Five-Fold Ministry 3 Student

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Key Scriptures: Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31

VI. Evangelists Gather

A. In the early Church, there were many evangelists, but the one and only person in the New Testament who
was called as 'evangelist' was Philip who first went to Samaria to preach the gospel to the heathens and as a
result won many converts through his evangelistic ministry (Acts 21:8).

B. Timothy, the apostolic son of Paul the apostle, was exhorted by him to stir up the calling of the evangelist
which he had and do the work of the evangelist (2 Tim 4:5).

1. Apostle Paul himself being an apostle (1 Tim 1:1; 2 Tim 1:1) also did the work of an evangelist in
proclaiming the gospel to all parts of the Roman world with mighty signs, wonders and miracles
(Rom 15:18-19).
2. This shows that every minister of God who is chosen in this fivefold ministry might have a dominant
primary calling and a secondary calling of any of the four other five-fold ministry in combination or
even all the four added together in some measure.

C. Until the start of the 20th century, no one specifically wanted to call someone by the name evangelist
because God had not restored the full power which was lost during the dark ages of the Church. But because
of God's mercy, it was restored and the whole world saw the mighty gospel proclaimed in power through the
men and women God raised up and used in the last century.

D. Characteristics of an evangelist:

1. Evangelists impart passion to individuals, churches and ministries to share the gospel.
2. Evangelists extend the frontiers of God's Kingdom.
3. Evangelists supernaturally draw non-believers into a relationship with Jesus Christ, bringing them
into His church.
4. Evangelists impart power to bring conviction and break the bondages of sin, often followed by signs
and wonders.
5. Evangelists clearly teach on the Biblical truths of salvation, baptism and the Holy Spirit to the body of
6. Evangelists are accountable to Jesus Christ and other five-fold ministers in their sphere of influence.
7. Evangelists are co-workers with and extensions of apostolic ministry (2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Thessalonians
3: 2).
8. Evangelists also equip the body of Christ with the evangelistic spirit of outreach.

E. The evangelist, more than the others, is focused on the lost.

1. Evangelists burn with a passion to see the lost come to the saving knowledge of Jesus and make this
the primary aim of their ministry.
2. Evangelists have a strong passion to seek and save people from hell, this desire constantly burns
within them propelling them to bring the freedom of the gospel wherever they go.
3. Additionally, they are responsible to train up and equip the body of Christ to evangelize to non-


4Ekselans School of Ministry: Institute for the Formation of Christian Leaders 2013-2015

F. As loud and fiery as the evangelist may be and as many toes as the evangelist steps on, the church needs
him or her.

1. If you are one that is always reminding everybody of God’s holy righteousness and talking about the
Lord every chance you get, then you have the evangelistic fire burning inside of you.
2. You get angry when you see Satan tearing down lives with sickness, poverty and every evil thing.
Every conversation you get into, you always somehow sneak Jesus into it.
3. Bringing in the lost is just part of the job description of an evangelist. As an evangelist, your major
function is to stay on fire, so that you can keep the church alive and its blood pumping.
4. Unless it is experiencing revival, how can the church grow and spread and multiply? Unless it is hot
for the Lord, why should the world come to salvation? That is why the evangelist draws such a hard
line. The evangelist cannot afford to straddle the fence, the Church needs him to be on fire and have

VII. Pastors Guard

A. The first ministry to be on display in the New Testament Church was that of the apostle.

1. Secondarily, we see the ministry of the prophets and teachers with the apostles with men such as
Agabus, Judas, Apollos, and Silas.
2. Further reading shows the ministry of the evangelist was recognized in Philip.
3. The pastoral ministry developed as Paul and others set elders and leaders over the churches that
were established.

B. The term ‘pastor’ has been misquoted and abused in the church today. In most instances today, the word
'pastor' is used to designate all church leaders and that is incorrect.

1. The Greek word for pastor is ‘poimen’ which means "one who tends sheep or cares for flocks" (1
Peter 5:1-4; John 21:15-17). But this word is used only in Ephesians 4:11.
2. Elsewhere in the New Testament, other words are used: "shepherd", "elder" and "overseer" as part
of the five-fold ministry.

