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Version 2.11
By Karl Purple

PAGE 2 0.1: Original Preface
PAGE 3 0.2: Preface to Version 2.1
PAGE 3 0.3: Preface to Version 2.11

PAGE 4-60


PAGE 61 2.01: Justifying Hitler and World War 2 National Socialism
PAGE 62 2.02: National Socialism Defined
PAGE 64 2.03: Divisional Issues Introduction
PAGE 65 2.04: Divisional Issue: Race-Mixing
PAGE 71 2.05: Divisional Issue: Homosexuality and Transsexuality
PAGE 80 2.06: Divisional Issue: Treatment of Women
PAGE 93 2.07: Divisional Issue: The Greatest Common Enemy
PAGE 97 2.08: Divisional Issue: The Jewish Question
PAGE 103 2.09: Divisional Issue: Christianity
PAGE 106 2.10: Divisional Issue: Roman-Catholic Response
PAGE 107 2.11: Divisional Issue: Response to Islam
PAGE 107 2.12: Divisional Issue: Police
PAGE 110 2.13: Divisional Issue: Black People
PAGE 116 2.14: Divisional Issues Conclusion
PAGE 116 2.15: Relationship of the People to the Fuhrer

PAGE 120-214

PAGE 215-233


Released October 22, 2021.

On February 27, 1925, at the BurgerBrauKeller beer hall in Munich, Germany: Adolf Hitler gave
a speech to his group of German National Socialists, afterward which became known as a
turning point for their success. Always inspired by Adolf Hitler's example, I put together an
event of my own to give a speech on June 4, 2021. In my speech, I hoped to capture the spirit
of February 27, 1925, as a model for a new beginning to National Socialism in our current time.

It would be five months after this speech that Adolf Hitler would also publish the first volume
of his book: "Mein Kampf". In English, this means "My Struggle". In keeping with this same
timeline, I set a deadline for myself to release my own book at the same point after my own

It was my hope to capture the same spirit of Adolf Hitler's original book for our current time.
Adolf's book consisted of a basic description of his life and childhood, his interpretation of
world events and politics, and then finally his own political ideas and plans. I have poured my
energy into this project, which I still consider unfinished; yet because this deadline has come, I
feel it is better to release it in this unfinished form, rather than to delay it any longer.

In this unfinished form, it will have been quickly revised for only the most obvious errors,
spelling, and grammar. The ordering and structure will be far from what I intended, because I
have simply run out of time for this deadline. Also, there were many smaller articles which I
hoped to organize and combine into a presentable form; but for now I have simply included
them at the end as their own separate small sections. Some sections consist simply of loose
incomplete notes I took on ideas which I meant to address in full later on. Because of this, the
repeating of various ideas may occur until I have the time to finish organizing those smaller
articles into the larger ones.

I do hope to complete my intended vision for this book soon. While this initial release will be
titled "Mein Kampf 2.0"; a future revision and re-structuring will be released with the title
"Mein Kampf 2.1". Yet, because I desire important revisions to be released as soon as possible,
therefore I might even release them before my final vision for the book is complete. Thus, it is
possible there will also be a "Mein Kampf 2.2" or even more. Heil Hitler.


Released March 17, 2023.

The struggles of life have prevented me from fully completing this book once again. Thus, the
disorganized sections still remain so.

The main addition to this version is volume 2, which unfortunately also had to be included
hastily to meet my deadline to release this book according to the same timeline as Adolf Hitler
who released his volume 2 about 15 months after volume 1. Thus volume 2 is basically another
disorganized section, including various notes and trains of thought I drafted. In summary, this
book is released once again in rough draft form.


Released April 17, 2023.

Many important minor revisions and corrections have been made up to page 119; and some
other crucial single-word changes in later pages.

Part 1: Desolation - My Life
I was born in the North East of the United States of America. If you look at human civilization
from very high up, you will notice that the city areas begin to look like a growing of mold on
spoiled food. This city mold looks dull grey, like the color of concrete, compared to the lush
shades of green around it. If you examine the city mold around my birthplace, you will notice a
mold like pattern of spots around large central growths. The mold grows in a line along
highway 95, which starts from New York City and up to Richmond in Virginia. Along the way,
the mold grows heavy in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC. I was born just outside
of the city mold between Baltimore and Washington DC. Looking closer, I was born in a place
which had not yet turned to city mold. Yet as moldy food progresses, it is obvious when a
place near the spreading mold is soon to be devoured next. I think there is meaning to that
observation. The times we live in today are in the same situation of being a time when human
civilization has not yet turned to mold, but it seems obvious that we will soon be devoured by

I was born into a common family, neither rich or poor, and neither highly educated or non-
educated. I suppose it is both fortunate and unfortunate that me and my family knew nothing
about the severe mold like destruction of the times we lived in. If I had known as a youth what
I know now, then it may have been impossible to enjoy life at all. Yet had me or my family
known the true hell in which we lived, then I could have better prepared and braced myself for
it. As it happened, we knew nothing, and I suffered dearly for it. Yet, it is suffering which
awakens the eyes of passionate rage. I will not say that a comfortable life denies someone the
ability for passionate rage, yet there is a different quality in the kind of passion which arises
from suffering. When the suffering of life makes the loss of your life of little care, even
preferable, then there arises a type of energy and focus which is found nowhere else. Maybe
there is some weakness to it, which can be balanced out by those with the passionate rage
born from empathy in a comfortable life. Yet, in the beginning phases of a battle between
good and evil, it is past sufferings which become the ammunition that can turn the tide of

Suffering is symbolized by blood. In that meaning, I have a large resource to draw from in that
I have already given much of my blood for the cause of victory against this great evil which
stands before us in our modern time. I am focused. I am full of passion and rage; I will not
deny it. Yet, I have mastered this emotion like the control of a burning fire deep in my heart.
Outwardly it is expressed through pressed lips, a wrinkled brow, locked eyes, and a serious
expression. As much as my life has improved since the worst of my past misfortunes, and as
much as I have gained since those days when I had nothing to lose; still the fire of that time
burns in me the same as if I were still in that sad case. I do not value my life. Aside from
worshipping God, the least I seek in this world is the honor of resisting that evil with courage,
and to contribute at least triple what would be needed for victory if everyone did their fair
share. After that, it does not matter what happens, because I have washed myself of the
responsibility for defeat. I seek the subjugation of those evil people, and the destruction of
their power. I will not rest. My mind lives in a state of war. These feelings rise and fall like the
pulse of heat in a furnace. It is a source of energy. I do not pretend to fully understand it, but I
know through it that I am no longer a child, and I have become a man.

The purpose of this beginning part of the book is to give the minimum needed information
about my life so far, in order to lay down a truth of the first order concerning my past, which
will eliminate the establishment of successful rumors in the future, which always arise when
no information is provided at the first. My manly desire to remain silent within the public
sphere about my personal life, comes from a revulsion to glorifying myself in the public
sphere; and also I desire to reserve my personal stories for those who truly love me, in order
that my most private thoughts not become the plaything of the childlike masses to toss
around like a new celebrity whom they disregard as quickly as they pick up. I desire that my
intention not be perceived as the feminine seeking of fame and beauty, but rather that I have
provided exactly what was necessary to resist common pitfalls within propaganda warfare as
regarding character assassination in the public sphere. Know this, reader, that what I am about
to tell you of my life is the truth; because I dare not lie within what I consider a sacred duty to
create this book.

Let us understand that a main theme of this book is to open the eyes of the reader to the truth
of the reality of the world in which we live. Thus, I come to the problem of explaining the
reality of the world at the same time as explaining what happened to me. It would be better if
I were to first explain the world reality, and then afterward to explain my life. Yet, this is not
possible since the success of explaining the world reality depends on a reader's trust and
investment in an author, which is born from knowing about his life as a person. Thus, I will
present the story of my life while at the same time unveiling this world reality piece by piece,
which may cause confusion to know part of the truth before knowing the full truth. Thus it
may require a reader, after completing this book, to read again what caused confusion during
the first read. Yet, this is a choice depending on your intellectual ability; and I will of course
also try to make this book enjoyable even for those with low intellectual abilities, who have
received a different calling in life than the duty of an intellectual.

In life there are always those who have received worse circumstances than yourself. It can
never be known the best balance between misfortune, weakness, and strength. Too little
misfortune results in weakness to overcoming misfortune. Too much misfortune results in
irrecoverably damaged natural instincts. Also factored in to this is the will to overcome your
misfortunes. We all have weaknesses which can be aided by others, and I am convinced that
for all there exists a path to victory over your defeated self, through patient endurance and
wise humility in accepting and seeking assistance from others. For the minimum you receive
from every misfortune is the ability to council those you come across later who may be in need
of a counselor with direct experience. Often a person will languish in defeat until they find a
young person who is languishing in the same defeat, at which point they receive strength
because they see themself in the youth and fulfill his need based on what they wished they
would have received from an elder during their own suffering. The highest form of degeneracy
is a lack of empathy. If it does not bring you joy to help someone recover from a wound which
you are experienced in, then you may perhaps be in that category of person who did suffer too
many misfortunes to recover from. I council you to consider that empathy is the source of all
intelligence, and it is what most sets humans apart from animals.

It is my own fortune that I was born to my two biological parents, living together in the same
household. I was the middle child between two brothers. I did not understand until recently
that it is impossible for any common born people to be sure of the blood relation of their
family. DNA tests mean nothing in a world of lying corruption. Simple observation is not
enough in a world of sleight of hand treachery by a pack of evil magicians who view the
common people as nothing more than livestock. It is a sad truth which we must all sooner or
later come to grips with. Yes, they switch babies at birth. Yes, they scientifically engineer
infidelity within women. Yes, they perform these acts not only for simple experimentation, but
also for genetic engineering purposes, much the same as livestock is bred to select desired
traits. Yes, we live in a world of chaos. I understand for the average reader, that this is far too
extreme of a possibility to consider. Let your doubt shield you from the direct blow until you
are ready to accept it. At the least, simply acknowledge it as my own opinion as you progress
through this book, keeping what is useful and disregarding what is not useful.

Thus I will continue that this is how I came into the world. To a set of parents who knew
nothing other than the reality which was set before them. To overcome an entire world wide
system of deceit was a task that took me over 30 years, at which point I only persevered alone;
awake in a world of sleepwalkers and half-sleeping intellectuals. Of course some things may be
written off as a matter of opinion, yet as you observe more and more the inconsistencies of
the world in which you live, it will slowly dawn on you that there exists only one possible
explanation for it all. Chaos. Complete, and utter chaos. In Greek legend it was from chaos
which the order of our world descended; and maybe it did for a time until chaos regained its
place. It is the chaos of every man for himself. It is the chaos of no true individual power
existing strong enough to defeat the beast, which is this disorganized primordial chaos of our

human world. It is a beast which can only be defeated by the mind of a single individual,
empowered by an evolved set of human intellectuals who deliver that power to the individual.
This is because the source of chaos comes fundamentally from the mutual destruction which is
guaranteed by every man doing what they personally decide is best. All of the great historical
advancements of civilization were born from great individual leaders exercising strong deeply
entrenched power, strong enough to defeat the chaos beast. Of course the chaos beast
speaking through the mouths of disunified men will tell you stories of great suffering caused at
the hands of those powerful leaders. This is because the chaos beast is truly a real spirit within
the hive mind of humanity. It is the most powerful foe of humanity, and to speak lies is one of
its elemental powers. It is enough to understand that a chosen leader with strong entrenched
authority amongst his people will steer from error to error, gradually perfecting himself as
time and wisdom build within him. This is a far better alternative than the continued reign of
the chaos beast. And at some point it should be acknowledged that being lost in the woods
requires the choosing of a single direction and staying with it: to choose a leader and keep
him. To change your direction when lost in the woods prevents the success of that direction in
favor of a different direction which is equally unknown. You might as well pick one, stay with
it, and then let fate deliver its decision. At worst you will have chosen the longest way out of
the woods, which is better than going in circles forever; which is what human civilization has
been doing lately.

Excepting possibly those who are born on the furthest outskirts of society, or who have the
power and wealth to prevent it, the rest of us are born into a world of complete surveillance
and human tracking. This is accomplished through maximum technology, which is an idea that
technology has developed in a way of strategic concealment for military advantage, which
forces intellectuals to acknowledge the likely existence of any and every technology
imaginable. Maximum technology is a starting point of thought which seeks not to leave any
stone unturned in the development of strategy and the approaching of truth based on likely
possibilities, rather than impossible to know absolute truths. Thus, it is through maximum
technology that we are continuously monitored, tested, and sorted; just like any other
livestock operation, yet on the grandest scale. And even those doing the watching and
manipulation can also be expected to be watched and manipulated by another nested level
above them. And so on the complexities of the full age of our species within God-designed
evolution via natural selection, and the onslaught of the chaos monster progressing ever since
the last great individual power was able to contend with it.

The majority of people are sorted into the main group of what I call normies. Normies are
those who fall in line with the development of expected human behaviors. These normies are
predictable and easily influenced. They are valuable to those with power in the same way that
a power source is valuable to run machinery. A power source in a machine will run through the
electrical circuit in a predictable way to power the machine for the purpose it was designed,
precisely because that power behaves in a predictable way. The machine of our human society

and the advancement of managing human behavior in the masses has given rise to our current
state of affairs. The psychology of these normies will always do what they perceive as
"normal", attempting to “fit in” being one of the strongest instincts in humanity, so that you
can expect this factor will be used to predict and thus control them. This has been true since
the beginning of human civilization, and the elite of humanity have consistently become better
and better at engineering the normies, separating them from the non-normies, and terrorizing
those same non-normies to convert them back into normies; and most importantly of all to
prevent the rise of middle-intellectuals which could lead what the elite would call a "slave
revolt". This state of affairs against the common people is by no means stupid to claim as the
imperfect solution. Yet, I will say it is false because it is only true as far as you believe the
chaos monster to be invincible. It is my opinion that every people have the ability to defeat the
chaos monster within themselves, if only they can evolve as a group body in much the same
way as the individual human body has evolved; and to become the body of their chosen
leader, who at first may receive his power like a babe in the womb, but over time, with loyalty
and care from his people, he will grow into a strong mature individual of great power to slay
the chaos beast within his people, and to initiate the thousand year golden age.

And so this was the world I was blindly born into. And even now, by many standards I can still
be considered blind because I have not been initiated into the deep truths directly, but rather I
have come to understand my world through the slow meticulous way a blind man might feel
about his surroundings, and with perseverance over time he may come to very accurately
know the shape of his world. It should be understood that this method of coming to the most
deeply troubling truths of our reality acts as a filter and shield against the most painful
realizations, both for myself and for you my reader. It is because I explain to you that the
painful truths of the world you live in, I arrived at them indirectly and in such a way that it is
not completely impossible that I am wrong about any single truth I reveal here. In this way, it
is this shred of doubt, no matter how small, and precisely because I have not witnessed the
truth in a direct sense, which makes it possible for me, and for you my reader, to carry on with
life, living amongst the sleepwalkers, and to take our own needed rests from the truth. That is
a rest only possible because we have a reasonable doubt to retreat to. Yet, as I live longer, and
examine my world still further each day, it becomes like the slow erosion of this reasonable
doubt within my mind more and more with each passing day. To the point of dreaded
loneliness and despair. Despair at the reign of chaos and the success of its corresponding evils;
and what is the worst kind of despair? To understand these things alone. Yet, it gives me some
comfort to commit these thoughts to writing. As I understand the world, and the groups of
elites at the highest powers within this world reality; it is not within their power to reveal
directly to me any of the truths which I am discussing here, due to a complex and ancient
system of order within the chaos, which does not allow for these painful truths to be carelessly
flung about the common people, which would cause unnecessary panic and disorder, before a
solution has yet been found; and so what point except for evil would it be to cause
unnecessary panic and disorder? For the sake of truth itself? Yet, it is plainly obvious that

there is an appropriate order for presenting truths to any person. If someone will have trouble
understanding an easy to see reality, of relatively little pain involved in its acceptance; then
what point would there be in revealing the most drastically painful truth if first they can not
receive the smaller ones? In this way, it should be understood that there should exist a
hierarchy of intellectuals in our society. With the highest of intellectuals at the top taking their
place as their duty to humanity to organize this hierarchy; sorting the primordial chaos of
random chances which lead any individual to seek higher and higher truth, preparing the way
for them and seeking their protection in the logic of individuals capable of empathy. Aside
from a belief in God as the foundation for keeping a positive disposition toward the world, I
counsel my reader to consider the power of intellectuals such as myself, and those unknown,
who value empathy as such a high form of consciousness; to have faith in our monolithic,
Herculean, half-God-like strength against all the powers of anti-empathy which seek to do you
harm; that we are indeed a power of light at the very least equally as strong as the darkness.
Seek us out; clear the path for us to help you. We will find you. We will die in the face of
dishonor with the ease of enjoying a cool gentle breeze on a warm day. Rest yourself, that
your child-like nature, as you come closer to the truth, exists in the company of titanic giants
dedicated to good like the strength of the rigid stone sides of a mountain. We are ablaze with
wrath against those who seek you harm; yet we would not frighten the little ones we protect
in the course of protecting them. Understand the truth, as you go about your daily life, that at
times unknown you will come across our path, and we will take on the necessary form to spur
you on to the next level. Often the form of ignorance is needed. At the development of your
intellectual wisdom, will come the eventual realization of how unnecessary it is to brandish
your intellectual ability for all to see; yet at the same time not resisting its display when
strategically necessary. We are souls of infinite sorrows which destroy us yet at the same time
electrify our spirt when we dream of how we might prevent those same sorrows from falling
upon you. I take my place among these giants, with no certainty of my own size relative to
others, but a deep understanding of the balance between humility and confidence which gives
me reasonable assurance of my ability to protect, in my own way, as the world has dealt extra
abilities in different measure to us all; I use my ability to contribute what I can. And if sorrow
overtakes you, then take refuge in the certain existence of myself and others like me who
stand as a light in the darkness. Of certainty, I am alone amongst sleepwalkers; as you will be,
my reader. And this proves true the reverse healing of a protector by those whom he seeks to
protect and heal. I am at a true end of life in my despair. Yet, writing these words, and
envisioning my reader: my empathy strikes a chord that I must lift you up out of suffering; and
I sense the light out of my own despair when I think of you, my reader. We are truly in a
symbiotic relationship, with no certainty of who is helping who more; and I am content with
this uncertainty; as uncertainty within boundary is often the fullest truth; and so develops the
infinite fade from dark to light. At what point exactly does the light begin? These are the
uncertainties of our world. It is my hope that all my words are not fully understood at once,
but that I navigate the infinite dimensions of the human soul in an unexplainable way through
poetic device, in order to begin the spark of light within your mind; that unexplainable flicker

of light, manifesting connection, arising passion in the anticipation of adventure outside a daily
dull existence which is among the most painful aspects of life for the true intellectual. These
bonds of despair that enslave me can be used to break the bonds of my reader's blindness,
and with luck we can both become free. Let us have hope.

I am navigating an uncharted path toward the destination of the purpose of this book and this
section of my life. As such, I anticipate continually being side tracked by different trains of
thought. Thus, let me turn once again toward our main destination in this section which is
about my life. What more can be understood about my birth? Blind born into the hands of the
blind. My lot was surely better than many others, and I will not repeat the wisdom of the
balance between misfortune and strength. In the world such as is crafted for the common
born, the mysterious wonder of birth quickly disappears as quickly as it explodes from a place
of instinct that even the most blind and common of people will notice. It reminds me of a
magician who, being caught in the exposure of his trick, quickly adjusts or lowers the curtain
with as much haste as possible so to at least minimize the exposure of his methods. So the
same for the miracle of birth; and the common man, to varying degrees, will be lightly
impressed by this miracle. From there, like a gradually cooling hot coal, the coldness of life sets
in once again for parents as they return to their duties. My birth was by cesarean section, as
far as I can collect likely truths in my world of lies, where the world itself split open the womb
of my mother in declaration of superior intelligence over my mother's womb which had
decided it was not yet my time. Still I can only imagine the thoughts of my mind as the light of
the world descended upon me through a rip in the fabric of my universe, and strange hands
pulled me out through it. I can not imagine which of my extremities was used for most of the
leverage to whisk me out into the infinitely ugly of all things ugly, which is the standard
hospital room of our modern age. As lifeless of a place that can be conjured in a room where
life is born; perhaps the forces balance each other out with a slight favor on the side of life.
Who knows how long it was before I rudely experienced the reality of my lack of power over
my own body, when the top covering skin of the most tender part of my body was cut with a
razor blade to perform the widely excused ritual of circumcision upon me. My parents who
were to receive me in the end, blind and obedient to the orthodoxy of normalcy, said they did
not trouble themselves to even watch this ritual mutilation of my body into life. As far as I
know, the circumcizers took me into a separate room to perform the task before returning me,
or switching me with another set of parents; the possibilities are endless in a world of normies
which does not question except that which is comfortable to question; and the authority of a
hospital setting holds a demonic-like factor of intimidation that hardly even a non-normy could
withstand. And thus through whichever path I was received by two parents. For all the hopes
of a world so uncontrolled by me and those chosen parents, I suppose there is a half chance
that they were my real parents. I am at peace with the uncertainty of my source, though that
adjustment to peace has been unsteady. I know this, that I have fairly little resemblance to my
supposed father, and a higher resemblance to my supposed mother. But what combination of
partial relation could explain these things does not subtract from the general uncertainty of it

all. What a dark cloud to come to terms with. It is my hope that my reader will have an easier
adjustment to this uncertainty than I had. As the story goes, we all stand upon the shoulders
of giants. I hope that my shoulder is some consolation to you.

After this dip into the fate of my ultimate starting position in the world, as I said, there
descended the cold reality of normy life upon me. And it is fair to say that I was born by force
as a normy, and did live the life and mind of a normy until the gradual awakening of my non-
normy soul; and like the border between light and dark, who can say exactly when it began?
What is certain, however, is that the coldness of normy life sets in with the revolving of life
around schooling. Normy life subtracts from all of us, mutes the sound of a waterfall, greys out
the colors of a rainbow. What a depressing thought. Perhaps this paragraph reflects the
somber music that I suddenly put on in the background. What can I express but pure
venomous dislike for a world which makes a nothingness out of life? While doubtless I feel this
way toward almost everything that has ever happened to me, still at the moment my rage
swells for ferocious anger at the elites of this world who are too weak to challenge such a sad
state of affairs. Like the stolen adventure from a wide eyed wondering child; what a terrible
crime to stand idly by and do nothing. I do truly dislike this world, but I know it is more
accurately the beast of chaos which I truly despise. How else can I describe my disgust? I can

My disgust increases another level in the mention of the beginning of my schooling at age
four. They call it pre-school. School before school. The beginning of preparing the normy
masses for slavery, by a structure set with the beginning of the work day in the morning,
imitating the reporting for work at a job which you do not enjoy. Perhaps this is why school is
purposely designed with the minimal occurrences of joy in direct relation to the school. Nearly
every child at some point begins to dislike school, or despise it. Do you think this is a
coincidence? Modern public school is one of the most evil institutions to ever appear on earth.
This also applies to almost every private school, because they all fall victim to the same normy
compulsion to follow the norm; and even while slightly different, all private schools and public
schools are essentially the same and follow the same structure. They are designed to kill the
fire in the souls of children, and they are extremely successful at it. Of course not all the
administrative participants are responsible for it, but rather they are trapped in the continuous
cycle, and are powerless to do anything about it, if they even realize what is occurring at all.

Moving on. Like the middle class I came from, my schooling was equally middle class. The only
benefit I perceive of my public schooling, was the insight it gives me now to be able to
interpret public schooling to my reader. The dislike of the normy for the non-normy is the
most precise function of this schooling. Perhaps it began with some noble intentions many
centuries ago. Yet, every vice has crept in with the same absolute certainty as does chaos
corruption in a disunified humanity. Without question, modern education is nothing more
than a branch of the military; preparing and organizing the mass of slaves and carefully

constructed formations of interlocking public opinion within the masses; with the explicit
purpose to mobilize the most athletic form of maneuvering the people in preparation for any
kind of attack which might come upon the elites of society who exercise some limited form of
control over the chaos for the benefit of their small circles, who have given up on any pure
idealization left in them to imagine they could improve the world rather than to merely co-
exist with evil, in forfeit of any hope of ever destroying it.

And thus, modern schooling is a massive lie; a massive disguise upheld with the same energy it
takes for the corrupted end-purpose of it. This is obvious enough to all who have tasted even
slight sufferings at its hands. Schoolchildren dislike it with the same instinct which drives a bull
to charge. What else can I say? I was thrown into this schooling the same as every other
common child. Especially in the first years of schooling, socialization, which is better
interpreted as normalization, is codified in the minds of youth with the same energy as is
taught reading and writing. It is no small testament to the absentmindedness of normy
parents that they release all control of their precious children for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week,
10 months a year, to an allotment of strangers, and they think nothing of it. It is normal after
all to do this. This is the only thought normies have. Yet it is not my intention to slander the
normy, but rather to emphasize how they are taken advantage of in all ways. The ratio of
intellectual to normy has remained the same, with maybe a slowly increasing ratio over the
centuries as humanity has evolved. These two classes are not a new development. What is a
new development is the increasing stranglehold of the chaos beast over all the classes.

In ancient times, corrupted history suggests the existence of a healthy equilibrium between
elite leadership and the mass of normy humanity. From a normy perspective, which I must
always keep in mind for the sake of normy readers who will also be reading this, it can be
understood that some classes of people do not aspire to become anything more than a normy,
and this is fine only because the sacred duty performed be elites and intellectuals is to care for
the lesser minds of humanity; benefiting from their service with similar thanks as a high
minded hunter might thank an animal he eats after having killed it. It is suggested in the
corrupted histories that the pharaohs of Egypt ruled their subjects with this high level of
respect. This can be seen in their incorporation of animal life into their religion; animal life
which obviously symbolizes the different personalities of their subjects, whom they came to
understand in comparison to the qualities of animals. This respectful way for elites to interact
with normies has steadily decreased to near zero respect today, as the chaos and fog of war
forces all powers to do what they must in order to survive. It truly can be said with truth to a
certain extent, that nobody is at fault. I will continually lay the blame at the feet of this
impersonal spirit which I call the chaos monster. A hierarchical structure is needed, to be
sorted and organized by elites, which calls for a hierarchy of intellectuals to exist which
propels anyone with the desire and perseverance to achieve the status of an intellectual, and
to move them out of the realm of normy life. It is only this hierarchy management of
intellectuals which can earn the moral placement of elites, who can rest their consciences that

they benefit from the labor of the mass of normies because at the same time they are
constantly searching for talented intellectuals among the normies to promote them up the
ranks of the intellectual hierarchy, and save them from a life of isolation amongst normies: no
small suffering for an intellectual. Yet with the increase of chaos through the centuries, and
the ever expanding infinity of general warfare in humanity, this intellectual hierarchy appears
non-existent as each group feels only the power enough to save themselves. Yet, it is my hope
that I might inspire the spark to help us return eventually to that ancient positive equilibrium
between intellectual and normy.

Again, the life of a normy revolves around school, and my life was no different. And living as a
normy, I attempted to understand the world from that angle. My parental set was on the
normy side of the spectrum, with a touch of intelligence, yet not the type of intelligence
capable of standing against seriously enforced norms. As such, I had to make my own way in
understanding the world; yet with certain obvious advantages which no doubt helped me
greatly in the form of basic encouragement for my childlike explorations, and other basic
protections. Still, this did not prevent me from falling into the trap of trying at face value to
make sense of what I later understood to more accurately be propaganda manipulation
techniques. Like reading a children's book with all the seriousness of reading an ancient
religious text; so the same that every normy will struggle when trying to make sense of this
farcical display of truth. From the perspective of the elites who design it, it is truly rare for any
normy to ever look much beyond at what are best described as diversion techniques:
information designed to quickly subdue initial curiosity and divert attention to non-serious
matters. If given a fair chance at reasonably authentic education, it might be possible to raise a
small minority of normies to middle intellectuals: nothing that will break any boundaries or
give the elite any serious trouble individually; but in general it would substantially increase the
occurrences of disobedience in the common people; thus draining resources for the need to
subdue child-like obstinate confidence; and thus it has been decided that it is better to
eliminate the development of middle intellectuals through standard methods of
discouragement with an organized structure of annoyances which make the path toward true
intellectual development the most difficult and least travelled road; meaning only those most
devoted to the task will ever succeed; leaving a gap in the needed intellectual hierarchy which
middle intellectuals are necessary to serve.

Among the things someone progressing out of the pit of normalcy will inevitably have to
approach, are the analysis of celebrities, both present day and historical. Presentations of
public figures are wildly political to the point of being fiction, yet based on truth, so that there
is little benefit from their study. The public figures who took my attention, as with all children,
reflected the qualities I admired and sought after for myself. Great scientists often
propagandized as messiahs of intelligence, and also hugely successful figures of power from
the past most often held my awe especially during my late teen years: men like Alexander the
Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Adolf Hitler, to name a few. In my mid-teens,

the philosophies of religion sparked my interest and I made sure to digest every major
religious book: among those were the Torah, Tao Te Ching, the Christian New Testament, the
Quran, and various Buddhist and Hindu texts. And of course no common born child in the
United States can avoid the extreme emphasis put on the highly non-violent activists of the
mid 1900’s. In my attempts to emulate all these public figures, I variously developed my own
immature manifestations of philosophy and historical political positions. Without knowing it at
the time, I was scratching at the psychological boundaries of the normy, constantly becoming
frustrated and confused the more I energetically sought to make sense of things which were
not meant to make any true sense. This frustration manifested itself, as I understand now, in
alienation and loneliness, which came upon me at a young age; I can remember it started at
ten years old. Before this I distinctly remember the emerging of my consciousness at nine
years old; which is the boundary between when your memories become clear and precise,
before which they consist of a dreamlike fog of random events. At some point in my early
teens I made it a point to write down and keep track of the history of my own life, and as a
result I have the benefit of accurately remembering my young life; my hope has always been
not to repeat the mistakes of my past with a foundational strategy of remembering everything
that happened to me. I have many collected memories of my life before 9 years old, but they
are not important to mention here. At some point, also in my early teens, I was highly
influenced by the constant public glorification of actors in movies and on television. I
understand now the acting celebrities of the public sphere as the most efficient device for
cultivating the different personality types for the people to observe and subconsciously choose
from as the foundation for establishing predictable normy patterned behavior. It is not only a
trait of normies, but of all young people, to observe their world and choose a personality type
which you adopt and experiment with, going back and forth before settling upon one or two.
Without realizing it, every normy has seized upon usually some fictional character who reflects
their own desires; and the operating system of every normy mind subconsciously reflects on
every decision by asking themselves: "What would my chosen character do?" And in this sense
the preliminary establishment of automaton behavior is ingrained in the normy soul, which is
the first step of switching off the light of true life, in exchange for machine like behavior. The
pantheon of these personality types is variously updated and re-arranged according to the
intellectual ponderings of the elite who seek to carefully manage the machine like parts of
their normy masses; which as I said acts like the power source in the machine of society, which
at the end result is a military affair; since all permanency of power depends on the ability to
defend yourself from attack as a starting point; and thus it is no surprise that a world at war
involves only the powers remaining who have dedicated themselves to the strategies of
military. Yet, there seems to have rarely been a decrease in the potency of the general world
war, but instead a constant increase in its unscrupulousness, as each power seems to have no
other choice but to increase its power or to perish.

Thus as I struggled to understand the constant contradictions of my world from the impossible
perspective of accepting elemental truths that were largely false: as I said it reflected in my life

as an ever increasing isolation from my peers, starting at ten years old. As I was still a normy at
the time, the despair of loneliness and the lack of fitting in with my peers hit me all the harder;
because the system is designed to make breaking away from normy habits to be as socially
painful as possible. This is one of the main indirect functions of modern education; and I
definitely felt the pain. So much so was my suffering isolation that I became highly attached to
finding friends. My parents provided a minimal subsistence of support which perhaps
protected me from the most radical of extremes; yet still, my parental figures had no answers
to deliver to me other than to follow the norm, haphazardly communicated to mean nothing
other than to comfort me with the horrid wisdom of "Do not worry. You will be normal one
day." The highest wisdom of the people around me was nothing other than to seek normalcy,
without giving up hope! At the same time, to compensate for contradictory thought patterns
which might otherwise be shattered from obvious lack of logic: trite phrases like "be yourself",
are always included in this advice, even though the main direction of advisement is always the
opposite of this, and more accurately to "be the personality type you choose for yourself!"
And what other choice did I have? With correct logic to hold humility and seek the wisdom of
experience, I did indeed try my best to fit in. But applying my intellectual logic to the pursuit of
normalcy was counterproductive and the stresses of my life always continued to increase
without fail. With certainty, the suffering of that time in my young life are among my most
painful experiences. Every time I seemed to find a place to settle in as a comfortable place of
rest for my psychology, the true nature of my intellectual awakening would sooner or later
cast me out of those places of comfort which could only be permanent in the case of an
unchanging normy. I jumped from friend to friend, holding on for dear life more and more
with each round of success and failure. To the friendships of these normies I held on like most
valuable treasure, so that it made them increasingly uncomfortable in the way that a child is
unable to perform the duties of looking after and protecting a child. They of course were not
meant to be my protective elders, and thus the more I clung to the hope of finding a group of
friends, like the ones I saw in the movies and on TV, the further away this possibility became
for me. At some point I became so uncomfortable in my loneliness that I would dare not speak
an ill word to any friend I might come across who would tolerate my servile pathetic-ness. Yet
again, any time I found a new shoulder to lean on, the intellectual light of my soul would
sooner or later cause that awkward moment, and the inevitable clash of being misunderstood;
and my normy friends had no other choice than to follow the pattern of the entirety of
everything they understood to be true, and thus to shun me in any of the multitude of
examples in public culture of how to treat someone who does not conform. I do not even
blame the majority of these cases on the individual normies who rejected me, because in most
cases I was displaying erratic behaviors, which only high class intellectual adults would ever be
able to understand and look passed their face value. Like a human attempting human to act
like a machine: I could not possibly fit in and develop that cool confidence expected in
successful normy behavior; and attempting to do so outwardly manifested itself like a
malfunction bordering on mental illness: The fate of thinking inside the box for a concept that
requires outside the box thinking; the epitome of frustration and confusion. Yet I continued on

like the survival instinct does not allow someone to just simply die. I had a fire in my soul
which was not ready to burn out, and it could not burn out.

In the end, at 15 years old, I made one last all out investment in a chosen group of friends
which I laid all my hopes on. And with the energy of a life or death determination I fought for
the middle ground of keeping my friends and also displaying the confident, cool behaviors of a
powerful normy. And with that same extreme of dedication to my chosen comfort zone, when
it failed me in the most unforeseen way, and I was left alone, I fell into great despair. And it is
true that so many of the non-conforming amongst the common people also fall into this same
despair, in many cases leading to suicide. Love and acceptance are a crucial need to human
psychology, both for normy and intellectual alike; yet for the intellectual, the length of survival
may persist for long periods of time before eventual inevitable madness sets in. I was
definitely no exception to this; yet rather than call it madness, I would prefer to label it as an
involuntary psychological epilepsy more accurately described as the result of physical torture.
Yet, I somehow survived and persisted through that gloom and starvation of love. My brothers
were much more successful at being the normy, and for all purposes they were normies. I
alone faced the mystery. And as evidenced by the various ways to fall victim to madness:
homelessness, mental hospital, suicide, intolerable despair; it was truly a life and death
struggle. From my current perspective I would describe it in totality as a massive struggle
between two fighters: myself, and the normy world; a struggle which often landed me
unconscious on the ground. Yet I got back up again and again, until eventually I was victorious
to stand on my own with confidence and self-respect, yet battered and bruised and without a
doubt severely hurt, yet standing and alive; protecting the tender heart of my soul. Yet, each
stage of the struggle with this formless enemy of mine is new, and I do not pretend to know
exactly what the future will bring. I am satisfied to have lasted this long, and hope to continue
with some true offensive success in the future, rather than simply surviving from the limited
success of my defense.

After the failing of that my last ditch effort to claim a circle of friends for myself at 15 years
old, I fell into a great despair which lasted many years. For two years after that time, I scarcely
had a social moment. I led my vigil in the lonely cave of my existence at that time. No longer
had I any energy to pursue new friends. What opportunities for friendship came my way, I
variously wasted or disregarded since I could not bring myself to attempt it again at the risk of
another failure and the wasting of my energy and intellectual powers. Because to make friends
with normies requires the exact opposite of intellectual activity, but rather some kind of flow
with the spirit of the normy, which can only be understood by authentic normies. Most of
these successful normies will lay a claim owing their success from a confidence that they do
whatever they want without a normy type regard to copying others. They feel independent,
but it is an illusion created not from their independent thought, but rather their independent
thought coinciding with one of the accepted normy behaviors and personalities. They simply
were cornered into the choosing of a personality, and they chose in accordance with what was

expected by the normy controllers. If they had chosen a choice outside the normy boundaries,
then they would not have found life so easy afterward and would have found themselves in
the same predicament as me. Thus this false sense of independent thought is not real. Yet,
these people are powerful tools used by the system to entrench that system in acting as its
enforcers. Much like the police enforcing a type of order in society through the powers of their
office, these powerful normies are variously rewarded to protect their great social powers;
and they run through the social circles of normies like great unstoppable tanks that go where
they please. Yet their false power is held up by the invisible system, they know not, and they
live life with all the confidence of a king, as both normies and struggling intellectuals seek the
warmth which surrounds them in their fantastic social circles that deliver one of the greatest
pleasures in all mankind: acceptance and love. It is no wonder that these types of people are
the most hopelessly asleep; and the most reliable of people for the system to build upon: the
great temple of normy civilization.

As I felt my way through this chaotic world, and the puberty of manhood set upon me in those
same years of my teenage loneliness; my body began the slow creep toward the desire for,
and biologically the great need for a woman. I have learned long ago not to place all my
confidence in any one particular conclusion I might come to. Yet, again I will say, there is an
often unpracticed philosophy which resists total humility with a balance of healthy self-
confidence. Because some conclusions become ultimately apparent, and in the furthest
extreme I will become entrenched in my attachment to a certain truth; yet I will still hold a
small candlelight vigil in my soul because of the small chance I could be wrong. I now hold
many small candlelight vigils in my mind for all sorts of ideas which I have disregarded with
almost absolute certainty; like the graveyards of my mind, ready to call upon in case of
emergency and once again turn myself toward the truth; the truth which is of ultimate
purpose for an intellectual like I hope to be. It is with this near absolute confidence that I wish
to describe to you the feelings of men for women. I do feel my intellectual success allows me
to most accurately give you, my reader, both men and women who might be considering these
words: to give you true insight into the feelings of men for women. Even also for the middle
intellectual, to help you understand your own raw instincts, emotions, and feelings for
women, which require a deep, long, reflective, and meditative self-study to truly understand.
Then also another level beyond this is to be able to explain it to others in words. I feel that my
long years of self-reflection on this topic gives me the ability to do this for you: to explain not
just my individual feelings, but also the conclusions I have come to about the common themes
for all men in how we all feel about women in the broadest sense. It is required that I divert to
this general explanation for the philosophy of the male mind concerning women, in order that
I be able to describe the next part of my life to you efficiently. Thus, let me continue.

It makes sense, through examining biology and simple observation, that natural selection
implements a type of evolution in all species. I strike a middle ground between the theories of
creation by God and biological evolution, by stating my belief in a system of evolution created

by God. Thus I strike a middle ground between evolution and creation. With that said, the
interplay between the sexes is highly associated with the history of natural selection in
humans: because when males and females select their partner it increases their traits within
the human population. You can imagine that long ago began the process of the drive for men
to pursue a woman, to create the next generation through union with her, and that men who
did not hold this great drive in general were less inclined to pursue women if ever the pursuit
became too troublesome for whatever reason. To explain further how natural selection works,
do not be mistaken that all natural selection occurs at once, with a certain trait dying off by
not producing at all; but rather consider that in general a trait like the desire for a woman
could at first be a small general trend which results in a slightly higher ratio of men with this
high desire to reproduce than those without. Think then, that the next generation will consist
of a population of people with this trait existing in a slightly higher degree; and thus you can
expect there to be a higher possibility that people with this trait will breed with each other;
this also includes the daughters of these men passing on this trait to their sons while dormant
in themselves; and thus the trait becomes doubled and stronger in the next generation. And so
on, there exists this path toward the naturally selected increasing of a trait in humanity in a
gradual way. Thus, I claim that this trait of the deep desire for a woman has been passed down
in men and has become stronger and stronger with each proceeding generation of humanity;
perhaps making giant leaps during times of great struggle and devastation within civilization,
which caused only the men to survive who had the strongest desire for a woman, no matter
the cost. Because after all, every other trait of humanity that is not attached to sexual
reproduction falls by the wayside when compared to those traits which are directly attached
to sexual reproduction. And thus, it is my contention that this desire for women, by men, has
reached infinite proportions of life-shattering relevance in men today. When puberty sets in,
this trait reveals itself in boys, like the slow unrelenting flood of a high tide, it comes upon
them slowly; yet the extreme strength of the feeling makes it also arise in a way suddenly. Like
drowning and the desire for air, it becomes a desperation when required. It becomes an
extreme devastation of a man's life when required. It becomes a hopeless attempt to resist
when required. Every anomaly of a man receiving more of this trait at any point in the past,
which allowed him the necessary energy to reproduce when all other men failed, holds like a
root of the human foundation as it flowers and spreads through his offspring to again increase
the trait within all of humanity. On and on it goes. At times the extreme disturbances in the
minds of men due to this titanic impulse will display itself in counter-intuitive ways, as each
man in himself attempts to conquer the impulse, to resist its pain, in whatever creative ways a
man can come up with. It is truly an ocean of complexity so that I do not intend to explain
every piece of it, but rather to provide you with the general outline and shape of that massive
sea, merely providing you the shore lines and the average depths; but to explain to you every
drop of its water is not possible.

No different than other men in that regard, this trait came upon me slowly, yet suddenly,
approximately at 15 years old; and has become stronger and stronger ever since. Especially

being in the pains of loneliness, I dreamt of a woman by my side, to be my long desired friend,
and to quench this thirst of mine for her body. I imagined as all men do, that to fulfill this
desire of my soul could solve all my problems, and that afterward I could finally rest from the
sufferings of my life, if only I found one woman to be my companion. Yet, as often is the case,
the extreme desire for a particular thing will often push it further away from you, especially in
the cases when the attainment of such a thing requires a calm patient approach. Thus in
conflict with myself, as the desire for a woman grew stronger, so the same did the possibility
of attaining a woman flee further from me. Also mixed in to this dilemma is the reality of
maximum technology surveillance and the manipulation of human livestock by their
corresponding sets of elites. I found myself running up against the boundary of expectations
for normies which led me into the brick wall of systems put in place to discourage non-normy
behavior: systems which at an elementary level included the punishment of decreasing
chances to attain a woman. Yet, I had some advantage in what would be considered an
attractive appearance, when in reality attractive appearance is due significantly to the result of
manipulated culture that glorifies a certain physical look in the public sphere, and causes
higher proportions of women to be attracted to those chosen physical features. In that sense I
will not deny that I had a small advantage as my physical look, more so than not, fell in with
those chosen physical features which were glorified in men publicly. Perhaps this is what gave
me the factor I needed to overcome troubles stemming from my non-normy habits, and thus I
was able to attain some small successes in the pursuit of women in my early life: in the form of
a few non-serious girlfriends. Yet, my upbringing, particularly from my mother, emphasized a
sacredness to sexual activity and the importance of its attachment to marriage. Of course my
mother was only passing on little understood instincts and religious attachment; yet I
recognize this as an extremely lucky occurrence for me. For sexual activity truly is one of the
most sacred things in humanity. Participation in casual sexual activities at a young age can
have drastically long-term consequences for young men who practice it while barely
understanding their place in the world to begin with; especially for a youth like myself, who
was pursuing the life of an intellectual and unknowingly charging for a head on collision with
the automatic penalties of non-normy behavior in a ferociously strict normy world. This
combination was setting me on a path toward extreme suffering and isolation. I had no idea
what was coming. The following decades of my life, I could not bare to repeat again. It brings
me a sense of horror even to consider recalling those years which I am about to re-live in order
to share those memories again with you now, my reader.

