Vocabulary: Portal To English 2 - Test: Module 2

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Portal to English 2 – Test: Module 2

A. Match.

1. grow
a. online
2. chat b. a video call
c. a text message
3. make
d. old
4. use e. university
f. the Internet
5. send

6. graduate from
score 6 6

B. Circle the correct options.

1. My grandfather retired / was born when he was sixty-five years old. 65 years old
2. Two months later, the climbers decided / reached climb/ go up the top of the mountain.
3. You can find information / action to help you with your project on the Internet.
4. Mark Andrews was the winner / win of the competition.
5. Your backpack is very scared / heav y. What’s in it?
6. How long is the map / journey from Manchester to Liverpool?
7. The explorers went on an expedition / experience to Antarctica.
8. The spaceship / galaxy landed on the moon.
score 7 8

C. Complete with the words in the box.

dark scientist excited print trainer turn dream

1. It was his dream to become a famous painter.

2. Let’s go home. It’s getting dark.
3. Oliver is a trainer and works at a gym.
4. Did you remember to turn off the computer?
5. I didn’t print the document because I’ve got it on my mobile phone.
6. The scientist invented a new gadget.
7. Tony was very excited when he visited the planetarium.

score 7 7

Copyright © MM Publications

Choose a or b.
1. A: What’s the weather like?
a. It’s interesting. b. It’s hot.
2. A: We won the basketball game.
a. Congratulations! b. Listen to this!
3. A:
B: A few hours.
a. How long did the flight last? b. When did your flight land?
4. A: I forgot to take my mobile phone with me.
B: I’ve got my phone.
a. Good for you! b. Don’t worry.
5. A: I got a new bike.
B: Lucky you!
a. Tell me about it. b. Guess what!
6. A: How are things?
a. I’m fine. b. I can’t believe it.
score 7 6

A. Complete the sentences with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. The astronaut traveled (travel) to space, but he didn’t walk (not walk) on the moon.
2. How was (be) your flight?
3. My brothers couldn’t (not can) play tennis when they were (be) ten.
4. In the past, Jason wanted (want) to become a writer.
5. I didn’t buy (not buy) sunglasses, but I got (get) a hat.
6. When did you paint (paint) this picture?
7. We had (have) a great time at the amusement park yesterday.

score 10 10
B. Complete the sentences using used to and the verbs given.

travel not tidy swim not go

1. Ian used to swim in the sea, but now he only swims in the pool.
2. In the past, they didn’t use to go shopping at the shopping centre, but now they do.
3. Jenny used to travel to the US every year, but she doesn’t anymore.

4. I didn’t use to tidy my room when I was ten, but I do now.

score 4 4

C. Complete the sentences with the adjective given or its adverb.

1. Bill is a very good driver. He drives very carefully (careful).

2. That’s wonder ful (wonderful) news! Congratulations!

3. He didn’t win the race, because he doesn’t run very quickly (quick).

4. Gabby never goes to bed lately LATE (late) on weekdays.

5. She wants to be a photographer, but her pictures are terrible (terrible).

score 4 5
D. Circle the correct options.
1. My brother has got a compass, but him / he doesn’t know how to use it.
2. We went on the roller coaster ride two days ago / last.
3. She didn’t like the pictures, so she deleted it / them.
4. He lost his first tooth last yesterday / year.
5. Do you want to come with we / us?
score 5 5

Listen to an interview with astronaut Ted Jones and answer the questions. Choose a or b.
1. How long did Ted Jones stay in space?
a. four months b. six months

2. How did Ted Jones feel when he was in space?

a. excited b. scared

3. How old was Ted Jones when he went on a school trip to a planetarium?
a. 6 b. 11
score 6 6
Read the text and answer the

My first bike
Hi, I’m Ted and I love cycling. I got my first bike at the age
of five. It was purple and green. My favorite colors! I can
remember when my parents gave it to me. My dad took
me into our garden and there it was! I couldn’t ride a bike,
so my parents took me to the park to practice. My mum
was a bit scared. She didn’t want me to fall off, so she told
me to be very careful and to ride slowly. When I sat on the
seat and rode for the first time, I didn’t feel scared. I was
just excited! It wasn’t very difficult and after an hour, I
could ride it very easily. ‘This is great fun!’ I thought.

1. What colour was Ted’s first bike? Purple and green

2. Where did Ted ride his new bike for the first time? In the park

3. How did Ted feel the first time he rode his bike? excited

4. Did Ted think that learning to ride a bike was difficult? No

score 8 8
Write an email to a friend telling him/her about a visit to an interesting place (amusement park /
planetarium / skatepark / museum / aquarium). Answer these questions.

• When did you go?

• Where did you go?
• Who was with you?
• How did you get there?
• What did you do?
• Did you have fun?
• Do you want to visit the place again?

Dear Thu

How are you? I hope you're well. Listen to this!

I went to the zoo last weekend with my parent. I was very excited. We went to the zoo by motorbike. I
saw many animals in the zoo. There are the tigers, the elephants,…. I am very fun. And I want to visit
the zoo again.

Write back soon.


score 10 10

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