C. Characteristics of a Pastor:

1. He imparts the heart to nurture and encourage the body of Christ to all believers.
2. He supernaturally draws people to himself for counsel, support and love.
3. He imparts supernatural healing to the emotionally and spiritually wounded.
4. He trains and equips others to lead the body of Christ.
5. He is accountable to Jesus Christ and other five-fold ministers in their sphere of influence.

D. The most outstanding quality of the pastor is his supernatural love for the flock.

1. He dies daily for the people entrusted to him. He lives a life that is often sacrificial in many ways.
2. Pastors will run to the rescue when there is genuine need; encouraging, praying for and bringing
comfort to the believers that are in their care. He is the one person who will love you anyway, even

when you know you are full of sin and do not deserve it.
3. Yet, be cautioned! We do not call this five-fold minister the lion and the lamb, for no reason.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Institute for the Formation of Christian Leaders 2013-2015

4. The pastor is no “door mat.” He may be full of nurture and acceptance, but he yields the rod better
than most. He will use the rod if need be and he can use it quite well!
 After the word of rebuke and correction comes from the pastor, he then has to be willing to
comfort and restore.
 God delights in restoration and repentance.
 The pastor has to demonstrate this in ministry.

E. Pastors are essentially shepherds who take care of the spiritual health of God's people.

1. Every pastor is unique in his ministry. However, the pastor’s role in the kingdom of God may parallel
a shepherd’s role.
2. The pastors are also called to feed the flock of God with good spiritual food – wisdom and
knowledge (Acts 20:28; Jer. 3:15).
3. All pastors can teach, but cannot systematically teach like the teachers do.
4. All the five-fold ministry are part of the team of elders, overseers and bishops from whom pastors
are part of the team ministry (Acts 20:17).
 One man ministry is not the perfect will of God for the Church, but the eldership ministry fits
well to God's original plan to use spiritually mature men to be trusted servants to all (1 Peter 5:1-
2; 1 Tim 3:1, 8; Titus 1:5, 7).
 The words elder, bishop, deacon and overseer, all point to the same meaning of someone who
watches over others for their spiritual growth.
 Together they are one team of shepherds who symbolically and spiritually guard the people of
5. Even though the pastor gift fits into Church eldership category of spiritually mature men of God who
lead, still pastors are unique in their calling.
 There can be no doubt about their work to shepherd the people, which they are called to do
 Jesus himself is the chief pastor of all the elders spiritually (Heb. 13:20; 1 Peter 2:25; 5:4).
 Those who are under the shepherding care of the Lord become the shepherds and elders of the
6. When a pastor segregates himself to build a church for which He is called, he will build a weak
church without the other fivefold ministries working along with him. So the pastor as a responsible
leader should form an eldership in the Church and support the other ministries to work along with
 Jesus sent His prophetic message to the pastors of individual churches present in Asia Minor in
the first century, but the message came through the prophetic apostle John (Rev 2-3).
 This shows that unless a pastor is connected and open to hearing from apostles, prophets and
other ministers of God, they will not be able to stay aground and grow spiritually themselves in
order to lead others in to spiritual growth.
 I have observed that many people who carry the title “pastor” are not really pastors, but one of
the other ministry gifts. If this is the case, the congregation will not flourish unless someone else
in leadership is fulfilling the pastoral role.

F. The pastor, more than the others, is focused on the flock.


4Ekselans School of Ministry: Institute for the Formation of Christian Leaders 2013-2015

1. The pastor builds long term relationships with a group of believers and provides oversight, spiritual
nourishment, and healing.
2. Pastors are true shepherds – they love the people of God and want to see them healthy and whole,
and living in the destiny that God has for them.
3. The leader with the pastoral heart will nurture the church to maturity. People need somebody who
will walk through the trenches with them, who will lead them beside the quiet waters and be there
when nobody else will.