After some years in a state of shock after my social failings at 15 years old, I gradually
recovered something of balance. I happened upon some light friendships that I held onto with
a sense of suspicion, never again trusting the ground I walked on, which I was aware could
disappear suddenly without any notice. Looking back on it, the friendships I made at this time
were a result again of desperation rather than a true connection causing me to come together
with them. Being a non-conformer and a blossoming non-normy, it was impossible for me to
have any real connection with anyone. At the time, I interpreted it as something wrong with

me, and I had a very low self-confidence. Even my own brothers would shun me. My normy
father did not degrade me, but was out of his depth to have any hope of explaining anything
to me. I was truly on my own, without a true friend in the world. Perhaps this misfortune
paved the way for me to be as strong as I am now. Perhaps it delayed my arrival to strength by
many years. Still, I am certain we are all equal in our opportunity, different only in the path we
must take toward the same possibility. Perhaps another person, with less misfortune than me,
would have arrived at strength before me; yet the quantity of my strength was arrived at
suddenly in the end, while the more fortunate souls would have arrived at a lesser strength
sooner which would afterward mature slowly into the same quantity of my own suddenly
received strength. And so on, middle combinations of those two extremes lay the spectrum of
life which provides us all that same opportunity, as far as each of us has their own drive to
persist and persevere to overcome their individual struggles. Heil Hitler.

At 18 years old, I began a relationship with a woman which would later on develop into my
first potent sexual activities. At this same time, I came into contact with the world of drugs.
The kind of drugs I am referring to hold the connation in the English language to more
accurately describe any substance which causes fast acting large changes to someone's state
of mind and body. In most cultures, alcohol and caffein are the base level drugs intended to
pacify the common people. Caffein, via coffee and energy drinks, would be considered the
smallest form of what could be considered a drug that I am referring to. Yet, the population of
the entire world is so bent on the coffee form of it, to manage their energy levels, that it
appears to me like there can only be very serious consequences for its long term constant use,
especially after tolerance reaches a plateau at which point develops the coffee addict, which
can not bare to live without it, and depends upon it for energy levels. I have seen this
addiction very clearly in my own mother. If one can remember the effects of strong coffee
before their tolerance developed, you will understand that this hormonal electrification of
your body is no small thing to think lightly of exposing yourself to every day, and every
morning. Yet it takes the place in many common people for the need of a vice, and the normy
controllers appear to have chosen coffee and caffein as the place-holder for this tendency. To
explain it simply, under pressure and stress, the normy mind is comforted by leaning upon a
habit to distract them. Particularly in women, the daily ritual of making an exciting and social
time out of electrifying your body with coffee is able to fill this void.

Now let us turn to alcohol, the other vice designed within most cultures to hold a reserved
place for more serious life stresses, which cause a normy the need to turn toward something
more potent to lean upon. This is not to say that all alcoholic consumption is a vice, but rather
the result elites desire for their livestock is highest productivity, and so alcohol by all direct
observance decreases productivity, and it is obvious that its consumption would be phased out
of the common people without hesitation unless there was some other need for it, which is
that vice outlet which I just described. Like managing the water drainage of a land area, there
must be made a sensible outlet for excess water to go during heavy rain, or else the water will

flood and spill out randomly and cause damage. In the same way, a normy is understood to
need an outlet when the storms of their life rain down excess stress, and in that case the
structure of society is designed to make alcohol be the available outlet upon which any would
stumble upon first. It is the hope of the elites that the stress floods in normy lives do not spill
over into more dangerous methods of stress management, like more serious drugs with
intense effects on productivity and health.

More recently there has been added a third drug to the mix, cannabis, commonly known as
weed or marijuana. From what can be gathered in the corrupted histories available to me,
cannabis was originally rarely consumed by the people as a recreational drug. From those
same corrupted histories it also appears there was a development in warfare tactics, due to
the world population explosion made possible by the industrial revolution during the 1800's.
This population explosion made governmental micromanagement of its people an impossible
task, and thus a method opened up to attack an enemy via causing addiction of their people to
a chosen drug, with obvious reasons to decrease productivity and thus weaken the target. One
of the first widely known uses of this war tactic has become known as the opium wars in Asia
during the 1800's, in which, supposedly, enemies of the Asian people successfully caused an
opium addiction in such a large percentage of their common people, so as to be successful in
its goal as an attack tactic. From then afterwards, powers were forced to develop previously
unseen strategies for defense, implemented by the elite controllers of the common people to
guard against this destruction of their productivity. Thus, there began to develop extremes of
law which were necessary to prevent this kind of drug subversion in the common people. As
with all new developments in society, there was a period of experimentation on how best to
defend their people from drug subversion, which resulted in a period of highly dramatic
changes in the structure of society in regard to drugs, which in itself was a result of the more
fundamental change of sudden exponential growth of the human population at that time.

Circling back to the development of cannabis as a drug; it appears there was a settling down of
direct high contact power struggles throughout the 1800's, which ended with the two world
wars. After the world wards, there finally arose a kind of stability in the powers of the world,
which allowed the increase of indirect low-contact type warfare, such as drug addiction
subversion. It appears that the increase in drug use during the 1960's USA was a direct result
of a successful campaign by foreign powers to perform a drug war subversion upon the USA
common people. It was under these circumstances that cannabis first became an extremely
popular drug within the USA common people. At first, the USA government tried in vain to
stem the tide of this development with psychological tactics, and then eventually were forced
to implement dangerous and highly irritating direct laws against all kinds of these drugs in the
1970's and 1980's. I say dangerous from the perspective of the elite controllers, who I am sure
are aware of the inefficiencies and possibilities for chaos when taking away what the common
people perceive as their freedom; especially in the normy culture lore of the USA, which
emblazoned the idea of the superior freedom of its people as its foundational creation story,

upon which the normies were constantly pacified in that system by constant reference to that
same freedom, most often in reference to the bill of rights and "the land of the free" folk
slogans. Understand, that because the methods of managing common folk are so vast,
complex, interlocking, random, and subject to the peculiar historical developments of the
specific region: those management methods become as unique as a fingerprint, and
adjustments must be made which would only apply to that specific system. I would imagine
that there are segments of the elite who are highly specialized in the general study of common
folk management, and who hold a great pride in their knowledge of it, which might well be
considered an artform. Thus, the radical changes of the USA culture during the 1960's were a
result of coordinating that lore of freedom with the newfound challenge of defending against
drug subversion. Not only was cannabis a popular drug at that time, but also many more
volatile substances such as acid, mushrooms, various opium poppy derivatives, and finally the
explosion of cocaine use during the 1980's, at which point the USA elites seemed to have lost
complete control of the developing drug subversions, and thus applied never before seen
strictness in drug laws, causing high degrees of disturbance in the USA common people. After
all, it is simple logic to understand that the taking away of freedom in the common folk via
psychological manipulation is highly preferable, because it is not perceived as an erosion of
freedom; whereas direct laws to imprison drug users is highly visible. This causes the need for
much resources to be expended to manage the side effects of the common people perceiving
the loss of their freedom: something which on the surface seems to go against the instinct that
an individual should not be prevented from choosing what they put into their own body or

It then appears at some point in the midst of all this shuffling chaos, it was determined that
another drug outlet was needed to be built into the foundation of USA culture. It is directly
obvious now of the long term plan implemented to prepare cannabis as this next outlet. Of
course, with common people, the recommendation for change to be implemented slowly is
highly valuable; as slow changes are less noticed than drastic changes, and always sudden
drastic changes will be met with extreme stress upon any common people who are
accustomed to a certain way of living. This involves the interplay between common folk who
support drug laws and those who support a higher priority of freedom. Yet of course, the elite
controllers of society exist in the perspective that requires a more complex view of the
scenario. My childhood existed in the middle of this transition of excluding all other drugs in
favor of funneling people toward a use of cannabis whenever they needed something in
addition to caffein and alcohol. Undoubtedly each common folk in this situation would at least
try cannabis first before they moved on to other substances which are a lot more difficult to
acquire. This is done easily through methods of designing law and social structure to cause
cannabis to be less enforced, along with other simple methods of increasing or decreasing the
laws against the various other drugs. Take this all the way to the present day of this book,
2021, where the finishing touches on cannabis acceptance exists almost in full with about half
of the USA states now legalizing it, while the other half are barely enforcing their laws.

It is in this way, that I climbed the ladder of drugs according to the design of society as my
stress levels and lack of supervision destined me. At 16 years old, my older brother introduced
me to alcohol. Of course without my parent's permission, nor really their notice, and honestly
they probably would have approved of it anyway, as the normy culture establishment is for
children to introduce alcohol to themselves in slight acts of rebellion. Disregarding whether it
is an appropriate way to allow children to approach alcohol, the more significant thing is that a
culture of non-involvement of parents and rebellion against parents is supported by the
system, as I see it for the purpose of establishing a dominance of the system upon children
before their parents. In reality, any common sense will tell you that all children should obey
their parents and parents should be involved in the direction of their children's lives. But the
normy culture leaves parents mostly unable to intellectual participate in such complicated
developments in their children. This is not to say that parents of low intelligence should not
have high influence over their children's lives, as the generational development of people
should improve more with each generation; but that generational improvement is only
possible when the chain of each generation is linked to the other by a supremely high degree
of respect and obedience for parents; so that while mistakes are guaranteed to be made, they
are also guaranteed to be fixed in the next generation by that child who experienced suffering
at the hands of their mistaken parent and yet still obeyed their flawed advice. In addition to
this, the self-improvement would be self-managed without the need for outside interference.
A solid bedrock of a culture pressuring the common people's children to obey their parents
with the sacredness of a religious duty is the only thing that can make this ideal possible. Yet,
as so often is the case for the elite controllers of a society, long term betterment of their
people is not within their interest, in a world where they can be destroyed in the short term.
Thus the elites have designed society as if it was a backdoor hack on a computer system, which
allows them to influence children in any direction they want. After all, to them, what benefit is
it for the chaotic randomness of the common folk mind to guide the direction of youth? Again
I will repeat, the benefit is at least two or three generations off before the benefits will be
seen; that is some 70 years off in the future; requiring the investment of 70 years into the
future before seeing any benefit; and actually most assuredly a reversal of progress for that
first generation can be expected, as the initial generation takes upon it the duty of being the
first to face the world alone according to its own intellect, and making all the first mistakes
from which the next generation will learn. Assuredly a painful, but necessary process; it will
require the sacred duty of a child to obey their parents to also be coupled with the grand duty
to sacrifice for, and even to revere flawed parents: with the poetic pull of a holy law and the
same substance of an adult protecting a small child with the shield of its body; an instinctually
honor infested act. I will emphasize more still the duty of a child to their parent, to appreciate
them for being the shoulders upon which they stand, which give them the lift out of the water,
to breathe while their parent is drowned. It should be understood that a child will eventually
outgrow their parents, and become stronger than them until eventually their parents appear

like children who will often misbehave; and then also will come the duty of that child to then
behave like the parent who responds with understanding and veiled dominance.

Let me emphasize to you the nature of the common folk world I lived in when I was 16 years
old: there existed a false appearance of parental involvement, when there was in reality
practically none at all. At least that was the point at which my particular generational
improvement was at; and my sense of estimation tells me that this was the average level most
common folk children were at with their parents. As usual, my life seems to have fallen
directly on the average, and of course outliers of parents existed above and below that
wisdom. Yet, as history progressed, the ability even for highly intelligent parents to steer their
children was gradually weakened more and more, so that by my time it required truly great
intellect on the part of parents to guide their children without losing them to the many pitfalls
of life and the pull of the normy social culture. In my opinion, I must lay the blame upon the
ever increasing violence of a world at war, which left elites with no other option than for quick
fixes and adjustments to the constantly evolving situations which did not permit them time to
relax and reflect on the best way to go about things. In this way, as so often is the case, the
responsibility of this society chaos can not be laid on the elites themselves, or anyone in
particular, but again upon this impersonal chaos beast within disunited humanity. After all,
consider those elites who chose that imperfect path for their people: imagine they had instead
chosen some of the betterments I speak of: it would have left them vulnerable to attack by
foreign powers and thus the destruction of their common people in a different fashion from a
conquering power using scorched earth tactics against a conquered people, in order to ensure
that no resistance would later arise in the process of conquering. Again, humanity seems on all
sides to be stuck again and again on choosing the lesser of two evils: of choosing the wisdom
of every man for himself. Truly, as with natural selection, any power who chose the path of
morality as opposed to survival, in fact did not survive, and thus there now only exists the
powers who were the most unscrupulous in their techniques in order to still remain today.
This is the picture of the chaos beast of humanity. It seems humanity is destined for self-
annihilation the longer the different powers continue to remain at war and contend with each
other in a world where there is no trust except among your own. The strategies at this point in
the world war have been so extensively explored and perfected by all sides, that there seems
to exist no other possibility than a continued stalemate, and thus the destruction of humanity.
But do not mistake this destruction I speak of to mean a type which sends us back to the stone
age, but rather a worse kind of destruction, a true destruction more complete than any other;
that is the complete unrestrained reign of the chaos beast; meaning the continued false
appearance of a civilization: a living chaos bringing the presence of all the cruelest forms of
torture and filth, so that none but an ever decreasing few have any sense of real happiness; an
apocalypse where nothing sudden or dramatic happens, but rather just the infinite downward
spiral of humanity into deeper and deeper levels hell. A destruction back to the stone age
would be much preferable than this hellish future. What are we to do? What can anyone do?

Truly, this chaos beast is powerful enemy. Yet in my heart, I tell you, I believe we can destroy

Like any other normy, during my chaotic mid teenage years, I did have some celebrity
influences who I thought I could lean on for help; some musicians I dare not even speak their
names in this book, who were nothing more than the manufactured means of parenting by the
elite controllers. Like the use of some drug that produces high energy in the short term, yet in
the long term results in the destruction of your body and mind; so also the elites would use
the common people for short term gains by means of poorly behaving influencers. Yet, I had
some sense of comfort in my idolization of them. After all, what choice did I have other than to
realize I was completely alone, abandoned in a chaotic apocalypse. I see children today in this
same state as I was in back then. The structure of society does not allow me to interfere or
help them in any meaningful way. I see these youths and their coming destruction, when the
world in one swift stroke strikes them with such force so as to snuff out their flame of pure
adventurous joy and wonderment which exists in all youth. For whatever reason, my flame has
survived in sufficient amount today for me to write this book; yet I tell you, my flame is almost
gone: more with each passing day, with each new suffering, with each moment of continued
solitude as I experience it. I do not know what it means to let my inner flame go out. Yet like
some mythological vampire bite might slowly change me into some unconscious zombie, I do
feel the darkness coming over me; to the point where I feel as if this book could be my last act
before I expire. The hope that some future reader might happen upon these words and spark
some effect of consoling hope, to perhaps unite a small group to build a psychological shelter
in the ruins of this society: this smallest possible result is enough to cause an eruption of my
flame to deliver these words to you. I will finish this task; I have nothing else but to keep this
small semblance of dignity to perform an honorable deed before I finally lose all strength to
continue the struggle. I do not want to imagine what awaits me on the other side: something
worse than death; which only my belief in God gives me solace from. Yet as I said, I will reserve
talk of God and religion for another section of this book; for which those disinterested in these
beliefs can simply skip if they must. It is for this reason, that I be able to reach all types of
people, that I will confine my ideas of God to that one section. Make no mistake that I am
somehow ashamed of my beliefs in God by doing this, but rather consider it is more efficient
to allow those disinterested to browse that section voluntarily when they are ready, rather
than to alienate them via causing their constant annoyance throughout this book. It is my
hope that this consideration for the atheist reader might eventually cause a more likely
reception for the ideas of God, which I do consider to be the most important ideas of all;
rather than assuring a rejection through irritation by my attempting to force those ideas into
their ears; a method which I feel so many God believers do mistakenly use which has created a
spam-like atmosphere of religion which pushes these people further and further away. I will
take no part in that error; and I do believe my atheist readers, because of this regard for their
beliefs, they will truly give my section about God a fair consideration as a respect for me which
they give no other preacher. Heil Hitler.

Going back again to my older brother introducing me to alcohol at 16 years old, as I said the
state of parental support by society resulted in me taking on the world completely alone. The
consistent theme of my life, was that I seemed to always fall in the middle between the
extremes of great misfortune and great luck. My progression with drugs followed this same
theme, and while it was my misfortune that lack of intellectual supervision caused me down
the path of drugs, I was lucky in that I started relatively late in my youth, and also slowly
progressed into it, rather than a sudden bad influence casting me straight into extreme drug
use very quickly. My younger brother did not receive this same grace, since his higher
functioning normy skills exposed him to more friendships and thus also to the greater chance
of being exposed to drugs at an early age. As I later understood, he became involved in the use
of cannabis beginning at age thirteen, which soon progressed to its limit of daily constant
intake. This is not surprising considering that at the same time my older brother's
experimental use of cannabis also began but at his older age. Eventually my older brother
settled upon alcohol as his drug of choice, and his use of cannabis never progressed passed an
experimental phase. Alternately, I settled upon cannabis as my drug of choice, and rarely used
alcohol. This spectrum of the two drugs built into normy culture during my childhood
represents a curious spectrum of polar opposite effects and consequences. My older brother,
his intellectual flame being snuffed out early in life, preferred alcohol because it was a drug
that generally decreases critical thinking, focusing its effect on the relaxation of the individual,
usually chosen out of a desire to cease from intellectual thought and to enjoy the present
moment in an effortless way. On the other side, cannabis is a drug whose results highly
depend on the user. In highly intellectual users, like myself, cannabis causes an intense rush of
creative thought, and when done jointly with a chosen intellectual activity, generally floods
the mind with a multitude of spiritual and intellectual thought. However, in less intellectual
normies, cannabis can push the user toward a meditative state that increases the relaxed state
preference of that less intellectual user. I will also say that the genetic racial background of a
user seems to change the effect of cannabis significantly. Whereas the black race seems to
more likely receive a relaxed state from cannabis, while the white race usually receives a
higher energy state from it. I will go into racial characteristics further in another section of this
book. Yet, even as cannabis causes relaxation in many users, it still is a more so intellectual
meditative state when compared with the extremely non-intellectual non-spiritual state of the
alcohol effect.

The spectrum of the effects of alcohol versus cannabis are roughly relaxation versus
intellectual stimulation; and they also have similarly polarized negative consequences for
prolonged use. The prolonged use of alcohol causes injury most severely for the body itself
rather than the mind. While the prolonged use of cannabis causes injury almost entirely for
the mind and little for the body. In intellectual users of cannabis, such as I was during that
time, the effect causes such an enormous flow of thought and intellectual energy that it often
drives these types to a general severe confusion presenting itself as unclear thought patterns,

more generally known in the past as madness, but in recent times the psychiatric system has
seized upon the word ‘psychosis’. For users who pursue cannabis for a meditative relaxation,
the injury results less in madness but rather the opposite of madness; a type of extreme
passiveness; which for the majority of normies who are not intellectual, this is the most
common result; and thus the reason why the USA elites fought against its spread for so long,
because extreme passiveness causes an extreme decrease in productivity, whose net effect
can roughly be categorized as the slowing of the economy. The economy, which is more
accurately described as the modern structure of society designed to enslave the common
people to serve the elites.

My own use of cannabis would eventually turn into that intellectual madness, of which I will
soon describe in more detail. On the other hand, my younger brother fell on the spectrum of
developing an extreme passivity with a slight intellectuality. My older brother fell into a
moderate over consumption of alcohol, but generally he was the most extremely conforming
to normy socialization of us three brothers, and so the pressure of normy culture to be socially
stable also led him to avoid deep alcohol addiction, if only because it is looked down upon by
normies; and I will repeat again and again, the most dedicated of normies seek the approval of
general society to always follow what appears to be expected behavior, with all the dedication
of a religious fanatic. In that way, my older brother became the most successful in the normy
world out of all of us brothers. But this success comes with a price that can only be understood
by intellectuals; even today whenever I speak with him, it is impossible to bypass his
surrounding shield of normy energy, which locks out any penetration of outside thought,
bubbling him in like a cocoon, or more like a tomb, with which you can not communicate; and
his mind unceasingly repeats the phrases and expectations of normy culture. Perhaps because
of me, who constantly exposed him to all the different types of intellectual thoughts
throughout his life, he developed an impenetrable defensive shell against all non-normy ideas.
As my development progressed slowly to my intellectual victory over the normy mindset, it
also slowly progressed his normy shell to be as equally strong as my intellectual mind. In that
sense, I wonder if I helped to create one of the most powerful normy adherents in existence.
Because as my mind fell in and out of victory as it battled the demons of this normy world:
from his perspective it appeared as a madness which further solidified him against all types of
intellectual thought. I will openly admit that he is the most hopelessly asleep normy
sleepwalker I have ever come across. It is as if speaking to the deaf, he can not hear. I mourn
for the coma of his soul. His personality exists in random bursts which appear suddenly and
only after great expense of my energy. I know in this sense that my older brother is not alive,
and not dead, but dormant, and only with peer pressure would he ever change his opinions.
And even then, if my opinions were to one day be accepted and become a new type of norm,
he would undoubtedly bow to peer pressure and accept all. Thus, this does not pierce the shell
of his subconscious religion to always follow the norm. I wonder if ever some combination of
changing the norm could ever pierce the sarcophagus of his mind to electrify his soul and
spark true intellectual activity to overcome his extreme fear of going against the norm. It is a

dream I have to somehow find his soul in that wilderness, but then again, I also recognize that
not all minds are the same. While the normy mind is relatively lifeless and machine-like
predictable, there is also a ray of light I see in all normies which manifests itself in their ability
to have fun. Like the turn key of their soul, when they have fun you will see their eyes light up,
and when they perceive acceptance by their peers in the form of a signal that they are
enjoying themselves in their company and thus satisfying him that he is not just having fun
himself but also causing fun in others. It is at this point that I see the light inside the normy
soul as they seem to fulfill what is their destiny and their purpose in this world. While the
purpose of the intellectual would be serve a caretaker role of society’s more complicated
aspects; I wonder if the purpose of the normy is for non-intellectual social joy. I will even
admit, perhaps this is a role that no intellectual could ever hope to understand, and from this
series of thoughts I have come to feel a great compassion and acceptance of the normy. Not to
constantly belittle them over their childlike predictability, but to appreciate them for achieving
things I could not do; which is to sit light heartedly and cease making sense and logic out of all
the events around me, but to live in the moment. It is this that I truly believe is the polar
opposite roles of normies and intellectuals, so that I desire to take on my role as protector of
the normies which are more respectfully titled "common folk". Normy is perhaps a word that
has the connotation of a common folk seized by an outside immoral force manipulating them
to do evil; whilst a common folk, aided and protected and guided by morally minded
intellectuals can be considered truly free and capable of delivering their talent at creating joy
in this world. I say many things that could appear negative about common folk, only in my
reference to them as normies manipulated for evil; yet I often view them from afar in their
joyous state with admiration. Yet, as they are not destined to be intellectuals, I understand I
am not destined to be a common folk; but rather we can each play our own role. Perhaps this
is the role my older brother is destined to play, so that I should cease trying to awaken his
intellectual mind and rather enjoy him for his specific talents at creating social joy. Truly,
intellectuals will always be in desperate need of common folk to help them relax their minds
from intellectual activity in order to periodically take time off to relax and enjoy themselves
without thinking too hard. Truly we can be different and work together. This will be one of the
themes of this book: how to better manage our society and culture; that is to create a stable
equilibrium between common folk and intellectual. Heil Hitler.

My younger brother on the other hand, was much closer to being an intellectual than my older
brother, yet not nearly as much as me who was of the most extreme case of intellectual; so
that while not as normy-minded as my older brother, he was still safely in the realm of being a
common folk. I must say, through the series of adversities we had to overcome together as we
faced this life, his heart was pure and I would not classify him as a normy but rather as a semi-
intellectual. The results of him beginning cannabis use so young were catastrophic; not
because of the cannabis use strictly but because of a series of factors for which early cannabis
use would not mix well. I will say nothing more than that he also faced the world head on,
while I was distracted by my own specific path, and our parents did not know enough to

oversee us unifying as a combined force for protection from the world: it was one sudden day
that the combination of all the evil and struggles of this world, which so often knocked me to
the ground and caused the most extremes of suffering in my soul and heart: something led
him to run away from home at the age of 18, and I have not seen him since. I have never given
up on finding him, even 15 years later. I do not believe he is dead, but that for the same
reasons my own suffering led me to the brink of the abyss: he has travelled somewhere
physically seeking answers the same as I have travelled intellectually here to the point of
writing this book. After 10 years of his disappearance, I became somewhat at peace and
relinquished control of when I might see him again. Our separation I see now as a casualty of
this cruel world and the unrelenting forward march of the monster of chaos. It motivates me
to defeat this monster, with the hope that I will find him when he is ready to reveal himself or
has conquered whatever it is that has voluntarily or involuntarily caused him to remain
hidden. My older brother and parents, on the other hand, could not accept his disappearance
with the same thoughtfulness as me, excepting maybe my mother; but my older brother and
father seemed to sink into a deeper most permanent state of normy coldness. Both my father
and older brother, much the same in their normy outlook, exist only in those small moments
when their soul accidently reveals itself through the cracks in their normy shell before quickly
closing up the opening, and I see them no more. Yet, I have a hope, that if ever I am able to
succeed in conquering this chaos beast and un-subverting the immoral manipulation of the
common folk masses, that I could perhaps electrify their souls back to life as common folk,
alive with the flame of the spirit of social joy. I fight this war from a perspective of doing good
for all, but I will not deny that I get a very personal sense of meaning from this mission to
rescue my father and brother from the depths of cold normy despair.

I can not neglect to describe to you my mother, as she represents my only close up example of
a woman due to my being born with brothers only. Or more simply, she is my mother; a highly
relevant factor in determining the nature of any individual. Assuming she is my biological
mother, for I do obviously bare very similar physical and mental characteristics as her, even
also in the shape of my face, so that I do not consider it an unlikely assumption. As far as I have
gathered in this corrupt world of lies, her genetics come predominantly from Scandinavia with
also a British and Celtic combination which could also be considered in the Scandinavian
sphere. There is a racial characteristic reputation in these Scandinavians as being more gentle,
polite, naïve, and prone to receiving abuse from others with patience. My mother definitely
has all these characteristics, and I would not say they are bad, but rather that they do leave
open a weakness for being abused and exploited socially. I recognize my past and my
connection with my mother as having inherited these characteristics within myself. I do recall
a pattern in my life of being abused by others socially, and still even today whilst knowing this
about myself, I feel the instinct of receiving much abuse before I react. In this sense the spirit
of my mother is strong within me.

My mother, being a woman, had to face the struggles which all women face in this corrupt
world, which uses and abuses women. It is my great luck that she persevered mostly against
these things and did not fall victim to some of the worst subversions occurring in women
today. Women are a major source of pleasure for men, and all of society, so that they are a
greater target for the world. It is only because of her generally supportive family structure that
my mother was able to survive as well as she has. However, like the majority of humanity, her
intellectual traits were not strong enough to defend against the great avalanche of corrupted
normy culture, and so she also became a high degree of normy. She became highly
Christianized at a young age and so also swallowed some of the worst characteristics of normy
Christianity; which caused a struggle within my spiritual development that took me a long time
to overcome. Like my older brother, she developed a strong exterior shell of normy behavior
from constantly being exposed to all kinds of intellectual persuasion through me; which
combined with my errors and struggles in my development, caused her in the long term to
associate even my correct intellectual ideas with madness; to the same point as my older
brother that she is not able to receive even very persuasive intellectual ideas which go against
the norm. Yet, she also exhibits a profound humility, to the point of weakness, so that more
than my older brother and father she is able to receive intellectual thought from me in a
greater degree, though not a very high degree. For that reason, I have been able to continue a
long form conversation with my mother throughout my life which has had some successes in
addition to failures. She is profoundly attached to ideas of love and patience toward her
children. I am extremely lucky to receive her genuine love toward me; and I am aware that
many people do not experience that same love from their mother; such as my father from his
mother. It is amazing when considering all the factors of life, how everything has its spectrum
of advantages and disadvantages; and from my mother I certainly received such a complicated
spectrum. Being such a mother that is highly invested in her children's success, combined with
her normy ways, throughout my life she has been an unrelenting source of pressure on me to
conform to being a normy; because from her perspective the normy way is the correct way,
and so what else could she do when desiring to help me than to persist in never giving up on
advising me to change my ways; so much so that we have a very strained relationship because
I am forced to contend with the backwardness of a normy world at the same time as contend
with her unrelenting close up criticism. As an intellectual, I understand her thought pattern
that she feels she must at all cost and sacrifice find a way to help me. With the determination
of a mother to help her child, I have had the grievous fate to defend my intellectual self from
her; yet I can not be angry with her because I know it comes from a place of love in her heart.
Thus often the only solution was to patiently endure her criticism which occasionally I am not
able to deflect without frustration and anger. However, the connection between us never
seems to break as I am devoted to her with all the understanding of how a child should be
devoted to their parent, and so the same she is devoted to me. It created an extreme uneasy
friction between us; which I know will always exist until perhaps the day happens when I am
able to defeat the great powers of the normy world so that she might also accept the change
in the norm and be able to understand my great struggle against the current norm, and

perhaps develop a sense of respect for my achievements on that day. But currently that battle
is not won, and so I continue to endure the bittersweetness of our relationship. I will not deny
that this rejection from my mother has inflamed that instinct the same as within all children
toward their parent for acceptance. It is truly a motivation for me that I hope to persevere in a
highly masculine strength against the evils of the normy world, so that one day she might
understand it fully and in awe admire me for the mountainous manly strength I have
developed to stand alone against an enormous world of both normy and intellectual evils. Her
own mother, my maternal grandmother, was of the most extreme form of that naive gentle
non-intellectual type, so that it was her father, my maternal grandfather, which was always
the source of her intellectual guidance and strength. I hope one day in her eyes to be worthy
of being that same type of fatherly example, being a massive pillar of manly strength in a
world of chaos. My maternal grandmother, I must emphasize again as the most extreme form
of non-intellectual naivety and gentle kindness. I know it is this source of naivety and extreme
gentleness that exists in me and has caused great struggles for me in my battles, because such
sensitivity can be disastrous in a war situation. Yet on the other side of that spectrum, it is not
a quality I despise perhaps because I have that quality, and I admire extreme kindness and
gentleness, because the pains I felt from those who were not kind or gentle with me, and gave
me reason to even more so demonstrate gentle kindness as a protest against a barbaric
unkind world. Again, everything in life seems to deliver to us both strengths and weaknesses
which place us all on our individual paths.

Let us move on to my father. I lightly see my reflection in my father and his personality. The
shapes of our faces do not match up nearly as much as with my mother, and there is enough
difference that one could even doubt him as my true father when one considers the premise
of elites treating the common people like livestock to be bred. Yet, when compared with his
father, my paternal grandfather, the resemblance is striking. In particular my grandfather's
hands, and the veins visible upon them, are almost like a reflection of my own hands; the veins
placed in the same shape and impression. Also, with my paternal grandfather, our body type is
very similar, hair, and personality are all the same. There is nothing in my family history to
suggest my father is not my real father, I am thankful. Family stress stemming from female
infidelity and the doubting of paternity is among the most painful and destructive
psychological forces in humanity. I perceive that large differences in the look from father to
son principally happen when far apart races are mixed. For clarity, let us take the premise that
the German race consists of those Scandinavians in the North, and also the Northern European
Germans in the south; surrounding a central area of Denmark. This being considered, I would
label my mother as a North German, with a light mix of British and Celtic from her father's
side; and then my maternal grandmother was purely North German; whilst my paternal
grandfather had a similar mix of pure South German parents. However, my father's mother,
my paternal grandmother, perhaps added the mix of genetics sufficiently distant from the
German purity of all my ancestors up to this point, enough to cause my father to look
dissimilar from his father and children. Yet, in comparison my maternal genetics are not so far

off, but only relatively so when compared with all my other ancestors. Even the German and
Celtic races were highly intertwined in the past, as I understand it, existing as a hybrid race in
Northern Europe during the years before zero. Thus, my paternal grandmother, being Italian
was what could be considered relatively mismatched with my German roots. Italians and
Greeks could be considered, in the grand scheme of the white race, to be Southern White;
while the Germans would be Northern white. Of course, being white, we all descend from a
largely intermixed hybridized past, with eras of more or less hybridization depending on the
circumstances of each period; yet there was sufficient separation to create two distinct groups
of whites, North and South. With the chaos of Attila the Hun’s arrival in Europe mixing up the
pot in never before seen ways, after which the Italian and German races, or North and South
white races if you will, were forced to mix within the European mainland as a measure of
defense against the west Asian races which were attempting to take our white native
homelands during the times of Attila's catastrophic raid and continuing ever since with varied
degrees of success. I explain this because I am aware there are contentions of purity between
Northern and Southern Whites; with each implying an absence of historical hybridization
between the two; and so I contend that the hybridization of north and south whites after
Attila the Hun was sufficiently extreme so that I lay admonition against these purist claims and
would say that all whites descend from a hybridization in the past; which may be closer to our
original form, which is the common ancestors of all whites far far into the past. I believe that
evidence of this exists in how some of the most recent great powers of the white race were all
centered in central Europe; especially so in the most modern times due to the extreme war
chaos and never before seen extremes of the last five-hundred years, and also the last
hundred years. Whites have truly returned to a form of hybridization like never before, even
whilst collectives in both the north and south have over time returned to a purer form of
northern and southern white.

In that sense, I reject this adherence to a polarization conflict within the white race. Make no
mistake, however, I do support diversity in the white race, each of us re-purifying to the racial
traditions of the lands which our ancestors descend from. My perspective of central Europe is
that its natural form consists of a hybridization of north and south, a hybridization which
expectedly decreases gradually as one travels further north or south; and this makes logical
sense. Yet at the same time, there has arisen traditional boundaries between areas which
predominate toward the German side of the hybrid, or toward the Roman-Italian-Greek side
of the hybrid. And thus, all my ancestors except my paternal grandmother descend from re-
purified German areas. Even central European Germany has become highly repurified and
distinct from the southern Italians in recent centuries, all stemming from the split of Francia
after Charlemagne; with the west re-purifying into modern France, and the east re-purifying
into southern German. Thus my contention that my re-purified German genetics mis-matched
enough with my Italian grandmother so as to cause a significant change in my father's look,
which returned to me when he had children with my north German mother. What is more
significant, in my opinion, than simply north and south white considerations, is the furthest

extremes of the white race. This also includes the long isolated Slavic race in the furthest east
extremes of white Native land. The Slavic race is peculiar, in that it appears the east
Carpathian plains of the Eurasian steppe seems to have isolated and kept pure the Slavic race
more than any other whites; and thus the Slavs have always been viewed by the western
whites as very very different; yet I would never go as far as some would to say that Slavs are
not white or are inferior; but instead I would simply explain it as that they are the extreme of
the white race's eastern part. Obviously, the Slavic races display some of the whitest skin of all
the white races, which could be explained by their having to constantly contend with the brunt
of Asian racial incursion, so that perhaps there developed some type of extreme race-mixing
resistance, in addition to the extreme cold of their climate also serving a natural selection
process to white skin. In recent times of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, a mix of
north German spread ever since the foundation of north German Rus settlements in the East
Baltic sea, which eventually hybridized almost the entirety of the Slavic race. This conflict
between the German-Slavic hybrid (known as Russian) and the more purer Slavs, is a
significant source of conflict and tension in the white race to this very day, and shows itself in
the extreme conflict between rival Slav nations in Eastern Ukraine. In the broadest sense of
considering the divisions of the white race, I would categorize us as us into three parts; North,
South, and East. Of my own ancestry, I hold only the elements of North and South, which have
traditionally been much closer throughout history than with the Eastern whites. Yet, I will
emphasize, that these separations are only relatively significant when considering the white
race only. When it comes to comparing us to the other major races of the world: Asians,
Blacks, Native Americans, Mesopotamians, Arabs, Indians; and also the Egyptians of who are
so shrouded in mystery that I hesitate to claim anything more than vague guesses about them.
When it comes to comparing whites with these non-white races, it truly reveals how close
whites are to each other. We all truly all spring from the same primordial source, and to claim
we are anything less than brothers in this world is an error worthy of one of the most
dishonorable labels, that of a race traitor. We, the white race, are truly extended family, and it
is a major point of my philosophy that we hold tight to each other as an extended family; and
that we ought to suffer much for the benefit of one another, and support each other with all
the vigor of unconditional love which exists most naturally in blood related family. Heil Hitler.

Let us return back to my main train of thought: the significance of the mis matching racial mix
from my Italian maternal grandmother. As I was saying, what is more significant than simple
consideration of north and south white, is the extremes of the white race which exhibit very
volatile racial characteristics in line with the extreme of their locations and their existing on
the boundaries of white native land in direct contact with the other non-white races. Because
of this existence on the fringes of white territory, these peoples have necessarily developed
peculiar characteristics different from central whites: traits which were naturally selected in
order to deal with the extremes of interracial conflict throughout the eras of human history.
The Slavs of the Eurasian steppe, now mostly a Russian hybrid, are the extreme of the east
which, from what I know, have characteristics of extreme agitation and a heavier dose of what

could be called a rudeness of a sort; and the conflict of the western whites with the Soviet
Union is a modern manifestation of this difference. It is this same agitated characteristic which
also exists in the extreme regions of the north and south whites. In the north, the extreme
appears to be Iceland, where a reputation of Viking extreme masculinity and roughness was
required to survive in the seas of cold desolation. In the southern whites, the extreme exists in
Sicily. The Island of Sicily, at the center of the Mediterranean sea. It is an exposed point that
invites any external peoples to land on first if they desire to proceed into the European
mainland. As a result of this weak defensive position, the island of Sicily was the center of
many back and forth conflicts between whites and other races, and even also a central place
of conflict amongst whites themselves as they squabbled amongst each other throughout
history. Many conflicts with the Arab race happened in Sicily, and before that with wars
between Rome and Carthage. Whilst the eastern Slavic races had to deal with wave after wave
of Asian Mongoloid invasions, still the stress was of a different kind due to the Eurasian steppe
being a landlocked major land mass. Compare this to the stress factors of being a small island
disconnected from the European mainland; it resulted in the complex extreme of the Sicilian
character. I recall reading of the brutality in Sicilian culture as described by accounts of
Cicero's adventures in travelling there. When your people are constantly forced to defend
themselves and be wary of all types of the most vicious war techniques, especially in
combination with being more vulnerable as an island, natural selection selects to survive only
those capable of surviving in extreme chaos, and also as it regards defending the purity of your
race. Perhaps many Sicilians survived as mixed race descendants of the various conquerors of
Sicily, yet afterward the white race returned its predominance to Sicily which means that the
current Sicilians today stem from ancestors who not only survived in such chaos, but who also
survived with their white racial purity intact. It is also a peculiarity of Sicilians, that while some
have darker tanned skins, as are many Greeks, due to the hotter climate, yet still many
Sicilians also have some of the whitest skins as any Scandinavian or eastern Slav; and there is
not even any snow there! What am I leading up to with this detailed description of the Sicilian
race? As I said, the intermixing of the different white races has less of a noticeable effect when
compared with the mixing with these three extremes of the white race. And I am witness of
this up close, because my paternal grandmother is a Sicilian. It was my father who had to
contend with these two extremes of his own nature coming from his father and mother. His
father, my grandfather, is of pure central German ancestry. He descended from a long line of
relatively gentle naive German types; with a patrilineal source in Baden, in South Western
Germany. All the mothers in his patrilineal line followed this same pattern of the relatively
gentle and naive characteristics of the white race. Now I ask you, who suffers more when a
gentle and naive personality type interacts with a rough and clever personality type
accustomed to facing war and deceit? Of course, it is the gentle personality type which is
exposed to the most psychological suffering precisely because the rough natured personality is
accustomed to all types of conflict and will persevere in any argument. This same friction, I feel
exists in my father, and I do believe is the source of much of his peculiarities of personality
that I have had to come to terms with over the course of my life. While the conflict with the

Sicilian within me is to a much lesser degree due to my own mother being of the most extreme
of gentle German type ancestors, more so than even my paternal grandfather's ancestors, so
that I wonder if this was enough to tip the balance back into my less volatile personality when
compared with my father. Take even the association of Sicilians with the gangster organized
crime chaos in the mid 1900's, within which the Sicilians were known to dominate; this is
evidence of their characteristic to be extremely successful within chaotic environments more
than any other white race. A point of note, my paternal grandmother comes from one of the
extremely white types of Sicilians, so that I am certain that all those struggles I spoke of before
exist within her and were passed onto my father without the corresponding male half of the
Sicilian genome which undoubtedly would assist to counter-balance those rough Sicilian
characteristics. But as it were, the other half of his ancestry consisted of the naive and gentle
characteristics of the northern whites. My experience with my father, as I will soon describe in
detail, seems to highlight the struggle between those two extremes. While this same struggle
may exist in a minor form in my own racial balance, still my conflict with my father's chaotic
personality are perhaps the most potent form of how I experienced the Sicilian personality.

Thus having led us up to this point of understanding the background of my father; let me
proceed to detail my relationship with him. As a rule, I feel it is logical to conclude, that the
characteristics of a man come most directly and majorly from his father, as the father is the
example of manhood for a son, and as the traits of a man are most potently passed down from
father to son because of the fact that they are both men. I have experienced many men who
will deny this simple logical truth because they have a resentment toward their own father
and in anger they desire to severe ties and deny the obviously greater genetic connection with
their father and instead place it upon their mother. This thought process is often doubled and
solidified when a mother plays the part of nurturer to counter act a flawed father. I myself
even fell victim to this type of thought process before later in my life I began to understand
better a son's deeper connection to his father than his mother. In the opposite sense, I would
also say that a daughter has a deeper racial connection to her mother for the same reason that
they are both women and the characteristics of a woman are passed on most potently through
women. I have come across many men in this state of anger toward their father, and I often
contend with them to no avail to forgive their father and embrace their connection with him.
To any men reading this now who might exist in this same state of contention with their
father, I recommend that you consider that each generation strives to give their children a
safer place from which to grow, and in that way you should acknowledge that you had an
easier life than your father, and so it makes sense that when you grow older you will surpass
him and may eventually have to view him like a child, because it is through his first existing in a
less ideal world than you which you did not experience, and in fact you stand upon the
shoulders of your father's painful life: and thus you should not gloat in any superiority you may
have over him, but maintain the deepest respect and kind manner of mature acceptance and
understanding of your father's flaws; in the way of paying it forward so that when your own
sons grow old and also surpass you for the same reason that you lifted them up and protected

them from things which you suffered from. And so your son should naturally grow stronger
than you, so that you might appear as cruel to him as did your own father appear to you. But
save yourself the corresponding disgust you have with your own father, and strive to treat
your own father with the same compassion you would hope your own sons would have
toward you, when they eventually tower over you in superiority. It is a common theme of
parenting, that a good teacher will cause his students to eventually surpass him, and so a good
father will cause his sons to also surpass him. Do not be angry with your father's faults my
reader. Recognize that the source of your manhood comes from your father, and that to reject
your father is the same as to reject yourself. Any flaws your father may have also exist in you;
and it is your duty as a son to end the various generational suffering which is passed from
father to son in this way of forgiveness and honoring the previous generation, no matter what
their sins are. It is because of this same essence of soul that exists in father to son, and
correspondingly mother to daughter, that we are required to wield unconditional love for our
father in a form that would not exist as an unconditional requirement amongst non-blood
related teachers or guides. It is because the very success of your family line depends on your
forgiveness of your father that you are in the situation where you must forgive whatever the
sins of your father are, or else you are destined to pass on this same problem in a different
form to your own sons, or else you become responsible for passing on a struggle to your son,
rather than ending it. As fathers we must strive with all our being to help our children in this
way: offering as much struggle as you can possibly bare, in order to give your children the best
possible start and so complete the honor of a parent in this way. My men readers who fall into
this category of despising your father, and also to women and their mothers; I council you to
let go of these ill feelings. No other person in this world requires this more than with your
same sex parent. I have delivered to you my council.

