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Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370

XML-based ISO9000 electronic document management system$

Yin-Ho Yaoa, Amy J.C. Trappeyb,*, Pei-Shun Hob
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ta Hwa Institute of Technology, Taiwan
Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan
Received in revised form 15 May 2002; accepted 29 November 2002


Maintaining, customizing, sharing and reusing ISO9000 quality documents are essential for many organizations, especially those
who work as virtual enterprises (VE). In a VE, the documents must be shared among organizations to take the full advantages of the
recent Internet advances. XML is a new browser-based language standard. The purpose of this research is to explore the capabilities
of XML and Internet technologies in electronic document management environments to comply with the ISO9000 requirements.
This research has demonstrated several XML-enabled examples beneficial for the main functions of ISO9000 document
management such as document creation, document change, document control and document access. The implemented examples
demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiencies of document customizing, querying, hierarchical linking, tracking and reusing. The
research results solve the ISO9000 document-related problems among working partners and facilitate document flow and
information integration of value chain.
r 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electronic document management; eXtensible markup language (XML); ISO9000; Virtual enterprises; Value chain

1. Introduction nies of the extended enterprises rely heavily on electronic

document and data interchanges [4]. Documents contain
The ISO9000 series are the international standards of many valuable information components. By using and
quality management and quality assurance. It depicts sharing information efficiently, members of a virtual
the quality system document and data control require- enterprises (VE) can greatly increase its supply chain
ments including document approval, issuing, accessing efficiency. Thus, many electronic document manage-
and changing [1]. It also states that companies should ment systems (EDMS) emerge in recent years, e.g., the
establish procedures for making modifications, Master Control software package [5], the QMS/9000+
revisions, and additions to the contents of a document document control modules [6], the Document Control
[2]. Traditional paper-based documents have caused system [7] and the iSO-Pro software system [8].
many related problems such as maintaining, customiz-
ing, sharing, reusing, tracking and accessing of docu-
ments. Finney [3] reports that document-related 1.1. Current EDMS solutions and limitations
problems are the major ISO9000 non-conformances.
To conform to the ISO9000 requirements and manage EDMS has automated the routine aspects of creating
the documents efficiently, many organizations have and maintaining quality system documentation bringing
transformed the paper-based documents into electronic benefits to the organizations. Some of these benefits
forms. Furthermore, in order to quickly respond to the include better control and management of documents,
market needs and keep competitive advantages, compa- greater efficiency in maintaining, accessing, and
distributing documents [9]. For examples, the Document
Control Systems Inc. offers the Master Control software
This research is partially supported by the ROC National Science
package to provide a solution to the document control
Council Research Grant.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +886-3-5742651; fax: +886-3- requirements of ISO/QS9000 [5]. The Systemcorp
5722685. Performance Systems Company offers the software
E-mail address: (A.J.C. Trappey). product, Office Control 9000 and Process Components

0736-5845/03/$ - see front matter r 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
356 Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370

Table 1
Characteristics of XML and benefits of using XML

What has been said Sources (Refs.)

What’s about XML XML as a document format, document management format and data format [11]
The universal format for structured documents and data on the Web [12]
XML as a format for application data exchange and storage [13]
XML as meta data
XML as data [14]
XML is the language of integration [15]
XML as a vehicle for data interchange [16]

Benefits of using XML Better search results [17]

Enable collecting and integrating data from multiple sources
Enable merging several XML document instances into one [18]
Providing common language to reduce time and cost to develop interfaces [12]
Make the storage, retrieval, and distribution of information faster, more [19]
efficient, and more responsive to real human and organizational needs
Make the job of integrating those different systems much simpler and more efficient
Preserving the richness of information
Make information exchangeable and reusable [14]