4. The pastor, through his ministry of the Word, provides people with a knowledge of God and His
5. If you are a pastor, then there is a strong desire in you to reach out and mature the flock. You want
to heal the broken-hearted and you have a protective instinct to shield the flock from the foxes and

G. Pastors are also watchmen.

1. Watchmen oversee the activities of those under their supervision.

2. Watchmen not only have to warn against external threats, but also internal threats. The watchmen
reveal dangers and disasters within the territory, including wrong influences and destructive ways of
the world (Ezekiel 3:17). In addition, they expose and reveal false ministers who want to fleece the
flock. He reveals weaknesses in the Church.
3. The Pastoral Watchman oversees the souls of the believers. The pastor is concerned with the
spiritual progress of the souls of the believers. In his epistle, John expressed this pastoral concern. (3
John 2)

H. Nine functions of the pastoral office: Though there are varieties of ministries and operations, pastors have
essentially the same functions. Some functions are not exclusive to pastors. However, pastors will differ from
other ministries in the execution of those functions.

1. Preach & teach the Word of God (1 Tim. 2:7; Jer. 3:15).
2. Release Believers into their Spiritual Gifts (Acts 8: 17; Romans 1: 11; II Tim. 1: 6).
3. Establish and/or oversee the local church.
4. Serve as intercessors. Pastoral ministry represents the priestly ministry in this sense (Rom. 15:1).
5. Train Leaders (Acts 15: 39; II Tim. 2: 1-2; Acts 6: 3-6; Titus 1:4-5).
6. Expose false ministers and doctrines (2 Peter 2:1-2).
7. Perform signs, wonders, healings, and miracles.
8. Serve as counselors (Isaiah 11:2).
9. Establish believers in the faith.

VIII. Teachers Ground

A. Teachers are anointed to expound upon the word of God. Often times they are anointed apologists of the
Word. They will look at the Word: line upon line and precept upon precept. They possess the revelation and
knowledge of God concerning the scriptures. Their ministry is devalued at times, but their ministry is very
important (1 Cor. 12:28a; Acts 13:1a).

B. Teachers are chosen to reveal the principles and doctrines of the faith. They are anointed to communicate

biblical truths in a practical manner. Teachers will vary in demonstration and execution of their ministries.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Institute for the Formation of Christian Leaders 2013-2015

1. From numerous examples in scripture, we know that teachers have an important role in the Body of
2. Though not all teachers are the same, there are certain characteristics that they possess. All teachers
exhibit characteristics of instructors and trainers.

C. God has brought teachers who proved to the Church in the last century how the office of the teacher is
much needed to bring the restorative power of God through being established in the Word and thus coming
into the fullness by the prophetic and apostolic move of God.

1. Jesus himself was called as a teacher in the nation of Israel (John 3:2).
2. Jesus taught many truths through simple stories and parables which gave understanding to the
spiritually hungry people, but veiled the truth of God to those who came just out of curiosity (Matt.

D. The teacher, more than the others, is focused on the written Word of God (or the logos).

1. Teachers have a great love for the Scriptures and are concerned that the people of God become
grounded in the Word. They have the ability to communicate the Word in ways that people
understand and they cause others to hunger for the Word. He or she imparts knowledge (sometimes
through special revelation or inspiration).
2. They truly enjoy the task of breaking down difficult chunks of scripture and doctrine and presenting
them to the body through either spoken or written word.

E. What an exciting anointing to flow in and what an awesome responsibility! However, what is the price of
the teaching calling?

1. Personal problems! What else would drive you into the storehouse?

2. The teacher will face so many problems in his personal life that he will begin to dig into the Word for
answers until he finds them.

 After some time, he will hold in his hands a storehouse of treasure to hand out… old and new.

 Sound familiar? If so then, "Welcome teacher!”

F. A teacher is an instructor and subject-master.

1. God calls teachers for one purpose. They are to be His instructors in the Church.
2. They are given to help people not only understand the mysteries of God, but also provide instruction
for practical application of the truths that are presented.
3. The teacher tells or shows the fundamentals or skills of something, causing others to know the facts
and consequences of a matter.

4. Instructors are experts in their field.


 An instructor, regardless of subject matter, has a profound understanding of the subject he/she

 They are able to present their subject matter because of their personal knowledge.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Institute for the Formation of Christian Leaders 2013-2015

 He is able to present the truths of God’s word because of the impartation of understanding given
by the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2:13).