It is this highest reverence that I have strived to place upon my father in the last ten years
since I came upon this philosophy. Previous to this development in myself, there was much
conflict between me and my father. I struggle to find a sensible way to describe it. Let me back
up again before I do, and describe to you what I know of his childhood. My pure south German
paternal Grandfather had originally married a pure German woman. However, this marriage
coincided with the anti-German world immediately after World War 2, and it is my suspicion
that marriages between pure German common people were purposely sabotaged by the new
anti-German victors of western white society; in order to decrease the numbers of pure
Germans in an attempt to thwart future German uprisings. From what I know of this first
marriage, the woman was of a very gentle kind, but mysteriously the marriage failed during an
era when divorce was rarely considered an option; or not so mysteriously as I might suspect.
Whichever way you look at it, the synchronicity of German-German breeding was disturbed in
my grandfather, and he later married my Sicilian maternal grandmother and had children,
including my father. My maternal Sicilian grandmother was quite the opposite of gentle; and
as I am familiar with her and what is described to me, she was very cold to the point of error
which could be described as cruel. For my father, with the gentle German genes of my

grandfather predominating in him as a male, it seems that this coldness of his mother inflicted
heavy suffering upon him. With his German side craving the gentle ways of the traditional
affectionate mother, instead he received the training of thousands of years of Sicilian racial
characteristics to prepare him theoretically for a sudden and severe invasion by a hostile
enemy. In my imagination, I imagine his tender child warmth being met by cold damp
concrete. Again, it is the case of the balance between misfortune and strength; and it seems
that my father suffered, at the start, a cruel misfortune of having a maternal Sicilian training
without the male Sicilian genes which would have given him the toughness to endure it. As it
were, my father was psychologically destroyed in his childhood. On top of this, my
grandfather, in a confused shock from the failure of his first marriage, did not dare to risk
another divorce by battling with his Sicilian wife over what even he understood to be her
cruel, cold strictness. Thus my father was left unprotected, like a bunny against a wolf. My
mother, being very familiar with my father, would often describe it as that my father lived in a
world where his mother did not love him; but I understand it better with the Sicilian
perspective that my grandmother came from a pure Sicilian line that had all the instinct to
properly raise Sicilian men, who without that strictness would be prone to all sorts of
misbehavior due to the extremely tough nature of pure Sicilian boys; and what could be
interpreted as a lack of love could better be described as the thick armored skin of a
rhinoceros: it takes a certain amount of roughness and pressure for the rhinoceros to even
notice or feel anything, and the soft fur of a bunny might barely be noticed. Thus, my
grandmother, being a common folk, could do nothing but to follow her instinct and sensed
absolutely nothing of my father's extreme suffering at her hands. From her perspective it was
simple; the world is a tough place and she was preparing him for it; this was precisely how she
showed her love; without pity; because terrible enemies show no pity, and any of her Sicilian
breed that showed such pity to their children did not live to breed another generation. Yet,
there is a mistake in this logic, because different breeds of humans contain instincts of
different combinations of tender and tough, in different orders. In the German, a tenderness
comes because the child is tender, and so at the same time instincts of love and fun and
warmth are developed. Make no mistake, abilities of warmth and tenderness are a skill just as
much as toughness; and later on the south German gets initiated into toughness when they
are ready. I wonder, if my father's misfortune was of the kind from which he could not
recover. My relationship with him reflects this, and often he is impenetrable to my instinct for
tenderness that I received from my mother and paternal grandfather. From this foundational
conflict with my father, I interpreted him as cold; and I was correct. The flame of his
tenderness vanished long ago. To make things further difficult for my father during his
childhood, he had no brothers with which to share in his suffering; but only sisters who
travelled a different road in life as a female. And with my grandfather silenced into meek
submissiveness from fear of a second divorce, there was nothing but the Sicilian mother to
foster the cold toughness between siblings. You might say his sisters inherited predominantly
the tough characteristics of their mother in greater degree due to being women. Whichever
way you look at it; my father grew up alone; with the occasional retreat to my grandfather's

warmth on the rare occasions when his mother was not the dominant force in his upbringing.
My father would often describe his displeasure with his father for not defending him against
his cruel mother. I am trying to paint a picture for you of my father after having gone through
these things and persevered through it all to become a man, and his mother's success in
injecting a toughness into his character. How can I describe my father's personality: like a moss
covered stone. There are elements of softness and warmth to his personality, but his core is
terribly hard. Having written the beginning of this book in describing my demeanor after my
own life tortures, I understand better that my father even more so lives constantly under the
shadow of terrible past suffering. His social development in childhood reflected his suffering
and, like me, he did not develop friendships until his early adulthood after he had hardened
from his psychological injuries. My father was not an extreme intellectual like me, but he was
more of a semi-intellectual, yet he lived during a time when there was no internet, and thus no
escape from the overpowering world of normies, an escape that has brought me much
comfort while I lived in the normy world. Yet he did not have this outlet; and still I say that
even though he was injured and darkened by the struggle, he certainly was not extinguished,
and I have to wonder how much I indirectly benefited by the seeming flaws in his character
which may in the end have prepared me to survive as I have in the intellectual frozen
wasteland that is our world, completely alone. We must all accept the uniqueness of our own
path to victory over suffering; and I now better understand myself as standing upon my
father's shoulders as he trudges through the swamp of his life, like an invisible force under the
water of the swamp that makes it seem like I am walking upon the water of the swamp. In that
sense my father has overcome the death like existence of having to live submerged in that
swamp. I will not, I can not, resent him or hold anything against him for his swamp like nature.
I continually say similar things in different ways, I know. But it is necessary to understand my
relationship with my father, and thus to understand a greater pattern of all fathers and sons,
which I hope my reader can learn from sooner than I did. Thus, until my mid-twenties, I did not
understand these things, and all I could see was this swamp creature of my father. Make no
mistake, it was not all bad. He was a father to me and my brothers, and was present in my life,
if not emotionally present. Continually I would gather my instincts to show him love in the face
of his bruteness, and like small child struggles against an adult, I would constantly struggle to
break his coldness with greater and greater warmness; but I stood no chance. No doubt, my
father saw his own childhood in my softness, and he saw it as his gift to me that my mother
provided the softness for me that I needed, and he did not see any great need for him to add
to it. He initiated me into many intellectual beginnings which I followed further than he ever
did. Still, how can I resent him for his shortcomings when it is these initiations which allowed
me to reach the pinnacle of intellectual powers I now have. It is a wonder to me, the reversal
of roles, in that I have an intellectual power over him now similar to the toughness power he
had over my youthful softness. I try to view him, and all people in general, intellectually as
similar to soft children who preciously need a reaffirming soft response. I view the simple
nature of common folk to be influenced by social norms as similar to a kind of intellectual

softness. Parables are certainly one of the most excellent ways to perceive and understand our

What more can I do to describe specific events with my father that would be better than this
general pattern description of my relationship with him? Let your imagination fill in the gaps; it
is not difficult to imagine all the predictable events. My perception of his failures could very
likely be considered as successes when considering his failures forced me to invent ways to
survive. Truly, no matter how much or how little our misfortunes in life, it seems apparent that
we all have an equal opportunity to overcome. Let us put a cap on the description of my
relationship with my father in saying that at a certain point in my late teens, my intellectual
path surpassed him, and while I benefited from his foundation in the swamp, still I had to face
the world above the swamp alone. And with that I can say that my father had little influence at
all in my life above the swamp. I eventually understood all these things and with varying
degrees of success I have developed an uncomfortable equilibrium with my father, as I honor
him and continue on to face the new struggles of the world which my forefathers did not face
because they were too busy laying the foundation from which I now benefit.

Let us move on to that period of my life which I would describe as a dark cold frozen
intellectual wasteland, from which I would be forced to learn the skills to survive, or else
perish into the shape of a conforming normy: something I could not do, because it was
impossible that I not continually make sense of my world, and once it made sense it could not
be undone. My unsupervised experimentation into drugs would certainly prolong and increase
the pain of the process; but again I understand it now as the next swamp I had the turn of
travelling through and developing solutions for in my psychology which I will pass down to my
children. Thus, I do not view my drug use as a mistake as much as an obstacle that every father
line must travel through at some point. Even if some child has the supervision to influence
against drug experimentation, still at some point every father line will have to intellectualize
the matter and understand it from a logical point of view rather than simply a force of habit
from their parents. Because it begins with the question of taking any drug, why not? I am
happy to have discovered the intellectual reason for why not; after my parents could not
intellectualize it for me. Thus when I could not intellectually explain why not, then I
subsequently began my experimentation. As the drug culture is structured in the United States
that I already spoke about, cannabis was the first drug I became familiar with. In going to a
well-known university in the USA northeast, I came face to face with university dorming
culture; which can be understood as a madhouse of drug chaos. I can not even say with
certainty that there is much control the elites have over the university dorming culture; but
rather to say it seems more like a wild fire of chaos with limited controls in place that the elites
try to make the best of, and consider it part of the unconquerable primordial chaos. Before
even getting to this extremely pushed cultural destination, in high school began the seeds
sewn into every child of the religious like importance of going to university right after high
school. Being a defenseless common folk, I was corralled into highly valuing university dorm

life. Feeling so isolated and alone, I looked to it as an escape, some kind of heavenly
destination which would open up the door to clearing away what I thought were social
mistakes that led to my isolation, when really it was my extreme intellectual difference from
everyone else that made this fate inevitable: as I would later discover, no matter how much I
tried to escape it. Truly, my early life involved the softness of simply desiring a group of friends
to model one of the television shows I was brainwashed with on TV: in my case a popular
1990’s show involving a group of friends in a big city, a theme which they repeat every decade
with an updated version in an obvious attempt to glorify and thus influence people to move
into and prefer big cities: this particular show was highly influential on me. What I wanted
more than anything in the world, later only eclipsed by my desire for the love of a woman, was
to have a group of friends! This desire would later cool into its current form of being able to
survive on very very little social support; still it is a nature of all humanity to desire friends and
social belonging, like eating food, and so I am still in need of it, and it still hurts me, but I have
learned to subsist on small portions of this social food, and to go long periods without it, and I
am able to gather these little scraps of semi friendships I need to survive, but barely, and
definitely without much dignity. Over time this has caused in me an extreme hardness similar
to my father, such that I worry I might, by my indifference, wound those around me who have
not developed such a hardness. Yet, I always remember my early painful starvation of friends,
and I struggle very very hard to never wound another who might be going through similar
feelings. Yet, even those who I make large efforts to accommodate awkwardness in desire for
my friendship as our paths crossed, it ironically seemed to have the effect my being perceived
by these people, who were also normies, as a readily available and easily attained commodity.
Thus the pattern I observed is that as I accepted with open loving arms everyone who desired
to be my friend, soon the dark side of the normy would take hold of them and they would
begin to treat me in the same way which they feared to be treated; because to a mind
controlled normy: the thrill of the chase and playing hard to get is a crucial form of psychology
they are vulnerable to; and it is strange to say that I feel that my act of being extremely kind
and accepting of all has further sealed my fate to a life of isolation. At the end of the day, I
know now that it is my intellectual difference from people which separates me from them,
nothing more. As the burden for the common folk is to be vulnerable to manipulation by
intellectuals, so it is also the burden of intellectuals to be vulnerable to isolation. I believe we
each have our own role; not so dissimilar from the different roles of men and women.

Let us now approach an enormous monster in our society called the psychiatric system. At
face value, from the perspective of the elites, the psychiatric system serves the purpose of
being an emergency means for the control of blossoming intellectuals and others who can not
be dealt with in the regular way of using the same subtle manipulation that works with the
majority of common folk. Over time, society elites have come across the various cases of
intellectuals causing trouble for them and disturbing their delicate balancing act of molding
the common folk to enact carefully constructed outcomes. Intellectuals by nature will develop
solutions to problems in creative ways unforeseen by even the most gifted of society

manipulators. Like spotting obvious weaknesses in the system which, if allowed, would
collapse their plans. So there arises cases when it is deemed necessary for people to be
imprisoned even if they do not break any laws. As intellectuals are skilled in finding work-
arounds, or hacks, which would create disturbances in society without breaking any of its
rules, there thus arises situations where labeling someone as mentally ill is the only possible
means to imprison them; since imprisoning social disturbers outright, without the velvet glove
excuse of mental illness, can result in chain reaction effects when common folk observe this,
which creates waves of social disturbance, and thus they need the appearance of a reason for
imprisoning people which is the excuse of mental illness. This reason soothes the confusion of
normies as they continue their sleep walk through life. Of course there is a portion of the
psychiatric system that deals with people who do break the laws of society due to a state of
confusion, which might warrant the label of mental illness and act as an alternative type of
crime and punishment via imprisonment via involuntary psychiatric hospitalization. However, I
will emphasize that this sensible aspect of the psychiatric system is not due to any humane
desires of the system, but rather only to serve as the outer appearance of the psychiatric
system whose real inner aim is to establish the power to imprison anyone at any time, without
obviously appearing as such. Without that true motive, the system would certainly put so-
called mentally ill law breakers in prison. As it is, the crimes against humanity in the psychiatric
system are hidden under the excuse that all its prisoners are those who have at the very least
broken some kind of law. Especially in American culture, the appearance of freedom is a
foundational pillar that must be maintained.

It should be no surprise what I am leading up to with all this; that I found myself in that
category of person who continually disturbed the normy social system in ways without
committing a crime which resulted in my being placed in these psychiatric hospitals many
times. The extreme loss of human dignity in these places causes me to emphasize my
innocence to you my reader; that I have not committed any crimes in the process of being
imprisoned in these torture houses which hilariously title themselves as mental health centers.
I did not understand in the beginning that it was these hidden layers of societal control that I
was disturbing which led me to being imprisoned. Had I known the unwritten rules then I
would have followed them just like I followed the laws of the land and expected not to go to
prison. I suppose the best way to describe the injustice would be to describe in detail the
events which led to my first imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital; where much worse than a
prison, you are also forcefully medicated with powerful drugs and psychologically tortured as
normy doctors observe, and through a system of reward and punishment will place before
anyone who enters a psychiatric hospital with the decision to either speak and act like a normy
or else to face long term, and even permanent, commitment to a psychiatric hospital. Thus, I
did find myself confronted with the realization that I had to put on an act, to speak lies, in
order to get out of that place. Anyone familiar with psychiatric systems in the United States
will know that maintaining your innocence will certainly result in permanent commitment to a
long-term psychiatric hospital. It is entirely possible that if I had stubbornly refused to put on

the act of a normy in the first psychiatric hospital I found myself in over ten years ago: then I
might still be there to this very day, continually drugged against my will to exactly what point
of permanent mental damage is certainly possible. This threat of a permanently drugged
imprisonment resulted from what exactly you might ask? I will tell you, and then you can tell
me what degree of injustice I have suffered. I will now describe to you the details of that first
imprisonment, which is more important to understand in detail because all my future
imprisonments after this first were based on the assumption of my mental illness because I
had been in a psychiatric hospital already; but not so for the first time: they had to establish a
reason for imprisoning me without the aid of referring to a prior psychiatric hospitalization.

I am constantly aware of the fact that there are those who have suffered more than me, with
whom in comparison my suffering is nothing, even laughable. Yet, I would hope to be treated
in the same way as I would treat those who have also suffered relatively less than even me. I
will not disregard and mock the perception of great pain in those who suffer small things. It
should be understood that suffering is relative to what you have already experienced. Just as a
child who gets his toy ball taken from him the first time might feel a terrible anguish of
emotional pain in that moment, I will not deny him that he is accurate when describing the
terrible traumatic pain he felt when his ball was taken from him, even while I may admonish
him later on if he is slow to recover from this emotional injury. In the same way, I hold the
greatest respect for those of you my readers who may have suffered much worse things than I,
and when I describe to you the deep suffering I felt in these psychiatric hospitals, I hope you
will have mercy upon me if ever I seem to you like that child crying over his lost toy ball. I hope
you would not mock me, or belittle me; and I promise to pass on this kindness also to those
who have suffered less than me. We need not compete and destroy the bonds of our
friendship by ridiculing each other in this way; to the point of my great fear that the purity of
innocent uncorrupted children might become afraid to speak among us for fear of ridicule. No,
I tell you; it should be our hope to find in them the pieces of us which were lost when we
suffered our cruel fates. Heil Hitler.

I remember it clearly. On the day of my 19th birthday, which I will forever remember as the
end my childhood; something occurred which had been brewing in my life for a long time. In
ways which I have previously described, I understand that before this I had probably been
getting the attention of our society controllers. It is obvious through the education system,
testing, and the various forms of hidden surveillance: that the common people are monitored
not just to keep them in line, but also to monitor for talented individuals with which to make
use of later on. This also includes a scientific aspect of curiosity, which causes them to study
the common people in order to better understand them and to control them easier. As with
any good science, the examination of anomalies is very important and where crucial
discoveries are often made. I would say that I fell into this category of anomaly, not because of
any one specific thing, but because of a variety of factors which the elites, over time, have
discovered are the pre-cursors of serious anomalies in the common people. Anyone who

shows a serious interest in Adolf Hitler for example, being able to withstand the constant
waves of anti-Hitler propaganda and still pursue an interest in an idea of Hitler's goodness: is
perhaps a fundamental piece of the psychological setup of the system in the USA. As you can
imagine, even minor anomalies of significance are calculated and searched for in school
children before the age of ten. The anomalies searched for in children are basic responses to
simple things, like friend groups and popularity. Children are categorized from there and
proceed from test to test, from experiment to experiment; further categorizing and separating
the different types of anomalies. I would imagine, over the course of thousands of years of
humanity, this study of the common people being passed down and constantly researched and
improved upon; in the end resulted in quite an efficient system that I would imagine is taught
as a school subject for the elites in their circles. And so imagine that by the time I was 19 years
old, I had processed down a long series of tests which I will hold partly responsible for my
drastic difference from other children. Disregarding my social development, my process
through these various tests led me down a path most different than my peers. Like a blade
that is crafted through a process of melting and hardening into shape; I now understand my
childhood as having the shape of my personality melted and reformed into what was needed
for me to proceed to my next test, in order for the controllers to see if my anomalies would
proceed further or I would fall into line like other normies. As I invariable continued my
resistance against the norm, I would then have my personality again melted and re-shaped in
preparation for the next stage. To make a long story short, I recall being thrust into an
achievement of extreme popularity in my elementary school which forced me at that young
age to confront on that small scale the trappings of fame and popularity. It lasted one year,
like a sudden earthquake in my life before it suddenly vanished and I was thrust into a world of
loneliness. Understand, according to the theory of maximum technology, all the different ways
with which the elites can perform these types of experiments on chosen individuals; especially
when being in a public school is the equivalent of being in the scientist’s lab. Thus I contend
that the sudden drastic changes through my childhood were not accidental but rather were
my proceeding from one experiment to the next. I even had a close relationship with a
childhood friend in my neighborhood, who was Jewish and psychologically abused me. I
understand this might have been no accident, in seeing that all the anomalies they are
studying must have a substantial Jewish influence in their childhood in order to perform
experiments later on in relation to thought patterns about Jews, which are so relevant to the
political thought of the world in recent centuries.

As I said, I went from the peak of this childhood popularity to the depths of isolation and
revulsion by my peers. Even before this popularity episode, I recall at 10 years old suffering
from depression due to feeling lonely. I see now what could have been their process to my
next experiment, that they must have observed this extreme sensitivity of mine toward having
friends: for whatever reason I seemed to have valued having friends as the most important
thing in the world, and when they view a weakness like this, then the experiment is crafted
around that weakness. I see it now that after this popularity episode at 11 years old, I was

purposely thrust into extreme loneliness and isolation for two years; cruelly rejected by my
close Jewish childhood friend which caused me to sink further into a starving hunger for the
acceptance and friendship I viewed all the children around me having. Thus I was prepped for
an extreme fall; a thrust into the weakest part of my psychology, to see if it would break me
into normy-absent-mindedness, and if not then it would prepare for me for the next
experiment. My desire for love and acceptance, ever increased by two years of extreme
isolation and rejection: I see now possibly as a set up for a great fall. I suddenly found myself
with two friends; ones that highly matched my psychology; not weaklings either, but two
mentally strong healthy boys with which to participate in the bonding of young male
adolescent confidence; and it was a perfect fit for me. I felt alive. Of course I would have
accepted even the smallest of friendships at this point, and even more so I accepted the classic
childhood male bonding; and we did everything together. It was such joy for me at that time. I
lost my prior self-defeated lack of confidence and I became strong again mentally. Like water
for the man in the desert, I became alive. It was one of the best times in my life. We
experienced our first relationships with girls together; our circle of friends surrounded each
other and we walked with such confidence; not of the type like during my period of popularity,
but rather an exclusive type which learned the lessons of fame and popularity that includes
false friends, with the focus on your tight knit group. I felt at home. I was almost ripe for
harvest; and the rug was about to be pull out from under me. At some point my two special
friends came to the conclusion to abandon me without any warning whatsoever. I had no idea
it was coming, and I was flying high on the confidence of having a support group behind me; as
it were, I had put all my eggs in one basket. And that day came at 15 years old, when without a
word, they were suddenly gone. They would ignore me in the halls at school and not respond
to any communication. I would learn later that it was the result of an adolescent snap decision
they made together when I irritated them once. Really, at 15 years old, especially with the
normy conforming types they were, it is rarely more complicated than this. I was a toy they
decided to throw away, and they decided to do it in stealth. I was heartbroken, devasted; and
so repeated a similar type of process that proceeded from the height of a success down to the
lowest depths of failure. I remember not speaking or socializing with anyone for the next two
years except in school. When I returned home, I would go to my room. My two brothers were
in the midst of their success in the normy world, falling into line with their normy expectations
and variously left to having so called normal childhoods. Was it true that I was under the gaze
of some elite social experiments using the tools of maximum technology? These things can not
be known for sure, but what is important to recognize is the possibility of this kind of elite
manipulation being performed on society. As these things went on, even my father was not of
the intellectual type enough to understand the great complexities of human psychology, and I
barely remember any great involvement of his in my life emotionally. Yet let me emphasize
that he did the best he could, and he did not neglect me, but rather he was not intellectually
equipped to advise me for the trials I was experiencing.

And thus, I experienced the second extremely isolated period of my life. To this day, like the
child losing his ball, I remember it as being one of the one of the worst times of my life. And
for a long time until some of my most cruel tortures in psychiatric hospitals, I would consider it
the absolute worst time of my life. In that period of darkness, I laid my hopes on this
mythological cultural promise of university dorm life, where I would get the chance to start
over, subtracting all my social mistakes as I saw them with my low confidence at that time that
I was some kind of unlikable loser. Or was I the victim of some type of testing and
experimentation? What hidden mysteries surround the specifics of how their
experimentations proceed and who is chosen, I do not know, but I can not help but to wonder
if I was being processed, melted down and reshaped in preparation for another experiment or

Anyone who studies geo-politics will understand the importance of certain regions in the
world; and thus their experiments surround preparing you for later trials far into the future.
The Jewish aspect of National Socialism, World War 2, and its continued propagation into the
hive psychology of western civilization was already injected into me at a young age with my
Jewish friend. On the other side of that coin is the conflict with Islam and western civilization.
The boundary of the conflict between the west and middle eastern Islamic dominance is
currently centered on the battlefield of Pakistan. The focus of that cultural war, currently, is
from the western strategy of having already cut off middle eastern Islam from African Islam via
Israel, and then proceeding militarily into Iraq which with great effort subdued it into a
controlled opposition form of Islam, and then finally with the grand strategy of isolating Iran as
the strongest center of Islam outside of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia appears to have struck a
deal with the west in alliance as being an acceptable place for Islam to reign. This leaves
Pakistan as the next point of strategic interest in order to finish surrounding Iran; and if Iran
falls, then Islamic dominance will finally collapse into the place prepared for it in the Arabian
peninsula; and then African Islam, already being of minor strength, will be easily subdued,
successfully completing the grand strategy of "putting Islam back in the bottle" from which it
escaped. From the western perspective, Islam has ruled with a unmistakably unique type of
cultural arrogance. A quick point of observation, I also recognize two types of Islam in the
same way as I recognize two types of Christianity; one form being a genuine pursuit of higher
truth, and the other used as a vehicle for military goals. Up to the point of the birth of Islam,
Christianity had a culturally militarized form which was very successful in achieving a
dominance over much of the world via those underhanded religious methods; and thus Islam
was joined by an anti-Christian force intending to model its military strategies based on that
subverted non-genuine form of Christianity. With great success I would say, not Muhammad
himself who remained righteously in the Arabian peninsula, but those who came after him
forced Islam upon the surrounding cultures with the same methods as this subverted
Christianity; and thus began the cultural wars between those two militarized religions.

Going back to current day, as I was saying, before Iran can be surrounded, it is now the central
plan to take on Pakistan before Iran can be dealt with. Thus, the war in Afghanistan proceeded
as a means of surrounding Pakistan with another Iraq-like form of controlled opposition Islam.
And now the battle has come to Pakistan, as it has always been but rather now the battle is at
their gates. And thus I contend that Pakistan is one of the regions most significant for western
elites who wish to defeat Islam and put it "back in the bottle”. Thus, the fact that the next
phase of my life was tied closely to Islam and Pakistan, has raised my suspicions of this
mysterious possibility of exterior manipulation and experimentation.

Almost immediately after the collapse of the relationship with my two male childhood friends,
there began a slow developing friendship with Muslim Pakistani girl in my high school. In this
regard I also am suspicious that I was being trained to be attracted to non-white females. It is
common among white males in a majority white culture to be only attracted to white females;
and this trait also fell upon me. There are two different types of Pakistanis, generally, the
western type with a Persian look, and the eastern type with the Indian look. This Pakistani girl
was from the darkest type of eastern Indian Pakistani. She was a first generation youth born
here whilst her parents were immigrants. Thus I was highly exposed to their culture, which is
very conservative about their females in sexual relationships. This girl developed an adolescent
infatuation with me, with determined will to pursue and gain my affection. Of course, being in
my lonely state, and in general I have always been an accepting person toward anyone who
wanted to be my friend, and I also I found it natural to gently, kindly, and politely reject girls
who desired me but who I did not return the desire. And so, as the years progressed and this
girl was in all my classes, I slowly became friends with her; and my casual friendships with
other children overlapped with her and by the time I was 17 years old, we were highly
intertwined; yet I had not even a slight attraction to her. I sometimes wonder if she could have
been the pawn of a Pakistani based psychology manipulation action, because I am conscious of
the possibility that the competing powers of western Christian and Middle east Islamic worlds
are aware of a type of training and experimentation that goes on within the common people,
and that this girl could have been used as means for some kind of psychological terrorist
attack upon me; because in general people in the midst of trainings and experiments are
sought out by enemy powers in an attempt to disrupt those experiments and training;
especially among rival powers as conflicted as the Christianized west and Islamized middle
east. As I will later describe, this Pakistani girl in the end would break my tender young heart in
the cruelest way imaginable; which leads me to consider that she was used for this purpose.
Or maybe it was nothing but random chance; still it gives me opportunity to describe my life
here. Let me clear that my suspicions of this kind of manipulation is based on the obvious
observation that common people are sorted, among their various talents, for different
positions to be filled in strategies for constructing the various desired outputs from the
common people for serving the elite.

Whatever the case, over the course of about seven years I proceeded to build a trust,
friendship, and later on a love relationship with this Pakistani girl. By this time I had
transitioned from my highest youthful desire for a group of friends to a desire for the love of a
single woman, who would be my friend and lover and fulfill all my needs. As it were like a
weakness, I was searching for a savior in a woman. If there were any elite controllers
manipulating things, then undoubtedly they saw this new grand desire of mine and
constructed their next strike upon my psychology around it. At 18 years old this long
friendship with the Pakistani girl fell into a sexual attraction as the unrelenting determination
of her to break my exclusive natural attraction to white women. She slowly and methodically
provided constant admonishments that I had some sort of flawed prejudice in being only
attracted to white girls. Combined with her highly sexualized and promiscuous personality,
along with my extreme loneliness, it developed predictably into feelings of love. Her family
was of the kind, especially her father, of typical Pakistani strictness which did not allow her any
freedom, and as such she lived a life of fear from her father and constant sneaking around to
spend time with males, which focused on me. Thus I had no contact with her parents, and our
relationship was a secret from them. I will be clear from the start that this relationship never
resulted in pregnancy. There is not much more to say that is not the usual in a relationship,
other than that it continued and she became my best friend in a world where I had very few
close friends, if any, other than the few I attained out of desperation. By the time I was 21
years old our relationship had continued for so long, and so exclusively, that I was as in love
with her as much as any young man could be. All my security rested upon her, and also with
her exclusivity to me. As funny as it seems to me now as an older man experienced with
women, I trusted her with all my heart, with the same loyalty as I romanticized about
friendship. I truly did not suspect a thing, even when small evidence appeared here and there;
I was highly devoted to reciprocal trust and so I trusted her with every fiber of my being. When
the time was finally ripe, I found out all at once, all in one night, that she was an extremely
promiscuous girl in secret, even was in fact a regular prostitute selling her body for money.
What can I say? My whole world collapsed under me. Even fifteen years later, I still do not feel
completely recovered. I developed many psychological ticks that I will not describe in detail
here, which still stay with me to the present day. It is an understatement that I was convulsing
in emotional pain daily afterward. Within a month she had moved on to a relationship with a
Pakistani man which she already had in progress. Looking back, it seems to me like a time
bomb was set in my deepest heart in the progress of seven years, waiting until the moment
when I was most vulnerable, and without mercy I was destroyed as much as anyone can be
destroyed emotionally. You see why I view this potentially as an action amidst war games of
psychological terrorism between the competing power? What benefits could be gained by me
from this experience? I am not certain. Maybe a type of emotional strength after my recovery?
Perhaps a wiser perspective to guard my heart in the future? Or perhaps a destruction of my
weakness that resulted from basing my emotional security upon another person. I will admit, I
have some kind of pride in this event now, looking back on it, that I survived and that I am
some kind of tough veteran now; I am not sure how to describe it. My communication with

her persisted for a couple years after this until eventually my severe anger and infatuation
with her began to put at risk all the secrets she kept from her father; and after that, we never
spoke to or saw each other again. But I was not done with Pakistan yet; as I only dealt with the
one half of the representation of Pakistan: the eastern Indian half.

The other half of the Pakistan coin was that of the western Persian types; and thus it again
raises my suspicion of exterior manipulation that in the year following this heartbreak, I found
myself in a relationship with a western Pakistani girl. In trying to replace my former love, I
immediately fell passionately in love with this girl; and the relationship proceeded; and again
pregnancy was never an occurrence. Within a few months the relationship with this new
Pakistani was interrupted as I found myself on a sudden three month adventure to the country
of Israel, via an unplanned sudden desire of mine to depart the United States for fear of again
being placed in a psychiatric hospital, which had occurred three times already by this point in
my life. I found myself travelling alone in Israel, coming upon what seemed to be random
friendships with Israelis and Palestinians, who variously took me into their circles, and I was
even driven around the country to various places.

You may understand better now why I look upon my life with the greatest suspicion of having
been manipulated and experimented upon. My best hope is that I was being trained for a
greater purpose, involuntarily, yet also voluntarily. Because these ideas I have now, in
understanding the possible extent of my manipulation, did not suddenly dawn upon me; but
rather the ideas built up slowly, one idea at a time. And as a tool of thought, I would often talk
to myself, and often would speak to the people who I wondered might be spying on and
manipulating me. At first it started out as a game, and as I had fun with it I would throw myself
into my imagination, and would have extended conversations with these people who were
possibly real, spying on me. I would constantly speak to give them feedback and to instruct my
controllers on how to best train me. Yet, for me it was a simple game of imagination, which
would later hinge on a way I would brainstorm about a book I planned to write with a
character who was trained in this way. Yet, looking back on it now, it is my guess as to how
much my instructions and commands were considered by my controllers. Like the captain of a
ship, for extended periods I would methodically explain my psychology. From an observer’s
perspective I was just talking to myself. Yet I perhaps made things worse for myself as my
imagination ran its course, and I began to command my controllers to have absolutely no
mercy upon me; to find all my weak points and to cruelly expose every weak point in my
character, the idea was that, with enough time, I would have an extremely strong personality
or else perish. Yet, even if none of it was true for myself, the purpose of explaining this is as an
example of what is possible that they are doing to people.

I can not emphasize enough the variety of successes and failures I experienced over the next
ten years as this imagination game progressed. Whether they were listening or not, it seems
like they were. I developed a system of codes to communicate with what I called the "secret

agents" who surrounded me. Undoubtedly there are swarms of secret agents interacting with
the common people in addition to external remote methods of control. Yet, in my head it was
all in reference to creating this universe plot line for an adventure book I was writing;
comparable to something along the lines of Lord of the Rings; it was a distraction from my
loneliness at any rate. I designed various hand signals for coded communication and a
phonetic writing system alphabet. I dreamt up an entire world of "secret agent games" that I
would play with my controllers: often for the sake of comedy and a habitual process of
revenge manipulation of the minds of my unseen observers by sometimes faking my outward
thoughts to deceive them and then to variously and suddenly switch things up. Many years
later, I eventually would go on solo adventure through Europe, beginning in Ireland and ending
in Germany.

But back to my time with the western Pakistani girl: while I was in Israel determined to remain
there hiding away from the clutches of the USA psychiatric system; she beckoned me back to
the United States to be with her. Yet, while on the flight back, she suddenly changed her mind
about me, and I would never speak to or see her ever again. Writhing in emotional pain was a
constant for me at this time. I honestly do not how I ever recovered from it, and maybe I have
not. Or perhaps man is designed not to be alone, but the need for a woman will always remain
constant until that woman is found.

Moving quickly, after this return from Israel and a further heartbreak, I had sunk into a
loneliness similar to what I experienced at 15 years old. For about 3 years I remained alone;
without even the friendship of a man. Yet, I found solace on the internet; in particular with
video sharing platforms; and also on anonymous message boards known as chans. I began to
publish artistic videos which exposed me to many people, both anonymously on the message
boards and via video communication on the video sharing platforms. The video sharing
platforms familiarized me with a microcosm of being a celebrity; undoubtedly another layer of
my training; whilst the message board chans exposed me to a torrent of intellectual ideas.
Indeed I had the entirety of my being exposed and open for manipulation, both bad and good.
Who knows what number of the personalities I came across that were just further, even direct,
manipulation by my controllers. The chan message boards served like a university training in
my opinion, and I learned much of the intellectual skills I have today from relentless
conversation, debate, and arguments with the people to whom I presented my ideas; and they
would give their responses back. It certainly helped to speed up the process of undoing my
leftist indoctrination from public school, which the powers of the left have almost complete
control of, if it was not purposely organized like this to make it only seem so.

Being alienated and isolated in my off-internet life, it allowed me the time to focus in on these
internet pursuits and friendships I was developing. In combination with my isolation and
severe emotional trauma, I also took it upon myself to renounce a need for any friendship in
an immature adolescent way of attempting to "harden" myself. I pushed aside the few minor

friendships I had remaining with people whom I bonded with out of desperation rather than
true connection, and I even pushed away all my family: my older brother and parents. I
barricaded the walls of my life, determined not to let nobody. And thus, I put myself in a
perfect position for any exterior manipulators to further their work on me in any imaginable
way possible; someone like me who communicated with every random stranger that
contacted me as I displayed my art, and put all my deepest thoughts and ideas into the
computer. At the time, I worked a lifeguard for an hourly wage that provided the most meager
existence to rent a spare room from someone, in an area of the USA where rental costs are
among the highest in the country. My art at this time reflected the deep conflicts and trauma
in my life. Some of it I am not proud of; yet I forgive myself now, in knowing that if you put
garbage in, then garbage is surely to come out; and I will count it to my credit that I came up
with a great deal of positive content in my public internet platform art, which brought me
together with many different types of people from all over the world. It was not a super
stardom, but it was definitely more than just a small insignificant handful. It was definitely
enough to give me a taste of fame, but not enough to push me over the edge into actual
celebrity. Many creators and artists of different types experienced this same taste of fame, at
a time before the censorship of big tech companies clamping down in favor of a more
corporate style; according to their methodology of buying the market with free service and no-
censorship; only to implement censorship and corporate profit priorities once all other
competitors had disappeared or were bought out.

I look back at the message board culture fondest of all. Because it was here that I feel I truly
received an efficient and practical education without all the barriers and red tape that plagued
normy schools. I fit in well on the political debate boards; jumping in and offering my opinions;
getting shut down and schooled to humiliation very often in the beginning, but learning more
and more every time as I slowly perfected my ideology; and every time I presented my new
and improved ideas, the great wealth of intellectuals on these boards would find the weak
points and send me back to the drawing board. It would be a couple years before this would
stop happening to me, and then it would be me who was constantly finding weakness in
other's arguments. A few times I would have major shifts of political thought; especially on
things like the Jewish Question, which I will talk more about later; and also on various aspects
of religion.

Before long I would settle upon an ideology of a corrected history of National Socialism, with a
hero of mine being found in Adolf Hitler, in part because of my principally German ancestry,
and especially my patrilineal ancestry going back to the mainland Germany. I admired Hitler at
first because of the unrelenting ridicule on a daily basis his memory received in every corner of
the public sphere. I related that to my own feelings of rejection by society; and I considered it
among the most manly and masculine qualities of a person to stand strong and confident in
the face of social rejection, holding tightly to your carefully reasoned beliefs, and being a
strong pillar of rejecting social pressure tempting you to let go of plainly obvious truths. It

caused me to develop an association of the phrase "Heil Hitler" as a celebratory affirmation for
perseverance in the face of peer pressure and rejection; to have the strength to stand alone
against even the entire world telling you that you are wrong and stupid, yet to not be
overcome by it and in fact quite unaffected; Heil Hitler. The disgust trained into the common
people against the phrase "Heil Hitler" also causes the speaker to receive and withstand a
similar reaction when saying it, and thus the phrase from every perspective became like a
display of manly strength and perseverance against peer pressure, keeping self-confidence and
inner stone-like strength against social rejection: a highly masculine display as compared to
submissive femininity. It is known in many experiments on weak individuals, when faced with
a team of role playing actors doing a particular irrational thing, that most people will fall in line
and copy once they see everyone else doing it, assuming something must be wrong with
themself for why they can not understand what is happening. This becomes the predominate
behavior of almost everyone, especially as the complexity of the issue increases, such as in the
study of the lies about National Socialism and World War 2. No matter how much logical sense
and simple reason I could expose a person to: still in their hearts they could never change their
opinion until first they saw others doing so ahead of them, to give them confidence.

By the time I was 25 years old, I was years into a deep study of history, devouring every
significant book I could get my hands on; crafting complex theories of historical analysis and
presenting it to my message boards. It is with pride that I can say I was able to receive
reasonable criticism of my ideas and would very often concede defeat. Finding that delicate
balance between attempting to reject peer pressure but also to concede to a more powerful
intellectual who shuts down your idea, this is often difficult for people to master. They either
go too far one way or the other. They either blindly stick to their original idea no matter what
evidence against it because they are determined to reject peer pressure which puts an end to
any possibility of future learning; or else they go too far the other way and are constantly led
in circles by peer pressure. It takes a certain amount of mental toughness to admit you are
wrong without being hurt by it. Like a kind of macho intellectualism, where nothing can hurt
you because you coldly analyze all reasoning and come to the truth without any emotion
attached; like a machine, it matters not if you are right or wrong, or if your opponent is right or
wrong: the macho intellectual is such an intellectual brute that he cares not to win an
argument but only to improve his intellectual power.

It was also around this time that I naively threw myself into the circus of public government
meetings: thinking it was anything other than a complete circus carefully constructed to act as
a pressure valve for public discontent: to act as the appearance of governmental consideration
for the public. I became involved in political campaigns on both the local and national level. I
now understand these public government meetings and political campaigns as similar in
nature to little side shows within a greater carnival; to entertain and pacify those small groups
of people, which all together form a frantic and nervous attempt by the controllers to keep
their rowdy classroom in order; faking a smile behind which is a nervousness; like trying to

entertain a toddler to keep it from crying in a dangerous situation which requires silence. I can
remember talking to some local politicians and getting into serious considerations of policy,
but looking back now I recognize their uncomfortable smiles as they played the part of
pretending what I said matters, when really everything has already been decided by inner
party circles, and thus debating is pointless since really they have no actual powers, but are
only the assigned baby sitters for the specific region of which they are elected. I would also
attend the various public meetings of every single local government meeting and committee I
could find. For a while I even made my way to the state house of my particular state, and
made various interactions at the state legislature and committees. I was on a mission to
change the world, to fight back against the cruel world which was so obviously twisted. I felt it
was possible to explain common sense, before I eventually realized the weakness of the
majority of people to follow peer pressure before reason; before I realized just how different I
was from everyone else.

My greatest mission at that time, was to pursue the psychiatric system with all vengeance, and
to righteously bring to justice my cruel torturers. How naive I was at the time not to realize I
was attempting to push back the waters of the ocean. This phase of my life lasted a few years
before it slowly trickled off after I realized the only effect all my energy was having was to
draw the negative attention of every single public official in and around my county, and
probably also a reasonable number of state officials. I even made it a point to attend various
political party meetings. Later I would also publicly spectate high level court proceedings in a
failed attempt to teach myself how to be a lawyer. I remember once I caught the attention of a
powerful county prosecutor who noticed me browsing all the publicly accessible features of
my county court system. He must have decided I was of some type of menace other than a
naive youth, and he brought me into his prosecutors office and gave me a look and arrogant
tone which will stay with me all the days of my life: the aire of someone overcome with power
and the comforts of life, full of hate, full of malice, full of every lever of power at his disposal
to make my life a legal living hell, full of the power at a whim to hit me on some rule
technicality at the court house which would allow him to put me in jail if he wanted. He
informed me in the coldest most heartless voice I will ever hear: roughly "I know your name.
Address. Phone number. License plate. I know exactly where you have been and what you
have been doing. I am watching you very closely," and more rhetoric I can not recall exactly to
explain that he did not like me, and taunted me to show him any contentious or disrespectful
tone in return, with the threat of throwing the book at me. Looking back at the moment now, I
realize I had placed myself in the lion's mouth. I remember responding equally as cold and
threateningly, but calculatedly veiled: something along the lines of cautioning him not abuse
his power. He probably did succeed in his mission to get rid of me, because after that I
discontinued my study of the county court house. I will never forget the evil look in his eyes,
up close, and I have seen similar airs of arrogance in almost every court prosecutor I have ever
dealt with; to the point where I have now become very suspicious about the people in that
particular position of society, due to being some focused connecting point of various systems

of control all hinging around the court prosecutor. Like a loose end of my studies which I have
not had time to finish investigating, but having been sufficiently agitated by it to know that
there is some serious system-wide explanation for why court prosecutors are usually like this. I
hope one day to tower over that man and menace him with the same raw threatening power;
yet I could never bring myself to be so despicable as to frighten average people with power,
most especially youths. Even in the case of revenge I could not bring myself down to his level.
This is what it means to be an adult amongst children.