98, to companies seeking ISO9000 registration. The 1.2. XML and its benefits
John A. Keane & Associates Inc. provides the QMS/
9000+ document control modules to address the ISO/ XML is a web-based data language standard. It
QS9000 document control requirements from life cycle separates the document’s contents, structures and
point of view [6]. The Harrington Group offers presentations and the XML tags have their distinct
Document Control System to track, organize and meaning. Thus, with proper web development tools, the
manage documents [7]. The Business Challenge Ltd. XML document has many important applications and
provides the iSO-Pro software to help companies delivers significant benefits. Table 1 shows the summary
to achieve ISO9000 document control requirements [8]. of XML features and enabling benefits of using XML.
A database software system, called ProcedureWRITE The widespread support for XML building among
and offered by Comprose Company, is specially browsers, authoring tools, parsers, databases and other
designed for structured knowledge document manage- content applications reduces the cost and risk of
ment [10]. extending applications to XML input and output [20].
Although these benefits of EDMS are significant, In recent years, there are active moves to introduce
there are still some limitations when considering the XML as a standard data exchange format for electronic
issues of document customization, information exchange, commerce and document management applications
reusing, intelligent search and integration. For example, [21,22].
most of the available EDMS solutions are in HTML The purpose of this research is to explore the
format and developed using traditional method. Thus, capabilities of XML and Internet technologies in
their limitations are in flexible information exchange electronic document management environments to
and document customization/adaptation for multiple comply with the ISO9000 requirements. To go into the
users’ needs. Furthermore, few research or commercial main parts of the study, we must have some background
solutions really touch the integration issues in document information on ISO9000 and ISO10013 as described in
creation, review, approval, modification and release, the following sections.
which are the key functions of ISO9000 document
control. Electronically integration of these functions is 1.3. ISO90001
essential to streamline the document flow among supply
chain members and reengineer information value chain. The ISO9000 series are the international standards of
The limitations are mainly due to the facts that most quality management and quality assurance. It includes
current ISO9000 EDMS solutions are not standard
XML enabled. Hence, it is important to study how the The document management requirements of the study is based on
new XML capabilities and related technologies can be ISO 9001:1994. Although the standard will change to the ISO
9001:2000, the new standard still requires organizations to have
used to fulfill the ISO9000 compliant document manage-
a quality manual which includes the documented procedures or
ment and integration. Thus, a new-level of web-based procedures references []. At
knowledge management and document manipulation the time of this study, ISO 9001:2000 is only a draft version under
can be achieved. development.
Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370 357

requirements for quality systems development, * introductory pages about the organization concerned
implementation and application. The actual standards and the manual itself;
within the ISO9000 series are ISO9001, ISO9002 and * the quality policy and objectives of the organization;
ISO9003. The ISO9001 is the most comprehensive of the * a description of the organizational structure, respon-
standards and covers a wide range of activities related to sibilities and authorities; and
product quality including design, manufacturing, in- * a description of the elements of the quality system
stallation, and services [23]. It is used when the supplier and any references to documented quality system
must ensure product conformance to specified needs procedures.
throughout the entire product cycle [24]. The main body
of ISO9001 is contained in the quality system require- This research is organized in several sections. Section
ments of Section 4.0. There are 20 clauses and the most 1 provides background information of the research
related clauses to this research are Clauses 4.5, docu- including XML, ISO9000 and ISO10013. Section 2
ment and data control, and Clauses 5.3, document of the proposes the integrated ISO9000 document manage-
quality system. The main requirements of the two ment model. Section 2 also discusses the ISO9000
clauses are described as follows. quality system documents characteristics and docu-
Sub-clause 4.5.1 states ‘The supplier shall establish ment/data control requirements. This section’s effort is
and maintain documented procedures to control all helpful for deriving the document management scenario
documents and data that relate to the requirements of building, depicted in Section 3. The scenario describes
the standard.’ Documents and data can be in many the concrete sample documents flow case for XML-
forms of media. Further in Sub-clause 4.5.2 and 4.5.3, enabled document manipulation implementation. Then
ISO 9001 specifically states the importance of review, in Section 4, we show the implemented examples and
approval, issue, change and document control to ensure demonstrate XML capabilities and benefits in ISO9000
the accurate documents are created, presented and document management. Finally, Section 5 summarizes
updated. In sub-clause 5.3.2, focusing discussion is in the research results.
the purposes of a quality manual and the required
procedures for making modifications, revisions, or
additions to the content of a quality manual. 2. Integrated ISO9000 document management model

