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How to get your first job

How to get your first job

When people are looking for a job, they usually apply for several positions at once. It is useful
for those who are applying for their first job because it increases their chances of getting
it as soon as possible. However, when applying for several positions, you should also write
different kinds of resumes and cover letters. You should keep an eye on every response you
get to your application and remember that it requires additional time. Of course, having
a lot to do, you can easily miss something. So, use the following steps to get a job.

Step 1. Define your life goals

When you see an attractive position on a website, you want to quickly click
«Respond» and send your resume. But don’t hurry up. First of all, take a
deep breath and try to see the whole picture. Will you be able to develop in
your field applying for this position? Have you already chosen your field, by
the way? Think of your long-term aims and make them more specific. What
would you like to achieve in 10 years? Or in 5 years?
Then think of a year and six months. Take into account not only your career
goals but also your personal goals. Don’t forget about your family, studies,
hobbies and everything you value in your life.

Step 2. Make a schedule

After you have set your career goals, it’s time to set a schedule for their
achievement. First of all, think of how many hours a day you can spend
looking for a job. It can be 15 minutes in a lunchtime between classes or
half an hour during your ride home on the underground. Job search is a
time-consuming process, so find time for it in your schedule for at least a
month in advance. Spend at least two hours a day searching for your first
job to get it as soon as possible.
Besides, find time for other activities that can help you find a job. For
example, spend half an hour a day communicating with experts on LinkedIn
or rewriting your resume for different positions.
How to get your first job

Step 3. Don't apply for a job randomly

While looking for a job, many people experience psychological pressure. For
example, «Why can’t I get a job for so long time?» or «I’m sure they won’t
hire me.» As a result, you can start applying for all positions randomly. It will
make you feel like you have more opportunities to succeed but in fact you
will lose your way. Do you remember that you have set your life goals? What
was it for? It is better to look for a job only in the fields or even companies
that match your vision of the future. This «targeted» search may take longer,
but it’s worth it.

Step 4. Keep track of every job you apply for

This is another disadvantage of applying for several positions at once: it is
physically impossible to keep track of them all. But you should keep an eye
on the jobs you are applying for. One of the best ways not to miss anything
is to keep a spreadsheet. It should include the following information:
▶ company contacts;

▶ the date you sent your resume;

▶ date and time of interviews and deadlines for test assignment;

▶ the date you had the interview and was considered for the position;

▶ application status (rejected, pending for reply or accepted).

Job search is not an easy task, but it is not as difficult as it may seem. All
you need is some free time, attention to detail, perseverance and optimism.
Everyone finds a job sooner or later, and you are just at the beginning of your
career path. The best is yet to come!

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