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Applied Mathematics, 2016, 7, 694-700

Published Online April 2016 in SciRes.

Estimates of Approximation Error by

Legendre Wavelet
Xiaoyang Zheng, Zhengyuan Wei
College of Mathematics and Statistics, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing, China

Received 10 March 2016; accepted 25 April 2016; published 28 April 2016

Copyright © 2016 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY).

This paper first introduces Legendre wavelet bases and derives their rich properties. Then these
properties are applied to estimation of approximation error upper bounded in spaces C α ([ 0,1])
and C N +α ([ 0,1]) by norms ⋅ 2
and ⋅ 1 , respectively. These estimate results are valuable to
solve integral-differential equations by Legendre wavelet method.

Legendre Wavelet, Estimate, Exponential α-Hölder Continuity

1. Introduction
In recent years, an application of Legendre wavelet to solve integral-differential equations and partial differen-
tial equations is deeply considered [1]-[9]. Generally, representations of function and operator by Legendre
wavelet are exact up to arbitrary but finite precision, then the approximation error should be estimated. Although
estimating the approximation error is a tough technique, if the wavelet satisfies certain conditions [5]-[11], then
the upper bounded of the wavelet transform coefficients can be estimated. In this article, we use the rich proper-
ties of Legendre wavelet bases such as compactly supported, polynomials, orthogonality to estimate the appro-
ximation error upper bounded.
In this paper, Section 2 introduces Legendre wavelet bases and its properties. Section 3 estimates the ap-
proximation error upper bounded by norms ⋅ 2 and ⋅ 1 for spaces C α ([ 0,1]) and C N +α ([ 0,1]) , respec-
tively. This paper ends with brief conclusion.

2. Legendre Wavelet and Its Properties

In this section, we first briefly introduce Legendre wavelet bases and our notations. Secondly, the rich properties

How to cite this paper: Zheng, X.Y. and Wei, Z.Y. (2016) Estimates of Approximation Error by Legendre Wavelet. Applied
Mathematics, 7, 694-700.
X. Y. Zheng, Z. Y. Wei

and some important results of Legendre wavelet that will be used later are elaborated.

2.1. Legendre Wavelet

For level of decomposition n = 0,1, and translation
= l 0,1, 2, , 2n − 1 , we define subinterval
= −n −n
I nl  2 l , 2 ( l + 1) . For p = 1, 2, , define V p ,n as a subspace of piecewise polynomial functions satisfy-

V p ,n = f : f I nl is a polynomial of degree strictly less than p and f vanishes elsewhere . }
We now start to review Legendre polynomials and Legendre wavelet bases [1]. Let Lk ( x ) denote Legendre
polynomial of degree k, which is defined as follows:
L1 ( x ) x=
= , L1 ( x ) x,
2k + 3 k +1 (1)
Lk + 2 ( x )
= xLk +1 ( x ) − Lk ( x ) .
k+2 k+2
Then, at the level of resolution n = 0 , let φk ( x ) denote Legendre wavelet bases defined as

 2k + 1Lk ( 2 x − 1) , x ∈ [ 0,1] ,
φk ( x) =  (2)
0, x ∉ [ 0,1] .

The whole set {φk }k =0 forms an orthonormal basis for V p ,0 .Generally, the subspace V p ,n is spanned by
p −1

2n p functions which are obtained from φ0 , , φk −1 by dilation and translation, i.e.,

V p ,=
n : Vp,=
nl {
span φk , nl ( x= ( )
) 2n 2 φk 2n x − l , 0 ≤ k ≤ p − 1, 0 ≤ l ≤ 2n − 1 }
which forms an orthonormal basis for L2 ([ 0,1]) and
V p ,0 ⊂ V p ,1 ⊂  ⊂ V p ,n ⊂  .

Now, let =
p 3,=
n 1 , then obtain six Legendre wavelet base functions which are given by
φ0,10 ( x ) = 2 , φ1,10
= ( x) 6 ( 4 x − 1)

3 1 1
2,10 ( x )
φ= 10  ( 4 x − 1) −  ,
0≤ x<
2 2 2

φ0,11 ( x ) = 2 , φ1,11
= ( x) 6 ( 4 x − 3)

3 1 1
= ( x) 10  ( 4 x − 3) −  ,
≤ x <1
 2 2 2
and Figure 1 illustrates these base function as

Figure 1. The six Legendre wavelet bases with k = 0, 1, 2; n = 1.

X. Y. Zheng, Z. Y. Wei

2.2. Some Properties of Legendre Wavelet

It is clear that Legendre wavelet bases are compactly supported, polynomial, bounded and orthogonal on each
subinterval I nl . These properties are very useful to estimate the approximation error upper bounded.
Lemma 1. Legendre wavelet bases satisfy the results
φk ,nl ( l 2n ) =
( −1) 4k + 2, φk ,nl ( ( l + 1) 2n ) =4k + 2.

