Gcu Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance Step Standard 1 Part I - Signed

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Student Teaching Evaluation of Performance (STEP) is the process for preparing and implementing a unit of instruction.

By understanding the community and school environment and the makeup of the classroom, you will be able to strategically meet the overall needs of your
students. In the first two weeks of student teaching, you should focus on learning about the students you will be working with. You are expected to teach the
unit you are preparing by the end of week 8.

Review the geographic, district, and school demographics of your student teaching classroom. Utilize the district or school website, your cooperating
teacher/mentor, or school administrator for this information. You may also use your state Department of Education website for statistical data on community
and school demographics.

Complete STEP Standard, 1 Part I that includes:

A. Geographic Location
B. District Demographics
C. School Demographics

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to
become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need

Please note, that in order to submit this assignment, you must:

1. Complete each section of the STEP Standard 1, Part II as directed in the course syllabus.
a. Note: Closing your internet browser before the signing process is completed will result in a loss of your work. If you will be completing this
document in multiple sittings, it is highly recommended to save and back up your work on another document. When you are ready to make
your final submission, copy and paste your responses into this document. The data from this electronic document will not be saved until you
complete the signing process.

2. Complete the signing process by entering your name, selecting “Click to Sign”, and entering your email address.
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 A completed copy of the document will be emailed to you within minutes of confirming your email address.

3. Submit a completed copy to the appropriate submission space for grading.

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Teacher Candidate Teacher Candidate Student ID:
First Name:
Last Name:
Pelton 20580654
Email Address: Phone: (302) 312-0946 State:
peltoncarlyrr@gmail.com MD- Maryland
Program of Study:
B.S. in Elementary Education


Cooperating School State: If “Other” School State Cooperating School
DE- Delaware Selected, Specify: City: Bear

Population of City: School Classification: If “Other” Classification

21,625 Public Selected, Specify:
Facility Setting: Stability of Community: Perception of the Level
Suburban Stable of Community Support: Medium

 Discuss the possible effect these characteristics could have on planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.
 Cite the references used for this information.
Kathleen H. Wilbur Elementary School is a public school located in a small, stable city. As the school is part of a stable, low populated community, it sees a medium amount of
community support. The amount of community support within this school seems to be slowly rising. Some of the stakeholders include the student's families and local
businesses. Families and local businesses are frequently invited to the school to participate in activities that benefit the students and the entire community. For example, the
school hosts "Career Day." On Career Day, families set up tables displaying information and interactive materials to teach the students' about their diverse careers. Local
businesses within the community often partner with the school for fundraisers and other school activities. A local frozen yogurt restaurant called "Sweet Frog" is hosting a
fundraiser with Wilbur Elementary. There is a set date and hours for the students' to come in after school on a Thursday evening. The proceeds go directly to supporting the
school. This type of event not only supports the school financially, but socially as well. The students' and their family are given an opportunity to get together and socialize
outside of the school setting. Parent, school, and community relationships improve student achievement and success (Akard et al., 2022). The rise of community support will
make a difference in the live's of the students. Community support is one of the largest factors found in high-performing schools (Akard et al., 2022). The students already
benefit from enriching educational and social community support, and will continue to do so with the rise of support the school is seeing.
These characteristics should positively effect my planning, delivery, and assessment of my unit. The factors of Wilbur's geographic location has led to a fair amount of
community support, which is continuing to rise. This community support is directly benefiting the students and enhancing the school community. This positive school
community creates an increase in student motivation. This will help me keep the students engaged throughout my unit.
Akard, J., Damiani, M., Danuser, P., Dyer, R., Kosier, K., McCabe, C., Murray, V., O'Donnell, C., Simpson, J., St. Arnauld, E., Undertown, K., Vasquez, C., & Winter, R. (2022). Teaching
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with a Purpose: Learning, Leading, and Serving. https://bibliu.com/app/#/view/books/1000000000611/epub/TitlePage.html#page_2
District Name: Colonial School District District Grades Served:

Number of Schools in Number of Students Percentage of Students in

District: 15 Enrolled in District: 9,795 the District Receiving Free 100%
or Reduced-Price Lunch:
 Describe the district demographic data, including statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it, for your cooperating school
Colonial School District is home to 15 schools. 9,795 students are enrolled in this school district between grades PK-12. Every student receives free lunch. Colonial's minority
enrollment is 70%. 48% of students are female, and 52% of students are male. 12.5% of students in this district are English Language Learners.