1.4. ISO10013 2.1. Document management functions and document/data

The ISO10013 standard is the guidelines for develop-
ing quality manuals [25]. It provides guidelines for the From the description of ISO9000 requirements and
development, preparation and control of quality ISO10013 guidelines in Section 1, ISO9000 document
manuals to reflect documented procedures required by control processes fall into three functional categories,
ISO9000. The ISO10013 includes sections such as: i.e. (1) document creation/release, (2) change and (3)
access. Each sub-function is further sub-divided into
(a) Documentation of quality systems section, which
many activities as depicted in Fig. 1 [4]. Both newly
describes a typical quality system documentation
created and changed documents need to be reviewed and
hierarchy, what a quality manual and documented
approved prior to their issue (or release). Released or
quality system procedure should consist of and the
issued document must be available and easily accessible
suggested document structure and format.
to all authorized parties. From a cycle point of view,
(b) Process of preparing a quality manual section, which
a document can go through various stages namely
states responsibility for preparation, use of refer-
document creating/created, reviewing/reviewed, approv-
ences and accuracy and completeness of the quality
ing/approved, released, changing/changed, to accessed
as shown in Fig. 2.
(c) Process of quality manual approval, issue and control
To effectively perform the ISO9000-based document
section, which prescribes the process of final review
control process, functions including document creation,
and approval, distribution of the manual, incor-
approval, review, change and access must be integrated
poration of changes, and document issue and
into one document management system. In the follow-
change control.
ing sections, we will show how the XML mechanisms
(d) The suggested structure of a quality manual or quality
can enable the integration.
system procedure section, which states that a quality
To facilitate the smooth document flows and effective
manual should normally contain the following items:
document management, responsible individuals need
to refer to pertinent documents and data. For example,
* title, scope and field of application; when a document such as a design specification goes
* table of contents; into the review stage, a review team list (i.e. a document
358 Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370


Document Document
change access

Identify need & Plan

Create document
document reason for
change security profile

Identify Identify the Identify

review team proposed user

Invite Determine
doc. change security
review team level

Revise See if user

document has authority
to access

Approve Revise & Document

Document edit retrieve


Identify Notify
document doc. change
recipients originator

Issue & Issue &

distribute distribute
document new document

Remove Remove
invalid invalid
document document

Fig. 1. Function view of document management.

type) is needed to identify authorized team members for

document review. When a specific document has been
reviewed/approved and distributed, it will go into the
Change changing stage. A document change originator will
request linkages to the related documents, such as
inspection instructions and operational procedures, to
prepare the change request proposal for change review.
Access Manage Table 2 summarizes the document and data require-
ments aligning with the ISO9001 document management
Review/ functions [4].
2.2. Two major document types

From Table 2, the documents and data requirements

Fig. 2. Document management life cycle.
can be classified into two major types. The first type is
the ISO9000 quality-related documents, which include
four major levels as shown in Fig. 3.
Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370 359

Table 2
Documents and data requirements for ISO 9001 based document control

Related functions (flow) Document and data requirements Related ISO9001 clauses

Document create and issue Quality system related draft documents (templates), 4.5.2
such as procedures, work instructions, prepared to be reviewed
Review team list 4.5.2
Reviewers’ comments 4.5.2
Master list 4.5.2
Distribution list 4.5.2
Released document 4.5.2

Document change control Change request form 4.5.3,

Documents related to change 4.5.3
Review team list 4.5.3,
Reviewers’ comments and instructions 4.5.3,
Changed document to be approved 4.5.3,
History of document change 4.5.3,
Distribution list 4.5.3,
New document version 4.5.3,
Master list 4.5.3,

Document access Security levels lists 4.5.1, 4.5.2

Retrieved document 4.5.2, 4.5.3

* Level 4: Quality records and forms, provide the

evidence (records or proofs) of what have been
Level 1: accomplished to comply with the quality system
Quality established by the upper three levels, such as design
review and design verification.
Level 2: The second document type is for maintaining the
integrity of ISO9000 compliant document control
system, which contains information for proper docu-
Level 3:
Work ment control and management such as master list,
instructions change history, review team list, and distribution list.

Level 2: 2.3. ISO9000 quality system documents characteristics

The ISO9000 quality system documents have the
Fig. 3. Four-level quality system documentation structure. following major characteristics:
1. A four-tiered structure of documentation and the
traceability of documents.
* Level 1: Quality manual, which states the quality Quality system documentation is commonly de-
policy and describes the quality system in accordance scribed in a four-level hierarchical structure as shown
with the policy [25]. It also depicts how a company in Fig. 3 [24,26–28]. Within the structure, documents
complies with each element of the ISO9000 standard. are cascaded from higher levels to lower levels. When
* Level 2: Operating procedures. Typically the proce- a version or contents of a document change at a
dures describe how the management system functions parent level, it will effect the changes of the children
and demonstrate the linkages and interactions levels, hence document control should provide
between functions/departments [24]. They often change traceability from one level to the other level.
include detailed business processes, related activities, 2. Horizontal process and document linkages—from
as well as management and personnel’s responsibil- customer, seller to supplier.
ities and authorities with respect to specific activities A business process is a series of enterprise tasks,
[25,24]. undertaken for the purpose of creating products or
* Level 3: Work instructions, which provide the detailed services by members of VE. The flow of documents
information (step-by-step instructions) on how to through the entire business processes must be cross-
perform a particular task. referenced and linked to validate the process quality.
360 Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370