Lemma 2. For any x ∈ [ 0,1) , Legendre wavelet φk ,nl ( x ) are bounded by the form
φk ,nl ( x ) ≤ 4k + 2 (4)

where k is the order of Legendre wavelet.

Proof. According to the definition of Legendre wavelet bases, Legendre wavelet defined on subinterval I nl
are obtained through Legendre polynomials by dilation. With the result of Legendre polynomials Lk ( x ) ≤ 1 ,
the bound of Legendre wavelet is easily proved.
Lemma 3. A relation of between Legendre wavelet and their derivative on each subinterval I nl is derived as
1 1
nl ( x )
2k + 3φk +1,= φk′+2,nl ( x ) − φk′,nl ( x ) . (5)
2k + 5 2k + 1
Proof. Using the result of between Legendre polynomials and their derivative, i.e.,
( 2k + 3) Lk +1 ( x ) =Lk′+2 ( x ) − Lk′ ( x ) ,
we can obtain the above result.
Using this result, we can obtain
( l +1) 2n 1 ( l +1) 2n
∫l 2 φk +1,nl ( x ) dx = ∫ φk′+2,nl ( x ) dx
( 2k + 3)( 2k + 5) l 2
n n

1 ( l +1) 2n
− ∫ φk′,nl ( x ) dx
( 2k + 3)( 2k + 1) l 2

 4k + 10 − ( −1)k 4k + 10 
= (6)
( 2k + 3)( 2k + 5)  

1  4k + 2 − ( −1)k 4k + 2 

( 2k + 3)( 2k + 1)  

= 0.
However, when k = 0 , the integration is calculated as
( l +1) 2n
∫l 2 n φ0,nl ( x ) dx = 2 2n . (7)

Now, the orthogonal property of Legendre wavelet bases is given by

Lemma 4. Legendre wavelet bases defined on the interval [ 0,1) are orthogonal.
Proof. According to the compactly supported of Legendre wavelet bases, we know that any two such base
functions φk ,nl ( x ) and φk ′,nl′ ( x ) with the same scale index n and different k , k ′ , l , l ′ are orthogonal. If any
two bases functions are only different in k , k ′ , then for any x ∈ I nm , we have
( l +1) 2n
∫l 2 n φk ,nl ( x ) φk ′,nl ( x ) dx
( l +1)
( ) ( )
= ∫l 2 ( 2k + 1) 2n 2 Lk 2n+1 x − 2l − 1 ( 2k ′ + 1) 2n 2 Lk ′ 2n+1 x − 2l − 1 dx
12 12

( 2k 1) ( 2k ′ + 1) 2 ∫−1 Lk ( v ) Lk ′ ( v ) dv =
12 12

which completes the proof.

Thus, any function f ( x ) belonging to L2 ([ 0,1]) can be expanded as

X. Y. Zheng, Z. Y. Wei

∞ ∞
f ( x ) = lim ∑ ∑ sk ,nlφk ,nl ( x ) , (8)
k 0=l 0

where sk ,nl = ( f ( x ) , φk ,nl ( x ) ) is Legendre wavelet coefficients and (.,.) denotes inner product. Accordingly,
norm equality is given by
∞ ∞
= lim ∑ ∑ ( sk ,nl ) .
f 2
k 0=l 0

If approximation of the function is analyzed in the space Vp n, then the approximation formula is described by
p −1 2n −1
f ( x ) ≈ ∑ ∑ sk ,nlφk ,nl ( x ) =
S TΦ ( x ) , (10)
k 0=l 0

where S and Φ ( x ) are 2n p × 1 matrices and defined as, respectively

 
S =  s0,n 0 , s1,n 0 , , s p −1,n 0 , s0,n1 , s1,n1 , , s p −1,n1 , , s0,n 2n −1 , s1,n 2n −1 , , s p −1,n 2n −1  ,
 ( ) ( ) ( ) 
 
Φ ( x) =
φ0,n 0 , φ1,n 0 , , φ p −1,n 0 , φ0,n1 , φ1,n1 , , φ p −1,n1 , , φ0,n( 2n −1) , φ1,n( 2n −1) , , φ p −1,n( 2n −1) 

which makes the function approximated by arbitrary precision, when numerical computation is adopted by Le-
gendre wavelet method.

3. Upper Bounded Estimates of Approximation Error by Legendre Wavelet

In this section, the preliminaries of the function spaces with respect to exponential α-Hölder continuity and
C N +α ([ 0,1]) are first introduced, respectively. Secondly, the upper bounded estimates of approximation error in
the spaces by Legendre wavelet bases are derived by norms ⋅ 2 and ⋅ 1 , respectively.