Going on. After the disaster of my relationships with the eastern and western Pakistani girls, I
would spend three years of solitude brewing in these learning experiences before I would
happen again upon a woman who could penetrate the rough exterior I designed to chase away
any relationship quickly by revealing the most normy-offensive aspects of my personality. I
had not a care to be abused by normies any longer and I saw it as a more efficient use of my
energies to scare them away sooner rather than later. However, by the third year of this lonely
lifestyle, it was beginning to ware on me. The reserves of energy I had left to maintain isolation
during those years was beginning to collapse in the face my human need for social interaction
in the flesh. As it happened, one of the contacts I made from publicizing my video art was a
young woman who enjoyed the rebellious aspect of my personality. She was not intellectual
enough to understand any of my political ramblings as anything more than incomprehensible
chatter or mumbling. Comically, in a world of normies who hear non-normy ideas like nails on
a chalk board, the only normy that could tolerate me was one who was intellectually deaf. It
probably also helped that her first language was Russian, so that she could not keep up with
most of my high vocabulary quick English.

If it was another calculated development of exterior manipulators, then it should be no

surprise that a Russian was next on their list for my exposure to; if you follow the pattern of
western white racial politics. The conflict between Slavic Eastern whites in Russia and Western
Whites has been a source of inner white conflict. Inner conflict is always externally inflamed by
those of our enemies who do not wish the white race to unite. Those external factors will
focus in on the most efficient means of dividing us by concentrating on a division that is
already present. I described before how racial Slavs and western whites have remained
relative separate over the centuries, with intermixing happening much less often than would
occur among northern and southern whites. It is the most obvious division among whites.
Some of my readers may see little relevance in viewing the white race as political whole, but if
you try to apply these same observations to another race, for example Asians, or blacks, or
Arabs: then you can plainly see how those races tend to form bonds with each other as
members of a similar looking race with similar faces, circumstances, and cultures. Naturally, it
is a simple thing to acknowledge that members of a similar race have a higher probability of
forming political alliances. For this reason you might wonder if other peoples might have a
motive to sew conflict between the white races, with the conflict between Russia and the
western powers as the current focus of that divisive strategy. Thus I will say it is important to

the controllers of the white common people they experiment on, to expose them to, and
manipulate their thinking regarding Russia and Slavs as a great priority.

And thus it makes sense that I next ended up in the arms of a Russian woman. Think about the
levels of control going on in my life at this point. My mind and developing thoughts were fully
accessible not just by elite surveillance spying, but also in being so attached to the internet
they could introduce me to any number of different personalities and ideas without much
more effort than sending an e-mail. Thus I have my suspicions about this Russian woman who
entered my life at that time. At a time when for the last 3 years I had been stewing in my
isolation; as emotionally toughened against loneliness as I thought I was, every man has their
breaking point before the devolve into ever increasing insanity. Such is the biological need for
social stimulation, and even more so for a woman due to the instinct to breed. I was at the
complete mercy of whichever woman I came across next whom I was reasonably attracted to.
Thus, the Russian woman established herself in my life, and the pattern continued again as it
always did with every woman in my life: complete and merciless heart break; this time its
cruelty increased ten-fold and was in all ways more terrible and more painful except only for
the fact that the first time a tender male youth's heart breaks is always a unique experience
with its own type of emotional pain that can never be repeated in the same way. Yet with this
Russian woman, it was also different in that the heartbreaks would continue constantly over
and over; building me up, then cutting me down. And this after already having been drained of
all my energy to tolerate isolation without the presence of a woman. Perhaps this is a personal
weakness of mine I might admit. Thus even down to the present day, she has been the only
woman to ever have any interest in me to any successful conclusion. As a rule, the elite
manipulators of my life make their manipulation goals for difficult to decipher, and I am not
sure to what end, or if at all, they were using her for in my life. And since I have become more
aware of these manipulation possibilities over the years, it seems to have necessarily taken a
more complex turn. Even the words I am writing now are undoubtedly being monitored, and
the variables to the different emotional equations of my psychology are being adjusted. Yet
what can I do but to patiently endure, and hope to eventually overcome these external
interferences in my life.

Returning to the Russian woman and her current presence in my life: unlike other women who
came and went relatively quickly, this Russian woman has remained a constantly incoming and
outgoing presence in my life up until present day; over ten years. That means that for almost
fifteen years, I have not experienced any female interest in myself besides her. And what other
choice did I have but to return to her, however abusive she was, again and again; or else to
face cold emotional desolation. I will describe little more of the specific details of my
relationship with her, because of the fact that it is still an ongoing process and not necessary
for the purposes of this book. She was not just American Russian, but born in Russia, which
makes the likelihood of her being some kind of pawn even greater. What I will say of my time
with her, is constant emotional abuse. Cruel and terrible emotional torture, with what seems

like military precision. Some may call it pathetic that I still maintain any interaction with her,
and you may be right, but I will defend myself in saying that I had this choice of pathetic
enslavement to her, or else to face fifteen years alone. And I can not deny the feeling that I do
love her, and hold a strong sense of loyalty to love, which is why it probably hurts me so much
to lose it.

This system of female abuse upon males is currently a pandemic in the common folk
manipulation systems. I will describe more about this later, but I feel quite sure the majority
of male readers here in western culture are actively experiencing severe abuse at the hands of
a female. This is not to offend any females who also experienced abuse at the hands of males,
which occurs also; but I am just pointing out in general that it is currently happening in greater
numbers the abuse from female to male. I despise every minute of it, and I am not ashamed to
describe it you as a current struggle I am experiencing. Yet make no mistake, I feel compassion
for all common folk who themselves are being manipulated with robotic accuracy. I do not
blame her nor any of the people in my life who have abused or hurt me. It is a problem with
the system, not the individuals themselves.

Let me attempt to return to what I was originally trying to describe before getting sidetracked:
my first psychiatric hospitalization, at 19 years old, in what seems to me like the most evil
institutions in mankind: the modern psychiatric system. To be simple, I will not deny that I was
in a state of confusion when this occurred to me. Yet, the path of life is exactly that of
proceeding from confusion unto greater and greater wisdom. Thus you ask, what type of
confusion was it in me which led them to justify imprisoning me, force feeding me complex
unnatural drugs, and then forced verbal repetitions of their truth under the threat of keeping
me imprisoned and drugged forever? I will tell you. Let us just say I was in the midst of a major
transition in the natural progression of my spirituality and personal religion. I will spare you
the details of my exact thoughts and instead focus on how I appeared outwardly. I will even
preface the episode with a strange happening on that same morning. Real-time internet text
communications from anonymous sources saying cryptic things, and also the public cable
television appearing to communicate with me directly. Granted, it may have been an illusion
during my confused state, but also acknowledge that it could have been a purposefully
directed manipulation of my technology devices for the reason of priming me for a forced
state of confusion; or as the psychiatric system would call it, a psychosis. Still, let us not focus
on my specific confusion, but rather consider my outward actions. My outward actions which,
in a supposed world of religious freedom and thought, alone they should be the only
considerations for deciding whether to imprison, drug, or psychologically torture a person.
According to my spiritual development at that time, I picked up a bible and a toy wooden
sword that mysteriously appeared in my house the night before; yet more evidence of
external manipulation. I then took these two items and went for a walk to the main street of
my town and sat in the waiting room of a random doctor's office I happened upon. I said
exactly nothing as the clerk approached me and asked if I had an appointment. I simply smiled.

The police were called, and still this whole time I continued to say nothing. They escorted me
to a back room of the building and proceeded to arrogantly mock me for being strange, whilst
I refused to say even a word. Still having said nothing, an ambulance was called and I was
escorted into it. I had no idea what was coming. Still, what crime had I committed? Nobody
even asked me to leave, if the worst of my crime could be considered as trespassing. Having
no idea what cruelty was in store for me, else fear may have caused me to flee, and so I
walked into the ambulance. They then attempted to strap me down in a stretcher, at which
point I refused, still almost completely silent up to this point. They then asked me "Would you
please let us strap you into the bed?" Naively, I replied, "Because you asked me nicely, I will let

They then brought me to some hospital environment or psychological evaluation center.

Having no idea that I was effectively being detained, I followed where I was led, and they
brought me into a hospital room and instructed me to wait. At this point, I became bored with
them and politely declined and began to walk out. They stopped me and informed me that I
was not allowed to leave. Then, with no other choice and not a violent intention in my body, I
accepted what was happening and began to wait in this hospital room alone for hours. I recall
there being two elderly patients in the rooms to my left and right, both screaming variously in
pain, and I was able to venture slightly out of my room to observe them in full sick bed with
tubes and intravenous drips hooked into them. They then proceeded to attempt to get me to
sign something; at which point I committed one of the worst crimes in the psychiatric system
of evil: I signed the document “Jesus Christ”. It is not important my exact thoughts, or how
exactly I was interpreting the trinity philosophy of Christianity; what is important is that I was
silent besides these actions. They then attempted to get a blood sample and I refused. I was
nineteen years old at the time, an adult under the law. They proceeded to keep me locked in
this room until the evening, maybe 12 hours. My identification documents being on my
person, they knew my identity and contacted my family. My parents came, and as the
common folk they were, they did not know what to do or how to understand what was
happening other than it being obvious I was confused... or was I? I remember at some point
beginning to talk, being peppered with questions undoubtedly in attempt to reveal further my
state of confusion. Late that evening, perhaps close to midnight, I found myself strapped to
another hospital bed in an ambulance being driven to a psychiatric hospital where they
immediately placed me in a dreadful place called "The Quiet Room", which is just their polite
way to say solitary confinement. Then a so-called doctor in a white coat came into the room
after many hours, and they offered me some pills; I refused. They informed me that if I did not
take the pills then I would be injected with their liquid form. I complied and then began the
three week process of my slowly realizing what they wanted: verbal acknowledgement of their
beliefs that I was mentally ill. They do not tell you this outright because they will never
honestly admit the sum total of what they do there, and so it did not dawn on me exactly my
predicament until later a so-called doctor psychiatrist informed me plainly, "If you do not
admit you are sick, then you are never getting out of here." At some point I learned to play

their game and I spoke as they required. Such a minor thing it seems, yet I sincerely believe
there is spiritual damage done to a person when they lie; and they in fact forced me to lie.
Many people in this situation are much less compliant than I am, or pride causes them to
persist in claiming their innocence. Yet I, for better or for worse, complied and thus I was able
to make it out of that prison after three weeks. It is a wonder to me how they also justify
forcing their prisoner patients to wear the most humiliating hospital gowns, adding insult to
injury, and causing a patient to lose the dignity of people clothed in dignified clothing; and
thus I looked very much the part of the mentally ill individual they were determined to label
me. Of course also consider the mixture of strange psychiatric chemicals designed to make a
tremendous effect on the brain; in particular a type of drug they call an anti-psychotic; which I
would later learn had the effect on me of causing a severe crippling depression, with the
excuse that it was counteracting my peacefully content form of confusion that they called a
manic episode. If I was not mentally ill when I first entered that place, then I most assuredly
was when I came out as a result of these forced chemicals. I remember my sense of peace and
contentment in the time before and up to the point of their drugging me, which I held onto
even whilst locked in that solitary confinement room. To this day, I am proud that I had
reached a place in my spirituality of true peace and happiness no matter what my situation,
even whilst it could invariably be described as a confusion, or was it? Still, once their
medication began to take effect, its consequence was the dismantling of my peace and
contentment, and causing severe soul crippling depression. I remember the depression being
so severe that I broke down crying. In the midst of this imprisonment where I was commanded
when to go to bed and shower, and to attend these humiliating group therapy sessions which
in reality were simply the beginning of tallying verbal compliance; so that once you reached a
certain number of days of verbal compliance then this is when they would release you. If not
for the forced medication then I might not label it so cruel a torture, and might even consider
it somewhat excusable as a punishment for the only possible crime I may have committed in
having trespassed in a doctor's waiting room with no appointment; yet still I contend that I
was never asked to leave, which I am sure I would have; but even so, what is the punishment
for trespassing in common law? Surely not what I received. I understood better the devasting
depression caused by the medication when, a year or so later after having been off that
medication, I took a small fraction of the dose which they had me on in the hospital, which
immediately caused a crippling depression in me that had me crying for hours before it wore
off. I hope this accurately describes the type of depression they medicated me with when I
first entered that hospital. What a crime. What an evil. In my opinion, all those who work for
and support the psychiatric system are of the most extreme type of criminals, with their only
excuse being that they are naively unaware of the evil they are participating in. Yet, I will
contend that even those who naively commit atrocities, especially the leading psychiatrists of
those facilities, and maybe slightly lesser so the nurses: they are no less criminals than
religious zealots of the past who would kidnap and torture individuals by thinking they were
doing so for the greater good as how they understood their religion. Because after all, what is
psychiatry other than just another set of beliefs that could be called a religion? And what else

did they do besides kidnap and torture me, an innocent man who committed no crime.
Afterward I collected the police report of the incident, and due to the fact that I was
completely silent at the start, all they wrote down was that I was "acting bizarre." I tell you
now that this was my grand crime! That I acted bizarre in their opinion. Tell me now, who
acted more bizarre? Me silently in a doctor's waiting room, or a group of police that mocked
and ridiculed a person they never met before or ever heard speak a word, and then turned me
over to a system of psychiatric religious zealots who forced their religious beliefs to be spoken
out of my mouth under the threat of continued torturous depression pills and a threat of
lifelong imprisonment. I ask you my reader, who was acting bizarre in this whole episode?
Surely I was the sanest person amongst all the characters of this nightmare. I declare to you
my reader, that all those involved in the psychiatric system are criminals of the highest order.
And if any of them are reading this, then I tell you that I accuse you before the world, and with
every fiber of my being I will bring the tremendous scale of justice down upon you! Not just for
myself but also on behalf of all the innocent people whom you have tortured and led to a life
of severe debilitating psychological injuries. Let me also be clear that I never spoke a word
about suicide during this whole ordeal. Suicidal thoughts are responsible for condemning a
large portion of the prisoners in those torture chamber hospitals. Many may argue that this is
one acceptable excuse for imprisoning and drugging people; but I was not one of those cases;
and at the very least it is a large minority in those torture hospitals who, like me, expressed no
suicidal thoughts and were imprisoned innocently for some excuse equivalent to "acting
bizarre". If acting bizarre is a crime worthy of imprisonment and forced drugging, then all
those working in the psychiatric system are certainly worthy of this punishment! They are the
most disgusting aspect of humanity I have ever come across. Truly these people are the
criminally insane!

What more can I say about what changed in me after this ordeal, then that I was rudely
awakened to the lack of religious freedom and freedom of thought in our society today. This
was the beginning of making my stand against a world of evil as I now saw it clearly. And what
is worse than the terrible drugs they force upon their prisoners, is that these drugs cause a
chemical dependence in the mind which results in withdraw symptoms if ever the individual
were to take themselves off that drug. Just like any drug, withdraw symptoms come in the
form of the opposite effect which they induce. As with cocaine causing a pleasure euphoria,
and so the withdrawal symptom is a severe depression. In the same way these psychiatric
medications were designed to cause the opposite of a manic state, and thus their withdrawal
symptom is the causing of a manic state. And I contend that some of those involved in this
massacre of religious liberty are criminally aware of this which causes their prisoner patients
to often enter a revolving door of going off their medication and then afterward withdrawal
causes their minds to malfunction, which lands them back again into the clutches of these evil
people. It certainly keeps these criminal so-called doctors employed.

And so, I also made this same mistake. I recall withdraw symptoms of this type causing me to
reach various states of mind that left me vulnerable. Though I contend my mind was strong,
and so each time I was imprisoned after this first time, it was again same pattern of me
committing no crime whatsoever; even less so actually, because it was never a crime that got
me in trouble but rather just any interaction with police which they would interpret as
"bizarre", and so would result in a psychiatric evaluation be called in. And whereas before my
first hospitalization, I might have been able to talk my way out of it rather than silently waiting
like a lamb to the slaughter as I did the first time; but not so these next hospitalizations,
because it was on record that I was in a hospital before, and as per their procedure, it matters
not what you say at a psychiatric evaluation; because if you were hospitalized before then
they automatically hospitalize you again. It took me a third imprisonment and torture chamber
experience within 3 years of the first before I learned of the wisdom to go off psychiatric
medication very gradually in order to minimize the withdrawal symptoms. After that, it would
be seven years, totally off medication before I would find myself imprisoned and tortured in
another one of these hospitals for a fourth time. Mind you, that each time I was placed in one
of these hospitals, the mental torture and aguish seemed to double. What a most obvious
group of degenerate criminals.

I will continue to contend, that I was indeed confused at various times which made me
vulnerable to these psychiatric kidnappers; yet, is it a crime to be confused? Either way, I
continued like we all do to improve my wisdom and learn from my mistakes and to slowly
become less and less confused as I learned to understand my life and the world I lived in. As I
described before, my use of cannabis I do believe was a factor that weakened me and added
to my confusion. It took me until thirty-four years old before I found the wisdom that this
cannabis they put before the common people is not so natural and "from the earth" as
cannabis supporters would have you believe, because the current form of cannabis has been
selectively bred and genetically modified to be some type of frankenstein of its original natural
form. I also notice a trend in the white race, that cannabis has a confusion effect on our
psychology more so than the other races. From this perspective, at thirty-four years old, I
finally removed it from my life after having experimented with it for some fourteen years.
Because I do not want to make it easy for a reader to calculate my exact birth date, I will only
say that it has be multiple years now since my abandonment of cannabis such that I do feel
much stronger mentally, and since then I have not found myself come close to being ensnared
by the psychiatric system of evil again. Yet I am all too aware of its presence in our society, and
I know that any wrong move or disrespect toward a police officer can easily escalate to the
calling in of a psychiatric evaluation whence I would be carried off to my torturers once again.
Thus I will contend with the suggestion that cannabis weakened my psychology, not by
denying the fact, but rather to emphasize that even in my weakened psychology, still I never
committed any crime other than to offend the normy instincts of some police officers. I am an
innocent man who has been imprisoned and tortured on eight separate occasions by guilty
men. This is the truth I declare to you my reader. Judge for yourself!

And thus ends the basic outline of my life up to present day.

Part 2: Creation – Political Philosophy

There are many places I could begin. Let us start with history, because it is history that has
brought us here. The first thing you must know, is that we are indeed living in a dream world
that has been pulled over our eyes. The history of the world most of you know is a
combination of lies and estimation. Because a tactic of war involves manipulating public
opinion to favor your side of the story, and so history has been corrupted. The older and more
politically relevant an event in history is, then the more likely it will have been exposed to
manipulation over that time, and thus the more difficult it will be to find the truth. Even more
so, the common people are manipulated and mind controlled for this same tactical reason,
thus making it more difficult to find the truth even when speaking to people who experienced
it directly.

With no exception, the history of World War 2 era National Socialism is very politically
relevant to present day, and so countless lies have been brought up around it. In the last
twenty years the stories surrounding World War 2 National Socialism have finally passed out
of living memory, and anyone remaining alive who witnessed it is now either too old and too
young at the time to have reliable memories; or else they are hopelessly confused after a
hundred years of propaganda manipulation. We must recognize that none of us will ever know
for sure exactly what happened with National Socialism in World War 2.

This is the starting point of my contention that it is reasonable to wonder if the National
Socialists in World War 2 were at the most only responsible for ‘this for that’ atrocity warfare.
Or it is even possible that the National Socialists were of such great virtue, that they refused to
respond with atrocity for atrocity and thus made themselves vulnerable to defeat by having
chosen morality over victory.

Adolf Hitler has been their main target. However, as his personality has been placed in a
position to be perceived by the common people as representing the spirit of the German
people, thus the attacks on him are like an attack on all Germans. It can no longer be allowed
for mass propaganda to slander Adolf Hitler while also making free speech illegal to defend
him and question that narrative. Free speech is destroyed directly with laws banning pro-Hitler
speech, or indirectly with psychological tactics to create taboo and manipulated cancel culture
to effectively silence anyone who questions the World War 2 narrative. Since there is no free
speech to defend Adolf Hitler and thus the German people, this should be a sign to you that
the slanders are at least half truths or even complete lies.

For my own opinion, I do believe in the case that Adolf Hitler was a man of the highest
character, and that all the evidence presented against him in this one-sided narrative has been
manipulated via the power of the mass media propaganda machine, which his enemies
attained full power of after the war and used it for constant psychological manipulation to
subvert what the original values of National Socialism were. They present to the people a
cartoon-like version of the evil Nazi. This is an obvious example of the common saying that the
‘victors write history’. Thus this history can not be trusted.

Thus, I have justified my conclusion that Adolf Hitler was a good man, possibly saint-like. I do
not admire him for the accusations of evil against him, but I admire him for the belief in his
goodness. This is what I stand for and desire the right to express openly in a truly free speech


The purpose of this book is to unite the white race under National Socialism. Yet, even with
those who agree with me about the history of Adolf Hitler and World War 2: there is serious
divisions among us. I also seek to heal those divisions. To those of other races who may be
reading this and are sympathetic to our cause, I welcome your support. However, as a National
Socialist I do not pretend to be a leader of another race or nation. My main intention is to
unify the white race, also known as the Aryan race, under a National Socialist ideal of
compromise between our various opinions. If this reaches the ears of non-whites, then I only
hope to gain their outside support as we pursue our goal of creating a white racial family. In
the same way, I desire to support non-white nations in their quest to also form a support
group for their own racial family.

Let us understand that Hitler concerned himself mainly with German National Socialism.
Germans are one of the white nations under the greater umbrella of the white nation. Thus,
what I am presenting here is a White National Socialism, under which the different white
nations will form their own individual National Socialist groups, including German National
Socialism. Thus, understand that you do not need to be German to be a White National
Socialist, but you do need to be white. National Socialism stands for the idea of increasing
levels of cooperation as we divide ourselves into our most specific racial groups called nations.
Thus, the cooperation at the highest level of White National Socialism will be less than within
any single one of the individual National Socialist groups of the white ethnicity.

I am German, and so my specific white identity would be with German National Socialism.
Even though I am German, let it not be misunderstood that you must be German to be a
leader in White National Socialism, but only that you be white. Germans took it upon
themselves to carry a heavy portion of the National Socialist burden during World War 2, but

to have Germans rule over non-Germans is the opposite of what National Socialism stands for,
which is the freedom for each nation to choose their individual social structure. My hope for
Germany’s legacy is that our white brothers will appreciate the sacrifice my people have made
both during and after World War 2, to fight for the cause of this social freedom of the nations.
I do not believe Germans offered this sacrifice as a path toward dominating other whites, but
rather to free them in an act of selfless brotherly love. Every white nation has its own
strengths and weaknesses, and according to these we can offer gifts to one another. As
whites, we are like an extended family, because our blood is more closely related to each
other than any other race. In this world, friends have their place and we love them dearly, but
also our blood family holds a special place in our hearts. And we are a family. We are the white

Going further, we can further divide the separate white races into smaller groupings of even
more closely related people. My ancestors are from the state of Baden in south-western
Germany. So while I may be a White National Socialist, I am also a German National Socialist,
and I am also a Baden National Socialist. Even further beyond this are the smallest directly
related family divisions of the Baden Nation, which would also have their own National
Socialist groups which cooperate the most closely of all. But when we come all together, we
are a White National Socialist family.

Understand why it is called National Socialism and not international socialism. I do not make
any claim of authority over another race, who I believe should form their own National
Socialist groups separate from whites. We can support and defend each other in achieving this
ideal all over the world in the form of our separate nations, but our support ends there. The
ideal is that we do not interfere with the National Socialist groups of other races, nor do we
get involved in their civil wars or disagreements. It is age old wisdom to stay out of the inner
problems of another family, as it is not your business. Yet it is a duty to interfere in the affairs
of your own family. In this way, you can see that you need not be white to be a National
Socialist. Yet, we are White National Socialists. National Socialism is an idea that can be
applied to every race, and I believe this idea to be the fundamental solution to some of the
most serious of the world’s problems today.

Blood and soil. By blood, we are white. By soil, we belong to the land which our intellectuals
have determined to be native to whites. For every race there is a racial homeland where the
foundation of their race was born. The world can be divided up into racial homelands. As
whites, we make claim to white native lands as we see fit; and will support other races in
attaining their own racial homelands. I will not now make declarations about which land
should be considered native to whites, because this requires an intense discussion of history
and many other things. This is a task for intellectuals to discuss, and for the intellectuals of
other races to discuss with us, and to come to conclusions about which land is native to who.
In this way there is a path toward world peace, since the cause of most inter-racial war is the

struggle for land. We may not agree all at once on who belongs where, but this is a starting
point upon which we can begin the process with clear direction. The white nation need not be
the enemy of other races. We understand that other races will seek to build a racial family
organization in the same way we do. While other races may have a different name for what
we call National Socialism, still the idea is not confined to the English language.


Now that we have the basis of National Socialism defined and to whom I am speaking, let us
get started with addressing the many issues which divide us. Again, we are finding the
solutions to these divisions among ourselves as the answer for whites only. I do not intend to
resolve these issues for other races, who may require a different response.

I will discuss here only the crucial issues which are currently dividing our people the most. I will
organize our thoughts by presenting each issue with a spectrum that our opinions fall on,
which I will label left and right. From there I will identify the middle position which in most
cases my view falls into, and I hope to inspire policies of compromise on these issues to help
guide White National Socialism. I also hope to inspire the choosing of leaders amongst our
people based on these compromises; because it is required that a leader fall into the middle
on most of these issues, or else the left or right would not feel comfortable being led by such a
person. Any leader should not seek to destroy those who disagree with them, and also the
people should be prepared for moderate disagreement with their leaders without abandoning
them. People, do not be fooled by some clever politicians who assign masses of people to
carefully study the center position, and then insincerely place themselves there for the sake of
political gain. I am lucky to enjoy a perspective which does not place me very often outside the
middle. In this way I hope to be able to inspire an appropriate choice as a leader for White
National Socialism; or if Whites can not unify under a single leader, then I hope to inspire a
choice for the leaders of the various white nations. Yet I warn you, our enemies will attempt to
divide us by seizing on any of the few issues in which a leader might fall closer to one side, and
then attempt to exploit this by presenting an insincere controlled opposition infiltration script-
reading puppet, to be placed exactly in the middle of each issue. I caution you against
politicians who constantly read scripts, because if they were to speak openly then they might
offend the left or the right. While it may be ideal to find a leader who does fall in the exact
middle on every issue, still I declare to you that it is not possible to find such a person. Do not
let yourselves be deceived, and remember the wisdom that if it is too good to be true than it
probably is. It is important to choose a leader who has the ability to speak off-script in public,
which will set them apart from any insincere politician who comes along. And even then,
speaking off-script can be dangerous in the case that the leader mis-speaks or is
misunderstood, or are just having a bad day. This can be used by our enemies to publish
publicly and foment division. But a leader must be confident in their powers to speak, and so

when the times come, they should not be afraid to speak off-script to their people. It is my
hope that the guiding light of this book will help us, when we finally hear me our leaders speak
publicly, and that it will assist us in taking the first steps of building a relationship of mutual
trust with those leaders in which we give each other the benefit of the doubt, and also
chances for redemption to resist fragmentation, due to the fondness we have for one another
by our blood connected family bonds.


The extreme right of the view on race-mixing is made of those who believe any race-mixing
with non-whites is a major error, and that this should be punished with heavy laws of
imprisonment or death. The extreme left of this issue says race-mixing does not matter, that
racial purity does not matter, and that everyone should be free to partner outside their race.
The left also believes strongly that racial prejudice should be destroyed through activism and

First, the left is wrong because like a zebra has its stripes or a dog has its breed, so the same
with the white race. Our ethnic features are like the zebra’s stripes, and it is good to be proud
of what makes us special. It is not a bad thing to value maintaining your physical ethnic look.
The left should cease shaming the right for valuing these our special stripes. The left must also
realize that white physical characteristics are recessive genes and more vulnerable to
disappearance than any other race. With one generation of race-mixing the white ethnicity
can be gone from a person. Compare this with other races such as Blacks or Asians who have
highly dominant genes, and would need to race-mix two or more generations consecutively
before their ethnicity would disappear.

Now I must define words for which the English language is inconsistent in usage, so that I may
speak clearly with you. My studies of the root word of “ethnicity” have traced it from “ethnic”
to “heathen” to “heath”; with heath meaning a general field of wild growth; in the case of
heathen meaning a wild growth of various religious beliefs; and so I will interpret this root to
define ethnicity as the general physical and mental features of a people: the general
characteristics of the wild growth of an associated people in an associated land. My studies of
the root word of “race” have traced it to “rush” like a directional rapid flow of water current;
similar to the flow of the patrilineal line from father to son or a matrilineal line from mother to
daughter; and so I will interpret this root to define race as groups of people who fall along the
same patrilineal or matrilineal descent. This is also known as unilineal descent. Thus, two
people can be of the same race, but a different ethnicity. Further, understand that just as each
ethnicity has a native homeland, so also does each race have a native ethnicity for which it
descended from its oldest traceable unilineal ancestor. For those of you who do not know,
matrilineal means a line of descent tracing from mother to daughter, while patrilineal is a line

of decent from father to son. Up until this point I have been using the traditional inconsistent
English use of the term race, and for the sake of clarity I will continue to do so except when I
need to be more specific, at which times I will use my clarified definitions of ethnicity and race.

With that understood, let me again remind you that the white ethnicity is vulnerable to
disappearance due to the nature of our submissive genes when race-mixing. It may be difficult
for the left to understand this because they do not give it much thought; because they do not
value their ethnic look. The left is highly focused on judging a person according to character
rather than ethnicity. This is not a bad thing, but do not neglect other truths. The left must
understand that a large decrease in the population of the white ethnicity can occur suddenly,
known in science as exponential decay in a system; which is when a change is small at first but
quickly rises to extreme proportions. This is a big part of what the extreme right fears, and I
agree with them.

The attacks upon the free speech of those who have far right views on race-mixing is a sign of
the existence of an anti-white agenda, which seeks the destruction of our white ethnicity,
because we have been a strong unified group for much of history that some fear is too
powerful. The policies against the free speech of the right are leading to the very point where
the white population may suddenly become very small. Especially when the older generation
passes on, it will become more noticeable. And once we reach this point, it will be nearly
impossible to reverse it. While our white ethnic population can be wiped out in a few
generations, it would take centuries to rebuild. Once our population is small, it would then be
easy to wipe us out completely if an anti-white enemy wanted to. Evidence points to the
existence of prejudiced anti-white enemies. Never should we allow the existence of our white
ethnicity to depend on the good will of others. This is known in the circles of the far right as
white genocide via race-mixing. I do agree with the far right that we must take action to
protect our ethnicity before it reaches this point of no return. Policies to prevent reaching the
point of no return would include implementing white-only schools, because most of the time
children will choose their breeding partners at their school. It is a symptom of an anti-white
agenda that the idea of segregating schools is so viciously attacked in the propaganda and
legal systems. This is just one example of a policy to help protect the white ethnicity, but the
point is that it is not immoral for the far right to desire these things. It does not make them a
hateful bigot for that reason alone.

Now as far as flaws in the extreme right are concerned, they must realize that so much of
white history and culture has valued freedom. I am sure the right feels this when faced with
discrimination upon your freedom to segregate. The left feels just as strongly about their own
freedom to race-mix. We believe in freedom my friends! With that said, I would like to calm
the fears of the right by telling you that we do not need to take away the freedom of our
people in order to safeguard our ethnicity. You should also be aware, that when we do take
freedom from one another, our enemies like to support the losing side in order prop them up

to keep us divided. While it may seem like a reasonable solution to take away the freedom to
race-mix as an emergency measure against white genocide, still it leads to failure because it
gives our enemy ammunition for cycles of propaganda to divide us further still. This method
was used to shift large numbers of our people to the left to such an extent that it has now
become almost impossible to justify even middle policies like segregated schools.

Again, I will repeat that there are many ways we can protect our ethnicity without taking away
freedom. Other than segregated schools, we could regain our freedom of speech in the
propaganda systems to make known the value of breeding within your ethnicity, and to also
advertise the dangers when too many of us race-mix. We have the truth on our side, and if we
can reclaim our freedom of speech then it will be an easy job to cause the majority of whites
to breed within their race until our birth rate reaches sustainable levels again. However, I
would like to admonish the right for their habit of being rude and cruel to race-mixers, or to
even advocate punishing race-mixing with imprisonment, death, or exile. These things are
counter-productive to what you are trying to achieve! The enemy will use this to build a
coalition of the left to destroy our freedom, and they have already done so. Policies of cruelty
and non-freedom to combat white genocide will be used by our enemies to turn every single
left leaning or race-mixed individual against us, building such a unified coalition so as to make
your mission impossible. We must be accepting of those who desire to race-mix. We must
treat them with kindness, and even if they do decide to race-mix, still we can befriend them
and possibly gain their support for our values even while they themselves prefer to race-mix. It
is difficult, I know, when someone disagrees with you on something you see so clearly, but just
remember that from their perspective they feel the same way about you.

Again, we value freedom! The freedom of both the left and right. The left may be angered with
me for agreeing with the right about the dangers of white genocide, while the right may be
angered about my insistence to allow the freedom to race-mix. Thus I advocate a middle
position where a compromise can be acceptable to both the left and the right, to ensure the
freedom of both sides, and to end the conflict between them which has so destroyed our
culture. Only together with this compromise can we be strong to defend against the divide and
conquer tactics of our enemies, and instead to devote our energies to productive things for
the good of all.

The far left sees little value in ethnic pride, but sometimes feels that ethnic-mixing should be
encouraged in order to put an end to ethnic tensions which they feel is caused by the
existence of our differences. Often the left will preach the “all brown” idea in predicting that
one day everyone will inevitably be mixed together and look the same, and then ethnic hate
will finally end under the presumption that it is our differences which causes hateful division.
Yet, I feel it is important that there should be guarded the living record of each ethnicity in
much the same way as those who pursue the survival of certain animal species to prevent
them from going extinct. As if all tigers bred with all lions, so that there were only ligers and no

longer any more tigers or lions; this is not desirable. It is also a crucial theme of National
Socialism in believing that not just the white ethnicity, but each of the different white racial
nations also keep a living record of their pure form, non-mixed, and that these peoples are
native to certain areas of land within the greater white native land.

It is also a theme of National Socialism that these pure peoples, nations, be in charge of
deciding the social structures for their own native lands. It is for each individual nation to
decide their policy on how they integrate ethnic-mixers into their social structure. Let us
understand that within the native lands of each nation, there are central cities and regions
which are most significant to their nation. The policy I will advocate for is that the purest of
our each ethnicity receive the greatest say in what happens in their central places. To make it
simple, when people race-mix, their authority in the central regions of thier homeland will
diminish, and according to the direction of the native land of the nation they mixed with, they
should settle in those areas along the borders of the central ethnic region, where they should
be given authority to administer those border regions; because no people, no matter how
mixed, should be deprived of having a home. But the consequence of ethnic-mixing should be
that they lose their authority in the central and most important regions of their native land.

More on this train of thought, is the deciding factor for when someone mixes in such a way
that they should no longer be considered members of White National Socialism. My policy
hope in this matter has much to do with the difference between race and ethnicity. There are
some out there who only believe in the existence of ethnicity, and they call it race; and to
them there is no difference. They believe that when someone race-mixes, that they become a
mixture of the two with no identity. I do believe that race is the body, while ethnicity is the
clothing. Race is unilineally determined. For example, the native ethnicity for my homeland of
Germany is White. However, if a racially German man were to breed with a racially negro
woman and have a son, then while that son may become black ethnically, he would still be
racially a German. If that man had a daughter with a black negro woman, then she would
instead be racially a negro. To look at it another way, the woman is like the soil in which a seed
is planted. When that seed grows, if it is a male then it is a continuation of that same seed of
the father. If that seed grows into a woman, then it is like a continuation of that same soil of
the mother. In this way, each of us have only one true race, which never changes, even though
our ethnicity may change. This is the theme of unilineal descent. I place an extremely high
value on this type of descent as the defining factor of identity, because the truest identity of a
man come from the seed of his father, and the truest identity of a woman comes from the soil
her mother.

Throughout history this type of unilineal descent has been a main theme of many peoples. In
the same way that cousins are less closely related than brothers, so the same that patrilineal
lines are more closely related than with the matrilineal lines they are attached to, who may be
of an entirely different race. We must organize ourselves as far as possible into patrilineal and

matrilineal lines as the core of our smallest National Socialist groupings. The purest form of
the each race are those who descend from us unilineally. It is in this sense that I desire to
define our peoples. If you are a German by unilineal descent, containing the same seed of our
common fathers, then you have membership in our German National Socialism no matter
what your ethnicity, and no matter how many generations you were mixed in that ethnicity
for. However, the central lands of Germany should be under the authority of those who have
the native ethnicity of the German race, which is white. Those who are of unilineal German
descent but of a different ethnicity, would take positions of authority in the border regions of
our lands. Those who are not German by unilineal decent are not to be considered racially
German, even though they might be ethnically white. These people would have much less
authority in the German social structure, if any, and should actually be encouraged to seek out
their true racial identity in the native lands of their true race outside of Germany. However I
do not take the stance that these people should be punished or deported. They are to be
considered biological guests of our ethnicity, since they are related to us by blood and
ethnicity, yet not by race. I do value them like family, but recognize their roots come from
another place.

Now let us speak of the possibility for ethnic purification. Should someone mixed be
considered forever to be denied authority in the central regions of Germany? It is my opinion
for my own people, that if you are a German by race, then even though mixing may have
caused your ethnicity to change and lock you out from authority in the central German cities,
still ethnic purification is possible. Ethnic purification can be accomplished through many
generations of breeding within the German ethnicity, so that eventually the German ethnicity
could return to your children. The point of return would be decided when your generations
become indistinguishable ethnically from other ethnic Germans, paired also with two
unilineally German parents. At this point you would have purified your ethnicity and be
considered a pure German once again, and thus be given authority as a full member in the
central regions of the German native lands. The details of how this system would work can be
worked out by the intellectuals, but it is enough that I touched on it here. This stance, I feel is a
defining theme for White National Socialism, and I do recommend it for all the white nations.
If we were to be so strict as to exclude anyone who has ever mixed even one drop from
another ethnicity to be excluded forever, then there might be very few Germans left. This is
not to say that pure Germens are not valuable; they should be held in high regard, their
populations protected and grown, and also much sought after for re-purification purposes.
Still, it is my belief that unilineal descent is the sacred connection for us all, to be considered of
equal value no matter what our maternal mixture. It is a view of the far right on this issue of
“not one drop” which I do disagree with, and which is why I place myself in the middle of the
spectrum on this issue. You must not exclude your unilineal brothers and sisters from our
various local National Socialisms, if certain of our members are not willing to compromise on
the extreme right, then this might be a justified case for civil wars. I myself have patrilineal

brothers with a different ethnicity, and so I will not allow anyone to make them feel like they
are not one of us, or to harass or shame them.

Again, the policy of National Socialism towards civil war within a nation is that you are to stay
out of it unless you are part of that nation. Do what you will with the far right in your own
white nations, but in Germany, if I do come to civil war with the far right on this issue, then I
expect other nations stay out of it and to let us Germans handle the matter ourselves. In the
same way, any leader of a unified White National Socialism, should be careful before deciding
to get involved in the civil wars of other white nations beside his own.

Many of you may be familiar with the issue that not just the white ethnicity, but also the
purities of the individual white nations are disappearing as the circumstances of history,
especially recently, has caused all of us to have ethnically-mixed at some point in the past. This
gives cause to want to guard purity and to encourage our children as much as possible to
breed within their race, in order to sustainably increase our numbers and maintain a living
record of our ancestors. In that sense, while I do not consider it immoral to ethnically-mix, I do
not consider it strategic at this point and I myself would try not to mix very far from my
German race, and definitely not to mix outside my white ethnicity. To whites of all nations, I
say we should strive to encourage our children to find white partners in order to rescue our
numbers from the point of no return. Thus, I feel it is not as serious an error to mix with other
white nations than it would be to mix with non-whites at this critical point in the middle of an
anti-white attack upon our ethnicity.

Let us speak now on the existence of hybrid races. The history of white ethnic mixing has
sometimes caused the rise of these hybrid races. A hybrid race results when two races mix to
such a large extent for such a long time, that dividing the two becomes hopelessly lost to
history, and those people become inseparably fused together in a new hybrid race. Some
examples of this would be the Russian race, which is hybrid of Scandinavian German and the
Slavic race. Even the continental-European German and French were once a single hybrid race
of German and French in Francia that later re-purified separately into the German and French
nations we have today. My specific German people of Baden are on the border between
Germany and France, and so our racial hybridity actual falls closer to this original hybrid while
leaning toward the German side of the hybrid. Our neighbors in Alsace-Lorrain would be closer
to the French side of the hybrid. Just to be complete, so you understand my concept of my
specific Baden race; before the French and Germans became a hybrid in the middle ages, we
were actually both hybrids with the Celtic peoples who once inhabited the central-north-west
of the European continent. Along with the Roman influence throughout all this hybridization,
you could also say that there is an element of Roman Italian hybrid contained within that the
French-German hybrid race. The studies of this, the history of hybridization in Europe, can be
discussed at length with intellectuals, but it is enough that I touched upon it here. The study of
history is an inexhaustible wellspring, and an exhaustive study of history should be a

requirement any leader who at least needs to have a strong background in the history of our

Another important aspect of National Socialism relating to race-mixing is how we decide who
is of what race or ethnicity, especially in cases when no evidence of ancestry exists. We can
put ethnicity to the side by the definition I have chosen for it as representing the
physical/mental characteristics of a person, which can easily be determined by observation.
However, in the case of determining race, meaning unilineal descent, the matter becomes
more complicated. Choosing a position to take on this issue is very sensitive, deeply
complicated, and I do not expect all the white nations will agree on a single policy
immediately. Again, I fall in the middle because I believe in the freedom for each of our
separate nations to decide for themselves their social structure.

I do believe that we are the products of millions of years of God-designed evolution via natural
selection. I do believe we all contain within ourselves an instinctual knowledge of who we are.
Accessing this instinctual knowledge may require some meditation to clear away disorganized
thoughts which could disturb connection with genetic memories. Taking my German race in
Baden for example, I do believe we should all first ask ourmselves this question: do you truly
feel your body telling you that you are unilineally descended from the Baden people? This
should be the first step anyone takes for attaining membership in local Baden National
Socialism. If someone truly believes they are unilineally Baden, then I say that they are and
should be inducted into our Baden organization. But of course, enemies could use this as a
way to attack us by inflating our membership with insincere Baden claimants whose loyalties
lay elsewhere. This is less a concern with people who obviously carry the Baden ethnicity, and
more of a concern with those who do not have the Baden ethnicity. I propose we should
develop a system of group reflection and assistance in the study of the self, to help Baden
claimants come to the correct conclusion. It is unwise to place people who claim to be Baden
with zero ancestral evidence immediately into the heart of Baden National Socialist leadership.
Rather, a slow step process should be applied to allow us to get to know them first. During
that process we can help them digest what little they might have of ancestral evidence. This
means creating a community for mediation on self-identity. From there we can make decisions
as a Baden community to decide if a Baden claimant is in fact unilineally Baden, or perhaps
honestly mistaken, or even an insincere infiltrator. There are processes our intellectuals can
develop in greater detail to step these people, according to their likelihood of being unilineally
Baden, via promotions in a ranking system within our Baden National Socialism.


The spectrum on the question of the response to homosexuality and transsexuality is much
like the spectrum on the response to race-mixing. For the sake of simplicity, I will use the word

transsexual to describe any deviation from heterosexuality. First I will discuss non-body-
modification transsexuality, and then I will separately discuss body-modification
transsexuality. The extreme right is utterly revolted by transsexuality in all its forms, especially
within men because the extreme right highly values a masculinity which includes: strength,
lack of weakness, and loyalty and devotion and willpower even in the face of suffering. In a
man, the extreme right views transsexuality as weakness, because the receiving end of the sex
act is an act of submission by being pierced, invaded, and docile as the male sex organ
performs its function, which is a breach on their value of strength.

