Chapter 5 English File Mod 3

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1 VOCABULARY food and drink a Recorder the letters to make food and drink words. Match them to photos A-E. 2 ESHECE 3 1 GRANEO CUJIE 4) wanpcuis GEsG b @5.1 Listen and check. © @p.122 Vocabulary Bank Food and drink 2 READING & SPEAKING a Look at the photos and read the article and comments. Who thinks breakfast is 2) important, b) not important? b @5.4 Complete the comments with food and drink words. Then listen and check. Read the comments again. Circlodthe places where they have breakfast. Underline the other words for food and drink. d_ Is breakfast important for you? What do you have? Where do you have it? A big breakfast? A good breakfast — Is breakfast a very important meal, or not important at all? ‘Scientists and doctors have different opinions: some think that a big breakfast ts good for you, because you eat less during the day; others say that if you aren't hungry, don't have breakfast ~it's ‘only extra calories! Is breakfast important for you? Send us a photo of your breakfast. Comm« Marta, Italy Ihave breakfast in a great café near my office. | have a‘ croissant and coffee - an espresso with hot 2m Mmmm. tlove breakfast! It's my favourite meal Paulo, Brazil have breakfast at home, but | don't havea big breakfast, | have fr and sy _, and sometimes toast, I's a healthy breakfast. ‘That's a good thing at the beginning of the day. Rob, UK {don’t eat in the morning - 'm not hungry. | just have a 56 at work. But Ihave lunch early, at about 12.30. Sakura, Japan 1 Hteally like breakfast. 2° _tt'san important meal for Japanese people. | have breakfast at home with my family. We have a traditional breakfast. Itisn't vary difforont from lunch and dinner. We have or * and miso soup and we drink green tea, We don't drink a lot of coffee in my family. 3 GRAMMAR present simple we, they ‘2 Complete the sentences from the comments in 2. present simple [land =) Marta VI breakfast in a great café. Sakura 2 really breakfast. a traditional breakfast. a big breakfast in the morning. b @p.100 Grammar Bank SA and EI |, you, a lot of coffee in my family. © Look at Vocabulary Bank Food and drink p.122 Say what you like @ and don’t like @. ike fish. con't ike meat. 4 LISTENING a @5.6 Listen to Anna talk about her favourite meal. Complete her column in the chart. Anna [will Sarah Favourite | dinner lunch breakfast meal Where? | 'At fat Usually at orata - On Wednesdeys ata Food |? or |SOifferent | ® and ‘and things but | an —— wth On Wednesdoys Drink | ?Acless é ¢ or of + and then 5 2. | OnWednesceys b 5.7 Now repeat for Will and Sarah. © What's your favourite meal of the day? 5 PRONUNCIATION (d3/ and (g/ a @5.8 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. Bm B ow P gandj Remember j always = \r. gis sometimes (eg. sugar and sometimes “(09 orange), especially before e. vice vegetables orange sugar yogurt eggs b @5.9 Listen. Practise the sentences. ''m Jane. | like orange juice and vegetables. I'm Grace. | have eggs, and coffee with sugar. 50 they are true about you and people in your country. Food: you and your country You Ihave breakfast (Where?) | have for breakfast. (What?) | have lunch (Where?) ‘have dinner with (who) leat a lot of (What?) Jove _.. (Wht?) I don't like - (What?) Your country Pople havo. for breakfast. (What?) They have a big (lunch / dinnes) They 2lot of food from other countries. (eat / don't eat) They eat alot of (Whar?) They drink a lt of ‘Whet?) b Talk toa partner. Say your first sentence. Then say What about you? have breakfast at home. What about you? (Lhove breakfast at home, too. 7 WRITING @p.86 Writing A comment post Write about your breakfest. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 5A p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. i: very long flight ERT = 1 GRAMMAR present simple we, they you, a @5.11 Eve, a British woman, and Wendy, an ‘American woman, are on a flight from London to New York. Listen to the conversation and number the pictures 1-4, 1 Eve Do you like the! Wendy Yes, Ido. it’s very good. Eve She's my favourite writer. llove her books 2 Eve Do you live in? ? Wendy No, Idon't. live in London, My husband, and I work for a British company. Eve ‘Oh! Do you have 3 2 Wendy No, we don’t Eve | have two sons and a daughter. David and Andrew are at university anc Carla's at school. Look. Here are some photos... This is a photo of our holiday in Barbados. Do you know Barbados? Wendy No, I don't. 3 Attendant Do you went * «fish, or pasta? Eve Oh, fish, please. Wendy Pasta for me, please. Eve How's your pasta? Wendy it’ OK. Eve This fish isn’t very good. Excuse me, | don't lke this fish. Can I have the 5__ please? Attendant |'m sorry, madam. It's finished. 4 Eve Oh, | need to go to the toilet. Oops, sorry. Wendy Excuse me. What ¢ dome Attendant In 25 minutes, madam. Wendy That's good! b_ Read the conversation and complete it with words from the list. book children meat New York pasta. time ¢ Listen again and check. d_ Underline the questions and short answers in parts 1 and 2 of the conversation. @ ©p.100 Grammar Bank 58 2 VOCABULARY common verb phrases 1 a Match the phrases. 