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There are numerous types of foams that are selected The differences between these foam concentrates
for specific applications according to their properties depend on:
and performance. Some foams are thick, viscous, – whether the concentrate is based upon naturally-
and form tough, heat-resistant blankets over burning occurring materials or synthetic chemicals.
liquid surfaces; other foams are thinner and spread – whether the synthetic chemicals are fluoronated or
more rapidly. Some foams are capable of producing nonfluoronated.
a vapor sealing film of surface active water solution – the type of fuel being protected.
on a liquid surface. Others, such as medium and – the expansion ratio (see Page 1-7).
high expansion foams, are used as large volumes to – whether they will form an aqueous film on certain
flood surfaces and fill cavities. fuels.
Protein Foam is derived from naturally-occurring
Chemical Foams sources of protein such as hoof and horn meal or
Foams have been classified in different ways over feather meal. The protein meal is hydrolyzed in the
the years. The earliest foams were based upon a presence of lime and converted to a protein
chemical reaction occurring between aluminum sul- hydrolysate which is neutralized and to which other
fate (Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ) and sodium bicarbonate components are added such as foam stabilizers,
(NaHCO3). The energy used to create the foam bub- corrosion inhibitors, antimicrobial agents, and freez-
bles came from the chemical reaction. This type of ing point depressants. Foams derived from protein
foam is now largely obsolete. foam concentrates generally have very good heat
stability and resist burnback, but are not as mobile or
Mechanical Foams fluid on the fuel surface as other types of low expan-
Mechanical foam is produced by mixing a foam con- sion foams. Protein foams are susceptible to fuel
centrate with water at the appropriate concentration, pickup; consequently, care should be taken to mini-
and then aerating and agitating the solution to form a mize submergence.
bubble structure. Therefore, unlike chemical foams, Fluoroprotein Foam is derived from protein foam
the energy used to create the foam bubbles of a concentrates to which small amounts of fluoro-
mechanical foam comes from an outside source. chemical surfactants are added. The fluorochemical
There are several types of mechanical foams: surfactants are similar to those developed for AFFF
foam agents but used in much lower concentrations.
– Protein
The addition of these chemicals produces an easier
– Fluoroprotein
flowing foam. Because of these chemicals, fluoro-
– Film-Forming Fluoroprotein (FFFP)
protein foams are said to be oleophobic (oil shed-
– Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF)
ding) and are well suited for sub-surface injection.
– Alcohol-Resistant Concentrate (ARC)
– Synthetic Detergent (High/Medium Expansion)
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TYPES OF FOAM (Continued)

Film-Forming Fluoroprotein (FFFP) is a protein Alcohol-Resistant Concentrate (ARC) produces a
base foam concentrate to which quantities of fluoro- foam that is effective on fuels such as methyl alco-
chemical surfactants (similar to those used in AFFF hol, ethyl alcohol, and acetone which have apprecia-
foam agents) are added. This improves the mobility ble water solubility or miscibility.
of the foam to the point where it begins to approach Standard foam agents are mixtures of chemicals
the quick extinguishment that is characteristic of (natural or synthetic) whose bubbles collapse when
AFFF foam agents. On some fuels, it also forms an applied to water soluble fuels. These fuels are said
aqueous film like the AFFF foam agents. However, to be foam destructive. The early alcohol-resistant
this reduces the burnback resistance that is charac- foams were based on mixtures of protein foams and
teristic of protein-based foams. Film-forming fluoro- chemicals called metal soaps. These chemicals are
protein foams tend to be a compromise between hydrophobic or water repellent.
AFFF and fluoroprotein foam agents.
The most current alcohol-resistant concentrates are
Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) is a com- based on AFFF concentrates to which a water solu-
pletely synthetic foam. It consists of combinations of ble polymer (polysaccharide) has been added. When
fluorochemical and hydrocarbon surfactants com- these foam agents are applied to a water soluble fuel
bined with high boiling point solvents and water. such as methyl alcohol, a polymeric membrane (Fig-
Surfactants are chemicals that have the ability to ure 1-8) is formed between the foam and the water
alter the surface properties of water. Fluorochemical soluble fuel. When this foam agent is used on a con-
surfactants alter these properties in such a way that ventional (water insoluble) hydrocarbon fuel, it func-
a thin film (Figure 1-7) can spread on a hydrocarbon tions as an AFFF foam by forming an aqueous film
fuel (such as gasoline) even though the aqueous film at the fuel/air interface. Since the polymer is a natu-
is more dense than the fuel. rally occurring chemical, small amounts of an anti-
microbial agent are added to prevent biological


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TYPES OF FOAM (Continued)

Synthetic Detergent type foam agents are based on
mixtures of non-fluorochemical, hydrocarbon type
surfactants along with solvents and water. These
foam agents do not form aqueous films or polymeric
membranes. Instead, they function by forming an
aggregate of foam bubbles on the surface of the fuel.
They are used most frequently with high expansion
foam generators yielding expansion ratios of 200 to
1000:1 (see Figure 1-9). The reduced water content
of high expansion foams makes them suitable for
use in total flooding applications and on cyrogenic
type fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG). Some
of these foam agents are specially formulated to be
used with low, medium, and high expansion foam 001149

hardware at different proportioning ratios and are

referred to as multiple expansion foam agents.

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