For the sake of the left, who does not understand, let me explain the nature of the extreme
right’s inner thoughts on the reason for their disgust. The extreme right is devoutly
heterosexual, in part because they view the male form and in particular the male sexual organ
as disgusting. Part of the nature of heterosexual men is the astonishment that women are
attracted to men and the male sexual organ. This astonishment is an underlying cause of
arousal during sexual union with a woman. This is why these men are often disrespectful of
women who sleep around. For men who commit sex acts with other men, this disgust is
doubled because it breaches the expectation of strength and also of disgust with attraction to
the male form, which again I can not emphasize enough, is utterly disgusting to the far right
along the same lines of eating feces or garbage. It is difficult, if not impossible, for them to
respect someone who does such things. In women, sex with a man is forgivable because the
extreme right also views women as naturally weak and as a grace from God that their sex
drives can be fulfilled with them. But not so with men who commit transsexuality, who they
view as weak and given over to a vile lifestyle. Even among masculine transsexual men, who
only perform the dominant aspect of the sex act and are never on the receiving end, still these
men are seen by the extreme right as attracted to the disgusting male form and also as
betraying the masculinity of their fellow man with whom they are degrading by performing
the sex act upon. Part of the strength aspect of masculinity involves loyalty and devotion to
your friends. To do these things to another man is another layer of perceived weakness and
immorality on the part of even these masculine transsexual men. At the end of the day, all
these feelings can turn into emotions of rage which most can not explain in words why they
feel it.

Transsexuality in women is viewed much less negatively by the far right, because they view
women as weak to begin with, and their falling victim to transsexual lifestyle falls in line with
what can be expected from a delicate female mind. Also, for a woman to perform a sex act
with another woman does not involve the same level of submissiveness as occurs during the
sex act with the man. Even women who play the submissive role in homosexual relationships,
this is seen as a better option than promiscuity with other men which degrades them in a
much worse way due to the extreme disgust with the male sex organ which is not present in a
relationship of homosexual females. As a result, the far right views transsexuality within
women only bad in that it causes there to be less women to go around, which they perceive as

an attack by an exterior force to influence these women, to cause a general backwardness on
the functioning of a healthy society.

Now that we understand the source of the feelings of the far right; their policy is much the
same as the far right of the race-mixing spectrum. They feel there should be laws against
transsexuality, and that these people should be punished, deported, bullied, or even killed. On
the other hand, the far left views transsexuality as a voluntary expression and thus not a
breach of morality. They view transsexuality as a freedom which is not hurting anyone else,
and so disagree with the disgust of the far right. Even heterosexuals on the left feel protective
of what they perceive as a persecuted group of innocent people. Among the transsexuals
themselves, their being bullied by the far right causes within them the need to display a pride
in being transsexual as a self-reassuring self-confidence practice. They dislike feeling isolated
in a strongly heterosexual world and compensate for it by performing aggressive activism,
often in the masculine way of showing strength in the face of an enemy.

Because the left and right of this issue often display their viewpoint aggressively, it has
resulted in an intense societal conflict which our enemies have seized upon to further inflame
in any way they can to cause division and distraction from any attempt to focus our energy on
them our greater enemy. The division is great and the enemy is succeeding in their effort to
drain our energies with fighting each other instead of them.

I would like to tell you that I fall in the middle of this issue, but I do not. Part of the reason I
could explain the inner feelings of the far right is because I do feel those things inside myself.
Now honesty requires me to describe exactly how far right I fall on this spectrum. The far left: I
make no attempt to deceive you. You will be angered by my view on transsexuality, but still I
plead with you to let me finish describing my position before you dismiss me as just another
homophobe, unworthy of being a voice in a movement which you take part in.

The concept of National Socialist freedom will come into play here. I admit that my view is so
very far right, that I doubt if even my people of Germany or Baden could agree with me. This is
a case where we may need to apply policies on a town by town basis. Let me describe to you
the policy I would support for my closest related family, possibly only to be imposed in my
specific family town or city. But please understand that I am aware of the severity of what
would be my policy on the response to transsexuality, and that I in no way desire to force my
far right view upon other towns or cities or families if they desire differently. In fact, my policy
view for my home city or town, or even just my own personal extended family estate, I
recognize it as so far right that at times I wonder if I am wrong, since usually I fall in the middle
on most issues. Again I would like to emphatically repeat, that if it comes down to it, and the
whole of my people disagree with me, then I am willing to settle on this just being the policy in
my own house, where according to National Socialism, the family home is the ultimate center
of freedom for the individual which can not be infringed upon except by his closest kin. The

nuclear family is the smallest unit which could still be considered a nation, and if it comes
down to it, then the individual inside his home is free to do as he pleases, and his home should
be considered like his native homeland where he can isolate himself to create a world of his
own. Since the policy I am about to describe to you is so far right, I recognize the whole world
may disagree with me and that I may be forced to practice this policy only inside my own
home, for lack of ability to get anyone to agree with me. Still, a constant theme of my life is
that I consider my world and then come to conclusions which are not based on majority rule,
but rather based on what I have logically concluded to be correct. I shall never be bullied by
peer pressure and especially not forced to do anything against my freedom inside my own
home, unless it were a close family member who has the authority to contend with me about
policies in my home.

I will now describe the policy I will support within my own home and possibly my little family
village, if ever my family grows to a large enough size to fill a village. First, I do not care at all
for the practice of transsexuality in women. It means relatively little to me, and in fact I would
be comfortable that a daughter of mine became a non-body-modification transsexual, if that
meant it would keep her from being promiscuous with men. Because that would mean I could
rest easy about damage to her purity by males, while I slowly try to talk her out of it, and
impress upon her the value of fulfilling the destiny of her biology in finding a good man to
marry, as a virgin, and to be a loyal partner to him all the days of his life.

But let us get to the heart of the matter. While I would not go so far as to imprison my own
son in the case I noticed transsexual developments, still I would consider this such a serious
error that I would use all my resources in an attempt to turn him away from this path. First let
us consider a situation where I have no resources other than to speak to my son. At that point,
my only choice would be to use all my intellect to reason with him. There can be no general
rule in a situation like this where there are infinite variables, and so whatever form a son of
mine might develop symptoms of transsexuality, it would have to be taken on a case by case
basis. But in general, the younger the child is, I feel it is more appropriate to discipline him
physically and to influence him by means of manipulation which I may be forced to do in the
case he received his ideas of transsexuality from equally manipulative sources. However, as a
child nears adulthood, it is no longer appropriate to apply physical discipline without the
danger that it would interfere in his preparation for adulthood as an adult member of my
family, where we strive not to settle disagreements with physical fighting. In the same way,
manipulative techniques would not be appropriate for a child nearing adulthood for the same
reason in that it would interfere with the trust that adult members of my family would have
with each other: that we trust one another to be transparently truthful and not manipulative.
Assuming my family resources consist of nothing else, then at this point my only strategy
would be to talk him out of it; and in the case that he did go fully down the path of
transsexuality, then still my only choice would be to try to talk him out of it over time, in the
hope that he realizes his error sooner rather than later.

But let us now talk about my response if I did have resources, especially resources in the form
of other family members, where we would collaborate in attempting to reach him
intellectually, before he goes too far down the path of transsexuality. In this case, an
additional option I could take would be to assign one of our patrilineal brothers to follow him
around everywhere, depending on his risk factor for turning transsexual. Because I do not
believe in long-term imprisonment of an adult member of my family in a small house, then this
would be the best option to ensure he never has a transsexual experience, as far as his
patrilineal brother follows him around and interferes in any situation which may arise. From
there we would continue relentlessly the tactic of trying to reach him intellectually. Of course
there is the possibility that my son runs away, and at that point what else can you do but pray
and hope that it never comes to that.

Now let us consider if I had more resources, a bigger family, and a larger family village. In the
case of a reasonably sized village, I would consider not allowing him to leave if it came to that.
Though deciding to do that would also have to be on a case by case basis, as it could force him
to simply lie to get his way out, and in general confinement is usually not the best strategy.
From here, even as my family village may grow ever larger, it would not change this same
general approach I just described for my small village. If ever I were to convince my Baden
National Socialist people to join with me on this policy, through connections of blood relatives
that would permit us to form a policy for all of Baden, then it would simply be the same theme
of this small village, except a lot more options would be available for different types of
confinement and tactics of intellectual persuasion. If it were the case that Baden united with
me whole heartedly on this issue, then this would free my hand to use a variety of different
types of confinement and intellectual persuasion techniques. But never to the point of
torturing a person, and to variously loosen the grip of confinement if it appears the person is
reaching levels of torturous despair. Instead consider these alternate techniques of confining
this Baden man who appears to be going down the road of transsexuality: we could simply
confine him to a rather large area, even a set of cities, where there are no other transsexuals
present with which to act out his incorrect thought processes. There could also be means of
bringing women in the mix, possibly to have them dress as men, and to carefully study which
gate his psychology lead him through toward transsexual preferences, and thus craft for him a
unique design using all these available resource to help him see the light. Let me assure you,
that never would I involve a process of cruel abuse to punish such an individual with physical
pain and deep emotional trauma, because I recognize that this is not a path to successful and
lasting reversal of transsexualism. I hope it calms the fears of the left, that in my small village
or in Baden we would not dream of performing the stereotypical gay-bashing or beating up of
our fellow Badens. It is madness and stupidity to do such a thing, which could only lead to high
levels of despair and mental disfunction in this our racial family brother. But even if you
interpret my ideas here as immoral, then I still stand for the freedom that my people of Baden,
in Baden, get to decide things as we see fit on the transsexual issue.

If I were to receive Baden to unify with me on this issue for the whole of the state of Baden,
then there would be absolutely no transsexual activity allowed in public. Transsexuals would
be kept track of for the purpose of aiming our intellectual stimulation upon them and to
confine them in the variety of ways possible I already discussed. In Baden, we would have a
slogan, “no brother lets his other brother become transsexual”. At the very least, we would
assign heterosexual men to constantly be with them, not through technological surveillance,
but by their physical presence. There is honestly so many ways we could pursue reversing
them intellectually. Because the issue is so important to me, and hypothetically here to all of
Baden, then I imagine that very few transsexual acts would occur on Baden soil. To see one of
our brothers given over to transsexuality would be one step short of seeing our brother die; or
perhaps worse than death. I describe to you poetically in this way my view for the response to
transsexuals within my own people, but do as you wish with transsexuals on your own national

The practice of transsexuality is considered such a serious error in my sight, that no small
amount of resources would be dedicated to something I would call the Anti-Transsexual-Man
Priesthood, and also to a Heterosexual Club. The Heterosexual Club would be a place where
recovering transsexuals can be supported in regaining their heterosexuality. The Anti-
Transsexual-Man Priesthood would be a society that actively studies all the reasons for why a
man might turn to transsexuality, and also study all the truly effective measures for helping
these men see the light. The seriousness of the transsexual error in my eyes is of such high
degree that I hope you understand how seriously the Anti-Transsexual-Man Priesthood would
be taken. I tell you, we will stop at nothing to rescue our lost brothers who fall down this path.

Just to be complete, if a man were to commit a transsexual act, this would not change
anything other than we would feel that we have failed our brother, and afterward to consider
it our hope to minimize the number of transsexual acts that Baden man performs before we
are able to reach him intellectually. Of course the end result of a successful reversal would
involve giving him back his freedom, in the hope that he did not deceive us merely to escape.
In the case he returns to his transsexual lifestyle, then we would start the process over again
and weep bitterly for this our brother who did lose one of the most precious things we hold
dear, our manhood. Heil Hitler.

I perceive an anti-heterosexual agenda coming from our common enemy. I do believe that
transsexuality leads to a life of suffering, that I can not in good conscience keep myself from
counseling against whenever I come across a transsexual. However, I do not fall so far right as
to want to offend the idea of freedom for other peoples to freely choose transsexuality, free
from the fear of harassment or legal punishment stemming from my Baden collective or
elsewhere outside their close family. One of the symptoms that causes me to perceive an anti-
heterosexual agenda is the taking away of the freedom of speech for the far right to express

themselves. We must have freedom of speech for both sides. Along this line, the far right also
views pro-transsexual content in the public media systems as immoral in that it increases the
percentage of people who choose a transsexual lifestyle, which they view as self-destructive.
So for those of you my white brother nations, since I do not want to enforce my own personal
policies upon you, especially when they are so extreme, then I feel it is my duty to offer you
my recommendation of an alternative lighter hand policy which might be acceptable in your

I feel it should be a matter of policy that transsexual content not be on public media accessible
by children who might stumble upon it by accident. At the very least, it should be behind an
opt-in subscription system only accessible by adults. There should not be transsexual content
in any public media systems, because as a rule, we do not want children to stumble upon
transsexual content without the permission of their parents. Public media outlets such as
television, internet, radio, public school curriculum, newsstand magazines, public parades on
main street, and anywhere children might be able to view it without parent approval; this
public media should be absent of transsexual content. By transsexual content, I am meaning
anything that infers the existence of transsexuality, or appears to be encouraging it.
Intellectuals can discuss further the details of such regulations. In this line, we do need to
create separate media and internet systems. The full access internet we have today must
become an opt-in system, and the offering of a full internet minus non-neutral inappropriate
content must be established so that people can at least still access the internet without
inappropriate content being always a click away. Transsexual content may be placed in the
opt-in systems. This includes movies. For the purpose that it must be a simple thing for parents
to keep their children from being exposed to transsexual content without having to keep a
constant vigil. The parents of both the left and the right can easily choose which opt-in
systems they want for their children. But for public media, there should be no transsexual

I understand that this may seem hypocritical to some on the far left, in that heterosexual
content, minus pornography, may still be displayed on the public media systems. But because
we are a heterosexually reproducing species, it should make sense that society will be skewed
toward heterosexuality, and thus it should not be considered hypocrisy to eliminate
transsexual content from the public media while not eliminating heterosexual content. I ask
you to consider that we need to heal this great divide our enemies are using to destroy white
civilization. We can all have our own programming on our separate media systems. We can
have our separate places of separate thought. For myself, I would not subscribe to the pro-
transsexual media platforms. I would even caution my children from associating with
transsexuals, and I will be honest that I do not much like the idea of associating personally
with transsexuals other than to help and counsel them away from their transsexual lifestyle. I
ask the far right to accept this compromise I am offering to the far left, to at least be allowed
to have their subscription services, because you will be compensated by having a compromise

with values close to your own. If we do not offer this compromise to the far left, then they will
not be able to accept a leader with strong anti-transsexual views, and our enemy will continue
its crusade to further and further divide us. Believe me, if this becomes their only path to
dividing us, then they will throw all their resources behind supporting transsexuality as they
have been, even if it takes over a hundred years, until our people have become half and half
transsexual vs heterosexual, and the conflict will be unending and destroy us. We must take
these measures to prevent such a drastic outcome. I do believe this compromise could be
suited to both sides. To the far left I say: I counsel you on the same lines to accept it as a
middle solution. With transsexual content out of the public sphere, we can then return to
letting the natural instinct of the people guide them to choose the left or right on this issue,
and we can live at peace and freedom with each other. I understand that the left can not agree
on the more drastic policies I described for my own family village or in Baden. Thus, I
understand an alternate solution must be offered as something substantial enough in order
for them to consider uniting with us. Any leaders who come about can then perform the duty
of a leader to mediate the disputes between left and right if once we can settle on a structure
of compromise. I advise any leaders among our peoples to make this promise to the left, that
if after having agreed upon this compromise and it afterward not being honored to protect
your freedom from harassment, hateful bigotry, and the freedom to watch transsexual
content in your own private places; then in this case you would be justified in leaving our
movement and then to use it as a uniting factor to continue your crusade against what you
perceive as evil. But if the right does keep its word to you, and protect you from the extreme
right’s desire to harass you constantly, and maintain your freedom to choose the sexual path
you want, then I ask that you stay loyal to this compromise and our common cause, and to
hold your nose as you co-exist with people who so dislike your lifestyle. I will also counsel the
far right to hold their nose and to leave the far left unmolested. But to the far left I also say:
please appreciate this compromise as sufficient to balance out a right leaning leader’s views. I
say that the far right would not accept this compromise even at this point, so that I have to
make one more gesture of reason to them. In helping to mediate this compromise, I would like
to say to the far right: I want to let you know that I have never once in my life committed a
transsexual act or thought, not even the smallest kind. I do not know what it is, but along with
my parent’s guard upon my childhood innocence, I have always had the most extreme
revulsion to the male form. When I view a transsexual act, I am stunned because it is so
foreign to my preferences. Even in my mind, I have never had the experience of wanting even
to imagine performing a transsexual act. We all should know by now, that our internet
histories are recorded, and if anyone has access to my internet history, then you will see that I
have never once voluntarily viewed transsexual pornography; and there will exist no evidence
of my having had any sexual attraction to the male form. I know how important this is to the
far right, that a mediator or a leader not commit this error, as it is important to me as well;
and I will bring my children up in the same way to resist transsexual corruption as one of the
most important errors to avoid. I want you to be confident in any leader that they do indeed
have that masculine strength we value so much. I realize these words may hit a nerve in the

far left, but I hope you appreciate my honesty here to not refrain from making my opinion
known; and also I advise that any future leader of our people also be frank about their
opinions, so that you can trust that they are not an insincere politician constantly choosing the
exact middle for political gain. These politicians do not exist; and while it may be better to
have a leader more in the middle on this issue, still you will not find a sincere leader in the
middle of all the issues. This is one of the few issues that I do not fall in the middle, and any
leader should also fall toward the right. I implore both the left and right to consider the
options, to consider the alternative to making this compromise, and to consider a leader’s
right leaning view and lifestyle as sufficient weight to appease the right into accepting this
compromise. Together we can co-exist and protect ourselves from our common enemy that
wants to do much worse than having you hold your nose around opposite opinions.

I have the same response to body-modification transsexuality, which includes surgery and the
taking of unnatural hormonal-type substances. I feel the same policy should be applied as with
the policy for our non-body-modification transsexual compromise. Therefore I will add to this:
that there should be an extra separation for transsexual body-modification content, in that it
should be separate from non-body-modification transsexual content, with its own subscription
opt-in channels. I imagine a large segment of transsexuals might be in favor of transsexuality,
yet not body-modification transsexuality. Thus I feel it is important to also give them the same
opportunity to easily prevent their children from accessing that material, instead of having to
stand guard over them constantly. We must make society an easy place in which to parent.

The divisions on the issue of transsexuality have actually been present in our culture since
ancient times. It should be expected that to solve such a deeply rooted problem calls for a
painful compromise. Again, understand that the extreme right will never accept someone who
is directly in the middle of this issue, and so it is needed that a leader fall further right. While it
may be the responsibility of the right to make this compromise for the sake of getting their
right-leaning leader, then so it is also the responsibility of the far left to accept a right-leaning
leader in order to make this compromise possible.

This compromise would also be an opportunity to get rid of inappropriate overly sexual
content in the public media. Sexuality is a private thing anyway. More importantly, our
enemies will continue to bow and cater to every need of the far left to empower them to any
level necessary to cause enough division, to divide our numbers in half, and then to destroy us
easily one at a time separately. We must make a compromise, or be destroyed. There is no
other option.

To the left and to the transsexuals themselves I say: do not reject lightly this compromise. The
people on the right despise you dearly, and you will never have peace from them if you do not
make some sort of compromise. I do not think you will find a better option in the future, and
you will be forced to fight and struggle your entire lives against their spite. To appease the left,

a leader must promise to honor this compromise and protect their freedoms, so they will no
longer have to live in fear. If ever the right fails to honor this compromise and protect the left,
then I repeat, the left could use that as a point to unite against us and place all their energy
into making us pay for breaking our deal. Trust me, I know what it is like to fight against what
you perceive as evil, and I know you will be a fierce enemy, but it does not have to be that
way. Do not reject us because we disagree with you. I counsel you to hold strong to your
passionate opinions and be prepared to agree to disagree in peaceful debate in private or in
the opt-in media systems. If we are to achieve the freedom we all value so much, then it will
be highly important to learn to agree to disagree peacefully, respecting different opinions and
our sacred National Socialist freedoms. Do not join these debates if you are sensitive to
different opinions, and do not degrade the respect we have for each other just because the
opposite side may be talented at debating the issue. If your side has the truth, then you can be
sure you will have the chance to speak it. Heil Freedom! Heil Mutual respect.


The spectrum of the question on how women should be treated in our society starts on the far
left which gives women complete equality of application under the law to be treated no
different than if they were men. The extreme right would be the complete subjugation of
women under men and treated as the equivalent of property under their respective men,
husband, or father.

National Socialism is very important for deciding the treatment of women. All the different
races and ethnicities developed differently under different circumstances, and thus our ethnic
characteristics are different, and thus women behave differently from ethnicity to ethnicity.
How it might be appropriate for one ethnicity to treat their women may be different than
what is needed for another. National Socialism says that each nation should choose what is
best for themselves. Again, the white ethnicity is the highest umbrella under which we should
desire to forcefully influence our choices for the treatment of women. However for men,
women are such a personal issue, that I do not think at this point the different white nations
could agree on a single policy any time soon. With that in mind, again I would like to
emphasize the importance of the freedom for each white nation to freely choose their own
policies. For me as I said, my first level separate white nation is Germany, and then my second
level is the people of Baden in south-western Germany. I would only strive at first to
implement my views upon the women of Baden. I would council my white brothers from other
white nations of my reasons, and I would debate with them in accordance with the looser
social connection under the white ethnic umbrella, but I can not repeat enough, that I will
never attempt to force them to adopt my policies on women if they disagree with me strongly.
In the same way, I would expect other white nations not to force their policies upon Germany.
These discussions should be left to debate among the intellectuals of our different peoples. I

emphasize this because I do have a further right view upon the treatment of women, yet I fall
in the middle in the sense that I do not desire to make my view a pan-white policy. I feel that I
am an authority on German women, not because I have much direct experience with them,
but rather that being of the same German blood, I understand them on an internal genetic

With that said, so that you might understand the personal view of your leaders for their own
people, let me now describe my far right view that I would desire for the women of Germany
as an example. I council the other white nations to take into consideration my thoughts on
women, as it is appropriate for extended family to advise one another. I do feel that white
women have certain characteristics, and that most of what I will describe here can be applied
to the whole white race, if they can accept it. I would even say that much of my views on
women can be applied to even the non-white nations, yet it is not my responsibility to correct

Characteristics of men and women evolved such that each could specialize in their appropriate
role, so that the weaknesses which come with specialization can be compensated by the
strengths of the opposite sex. Thus, the specialization characteristics of men make them weak
in ways that women are strong in. And so also the specialization characteristics of women
make them weak in ways that men are strong in. For men, obviously we specialize in strength
for war, both physically and mentally. This makes us strong for war and capable of defending
our people. This is seen in the physical difference not just of muscular strength, but also in that
men can not get pregnant to carry a child within them, thus making men more expendable in
war. Men may also impregnate their women before going off to war, and then there will be no
danger of losing the future generation. Also, women have tender breasts, exposed and often
hindering. Breasts are also for the sake of nourishing children, so that it is not desirable for
those breasts to be exposed to danger. Taking these considerations as a whole, we can see the
most obvious specialization differences between men and women.

The act of sex for men and women is also different. For women, sex is internal, while for men,
sex is external. The science propaganda of our day says that a sperm fertilizes an egg, and that
is all there is to it. But common sense should tell you that the human body is so much more
complex than any of us can truly understand. Our knowledge of the human body grows
continually. With that said, we should not be so confident that internal sex for a woman does
not change her internal structure in preparation for pregnancy, even when pregnancy may not
result. It should be easy to understand the possibility that the internal functioning of a woman
changes when having sex, in response to the man she is having sex with; so we use the word
adultery meaning to adulterate, which is to mingle the purity of a woman with the traits of the
different men she has sex with when she takes them into her internally. Before modern
science, our people understood this mystery of the human body and took no chances, and
thus valued virginity very highly. Modern science has given our people an over-confidence to

replace this humility of knowledge we had in the past. It is madness to believe it impossible
that a woman’s body changes internally in preparation for pregnancy with the specific man
she has sex with. In that sense, women who have had sex with multiple men before pregnancy
can be said to give birth to children that are a mixture of the men she has sexually digested
internally. While the primary fertilizer may predominate the majority of that mixture, still at
the very least, the preparatory work of the female’s body for that pregnancy will be a mixture
of those different men. Like a tree that grows best in a certain type of soil, the pre-pregnancy
sex acts are like the preparing of this specific type of soil for the seed of that specific tree. And
the tree will grow differently depending on the type of soil it grows in, yet it is best for the tree
that it is planted in the soil it is best suited for. Natural selection through the ages has created
a reflex in men which causes extreme suffering when his chosen woman has sex with other
men. As natural selection works, only the men who were most motivated by this suffering
reflex to guard against this error in their women were able to successfully do so, and thus they
gave strength to their seed by providing it with the most suitable soil: and thus they bred more
effectively which compounded the effect of this reflexive suffering when only this naturally
selected characteristic combined among the children of those who bred most successfully.
Continuing on, as natural selection works, this reflexive suffering characteristic has become
stronger and stronger within men over time, so that this suffering might now be one of the
most painful experiences a man can feel, even while it is a slow steady drip process rather
than an all at once torture technique. While some men may deny it as their means of coping
with the pain, still any man reading this will be hard pressed not to wonder to what extent I
am correct; and all women should consider the possible existence of this biological button
present in men who have become attached to them. As so goes the characteristics associated
most closely with breeding: these are the most likely to be passed on via natural selection
which has its fundamental source within breeding.

You may not believe all this to be true exactly as I described, but again I will emphasize the
need for humility in understanding the infinitely complex human body. Because there is a
chance that I am correct, we should act accordingly and once again place a high value on
virginity in our women, as a safeguard to this possibility. Our ancestors understood this need
for precaution in the face of the mystery of the human body. We should not consider
ourselves so much superior to our ancestors. Even when using sexual protection to block the
most potent factor of this pregnancy preparation, which is the male sperm entering the
female, still we must not delude ourselves that pregnancy preparation is not also active in the
human mind. Women are designed as an internally receptive organism, and her mind also
becomes internally effected even when using sexual protection devices. The woman, when
developing a relationship with a man, has her mind and body changed in all these ways in an
involuntary function to become a perfect match for that specific man. Whether it is exactly
true or part true, still our humility of knowledge should make us take precautions and again
highly value virginity in women. This is not to say that there is not room for forgiveness and
the possibility that the pregnancy preparation of a woman can be reversed to match a

different man. This would lead one to conclude that a woman who has been promiscuous with
various men should be given adequate time with her newly chosen man, in order for her body
to reverse the preparation done by other men before she becomes pregnant. Even women
beyond the age of fertility must take into consideration the great suffering her man will
experience in response to her sexual infidelity by this instinctual reflex, and thus it is not
simply a matter to be disregarded in the case she can not get pregnant. These things can be
discussed more deeply by our intellectuals, but it is enough that I touched on it here.

On the other hand, for men, sex is an external process and his body is structured as a giver
rather than a receiver. In this way, men and women are different in that it is relatively not so
serious of an error for a man to be promiscuous, because his internal body is generally not
being affected. This idea might anger the women of our modern age, but it is a fact that men
and women are different. While men may have the advantage in some ways, so also women
have an advantage in other ways. We should not be brought to conflict with each other over a
desire to be equally treated, but rather to live in a symbiotic relationship with each other, each
gender donating their specific skill set for the greater good, and each bowing to the other to
allow them to deliver on that skill set. Women, you are in a position that requires you to guard
your virginity. Let this not be an issue of conflict between us, but let men take a heavier load
of responsibility in order to balance out what women have received in the weaknesses of their
biology. We must treat our women well and give them comfort to help them accept the
limitations of their bodies.

Now let me get into the weaknesses of men. As I said, men are specialized for war. War is an
ugly thing. It involves many layers of deception, and the enduring of physical and emotional
pain. War requires the hardness of cold logic, and in general a darkened exterior which is
conducive to dominating enemies in battle. But along with this power in battle, is loss of the
ability to feel. Picture spending many cold nights outside in the rain alone. In war, being
overcome by the emotion of sadness or becoming focused on discomfort will lead to defeat.
And so men have developed a mind capable of cold, brute, stone-like strength. However,
enduring this hardness required for war can not be kept up in the long term. It is a torturous
existence, incapable of happiness or satisfaction, and can lead men to suicide or reckless
behavior. Because to a man in this condition, life is not worth living. This is where the
weakness of a woman becomes like a strength for her man. The woman is not overcome with
hardness, but quite the opposite, she excels in softness. This softness is not valuable for war,
but it is valuable for a man overcome by the stress of a war-like mind set. I call it “soldier’s
disease”: when during the course of a war struggle, a dark cloud comes over the mind of a
man that will not go away. Only a woman could break this curse: a woman so designed to have
her body invaded and overcome by a man in the sex act, which from the outside perspective
looks much like the woman being dominated and pushed around rudely; exactly the opposite
of what is required for successful warfare that seeks to dominate and treat roughly and rudely
our enemy. Still this nature of a woman, which is weak in war, becomes the needed outlet for

a man to expend his overflowing hardness of mind. The softness of water is what overcomes
and erodes stone. The nature of a women to be on the receiving end of this dominant invasive
sex act helps to fall the scales of soldier’s disease from a man’s eyes, in seeing that this woman
can lose dominance in the act of sex, it opens his mind to understanding that it is permissible
for him to loosen his hard exterior in the presence of a woman who has lost completely to him
all notions of dominance because of the nature of the sex act.

In short, without a woman, a man will be driven to deeper and deeper levels of warlike
hardness, which in some cases may be extremely difficult for him to wake from. It is
understood in the lore of Adolf Hitler, that he himself was a victim of soldier’s disease to which
Eva Braun eventually overcame, and did rescue him from that fate in the end. In general,
without the hardness of men, they would not be successful in war. And without the softness of
women, these men could not survive for very long after that war is won. We do need each
other. We serve different roles. Let women support their men in attaining the masculinity
needed to serve their role as protector. Let men support their women as they make the
sacrifice of dominance. There is no need for women to punish their men for their rough
nature. There is no need for men to take advantage of the sexual-non-freedom a woman’s
biology obligates her to. We should seek to lift each other up!

Now because men are so in need of the sexual outlet to heal them from their soldier’s disease,
women have developed the sex drive necessary to offer that healing not just by choice but by
uncontrollable desire. It serves a double purpose in that the desire to receive the male sex act
compounds further the submissive lack of dominance expressed by the receiving sex act itself.
The desire to be pierced and invaded is complete weakness and non-virtuous for warfare. Yet
this further increases her ability to heal soldier’s disease by making a man feel comfortable to
drop his hardened exterior in the presence of such complete physical and mental weakness.
Women are indeed the exact opposite extreme of a man’s hardness; but it comes with a
weakness also that is not useful; that of the woman being prone to promiscuity. This may be
slightly different in the women of other white nations, but for German women I say that it is a
responsibility for us to protect our women from having this vulnerability exploited. Our
women are promiscuous because they need to be to serve their role. Yet the extreme
importance of virginity and sexual relations with only a single man means we can not afford to
have this weakness exploited. If a man is promiscuous without getting those women pregnant,
then in most cases it relatively does not cause serious harm for him or his family. Yet if a
woman is promiscuous, it has results that can affect her family for generations to come. The
damage is so severe that it can not be left to chance that a woman has a weak moment and
has sex with multiple men. Thus, I propose, for my people of Germany, that our women not be
completely free only so far as is needed to ensure they do not commit this error. You may
disagree with me, but then you may do things your own way with your own women. I only ask
that you let Germans handle our own women as we see fit.

Now my empathy makes me feel strongly for the plight of women who, if this policy were
applied, would not have the same freedom as men do. I may roam free and unwatched, while
women must be constantly observed. Men, what a sacrifice our women must make, and we
should in all ways reward them for this sacrifice. This is where the notion of chivalry comes in
which has become absent in our modern age. It has become absent precisely because its
principal source is as a recompense to women for sacrificing their freedom as they used to by
the natural instincts of our ancestors. If our women can find it in their hearts to accept our
reasoning to hinder their freedom, then we must repay good with good, and sacrifice with
sacrifice. In this sense, once a woman becomes sexually affiliated with a man, then she is
forever his because she is forever afterward not preferable for another man to attach to. Thus
marriage, in whatever form it takes to represent this sexual attachment, should be
unbreakable forever. Men, I say to you, if you attach yourself to a woman, then it is your duty
to stay by her side forever and to treat her well all the days of her life, because she has no
choice but to remain attached to you since other men would not view her as preferable for a
mating partner. Thus, as honorable men, we should see it as no choice that we remain
attached to our women forever.

Men, I say that we must develop a culture within ourselves, to shame and excommunicate
men in our ranks who would divorce a woman who has not breached her sexual commitment
to her chosen man. Just like the strong bond of loyalty and sacrifice between fellow soldiers
during times of war, we should also feel this same loyalty to our women. To put it plainly,
divorce and mistreatment of our chosen women should not be permissible in German National
Socialism. I will struggle with all my strength to the very end to fight for the reward of German
women in this fashion. Women, I tell you that we will stand by you and support you in your
relationships with your husbands, and we will never abandon you. Your man will indeed suffer
the consequence of our wrath if he mistreats you. Because you have taken the mighty sacrifice
of putting your freedom in our hands, we swear to never fail you in this regard. This is our
promise. It is commonly said but uncommonly fully understood, WE LOVE YOU. Join forces
with us and do not be disheartened at what you might lose in collaboration with us, because I
guarantee that we will overfill your cup in repayment with honors, luxury, chivalry, and
kindness. Gone will be the days of abusive husbands, or worrying that by becoming fat or ugly
that you might lose him. The suffering of such men who mistreat their women this way will be
so severe that they will not think for a moment of treating you this way. I promise you this,
that my hardness as a man will fight like it was designed to against these ignorant men who
treat their loyal women badly. We will be victorious in this struggle against those men, I assure
you. We will not fail you, if only you would put your faith in us and this movement to build a
better world, which we can not do without your help.

I am aware that the evil propaganda from our enemies, which has so subverted our women
into active promiscuity, has also subverted our men into treating their women badly.

Together, we will deflect this attack and heal the wounds within both men and women. We
are truly a team. I admit, my love for loyal good women is so great that it rivals the strength of
bond to my fellow soldiers in war. If you understand the soul loyalty we men soldiers have
towards each other, then you will realize that I say no small thing when I compare my love for
women to this. You are safe with us. Even if all other men fall victim to subversion, so I myself
will never fail you. It is impossible. You are loved. You are safe with us. You are safe with me.
Men who treat their loyal women badly, I give you fair warning; you will not see a ray of hope
if you do such things. If not for your woman’s need of you, then we might do much worse
things to you. If you do not do completely your duty as a male partner, then you might find
yourself cornered by us into a situation of enslavement to your woman who you have so
mistreated. We can not afford to lose the support of our women in this movement, and so we
can not afford to leave you unpunished if you choose to go down the road of spousal abuse. I
contend with the proponents of our modern society who say they want to empower and fight
for the causes of women: you do not hold a candle to the glory, honor, and spiritual wealth we
will deliver to our women under our system. Women come with us, where you will live lives of
luxury and honor. We are your knights in shining armor.

Of course there are more things which can be discussed on the topic of women, that each of
our white nations can come to conclusions on individually. Yet, it is enough that I have
touched on it here so that you may understand where I fall on the spectrum of how to treat

For my people of Germany, I support that in line with this limitation on the freedom of our
women, they should be under the jurisdiction of the men in their life. As a child, she will be
under the authority of her father. When she attaches to a man in whatever form a marriage
comes, she will then be passed over to her husband’s authority. Children should be under the
authority of their mother, who is in turn under the authority of her attached man. To
recompensate women with the loss of authority over their own lives, we will give the woman,
in accordance with her internal nature, mastery over the home. Mastery over the home means
she will have authority over her husband there. Outside of the home, she is to be under the
authority of her husband. The home is to be considered whatever the form of her immediate
area of extended dwelling is. Thus the home could be considered her main residence, or in the
guest room that she is staying when travelling. This is in accordance with the nature of women
as masters of the internal as evidenced by pregnancy. The man is master of the external as
evidenced by the male sex organ. This means that a woman has the authority to expel her man
from her home. Men, if this shakens you, take heart in the amount of freedom you will enjoy
that she will not. Let her have something of power to balance the scales. You were grown as
an infant inside the womb of your mother, who had complete mastery over you there. The
home is like an extension of her womb. Honor her power there. We have enough to deal with
in managing the affairs of society outside the home. Besides, women also have the natural
instincts to train and support our masculinity by the many ways in which women are known to

degrade femininity in men. Do not resist discomfort which will strengthen you in the long
term. The female has many instincts that will nourish us. We must give her space to act out
those instincts.

In order for us to support each other in the cases when the family unit is embroiled in conflict,
so that both men and women have a place to go and appeal to when they feel they are not
being treated correctly; there is to be the establishment of a women’s club where they can go
to associate with each other and enjoy leisure. The women’s club will be a place of activity and
community in all ways. The National Socialist party itself will serve the purpose of a men’s
club. The women’s club will be a place where women can bring grievances against their
attached men and receive support. The women’s club will have access to the male leadership
of their National Socialism in order to request mediation in these grievances. In Germany, the
National Socialist party should be led by men, with our women under their authority according
to our view on women.

I will not cease with repeating the fundamental tenant of National Socialism, that while I
support passionately this policy for my people of Germany, still for the other white nations I
could accept an involvement of their women, if they choose to allow it. Thus in Germany, our
women are master of the home, and so participating in the joint congresses of our White
National Socialist party would be considered as outside the home where our men have
authority. If our German women are involved in these white congresses, then it would be as
the attached party of her man or father, who should they be given permission to participate
and speak is at their discretion. We should not hold this standard to other white nations, but
gladly contend and debate with them in whatever form they present themselves, whether
male or female. The different white nations are like cousins, compared to people within the
same nation which are like brothers and sisters. Of course our brothers and sisters will have a
greater say in how our family operates; yet still our cousins are very important to us and we
would like to hear what they have to say, and perhaps change our minds if they can convince

If it becomes the case that the conflict between an attached man and woman becomes
unsolvable, and one or both parties seek divorce at all costs, then we must consider if one or
both people are unilineally German. If both are unilineally German, then I advocate for a policy
in Germany that the attachment between the two should remain unbreakable and that
continuous effort to resolve the conflict be applied using the resources of both the women’s
club and the men of German National Socialism.

It gets more complicated if one of the pair is not unilineally German. If it is the case that a
German woman attaches to a foreign man, then I support the transfer of our authority over
her to the nation of this man who she attached to. Because the internal nature of a woman
changes when receiving the sex act, it is my belief that the woman’s biology in fact becomes

converted to that nation of her chosen man, and that she is no longer matrilineally German
until a daughter be born which reverts back to her original matrilineal race. So in this sense,
the authority over a failed relationship would belong to the nation of that man.

A more difficult situation would arise when there are also accusations of spousal abuse by that
foreign man upon our German woman. More difficult still would be the case that the foreign
nation leaves those issues of spousal abuse unresolved and unattended to. Even so, our
principled view would still see the German woman as internally changed to match the foreign
nation and thus to still respect their authority over the situation. This would be the extreme
case in which to apply this principal, and while it may be painful to witness severe spousal
abuse, still we should respect their decisions and not interfere other than with distant protest.
In the same way that a human can not fully understand the instincts of a violent crocodile, yet
we should still respect that those instincts were developed by natural selection within the
crocodile species, and recognize those instincts as superior to human intelligence; because the
crocodile instinctively knows better how to handle other crocodiles than we do. It is illogical to
apply human values in a crocodile ecosystem. This view should also be applied to any
crocodile-like behavior exhibited by a foreign nation upon this formerly German woman. It is
known that even small interference in animal ecosystems can have the potential to eradicate
the species among many other disastrous unintended consequences. The interplay of cause
and effect in these infinitely complicated systems is often microscopic and subtle. We should
view this idea as applicable to the human nations outside our own, and strive for a hands off
policy even in the case of spousal abuse.

Any man will understand that an attached woman is a deeply personal issue, capable of
inflaming passionate disagreement. In the past, conflict over even a single woman has had the
potential to cause devastating war: as in the case of Paris and Helen during the Trojan War
which had consequences for white civilization that last until present day. For our part, as
Germans, we should not support conflicts of this type and be prepared to release authority of
our German women to the foreign nations of the men they have chosen.

However, I must address the possibility of the most extreme case. That is the case of a German
man attaching to a foreign woman, resulting in inconsolable desire for divorce on the part of
the woman with the support of her foreign nation. At the furthest extreme would be that of
the woman and her daughters being located in the national homeland of that foreign nation,
thus also allowing that foreign nation to exercise their power to keep the woman and her
daughters from returning to the German man. In this situation, I will say that I am currently
unable to find the perfect solution, and thus I will have to present to you a policy to serve
temporarily as the best idea we have so far. Before approaching the most extreme case where
negotiation between the two nations becomes impossible, let us address the case where some
negotiations are possible. If both nations can agree, then I put before you the policy
compromise that the attached woman herself be handed over to the authority of the man’s

nation, while the daughters of that woman be handed over to the authority of her foreign
nation at the age of 12. This is because it is not wise for a child to be removed from a parent’s
care immediately upon being born, yet is not good for a woman’s matrilineal daughters to
remain attached to their father if the mother does not desire it. Simply put, a German woman
can not divorce her man, but she can divorce her daughters from him at the age of 12 to the
authority of her choosing. After this, except for the woman herself, the union of her matriline
with his patriline will be broken and they will no longer be considered a family. This decision to
hand over authority over these daughters should only be with the consent of their mother, or
if she is not available then with the matriarch of her matrilineal group which is her oldest living
matrilineal ancestor. If this matriarch is also unavailable as in the case of an orphan, then the
authority of consent should rest with the chosen authority according to the policies of her
foreign nation.

This should be a sufficient compromise to resolve the majority of disputes, yet I must address
the situation where even this compromise is unacceptable to that foreign nation, and they
continue to withhold our German man’s attached woman and his daughters under the age of
12. If it can not be agreed among the National Socialisms of these two nations a policy to
exchange women and daughters in these circumstances, then it may require that even the
German nation refuse to give up the unilineal foreign women and their daughters in this same
situation for that specific nation. Then to use this as a bargaining chip in negotiations for the
women which we feel rightly belong under German authority. The hope in such a negotiation
stalemate is that there may eventually reach a possibility for the exchange of these women
and daughters.

