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PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )

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Rul e 1 Repai r

Purpose of the Code D emol i ti on

Scope of appl i cati on of N BC Anci l l ary bui l di ng structure

Constructi on Rul e 2

Addi ti on D uti es of Secretary of the D PWH

Al terati on Bui l di ng Of f i ci al

Renovati on T he D PWH Secretary

Conversi on T he Bui l di ng Of f i ci al
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Remedi al work done on any damaged or deteri orated porti on/s of a

General Provi si ons
bui l di ng/structure to restore i ts ori gi nal condi ti on.

T he N ati onal Bui l di ng Code shal l provi de a f ramework of mi ni mum standards and
T he systemati c di smantl i ng or destructi on of a bui l di ng/ structure, i n whol e or i n
requi rements f or al l bui l di ngs to regul ate thei r l ocati on, desi gn, qual i ty of
materi al s, constructi on, and use.

T he N ati onal Bui l di ng Code (N BC) appl i es to the desi gn, l ocati on, si ti ng,
A secondary bui l di ng/ structure l ocated wi thi n the same premi ses, the use of constructi on, al terati on, repai r, conversi on, use, occupancy, mai ntenance, movi ng,
whi ch i s i nci dental to that of the mai n bui l di ng/structure demol i ti on of and addi ti on to publ i c and pri vate bui l di ngs, except tradi ti onal
dwel l i ngs and BP 220 proj ects.

Al l on-si te work done f rom si te preparati on, excavati on, f oundati on, assembl y of
Admi ni strati on and E nf orcement al l the components and i nstal l ati on of uti l i ti es and equi pment of
bui l di ngs/structure.

Pol i cy maki ng, M emorandum ci rcul ars, Prescri be f ees, Appoi nt bui l di ng of f i ci al s Any new constructi on whi ch i ncreases the hei ght or area of an exi sti ng
i n al l muni ci pal i ti es bui l di ng/structure

T he ______________ i s T asked wi th the enf orcement of the Code i n hi s Constructi on i n a bui l di ng/ structure i nvol vi ng changes i n the materi al s used,
j uri sdi cti on,I ssues, deni es, suspends and revokes permi ts,Undertakes i nspecti on of parti ti oni ng, l ocati on/ si z e of openi ngs, structural parts, exi sti ng uti l i ti es and
bui l di ngs,Acts on cl ai ms equi pment but does not i ncrease the overal l area thereof .

Any physi cal change made on a bui l di ng/structure to i ncrease i ts val ue, uti l i ty
prescri bes the f ees
and/or to i mprove i ts aestheti c qual i ty

A change i n the use or occupancy of a bui l di ng/ structure or any porti on there of
col l ects the f ees
whi ch has di f f erent requi rements.
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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F ee exempti ons M i nor constructi on (excepti on of f ee)

Opti ons f or dangerous bui l di ngs Repai rs (excepti on of f ee)

Rul e 3 Repai rs (excepti on of f ee)

Bui l di ng Permi t I f l ot i s owned, what are the requi rements f or a bui l di ng permi t

When i s a bui l di ng permi t requi red? I f l ot i s N OT owned,what are the requi rements f or a bui l di ng permi t

Bui l di ng permi t exempti ons N o. of set of pl ans and specs f or Permi t requi rements

M i nor constructi on (excepti on of f ee) I ssuance of permi ts

M i nor constructi on (excepti on of f ee) Li abi l i ty cl ause

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Garden pool s 500mm deep or shal l ower or Garden masonry wal l s not exceedi ng
Publ i c bui l di ngs,T radi ti onal f ami l y dwel l i ngs that does not exceed 15,000 peso
1.20m i n hei ght

N ot i nvol vi ng structural members or Of non-l oad beari ng parti ti on wal l s repai r, vacati on and demol i ti on

N ot i nvol vi ng addi ti on or al terati on or repai rs Of doors, wi ndows, f l oors, f ences

Permi ts
and wal l s or Of pl umbi ng f i xtures

A wri tten authori z ati on granted by the Bui l di ng Of f i ci al to an appl i cant al l owi ng
OCT or T CT T ax decl arati on Current real property tax recei pt hi m to proceed wi th constructi on af ter pl ans, speci f i cati ons and other perti nent
documents have been f ound to be i n conf ormi ty wi th the Code

Bef ore constructi ng, al teri ng, repai ri ng,converti ng, movi ng, addi ng to,demol i shi ng
Contract of Lease or D eed of Absol ute Sal e i n pl ace of T CT
a bui l di ng.

