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Hypotheses Testing
• Identify the concept of hypotheses and hypotheses testing
• Difference between HT and CI
• Test hypotheses in defect occasions related to sigma
• Identify the meaning of p value
𝜇𝐴 𝜇𝐵
The average persons read 8.5 book a year. A random sample of 40
persons from a NMU revealed that the average number of books per
person was 9.6. The population standard deviation is 3.2 books. At the
0.05 level of significance, can it be concluded that NMU students read
difference from the national average?

H0: = 8.5; H1:  ≠ 8.5 (claim); C.V. ±1.96; z =2.17;. There is enough evidence
to support the claim that there is a difference

𝜇𝐵 𝜇𝐵
2- P-Value Method for Hypothesis Testing
• The P-value (or probability value) is the probability of getting a
sample statistic in the direction of the alternative hypothesis when
the null hypothesis is true.
Find the P-value with test
Find the P-value when the t test value is 2.056, the sample size is 11, and
the test is right-tailed.
3-Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing
There is a relationship between confidence intervals and hypothesis testing.
When the null hypothesis is rejected in a hypothesis-testing situation, the
confidence interval for the mean using the same level of significance will not
contain the hypothesized mean.

Likewise, when the null hypothesis is not rejected, the confidence interval
computed using the same level of significance will contain the hypothesized
Types of error
The average persons read 8.5 book a year. A random sample of 40
persons from a GU university revealed that the average number of
books per person was 9.6. The population standard deviation is 3.2
books. At the 0.05 level of significance, can it be concluded that
Galalaian read difference from the national average?

H0: = 8.5; H1:  ≠ 8.5 (claim); C.V. ±1.96; z =2.17;. There is enough evidence
to support the claim that there is a difference

𝜇𝐵 𝜇𝐵
Shapes of Normal Curve:

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