For example, the design specification document must Table 3

flow from customer requirements to design input, The ISO10013 suggested structure for a quality manual
design input review, and then to the design stage. At Organization Title/subject Document No. Page
the ‘‘design input’’ stage, customer requirements are Unit issuing Revision Approved by Effective date
transformed into design specification. At the design Quality policy
Purposes and scopes
input review stage, the specification is compared to Responsibility
any available contractual agreements [23]. At the Actions and methods to achieve quality system element requirement
design stage, the design activities must refer to and Referenced documents
comply with the specified document. Records
3. Linkage between documents and product data. Notes
The product world is replete with documents, from
requirements through specifications to user manuals
[29]. These documents both act as input to the 3. A document management scenario
product development processes (most product de-
signs are driven by some kind of specification or A scenario is presented for the design and implemen-
requirements document) and are output as well. tation of an XML-enabled ISO9000 document manage-
When a product design change is requested or ment system. This scenario describes to-be-implemented
product quality issues are raised, all documents activities, relationship between involved parties and
related to the product must be easily retrieved by the related documents. In the scenario, there are several
the related personnel. For example, when you make actors, such as document creator, document change
design changes to a mouse, you may need to locate originator and document user, involved
and update documents that are linked to or affected in the quality process. There are also several key
by the change. It is quite often that just changing a activities to be defined, e.g., review document,
part number may cause dozens of existing documents request related documents and reuse parts of the
to be updated. Hence, there is a close linkage between documents. Further, there is the definition of the activity
documents and product data. sequences and linkages among the actors. Finally,
4. Documents have various statuses and versions. several sample documents (types) for the implementa-
As a document is developed, it passes through tion are depicted.
different product life-cycle stages with specific status, The scenario will cover the main functions of
e.g., reviewed, approved, distributed or obsolete. ISO9000 document management, namely document
Finding the right document with the right version creation, document review/approval and document
and status is extremely critical, because if members access as described in Section 2. Also the docu-
of an organization misuse the document version, ments selected for the scenario and the implementation
product quality can be greatly affected. will cover two major types, i.e. the ISO9000 quality-
5. There is a quasi-standard structure and format of the related documents type and the document control
ISO9000 quality documentation. related type. The documents selected for the scenario
ISO10013 suggests a structured quality manual and
quality system procedure including three segments * Master quality system documentation list, which is a
shown in Table 3. The segments are separated by double directory from which users can easily locate the
lines in the table. The first segment consists of the documents they want.
background information such as organization name,
* Quality manual, which defines an outline structure of
title/subject, document number, page, revision and a company’s quality system and refers to documented
approved by. The second segment is the body of quality system procedures such as the design control
the manual including quality policy, purposes and procedure.
scopes of application, responsibility, element descrip-
* Quality system documentation review (approval) form.
tion of the quality system and referenced documents/ * Design control procedure, which often need to refer
records. The third segment is the final remarks or to other related documents such as specification
notes. The suggested structure help to identify the documents.
ISO9000 documents’ objects and define the document
* Design specification master document, which serves as
elements. a directory and contains pertinent specification
Understanding these characteristics help us define information such as acceptance criteria, product
XML schema or tags that conform to the structure and specifications and regulatory requirements [23].
constraints of quality system documentation. Further-
more, it is also helpful for developer to design an The hierarchical structure relationship of these sample
ISO9000 compliant document management system. documents is shown in Fig. 4. Understanding the
Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370 361

Master (Quality System) Document List

2 1 3

1 Documentation Documentation
Quality Manual
Review Form Approval Form

5 4

Design Specification's 1 Design Control

Master Document Procedure


Fig. 4. The sample documents hierarchical relationship.

