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He is the founder and a CEO of Success Planet Network

Uganda, a nonprofit organization he founded in 2016 with
a commitment to help elevate lives, build self-reliance and
resilience communities in Uganda.


He is a mentor, a leader and team builder with friendly

learning environment and passion for positive growth,
development and change.

Raised from grass to grace, born in 1990 at

Omwonyogweno village, Abunga parish, Amugu Sub
County; Alebtong District in northern Uganda. The first born
of three children of Mzee Gad Amis and Mrs. Turka Annie

OGWAL His parents were extremely poor farmers; they were so poor
peasant farmers and illiterates who never attended basic

BONNY primary education. Unfortunately, his mother developed a

combination of mental illness from 1996 to 2015 and this
paralyzed his fathers’ hard work, ability and wishes to build
EMMANUEL the family he admired.

His parents continued sleeping in a small grassed house,

CHIEF ECXECUTIVE OFFICE living from hand to mouth by the grace of God and Mzee
could not afford to pay school fees for his children because
of the wife’s condition.
Over 7 years of management
experience in organizational and Bonny began his education in 1995 at Ambalal Primary
development program with a track School in Lira after he was adopted by his uncle Late Rev.
record of delivering high quality Milton Aloti Ogwal. Life remain very challenging as an
outputs within set time frames. A
strategic thinker with focus on
adopted child but 1997, his uncle transferred him Amuca
developing a broader outlook before SDA primary school in boarding while in Primary three, same
narrowing down to how specific year in December, strange sickness attacked him and he
management and administrative became deaf and dumb where he could not hear and
issues can be addressed. could not talk.
I have management experience with
major donor and development 1998, because of his health threats; Bonny was handed
agencies such as; US Government over to anther uncle “Isaac Ogwang” and he was also
funded grants, European Union and transferred to Ireda Primary school where he continued
World Bank. Over 5 years of attending classes without hearing or talking, passed exams
conducting program, financial and
compliance reviews in line with funding
and was being promoted.
regulations and policies.
Bonny remained deaf and dumb from 1997-Jan 2000
Specialist in; financial management, where he sat his PLE in Cura Primary School in Lira District.
project management and strategic
planning with experience in designing In year 2000, O.B.E entered senior one at Bata Modern
organizational management systems. I Secondary School, things didn’t work out due to LRA war in
have facilitated a process of assessing
and developing organizational
the area, and he transferred to Lira Town College. While
capacity for various local NGOs, studying in Lira down college, he joined dot service as a
conducted pre-funding system reviews potter where he earned 5000 Uganda shillings to pay his
of many prospective donor funding school fees and rented small grass housed for
recipients. accommodation.
Provided technical support in human
resource recruitments and capacity Between the years of 2000 to 2003, Northern Uganda faced
building. I have experience in serious insecurity of LRA rebels, families where displaced,
application of modern leadership abducted and killed by the rebels causing Bonny to drop
methods that includes Theory/Result out of school to support his parents with survival in the
based and Participatory management
camp. This period of time was for better for worst for most
families, Bonny went back to the village to live with his
My strengths lie primarily on the grandmother where he burn charcoal to take care of his
interface between practical family and supported his grandma.
application of modern management
and its academic approaches. I am
As the war intensify, the village was no longer safe for any
very comfortable working with people
and organizations from different one, he remained a lone as grandma was taken by her
backgrounds cherish the opportunity Bonny’s uncle. Bonny looked for his parents and started
of building local organizations hawking cassava on a bicycle from Dokolo District to Lira
capacities. town to support his parents. While life becomes more and
more complicated, Bonny become an house boy at a rich
BUILDING LOCAL mans’ house but he survived being knifed two times by the
ORGANIZATIONS CAPACITIES. elder son of the rich man in fear that he be entitled for land
ACONTACT if he grows up the same home.
WEBSITE: Bonny realized that giving up would be the biggest
downfall. In 2009, he opted for a treasure hunt but he had
no definite direction but life continued teaching him
several lessons until he boarded for Arua District and started
building a life.
EMAIL: While in Arua, Bonny started life from washing clothes for
students at National Teachers College Muni and found
happiness in his new venture because he could pay a rent
of 3000UGX monthly, fed him-self and lived happily without
any mocks, harassment or intimidations from anyone but
that was not his dream.

In year 2010, left washing students’ clothes and started

cooking Molokony (Boiling the cow legs with sweet
cassava) where students and community become his
greatest customers. In addition to cooking molokony
business, started a project of second hand clothes, local
photography who become very popular at the time taking
photos of students during association parties etc.

Same year 2010, Bonny rejoined school in nearby local

School near his project site, 2011 he sat his UCE in Uleppi
Secondary School in the current Madi okolo District and
UACE from Arua secondary School in 2013.

Father: Mzee Gad Amis


At this point, he live happily, built network trusted friendships

and yet inspiring to many young people in the area.

With the support from his business project of molokony and

photography, He starter a caerr path from Institute of
Advanced Leadership
where graduated with certificate in 2015, diploma in
Accounting and Finance in 2018. And his bachelor’s
degree in Project Planning and Management from UTAMU
university from 2021to 2023.

