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Blog Post #3 Questions:

a) What are your Capstone goals between now and December 1st? Be specific and give details and how
you plan to accomplish it. The more specific your goals, the better the chances you will have of
accomplishing them. By dec 1st I want to have my table top completed with edging and starting to work
on the drawer and legs

b) Which specific elements of your project will you accomplish before the end of the month? Create a
checklist of things you want to finish over the next 2 weeks. I want to put the edging on my table by
Monday nov 20th and I will start to make the legs and aprons shouldn’t take me to long I want to finish
them by the 25th so I can start to piece the drawer together

c) How will you accomplish your goals and stay on task? List the strategies you will use to keep
yourself on track. Get the wood and tools I need ready schedule a time of day to go work on it and if I’m
stuck with something I’ll talk to Mrs Dahl maybe she can help me

d) How often and how will you provide evidence of your progress and learning during this time?
Remember, you should be posting to your Evidence and Artifacts Page at least 2 - 3 times per week. If
you haven't, then this is your chance to make that happen over the next few weeks .i will take photos of
my progress and explain what I did that day

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