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Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos


First quarter Group: “A”

Marin Martínez Alexandra
Mendoza Bustamante Reyli Orfanel
Navarrete Pablo Emmanuel
Rodríguez Contreras Mariana
Romero Jiménez Dylan Jean Piere

Teacher: Erick Daniel Flores López

The importance of the expression whithin the labor
Teacher: Jose Jhair Galarza Mancilla
Class: oral and written expression
Delivery: 28 September 2023
In this project we will talk about the
importance of expression in the work
environment. Expression in the
workplace is of vital importance for the
development of people and for the
optimal functioning of organizations.
The ability to communicate efficiently
in the work environment is essential for
achieving objectives and maintaining a
good relationship between coworkers.
The importance of expression lies in
the impact that is caused within
work environments, since some
well-consought idea has the power
to motivate and convince, so that a
work team works efficiently and is
Assertive communication

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