English Language School Based Assessment 11sci

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Name :Shadae Palmer

Territory: Jamaica

School: Tarran High School

Centre Number:100119

Subject: English Language


Teacher name: Miss. Gordon

Title Page

Theme: Child abuse

Topic: The impact of mental abuse

Jordeene: Child neglect

Shinneek: Physical abuse

Akilah: The effect of verbal abuse

Karesha: Carnal abuse


I would like to thank my fellow group members Jordeene, Karesha, Akialh and Shinneek for helping to
make this work a success. I also want to thank my parents for supplying me with the tools to get this
work done. Thank you too miss Gordon for helping me to understand the work and for encourning me
to keep trying.
Table of content
Four sources

CHILD ABUSE" w/ lyrics By Vince Royale





Plan of investigation

My group topic for the English school based Assessment is child abuse and I will be focusing on the
impact of mental abuse on children. I was intrigued by this topic after observing in my community how
mental abuse has affected young girls’ lives in my community in order to complete my investigation I
plan to read articles and watch videos online relating to my sub-topic. As a student of English language,
this S.B.A will help to widen my vocabulary and strengthen my research skills. This S.B.A will also help to
improve my comprehension skills and my ability to use English orally and written.

I have learned so much more that mental abuse is the use of threats, verbal insults, and
other more tactics to control a person way of thinking. This form of abuse is disturbing
because it is tailored to destroy self-esteem and confidence and undermine a personal sense
of reality or competence and I also learnt that living through mental abuse behavior can
feel like navigating landmine.
Reflection 2

In the source, child abuse song the language was formal. The diction was at a level I could
easily comprehend, which made me think that the songwriter was targeting individuals at
different levels education. The songwriter’s use of repetition highlighted the main message they
were trying to get across, which was the importance child abuse.

In the poem I’m left silence about child abuse the use of language was formal but without the
use of colloquialism. Connotative language was used in the last line of the first stanza of the
poem. With the use of word ‘sublime’ figurative language was seen throughout the poem which
made it more impactful.

In the video, child abuse the language was formal there were use of ellipses which created
suspense in the video. This made the video engaging because it made me anxious to know what
was next. There was use of rhetorical question which made me reflect on my lifestyle choices.
Reflection 3

Doing my English SBA has helped me to improve m communication skills and taught me how to
compromise with others. It has helped me to improve my vocabulary and to gain more
knowledge for English I have also gained more insight about the importance of mental abuse.
My SBA has helped me to be confident in myself and to be more out spoken in front of my
pears. I am also better at conducting myself when I am doing m research because I know what I
am looking for to combine paragraphs ,my writing skills has improve because of m SBA

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