F i ve sets of pl ans and specs, si gned and seal ed by vari ous prof essi onal s M i nor constructi ons/Repai r works

M i nor structures 6 sqm or l ess detached f rom other bui l di ngs, f or pri vate use onl y.
15 days f rom payment of f ees
(E xampl e: Sheds, poul try houses, greenhouses)

Arti cl e 1723 of the Ci vi l Code Open terraces or pati os not exceedi ng 20sqm. or Wi ndow gri l l es
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Arti cl e 1723 of the Ci vi l Code T ype I V

Contractor, Constructi on Supervi sor T ype V

Certi f i cate of occupancy Requi rements RULE 5

N on-i ssuance, Suspensi on,Revocati on F i re z one

RULE 4 N on-f i re restri cted z ones

T ype I F i re restri cti ve z ones

T ype I I H i ghl y f i re restri cti ve z ones

T ype I I I more than 1/3 of i ts total f l oor area

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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states that the engi neer or archi tect who drew up the pl ans and specs i s l i abl e f or
Steel , i ron, concrete, or masonry constructi on wi th I ncombusti bl e i nteri ors
15 years f rom compl eti on of the bui l di ng shoul d i t col l apse due to def ects i n the
(cei l i ngs, wal l s)
pl ans or the ground

I n case the bui l di ng col l apses due to def ects i n constructi on or the use of i nf eri or
F our-hour f i re resi sti ve throughout wi th Structural el ements of steel , i ron,
materi al s the _______________al ongwi th the __________________ shal l be
concrete or masonry
l i abl e.

Certi f i cate of compl eti on, Logbook, As-bui l t pl ans and specs , Bui l di ng
F i re Z ones
i nspecti on sheet.

Areas wi thi n whi ch onl y certai n types of constructi on are al l owed, based on thei r E rrors i n pl ans and specs, I ncorrect or i naccurate data decl ared, N on-compl i ance
occupancy, type of constructi on, and resi stance to f i re. wi th the Code

Al l types of constructi on al l owed. T ypes of Constructi on

T ype I constructi on N OT al l owed. Wood Constructi on

Wood constructi on wi th f i re-resi stant materi al s wi th One-hour f i re-resi sti ve

T ypes I , I I , and I I I N OT al l owed.

Bui l di ngs i n mul ti pl e f i re z ones Shal l be consi dered as part of the more M asonry and wood constructi on wi th One hour f i re resi sti ve throughout and
restri cti ve z one i f _______________i s i n that z one. I ncombusti bl e exteri or wal l s
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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F i re resi sti ve rati ng Occupancy cl assi f i cati on E

RULE 7 Occupancy cl assi f i cati on F

bui l di ngs,l ands Occupancy cl assi f i cati on G

l ands Occupancy cl assi f i cati on H

Occupancy cl assi f i cati on A Occupancy cl assi f i cati on I

Occupancy cl assi f i cati on B Occupancy Cl assi f i cati on J

Occupancy cl assi f i cati on C Resi denti al

Occupancy cl assi f i cati on D Commerci al

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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T he degree to whi ch a materi al can wi thstand f i re Usual l y expressed i n the f orm

Busi ness and mercanti l e
of a ti me peri od rati ng (how l ong a materi al can wi thstand bei ng burned).

I ndustri al Occupanci es + Requi rements

Storage and haz ardous Occupanci es are assi gned to

Assembl y other than Group I z ones are assi gned.

Assembl y wi th 1,000 or more occupant l oad. Resi denti al dwel l i ngs

Accessory Resi denti al s, hotel s, apartments

Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- R E ducati on and recreati on

Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- C I nsti tuti onal

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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General i nsti tuti onal Pl anned Uni t D evel opment

I ndustri al R1

Uti l i ti es, T ransportati on, Servi ces R2

Speci al Basi c R2

Park structures, Recreati on, E ntertai nment M axi mum R2

Cul tural R3

Agri cul tural Basi c R3

Agroi ndustri al M axi mum R3

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- PUD Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- GI

Low-densi ty resi denti al z one,Characteri z ed by si ngl e-f ami l y and si ngl e

Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- I
detached dwel l i ngs.

M edi um-densi ty resi denti al z one,Characteri z ed by l ow-ri se si ngl e-attached,

Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- UT S
dupl ex, or mul ti l evel bui l di ngs f or use as mul ti pl e f ami l y dwel l i ngs.