To be clear, if a foreign nation refuses to recognize the authority of German men who attach
to their unilineal women, then so also will Germany refuse to recognize the authority of their
men who attached to our German women. If this female exchange agreement is not already
arranged between the two nations, then it would be wise to discourage the development of
relationships between the men and women of these two nations. It is my hope that this
uncomfortable state of disagreement will be very rare. However, I will again emphasize the
deeply personal nature of an attached woman to a man, and that the instinctual reflexive
suffering he will experience from losing her is so great, that I anticipate negotiations of this
kind will not be possible, which will open a conflict between those two nations and likely civil
war, where unfortunately combat will be the deciding factor. The possessive instinct of a man
for his woman, we must admit to ourselves, is the one of the strongest human emotions
except for the instinct to attain a woman in the first place. This may be one of the few issues
where I insist that all the white national socialisms must come to an agreement or else face
the consequence of unending civil war over women. If other nations want to come to a
different arrangement among themselves, then it is fine for them to discover on their own my
reasoning when they experience that inevitable civil war. But for German men, when we take
a woman, it should be forever. We will have many ways to address and prevent spousal abuse

of a woman, but at the same time we are also protective of spousal abuse upon a man. I say
this as if it is only true for German men, but I know it to be true for all white men no matter if
their own experiences have twisted their minds to be able to let go of a woman easily. If a man
loses the woman who his biology and mind have attached to, especially if they already had
children together, then there will eventually be war of the ugliest kind; be sure of it. This is the
only way to put an end to it. Our intellectuals can discuss the further details behind when a
woman should be considered biologically attached to a man or not, but it is enough that I
touched on it here. To prevent the suffering of that German man from spreading like wild fire
within our nation, we will recognize that if civil war is inevitable with that foreign nation over a
woman, then it is better to start it sooner rather than later, and to aim the fire of his wounded
heart at the nation which took her from him. Thus, if the attached woman in question is from
another white nation, then Germany should support a full scale civil war with that nation even
on the behalf of a single man; because it is our right to be more aggressive with white nations
as part of our extended family. Understand, that when a German man takes a woman,
especially a white woman, she is his. If the attached woman is from a non-white nation
however, then it is my hope that we could pursue negotiations much further before an open
conflict arises, and consider the non-white woman hopelessly lost at some point if that non-
white nation wills it. While to consider her lost would be the most ideal conclusion with a non-
white nation if we could put it into practice, still I feel it necessary to say plainly that we should
not fool ourselves when it comes to any man and his woman. The beast that will come out of a
man when he loses his attached woman in divorce is uncontainable. To not follow this
compromise would be likened to challenging this invincible beast. It can not be defeated. It
may be able to be contained for a short time, even for generations, but eventually that beast
will be passed down from father to son, from uncle to nephew, from man to man, slowly
biding its time, and it will have victory. We may not have hope of righting all the wrongs of the
past, but I feel it is possible to calm this collective beast present in the minds of our people; by
seeing to it that future men do not suffer this same loss. Then perhaps the beast can soothe
itself in knowing that the next generation will not suffer as he has. To defeat this beast would
be to defeat the qualities which established humanity as supreme in the animal kingdom to
begin with; it can not be defeated; and we must admit when we have been checked and take
proper precautions. Ask any man who has experienced the suffering of losing a woman in the
way of divorce after having truly attached to her, then you will know that I speak the truth.
Women, you must accept this inconvenient quality of men as a natural function of their
biology, just as men must accept inconvenient natural instincts in women. Just as women
unite together to prevent men taking advantage of their physical weakness, so the same
should men unite together to prevent women from taking advantage of this our mental
weakness. What benefits our society receives from the specialization of men for war requires a
balancing factor of sacrifice in women, which is to subtract from her freedom only what is
needed to ensure we do not inflame those natural instincts in men. When our women attach
to a man, we must let go of her. She is his now. If you do not let her go, then you will suffer
much more than the loss of a single daughter, either in your current generation or the next, it

will happen. It is a human instinct, combined with love. For our part in Germany, we should do
everything we can to prevent this type of error, and if other nations desire to make a different
arrangement amongst themselves then fine, but there should be an exception for Germay that
any white woman who attaches to a German man is ours forever, to love and protect. We
promise she will not be abused; yet if for that or any other reason a white woman is taken
from the authority of a German man, then the whole nation of Germany should go to civil war
with that white nation and ask for the support of friendly white nations in this pursuit. If need
be, then consider it a peculiarity of German men. We are prepared to sacrifice all for a single
woman. Warn your women to stay away from German men if this frightens you. If he is
abusive towards her, then let us know and she will be protected while he is punished. But if
you take away your white daughter after she has attached to a German man, even if he is
abusive to her, then first we will punish you and take her back or die trying, and then
afterward we will punish the German man for spousal abuse. It is a short-term loss for the
sake of a long-term gain, to put out the fires in men’s hearts after losing a woman to divorce.
Meaning we could maintain a short-term peace now while the fire spreads and then lose our
lives in the long-term to the fire anyway. Else, we can immediately begin the process of
putting out the fire, which involves civil war, sacrificing our short-term peace now, for the sake
of a greater peace in the long-term when finally that most destructive beast in a men’s hearts
is finally contented.

The concept of abortion of a pregnancy is also something that must be discussed as it relates
to this same issue. In Germany, I support policy that abortion never be permissible, even in
cases of rape, a perception of future birth defect, or danger to the mother. Due to my strong
belief in leaving a decision of abortion to God, I would never support abortion in any form. If
my people of Germany can not agree with me on this policy, then it may have to be a policy
held for my most local National Socialism. For the sake of clarity, I will continue discussing this
topic under the presumption that my German people are united in agreement with me, and
use it as the example for how different nations can approach this issue, which can be applied
also to the different German local nation groupings. With that said, if a German man were to
impregnate a foreign woman, the first solution sought would be the same as in the case of the
foreign woman seeking divorce, and that a pregnancy be treated in the same way as an
already born child. If the foreign nation will not agree to this policy and permits abortion of a
potentially unilineal German male child within that foreign woman, then all I can say is that
the tedious negotiation process will have to take place. For the part of Germany, under their
presumed unification with me on this abortion policy, we will never allow an abortion of any
pregnancy on German soil, no matter if that child’s parents are unilineally German or not.
Whether those pregnancies are determined to be male or female does not matter, as that is
not an exact science and could endanger a pregnancy to find out, so that we will consider the
gender of a child for practical purposes to be unknowable until the time of birth. Thus if a
foreign nation permits the abortion of a potentially unilineal German child, then there may
have to arise a state of conflict between Germany and that nation. This conflict would involve

an escalation of not even handing over authority of patrilineally foreign men born to German
women in our territorial control, and to use this as a bargaining chip in the painful negotiation
process that comes with the permanent nature of an abortion. In all this complex
consideration of the most extreme case of disagreement on these issues of women, children,
and abortion: we can not rule out the possibility that all negotiations break down resulting in a
civil war between these two white nations. Or in the case that the foreign nation is non-white,
then this would be a general war rather than a civil war. With the danger of the occurrence of
this extreme case in mind, it should be emphasized that nations who do not have a pre-
arranged agreement on these issues should discourage their men and women from forming
relationships until that arrangement can be made. Because there are endless factors present
in situations of this extreme kind, there can not be a general policy laid out for how to respond
other than I have already laid out. Thus, each situation will have to be taken on a case by case
basis. I understand that disputes on issues of divorce and abortion are the disputes which have
the greatest chance of ending in war. It should be for the exhaustive effort of the intellectuals
in our nations to attempt to resolve these kinds of disputes and to put in place policies which
will prevent them from occurring.

To clarify the simpler case of a divorce between a man and woman of unilineally different
nations where there are no daughters under the age of twelve, then simply the alliance of
their matrilineal and patrilineal groupings will be broken and they will not be considered
family any longer. The father shall retain authority over his sons, while the mother shall attain
sole authority over her daughters. If this dispute were to occur between two local German
nations who have not agreed to a policy of never divorce, then according to our policies on the
limitations of the freedom of women, the woman shall return to being under the authority of
her father, or otherwise the oldest ancestor of her father’s patrilineal group, or if none exist or
none are known, then she shall return to being under the authority of a special society for
women which I will now describe.

The Vestal Virgins, a temporary name until I can investigate further, is a society I would like to
see established for women who seek the highest ideals of virginity and female virtue. They can
go there to also seek reparation of their virginity according to the philosophy of our
intellectuals. They will be overseen by an establish office call the The High Guard of the Vestal
Virgins, and under his authority. Women who do not have a known father or patrilineal elder
to take authority over them will also be placed here. The extremes of these women who
voluntarily desire the highest ideals of virginity and feminine virtue, they will follow the advice
of the order, and the high guard is to be considered like her unconsummated husband. These
women are to be protected and high quality husbands sought out for them. In that sense, men
who achieve high honors would be rewarded with opportunities to socialize with these
women. The most extreme form of virginity in this order would involve a woman minimally
interacting with men which might cause her internal body to begin changing to match those
men. Our intellectuals can further discuss the details of such a society, but it is enough that I

touched on it here.

It should be encouraged in our propaganda systems loyalty, devotion, and satisfaction with
one attached woman, and to highly consider the feelings of this woman if she is so hurt by the
idea of her husband attaching to a second woman. In the cases of breaching of sexual
infidelity, in Germany we should still view the relationship of male and female to be
unbreakable. Yet, in order to compensate and heal men in such situations, he may afterward
have a more acceptable case to take a second woman. His first woman, however, should never
be neglected or made to spend her time alone without access to her man. If the man can not
live up to his responsibility to his attached women, then again as I said before, he will be
disciplined by the male order of our local National Socialism without fail to correct him. Also,
in the case of high honors achieved by men, it will also become more acceptable for him to
attach to a second woman if he so desires. Yet, a second woman should never be taken
without consulting his first woman and showing her the honor she deserves to have her
thoughts heard on the matter. Denying the desire for a second woman may be one of the
sacrifices our men have to make in order to honor our first woman, but she shall not reign in
authority over this decision. If it comes down to mediation with the women’s club, in order to
calm her fears, then this is good. I consider it subversion for a man to attach to too many
women. Men should consider that the responsibility of being emotionally supportive to
multiple women is difficult. If they fall into this category of error, then they shall be disciplined
and feel the wrath of our National Socialist men. Women who find themselves in such
unfortunate circumstances can be compensated in a variety of ways in the form of status and
luxury. We can not allow any single irresponsible man to destroy the bond of mutual trust with
our women. Thus, it is our hope that we shall so recompensate these kinds of pain in our
women to the point of almost overcompensation. We will let no woman feel abandoned in
cases of spousal abuse. As men, we would also hope that women not abandon us in the
opposite case of spousal abuse from a woman upon her man. We must love and protect each
other. There must also be a system of elders within our National Socialism to guide our men
and give nods of approval or disapproval for cases of them attaching to additional women.


A basic disagreement that any productive group must resolve is the decision of who is our
greatest common enemy to set our focus on. The far left says it is the far right who is the
greatest enemy, or more specifically the Nazis, Fascists, and their ideology. Of course they are
referring to the false cartoon version of a Nazi, and nothing to do with the National Socialism I
am spelling out here. On the other hand, the right similarly believes it is the far left who is the
greatest enemy, or more specifically the Jews and their secret ideology. I will discuss the
Jewish question in the next section, but before that we must become aware of the existence
of a third choice for greatest common enemy. Relax your mind for a moment. Understand that

not all conclusions of truth need to be observed directly. In mathematics, often a proof is given
through deduction, meaning to eliminate all possibilities except one. I have done this and do
believe I know the truth of who “they” are, our greatest common enemy. So often you will
hear it generally said that “they” are doing this or that evil, and many will agree on what
“they” are doing, but disagree on who “they” are. Even in my old 78 idea point platform, I
made use of the “they” device to facilitate communication on what was being done to us
rather than opening disagreements by identifying who “they” are. I am here to tell you plainly
that “they” are a secret society of devil worshippers.

Put your deductive reasoning in motion and you will know what I say is true. Picture a child-
like personality, and you will realize how easily an unsupervised youth could fall into thinking
evil stuff sounds interesting. The public media often inspires awe in their imaginations of what
the devil is like and the nature of that power. Picture these youths being presented with a
trendy sounding idea; the idea that God does exist but that He is not good, and that it is a sign
of His failure that He allows evil to exist even while wielding the ultimate power of God. They
are beyond the explanation that God’s permitting our free will is the reason why they may see
evils arise. They are beyond the concept of giving God the benefit of the doubt for having a
mind wiser than our own and the need for a corresponding application of faithfulness in the
face of doubt. That is a faith in God’s grand plan to provide us with free will and still arrange
things so that the world will work itself out in the end.

This is important to understand even if you do not believe in the existence of a single all-
powerful God. Still you must understand the mind of these devil worshippers, who have been
overcome with the idea that God does exist, but they hate Him. Most of them are like children
who, in their hearts, are just bored and playing around with an interesting idea. On the other
hand, a small minority could be considered devout believers well versed in their devil ideology.
Some believe in the existence of an actual devil himself, who is the manifestation of evil. While
others have various beliefs in an impersonal evil power source within nature, combined with
principals that value selfishness as a virtue. Still they all have the common theme of a belief in
a single all-powerful God who they hate. Hatred of God being the most common concept of
the devil, thus I grouped all these people under the same term: devil worshippers.

Devil worshippers romanticize the idea of the courage of the devil to stand up against the
invincible power of God just to spite Him, if not defeat Him, and bravely face eternal
damnation or hell. Since God is invincible, devil worshippers instead choose to spite Him by
doing things that they think will upset Him. They chose to do this through committing evil by
causing suffering upon his creation. They seek the greatest suffering for the most innocent
people, to maximize this spite. Their philosophy is a waste of time for me to explain in detail,
but it comes from deduction. Think it over and you will realize that it is true. For those who
believe in an actual devil himself, they make prophecies of his coming, and do devil rituals
according to whatever philosophy they have come up with. Some of them get so far lost into

the ideology, that they pledge themselves to the devil and seek out his prophesied
incarnation. The most extreme of the devil worshipers commit atrocities against innocence on
a daily basis as if it were a necessary daily food, as a means to appease the devil and offend
God. They are fully committed to their evil crusade against God. Their long term plan is to
commit the greatest evil possible: their grand plan to make humanity and all other life extinct,
and at that point to commit suicide. They do all this in the name of spiting God. This is who
“they” are. They obviously must be a secretive organization to survive. They feel comradery
with each other when gathering socially. They have no rules of etiquette and toss it up to
weakness when they slay each other. In that way do they admire the doctrine of the survival of
the fittest.

Children are the highest value targets for devil worshippers as their innocence falls into line
with their desire for the greatest suffering upon the most innocent. Devil worshippers are the
source of the world’s suffering. They take great pleasure in sabotaging the friendly relations
we have with each other, to see us his fight one another while not knowing it was they who
sewed the seeds of hate. Many of them consider themselves vampires who commit evil deeds
upon people who later begin to hate the whole world and commit more evils in a blind rage
against anything and everything. There are many other evils they commit. These devil
worshippers are truly the greatest common enemy of all humanity.

Now every enemy comes in two parts: the enemy itself, and their means of attack. The main
means of attack for the devil worshiper is their greatest weapon which I call the “normy”.
Normies are useful idiots of the devil worshippers who are of such mental weakness, that they
will follow almost any path, so long as most of the people around them have done it first.
What motivates them most is their fear of being singled out for shaming because of any
difference they have from others. They become very useful to the devil worshippers, because
they can be easily coerced to become their pawns via deceptions to make them perceive a
false reality of seeing what everyone else is doing as ‘normal’. These normies are like a horde
of zombies with their rational minds asleep. They can conceive of nothing but their guiding
principle, which is to bow to peer pressure. As far as what they perceive as the norm goes, if
you remain inside those boundaries then they may appear to be intelligent, rational, and
vibrant. The moment you try to step outside those boundaries without the aid of peer
pressure, then you will quickly realize that to converse with them would be like talking to the
deaf. They will cycle through a set of predictable thought patterns on repeat. Even if you were
to persevere with them logically, they will simply bring the matter to other normies to come
up with an adjusted thought pattern to respond to your logic. At no time do they understand
what they are saying because they think purely emotionally, and will endlessly repeat, forget,
then repeat again in a modified form until eventually they will do to you what they so fear to
be done to themselves, shame you for being different.

Lately the devil worshippers have become powerful with growing populations. They achieved
success in propaganda tactics to turn these people into a massive horde of normy zombies:
highly immoral, cruel individuals, most of whom are bent on carrying out the shaming of those
who do not conform to their norm. While some of us may be strong for a time to persevere in
independent thought, still the sheer massive number of normies who exist today consistently
applying their norm over time, is enough to break anyone’s will. It has become so bad recently
that now the devil worshippers have no need to deceive normies with a false norm, because
the normies so outnumber other that they become a self-fulfilling norm. Our weakness to
recognize and resist devil worshippers has given them free reign to make their zombie horde
of normies enormous. Slowly, they are causing the normies to become more and more cruel to
anyone who defies the norm. Thus, like a feedback loop, the normies become more numerous
and more powerful with each cycle of alienation and cruelty, causing even the strongest of us
to collapse into a normy mindset.

If you can relate to this struggle with the normies, then let me assure you that the truth is not
decided by democracy! Sometimes it is a single individual who holds the truth and must guard
himself against peer pressure causing him to lose that which is so obviously true. I have fought
this battle long myself, and suffered much at the hands of normies. Yet, these normies are still
our people who we are trying to save. Before they became twisted into their zombie form
known as the normy, they were known as our volk, our common folk. Just like the softness of a
woman gives joy to a man, so also the simple minded give rest to the intellectual. The
intellectual will busy himself all day in academic pursuits to the point of exhaustion, after
which he needs rest from deep thought. The common folk are the masters of life without deep
intellectual thoughts. Often these common folk are the most talented at the simple act of
having fun. Thus, the common folk have traditionally been a joy to intellectuals. We must use
our intellectual powers to take back our common folk from the hands of the devil worshippers
who have turned them into hideous normies of evil and destruction.

Recognize that the normies live in a sleep like state, and it is not a simple matter to provide
them with evidence to help them see the light. It is like awakening a person in deep sleep.
They can often arise in a confused groggy state, angry at the one who tries to awaken them,
only to fall back asleep again after they have driven off their disturber and have no memory of
the interaction afterward. The solution to the normy problem is complicated. I imagine it will
require something of reversing the tide of peer pressure. If we can create a new norm for
them to perceive, then they might sleepwalk back into our loving arms, out of the clutches of
the devil worshippers who care nothing about them but only pander to their vices. The normy
realm has been built into such a strength of power for these devil worshippers, that you could
say the world has been taken over by normies. I call this place Normiandy, a play on referring
to the famous invasion of Normandy during World War 2. Of the intellectuals still left, some
may be familiar with and retreat to the few places left that are still independent of Normiandy.
Places where we can find common sense and others who are awakened, to the great relief of

our loneliness. However, these places are becoming fewer and more isolated as our free
speech is being taken under the excuse that it offends the normy. I have a prediction, that
once we have strengthened and organized ourselves, there will come a day in which an
“Invasion of Normiandy” will take place. During this invasion, we will strike a blow against the
norm to turn its tide back in our favor. Afterward, the normies will be brought back to our side
as they, without cease, follow the norm as their guiding star. As that point, they will no longer
be normy zombies, but will become once again what they were destined to be: our precious
source of simple life joy, the common folk of our people!

This devil worshiper, our highest enemy, and the normy, their weapon, are who we need to
focus all our energies on as a united group. We are at a point in the world where we need to
decide to unite behind a plan of action, to resist the coming doom. If we do not act now, all
will be lost.


The Jewish question is the decision of how Jews should be viewed and treated within our
society. This issue is more divisional for those who already call themselves National Socialists,
and less so for those only just now joining National Socialism. Yet, it would be wise for
newcomers to also learn the topics of the Jewish question so that you also might choose your
side and participate in the compromise. With that said, the spectrum of how Jews should be
treated in our society starts on the far left which believes Jews should be treated no differently
than anyone else. The far left think Jews should be judged individually like any other group,
and that Jews have no inclination toward evil any more than any other race. The left believes
that race-mixing with Jews should be viewed as no different than mixing with any other race.
They believe that anti-Jewish radicalism should be hunted down and destroyed. The far right
on the Jewish question believes there should be on guard the highest laws against Jewish
encroachment and involvement of our society. The far right believes Jews should be deported,
and that there should be penalties for those who associate with Jews. They believe in the “one
drop” rule, which says that if someone has a Jewish ancestor by blood, no matter how distant,
then this causes a person to fall into the category of being Jewish. The most extreme right says
that all Jews, man woman or child, should be viewed with a quasi-religious belief that they
have a demonic nature which makes them incapable of being good. Thus, the most extreme
right believes all Jews should be actively hunted down and killed as the highest priority of
National Socialism, and to view all Jews as the highest enemy of humanity.

Due to the history of Jewish involvement in the conflict of World War 2 era National Socialism,
this becomes a crucial issue that any leader we choose should fall into the exact middle on. I
do believe there is a delicate compromise we can come to which will satisfy both the left and
right. But before you can understand my compromise, I must clarify some basic things.

In order to have clarity of conversation, we need to define exactly what it means to be Jewish.
There is religiously Jewish, and racially Jewish. There is also the question of the truth behind if
someone actually is racially Jewish, or whether their family was merely subverted into falsely
believing they were racially Jewish at some point in the past. Some believe that a large source
of these false Jews come from a mass forced conversion of the common people in the state of
Khazaria a thousand years ago. The story of Khazaria’s conversion is that it was done as a tactic
of taking a third path during the intense conflict at that time between Islam and Christianity.

There is also the idea of true Jewishness being determined by patrilineal descent from the
patriarch of Judah, one of the 12 sons of Israel. Yet, it should be understood that much of
those who claim to be Jews today do not claim to be patrilineally Jewish, but rather a hybrid
mixture of the 12 tribes in what became known as the Jewish ethnicity. This happened after
the fall of the state of Israel around 900 BC, and thus afterward their remaining people
migrated to the state of Judah which stood another century and thus caused all their people to
be labeled as Jews, since they lived in Judah. Amongst this hybrid race of the 12 tribes, some
variously pursued paths of racial re-purification with notions of patrilineal descent from one
particular tribe; it becoming a topic of debate within their circles.

There is another idea that at some point true patrilineal Jews became extinct, so that no true
patrilineal Jews exist any longer. There are also the events of the life of Jesus in Christianity,
which in many respects contain elements of a condemnation of Judaism. This aspect of
Christianity complicates the matter intensely and is a main reason behind the crucial nature of
this issue. The Jewish question has been a constant theme of division not only during World
War 2, but ever since the rise of Christianity. Christianity has been the most successful religion
in the white ethnicity, which is why the Jewish question may hold a greater importance for us
than for non-white nations.

There are also the concepts of anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism. Anti-Judaism involves a focus
on exactly the tribe of Judah, while anti-Semitism expands this to include any people who are
descended from Shem, one of the sons of Noah, who is said to have settled in the middle east
area and given birth to the various peoples claiming to be descended from Abraham, the
patrilineal grandfather of Israel. This includes the Arab nation in the Saudi Arabian peninsula,
as well as all the tribes of Israel, and even the related nations surrounding them in history
which include descendants of Esau and Lot, and also the historical nation of Samaria.

To further understand the far right on the Jewish question, you must also understand an idea
called race realism. Race realism is fundamental to the ‘nationality’ aspect of National
Socialism. In nature we see different breeds of the same species having different attributes.
This applies to the human species among the different breeds we will call races or ethnicities,
each who have their own particular set of racial characteristics. The reason it is called race

realism is because it goes beyond the need to constantly reassure each other that we are all of
equal value, even when discussing inequality regarding a specific attribute or talent one race
may have over another. In this sense we strive to observe clearly racial characteristics and be
honest and “real” about those conclusions, even when it may be difficult to recognize a
weakness in your own race. Those of the far right believe the Jewish race has some very
negative racial characteristics which include greed, sexual immorality, disposal to evil,
parasitic, and lazy; to name a few of the most popular among the far right. Let me put the right
at ease, and assure them that I have investigated deeply unto 7 or 8 generations of both my
patrilineal and matrilineal ancestor bloodlines, and have not yet discovered a single racially or
religiously Jewish ancestor.

Currently, the Jewish ethnicity/race/religious extension of people is dominated by a sect of

Judaism which is at war with National Socialism. In particular, it was at war with the local
German National Socialism for which it is famously known for having openly declared war on
in 1933. Because of this, I support a middle position policy where anyone with a unilineally
Jewish parent should not be allowed to hold a leadership position within any German National
Socialisms. I would also recommend this policy for all the white nations, due to the severely
aggressive nature of this currently dominant sect of Judaism. This policy is not only a good idea
to pacify the right, but it should also be taken with any nation that has been overtaken by a
dominant sect at war with National Socialism; possibly Russia for example. The policy should
continue until their state of war is ended, or another sect at peace with National Socialism
usurps their dominance.

This currently dominant sect of the Jewish community is poisoning their common people
against National Socialism via the spread of inaccurate immoral propaganda against World
War 2 era National Socialism. They spread a false narrative of the holocaust and of the true
original ideology of those National Socialists, most specifically German National Socialists. I
believe the source of this conflict came from the foundation of freedom in National Socialism.
This belief in freedom seeks to protect the right to hate anyone you want, according to the
freedom of speech, religion, and national social structure choices.

It was because German National Socialism became a protectorate of these people, that while
this extreme right view of the Jewish question was not fundamental to National Socialism, still
they became associated with it. This dominant Jewish sect made use of this grain of truth to
spin their lies in endless propaganda upon the common people of all the world to falsely
believe hating Jews is one of the main themes of National Socialism. I believe this conflict
further developed when in response to the German protection of these anti-Jewish people’s
freedom to hate Jews, the dominant Jewish sect responded by pushing propaganda to say that
all National Socialists are demons, that there is no good Nazi, and that all Nazis should be
hunted down and destroyed, man or woman or child. Then, as warfare often escalates, the
Germans may have responded by spreading the same propaganda tactic toward Jews. While

the leaders of either side may not have truly believed their own propaganda, still they pursued
it anyway as a means of ‘this for that’ warfare response. The same as how the bombing of
civilians is an escalation of atrocity warfare which evolves in the same way. The proponents of
this warfare believe that if they do not match their enemy’s tactics, even if against virtue, still
they started it first and thas it is justified to retaliate in the same way.

This propaganda war tactic of overly demonizing the enemy has had as a consequence that
anti-Judaism and anti-Naziism have become extremely common in the people. It is a source of
severe annoyance and hinders the ability to make effective warfare. It is an age old story of
how escalating warfare can lead to the dreaded stalemate which can throw the whole world
into a hell like state of affairs. So the same our world is currently in this state. In my heart, I
have a strong belief in the high virtue of Adolf Hitler, in that a big reason why he lost the war
was not for his lack of ability, but rather because of his choice to pursue virtue in the eyes of
God rather than final victory at the cost of dishonor. I place it before you as a possibility for a
grain of truth, that it was people such as Himmler who had intense feelings of anti-Judaism,
but were kept at bay from pursuing many their more radical ideas by Adolf’s absolute
authority and insistence on doing right in the eyes of God as a first priority. Yet, as an
acceptance of their freedom of thought, he did not feel inclined to remove them from
leadership positions and probably tried to compromise and reason with the far right such as I
am now. Thus I do not put the responsibility on Hitler for whatever small truths might exist
within anti-Nazi propaganda. I feel Adolf Hitler should be looked upon as a beacon of civilized
restraint upon his people, who may have done worse things if not for him. It is my belief that
in all ways Adolf Hitler is a hero of the highest virtue, for which is it is an incalculable wrong to
have his reputation so slandered on a daily basis even now, a hundred years later.

I am not trying to say that this the only possible explanation for World War 2. Remember,
history is a combination of lies and estimation. The older and more politically relevant a
historical event is, then the more difficult it will be to find the truth after so much politically
motivated spin propaganda has corrupted evidence and also living memories in the people.
Instead the most accurate form of understanding historical truth involves coming to likely
conclusions rather than certain conclusions. It is like a child’s error to believe you know for
sure exactly what happened during the time of World War 2. Thus, I have my opinions about
the mostly likely sequence of events, and over time further investigation can lead ever closer
to the real truth, yet never can you reach 100% certainty. It is an atrocious breach of morality
to slander the reputation of Adolf Hitler so extremely. Like it or not, Hitler was set up as a
symbol of the German people in the minds of the common folk, inextricably so. The simple
nature of the common folk will lead them to associate this slander with all Germans, thus
increasing the general prejudice against all Germans. Thus, it is not good etiquette for the elite
of other nations to slander Adolf Hitler, even in what small cases you might be right about an
error of virtue he made. This applies even for the possibility, the very small possibility in my
opinion, that he committed extreme evil. History for the common folk is less about truth than

it is about giving them a starting point for intellectual pursuit; a starting point which is
acceptable to all sides of the conflicts we seek to heal. Common folk never seek truth further
than easily digestible propaganda, and so we must present them with this watered down
version of history in the mass propaganda. After that, the developing intellectuals among the
common folk will individually pursue more accurate truths in the uncertainty of history.

Let us also speak on some of the reasons why Jews have become associated with evil, as a
running theme. First, recall the grand enemy of humanity, the devil worshippers. Whether you
are Christian or not, recognize that some of these devil worshippers do believe in Jesus as a
manifestation of God. Thus, since devil worshippers hate God, then it follows that these kinds
of anti-Christian devil worshippers hate Jesus and Christians. You could deduce that there are
rival political factions within the devil worshippers: those who believe Jesus is divine, and
those who do not. The point is that these anti-Christian devil worshippers have great respect
for what they perceive as Jews who struggled against Jesus in the gospel stories. Thus, many of
them have adopted the Jewish religion being what they perceive to be the religion of His
enemy. These anti-Christian devil worshippers are preoccupied with the number of the beast
written in the book of Revelation, the triple six. Judaism is also high affiliated with the number
six: the points of the Jewish star of David, the world created in six days, and six million claimed
Jewish victims in false holocaust atrocity propaganda. This further increases the attraction of
anti-Christian devil worshippers to Judaism, and thus many sects of devil worshippers will
express themselves outwardly as Jews. Do not mistake that this means all Jews are devil
worshippers, but rather that the devil worshippers have rallied around the Jewish religion.
Thus, over time, this has caused evil to be associated with Jews, which is important for
understanding the middle truth between the right and left on the Jewish question.

To be complete, there is another element of Judaism that enforces the view of the right. Yet,
this factor is present within all religions in the evil subverted forms they take after bad apples
inevitably manifest. For Judaism, its bad apple negative form comes from those Jews who
believe in a negative type of Jewish supremacy. This negative Jewish supremacy is found
directly in the Jewish Talmud, and also in certain interpretations of the Old Testament and
Torah itself. It centers on the idea that Jews are God’s chosen people and all non-Jews are to
be ruled over as slaves, making Jews the master race. The right is well aware of this potential
within Judaism, yet for the comfort of the left I will also acknowledge that this kind of bad
apple negative supremacy can arise in any religion or race.

As you can see there is a complex interaction of different factors which intellectuals could go
into more detail about. Yet it is enough that I have touched on it here, and that I have given
you a starting point with which to understand the many ways and reasons Jews have come
into conflict with National Socialism.

Coming now to a compromise between the left and right on this Jewish question. I ask that

both sides see the benefit of my compromise. We must protect the freedom of speech of the
far right, and even the freedom to treat badly any Jews who may trespass on their native
lands. I also acknowledge that there is an ongoing war upon National Socialism coming from
that currently dominant anti-Nazi Jewish sect. Thus, as a precaution against infiltration from
openly declared enemies, we must take measures to be sure they do not succeed. One such
measure I support is that no one with a unilineal Jewish parent be permitted into a position of
leadership within any National Socialism, except for Jewish National Socialism, until the time
comes that this open conflict is resolved, or else the dominance of that anti-Nazi Jewish sect
ends. This compromise will appease the far left, because it will pacify the extreme right who
might otherwise never end their crusade against Jews, and will at least be content to enjoy
their newfound freedom of speech and Jew-free places. From there I say to both the left and
right: if the truth is with you then freedom of speech will allow you to prevail in debate.
Perhaps the extreme right can convince other white nations to take more precautions against
Jews, or the other way around. We may not all agree with each other, but under National
Socialism there can be an order to our disagreement. Only under National Socialism can all
have a place to go with like-minded people where they feel most comfortable.

Also along this line of compromise, is a painful principle we must adhere to which comes into
play only in the most extreme situations. I do recognize that these anti-Jewish extreme right
people are so convicted of their belief against Jews, that they will deem it appropriate to kill
them if they trespass on their native lands with anti-Jewish policy in place. To the far left I say,
this requires strength on both my part and yours, because I also am saddened by the idea that
this could happen in the case a Jew does trespass on their territory. That is, a native territory
of a native family that has unified under their local National Socialism, and set in place a cruel
policy for Jewish trespassers. It is always painful in those most extreme cases of disagreement,
but this is the foundational rock of the family freedom which National Socialism stands for.
Until God himself decides it is time to destroy evil forever, this National Socialism policy is the
very best we can do. We must always remember that compared to the great evils which now
occur daily without National Socialism, these extreme cases will be few and far between. We
have to make this compromise with the far right for the sake of us all. We must stand by the
principle to give families freedom on their own land. And I do plead with the unilineal Jews
who might be listening to take seriously the warning to not trespass on any family lands which
may develop this kind of harsh policy. Imagine how you would not like it if someone were to
trespass on your home and dictate policy to your own family. None of us has the right to
enforce their truth on another family, and so we must respect the division between different
family values. Peace is only possible under National Socialism with national homelands! This
extreme case of the Jewish question is a big problem to solve, and we all need to ready
ourselves to make that commitment to the middle path. When you tread upon the land of
another nation, you are at their mercy and may not interfere with their freedom on that land.
There is no other way. I believe this middle compromise can be acceptable to both sides, and
also serve as the foundation for The Great Peace to counter The Great War. After this

structure for disagreement is established, then finally we can turn united and fight against the
true greatest threat, our greatest common enemy, the devil worshiper.

As a side note to this compromise, my humanity begs of me to ask one gesture of mercy from
the far right for myself. I make no secret that one of my distant cousins on my patrilineal line
did mix with a Jewish woman and had a son. Thus I have a member of my patrilineal line who
does have a Jewish mother. If for whatever reason, at some point in the future, this cousin of
mine were to make the severe error of trespassing on your Jew-free places, then I would ask
of you, for my sake, to not hurt or kill him. If you were to show me the courtesy of merely
deporting him, then I promise he would be severely punished for putting into danger this
delicate peace we have arranged.

It does not have to be this way: where the left, middle, and right are all at odds with each
other, to the point where the devil worshippers have taken over with their army of normies.
We can co-exist, and everyone’s freedom will be protected. The far right’s freedom of speech
and freedom to establish places in their native homelands where no Jew is allowed, if they so
choose, will be protected. Even at the most extreme, we should not interfere in whatever they
decide to do with Jews who trespass on their established territories. I only ask that the far
right does not advertise its cruelty, which might create divisions and sadness within those of
us who disagree with you. This could possibly tempt other white nations into civil war with you
due to uncontrollable urges to fight immorality. As a rule of National Socialism, it is
understood that each nation should freely decide for themselves correct virtue, because none
of us have a monopoly on what is correct policy for every family. Yet we are all human, and
thus should avoid instigating conflict by flaunting family policies in which we disagree. To the
far right, I would even hope that you may relent and develop a policy of merely deporting
Jewish trespassers as a rule. Yet I recognize your strong belief in anti-Jewish policy, so that I
would not put this down as a demand for compromise. I know your anger. I know your hatred
of what you perceive as evil. I know this will be a difficult compromise for you also, to permit a
lighter hand policy on the Jewish question within white nations outside your own if they
choose it. I ask that you consider what freedoms you will gain under this compromise,
compared to the practically zero freedom you currently have in regard to the Jewish question.


Let us now address the spectrum of the responses to Christianity. I will label the extreme left
as those devoted to and accepting of what has become the most common beliefs, which could
be described as normy Christianity. This normy Christianity, generally speaking, has become
the acceptance of a chosen collection of books which are interpreted as the infallible word of
God. This collection of books is known as the bible, and the specific set of book choices
contained in that collection varies from sect to sect. Yet the variation is small, and most of the

books chosen in each sect’s bible compilation is common to all in the most populous sects of
Christianity. And for the most part each sect preaches, however politely or not, that if you are
not a Christian then you are going to hell forever when you die. More or less, each sect also
generally drives heavy handed emotional assault upon any form of Christianity which deviates
from this with a common expression of disapproval being the phrase “you are not saved”. The
far right of this issue are the non-Christians who associate, along with the Jewish question, a
perceived Jewish corruption of Christianity which stole from pre-Christian white man our
original religious pantheons, such as Thor, Odin, the Roman gods, the Greek gods…etc. Even
further on that extreme right are people who consider Christianity to be a fully Jewish creation
designed to subvert and destroy other cultures and religions for the sake of Jew-supremacist
goals; and are absolutely repulsed and disgusted by it. I will give the far right a note in their
favor, that just because someone believes in a pantheon of gods, it does not mean that you do
not necessarily believe in the one God all powerful. I acknowledge that it is possible to believe
in the one God all powerful, yet to also believe he created other lesser-gods. The word god has
had a varied meaning over time, more so referring to powerful beings, not human, of greater
powers, or spirit. However the term god is also used to refer to the one God above them all,
the God of gods so to speak. Thus there are many polytheists which believe in the existence of
these lesser gods that the supreme God created just like he created everything else in the
world that we need and make use of; in the same way that we need to eat, breath, sleep, and
other things; these people believe in many lesser gods you can commune with, whilst also
admitting the one God above them all is most important.

Now my stance on the middle of this issue is that my version of Christianity does not believe in
any of these chosen bible canons as the absolute error free word of God. Yet I do say that
these books are very valuable to us as they were sparked by God’s coming to earth in his
human form. My own independent form of Christianity I have come to call John-Mark
Christianity because it takes the gospels of Mark and the Gospel of John as the foundational
most accurate primary source for the events of Jesus’ coming; after which the other books
would be secondary sources to be referred to as a supplement to John and Mark. I council the
normy Christians to remember that there is the verse in the book of Mark where Jesus‘
disciples say to Him, “We saw someone who does not follow us casting out out demons in
Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.” and Jesus replied, “Do not
forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me.
For he who is not against us is on our side.” In that sense I say to the far left Christians to
temper their criticism of other types of Christianity which are different than your own. I am
not here to condemn you or slander you for your chosen form of Christianity; because I also
follow this command “Do not forbid him.” as being part of the bible that I consider most
accurate. I consider you fellow Christians, even though you do not follow me.

With that said, I hope my form of Christianity will appeal to the far right, in that I take the
Gospels of Mark and John as my primary source, seeing everything else as supplemental.

When you take Christianity at just these two books, it actually removes almost everything
which associates the religion with Judaism; the principal complaint of the far right. It falls in
line with my belief that God took a human form and that this human form was Jesus. Just as
there I believe there is only one God, so likewise I believe he took only one human form, and it
is this human form which is called “The Son of God”. There is a lot of details to talk about
concerning this, yet my aim here is not to give a sermon on Christianity, but merely to touch
on enough so that you will understand my basic thoughts; and thus I hope to keep this book
tolerable even non-Christians. I believe in what is often called “the oneness doctrine” of
Christianity. The trinity and the cryptic talk of Jesus when he is speaking about and to his
father, I believe is God trying to demonstrate something to us, along the lines of our flawed
human nature being such that we can not enter the kingdom of heaven, and that only God
himself is perfect enough to be worthy of entering the kingdom of heaven. Yet, with God all
things are possible, and so God became human in order to teach us how a human can also
become God, and thus making us worthy of entering the kingdom of heaven. I believe this is
the nature of Jesus’ teachings when he was speaking to his father; that when we receive the
holy spirit, that is to become one with God, we become part of the body of Christ, which is the
body of God, which in our human form is the Son of god. In this way we, being a piece of the
God body and not merely our imperfect human selves, we retain the redemption from our
humanity needed to enter the kingdom of heaven. I do not pretend to understand all of it, and
I feel my Christianity is a work in progress until God decides that I progress further. Thus, I do
believe that Jesus is God and the son of God at the same time, in the same way that I believe
the end goal of Jesus’ teachings is that we also become one with Him just like He is one with
His Father as Jesus said in the gospel of John “that they may all be one, as You, Father, are in
Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us”. And in that sense the reward of Christianity
is to become Sons of God and thus an extension of God’s body and soul, cleansed of our sin
and readied to enter the kingdom of heaven. I do not take as doctrine all the stories that come
solely from the books of Matthew and Luke, which contain the virgin birth and other such
things, which will appeal to the extreme right because this means that Jesus was not Jewish,
which bothers them so. I hope that this falls in the middle enough for the German, Roman,
Nordic, and Celtic religions: in that I am accepting of your freedom of religion and I do not in
fact believe that anyone who does not believe in Jesus is going to hell. On the contrary, I
believe that the reason Jesus died on the cross was to ensure that none of us would be lost
eternally, and I do personally feel that everyone will inevitably come to God through His son,
whether that happens in some kind of next world when you leave this world, or whether you
do it in this world first. Like I said, I am not here to go into an extremely deep discussion about
these things that I myself am still working toward understanding. Thus I feel it is enough now
that I have touched on it.


The spectrum on the issue of Roman Catholics starts on the far left which is either Catholic or
completely tolerant of Catholicism. The far right would be people who hate the Catholic
church and resent their representation in public offices, similar to anti-Jewish thought, and the
most extreme right would be Christians who do believe the Pope is the antichrist which was
the foundational principle for many protestant sects during the schisms. In modern times this
anti-Catholic extremism in the protestant Christian sects has been tempered, and they usually
just view Catholicism as an inaccurate sect of Christianity, at worst unsaved, but rarely on the
level where they think they are agents of the devil and their Pope the literal currently reigning
antichrist of some sort. Yet I know these people do exist that condemn Catholics so harshly,
and I will also include them on the far right of this spectrum.

Anti-Catholicism is a very common theme within our people, present in both non-Christians
and non-Catholic Christians, enough such that I am addressing it here as one of the major
divisions of our people. These anti-Catholics see so much of the unfortunate corruption found
in the Catholic church and have become bitter towards it. I would like to offer an excuse for
the Catholic church by comparing them to the most popular operating system for computers.
One has always been and still is the most popular operating system; but there exists a criticism
from the second most popular operating system, which says that the first is known for being
very vulnerable to viruses, while with the second you almost never get a virus. Yet we should
recognize that the most popular system is going to be attacked the most; just like any great
power will become the most visible target. I do believe the Catholic form of Christianity fits
this comparison and that we should understand that their church has had more efforts to
subvert it by enemies than any other sect of Christianity. I think it should be a testament to the
goodness of the Catholic church that their corruption is not far worse than it is. I am not
Catholic and so I do fall in the middle on this issue. It is worth it to note I think the devil
worshippers, our highest enemy, have settled upon the Catholic church for their main assaults,
and the devil worshippers put all their energy into infiltrating and corrupting the Catholic
church. I know many Catholics recognize the faults in their church, but I will give them credit
as Jesus said, that “the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.” So I do feel that the Catholic
church, while wounded, has not fallen, and for that reason I give them credit in consideration
of what joy the devil worshippers get in infiltrating and seeking to destroy the reputation of
the Catholic church. For those of you non-Catholics on the far right; I believe we should in the
same measure accept Jesus’ teaching to not forbid Christian sects that do miracles in His
name. Also for the non-Christian anti-Catholics: I say that we should believe in freedom of
religion and debate.

Non-Christians and atheist people should also feel at ease in that I do not believe in a brand of
Christianity which says you will go to hell. I imagine this has been a rather annoying point of
contention with Christian normies which I am happy to say you will not have with me.


The far left of the Muslim question would be Muslims themselves and those extremely
tolerant of their religion. On the far right would be people who are extremely anti-Muslim,
who think Muslims should be highly censored and contained. The extreme right would
consider them a foundational evil of the world.

Again, I fall in the middle of the spectrum on this issue because I believe strongly in the
freedom of religion, and I also have respect for Muslims because a main tenet in the Islamic
religion is the belief that there is one God with no equal partners. I do believe my oneness
doctrine Christianity matches up with this, and in that sense I do believe that Muslims and
Christians worship the same God. The difference being that Muslims do not recognize God as
having taken His human form in Jesus. I sincerely admire Islamic devotion to God, and also
take my devotions to God very seriously. I do believe we can co-exist with Muslims in
respectful debate. I do have many other views on the specifics of Islam and its place in our
society, which I will address in detail elsewhere; but I feel it is enough that I touched on the
most important issue which is the freedom of religion. I will leave it at that because I do not
consider the Muslim question a complex issue. The details of the underlying source of conflict
between the white nation against Islam can be discussed elsewhere.


The spectrum on the response to the police system in our culture involves the far left which
wants to defund the police, dismantle and restructure the system with something better, even
if they do not know exactly what yet. The far right is highly supportive of police as the thin
blue line heroes who should be respected, honored, paid more, and so on.