Mother: Turka Anna Gad


Bonny’s Father And Mother

During hisgh school

Ogwal married Sabella Angwec the first daughter to Mzee

Alfred okulu and Ms. Evelyn Okulu on October 3, 2019.
Bonny’s Graduation day
Their first son, Branham Wiseman
5826 ), was born on December 3rd. 2020, and their second
daughter, Heavens Turka Gadson in December 2023. His
close family members include Brother Samson Opok Amis,
sister Loy Amuge Amis.


Growing up, Ogwal Bonny Emmanel’s life and quest

influenced his values in a way that later shaped him and
positioned him for leadership. “Setting a frame of mind that
Bonny’s son: Branham Wiseman constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions,”
has been in definition and meaning of Bonny’s hustle.

In year 2011 to 2013, led youth as Treasurer for Branch Youth

Council) Uganda Red Cross Society, Arua:

Managed Youth finances, recorded and supported

account assistant, Prepared the quarterly financial reports
for Branch youth council and reported to Branch
Governing Board and Managed Branch Youth Projects,
Budget and accountabilities.

In year 2013 Laureate Education’s HighEd Opinion Research

Panel University of Liverpool:

Participated in University’s research projects, re-introducing

benefits of online studies, advising, informing, strategically
engaging academicians and guiding them as per the
stated University criteria.

From Grass to Grace

In year 2013 to 2014 International Adversary Board Member
Tear Fund International:

Prayed for the world leaders, oppressed and togetherness

as one nation, providing voluntary counseling and
guidance to needy and most venerable people,
promoting International Youth Network and Friendship

In the year 2014-2018, led youth Chair Person, Branch Youth

Council Uganda Red Cross, Arua:

Received and consolidate link plan into Branch Youth

Council plan, Held quarterly BYC executive committee
meeting, Monitored the implementation of youth activities
in the Branch, Represented the youth on the Branch
Governing Board, Advocated for youth interests at the
Branch level, Supported resource mobilization efforts for
youth, Developed, maintained and sustained youth
Bonny’s personality is a motivation to networks for the development of youth, Worked as a link
many young people in Uganda between the links and the National Youth Council, Guided
Youth links in development of youth initiatives, Received a
quarterly report on youth activities from the Branch
Management, Reviewed policies on Youth work and
recommend changes where necessary and Prepared and
submit minutes of quarterly BYC meeting to the BGB and
NYC executive committee.

In 2021 to date, vice chairperson for branch governing

boad, Uganda Red Cross Society
Chaired tender committee meetings, supported project
monitoring and evaluations, offered voluntary mentorship
and coaching to the youths, branch and field based

In 2015, Chief strategy volunteer for community positive


After meeting with youths in Entebe In 2015, Bonny announced to the people in Offude Village
Red cross office.
about voluntary peer to peer counseling, life skills and
hands on training where he mobilized more than 100 boys
and girls from Oluku sub county, Pajule Sub County and
beyond and mentored them for three months before
graduating them with different skills like making of paper
bags, liquid soap, soap productions, hair shampoo,
markting skills, opportunity identifications and many more
other skills.

In 2016, Success Planet Network Uganda was registered as

a Community Based organization; today Bonny is a
graduate and happy because he gave birth to his idea,
now it’s the world to support his legacy.

We challenge you to join us and we write the legacy


During one of field motoring of DONATE

Refugee distributions in bidbidi
Lecture 1: Ogwal’s knowledge shares with young people
on leadership and goal setting and as the young CEO.

He explained that leadership and goal setting are two

important concepts that are often intertwined. Leadership
is the ability to inspire and guide others towards a common
goal, while goal setting is the process of identifying specific
objectives that need to be achieved. Effective leadership
requires setting clear goals that are aligned with the
organization’s vision and mission. Here are some tips for
setting effective leadership goals:

Be specific: Set clear and specific goals that are

Bonny participated red cross Board measurable and achievable. Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria to
meeting in Koboko sub-branch ensure that your goals are Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Focus on the big picture: Set goals that are aligned with the
organization’s vision and mission. This will help you stay
focused on the big picture and ensure that your goals are
contributing to the overall success of the organization.

Involve your team: Involve your team in the goal-setting

process. This will help you get buy-in from your team and
ensure that everyone is working towards the same

Involve your team: Involve your team in the goal-setting

process. This will help you get buy-in from your team and
ensure that everyone is working towards the same
Bonny posed for a photo after a
powerful presentation on leadership Track your progress: Regularly track your progress towards
your goals. This will help you identify any issues or
roadblocks and make adjustments as needed.

Celebrate your successes: Celebrate your successes along

the way. This will help you stay motivated and keep your
team engaged.

Continuously learn: Continuously learn and develop your

leadership skills. Attend conferences, read books, and seek
feedback from your team to help you improve your
leadership abilities.