Si ngl e attached or dupl ex, 1-3 f l oors. Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- SPE

Low-ri se mul ti -l evel bui l di ng, 3-5 f l oors. Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- PRE

H i gh-densi ty resi denti al z one, Characteri z ed l ow-ri se or medi um-ri se bui l di ngs
f or use as mul ti pl e f ami l y dwel l i ngs, I ncl udes l ow-ri se or medi um-ri se Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- CUL
condomi ni um bui l di ngs

Rowhouses 1-3 storeys hi gh. Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- A

M edi um-ri se mul ti l evel structure 6-12 storeys hi gh. Z oni ng cl assi f i cati on- AI
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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R4 Al l owabl e f i rewal l s R3 B

R5 Al l owabl e f i rewal l s R4

750mm Al l owabl e f i rewal l s R5 Opti on A

F our-hour f i re resi sti ve Al l owabl e f i rewal l s R5 Opti on B

F i rewal l s T otal gross f l oor area

Al l owabl e f i rewal l s f or R1 T GF A

Al l owabl e f i rewal l s R2 BH L

Al l owabl e f i rewal l s R3 A 2.50m x 5.00m

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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M edi um to hi gh-densi ty resi denti al z one,Characteri z ed by l ow-ri se townhouses or

One si de + Rear 90% of si de or rear (up to 100% f or rear i f onl y 4m),T otal shoul d
bui l di ngs f or use as mul ti pl e f ami l y dwel l i ngs,Ref ers to structures on an
not exceed 50% of l ot peri meter,T wo storeys hi gh f or si de, 3.20m hi gh f or rear
i ndi vi dual l ot ("townhouse")

T wo si des, M axi mum 85% of each si de- T otal shoul d not exceed 50% of l ot Very hi gh densi ty resi denti al z one,Characteri z ed by medi um-ri se to hi gh-ri se
peri meter, M axi mum hei ght: three storeys condomi ni ums.

T wo si des,M axi mum 75% of each si de,T otal shoul d not exceed 50% of l ot E aves over requi red wi ndows shal l at l east be ___________ f rom the si de and rear
peri meter,M axi mum hei ght: 8 storeys property l i nes.

One si de + Rear,M axi mum 65% of si de and 50% of rear,T otal shoul d not exceed
Separati on 4 hours and Openi ngs, N ot al l owed.
60% of l ot peri meter,M axi mum hei ght: 8 storeys f or si de, 14m f or rear.

T GF A A f i reproof barri er used to prevent the spread of f i re between or through bui l di ngs.

T he total f l oor space i nsi de the bui l di ng I ncl udes servi ces/parki ng (unl i ke GF A). N ot al l owed

Bui l di ng hei ght l i mi t One si de onl y and M axi mum 80% of the l ength of si de property l i ne.

T wo si des M axi mum 85% of each si de,T otal shoul d not exceed 65% of l ot
Perpendi cul ar parki ng
peri meter and T wo storeys hi gh onl y.
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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2.15m x 6.00m Parki ng Requi rements Churches

3.00m x 9.00m Publ i c Uni versi ti es Parki ng Requi rements

3.60m x 12.00m Publ i c H ospi tal Parki ng Requi rements

3.60m x 18.00m Of f -si te parki ng l ots

Parki ng Requi rements H otel s -H i ghl y Urbani z ed 50m apart

Parki ng Requi rements H otel s 250mm

T ouri st Bus Parki ng Requi rements H otel s 600m

Arti cul ated T ruck Parki ng Requi rements H otel s 200kg/sqm

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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f or every 50sqm:1 car sl ot, 1 j eepny sl ot Paral l el parki ng

1 car sl ot f or every 5 cl assrooms Jeepney

1 car sl ot f or every 25 beds1 l oadi ng space f or 2 j eepney/shuttl e sl ots1 sl ot f or

Standard truck/bus
arti cul ated truck

I f a mul ti -f l oor parki ng garage i s l ocated wi thi n a 200-meter radi us of the

Arti cul ated truck
bui l di ng.