I want to say I fall in the middle on this issue, but I actually think I lean a little towards the left.
Like any other career type job, many police officers find themselves in a situation where they
must either remain a police officer or else to start working some low wage job that would not
allow them to survive. Corruption in government has taken advantage of this dilemma that the
average police officer is in, in order to slowly turn the police to doing more and more immoral
things, because they will simply fire any officer who does not do the job they ask. Many police
officers may have been fired when they were tasked to do things they were uncomfortable
with, and so also many of them could not afford to abandon their career path and start anew
in some other field.

Now that we understand the dilemma police officers find themselves in, let us understand the
opinion against the police. The police are tasked with enforcing a variety of immoral laws,
especially from the perspective of National Socialism which believes the nation should be free

to self-manage its social structure; and the family is the smallest atom of a nation. It is
common sense to think that if a problem arises among members of the same family, then it is
not the right of anyone else to get involved. This is what National Socialism stands for, and I do
recognize that the police acceptance of this task, especially in domestic disputes and enforcing
the laws which make it illegal to handle your own family disputes: this gives cause for the
police to be called in for almost every somewhat serious problem within a family. This is just
one example of many.

Another example is best demonstrated by remembering how the police used to be only 70
years ago. In those days, the hand of law enforcement was light because the laws were more
just, and there was less government overreach that would cause revolt. As the laws became
more overreaching, resistance arose, causing the need for police to quell major revolts, which
used to be the job of the military and rarely called upon. But now revolts are a daily
occurrence. Police are tasked with administering monetary punishments for almost every
single crime, from people who are barely surviving monetarily as it is, and thus a speeding
ticket places police in a situation where they are literally draining the lifeblood of the people. A
simple solution would be to convert monetary penalties into community service penalties, but
this is not done because our enemy is pulling the strings behind the scenes to foment conflict.
The result is that these seemingly daily small scale revolts against the government are
resulting in the police becoming merely another branch of the military, under the guise of
police, thus breaking the long established laws against deployment of the military

Now this is a terrible situation we find ourselves in. The police are our protectors at the same
time as they are used as the hand of power by corrupt forces in their leadership. But the police
are not all aware of these issues, and as in all aspects of society, the normies have also overrun
the police system, and as such our enemy is using them as a powerful tool to enslave us. It
seems our only choices would be civil war with the normy police or to just wait for the slow
subversion of our society to take a stronger and stronger hold. But there is a third option I will
present to you, which I feel is a middle road.

Not all police are bad, and some are generally good people who simply have their hands tied.
We have to acknowledge that the police have the monopoly on force and they are simply too
powerful to even think of directly resisting them, which would cause a civil war, which is as
much acceptable an outcome to our enemies as is continuing their slow strangle of our rights.

With that said, we need to get the non-normy police on our side who do recognize all the
flaws in the police state. I ask of these police officers, do not quit your job in order to protest
the injustice stemming from the police system. No, we need our allies in positions of power
rather than normies comprising the entirety of the police force. Instead, I would ask you to
keep your job and fall in line with what is required of you, but to keep your views of

agreement with me secret from all. Trust no one. You must appear as a normy police officer or
else you will be systematically rooted out of the police force. Now as you go about doing your
duties, with every action you take you must weigh in the balance three factors. One: How
much will you reveal your secret by your choice of action: the secret that you are not a normy
and agree with my views. Two: How much of a dishonor will you be required to commit to
maintain that secrecy? And three: how much will our movement gain by your choice of action?
If the gain for our movement is high, and you can somehow seriously disrupt evil plans with
your position of power, then this should cause you to decide upon that course of disruptive
action. How much will your non-normy status be revealed if you take that action? And is the
gain large enough to take that risk of exposure and possible demotion or dismissal? Is the
dishonor so great of going along with the corrupt order as to make you just unable to comply?
These questions should guide all your actions. Do not reveal yourself if the gain is small and
the dishonor is small. In that case I counsel you to commit the dishonor and seek to rise up in
the chain of command to attain the highest positions of power in the police force. I know your
pain, but I counsel you to commit the small dishonors to maintain your secrecy and get
promoted. You will be hated, and you already are by the far left. But consider this your duty to
make an honorable sacrifice, and as a means of redemption for any past dishonors you may
have committed as a police officer. Maybe you do not believe in God, but I sincerely do believe
that God will protect you if you do what is right. We are going to need you at all those future
crucial moments which may arise at any time, to use your position of power to protect us. I
might also council the common people to come together to create a social service of support
for former police offers who have left their careers, and must find a new livelihood. A safety
net such as this can make easier a police officer’s difficult choice to refuse orders.

Now let me address the grievances of the left. I understand your feelings. I personally do not
believe in forced vaccination of children, yet poor families have been faced with a choice to
either home-school their kids, which they can not afford to do, or else to keep their kids out of
the public schools, which is also often unaffordable due to child care costs. But more
importantly, they would face fines and the eventual taking of their children away from them if
they do not follow the law that requires all children to attend school. Or thirdly they could
vaccinate their children which would permit them to attend public school. Obviously, their
only choice is to vaccinate their children, and I do consider that the threat of the use of police
to enforce these laws is tantamount to the police being complicit in the highly immoral forced
vaccination laws of children. Thus, I understand the anger and rage at police. I firmly believe
that “just following orders” does not excuse the police from this terrible crime. As you can see,
in our society recently, the police are being used to slow role out what looks like to eventually
become a similar lack of choice on vaccination coming.

Therefore, I agree with the left in that the average police officer is not entirely innocent. With
this in mind, I would like to extend to the left an offer that we hold police accountable for the
unjust laws they have enforced by an agreed upon minimum prison sentence for every single

living police officer, present or past. Maybe it could be as small as one month, or as high as
one year. Perhaps we could even discuss a gradation of prison sentences depending on each
individual police officer, but to maintain at least a minimum for every single police officer. My
friends on the right, I know that must be a bitter pill to swallow. But I am confident that the
non-normy police officers, who do understand fully the dishonors they have been compelled
to commit, that many of them are fully ready to serve their time to make amends. But even if
you do not agree on the right, I counsel you to consider the mass of people on the left who
hate you so passionately, because you have taken so much of their money for misdemeanor
offenses when they are already living in the lowest forms of poverty. We all must bend a little
bit from our extreme views and meet in the middle. I am afraid that if we do not satisfy the
horde of disgruntled citizen’s need for justice, then we might be forever destined to be divided
and conquered. I understand police often have strong feelings of their duty to serve and
protect. And I ask you, to make this compromise in order to serve. It is my belief that this
compromise places me in the middle between these two extremes and that there is a
possibility for us to unite in common cause, while at the same time giving our police the
opportunity to play the part of true heroes by keeping their positions in the corrupt power
system, in order to protect us when those crucial times come. In this sense I say to the left, do
not consider all police to be your enemy, in order to protect those police who are taking it
upon themselves the extremely difficult, lonely and thankless task of positioning themselves in
positions of great power to help us in our times of greatest need when they arise. My friends
on the left and right, I counsel you to take this compromise, because otherwise we can not
achieve victory over the forces of evil. We do need each other. Let us unite in common cause!


Now the spectrum the response to black people starts on the far left, which believes all
humans are exactly equal, and that no consequential differences exist; and that each person
can only be defined upon individual inspection. This includes black people mixed with whites.
In addition to this, the left feels very protective of not only black people themselves, but also
of anyone with whom they feel empathy for in having prejudice cast upon them. Thus the left
has an extreme hatred for anyone who looks down upon black people: to the point of an
insane rage and need to attack people who are prejudiced against blacks. Even more so white
on black prejudice because they do subconsciously feel that it hurts the reputation of all
whites when some commit loathsome acts and words on this theme.

Now the far right takes the foundational stance in the belief that humans differ by race or
ethnicity just the same as dogs are differ by breed. This is called “race realism”, and it seeks
the truth about ethnic characteristics with cold logic: and not to let the emotion of empathy or
the idea of human equality get in the way of making true observations about the different

races. These far right people have come to the conclusion that blacks are an inferior race to
whites in the same way the ape is inferior to humans, but to a lesser degree.

They have come to the conclusion that black racial characteristics involve a higher disposition
to violence and crime, and a general lack of empathy that makes them dangerous compared to
whites who they believe have a racial characteristic tendency to philanthropy and sacrificing
for the greater good with kindness and empathy. They feel that whites with blacks is the
equivalent of a man going into the zoo enclosure of a wild beast, and that while maybe for a
time the beast may not harm you, still the beast is unpredictable and has weapons of claws
and teeth built into its biology so that it would be a very bad idea to expose yourself to such
danger in an enclosure with that beast. They also believe blacks are generally less intelligent to
the point of being sub-human. They believe that blacks should be kept out of white society,
and even further on the extreme right they believe blacks can only be of good use as slaves
and that it is not immoral to enslave them in the same way it is not immoral to enslave animals
like cattle or horses. At the most extreme right, they have the desire to kill blacks to possibly
the point of extinction, to eliminate them as a pest species that does more harm than good.

Now I do take a middle position on this issue, and if any blacks or far left whites are hearing
this, then I would ask you to give me the opportunity to finish explaining myself before you
dismiss me. I do believe in the existence of racial characteristics within the different
ethnicities. We have all evolved with natural selection in our different circumstances and
different geographical homelands with different climates. But I think it is important to
recognize that race realism and racial characteristics are a statistical science and not absolute;
meaning that it only reveals a general theme of probability that a certain individual of a
particular race will match the racial characteristics of their race. There are exceptions to every
characteristic, but this does not mean we need to blind ourselves to the existence of
commonly occurring traits present in the different races. Even with the Jewish question, I may
have forgotten to mention that the far right believes Jews have a racial characteristic to lead
them to a tendency of being unscrupulously cold, cruel, greedy, sexually exploitive, parasitic,
lazy, and a tendency to being evil. I am not here to engage in the discussion of to what extent
these generalizations are true about the racial characteristics of blacks or Jews; because any
conclusions I come to are not the result of any expertise on the statistics or large scale
observations of these peoples; but I have my guesses, and so I am open to much further
discussion on identifying the features of each race, and to afterward enact common sense
policy in response to our discoveries.

I would like to bring up the story of the white Slavic ethnicity. The story of the Slavs is that
they were a simple people, who actually did recognize as a theme in their culture that the
Western Europeans were a superior race to them, and so they did not reject taking the name
of slave or slave-ish to identify their ethnicity. I want to emphasize that being superior or
inferior does not have to be a negative thing. The elders of a society are superior to the youth.

Some of us are superior to others in one way but inferior in another way. Some people are
recognized as highly wise superior masters of life, at which point they may develop a following
of students or disciples as was common with philosophers in ancient Greece. Even the
comparison of an older brother who is superior to his younger brother. The Slavs recognized
this their inferiority to the western Europeans and often did place themselves gladly in a
position of slave to them. Look up the story of Samo’s kingdom in Slavic territory during the
middle ages as just one example of this. They felt themselves unable to match the wisdom of
western Europeans and thus placed themselves into a position of humble slave-like servitude.
As time went on, the Slavs became an invaluable asset to whoever they were serving; so much
so that they became a deciding factor in white European affairs in that whoever attained their
service would likely achieve victory. The Slavs learned from their masters over many
generations and after many centuries they did improved themselves accordingly until such
time in recent centuries that they made a break for independent movements and nation
states. My point is that there exists a type of positive philosophy of supremacy; and I can say
for myself that I have always sought out masters and other people who seemed superior to
me so that I could learn from them. Along this line of positive supremacy is the idea that true
supremacy involves philanthropy, and it is a common ideal of a teacher that if they do their job
well, then eventually their students could exceed them in mastery since the teacher instructs
his students what he has learned from his own mistakes, and so it can be expected that one of
his students might follow a more efficient path to mastery. Then this student would have the
opportunity to learn from new mistakes which their master never got the chance to, since he
was busy laying the foundation of his wisdom upon which his students will build. It is my
feeling that a student owes a debt of obligation to his teacher after he has passed on his
wisdom so well as to make you stronger than him afterward. I would seek to honor that
teacher even in his weakness and possibly even pay him back in the form of becoming his
teacher, so that we could forever go back in forth in one becoming supreme over the other in
cycles, building to higher and higher levels of wisdom.

However, it also may be the case that a teacher to student relationship is much like father to
son, in that the damage taken by the father over the years in having to acquire that wisdom is
permanent and not repairable. Indeed, afterward the son may view his father like a child who
never grows up. We should seek to honor our ancestors, our parents, and our teachers.
Again, it is not my intention to engage in debate about if the black race is inferior to whites in
this positive sense of supremacy, but I am here to let you know that I am open to the idea of it
and feel it is a matter that requires much discussion and debate. One thing that is definitely
not a sign of human supremacy is the degradation and exploitation of those who are weaker
than yourself. I say that with strength comes responsibility, and I do feel a moral obligation to
help those weaker than me because I desire to treat others how I would like to be treated as a
rudiment of my spirit. I know some of those on the far right have heard this idea before and
they call it “white man’s burden” and they feel it is a mistake to burden ourselves with the
assisting of other races when our own race is in danger. To this I say that I agree with you, but I

would also say that there is a balance we could achieve where we follow the golden rule by
helping other races, who may be weaker than us in some ways for whatever reason, but to
also balance it out and make sure we do not to do it to such an extent that it puts our own
race in danger. But I can not help it if I do disagree with you in the sense that I believe a little
sacrifice for others is a virtue and to imagine how we would desire a superior race to treat us if
we ever came in contact with one.

I do emphasize the story of the Slavs, because the first part of learning from a master involves
taking your own stupidity out of his way to allow him room to work on you. If you are
constantly disagreeing and arguing with your teacher, then you will not learn very much. He
might get frustrated and give up on you. I am open to receiving people who are masters
greater than myself in any area of study; and my own method for learning from them is to
humble myself like a slave to his commands regarding the topic he is teaching me about. I feel
it is a sign of child-like inferiority when your pride causes you to refuse to recognize supremacy
in others, and thus you will be forever stuck at your current level of wisdom. I feel this practice
of mine has paid off over the years of my life so that I am fairly confident now in my own
wisdom. Even on the other side of that coin, there sometimes come a point when you have to
consider if maybe you have learned everything you can from your teacher and that you have
indeed surpassed him. It requires a high level of maturity to balance self-confidence and
humility. Sometimes you make the decision to branch off from your teacher only to realize
later that you were wrong; and then you sheepishly set aside your pride and return to your
former teacher. A truly supreme teacher will understand this nature in his students and may
lightly admonish his returning student before taking them again under his wing. Lack of these
qualities is a sign of inferiority, and as you progress in life through your many teachers, you
may find that you have to let some of them go. There are no certainties in any decision you
make, but we should calm ourselves and feel confident that we try our best to judge correctly
and then proceed down our chosen path with a positive outlook hoping for the best; but never
so prideful as to not admit mistakes and retrace your steps.

I think it is important for the left to be able to meet the far right in the middle of this issue, in
the sense of being able to discuss openly these ideas and come to conclusions during
respectful debate, so that we all can learn from each other. For the left to condemn the far
right out of hand and seek to take their freedom of speech is not helpful. At the same time, it
is not correct for the far right to be so entrenched in their own opinions as to not leave room
for the possibility that they might be wrong about any particular issue; else you close your ears
to possible improvement. If all else fails and the far right will not move from their position,
then this is why the freedom of National Socialism is the remedy to give each nation the
freedom to choose their own social structure for their own nation on their own national
homeland. With that said, it is not my intention to enforce my own policy about blacks upon
the other white nations. It is much similar to the middle position I took on the Jewish question.
I will say that I also have a distant cousin on my patrilineal line who has a black mother, yet

because of his patrilineal descent I do consider him to be a true German man. The dominance
of the black genetics has caused him to look very much black with his white ethnicity hardly
present at all. Yet I do love him, and I may wonder how his ethnic mixing might cause some
differences in his nature. I would request that if ever him or any of his family were to come
into contact with any of you on the far right, that you would treat them well out of respect for

There is also an idea of why the white race may be like a superior elder in the ethnic collective
of humanity. Again, the reason for me bringing this up is as an exercise for both the left and
right to witness a discussion in the middle, so that I may lay the foundation for peaceful
disagreement between the two sides and co-existence under the ideals of National Socialism.
And so I bring up the theory of the source of natural selection for whites in our ancient
histories. Just like the blacks developed dark skin in Africa as a protection against sunburn on
the skin, so the same I feel that whites were naturally selected in the cold climates with much
snow and less sun that required white skin to soak in as much sun as possible. It is generally
known that the earth has experienced many ice ages, and I do wonder if whites were capable
of surviving largely intact more so than any other race because we have racial characteristics
which help us to survive in the cold. Along with this biology we have for surviving in the cold,
there is also involved the mental biology to survive psychologically in the cold. To survive in
the extreme cold for long periods of time requires long amounts of time indoors in smaller
spaces, with nothing to do of the activities of the outdoors, which then requires the ability for
the mind to entertain itself. Thus developed the ethnic characteristic stereotype that whites
are generally more quirky, weird, odd, strange, imaginative, and more sensitive to mind
altering drugs. This trait in white man can manifest itself badly in certain situations which
make whites more prone to periods of insanity and delusion. But this trait is a genetic memory
that stays with us forever in case we must once again survive for long periods of solitude in
frozen desolation. I have heard other races accuse whites as being highly focused on sex, and
along that same line as what I mentioned before about the extreme promiscuity in white
women. I wonder if that is not explained by sexual pleasure, in the cold desolation, becoming
one of your main choices for distraction when you are living in an isolated winter hut, surviving
off ice fishing, for long periods of time, even years or decades. I wonder if whites did develop
such a high sex drive with such high levels of ecstasy involved in the act, that any whites who
did not have this trait were not able to enjoy themselves sufficiently in their winter huts for
decades, and so lacked the happiness needed to feed the will to survive. Thus, the highly
sexually focused whites reproduced more efficiently to develop the white characteristic of an
extreme focus on the sex act. I do feel that our white women are tragically having this
characteristic exploited because there is recently missing the hedge of protection to guard
them from their sexual instincts; the same hedge of protection that I talked about earlier
which I desire for my women of Germany.

Continuing on with the winter natural selection of whites in pre-historic times; there is the

idea that whites are an extremely old race, that has survived every ice age, that can survive in
the very center of the north or south poles, so that we have always had the option to retreat
to the cold if ever we were ever threatened. Thus, I recognize it is possible that whites are
characteristically older and wiser than other racial nations. Like I said, we must all come to a
balance between self-confidence and humility. It is an error to let yourself be pulled to either
extreme. In this sense I will not let my desire for humility get in the way of seeing clearly that it
may be possible the truth of a positive form of white supremacy. Yet I will again admonish the
far right, in that I feel lack of philanthropy is a sign of inferiority, and your acting this way
reminds me what you accuse the blacks of in being violent or cruel.

Now, we must not be hypocritical. We are discussing White National Socialism because
National Socialism believes we should not have any authority in deciding the social structure
for other nations; and those nations include all the different non-white ethnic nations. My
studies have led me to conclude there are 9 major ethnic nations in the world, which would
mean there would be 9 major National Socialisms for which there should be no higher all-
inclusive umbrella. Maybe if we ever discovered other non-human intelligent life, then we
could consider unifying into a Human National Socialism. But until that time, I declare we are
not an International Socialism, which is the exact opposite of what we believe in. Interference
in each other’s internal affairs should stop at the borders between those 9 ethnic nations of
the world.

I do believe Blacks to be one of those 9 major ethnic nations. My studies have led me loosely
to believe their national homeland is in sub-Saharan Africa, bordered with the Egyptian ethnic
homeland in the mountains which are the source of the Nile. I mention those borders not
because I am declaring them to be my policy, but rather to give us a starting point to begin the
debate and negotiations in order to work out the exact borders between all the separate
ethnic National Socialisms of the world.

To the far right I say, let Blacks build their National Socialism in sub-Saharan Africa. It is
hypocrisy to expect them to respect our authority on our native lands if we can not respect
theirs. To be so verbally abusive and unkind to blacks is not strategic because it merely helps
add to the enemy coalition against whites. While blacks may be less intelligent than whites in
some ways, still we should consider that they might be more intelligent than us in other ways.
Each nation has its own strengths and weakness, and we should all be compassionate and
constructive in our criticisms toward each other. Let us be at peace with the other ethnic
nations of the world. If it is true that blacks are weaker than us in some ways, then we should
take on the mantle of our supremacy and not seek to shame other peoples for their weakness.
That is the only way we could have a legitimate claim to supremacy.


Let me conclude by pleading with the far left: please enter the spirit of sincere debate if you
feel strongly about your opinions, and recognize that cornering the far right and taking their
free speech will only serve to entrench them in their beliefs to create more and more
extremes of prejudice. If we really want to change the world for the better, then we must
follow policies which lead in the long term to a safer and freer world. Maybe in the short term
it is convenient to just shut up the far right with hate speech laws, but in the long term this
makes the problem worse. To the far right I say, I am a proponent of your free speech and the
freedom to develop your own policies for blacks on your national homelands as might be
different from other white races. I may be at odds with you on some of your more extreme
views, and I may even accuse you of being vile and cruel, but it is my hope that my middle
position and open-mindedness to an idea of positive white supremacy is enough allow you to
reconsider your position for the freedom of nations within a National Socialist framework.

To the left, I know my middle position on white supremacy might disturb you and possibly
cause you to dismiss me. But recognize there are different opinions, and recognize the
benefits you can receive from my helping to pacify of the far right with my middle policies. I
believe in freedom of speech. I believe mixed peoples should be protected from the extreme
right, and that they should be admonished when needed to remind them to keep their policies
on their own national lands. This middle position of mine is satisfactory for both sides because
you both will receive equal protections for your chosen way of co-existing with other races.
The far right will regain their freedom of speech, and the far left will no longer have to devote
so much of their energy defending against prejudiced policies. I advocate for policy on both
your bahalfs. If we do not accept this kind of middle compromise, then you will both never
have peace and will be continually at war with each other as our greater external enemy seeks
to inflame those tensions, and will afterward conquer us easily when we have so weakened
each other. Let us unite, and hold our noses around the other’s opinions, if that is what is


I will now describe a theory concerning general etiquette to the highest Fuhrer of all whites, if
we can unify to this point, or it can also apply to all other lesser Fuhrers downs the ranks of the
individual white National Socialist groupings. Everyone must balance the factors of how much
damage is done by obeying what you perceive as the Fuhrer’s flawed command. The strength
of the office of the Fuhrer holds the strength of the whole group he represents. Disobedience
is an act of degrading the powers of the office of Fuhrer, and thus to the group, which is the
white race. If your disobedience to the Fuhrer has to come in an extreme amount, then you
better have a really good reason for it, and see no other options of possibly obeying

temporarily, in the hopes he might eventually see his error. This latter course of action is most
preferable as considering the risk to the group through disobedience. Damaging the Fuhrer’s
powers will cause him to be less powerful when confronting our enemies. If his powers are
degraded enough, then we risk the group being easily destroyed from a lack of power; and so
thus weigh in the balance all the lives of the entirety of the white nation before you decide to
contribute to the impotency of Fuhrer commands. Sometimes it is a simple act for a powerful
leader to confront an enemy attack which demands an immediate response and can not wait
for a vote; and if his commands are often denied, this leaves us in weakness. This should be
spread among the mass of the National Socialist groups so that it is understood well by all; so
that the Fuhrer’s power will not come fear of punishment, but from fear of damaging his office
and thus putting the whole of White National Socialism at risk. Further, this damage will
continue even after the current Fuhrer steps down, because a different Fuhrer in the future
will receive an office whose commands are customarily ignored; this is what it means to
damage the office of the Fuhrer.

Any Fuhrer should understand that he will receive a variety of minor disobediences, depending
on how much his orders conflict with the conscience of his people. Again, it needs to be
emphasized that disobeying the Fuhrer should come as a last resort when no other choice is
possible, and there is no other path to convincing him otherwise; and thus it should be
considered of the most serious decisions to disobey the Fuhrer. This is something a person
should meditate on and think about long and hard before they disobey. Of course, the Fuhrer
must also be cared for with a personal touch of humanity, and not just cold response; meaning
the Fuhrer should be made to feel loved, comfortable, and protected. I say this is not just on
behalf of any current Fuhrer, but also for the sake of all future Fuhrers after him, who will look
back and consider how previous Fuhrers were treated; which will either give him confidence in
his people, or a lack of it. If a Fuhrer lives in fear of his own people, he might resist making a
common sense decision to defeat a simple enemy for worry that it will offend his people and
lead to situations of past Fuhrers that he hopes to avoid. This is an indirect degrading of the
Fuhrer’s powers, and I repeat it is his powers that are the powers of the entire group he

If for some reason the Fuhrer starts making such terrible decisions which at the worst extreme
might destroy the white nation; or even if a spell of madness has come over the Fuhrer; still,
even in this condition obedience should be sacred while not absolute. In these extreme
situations, it might come to the point where minor disobediences will have to occur more
often, especially if insanity takes a deep hold upon him. Yet, even in this situation it should
become even more evident of the absolute loyalty to the Fuhrer, if not absolute obedience.
This loyalty is not merely for the current Fuhrer, but also for all future Fuhrers, who will look
back and see how past Fuhrers were treated in their times of weakness. If a previous Fuhrer
was treated badly, then future Fuhrers will consider that in guarding themselves, and thus in
the end damaging the office of the Fuhrer. It is a much better option to convince the poorly

acting Fuhrer to step down, if you feel it is the right thing to do. In the case of stepping down,
the acting Fuhrer must choose his successor, and the process can begin again if necessary until
the current Fuhrer corrects himself, or else the office of Fuhrer is passed on to a worthy
person. But to remove the Fuhrer from office by force, or to set up a competing Fuhrer is
equivalent to destroying the whole of our White National Socialism and starting from nothing.
In all ways it is best, no matter what the cost, to make the best we can with our current
Fuhrer. It should soothe us that we have this culture of Fuhrer etiquette, which delivers power
to our leader not based on the dealing out punishments for disobedience, but based on
voluntary obedience and support of our white nation. It should be understood by all that
disobedience does not result in punishment, but rather disobedience is considered an
inevitable natural process for how etiquette toward the Fuhrer is practiced.

I say this because I care for the future Fuhrers, that any suffering we place upon a current
Fuhrer will erode the foundation of the spiritual power that binds us. It would inevitably result
in a situation like at the end of the Byzantine and Roman empires, where the emperor did not
trust his people and the people were constantly overthrowing and usurping power; causing
general chaos and a torturous existence for all; causing the rise of a system of deceit, fear, and
resentment between the emperor and the people; a hell on earth. So if the Fuhrer tells you to
do something unreasonable, like to walk around the room and making animal noises in order
to make fun of you, then you better keep that future hell existence in mind before you decide
to disobey. Disobedience of a relatively minor command is blasphemous when reflecting on
what etiquette toward the Fuhrer means as a deeper philosophy. I would suggest in this case
that you do go and act like an animal, and then afterward seek assistance in repairing the flaws
in the Fuhrer’s personality which cause him to degrade his people as a joke. It should be seen
not just as a duty to him personally, but as a duty to the entirety of your people and to the
office of the Fuhrer and to the all the future Fuhrers unto all the future generations of our
people. Am I getting through to you? Yet of course, everyone has their breaking point and
maybe the Fuhrer just loses himself for whatever reason and tells you to act like an animal for
3 days straight. I mean, at some point you probably will not be able to accomplish that
amazing athletic challenge. But then again, there should be a culture of reverence for people
who obey a difficult command from a badly behaving Fuhrer. People who make this sacrifice at
their personal expense, to uphold the office of the Fuhrer which protects our people: they
should be held up and celebrated as heroes of our people! That is to say, for example, if a
person did act like an animal walking in circles for 3 days straight upon the Fuhrer’s request,
then I would hope this person would be celebrated as a national hero for having obeyed such
a difficult command.

On another note, regarding lying to the Fuhrer or being dishonest in whatever form: doing this
should be taken with the same etiquette as of obeying the Fuhrer and to only be done in
absolute emergency situations. We want our Fuhrers to trust their people in the same way we
want to trust our Fuhrer. At the end of the day, we are like a family, and this whole

relationship is like the relationship between relations of the same household. It is not some
cold lawyer science, but a living and breathing organism; which requires that human element
which can never be coldly calculated, which can help us decide what to do in all situations.

Of course, issues of morality and your duty to God should take first priority, and if the Fuhrer
asks you to blaspheme God, or to kill an innocent; these types of things can obviously be
disobeyed because there are indeed things that are more important even than the future of
the white race. A Fuhrer can easily be intellectually persuaded to see such obvious errors in his
ways. What is important in this worst case scenario of a terrible Fuhrer coming to power, is
that we remain devoted and loyal to the office, and correct such a misbehaving Fuhrer like we
would correct a child, and to persevere in the end to correct his personality so that he either
steps down or else begins behaving well. The worst possible outcome is to destroy the office
of the Fuhrer by removing or destroying him, in which case our white nation will have to fight
its enemies without its most powerful weapon: unity in a leader.



Gnostic, meaning a spiritual or mystical type of knowledge, as paired with history means that
spiritual knowledge of history. History as felt by instinct. As humans, we have the countless
generations before us which give us all an instinctual biological knowledge of history. Thus,
what I am about to describe here is version of history brought on by that instinct within me,
and not necessarily stemming from direct evidence even whilst that aspect offers a great
inspiration for it.

In the beginning God created the universe and established it through processes we come to
understand as science. While those who do not believe in God about this part, then we can
agree about the processes by which the earth and humans were established: theories like
evolution, natural selection, star formation, planet formation, and the rest of the mysteries of
the world we study and try to understand with our theories. Maybe those who believe in a
creation legend can accept that God sped up the processes of those theories yet left for us
evidence of the workings of the universe to discover the infinite mysteries of how he put it all
together. Whichever way you want to look at it, it is possible we could agree on this aspect
and thus study the beginning of the formation of humanity, no matter which source you
believe to have set the events in motion. It is not the intention of this section to explore
religion, faith, and the various scripture. That will be discussed elsewhere.

Thus, there exists the idea of a beginning. Of a time when everything was the same, and
stayed the same going as far back in time as is possible, until a day came when everything
began changing at faster and faster rates. Before things began changing, it was always the
same. Current theories of archeology will say natural selection caused humans to evolve into
the way they look today some 200 thousand years ago. Others might argue millions of years.
Whichever it is, I will call this period of time “the steady beginning”. During this time, there
was relative peace on a wide scale. Humans lived in harmony with nature. All land was ruled
by its native families, and the instinct of humans ruled like a supreme intelligence. As a rule,
we will say that this time went back inconceivably long, so that it might as well be infinite, or
maybe actually infinite. If after all, space and time are infinite, then why not the history of
humanity? Whichever way you want to look at it, humanity existed in this beginning state, its
purist form, living in the best way possible. Nobody can know for sure exactly how far back it
went, but it was steady, stable, strong, intelligent, and the wisest time of humanity before the
great disturbances took place which caused things to change gradually into the chaotic world
we know today.

In this beginning there existed 9 major races of humanity, all living in and ruling their native
lands. They did not all evolve from a single source, but they lived in a single world where the
traits of a human were most advantageous, and thus natural selection caused us all to evolve
in the same direction, until we much had the same form, because we lived in the same world.
Some say this is the image of God.


The white race became white skinned because they were adapted to the cold and snow. From
the beginning the white race lived in both the north and south pole, and then as far eastern
north America and Europe. All the land of the long nights when the sun would disappear from
the horizon for days or months at a time, these lands were ruled by white man, because they
were the only ones who could survive in these places, living off ice fishing at the bare
minimum. Even in the south pole, white man lived. When ice ages came and went, it did not
bother white man. If there were ever troubles or monsters that made life hard to live in the
warm zones, white man could always retreat back into the cold. If ever disasters or monsters
caused the downfall of white man in the warm zones, white man could replenish itself from
those who lived in the safety of the lands of cold eternal winter. Because the poles are
surrounded by water, white man has always been good with boats on the sea, and are
arguably the best sea-men in the world as a racial characteristic for exactly this reason. White
man populated the south pole and their superior sea skills made it possible that they ruled the
southern tips of the southern continents, like South Africa and the tip of South America. These
sea skills also cause white man to rule natively over many islands including Australia, New
Zealand, and much of the pacific ocean islands as far north as Hawaii. The only others who
came close to white man's skill on the seas were a subrace of Asians, now known as the
Japanese who ruled the north pacific ocean starting from the Bering strait, which was a
boundary for white men who lived in the north pole in the land of the long night. But as an
unwritten law of instinct, that all understood intuitively, as you travel north, when you travel
so far that the sun circles the horizon and dips beneath it for at least a day, this was the
boundary where beyond it white man rules. In some places the north hemisphere white man

established itself beyond the artic circle in Europe and eastern north America. But because
the white man has a place of retreat in the poles where no other race could go, it is wondered
that maybe white man might be the oldest race. It is because of these unique qualities that
white man is native to the largest amount of land on earth; and from the idea of the age of
white man possibly being older than all the other races, comes the idea of positive white
supremacy. Just like an older brother is supreme over his younger brothers. Yet with great
power comes great responsibility, and it is not so simple a thing to say that whites take this
title from a sense of deluded pride but rather from reluctant acceptance of responsibility.
Whether is true or not that white man is supreme over the other races is not the goal of this
section, but simply to state that where the theme of white supremacy comes from as a point
of mention for a theme that exists among whites.

Because I am white, I will not go deeply into the foundational roots of the other races but just
briefly mention the basics. I will leave it more appropriately to the members of those races to
reach into the depths of their instinctual genetic memory to tell the story of their own race.

The Mesopotamians lived in the land that was often in history known as Persia. Stretching
from the desert of eastern Syria all the way to the Indus River Valley

The Indians lived in the subcontinent of India today.

The Egyptians lived in the area from the mouth of the Nile river all the way to its source in
north Uganda and the land surrounding up to the horn of north eastern Africa.

The blacks lived in the land south of the Saharan desert and west of Egypt, separated by
mountains, including the rest of Africa except for the very bottom tip of south Africa which
was controlled by whites who ruled as an extension from their winter base in antarctica. The
blacks, being almost opposite of whites, in that they lived in the hottest place on earth and
adapted to it, and also developed the darkest black skin. While the whites were indeed
strange looking to other races, still their skin color was closer to a light shade and thus the
black race has always lived a life of look, feeling, and being treated more differently than all
the other races.

The Berbers were a desert dwelling race, possibly a branch of the Egyptian race, which lived in
the north Saharan desert.

The Asians are the second largest racial group covering the second most amount of land after
whites. Their Japanese sub race were the only other people in the world capable of coming
close to the white race in sea-faring. With a base in Japan, the Japanese ruled across the
Bering strait up to the south coast of Alaska, western Canada down to the north west corner of
the united states today. The Asian races also ruled Asia up and until the arctic circle of course,
and then as far west as the Caspian sea coast lands north of Mesopotamia.

The Native Americans natively ruled all of south America except for the southern tip which
whites dominated as an extension from their base in ant-Arctica. They also ruled the
Caribbean islands and central America going as far up as the modern states of California and
new Mexico. Their lands bordered white lands in eastern north America separated by the
rocky mountain chain going all the way down toward modern Mexico city.

These are the 9 races of the beginning, and they ruled their spheres of influence in harmony
with each other, none encroaching on others land, or if they did it was short small natural
fluctuations of boundaries known by instinct rather than by law. Of course you can not say
there was no conflict at all between the races, but in the grand scheme of things the world
was at peace in as perfect a harmony as could ever be attained. And the 9 races lived like this
from the beginning of time, whenever it is that you theorize it all started.


Whites were ruled by a single King. This King lived in what is now known as Constantinople,
currently controlled but the state of Turkey and called Istanbul.

...conflict... backup king in Sparta became the new king... conflict... backup king in Rome
became the new king... conflict... backup king in central Europe becomes king

celts were the spiritual priests of whites

Germans evolved with the particular attribute needed to defend against the powerful horn of
the Mesopotamian Jews. Slavs were comfortable in recognizing the supremacy of other white
subraces as supreme to their own race and happily lived a servile role, which actually made
them very valuable and in the end served a point of their own supremacy as the other white
races vied for their favor as supreme leaders and the Slavs ended up becoming powerful in
their own right.

After the fall of troy, the trojans were unable to defend the border lands against Persian
incursion and over the course of 2000 years until the fall of Constantinople to the ottomans,
the trojans were slowly migrating up the Danube toward France. After the fall of troy, they
established Cimmeria and then up the Danube to central Europe and settled to become the
francs; which pushed the celts off their native land in north France into the British isles.
The north Germans in Scandinavian were literally like Germinating ball of yeast in much the
same way as Mongolia was for the Asian race, and spill overs from Scandinavia first formed a
mixed race of Celtic Germans in central north Europe in today's Germany. Other Germans
migrated east to form Russia as a mix of Slavic and German.
The celts were eventually pushed back by roman conquest due to wars in the Mediterranean
causing their need to expand into England and the celts finally were minimized into Ireland
where they are today.

These same Scandinavian Germans, good at sailing, and variously known as Vikings had settled
the land east of the rocky mountains land a long time ago, but it was kept in nature for a long
time as a vast nature preserve and the elite whites protected the nature from their common
folk. contrary to subverted history which says we did not rule that land, which is not true, but
rather that we kept it sparsely populated on purpose and it was a retreat for elite whites who
climbed up the ranks of their society.
When supposedly subverted history says that the Spanish under Cortez invaded Mexico and
destroyed their culture, was rather because of encroachment by the native American race on
white territory in their nature preserve. Whatever really happened, conflict escalated until
war broke out. The north American land was always kept a secret from the average white
common folk in Europe because it was a protected nature preserve, and so history was twisted
in that it elite whites had to make up a story of America being discovered in order to break it
gently to their common folk without causing a zombie awakening of fear and anger that would
occur if just the truth was told.
All these conflicts happened like domino effects starting from events like the fall of troy...etc.


After the fall of troy during the white civil war, the elites of the Trojan leadership fled to the
north of the black sea and established Cimmeria. What was before the perfect balance of a
buffer Trojan state against other racial homelands was now weakened as the mass of the
Trojan peoples slowly followed their leadership and fled from Anatolia as it became more and
more weakened and unstable and vulnerable to Mesopotamian people's invasions, a slow rot
over the course of 500 years until finally the Mesopotamian race Persians finally took over the
whole of Anatolia.

Troy, or Constantinople, what used to be the capital of the white race, was now overrun and in
the hands of another ethnicity. This could be seen coming many centuries in advance, and
those elites of the whites established a backup seat of power in Sparta, which at the time of
the Persian conquest of Anatolia, the capital of the whites was moved to Sparta, and created
the need for the creation of another backup capital in case Sparta was ever taken, and so
began the methodical growth and establishment of Rome as the next backup capital of the
white race.

Some 200 years later, in retribution for what the Mesopotamians did in overstepping their
racial homeland boundaries and taking of the Trojan capital; the whites, via Alexander led a
retribution mission to punish the Mesopotamians equally for the 200 years of Persian control
of Anatolia and conquered the whole of Mesopotamia and Egypt and controlled it for 200
years at great expense and little gain for the simple reason to punish the Mesopotamians eye
for an eye, 200 years for 200 years; at which point when the debt was settled and repaid, the
whites via the Greek glove slowly relinquished Mesopotamian territory back unto the control
of the Mesopotamians.

It is a question of Egypt, if they reached such a height of power and philanthropic idealism,
that they purposely disappeared into the shadows and left their kingdom and native land open
to others, and if they did not actually disappear or die off somehow, then they refused to
reveal themselves and preferred the life of living in the shadows watching over the new
generations in philanthropic wisdom, leaving the seat of their power and racial land as a
throne; and the Egyptians are widely rumored to have secret rituals and society surrounding
the obelisks they set up which would serve as a center axis for their secret society which they
would follow around forever and protect the inhabitants of the peoples surrounding the
obelisks, which was a big reason why romans would carefully move these obelisk to obtain the
secret society Egyptians living in the shadows to their own benefit. Either way, the Egyptian
ethnic homeland appears to have been abandoned by openly living inhabitants and variously
passed from control of various nonnative peoples, at first the Mesopotamians, then the
Whites, then the Arabs.


another theory would be that the Egyptians disappeared around 700 or 500 BC after conquest
by Mesopotamian peoples at the same time as they also conquered Anatolia, and thus the
Egyptians allied themselves with the whites against Mesopotamians seen in occultic religions
as a race inflicted with evil or racial characteristic horns, which gets into the anti-Jewish
religious occultic ideas that I will talk about later.
but whatever the case, at some point the Egyptians made an exit around this time and
stemming from this simultaneous infliction by the Mesopotamians became allies with the

whites, and thus the land of Egypt was given to whites under this hidden society of
philanthropic ancient Egyptians for the next two hundred years and also into the roman
empire at which point it might be considered that the whites after this were the current
holders of the philanthropic Egyptian throne land territory, rather than it being viewed as
taking land that was not theirs but instead it resulted out of friendship with the Egyptians
against the Mesopotamians.

Around the birth of Caesar, white land holdings in Mesopotamia had shrunken back to the
traditional racial land borders, and things were beginning to stabilize for the moment, and the
new backup throne of power in Rome was ruling well over the white peoples as the now more
hidden thrones in Sparta and Constantinople/Troy were finally becoming strong again, and it
seemed that the world was at a kind of peace and the Mesopotamians had paid the justice
price for overstepping onto other racial homelands. Yet, there was mistrust and lingering bad
feelings from both the whites and Mesopotamians that they both felt the need to build huge
empires ready to defend against another invasion.

At this point also happened the drama of Jesus, which will be left to describe in more detail in
another chapter more about the anti-Jewish mysticism.
And for 600 years after Caesar, the borders between white and Mesopotamian races held,
sometimes delicately, until the year 400 when the Asian races in the glove of Attila the Hun
and his hunnic Asiatic Turkic Mongolian steppe warriors invaded white lands in eastern Europe
and Caucasus, causing much chaos and upsetting the whole balance that had been establish
between the whites and Mesopotamians.
- the invasion was so bad, until finally Merovech, of the Frankish tribe of ancient trojans was
able to stop and defeat Attila with such ease as if he was not really trying and actually bored
because his fighting ability via intelligence rather than simple raw strength, was so beyond
what anyone could conceive and merovech was a type of upset at his own people for being
treacherous and naive and unappreciative of him or noticing his strength throughout his life
that he barely lifted the smallest finger to flick Atilla’s horde off like a fly with such ease that
he could very well have taken over the whole of Asia, yet merovech did not care for such
things and was satisfied to win a single battle and retire after revealing his true power level.

