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Mid-Term Project Learning Diary Template

Name : [Nur Annisa]

Date : [3 Otober 2023]


[Provide a brief introduction to the Mid-Term Project and its objectives.]

[In this MID Project, I carried out an analysis of the UP film, which aims to analyze and identify non-
verbal and verbal communication. Along with analyzing the characters in the film such as body language
and facial expressions and much more and trying to provide a deeper understanding regarding the film
being watched.]

Movie Selection:

[Specify the movie you chose for the conversation analysis project and briefly explain your choice.]

[I chose the film UP 2009 as my analysis project for MID PROJECT this time. Because he has a character
with various personalities which in my opinion is good for analyzing verbal and non-verbal
communication therein. And I think this film has strong emotions between the characters so I was
interested in choosing it.]

Transcription Process:

[Discuss the steps and the method you took in transcribing 1 to 2 minutes of the selected conversation,
focusing on both verbal and nonverbal cues.]

[1. I watched the whole movie.

2. I choose parts that I think are good for analysis.

3. I watched the scene I chose 3 times.

4. I transcribe the conversation in the scene I have chosen.

5. I try to understand verbal and non-verbal language in every scene

6. I try to understand the movements or interactions along with facial expressions and other body
language in this UP film.]

Challenges Faced:

[Reflect on any challenges or difficulties you encountered during the transcription process.]

[I found it difficult to transcribe Carl Frediksen's dialogue until I had to listen to it 5-10 times to ensure
the correctness of the dialogue.]
Technical Challenges: Were there any technical issues in transcribing and documenting the verbal and
nonverbal cues?

[The transcribing and documenting problem I had in this analysis occurred with Frediksen's character
who spoke too quickly making it difficult for me to catch what he was saying.]

Interpretation Challenges: Did you find it challenging to interpret certain nonverbal cues or subtle verbal
nuances? How did you address these challenges?

[for this problem I played several times scenes that contained nonverbal and verbal cues that were
difficult for me to interpret. then I looked carefully and then I wrote my analysis.]

Reflection on the Chosen Conversation:

[Share your thoughts on the conversation you analyzed. What insights did you gain from examining the
verbal and nonverbal dynamics?]

[Well, I had to repeat the scene many times to get the verbal and non-verbal communication that
occurred in this film, apart from that I was also able to identify body language, tone of voice from
repeating the scene, this made it easier for me to analyze.]

Relevance to Course Concepts: Discuss how the conversation analysis relates to concepts covered in the
course. Did it deepen your understanding of specific topics? What topic is it?

[Well, in analyzing this film, I can deepen my understanding regarding interpersonal communicating. In
this film, all the characters have their own way of conveying verbal and non-verbal messages, which in
this case makes me understand more about what is being conveyed. Besides that, I can also recognize
the message from facial expressions, body language and from the intonation of the characters' speech.
know what they mean.]

Personal Growth and Insights:

[Reflect on your personal growth and insights gained from completing the Mid-Term Project.]

[This assignment tells me that in communication context is an important thing. Apart from that, through
this analysis I have become more thorough in analyzing and increasing my awareness regarding verbal
and non-verbal messages that can be expressed through body language, facial expressions and tone of

Skill Development: What skills did you enhance through this project, both in terms of transcription and

[In terms of transcription, I am more skilled at listening to audio by detecting words and phrases, then
writing them down by repeating them several times before being able to confirm the correctness of
what I am transcribing.

Then, in terms of analysis, I improved and understood more about the way the characters in the film
communicated which conveyed messages from actions, gestures which resulted from the emotions the
characters felt and then expressed them in verbal and non-verbal messages.]
Application of Knowledge: How did this project allow you to apply theoretical concepts learned in the
course to real-world examples?

[Through this analysis I can see how the characters' conversations, feelings and actions can change
because of the emotions they feel. Besides that, I see that the concept of personalized communication is
applied in every interaction. With this assignment, I can apply theories related to communication in the
analysis process that I work on.]

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