3.1. Exponential α-Hölder Continuity and C N + α ([ 0,1])

The preliminaries of exponential α-Hölder continuity C α ([ 0,1]) and C N +α ([ 0,1]) spaces are defined by
Definition 1. Exponential α-Hölder continuity for any α ( 0 < α ≤ 1) denotes the function f satisfying
f ( x ) − f ( y ) ≤ A x − y , ∀x, y ∈ R

for some positive constant A.

Definition 2. C N +α ( R ) space denotes that all the functions f which are bounded and continuously differen-
tiable up to N-order for any α ( 0 < α ≤ 1) , i.e.,
 f ( 0) ( x) − f ( 0) ( y)
k k 
 
=C ( R )  f sup N +α
< ∞  (12)
 x≠ y
x , y∈R x − y 
 
where k0 = 0,1, , N .

3.2. Approximation Error Estimate by Norm ⋅ 2

The upper bounded of Legendre wavelet transform coefficients is estimated as:
Theorem 1. Let f ∈ C α ([ 0,1]) , then the upper bounded estimate of Legendre wavelet transform coefficients
sk ,nl ≤ Tkfl 2− v , v =min {( n + 1) α , n} (13)

where Tkfl is a constant with respect to k, f and l.

Proof. Taking advantage of the results of (6) and (7), we have

X. Y. Zheng, Z. Y. Wei

( l +1)
( ( 2l + 1) ) ( ( 2l + 1) ) ( )
s= 2 n 2 2k + 1 ∫l 2  f ( x) − f 2n+1 + f 2n+1  Lk 2n+1 x − 2l − 1 dx
k ,nl n

 ( l +1) 
( ( 2l + 1) ) ( l +1)
( ( 2l + 1) ) ( )
2n 2n
≤ 2 n 2 2k + 1  ∫ n f ( x) − f 2n+1 dx + ∫l 2 n f 2n+1 Lk 2n+1 x − 2l − 1 dx 
 l2 
 ( l +1) 
( ( 2l + 1) ) ∫( ( )
2n α l +1) 2n
≤ 2n 2 2k + 1  ∫l 2n x − ( 2l + 1) 2n+1 dx + f 2n+1 l 2n
Lk 2n+1 x − 2l − 1 dx 
 

( ( 2l + 1) ) ∫(
−( n +1)α l +1) 2n
≤2 2k + 1 + f 2n+1
l 2n
φk ,nl ( x ) dx

2 −( n+1)α 2k + 1, k ≠ 0,

=  − n+1 α
( )
2 +2− n 2 f ( 2l + 1) 2n , k =
≤ Tkfl 2− v , v = min {( n + 1) α , n}
which completes this proof.
Remark: The upper bounded of Legendre wavelet transform coefficients vanish with exponent in terms of
multiplies of the scale index or exponential α-Hölder continuity.
Theorem 2. Let f ∈ C N +α ([ 0,1]) , suppose that wavelet has n vanishing moments, then the upper bounded
estimate of wavelets ψ ( x ) transform coefficients k such that then the upper bounded estimate of Legendre-
wavelet transform coefficients satisfies

sk ,nl ≤ T ( k , f ) 2− v , v= min {( n + 1)( N + α ) , n ( N + 1)} , (14)

where Tkfl is a constant with respect to k, f and l.

Proof. The proof of this theorem utilizes the k − 1 vanishing moments of Legendre wavelet φk ,nl and Tay-
lor expansion of the function f and then is similar to that of the theorem 1.
Now, taking advantage of the results of (9), (13) and theorem 1, we can derive the upper bounded estimation
by the norm ⋅ 2 .
Theorem 3. Let f ∈ C α ([ 0,1]) , then the upper bounded estimate of approximation error by using Legendre
wavelet bases satisfies
−2 min{( N 0 +1)α , N 0 }
f − S TΦ ( x ) < T ⋅ 2 +ε , (15)

where T is a constant with respect to Tkfl and ε is an arbitrarily small positive constant.
∞ ∞
= lim ∑ ∑ ( sk ,nl ) , there exists positive integers N 0 , N1 , K, K1 and arbi-
Proof. From the equality f 2 n→∞
k 0=l 0

trarily small positive constant ε satisfying

∞ ∞ ∞ N1 K1 2 N1
− S TΦ ( x ) ∑ ∑ ∑(s ) ∑ ∑ ∑ ( sk ,nl )
2 2
f= k ,nl < +ε
n N=
k K=l 0 =
n N=
k K=l 0
K1 2 N1

∑ 2 −2v ⋅ ∑ ∑ (Tkfl )
2 −2 min{( N 0 +1)α , N 0 }
≤ +ε <T ⋅2 +ε
n N0 =
k K=l 0

which completes the proof.