relationship would be helpful to comprehend the 4. Document users want to view the details of the released
scenario’s activities and XML schema definition. new version design control procedures as depicted in
The scenario is described in details as follows. the top-level master document list. Hence, they
hierarchically link from the document lists to their
1. When the scheduled next review date recorded on the children document, i.e. the design control procedures.
master list is due, the authorized reviewers link from 5. A document change is requested, the document
the master list to the documentation review form for control administrator tracks the document revision
reviewing. Besides, related documents should be logs as described in the revision history of the quality
made available for reference during the reviewing, manuals to see the details of what the document had
hence the reviewers refer back to the master list to been changed and to evaluate the proposed change
locate the pertinent documents and link to quality and rationales behind the change.
manual and design control procedures. In addition, 6. A design specification (a child document) is changed
the design control procedure has a related specifica- or updated, a new revision status to the parent
tion defined on the design specification master document (the design specification’s master docu-
document. Hence, the reviewers do associative links ment) should reflect that change. Hence, a document
[30] from design control procedures to the design control administrator enters or updates the required
specification master document. items of the design specification’s master documents
2. Document creators or users need to compile or view a to reflect these changes.
consolidated document from different related source
documents components (The source documents may In the following section, XML/XSL technologies are
come from different document levels). For example, applied for the implementation of the scenario.
they may want to query and then synthesize the
components of master document list and quality
manual into a new document. In another situation, 4. Implementation
they may want to combine the components of master
document list and design control procedure into a 4.1. Implementation environment and related
new document. technologies
3. A document has been approved by an authorized
person and the new status of the document has been The implementation environments and related tech-
entered in the blank fields of a document approval nologies including XML and XSL are shown in Fig. 5.
form. The fields’ contents are fetched and reused to Fig. 5 illustrates how the various technologies and
append into the bottom row of the quality manual to standards are adopted for implementation. In the
record the new status. document modeling and analysis phase, understanding
362 Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370

XML Documents
Schema Control
& Data types

Validation Guiding

ISO9000 Contents Displaying Customized

Formatting & Querying
Documents XML XSL Web Pages



Documents modeling and analysis

Design and implementation

Fig. 5. Prototype developing processes and implementation environment

the structure and constraints of documents are the Table 4

key issues. Hence, performing documents analysis and A sample quality manual
examining documents structures are essential before Organization Title/subject Document Page
XML document and schema definition. Documents ABC Inc. Document No. QM.001 1/2
analysis and structures examination identify objects (or control
Unit issuing Revision Approved by Effective date
features) in a document and often ask the following Document No. 4 Pcr 230 11/02/97
questions for every object [31]: control center
Quality policy
* Does the object always appear in a document? Purposes and scopes
* Does the object only appear once? Responsibility
* Where does it appear?
* Does it deconstruct into smaller objects? Review and approval
Table 4 is an example quality manual for document
analysis and modeling. To analyze and answer the above Referenced documents
Document review form
questions, the fundamental data elements of the quality Master list
manual are identified first. Then, the relationships Document approval
among the elements are established. The analytical form
results are shown in Table 5. And Fig. 6 shows the
equivalent document tree for the sample manual. Records
Document review
In the design and implementation phase, XSL is a meeting memos
language for creating style sheets that describe how
XML data is to be presented to the users [15]. It is Notes
mainly used to customize the format that users want
the document and the components of document to be
Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370 363

displayed and put the content (data) into the XML 1. Linking capability. Cross-referencing to related docu-
format. The XML and XSL capabilities used for the ments and share with authorized members.
document management implementation in this study are 2. Customized capability. Customized document’s for-
described below. mats and presentation styles for different users. For
example, documents (or some sections of documents)
Table 5 can be adapted for specific reasons or security issues,
Elements and element relationships of the sample quality manual which deliver just the information in the particular
format that users need.
Quality Background General Organization
manual information information
3. Searching and querying capabilities. Searching and
Title querying through the documents to find the exact
Document No. related document content to match keywords or
Page specified criteria.
Unit issuing 4. Information reusing and re-grouping capability. A
Revision history Revision
quality manual may be a direct compilation
Approved by or grouping of other documents [25]. By using
Effective date XML-based documents, users can reuse and re-
group parts of the documents to compile another
Body Quality policy documents.
Referenced documents 4.2. Implementation examples
In this section, we will demonstrate several imple-
mented examples that show how the key XML/XSL


Body Notes

General Revision Quality

Information History Policy

Organization Revision Purposes Note

Title Responsibility

Document Effective
No. Date


Unit Issuing Records



Fig. 6. Document tree for the sample quality manual.