1 Ilove @ a inLondon. 2 ‘live 'b two sons and a daughter. 3 Iwork |) © fora Bntish company. 4 Iwant | her books. 5 Ihave § ¢ the fish, please. b @p.123 Vocabulary Bank Common verb phrases 1 ¢ Write four true sentences about you, two positive and two negative. I watch the BBC, | don't read a newspepe d_ In pairs, read your sentences to each other. ‘Are any of them the same? 3 LISTENING 2 @5.15 At the end of her holiday, Eve gets a taxi back to the airport. Read sentences 1-10 and look at the bold words. Then listen and Gircléa or b. 1 a Her flight is from Newark sirport {B)Her fights from JFK. ‘Tho traffic is bad The waificis good Eve is from Manchester. Eve is from London. The taxi driver is from New York. “The taxi driver is from Puerto Rico. London is very cheap. London is very expensive The taxi driver has two sons. ‘The taxi driver has two daughters. The taxi is $87.50. The taxi is $87.15, The taxi driver says Have 0 good day’ ‘The taxi driver says ‘Have a good flight. Eveis late Eve isn't late The gate number is BS. ‘The gate number is C5. b @5.16 Listen to what happens in the airport. Why does Eve say ‘What a nice surprisel"? 2 3 10 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING ‘nv/ and Wy), sentence thythm and linking a @5.17 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. y inc, | want woke wien where RE se | vy tare eT b @5.18 Listen, Notice the linked (_) words. 1A Do you livaing flat? No, | don't. live ing house. Do you have. big family? Yes,| do. Ihave three sisters. o> o> w> Do you watch a lot of TV? No, I don't. |read books. € Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm. d- @5.19 Now listen and write five sentences. @ Complete 2-10 with a verb from the list. drink eat go have lieten live need read speak watch Do you... 1 live near here? / ina house or a flat? brothers and sisters? / a catora dog? TV on your phone? / YouTube videos? to pop music? / to classical music? a newspaper? / magazines? meat? /a lot of chocblate? Coke? / beer? French? / German? anew phone? /a new car? toagym? /tothe cinema at weekends? F Ask and answer questions with a partner. Do youlvenear here?) (Yes, Ido. Hive vry near Do you lve in a house ora flat?) (ve in a small fat, WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. Practical English What time is it? telling he time V the tine, saying how you feel Pay silent consonants 1 o TELLING THE TIME 2 VOCABULARY the time a @5.21 Watch or listen and match the a @5.23 Listen and repeat the times. conversations to photos A-C. Is (@) quarter past Ir'stwenty past. it's twenty-five three Bt a past three. > @ @ I’shalf post three. It’s par ve to fou Ite warty 0 fur It's) quarter to four. It's ten to four. Its five to four b Cover the times. Look at the clocks and say the 4 Rob —_I'mtired. What time is it? Alan It'seleven o'clock mes. Rob need to go. Ihave e meeting in Oxford 5.24 Liston and draw the times on the clocks. tomorrow morning Alan One more dink? 1s os Rob Oh, OK. ceo) > 4) 2 Rob Excuse me. What time is it? Woman it’s a quarter to eight. What time's your Rob At seven forty-seven, Woman You need to hurry! You only have two minutes. Rob Thanks! The time 3 Rob Hello. 'm Rob Welker. 'm sorry I'm late 1 You can also say the time with numbers, 0.g Man You're an hour late. Its half past ten 7.15 = (a) quarter past seven OR seven fifteen. Rob | know. mreally sort. araanaes, eet b @5.22 Watch or listen and repeat the conversations in a. Then practise them with a Partner. Number 1. What 2) (ite twenty te nine © Cover the conversations and look at the clocks in photos A-C. What time is it? d_ Practise with 2 partner, © @Communication What time is it? A p.79 B p.83 Ask and answer about times PRONUNCIATION /o/, silent consonants 5.25 Listen and repeat the words and sound. clock | whet Oxfo: sony coffee 5.26 Listen and repeat the words. Practise, saying them. eight half hour know listen tied two Wednesday what write P Silent letters Some English words have a ‘silent letter’, e.g. in where, you don't pronounce the h @5.27 Listen to the conversations. Then practise with a partner. ‘A What time is it? B It’s half past two, A Is the meating on Wednesday? B I don’t know. A Liston and write five sentences. B Oh no! I'm tired. VOCABULARY saying how you feel 5.28 Listen and repeat the sentences. 7” a 2 Imeold, 3 I'm hunery. 4 Tmbot. 5 I'm thissty Match the sentences in ato a-0. a © Time forlunch, b Time forbed. t's S* degrees (A'gris7) this morning, d [needa glass of water. e Ws35% 5.29 Listen and check. How do you feel at the moment? 5 @ANIGHT OUT ‘a 5.30 Watch or listen to Jenny and Amy. Tick (7) the two places they go to. aber acafé a theatre a restaurant b Watch or listen again. Complete sentences 1-3 with times. 1 The show is at 2 Jeony and Amy meet at 3 The show ends at 6 o USEFUL PHRASES 5.31 Watch or listen and repeat the useful phrases. Ineed to go. What a great show! Youncedto hurry. _ It's late and I'm tired. You're an hour lat Come on, Vm really sorry. OK. Let’s go. Don't worry

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