Modal Verbs

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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación Universitaria

Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Readic-UNIR
Cátedra: Inglés Técnico 2
Profesor Mairilin Bernard

Modal verbs

Alumna: Andrea Guerra

Luego de revisar el material de estudio realiza 5 oraciones utilizando;

I can speak Spanish fluently.
She can solve complex math problems with ease.
Can you pass me the salt, please?
Despite the challenging situation, he can remain calm and composed.
We can go to the movies if everyone agrees.

Could you please help me with my homework?
Last summer, I could swim for hours in the lake.
If you could choose any destination, where would you go?
He could have finished the project sooner if he had more time.
Could you tell me the way to the nearest gas station?

You may bring a friend to the party if you'd like.
May I borrow your umbrella? It looks like it might rain.
Students may use calculators during the math exam.
May I ask you a question about the upcoming event?
It may take some time for the results to be announced.

Have to:
I have to complete the report by the end of the day.
We have to attend the mandatory meeting tomorrow morning.
She had to apologize for the misunderstanding.
Students have to wear the school uniform.
I have to finish my chores before I can go out with friends.

If I had more time, I would travel to different countries.
Would you like some tea or coffee?
He said he would call me after the meeting.
If it were warmer, I would go for a run in the park.
Would you mind passing me the newspaper?

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