T he bui l di ng i ngress and the i ntersecti on shal l be at l east 1 sl ot f or every 3 rooms

thi ckness of f oundati on 1 sl ot f or every 7 rooms

depth of f oundati on bel ow the surf ace of the ground 2 parki ng sl ots

Structural l oads f or F i rst f l oor l i ve l oad 1 l oadi ng sl ot

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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150kg/sqm T LA

120kg/sqm PSO

750mm GF A

200mm T GF A

200mm RULE 8

T LA I nsi de l ot

T OSL I nteri or l ot

M ACA Corner l ot
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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M ACA + USA Structural l oads f or Second f l oor l i ve l oad

AM BF / T LA Structural l oads f or Wi nd l oad f or roof s

T LA x F LAR M i ni mum wi dth of stai rs

GF A X convertor M axi mum ri ser

Li ght + Venti l ati on M i ni mum tread

20% opens space PSO + T OSL

50% opens space USA + I SA

10% opens space PSO + I SA

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Corner through l ot 0.30m

Corner through l ot abutti ng 3 or more streets 2.00m

E nd l ot 1.20m wi de

Y ard 6.00sqm

Setback 2.00m

4.50,,2.00,,2.00 3.00sqm

3.00,,2.00,,2.00 1.50m

8.00,,2.00,,2.00 1.20sqm
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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rear and si de i ncremental set backs starti ng at the send f l oor 5% opens space

M i ni mum di mensi on of courts 5% opens space

Al l i nner courts shal l be connected to a street or yard by a passageway at l east 30-50% open space

the requi red open space l ef t between the outermost f ace of the bui l di ng and the
M i ni mum area f or human habi tati on
property l i nes

M i n. di mensi on f or human habi tati on the wi dth of the yard

M i ni mum area f or Ki tchen setbacks f or R1

M i n. di mensi on f or ki tchen setbacks f or R2 basi c

M i ni mum area f or T oi l et and bath setbacks f or R2 max

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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0.90m 3.00m

14.00 cubi c meters 3.00m

12.00 cubi c meters 4.00m wi de

3.00 cubi c meters 1.00m mi n. hei ght

10% of f l oor area 2.40m

5% of f l oor area 2.40m above the wal kway

2.40m;;;300mm 28.00 sqm/person

500mm ;; 600mm 18.60sqm/person

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Cl earance between si dewal k grade and l owest porti on of bal cony M i n. di mensi on f or T oi l et and bath

Arcades shal l be at l east ______ above the si dewal k grade. Ai r space requi rements H abi tabl e rooms

T he chaf l an shal l be at l east Ai r space requi rements Workshop,f actori es, of f i ces

Provi de rai l i ngs f or wal kways l ocated besi de the road or an excavati on shoul d be
School rooms
at-l east

F ences shal l enti rel y encl ose a constructi on si te wi th a M i ni mum hei ght: M i ni mum area of wi ndows f or H abi tabl e room

F or canopi es: cl ear unobstructed hei ght of M i ni mum area of wi ndows f or Bathrooms, l aundry rooms

N ati onal roads or publ i c hi ghways:f ooti ngs l ocated at l east________ bel ow grad
Occupant l oad f or dwel l i ngs
may proj ect ______ (maxi mum) beyond the property l i ne

F oundati ons may encroach_______i nto the si dewal k i f top of f oundati on i s at

Occupant l oad f or H otel s, apartments
l east _______ bel ow grade
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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1.80sqm/person two stai rways

4.60sqm/person 3 exi ts

8.4sqm/person 4 exi ts

2.80sqm/person Occupant l oad/165

5.60sqm/person 1/5

9.30sqm/person 45.00m

0.65sqm/person 60.00m

2 exi ts exi t travel

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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A mez z ani ne f l oor bi gger than 185sqm or havi ng more than 18.00m i n any di mensi on
Occupant l oad f or Cl assrooms
shal l have at l east ________to an adj acent f l oor

occupant l oad of 500-999 shal l have at l east Occupant l oad f or School shops/l abs

occupant l oad of 1000 or more shal l have at l east Occupant l oad f or H ospi tal s

T otal wi dth of exi ts Occupant l oad f or stores( basement -ground f l oor)

I f two exi ts are requi red, the two exi ts must be apart by at l east ________ of the
Occupant l oad f or stores( upper f l oors)
peri meter of the area served.