 Discuss the possible effect these characteristics could have on planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.
 Cite the references used for this information.
The demographics of the school district may effect the planning, delivery, and assessment of my unity. Colonial School District has 15 schools. I may find myself communicating
with teacher's across these schools to coordinate instruction and teaching methods. I will need to adapt anything discussed to meet the needs of the students in my classroom
specifically. I do not believe that the large population of the school district will effect my unit as my classroom size is small. The fact that every student in the district receives
free lunch could indicate socioeconomic challenges that I must be sensitive to during my planning, delivery, and assessment of my unit. These students could need additional
support. I should also be mindful of these challenges as I am assessing the students. The amount of male and female students in the school district is almost equal. I will not
need to make changes to my unit based on gender, but I will ensure that I am promoting gender equality. 12.5% of students are English Language Learners. This means I will
have to approach my unit with differentiated instruction and language support, especially considering the fact that I have an English Language Learner in my classroom. I plan
on incorporating strategies such as scaffolding and visual aids. Providing English Language Learners with visual aids helps them understand the material they are reading or
working with (Portland Public Schools, 2023). I could also use accommodations during my assessment to ensure a fair assessment. The district's demographics play a crucial
role in my planning, delivery, and assessment. I must consider the demographics of the students to ensure equity in my unit.
Portland Public Schools. (2023). Supporting ELLs in the Mainstream Classroom: Reading Instruction. https://www.readingrockets.org/topics/curriculum-and-

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Cooperating School Kathleen H. Wilbur Elementary Cooperating School Title One (I):
K-5 Yes
Name: Grades Served:
Number of Students Percentage of Students in Academic Achievement 88
Enrolled in School: 1,092 the School Receiving Free 100% Ranking/Label of the
or Reduced-Price Lunch: School:
 Discuss the possible effect these characteristics could have on the planning, delivery, and assessment of your unit.
 Cite the references used for this information.
The demographics of Wilbur Elementary can have a significant impact on the planning, delivery, and assessment of my unit. In the case of Wilbur, the school is a Title 1 school,
has a significant student population, provides each student with free lunch, and has a high academic achievement rating. Title 1 schools are presented with funding that
supports low income families within the school (U.S. Department of Education, 2018). This means that many of my students may come from low-income families. This idea is
also supported by the fact that each student receives free lunch. I must differentiate my unit to meet the needs of these students. Examples include pulling small-groups,
considering this factor during my assessment. The large student population at Wilbur does not effect my unit too much as my class size is small. My class have 22 students, which
is less than most of the other classrooms at Wilbur. This school has a high academic achievement rating. It is within the top 20% in the state. This holds me to high standards
when it comes to my unit. I will plan to have schoolwork that will properly challenge the students in my classroom. I need to keep in mind that every student is an individual,
despite the school's high academic achievement rating. Just because the school is rated highly in this area, does not mean that every student meets those specific standards. I
need to work to meet the individual learning needs of every single student in my classroom.
U.S. Department of Education. (2018). Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Education Agencies (Title 1, Part A). https://www2.ed.gov/programs/titleiparta/index.html


I, the above named, GCU student attest this submission is accurate, true, and in compliance with GCU policy guidelines, to the best of my ability to do so.
NOTE: The data entered into this document may be audited for accuracy. Students who engage in fabricating, falsifying, forging, altering, or inventing information
regarding clinical practice/ student teaching may be subject to sanctions for violating GCU academic integrity policies, which may include expulsion from GCU.

Teacher Candidate Date:

E-Signature: Carly Pelton
Carly Pelton (Sep 17, 2023 11:34 EDT)
Sep 17, 2023

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