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Adverbs of frequency:

Never (0%) rarely/hardly ever/seldom (5%) sometimes (30%)

usually/generally/normally (70%) often/frequently (80%) always (100%)
Adverbs of frequency go before normal verbs but after verb to be
Rarely/hardly ever/seldom = almost never

I hardly ever go to the theater. = I rarely go to the theater.

Marcela sometimes goes to the theater.
I always go to the gym.
We usually/normally/generally have pasta for lunch on Sundays.

We usually have pizza on the weekend.

Usually we have pizza on the weekend.
We have pizza on the weekend usually.

We sometimes have pizza on the weekend.

Sometimes we have pizza on the weekend.
We have pizza on the weekend sometimes.

We always have pizza on the weekend.

Always we have pizza on the weekend.
We have pizza on the weekend always.

I am always tired.
He is often hungry.
They are usually very happy.

Expressions of frequency
Once = 1 time (1X) – I take a shower once a day.
Twice = 2 times (2X) – I drink coffee twice a day.
Three times (3X) – I eat four times a day.
I go to the beach every year.
Never (0%) rarely/hardly ever/seldom (5%) sometimes(30%)
usually/generally/normally(70%) often/frequently(80%) always(100%)

Once a day – Once a week – Once a month – Once a year – Once a decade…
Twice a semester – Twice an hour – Twice a week – Twice a month – Twice a year…
Every day – every time – every week – every hour – every month – every year …

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