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SW turns OFF, it will take some time for the snubber capacitors
to be recharged from the lowest voltage to the voltage when the
transformer starts to reverse. This delays the rise of the secondary
current. The inductor Laux current can be nonresonant (discon-
tinues or continues) to keep down rms. But if capacitors C1 and
C2 still have high pulsation then it will result in prolonged trans-
former reverse time Tx , corresponding adverse consequences
like increased rms in flyback, and demand for higher-rated clamp
diodes Daux1 and Daux3 . Therefore, the analysis was done for the
most efficient version of the proposed snubber: the continuous
auxiliary inductor current and the almost constant voltage of
clamp capacitors C1 and C2 .
We will study flyback operation in discontinuous conduction
mode (DCM) for generality while snubber inductor Laux current
is continuous. The DCM mode is characterized by Ton time
when the main flyback switch is conducting, Toff time when
the main switch is turned OFF, and Tdis –the main transformer
discharge time into secondary output. For the flyback topology
in steady-state it is well known that Ton and Toff are related to
each other by
Vo/ × Tdis = Vin × To (1)
where n = Ns /Np is transformer turns ratio and Vo is the
secondary output voltage. Equation (1) is correct for a flyback
operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM) also. One
could transit to flyback CCM approaching (Toff –Tdis ) to zero.
For analysis we assume: During flyback operation, the sum of
two snubber capacitor voltages is higher than the voltage needed
to reset a flyback transformer and are constant; all semiconductor
switches are ideal. There would be four flyback operation stages
to consider. The equivalent circuit diagrams are given in Fig. 3
for each of the four stages. In this analysis, the main attention
was paid to the operation of the proposed snubber.
The waveforms in a steady-state condition have been gen-
erated in LTspice simulation software for the particular circuit
parameters: transformer primary inductance L1 = 10 µH, turns
ratio n = 7, coupling coefficient between primary and secondary
is 0.987 (leakage inductance 0.26 µH), switching frequency
is about 69.7 kHz, input voltage Vin = 30 V, output voltage
205 V, and output power 136 W (output load resistor 310 Ω).
The proposed snubber has the parameters: C1 = C2 = 1.5 µF
and Laux = 2.2 mH. The duration of the stages and simulated Fig. 3. Equivalent stage circuits. Np –primary winding turns number, Ns –
secondary winding turns number, Vin –input voltage, Ip –transformer primary
operation waveforms are presented in Fig. 4. current, Is –transformer secondary current, Ix –auxiliary inductor Laux current,
The main switch SW turns ON at the time moment t0 and and Io –output load current. (a) Stage 1. (b) Stage 2. (c) Stage 3. (d) Stage 4.
the whole switching cycle lasts until the moment t4 . By t0
auxiliary diodes Daux1 , Daux3 , and secondary diode Do are switch SW. The capacitors C1 and C2 are connected in parallel
nonconducting. through Daux2 and Daux4 diodes and share the Ix current, see
Fig. 4. Let Vc be the steady-state voltage on each of C1 and C2 ,
A. Stage 1 (t0 –t1 ) Ton = t1 − t0 then during this stage Ix will increase by value
In this stage, the main switch SW is turned ON, and the ∆Ix = Vc/Laux × Ton . (2)
transformer starts to gain power. The equivalent schematic of
this stage is presented in Fig. 3(a). Auxiliary diode Daux3 is
reverse biased by the voltage Vc . The auxiliary diode Daux1 B. Stage 2 (t1 –t2 )
is reverse biased by the voltage Vin + Vc . The current Ix of At the moment, t1 the main switch SW turns OFF, ISW = 0
auxiliary inductor Laux increases linearly because two snubber in Fig. 4, and the transformer primary current Ip is redirected
capacitors C1 and C2 are applied to the Laux through the main and charges clamp capacitors C1 and C2 through the diodes

Authorized licensed use limited to: Rutgers University. Downloaded on May 17,2021 at 01:24:20 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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