Vocabulary: Portal To English 2 - Test: Module 5

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Portal to English 2 – Test: Module 5

A. Choose a, b or c.
1. Why are all these bottles in the rubbish bin? We can them.
a. recycle b. pollute c. unlock
2. All students are to join us on Wild Animals Day and learn more about wild
a. empty b. available c. welcome
3. A: Lucy isn’t talking to me.
B: Does that you had an argument again?
a. mean b. change c. solve
4. At the end of the school year, our school a sports competition for all students.
a. promises b. manages c. organises
5. Did you get Sandy’s to spend the day at the water park?
a. line b. opinion c. invitation
score 5

B. Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

off for in down up on in

1. I can tell you sure that Ian doesn’t like sports.

2. Don’t leave the computer when you’re not using it.
3. People sometimes cut trees to build houses.
4. The plane took at eight in the morning and landed at twelve.
5. Let’s take part the bowling competition. I think it’ll be exciting.
6. I think that, the future, schools will be very different.
7. There’s a photography competition at our school. They will put the best pictures
in the classrooms. score 7

C. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

electronic furniture cans guess traffic public escape

1. Molly wants to buy new . She needs a sofa and a coffee table.
2. If you have a(n) device with you, please turn it off.
3. A: Why were you late?
B: I got stuck in .
4. Where’s the bird? Did it from its cage?
5. It is cheaper to use transport than take a taxi.
6. A: I don’t know the answer.
B: That’s OK. You can .
7. Don’t throw the plastic bottles in that bin. It’s for metal .

score 7
Copyright © MM Publications

Portal to English 2 – Test: Module 5

Choose a or b.
1. A: coming to the Means of Transport Museum with us?
B: Sure, why not? Give me the details.
a. Why don’t you b. How about
2. A: I finished this jigsaw puzzle in thirty minutes.
a. That’s incredible! b. Hurry up!
3. A: Our football team didn’t play very well.
B: The other team was better.
a. Good job! b. I agree.
4. A: Would you like to go skateboarding this afternoon?
B: Maybe some other time.
a. Where shall we meet? b. Sorry, I have other plans.
5. A: Let’s go.
B: I need to find my mobile first.
a. Hang on! b. I don’t get it.
6. A: The adventure park opens at 6 a.m.
B: What?
a. I don’t think so. b. Sure, why not?
7. A: Who were the first people to fly a plane?
B: It’s the Wright Brothers.
a. I give up. b. I’ve got it.
8. A: Steve and I are going to the planetarium.
B: Of course.
a. Please don’t say no. b. Do you fancy coming along?
score 8

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to form Conditional
Sentences Type 1.
1. If you (go) to bed early, you (not feel) tired
tomorrow morning.
2. The children (be) scared if the lights suddenly
(go) out.
3. If you (train) hard, you (play) well in the
4. Water (disappear) if we (not save) it.

score 8

Copyright © MM Publications

Portal to English 2 – Test: Module 5

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Future be going to and the verbs
in brackets.
1. We’re bored, so we (go) bowling. Do you want to come?
2. A: (you / make) a cake for Julie’s barbecue tomorrow?
B: No, but I (bring) some ice cream.
3. Steve (not walk) to school. He hurt his leg yesterday.
4. Look. There are many clouds in the sky. It (rain).
5. A: What (the boys / do) this weekend?
B: They (plant) some trees in their neighbourhood.

score 7

C. Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets.

1. Maybe Irene will study biology at university. (might)

2. It is possible that you will become famous one day. (could)


3. Rick is thinking of going to the amusement park in the evening but he’s not sure. (may)

4. I’m not sure Harry will like the new sitcom. (may not)

score 4

D. Match.

1. I can’t carry these bottles to the recycling bin. a. Thanks.

2. Dad, will you drive us to school today? b. Of course, I will.
3. I think that one day I’ll be a famous scientist. c. I promise I won’t do it again.
4. Don’t worry. I’ll help you paint your room. d. I’ll take them.
5. Don’t use my laptop. You deleted a document e. You will be if you study hard.

score 5

Copyright © MM Publications

Listen to three dialogues and answer the questions. Choose a or b.
1. What time is Peter going to be at Duncan’s house tomorrow?
a. 5 p.m. b. 8 p.m.
2. What might the boys do tomorrow?
a. go swimming b. go hiking
3. What does the boy decide to recycle?
a. magazines b. batteries
score 6

Read the text and write T for True or F for False.


On Saturday, 5 July, the Green Fingers Forest Clean-up Project is going to take place at
Woodland Forest. The forest used to be the perfect place for hiking and camping. Now nobody goes
there because it is very dirty. It is full of rubbish, like plastic bottles, cans and plastic bags. The
rubbish pollutes the forest and is bad for all the plants and animals.
If you care about the environment, take part in our forest clean-up event. The clean-up starts at
8.00 a.m. and finishes at 3.00 p.m. Volunteers will meet in the forest car park at 7.30 a.m. and will
receive rubbish bags and bottles of water. We expect hundreds of volunteers to join us, and we
hope all local schools will take part. A barbecue is going to take place after the clean-up. Everyone
is welcome! If
lots of people join the clean-up, we can make Woodland Forest beautiful

1. Woodland Forest was a popular place for outdoor activities.

2. Volunteers will start the work at half past seven in the morning.
3. Volunteers have to bring bags and water.
score 8
4. Food will be available at the end of the clean-up.

Imagine a friend has sent you the invitation. Write an email refusing the invitation, giving a
reason and suggesting something else.

invites you to Bonford Amusement Park

Date: Thursday, 20 June
Time: 6 p.m.
Meeting place: outside school
Activities: bumper cars, roller coaster, games and competitions
Other: we’ll have pizza, cake and juice
score 10


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