364 Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370

capabilities can be combined to manipulate the XML information relationships being represented is based on
documents and enable the scenario activities. The the organization or the content of the information
activities are related to the key functions of ISO9000 space. When documents have a hierarchical structure, it
document management, namely documents creation, is a structural link. Associative links is cross-referencing
documents review, approval, change and access, within document(s), which based on contents of docu-
which will be discussed in the next section. The ment components without a specific structure. Refer-
sequences of the examples demonstrated are correspon- ential links provides a link between an item of
dent with the described sequences of the scenario as information and an elaboration or explanation of that
described above. The examples are listed and demon- information.
strated as follows: In this example we show how XML-based documents
can be effectively cross-referenced and make informa-
1. The first example demonstrates effective management tion link in a useful way as shown in Fig. 7.
of multiple document cross-references.
2. The second example is to synthesize components of
several document sources and customize them into a 4.2.2. Example 2: Document synthesizing from
new document. components of document sources
3. The third example is to enable retrieving and reusing Document creators or users often need to compile or
of existing documents. re-view a consolidated information from different
4. The fourth example is hierarchically linking (or document sources. In this example, we first use
searching) related information. document type (which is a tag in the XML documents)
5. The fifth example is to track document revision as search keyword. The keywords are the document
history effectively. types of quality manual and design control procedure.
6. The final example is to customize a document Then, the queried results (i.e. the document components
template for document creating/editing. that match with the keywords) are synthesized and
customized with appropriate stylesheets into XML web
The above examples are to demonstrate the XML/ pages
XSL combined capabilities to effectively manipulate the
main functions of the document management life cycle
with various stages, e.g., document creating, reviewing, 4.2.3. Example 3: Retrieve and reuse existing documents
approving, changing, and querying. Document cross- The reuse of existing documents and references can
referencing (in Example 1) is an essential activity for significantly shorten the quality related documents
most of the stages of the life cycle. Document development time. ISO9000 depicts that:
synthesizing and customizing (in Example 2) is
1. To approval a (newly created) document, the
often needed in creating stage. The effective retriev-
designated approvers shall have access to pertinent
ing and reusing current documents (in Example 3)
background information to make a decision.
facilitate document creating, changing and approv-
2. Once a document has been approved, the document
ing stages. When changing a document, the related
must be registered, a unique document number is
children documents must also be changed. Hence, it is
assigned and the document (status) is placed on the
useful to have hierarchically linked documents, as
master list.
demonstrated in Example 4. The fifth example in
revision tracking is to show the tracking of a complete The implemented example addresses these two re-
document history, which is an essential activity for quirements effectively as shown in Fig. 8. Firstly, the
document changing and approval. The customizing designated approvers query the related background
template (shown in Example 6) can easily reduce the information, i.e. the waiting to be approved document
document creating efforts. revision status, on which the approval decision is based.
Secondly, once the document is approved and the
4.2.1. Example 1: Effective management of multiple document new status is entered in the blank fields of
document cross-references the approval form, the fields’ contents are fetched and
As described in Section 2, the ISO9000 documents reused to append them into the bottom row of the
contain various types of relationships between docu- quality manual.
ments or elements within documents. Hence, it is
essential to have an effective multiple documents
cross-reference (or link) management. There are 4.2.4. Example 4: Hierarchically linking related
three kinds of links, namely, structural links, associ- documents
ative links and referential links [30]. The link taxo- The hierarchical link is the hyper-link to children
nomy is classified depending on whether the type of elements or documents. ISO9000 quality system
Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370 365

Fig. 7. Multiple kinds of document cross-referencing.

documentation often exhibits a four-level structure as document users. The implemented example is shown in
described in Section 2. ISO9000 requires this kind of Fig. 9. In this example, the master documentation list is
hierarchical collection of procedural documents. They the parent document and the design control procedure is
must be hierarchically linked and easily accessible by one of its children documents.
366 Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370

Fig. 8. Retrieving and reusing existing information.