Lecture 2: Ogwal’s adviced youth to treasure social


2nd beneficiaries of 2016 Start and Following his personal experience as a social entrepreneur,
Improve your Business in Arua
he explained social entrepreneurship as a business model
that aims to create positive social change by addressing
social and environmental issues. Social entrepreneurs are
individuals who use their entrepreneurial skills to create
innovative solutions to social problems. They are driven by
a desire to make a positive impact on society and are
willing to take risks to achieve their goals. Social
entrepreneurship is a growing trend, and it is often
associated with progress, development, and innovation.

There are four primary types of social entrepreneurs:

community social entrepreneurs, non-profit social
entrepreneurs, transformational social entrepreneurs, and
global social entrepreneurs.

Community social entrepreneurs prioritize the needs of a

small geographical region, usually the community they live
Bonny and Bishop of Arua Dioces after in. Non-profit social entrepreneurs focus on philanthropic
activities and seek to produce environmentally-friendly
his impactful message to the youth in
products or serve an underserved community.
Dioces Head Quarters in Mvara, Arua. Transformational social entrepreneurs aim to address the
root causes behind social problems, while global social
entrepreneurs work on a larger scale to create positive
social change.

Social entrepreneurs design their thinking around the 6 P’s

of launching an idea: people, problem, plan, prioritize,
prototype, and pursue. By following these steps, social
entrepreneurs can set clear goals that are aligned with
their organization’s vision and mission. Effective leadership
is also crucial for social entrepreneurship. Leaders must set
clear goals that are measurable and achievable, involve
their team in the goal-setting process, track their progress,
and celebrate their successes along the way.

Lecture 3: Ogwal’s view on how to escape poverty trap?

Bonny participated in 2023 AGM in
Red Cross, Arua Branch The CEO spoke about poverty trap in Uganda, Ogwal
expressed his sadness on how young people in Uganda
inherits poverty traps from their families due to lack of Life
planning skills. He explained that life planning skills and
team building are two important concepts that can help
you achieve your goals and improve your personal and
professional life. Here are some tips for developing life
planning skills and building effective teams:

Set clear goals: Setting clear goals is essential for effective

life planning. Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria to ensure that your
goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and
Time-bound. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

Prioritize your tasks: Prioritizing your tasks is crucial for

effective time management. Identify the most important
Bonny addressing participants during
tasks and focus on completing them first. This will help you
public lecture 3 in SPNU HQ, Arua stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Develop your leadership skills: Developing your leadership
skills is essential for building effective teams. Effective
leaders set clear goals, communicate effectively, and
inspire their team members to achieve their full potential.

Encourage open communication: Encouraging open

communication is crucial for building effective teams.
Create an environment where team members feel
comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. This will help
you identify and address issues before they become major
#3rd public lecture. problems.

Celebrate successes: Celebrating successes is important

for building team morale and motivation. Recognize and
reward team members for their hard work and
achievements. This will help you build a positive team
culture and encourage continued success.

Lecture 4: Ogwal’s view on hands on skills and experience

based education for Uganda’s next generation.

Ogwal believes that the only way to save African youth is

only through hands-on skills. According to Ogwal Hands on
Bonny’s legacy on his staffs of SPNUG
Skills are abilities acquired through active engagement
and practical learning rather than the typical classroom
lectures or books. People can enforce these skills by
practicing what they’re learning immediately. This is an
influential and integral part of gaining other vital skills as a
skilled laborer, as developing hands-on skills can help you
increase your focus, attention and engagement 1.

Career guidance is a formal way for people to receive

advice on their career at different stages. Along with this
advice, this process often involves formal programs that
help people both plan and execute any decisions they
The CEO launched MHM training in make in their career. Professionals in career development
Nipata SS in Bidibidi refugee often create generalized programs or custom programs for
individuals to help each person through these changes 2.

Here are some tips for developing life planning skills and
building effective teams:

Set clear goals: Setting clear goals is essential for effective

life planning. Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria to ensure that your
goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and
Time-bound. This will help you stay focused and motivated.

Prioritize your tasks: Prioritizing your tasks is crucial for

effective time management. Identify the most important
tasks and focus on completing them first. This will help you
Bonny and SPNU president in a stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
meeting with partners in Yumbe
Develop your leadership skills: Developing your leadership
skills is essential for building effective teams. Effective
leaders set clear goals, communicate effectively, and
inspire their team members to achieve their full potential.

Encourage open communication: Encouraging open

communication is crucial for building effective teams.
Create an environment where team members feel
comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. This will help
you identify and address issues before they become major
Bonny posed after the training of problems.
change Agents in SPUN HQ
Celebrate successes: Celebrating successes is important
for building team morale and motivation. Recognize and
reward team members for their hard work and
achievements. This will help you build a positive team
culture and encourage continued success.

Continuously learn: Continuously learn and develop your

leadership skills. Attend conferences, read books, and seek
feedback from your team to help you improve your
leadership abilities.

By following these tips, you can develop your life planning

skills and build effective teams that can help you achieve
your goals. If you’re looking for more information on hands-
on skills or career guidance, please reach out to ogwal
Bonny and his son Branham Wiseman (+256782143548,
spends weekends making laundry bar
soap at home.

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