Similarly, we can obtain the estimate of approximation error in space C N +α ([ 0,1]) .
Theorem 4. Let f ∈ C N +α ([ 0,1]) , the upper bounded estimate of approximation error using Legendre wave-
let is described as
−2 min{( N 0 +1)( N +α ), N 0 ( N +1)}
f − S TΦ ( x ) < T ⋅ 2 +ε , (16)

where T is a constant with respect to Tkfl and ε is an arbitrarily small positive constant.
These estimates of the approximation error upper bounded provide computational precision for numerical

X. Y. Zheng, Z. Y. Wei

3.3. Approximation Error Estimate by Norm ⋅ 1

In this subsection, we derive the estimations of approximation error by norm .
Theorem 5. Let f ∈ C α ([ 0,1]) , then the estimation of the approximation error upper bounded by the norm

⋅ 1 satisfies
+ ε , v min {( N 0 + 1) α , N 0 } ,
−( v + N 0 )
f ( x ) − S TΦ ( x ) ≤ T ⋅ 2 = (17)

where T is a constant with respect to Tkfl and ε is an arbitrarily small positive constant.
Proof. Taking advantage of the definition of norm ⋅ 1 and using (13), it is clear that the approximation error
upper bounded is estimated by
p −1 2 N0 −1 p −1 ∞ ∞
f ( x ) − S TΦ (=
x) f ( x) − ∑ ∑ φk ,N l ( x )=
dx ∫ ∑ ∑ ∑ sk ,nlφk ,nl ( x ) dx
1 1

1 ∫0 =
k 0 =l 0
0 0
k 0=
n N =l 0 0

N1 p −1 2 N1 −1
( l +1) n

∑ ∑ ∑ ∫l 2 sk ,nlφk ,nl ( x ) dx + ε
≤ n (18)
=n N=k 0 =l 0

∑ ∑ ∑ ( sk ,nl )
N1 p −1 2 N1 −1
−( v + N 0 )
≤ 4k + 2 + ε ≤ T ⋅ 2 + ε.
=n N 0=k 0 =l 0

For f ∈ C N +α ([ 0,1]) ,the estimate technique by the norm ⋅ 1 is similar to the theorem 4 and theorem 5.

4. Conclusion
As all, this paper considers the compactly supported, polynomial, orthogonal and bounded properties of Legen-
dre wavelet bases. Using these properties, the upper bounded estimates of the approximation error are presented
for the function belonging to exponential α-Hölder continuity and space C N +α ([ 0,1]) by norms ⋅ 2 or ⋅ 1 ,

This work is funded by Fundamental and Advanced Research Project of Chongqing CSTC of China, the project
No. are CSTC2013JCYJA00022 and CSTC2012jjA00018.

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X. Y. Zheng, Z. Y. Wei

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Responses to Reviewers’ Comments

Firstly, the authors are grateful to the editors and referees for their valuable comments that greatlyimprove
the quality of this paper. We now present responses to the valuable comments proposed by the referees de-
tail by detail.
Common comments proposed by the reviewers.

Comment to the author

The author introduces Legendre wavelet bases and derives their rich properties.
Here are some comments to this work:
( l +1) 2n ( l +1) 2n
1. In the proof of Lemma 3, it is noted that it should be ∫l 2 n φ1,nl ( x ) dx , but not ∫l 2 n φ0,nl ( x ) dx when k
= 0.
2. In the proof of Lemma 4, the author should clearly indicate why ( 2k + 1) ( 2k ′ + 1) =
12 12
0 holds.
3. In page 4, is there something wrong for defining the function Sk ,nl ? It is noted that the author claims that
∞ ∞
f ( x ) = lim ∑ ∑ sk ,nlφk ,nl ( x ) . However, he also defines Sk ,nl = ( f ( x ) , φk ,nl ( x ) ) . Does it look like a cycle?
k 0=l 0

4. In the proof of Theorem 1, why does the author emit the part Lk 2n+1 x − 2l − 1 related to ( )
( l +1)
( ( 2l + 1) )
∫l 2 n f ( x) − f 2n+1 dx ? Will the inequality still hold if doing so?

( l +1) 2n
1. We discuss the situation k = 0 , thus it is ∫l 2 n φ0,nl ( x ) dx .

∫−1 Lk ( v ) Lk′ ( v ) dv = 0 .
2. Because
3. sk ,nl is the wavelet coefficient and it is calculated by inner product.
4. Because φk ,nl=( x ) 2n 2 2k + 1Lk 2n+1 x − 2l − 1 . ( )
Based on the above responses, I think there is no need to be corrected.


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