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‫الصـــــخرة‬ Asakhra

‫ لالستشارات الجيوتقنية‬Geotechnical Consulting

Hay Alandulus, Tripoli, Libya
Tel : +218912500779
Email :

Marshall Stability & Flow Project Code: 220-1-Q

ASTM D6927 Date: 13/11/2023
Client & Project Info

Client Name: Egyptian Coalition Group / ‫مجموعة االئتالف المصرية‬

Attention : / Tel/Email: /

Project Name: Construction of the third ring road / ‫انشاء الطريق الدائري الثالث‬

Site ID: / Location:

Owner: ‫جهاز المرافق واالسكان‬

Samples Info

Site ID 0+800 Loction Main Road Right

Sample Type Plate sample Tested Date 4/11/2023

Increments of
0.25 mm Ring Factor 0.024478
Flowmeter gage

Test Results

Volume of core
Sample NO. 3 Stability Correlation Ratio Corrected Stability (Kg) Flow (mm)
(cm )

1 549.1 772 0.89 1714.97 1.97

2 544.1 794 0.93 1843.11 1.67

3 551.7 717 0.89 1592.79 2.24

Avg 1716.96 1.96

Tested by : ROTECH Team Checked by: Lab Mangment

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