4.2.5. Example 5: Track document revision history project number and name, document version number
effectively and date of last revision, specifications, accep-
Documents change over time, and they have a history. tance criteria, government standards and regu-
It is often necessary to access and track the revision latory requirements [23] as shown in Fig. 10. The
history of a document. In this example, a complete information content and presentation style of the
document history showing all the revisions or changes document template must suit various needs and
that have taken place, who has authorized the changes preferences.
and what specific revision were made to each document.
Each revision can be further hierarchically linked to see
its details. By defining XML tags or meta data about
document properly, one can catalog and track docu- 5. Discussion
ments based on mutual understanding semantics. Thus,
users can track document revision history by organiza- This section discusses why the XML/XSL mechan-
tion issuing, document title/type, document number, isms or capabilities are useful for the imple-
approver or revision types (add, delete or change) mented examples. It also discusses how these examples
effectively. can be integrated into a system to fulfill the ISO9000
document control requirements. The discussion is
4.2.6. Example 6: Customizing a document template for shown in Table 6 and Fig. 11. Table 6 summarizes the
document creating/editing XML/XSL capabilities applying in implemented exam-
A document template includes standard entries ples. All examples demonstrate main functions of the
for consistency and ease of document creation [32]. It ISO9000 document management (e.g., document crea-
is a way to help standardize the creation process and tion, review, approval, change and access). The im-
safeguard against the omission of important and plemented examples do not affiliate with islands of
mandatory information. Thus, decrease the likeli- independent activities. They are integrated into a system
hood of invalid documents being submitted [9,32–34]. to satisfy ISO9000 document control requirements and
For example, a customized design specification’s to enable document management functions as shown in
master document template includes items such as Fig. 11.
Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370 367

Fig. 9. Hierarchically link related documents.

6. Conclusions knowledge more intelligently. The study demonstrates

that combinations of basic XML/XSL capabilities
This research develops an XML-based ISO9000 (customizing, linking, querying, information reusing)
electronic document management prototype and can support various ISO9000 compliant functions,
demonstrates the mechanisms to facilitate docu- streamline the business processes, and reengineer
ment creation, editing, exchange, and access in the information integration through business value chain.
context of ISO9000 document management. By The research results initiate these efforts in order to
applying the XML concept in document manage- promote more research activities that can leverage
ment and with XSL technologies, the implemented XML capabilities to improve electronic document
system will facilitate companies to create, access, flow and document management among extended
distribute and reuse document information and manage enterprises.
368 Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370

Fig. 10. Customized document template.


Queried Queried Queried

related related related
documents documents documents

XML document document released

reviewers' approved
document waiting for waiting for XML
comments document
templates review approving document


Customize Query Revision Tracking Hierarchical Link

(example 6) (example 2) (example 5) (example 4)

Synthesize Cross Reference Fetch & Reuse Revision Tracking

(example 2) (example 1) (example 3) (example 5)

Reuse Cross Reference Reuse

(example 3) (example 1) (example 3)

Cross Reference Cross Reference

(example 1) (example 1)

Document Document Document Document

Creation Review Approval Change

Fig. 11. Document flow and mechanisms for integration of document creation, review, approval and change.
Y.-H. Yao et al. / Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 19 (2003) 355–370 369

Table 6
Usefulness of XML/XSL capabilities and mechanisms for the implemented examples

Examples Useful for related document Why XML/XSL are useful in the example implementation
management functions

1. Cross-referencing Useful for most of the Based on the document tree structures, one can easily create a hyperlink
main functions table of contents for cross-referencing.

2. Synthesizing Document creation XML tags and meta data such as document title, document type and document
author, facilitate querying, cataloging, displaying and then combining
only those relevant information into a new document.
Document review

3. Reusing Document creating By defining XML document properly, users can search based on content or
meta data of the documents and then reusing and rearranging the contents
of what the user want for compiling a new document.
Document change
Document approve

4. Hierarchically Document change XML tags and document tree structures provide an inherent hierarchical link
linking (searching) between documents and enable searching the hierarchical document
linkage (linkage to the whole document or elements within a document).
Document accessing

5. Tracking Document change With XSL and by defining XML tags or meta data about document properly,
it is easy to track a complete document history and show all the revisions or
changes that have taken place. It is also possible to show only the relevant
latest revision or changes.
Document approve

6. Customizing Document creating Because, there is a quasi-standard structure and format of the ISO9000
document templates quality documentation, it is easy to define the XML document structure. Thus,
with XSL it is easily to provide the XML documents’ templates and then
customized them for document preparation.

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