G. Characteristics of the teacher

1. Encourages understanding and the ability to divide truth from error or deception to the body of
2. Supernaturally brings God’s truth to Christians through speech, written word and lifestyle.
3. Encourages grounding in regular Biblical discovery and study to the body of Christ.
4. Trains and equips others to lead the body of Christ.
5. Is accountable to Jesus Christ and other Five-Fold Ministers.

H. Teachers systematically teach the people of God and feed them spiritually with very good spiritual food.

1. Because of lack of revelation regarding this office of the teacher, many good writers have merged
the office of the pastor and teacher as one (Eph. 4:11).
 All pastors can teach the flock of God, but all cannot become a systematic teacher of the Word
of God.
 What does it mean? It means that a specific anointing to teach the doctrines of God is needed
with great knowledge and understanding of the Word before someone can be able to teach the
Word of God and be a systematic teacher of the Word.
2. Teachers of the Word are needed desperately to ground the Church in understanding their calling
and to apply the Word of God in their contemporary world to their day-to-day practical lives.
3. In the first century Church, great teachers of the Word like Apostle Paul was instrumental in
grounding the Church with an in-depth foundation to defend the truth through their anointed and
revelatory teaching of the Word.
4. The prophets and teachers worked together at a certain period of time in the Church, which led to
the apostolic movement being born within the Church (Acts 13:1-3). Teachers like Paul became
prophetic teachers. Prophetic teaching is the womb that brings apostolic movement.
5. The teacher and the prophet bring a great balance to each other, as we need to be both grounded in
the Bible and open to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

I. Teachers as trainers

1. Trainers are examples of the programs they prescribe. The best trainers are those who have tried
their own systems. Trainers who have tested their prescribed programs know how to effectively take
others through the process. The New Testament teacher is a demonstrator of the truths that he/she
teaches (2 Tim. 2:6).
2. The teacher’s conduct will exemplify their doctrine and ministry.
3. Trainers also know how to apply their prescribed programs to different individuals. Skilled trainers
know how to tailor their systems to fit the person whom they are training. This demonstrates the
versatility of the program and of the trainer (1 Cor. 9:20-22).

J. Here are a few signs of the teaching calling:


1. You have the ability to present truth in ways that they have never been presented before.
2. You have a deep hunger for the Word. You are always in it, digging for new treasures.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Institute for the Formation of Christian Leaders 2013-2015

3. You have a burning desire to see truth presented.

4. You have the ability to instruct all kinds of people. You are not limited.

K. What does NOT identify somebody as a teacher?

1. He uses big words that no one understands.

2. He breaks down the "Greek" and "Hebrew" and leaves you thinking, "Wow, what amazing
3. He holds a degree in Theology.

L. Nine functions of the teacher

1. Teach the Word of God (John 21:15).

2. Serve as authors (Jer. 30:2).
3. Reaffirm spiritual foundations (Ephesians 2:20).
4. Explain the use and function of spiritual gifts (1 Tim. 4:14; Acts 13:1-3).
5. Establish schools and training facilities.
6. Interpret hard sayings and scripture (1 Cor. 3:6).
7. Expose false doctrines (Jer. 5:31).
8. Perform signs, wonders, and healings (John 3:2). The teaching of the Word is most effective when it
is taught and demonstrated. Teachers must be careful not to become so dogmatic that they do not
allow the Spirit of God to flow freely.
9. Establish believers, churches, and organizations in the faith through doctrinal purity.

IX. Here is the result of the five-fold ministry gifts functioning properly in the church (Ephesians 4:12-16).

SUMMARY: Ministry Gifts in Ephesians 4:11

Responsibility Natural Manifestation

Apostle Doctrine and Discipline Enjoys building things: projects,
businesses, etc.
Prophet Discern and Proclaim God's Word Has a keen (sometimes
problematic) sense of Justice
Evangelist Present the Gospel of Christ to Enjoys direct contact with people.
the lost Most are successful salesmen.
Pastor To care for the everyday needs of Enjoys serving. Loves to have
the church family people come to their home.
Teacher Instruct the Church in the Is able to explain complex issues
practical application of God's in a way that even a child can
Word understand


Compare the similarities and differences between each of the five-fold ministry gifts.

4Ekselans School of Ministry: Institute for the Formation of Christian Leaders 2013-2015

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