voice,
“You are not the Campus Director!”
“You have no right to debar me from the
placement process.”
“You are not having any authority to do this. I
am going to report this to the top
Unaware of the repercussions, she went on
and on with the awful raucous. Being in such
an excruciating situation the Professor didn’t
lose his cool and kept silent until she finished
with her raspy speech.
The professor said in a polite tone, “I am not
the Campus Director, but I have debarred you
for your reckless behavior. Hope this will give
you the lesson required to take a right decision
for your career.”
It is often said that there is not a bigger lesson
than a failure. We understand the true
dimensions of the world only when we face it.
Professor was having no intent to penalize
Judy but it was the time to introspect and
realize one’s mistake. This was not a
punishment but a lesson to understand the
true dimension of the realm.
Judy was bemused but came to her senses in a
remorse realizing what she has done with her

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