Y7 Lesson 1

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Mystery and magic poetry year 7

Lesson 1- Queen Nefertiti

DO NOW: While you wait for everyone to join the call, write down the date and title.

Then make a prediction: Using the image below and the title.
What do you think this poem is about? Explain why. Write this down in your book.

TASK: Listen to the poem being read by your teacher (or read the poem to yourself if
you can’t make the lesson)

Queen Nefertiti – poet unknown

Spin a coin, spin a coin,
All fall down:
Queen Nefertiti
Stalks through town.

Over the pavements

Her feet go clack,
Her legs are as tall
As a chimney stack.

Her fingers flicker

Like snakes in the air,
The walls split open
At her green-eyed stare;

Her voice is thin

As a ghost of bees;
She will crumble your bones,
She will make you freeze.

Spin a coin, spin a coin,

All fall down.
Queen Nefertiti
Stalks through town.

Task 2:
Write in the chat any words you need clarifying (if you’re not in the lesson, write them
in your book and make a sensible guess about what they might mean then look the
words up if you can).

Task 3:
What do you think the poem is about? What is the writer trying to say?
Your teacher will ask this in the lesson, so please write your initial thoughts in chat to
share with the class. (If you’re not in the lesson, write your thoughts down).

I think this poem is about…. I think this because…

Atmosphere is the feeling, emotion, or mood that a writer creates in a text

o What atmosphere is being created in this poem? Why do you think

this? (you will answer in your class chat, otherwise write this down)

The atmosphere being created in this poem is…. I think this because….

TASK 5: Writers build atmosphere by their language

Lexical group is a group of words with the same topic

(For example, the lexical group of sadness is: gloomy, cries, frown )

You’re now going to be working on your own on tasks to send to your


Write this in your books…

Find a lexical group of power:

Find a lexical group of evil

TASK 6: Writers build atmosphere by their Imagery
Imagery is the comparison of one thing with another, using as or like (For example,
as a cute as a kitten)

Write this in your books…

Find a simile which shows power:

Find a simile which suggests she is evil:

TASK: Writers build atmosphere by their tone:

Write down a list of words that sound harsh:

Final TASK: Look at the lines of the poem below and answer these questions in
your books:

What atmosphere is being created? What does it show about Queen Nefertiti?

The atmosphere being created is…… This shows that Queen Nefertiti is….

1)She will crumble your bones,

She will make you freeze.

2) The walls split open

At her green-eyed stare;

3)Her voice is thin

As a ghost of bees;

challenge A student said : “Atmosphere allows the reader to understand the

poem.” How far do you agree? Answer in your books

Atmosphere is important because it allows the reader to understand the poem.

For example, in the poem Queen Nefertiti, the atmosphere is…..
Which suggests that she is….

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