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Date - Single - Relationship - Couple -
boyfriend - Girlfriend - Partner -
Crush - Flirting - Hug - Holding hands -
Vocabulary proposal - Engagement - Marriage -
Wedding - Break up - Divorce - Blind
date - Compatibility - Jealous -
Infatuation - Commitment - Long-
distance relationship - Trust - Fidelity
- Compatibility - Anniversary - First
date - Online dating - Ghosting -
Couples therapy - Reconciliation
What qualities do you look for in a potential partner when you're dating?

What's your idea of a perfect first date?

Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?

How important is physical attraction in a romantic relationship?

Have you ever been on a blind date?

Share a funny


embarrassing dating story

The Wrong Name:
"During a first date, my date accidentally called me by the wrong
name. We both laughed. Surprisingly, it didn't ruin the date, and we
had a great time."
The Lost Wallet:
"I went on a first date, and when it was time to pay for the meal, I
realized I had left my wallet at home. It was so embarrassing, but my
date paid."

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