D i stance to exi ts I f wi thout a spri nkl er system Occupant l oad f or of f i ces

D i stance to exi ts I f wi th a spri nkl er system. Occupant l oad f or Audi tori ums,theaters, churches, stadi ums

When servi ng an occupant l oad of 50 or more, must swi ng i n the di recti on of occupant l oad of more than 10 shal l have at l east
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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true 1.10m

1300 sq. cm. 0.90m

900mm 0.75m

2.00m 100mm

0.70m 200mm by 250mm

90 degress 2.00m

1.20m 3.60m

6.00m 800-900mm
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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D oubl e acti ng doors shal l not be used as exi ts when servi ng a tri butary l oad of
Stai rway wi dths f or Occupant l oad more than 50.
more than 100.

when servi ng a tri butary l oad of more than 100 a vi ew panel of not l ess than
Stai rway wi dths f or Occupant l oad 50 or l ess
_______ M ust be provi ded

Stai rway wi dths f or Occupant l oad l ess than 10 (pri vate) M i ni mum wi dth of doorway

H andrai l s shal l not reduce the wi dth of stai rways by more than M i ni mum hei ght of doorway

M axi mum ri ser and M i ni mum tread M i ni mum cl ear wi dth of exi tway

mi ni mum headroom D oor Shal l be capabl e of openi ng at l east

M ax. verti cal di stance between l andi ngs M axi mum door l eaf wi dth

H ei ght of handrai l s M axi mum l ength of dead end

PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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250mm 450mm

250mm 400mm

0.80m 200 sqm

1.00m 10

840mm 4

450mm 300mm-1200mm above grade

600mm 2.50m

850mm 3.00m
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Wi ndi ng stai rways Al l owed as exi ts as l ong as the requi red tread______ i s
Grandstands/bl eachers Wi dth
provi ded at a poi nt 300mm away f rom the narrow end

Ci rcul ar stai rways M ay be used as exi ts provi ded that the mi ni mum wi dth of run i s
Grandstands/bl eachers ri se
not l ess than

Automati c f i re exti ngui shi ng systems are requi red f or H abi tabl e storeys wi th an
Ai sl es i f servi ng onl y one si de
area of ________ or more wi th an occupant l oad of more than 20

Automati c f i re exti ngui shi ng systems are requi red f or D ressi ng rooms, rehearsal
Ai sl es i f servi ng both si des
rooms, workshops or f actori es wi th occupant l oad of more than

Al l bui l di ngs _____or more storeys i n hei ght shal l be equi pped wi th one or more
Standard seats Back-to-back di stance
dry standpi pes

Si amese connecti ons shal l be l ocated on the street-f ront of a bui l di ng Standard seats Wi dth

Cl earance of servi ce drops f rom hi ghest poi nt of roof s Grandstands/bl eachers Back-to-back di stance i f wi thout backrests

Cl earance of servi ce drops f rom the ground Grandstands/bl eachers Back-to-back di stance i f wi th backrests or chai r seati ng
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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1.00m (hori z ontal ) 0.60m

5.50m 0.30

4 3.00m f rom road surf ace to l owest part of si gns

600mm 5.00m f rom road surf ace to l owest part of si gns

30 degress 3.00m

560mm-1200mm 2.40m

90-120 f pm/27.5-36.5mpm 600, 600

1.20m 800
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
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Proj ecti ng si gns On arcaded RROW shal l not be l ess than Cl earance of servi ce drops f rom wi ndows/porches

Proj ecti ng si gns on Bui l di ngs abutti ng RROW wi thout si dewal ks shal l not be
Cl earance of servi ce drops f rom the crown of the street or si dewal k
more than

Proj ecti ng si gns M i ni mum verti cal cl earance N on-arcaded RROW M axi mum el evators i n a si ngl e hoi stway

Proj ecti ng si gns M i ni mum verti cal cl earance Arcaded RROW H oi stway pi t f rom undersi de of car to bottom of pi t

hei ght of canopi es/marquees: : _ m M axi mum i ncl i nati on of escal ators

hei ght of awni ngs f rom the surf ace of si de wal k E scal ators Wi dth between bal l ustrades

atti c access openi ng shal l not be l ess than _ mm square or _ mm i n di ameter. speed of escal ator

mi ni mum cl ear headroom of _ mm shal l be provi ded above the access openi ng. Proj ecti ng si gns On non-arcaded RROW shal l not be more than
PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/pd-10 9 6 -10 36 8 19 1


PD 10 9 6 ( Natio nal Building Co de o f the Philippines )
Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/pd-10 9 6 -10 36 8 19 1

encl osed atti c spaces of combusti bl e constructi on shal l be di vi ded i nto

hori z ontal areas not exceedi ng _________ sqm by f i re-resi sti ve parti ti ons
extendi ng f rom the cei l i ng to the roof .

except, that where the enti re atti c i s equi pped wi th approved automati c f i re-
exti ngui shi ng system, the atti c space may be di vi ded i nto areas not exceed
_________ sqm.

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