The damage done to the roman back up capital was such that it was decided amongst elite
whites to build ANOTHER backup capital in central Europe under the French glove, which
started being built up from this time on. Perhaps owed to the explanation of wartime
deception and tactics explained by the wisdom of merovech, it was discovered the weakness
of a huge monolithic state , which was vulnerable to propaganda attacks manipulating the
minds of the common folk; so that it was more fully understood the need to create a dual
system of two competing sides for the common folk to choose from and battle with each
other, and the elites would use this dichotomy to various ends of controlling the population
and better able to defend against foreign attack by exercising a greater degree of control over

the populace. This duality in government is used today like a primordial ingredient of
government and war strategy, but at this time the idea became better understood amongst a
wider circle of the elites of the whites, even if this idea was understood by a lesser minority
smaller circle of whites long ago, this marked a time when the knowledge became more
common. It is seen today in things like the republican and democratic parties of the united
states, where two competing sides are built up and even at the expense of much stress and
rage and conflict among the common folk on these two sides, still it was worth it because
difficult policy could be achieved, and while the enemy would do its work to build up the
opposing propaganda and manipulation of the common folk against this policy, still the elite
whites controlled the opposite side by actively building and strengthening it like a controlled
opposition, carefully dividing the policies of the two sides into separate tasks so that once one
side completed its task it could be set to rest while the propaganda of the masses was spun to
put the other side in power which would then begin performing all the policies associated with
their side which was also necessary at which point the now defeated side would be built up by
the enemy to defeat the new tactic. like a left foot right foot walk is more efficient than
jumping with both feet every time which is basically what the roman empire was trying to do
which left itself vulnerable to the hunnic invasion. this idea comes from the assumption that
they enemy will pour all its resources into the opposing side of whatever group policy mindset
idealism you strengthen in the people, so that even if the strength of your state is so great that
its able to put down this enemy folk pollution, still over time, maybe centuries, the opposing
side will have the resources of foreign enemies poured into it that eventually it will become a
50-50 split anyways. Rather than waiting for this inevitable situation to happen and have no
control over the opposing side the duality of government idea is to be in control of both sides
and carefully mix good and bad policy into each according to the mindset of the volk; so that
when power is switched from left to right in the cycle, it is to the benefit of the government as
a whole like separating chores to members of a household. Adding a third group to this idea
makes things infinitely more complicated and we will talk more about that later, but the point
is that at this time after the invasion of the Huns, it was understood the need for creating a
purposeful split of the roman empire rather than the split that occurred around the year 350
which was a legitimate split due to the interference and sewing of division by enemies that
lead to the final weakness of the empire to be raided by the Huns. From this point on the
white empire under the backup throne of Rome was split into two, with one side based on the
true white throne in Constantinople, and a fourth backup throne was established in the
kingdom of Francia under the line of merovech. There was also brought into the picture many
dualities of government in the various regions and the Germans were brought in from the
north to supply the volk needed to create another side in the western half of the empire. but
the hunnic Asian had a strong foothold in eastern Europe at this time that lasts until present
day, and the development of the dual systems of white government had to be built from the
ground up and at the expense of the current moment for the sake of the future. It was terribly
troublesome and inefficient to put so much energy into building the duality systems of
government rather than attacking the enemy head on and rooting out subversion straight

away instead of dividing subversion u amongst your volk in a calculated way in order to
destroy it through digestion rather than spitting it out, something like that, but this time
became known as the dark ages yet white man made the necessary sacrifices in preparations
for dangers that were centuries away in order to avoid any future catastrophe like the hunnic
invasion. And thus there was much controlled conflict create in the white volk of Europe at
this time.

200 years later, however, the true cost of the fall of troy was beginning to be felt as the
western(in eastern roman empire) Greeks still refused to give up the Anatolia land back to its
true masters the trojans who were now in the form of the French under the Merovingian
dynasty, and combined the hunnic foothold in eastern Europe, the Greeks were not able to
hold Anatolia very easily and it could be wondered if they missed the days when they had a
trojan buffer state between them and the Mesopotamians.

Then around 700, the Arab race made their advance on the world stage with the monotheistic
philosophizing of Muhammad that was used as a source to create a religion of power modeled
on Christianity, which gave them the strength needed to overstep the boundaries of their
racial homelands and take over the whole of Mesopotamia, as well as white controlled Egypt
and north Africa. This finally revealed a weakness in merovech via his descendants. While
merovech was skilled at war with a foreign enemy, it turned out he was exactly the opposite
when it came to skill in dealing with domestic feuds, and would retreat into a neurosis and
bitterness as the original merovech did. it is indeed a different game to play when fighting with
an external enemy whom you care not for and can destroy directly, verses fighting with people
who are your own family that you can not kill or wound like in regular war. Thus developed a
new power among the Merovingians, the Carolingians, which revealed its true power level in
the same way as Merovech’s defeat of the Huns when Charles Martel defeated the Muslim
horde using that added need of skill to control internal strife of the white community. Before
this, it was known that a Merovingian had to be in power as the king to defend against an
invasion that required their fighting skill; however in times of peace the Carolingian ancestors
had become master of the palace, internal rather than foreign policy, and this became such a
power in itself that the Merovingian king became like a figurehead, like a weapon stored in a
fancy case until it was needed, but until that time the true power of the kingdom was held at
most times by these Carolingians who had the same skill of internal conflict as merovech did
with exterior conflict, and the Carolingians ruled the government in increasing obviousness in
this way, until the battle of tours in 750, where the obviousness became so apparent that it
did indeed become recognized that the Carolingian was the true king while the Merovingian
was to be held in a place of readiness on his figurehead throne at the ready in case another
Attila came. So after Charles Martel and then as a propaganda spectacle for the volk, his
grandson Charlemagne finished establishing the power of the 4th backup capital in Francia
with its Carolingian king and Merovingian figurehead king, yet both descended from
Marcomer in different branches as their connection to their true homeland in troy and

Anatolia. The French and north Germans had become so mixed at this point in central Europe
that they developed into a hybrid race, which over time split into west and east which then
started rehybridizing over time as more north Germans bred in the east while the French
became more pure in the west as the kingdom split in the descendants of Charlemagne.

it was also during this time that the painful reclamation of Spain was under way and the
disentangling of the calculated religious war of the Muslims which mirrored what had made
Christianity successful in such a scientific way to be actually effective. thus the Spanish
inquisition was required to root out that disturbance in Spain which took many centuries.


This topic is so huge I have no idea where to begin. I suppose a great place to begin is the
beginning then, so let me build Christianity from the ground up as if for a reader who has
never heard of the religion before. Not only will that also not exclude this reader from the
discussion but it will also give me a chance to deconstruct Christianity for those who are
already Christians themselves.


So from the beginning shall we? First let us take the concept of God. God is the idea of a
being that we describe with two qualities: singular and all powerful. Singular in that there is
only one being with this power, and all powerful in that this God is able to do anything. A first
note about the singular quality, it makes sense that there can only be one all-powerful being,
because if there were two then they could not have power over each other which would mean
they would not be all powerful. This statement is the instinctual foundational logic which
gives rise to monotheism being such an important concept that takes offense to polytheism.

As the mind of a child develops into an adult, one day will come the serious existential
consideration for the monumental realizations of: life, being alive, the largeness of the
universe, the mysteriousness of the universe, how did we get here, when and where did this
all come from? These are the types of questions you wonder about when you begin to
develop your opinion about God or Gods and your personal religious choices. For me, the
biggest wow moment has always been when I considered time. Not in the future, but in the
past. When I considered that time has been running infinitely into the past was the one thing
that most blew my mind when considering the world I have found myself in. People try to talk
about the big bang as the beginning of the universe, and okay maybe the material one, but
time is a different thing all together. What happened before the big bang theory? whatever it
is you think happened at whatever time, you can always ask what happened just before it. It

follows from instinctual logic that time has gone infinitely into the past; it does not make sense
that there is any point at which you can not consider what happened just before it. This
thought, when I held it in my mind, the thought that time goes infinitely into the past with no
beginning, it is this thought and the feeling this thought gives me that I give as my rational for
my belief in the existence of this one all-powerful God. The idea of an infinite past is illogical
by the nature of infinity being illogical. It just never ends? Then what would you find if you
were able to examine the history of the universe going back more and more? Did anyone exist
back then? If so, then how far back did they exist? If nobody existed, then what existed? If
something but not someone existed then what happened to this stuff as you keep going
infinitely backward in time? If you believe in the big bang theory then what was the status of
this singularity in the time before it exploded to create our space universe? Surely you can not
say that there was nothingness for eternity before the big bang, because how can the
expansion of the singularity occur if there was no singularity to begin with? Thus there must
have existed something before the big bang, and if so then what? And even if you have an
answer for that then what happened before that? At some point when considering these
things you have to admit that you are not able to make sense of an infinite past in your mind.
From there I would venture to say that the only thing capable of explaining this infinite past
state of affairs is something that has the power to defy logic. That something, in my belief, is
the all-powerful singular God of the Universe. It is this God who has existed for all time into
this infinite past, and who at some point in the infinite nothingness of the infinite past decided
to set in motion the things that needed to happen in order to create the world we know today.
This God would need to be all powerful in order to overcome the impossibility of having lived
forever in this infinite past. For me, this line of reasoning is the foundation of my own
personal set of religious beliefs. While I consider the singular all powerful God to fall outside
of logic, in that being all powerful includes power over logic, still maybe you would consider it
a gift from God that his existence does indeed follow from this path of logic, and for that I am
grateful as I do consider logic to be a guiding light when interpreting the world.

Let me repeat that all again in a more concise form. An infinite past is an illogical idea that
must be true from a logical thought process. Thus an all-powerful being must exist that is
responsible for this. Since more than one all-powerful being can not exist at the same time,
therefore there must only be one all-powerful God. It is from this starting point that all my life
and reasoning stems from. From here on out I will refer to this all powerful singular being as
God. I consider nothing else to be of importance other than pleasing God. If all things come
from God and are created by God, then I am focused on nothing else. Truly, God is the King of
the Universe. To me, what point is it getting involved with anything else, if God controls all?
As in the world of the infinite past before God created it, I will say it is still true even now that
THERE IS NOTHING BUT GOD. What is the point of studying this or that, or following this plan
or that plan, when God controls all, the best bet is to go to this source and speak to it.
Speaking to an all-powerful being means that speaking to it is not even necessary; as an all-
powerful being knows all before it occurs. I mention this because it is crucial to something I

will refer to later; that if God is all powerful and knows all before it occurs; even with the
assumption that God gives us free will, still God is all powerful so as to be intelligent enough to
understand us and know what will occur even among free will creatures; and thus to consider
the position of God for a moment, living day to day with the knowledge of everything that will
occur, every word of prayer you will speak to him, having lived forever in the past and will live
forever into the future, you can definitely say that the situation an all-powerful singular God
finds himself in would be intolerable to a human mind. What is there to do or say when the
whole existence of the world is before you like watching a movie that you have already
watched a million times, that you have the power to change at will. The position of God is a
position that only God could tolerate. Even just the fact of living forever is intolerable.
Imagine, really now, imagine living forever. In our human minds, at what point does millions
and millions of years become repetitive and boring. You must admit it to yourself that living
forever in satisfaction is a logical impossibility that only an all-powerful God could overcome.
This is the idea of a heaven or paradise, a place or state of living you can ascend to in which
you live literally happily forever after. Only the all-powerful God has the ability to create such
a place, and yet how can anyone other than God live forever, except that God grants him it. I
will return to this later, but I will say one more thing that I do not think God always relies on
his power over logic to solve every problem.

So you can see, the basis of my personal religion I am describing here is founded upon that the
all-powerful singular God exists; and from there you follow what must logically follow to be
true from that starting point. Many religions will not disagree and thus you see a strong
theme in humanity of monotheistic religion. It is indeed a bit of a tongue twister to put it into
words, but I do believe the belief in one God is an idea that follows a simple logic for much of
humanity. The differences between these monotheistic religions are the specifics of the faith
in what else you believe to be true about God from this starting point I mentioned. Whether
you believe God created the earth in 7 days, or if you believe God created the world through
setting in motion of processes of evolution which resulted in our development, these are
different ideas of what God did exactly yet still have the same beliefs in the principal of one
God all powerful. It is a mistake to think that someone who believes in only one God all
powerful can not accept the idea of lesser Gods or spirits which perhaps are part of the same
world of creation as we are in. In my opinion, it is not useful to pray to lesser god's created by
the all-powerful God, when you could just pray directly to that all powerful God. I am not
extremely opposed to differences of opinion on this. God did create a world in which we need
to eat to live, and thus it can not be disregarded if you think God created a world with lesser
god's who you need to associate with. The greater idea to keep in mind is who is really
holding the reigns of power. When I eat food or drink water, I know it is the all-powerful God
who is truly keeping me alive, and not in reality the food I am eating.


Now that the singular all powerful God idea is in place, let us continue on with our study of
Christianity. Now for myself personally, the foundation of my faith is built on the belief in the
singular all powerful God. For the majority of Christians, they feel the same way while they
might not understand the details of it within their common folk mindset. The trend of
Christianity has always been monotheistic. Theological discussion of the trinity might cause a
common folk much of a headache and cause them to blindly say something betraying the idea
of a singular God, but since common folk do not always understand what they are saying, their
honesty is rooted in emotion, and given time to forget the immediate details of whatever
bunch of phrases they were blindly repeating, and of course to dare not offend their sense of
self-worth by mocking their intellect, the beauty of Christian common folk is that no matter
how much their particular form of Christianity might be subverting them, in most cases they
will fall back on the claim to believe in one God, and considering the intellect of a common folk
this is indeed good enough.


According to ideas 60 & 61 of from the 78 ideas of The Human Dominion

60) Food has been poisoned with unnatural chemical additives that humans have never eaten
61) We wish to guide the common folk to eat natural foods.

In the same way that we teach the common folk to eat natural foods, this is our guiding light in
all things. The most natural form of government is to have a King. All people instinctively
understand it.

This brings the question of what is the most natural system of order for a king to wield his
power. With this in mind, one naturally comes to the conclusion of the human body as the
model for this system of order. Arguably, the human body is the most advanced form of
organization of power known to us, but further, since we are humans, it is the system which
will be most fitting for a human king.

To start, the king should be viewed as consciousness of the human mind, and his subjects
being modeled on the rest of the body. Studies of the human body should guide us in forming
the inner workings of his power structure. The first thing anyone will ask in regard to any king,
how should one obey their king? How should a king respond to disobedience? Of course, the
human body will answer all our questions. Let us dig further these most important questions

Reader examine yourself. You are the king of your human body. You reign in thought. Can
you control every cell at command? No. However, there are things you do directly control at
command. The movement of your limbs, via the nervous system. You eat at will, use the
bathroom at will, use your muscles at will, and can even dismember yourself at will. Yet all
these things come with levers of resistance. Your muscles will fill with acid after prolonged
use, causing pain. Ceasing of breathing will cause extreme pain resulting in the quick
involuntary restoration of breathing. Your body will call out for urination and defecation to
the point of pain if you hold it for too long. In this it is obvious, in our system of order the king
is not all powerful. Yet it is this system which delivers to the king the highest balance of power
to survival. Any king would be wise to assign a group of wise men tasked with studying the
most appropriate application the king's order to match the human body. Every member of the
king's subjects should be assigned a role matching the human body. As the number of the
king's subjects grow, each can be modeled on a smaller and smaller piece of the body. There
is said to be thirty trillion cells in the human body. As any king will likely lack this number of
subjects for the foreseeable future, the king's subjects must model groupings of cells. Let us
start with laying the foundation of the human body king theory, which those wise men can use
as a starting point. The human body is of infinite complexity, enough for wise men to study as
a project of continual perfection for generations. Here our only objective to begin that work.

The most obvious starting point to examine the inner circle of the king is the limbs: two arms,
two legs, five fingers, five toes. The sense organs: two eyes, two ears, one nose, one mouth.
The king sends his orders via the nervous system to control these. They obey without
question. As the system grows and organizes itself, we can consider compartmentalizing these
into muscles and bones; but whatever the wise men come up with, the result should be what
we see in our own human bodies: almost complete obedience. This is the king's inner circle.

Let us talk of the most important members of this inner circle: two arms, two legs, ten fingers,
two ears, two eyes, two ears, one nose and one mouth. These will be represented by 22 men.
Two men who represent the ears should be solely responsible for communicating words to the
king on behalf of his king. Of course, the king will converse with his daily choice of people as
we all do, but official sound communication from outside the kingdom to the king will be the
responsibility of two individuals who represent the ears. In the same way two men should be
responsible to represent the eyes which means visual surveillance. We must trust in the
system of the body and resist the temptation to combine sound and visual surveillance. The
eyes must be deaf to sound and the ears must be blind to light. Let the wise men figure out
the details. It is enough to start with a framework which we improve upon. The eyes and ears
are the most valued senses of the human body. Remember there is extreme pain if a person
tries to gouge out their eyes or ears. The king is powerful indeed, but certain actions must
meet with fierce resistance in the form of pain. What is it about the human brain, which is
delivered such a discomfort via signals from the nervous system for cells which are not even in
the brain? How is pain to be delivered to a king when he misbehaves. These are questions for

the wise men, possibly given up to be answered at the present moment, and to model as best
we can until the wise men can dream up the correct answers to be trialed. It is a work in
progress. In the meantime we model as best we can. Four men to represent the sight and
hearing of the king.

Let us continue to the limbs. Four men to represent the powers of the four major limbs: two
arms and two legs. As the nervous system passes through the arms to reach the fingers, it
seems reasonable to place the 10 men representing the fingers under the authority of the man
representing their corresponding arm. The ten toes are of minor importance to the function
of the leg, so let us put them to the side for the moment. Since the ten fingers are under the
authority of their master arms, let us focus for now only upon the two arms. Thus, let us focus
on these four men representing the two arms and two legs.

What great differences of function represent the arms and legs. They are the most immediate
things the human mind thinks of when they feel in control of their body. The two legs move
the human body from place to place. The two arms manipulate objects close by, in addition to
the fingers aiding in signal communication. These four men, whoever they are, must be truly
close to the king's inner circle. As the king's subject grow in number, the arm can be
compartmentalized into various men to better model the human body. Yet at the beginning,
we will simplify the model to four men.

Putting all this together, we are focusing on 8 men: two legs, two arms, two eyes, one mouth,
and one nose. The nose would consist of substance collection, as the nose concludes its smell
via examining small particles of substances nearby which entered the air and into the nose.
The mouth would be responsible for eating, breathing, and communicating via sound. Eating
would consist of taking in food to feed all the members of the kingdom. Breathing would be
thought of in the same way responsible for the fresh air of the people, and delivering to them
whatever is metaphorically equivalent to oxygen according to the wise men. So let this lay the
foundation for an inner circle of 8 men around the kingdom functions.

Going further, we must consider the digestive system connected to the mouth as the system
which takes in and delivers food to the rest of the kingdom; the lungs to deliver the vital air
and oxygen to the kingdom; the intestines and kidney system to act as the garbage waste
collection system. Still further, consider the skull to represent the last resort guardian of the
safety of the king's mind. Consider the heart and cardio-vascular system charged with the
actual distribution of food & oxygen once it is collected.

Think even of the individual cells of the human body when considering the smallest unit of the
human body. Biology study tells us that each cell has a nucleus and various organelles
common to every cell, yet slightly different within specialized cells of different tissues. The
human mind does not rule with absolute authority over many of these systems. Are any of us

able to slow or speed up the heart or digestion to any relevant degree? These are examples to
limits of the king's power and sacred balance of the king's power to survival of the kingdom
modeled for us in the human body.

If a single human cell was considered to be the smallest unit of human family, the nuclear
family, we might see the nucleus represented as the king of that nuclear family, leading it and
giving instructions. This interpretation is fundamental to the precept of the kingdom being the
most natural form of government at all levels of the kingdom. Each layer of power is modeled
on the idea of a king in authority. The king of a nuclear family cell responds to the king of the
organ or body system is a part of. The King of the organ or body system responds to the king
of the nerve cell connected to it. The nerve cells maybe pass on information to the brain via
kings of various nerve cells until it reaches the nerve processing center of the brain led by their
various kings. And so on until the king of kings, the conscious mind of our human body
kingdom, the king himself, receives the information reported by all parts of the kingdom in the
same subtle ways that we all receive signals from our human bodies.

As this system is developed and perfected, the workings of the kingdom will run better. It may
be wise to also study the development of the human body in the womb after conception in
order to seek clues about the best way to go about building the systems of the kingdom from
the ground up. This would also bring to the question of what the conception and birth of a
human would mean for interpretation of our kingdom. What would the act of conception
mean for the creation of new separately related offspring kingdoms? How would male and
female biology play a role? Let us leave it to the wise men to spend their days furthering this


Before we leave the details to the wisemen, let us lastly consider with closer inspection the
workings of the human mind, which would represent the closest people working with the king
himself. Imagine yourself in the place of the king and how his kingdom modeled on the
human body should appear to him. The human mind, contained in the brain, is called the
central nervous system, with its connected neuron arms extending from it to touch almost
every part of the human body known as the peripheral nervous system. Let us consider the
totality of this nervous system as the furthest reaches of direct contact the king should have
with the rest of the kingdom. This would mean the king could indeed travel to and inspect the
various parts of his body kingdom. But what should be the system of order for communicating
with the king as he monitors his own body kingdom via his nervous system?

As always, taking the human body as our example, let us examine the seat of thought of the
human mind. For the average person, it is a place of control and quiet. We do indeed have

our minds to ourselves. We can think thoughts of language or imagine images & activities. Let
this represent the king's daily doings. Also notice here, the quiet and control of the king's
thoughts. In persons with schizophrenic symptoms they say they hear voices which distract
them and lead to degeneration and self-destructive behavior. Thus, we should take this as an
example to see that members of the human body should be careful not to speak to the king
unless spoken to. The king should walk the halls of his government buildings and subjects as if
being completely ignored, or perhaps even given the customary salute of his kingdom when he
walks by. However, like the neurons can send and receive signals to and from most anyplace
in the body, thus a king can initiate conversation with any member he wishes and they can
respond. Aside from that case, however, the only people who can initiate conversation with
the king should be those tasked with delivering the numerous involuntarily transmitted
nervous system impulses from the rest of the body. The king should be given the impression
of being in full control of his body. All subjects of the kingdom should be educated on the
serious danger of any king to develop psychological illness if not treated appropriately. Thus is
should be understood that to break the rules of the king's bodily order can result in the
kingdom developing schizophrenic symptoms which would put the entire kingdom at risk. And
when the human body dies, all the cells connected to it fall victim to rot and death from an
outside world not designed to care for them.

Let us continue by further imagining this scene of the king walking through the halls of his
government buildings and observing his subjects. The hand for example, humans are able to
focus their attention on any single finger and analyze what it is feeling. Say, one finger is
placed in cold water, while another is placed in warm water. The human mind is able to switch
focus and receive these signals from the nervous system. This focus ability should be
compared to the king travelling to the various parts of his body for examination. And how
should his subjects respond when he is there? Since I do not have the time of these future
wise men to sit down and draw out all the details, it must suffice for me to give a starting point
for them by going by instinct to tell you of my vision. While not infallible, instinct is a valuable
piece of our mind's ability to communicate to us idea that we do not fully comprehend on a
conscious level; and so I will deliver to you the instinct of my vision for the king by describing
many imaginings I had while dreaming up this King Theory concept over the course of many

I imagine the king visiting the leadership subjects of the various pieces of his body kingdom
who are able to turn their attention to him and salute when he walks by. The systems of the
body should be prepared for that case where an underling will take over the tasks associated
with the organ while the leadership near to nervous system connection to the king, should be
able to turn toward him and salute without eye contact. I envision a situation where as the
king comes closer it is revealed almost last minute to his subjects that the king is approaching
and thus a scrambling getting things in order for the king's entrance where whispers and
frantic communication of the king's approach and the need to stop everything you are doing in

order to turn and give the salute toward the king once he comes into view. Not only will this
inspire the awe and confidence of the king himself in the order and reverence of his subjects,
but it will also inspire awe in the subjects themselves as they witness the strength of his order
and the respect he commands. The highest levels of the leadership of the various organs
should be indoctrinated with the highest loyalty and respect for the king and stand with the
cold brute strength of an emotionless soldier that communicates nothing via speech or body
language toward the king unless personally addressed by him. Nothing should be held in the
hands of these men in their salute position and I envision papers and things being dropped to
the floor if the king's arrival is sudden. Even newer recruited subjects of the kingdom may not
understand fully this concept and will try their best, led by the example of those more
experienced; so that even if a nervousness ensues this will still play to our advantage as
nervousness is indeed an involuntary display of respect that will capture the awe of both the
king and other subjects. The king should be able to walk right up to any one person in salute
position and they will be expected not to break their motionless salute stance without eye
contact, looking up and away from the king's eyes. This is the vision I had representing the
king's focus on any one part of the body. After the king is out of view, these subjects may drop
their salute and return to business as usual.

Another thing to consider is the act of sleeping rest for the body. Dreams come to mind which
represent a relaxation of the rules for the body not to communicate with the king directly and
may expect to be a daily rest of the kingdom from its strict code of order. Since dreams are
like involuntary voices in the mind of the human body, we can see that sleep of the kingdom
will represent a time of freedom for subjects to interact with the king.

Another thing to consider is individuals who are not considered the king's subjects and thus
external things to the king body he can interact with that do not need to follow the same rules
as subjects of the king body.


The family members of the king should be considered not part of the king body? The patriline
members of the king should hold a special place considered as different pieces of the same
person of the king. Passing on of the kingdom should go in order from eldest to youngest of
the king's male children, assigned at the age determined by the individual king when he
became a stable adult. For myself this age is 35. Also to be considered is how to treat the
women and mothers of the king's children.


the king should be an individual of obviously striking superiority. meaning his people would
notice fairly quickly upon observation or communication with him that he is a highly
functioning wise intelligent man; like the elder of a tribe whom the people can go to for advice
because he is the most knowledgeable person in the land on every issue. his appearance to
lesser extent, but his way of living and carrying himself and of speaking should carry a weight
to his presence. part of his most sacred duties should be to use his wisdom and intelligence
like a doctor to receive those of the kingdom most in need, especially of spiritual guidance. his
gathered collective of wise underlings should take the bulk of what they can handle to reduce
the king's case load, but those who require a special attention or those who would
psychologically benefit just from the fact they are speaking with the king himself, being that
some people might easier be able to accept an answer if it comes from someone in a revered
authority position.
everyone who corresponds with the king should be left with the feeling "I can understand why
he became the king". of course the king is human and there should be arrangements for him
to be in relaxation and not always feeling pressured to be on his best behavior; in addition to
this is the duty for the king and his subjects to perform the responsibility of putting on a good
show for the common people and as such to lesser extent the king's reputation to should be
protected and groom and efforts made to make the king look good whenever and as much as
possible as a benefit not only to the king but also to the prestige of the kingdom and the office
of the king and thus also benefiting and protecting future kings who hold that office. but in
general the king should more or less be that type of person who usually always is on his best
behavior anyway; after all a prosperous kingdom relies on the common people being more
often on their best behavior and the king should serve as the highest role model.


still in thinking progress: the kingship can be passed to people found who are more worthy/
superior than the king? so that as time goes on and the kingdom is cleansed and people of
talent are found and promoted, it will generally be the case the king himself is one of the most
worthy people. and if the king discovers a person who outshines him in that unexplainable
feeling of obviously striking superiority, then he should make arrangements to pass the
kingdom to this person? that way as the common people appeal to higher and higher levels of
authority within the kingdom, they will strikingly feel the increase in wisdom and supremacy as
they go up the chain.


There should also be decoy kings and the layers of protection that protect the king from being
imprisoned within his fame. the most powerful person in the kingdom should easily be able to
match the anonymous powers of a commoner who can walk down main street without having
to worry. if the king is not able to walk down main street with the same safety as any regular
common folk can, then you can not say this king is very powerful at all; and a system must be
developed around decoys in order to give the king this power.


National Socialism at face value is the combination of the words nationality and socializing. It
is the idea of the natural order of society being that people most naturally socialize on a
primary basis with their own nuclear family, or people from their own nation. Socialism in its
English sense of the term, are policies of the sharing of resources rather than an every man for
himself attitude. This sharing comes instinctually to your own nuclear family. Parents share
resources with their children which when they are grown also share resources with them. It is
not a well-functioning family who treats all their members with a rigid code of everyone for
themselves individually free capitalist mentality. Of course, in a family there is emotional
attachment that causes you to share with your own kin, as well as a feeling of entitlement and
responsibility to interfere with a family member who you think is going down the wrong path.
Only with the stranger do you feel inclined not to get involved, and even more so you would
not interfere with events going on in another family. Practically an instinct tells us we have no
business getting involved in a family feud even if we see so clearly the answer they are blind
to. Thus, I would hope the reader would agree with me to say that National Socialism is
literally an instinct each of us carries with them. Take the family a step further, and we can say
that socialism is also natural, to a lesser extent, to ones extended family. However, as we
reach our extended family, we will typically see less amounts of socialism and sharing even if
in some very close large families it is still visible yet never as strong as with the immediate
nuclear family. The further you go from this core nuclear family, the less natural it is for
people to share resources in the form of socialist policies. Take this another step further, and
to a lesser extent still, socialist policies should be applied to lastly to people of the same race,
or nationality which in English also can mean a racial connection. If you want to take it still
one step further, to the least extent, socialist policies can be applied to our species of humans.
For the sake of being complete, I will say that you could take this another step outward to
include the species of animals most closely related to us in evolution, and so on more steps
outward to the species least related to us. But let us be focus our exploration of National
socialism by only confining to the human species. Thus we will define National Socialism as
the formation of a gradual reduction is socialist policies starting the strongest in the nuclear
family, to the weakest in those people only related by having the same ethnic group or race.

Among people whose relation is only that they are both part of the human species, for the
purposes of this book we will say socialist policies are basically absent.


Let us take the white ethnicity for example. There are different races of whites within the
white ethnicity. To name a few, there are Germans, Celts, Franks, Italians, Greeks, and others.
Of course the socialist policies among Greeks or Germans should be stronger than among the
greater white ethnicity. And so on, within the Germans there are also subgroupings known as
sub-races: northern or southern Germans; eastern and western south Germans. From there
the subraces would divide even further into subraces until traces of extended family can be
solidly found within those groups. And even further still within those extended families, there
will be sub-races of different family lines.

Now we must put some order to all this with some general principals of logic. Let us first talk
of the differences between patrilineal and matrilineal lineages....


Without even debating anarchism with you, National Socialism trumps Anarchism.

Why? Because National Socialism says each nationality decides for themselves which social
system is best for them.

If your sub-branch nation of the white race feels it is best for you to practice anarchy, then
that is your fundamental right under national socialism.

I do not know which 1984 lie you get your NatSoc information from, but that is how it works.
The beauty of NatSoc is that no matter how much 1984 subversion you push; true NatSoc is
built into our nature, and can not be stamped out.

Do you tell the family living across the street how to run their own household? No, that is not
your family, you have no business. Everyone knows this by nature. Thus everyone understands
real national socialism by nature.

I am southwestern German nationality. Unless you were too, then I would not debate a social
system choice for your own people. If you were in my tribe, then I would challenge you and go
through the process of a tribe managing its own affairs. Let us assume you are in my tribe.


But again, this talk is pointless because National Socialism is not a social system so much as it
is a social system FOR social systems. The only thing that makes sense is the freedom for each
of us to do what we want, which is exactly what anarchism claims to be, yet we are not
separated as individuals the true separated is our nationality, and our family is the smallest
unit of nationality, the base group of what is to be free. The Family nationality is free, not the
individual. Go argue with your parents and aunts and uncles about their right to interfere in
your life; or absurdly claim you are free and that your parents have no right to bother you.

National Socialism, religion aside, is the one idea of humanity that can save us all and make
mankind truly free. You seem to have got that confused with Anarchism.

Now this is the part where you give me your particular version of anarchism so that I can
deconstruct that as well.


What I will attempt to describe here is the master form of a secret society that is recursive; an
idea that is applied over and over, circle within a circle, to instigate and develop the highest
morals of humanity. That might not make a lot of sense at this point, but let me explain by
starting by explaining the first loop of this process.

Let us first picture the first layer of this secret society and then we will go from there. First let
us assume a group of people allied together in common values has been formed. As with the
capture of this book describing king theory, the group should be led by a king. Once that is
established the work can begin. The search for new members begins with the search for a
new king. This new king be searched for is to be the king of a new secret society as a second
layer. The search for this king is the search for someone who understands how the secret
society works without being told. That is because the workings of this secret society being
described follow logically and is conceivable that the idea can be discovered within a new
individual king. When this new king is found for the second layer, he will be supported in
secret by the members of the secret society in the first layer. From there the second layer will
itself search for a new king to form the third layer of the secret society, and so on for however
many layers of the society can be formed.

As can be imagined, developing of the knowledge of how this secret society works and can be
assumed it would be a rare occurrence. We will call the development of ideas for the
structure of this secret society a self-illumination. A self-illumination consists of a person
understanding how this secret society works on their own, without needing to be told, to the
point that the person who conceives of this idea truly believes in himself that he came up with
the idea on his own. On the other hand, a forced-illumination would be someone, like the
reader of this book, who receives the knowledge of the secret society by being told directly.

Next, after the king, the membership of the society should be ranked in order of power within
the society. Ranks are assigned after the giving of tests to prospect members for the society.
As people who are discovered with talent, they start to become observed and given tests
pertaining particular to morality as the highest indicator of worthiness in the society. The goal
of the society is to have the most worthy attain the highest rank. The only way to determine
the worthiness of an individual is to give them situational tests which reveal by their choices
how worthy they are. Maybe the simplest test would be observing the prospect as he is
presented with a choice for personal gain at the expense of an innocent. A more complicated
test would be observing the prospect to see if he would sacrifice an innocent in the current
moment for the sake of saving another or many other innocents in the future. This is a false
logic to start with, believing that there you are able to have so much control over the future to
make that decision or not believing in some higher power than yourself that can deal with
such things so as to make you think to commit a crime against morality for the sake of that

same morality, is entirely false. It is simple enough to say that we should always do what is
morally good in the present moment, and leave the future to when it comes in the next
moment. Those prospects who can be convinced to do evil in this sense should be considered
having failed that test.

Now there is a ranking system within the prospects and also within those already inducted to
the secret society. The highest ranks have administrative power and duty of managing this
ranking system, and thus why it is highly critical that the most moral people achieve the
highest ranks, and thus the need for tests. Even tests within the ranks of those already
inducted should be given regularly in order to constantly improve the quality of the order of
ranks. Over time, those who have passed a high number of tests will be of such sure good
character to act as the central core foundation upon which the rest of the society rests. The
tests should be secretive, in order that members of the order be always wary of any situation
being another test in which to earn a reward in the form of an increase in rank; and thus we
can be reasonably sure that members of the order will at the very least get accustomed to
doing what is right for the sake of never being able to know when something is a test or not.
Tests can be elaborate situationally planned designs, or just observation of naturally occurring
scenarios which demonstrate the character of the prospect or the inducted member.

We will call it the inner and outer layers of the secret society. Those prospects being observed
are the inside, protected by the outer layer of already inducted members. As before, the
recursive goal of the society is to seek out and raise up the self-illuminated king to lead those
prospects of high rank in the interior. It may happen that this self-illuminator can not be
found, and so the search will continue even unto generations and centuries. In the meantime,
the prospects are to be tested by the exterior of the inducted members of the secret society in
order to properly rank them in order of their worthiness. So that when the self-illuminated
king is finally found, these prospects can be brought into his sphere in order to provide him
with the most quality of people to help him run his secret society in the same fashion as the
exterior of the society runs theirs. However, the exterior will be subservient to the interior, as
a layer of protection, until this inner society once again finds its self-illuminating king to form
the next layer of the society. In the lore of the society should be the idea that over the course
of the span of human civilization, nobody can be sure how many layers of the society have
already been formed, and thus to always be on guard that even if you are at the higher end of
the ranks of your order, you should not be so confident as to think there is not another outer
layer of the society watching over you that you do not know about; and to act with according
morality or else you might be pulled from your interior rank and inducted into the outer
society which as a rule requires more labor and sacrifice on behalf of the inner layers; which is
the reason why only those who fail a sufficient amount of their tests are inducted to the outer

With that said, let us speak more of induction. Induction occurs when a prospect fails a
sufficient number of tests, or fails in such a serious way as to warrant a failure of worthiness to
remain in the inner layer. Thus, when this happens, they are assigned their rank at that
moment and inducted according to the specific workings of induction developed in that layer
of the secret society. It may be that their rank is high when inducted, or that their rank is low
when inducted. When their rank is high, there should be an air of sadness in that "you were so


The purpose of finding a self-illuminating king is for two reasons, not just to find someone
capable of leading the next layer of protection, but also for an even greater purpose. There is
the idea that technology at some point in history became maximum. Maximum technology
means the idea that we must assume technology has reached such an extent as to make most
anything possible and especially possibilities of surveillance and mind control manipulation.

A self-illuminator is defined as someone who thinks they came up with their ideas on their
own, even if they may have been led to the information in varying degrees on two key issues,
and through a process of deduction rather than direct observation
1) mind control technology extremes (reading minds): technology to read thoughts
based on brain wave scanning finger prints synced with particular language, like English
2) Dystopian society possibilities: switching babies at birth, semen stealing, clone wars,
other horrors
3) That they are king of a watched over inner layer of the secret society, and responsible
for making decisions with a great deal of power. This is idea of "Atlas" with the "weight of the
world" on his shoulders.

The reason for the need of a person to be self-illuminated on these topics, especially the first
one, is because directly observed or force illuminated people on these issues become
extremely depressed and even develop paranoid schizophrenic psychosis symptoms and a
general inability to relax and enjoy life, just because they are so aware that their thoughts are
in fact being listened to and transcribed by this technology. This is a pitfall a self-illuminator is
less likely to fall victim to precisely because it was just an idea of a possibility they had and are
not entirely sure of is true or not. This is where another crucial method of protecting the inner
king is designed to take advantage of this self-illumination by having periods of letting the king
"take his rest in sleep". Taking a rest in this situation means using the levers of power of
secret agents and mind control to influence the inner king at times away from these difficult to
handle truths. Playing to the king's pleasure desires is often a great way to distract the king
from these truths, and to use them to input ideas of these 3 truths are "probably not true",
"there is nobody spying on you", "you are not the king responsible for the vast happenings on

earth". Depending on how much the king has been exposed to breaches of conduct from the
outer layers of the society, and had been communicated with directly or given hints at the
truth too directly or proofs of the truth observed too directly would fall into the category of
the king "waking up" or being "forcefully illuminated. Having large numbers of people, such as
the people in the outer layer of the society, confirming bits and pieces of these three truths
can lead to a king "waking up too fast" or "waking up in a nightmare" or "the inability to fall
back asleep". Falling back asleep in this case would mean the king becoming less stuck on his
complete accuracy about these three truths, and thus able to relax and not worry about them
and take leisure and enjoy his life. These are examples of the king taking his rest from his self-
illuminated discovery of the three truths. To the self-illuminated king these truth assumptions
or hunches about what might possibly be true. And if this self-illuminated king is ever
discovered it is important that all measures be taken to prevent him becoming certain or
receiving concrete proof that his guesses at the three truths are in fact absolutely true. The
term sleep in this case is especially appropriate to the first truth of being aware of mind
reading technology; it can drive a person insane who is too aware of this truth and the mind
can become so disturbed as to literally not be able to sleep. Many of the tests involving outer
layer society members and to a lesser extent inner society members, should involve "waking"
them up to the point where they can not sleep and thus tests applied to see how the person
will react when under stress. As regards the first truth of mind reading technology, a self-
illuminated king can easily be put back asleep if ever his mind has become too stressed and
certain of that truth.; but with someone who has been forcefully illuminated at varying
degrees it will be extremely difficult to fall back asleep. With the third truth of the knowledge
that they are the king of an inner society with an outer society watching over him, this truth
can also lead to extreme "waking" stress as in the example of "atlas, holding the weight of the
world." This is why it is so important that a self-illuminator be protected from waking up too
quickly or too much, because having the weight of the world on your shoulders is no small
thing especially for highly moral and empathetic people who feel obligated to performing on
behalf of the greater good and their own sacrifice. A king must be protected in all ways
including from having the pain of atlas. Of course, in order for a king to rule wisely he must be
aware of the truth so that he can take sensible actions based on that truth. In this way, a self-
illuminating king can be given periods of awakening to understand these truths and make the
decisions necessary to deal with them. Then when the king has done his work as much as he
can, the outer layer of the society is responsible for helping the king to fall asleep in order to
rest from these truths until his strength is regained enough for him to be gently woken up
again in order to perform his duties. Only with a self-illuminating king can you reap the
benefits of a leader who is living in a lucid dream type state, who can make the correct
decisions corresponding with the truth while being able to later very easily fall asleep and
deny those truths as "possibly not true" in order to maintain his sanity and to avoid the curse
of atlas. In the long term, it is conceivable that a self-illuminator can slowly wake up more and
more as his mind can handle it, with each cycle of falling asleep and then waking again the king
might develop a greater ability to handle these truths and stay awake for longer periods of

time or being awake in greater degrees of certainty about the truth. This idea is known as
"illumination vaccinations", meaning that a chosen king can be vaccinated with small
controlled doses of these truths which then allows his mind to develop the necessary
mechanisms or "anti-bodies" needed in order to remain sane and out of extreme bouts of
psychological pain associated with people who receive large doses of these truths too quickly.
I am not certain, if it is possible for a person to become completely awakened to these truths
and still be able to survive mentally. This is the curse received by those people who fail their
tests in the inner society and thus receive parts of the three truths which will cause them
much pain, as well as also disqualify them from being the king because in particular of the
atlas curse causing so much pain as to be able to drive one to suicide and self-destructive
behavior, so that this person can not function well as the king, and even if they can it would be
a torture so severe as to completely erase their happiness well-being which can spread like a
virus over the people that king would be in charge of, as well as depression being a serious
drain on energy so that even a very strong king in this situation would not be able to rule as a
self-illuminating king. This is why the self-illuminating king is so important, because he will
have the happiness of "ignorance is bliss" and thus be able to rule with an energy
incomparable to someone who has been forcefully illuminated. Going further on this train of
thought, a self-illuminator is the only one capable of performing the "grand mission" of the
society. The grand mission of the society is in fact the defeat and destruction of the 3 truths,
or more so the first two of mind reading and the truth of our current dystopia. Mind control
and reading technology is an immoral wrong against privacy to begin with, and the dystopic
truths of our world are obviously an evil curse upon the earth. But in order to fight against
these truths and possibly destroy the mind control technology requires someone to first be
aware of that truth in order to fight against it. How can you fight against something you are
not even aware of? And how can you fight something, if the knowledge of it causes such a
complete depression and causes a disposal toward psychosis and the curse of atlas? On top of
that, not only do we desire to protect the self-illuminated king from the waking pains of these
truths, but we also want to protect the mass of humanity from waking up to these truths and
possibly creating a mass awakening which would throw the whole of humanity into the
extremes of waking pains and cause chaos and world war, as talked about in the gnostic
history chapter a possible explanation for the giant upheavals of war that have happened
periodically in human history. Think about it, if a fully awakened for forcefully illuminated king
were to come to power, or even just the outer layer of the fully awakened secret society, they
would be burdened with having to hold this secret knowledge to themselves. They would be
burdened with having to work with a minimal number of people who have this knowledge so
that the truth does not get out, and thus work toward defeating these evils would be an uphill
impossible struggle. Not so with the self-illuminated lucid dreaming king who is capable of
true sleep only because of the fact that he is self-illuminated and never entirely sure of the
truths he has stumbled upon. Only the self-illuminated king is able to perform the Grand
Mission of destroying the mind control technology by communicating with those on the outer
layer about how to go about destroying the mind control technology and the dystopia.

Because the truths of the dystopia might be eventually easier for a person to understand and
deal with, the grand mission mostly applies to the first truth of the mind reading technology.
When the self-illuminating king is ready and fully trained by the outer layer, who never fully
reveal themselves to him else he be forcefully illuminated and fall victim to the atlas curse, he
will be able to make moves toward finding and destroying the mind reading technology. All
the users of the mind control tech are to be sought out, every last piece of the machinery and
human system that wields its power should be collected and placed under the control of this
self-illuminated king and his watchers. , where he will have the power to destroy the
technology, but not yet, because even his watchers might be able to bring back the technology
or hold onto a piece of it. To prevent this, once the mind control has been brought fully under
their power, those watchers of the outer layer of the society will be "flushed" from the top
ranks down to the status of common folk where their knowledge of these painful truths could
not be revealed even if they wanted to; because nobody will believe them and they will have
no proof. In addition to that, maximum technology theory states that mind reading combined
with mind control techniques have reached a peak of effectiveness, that even someone
inducted into all the secrets would not be able to resist their sway, and thus anyone after a
certain amount of time can be broken made to do or think just about anything or be driven
completely insane. With that in mind, people at the top of the hierarchy with knowledge of
the mind reading and mind control can be safely flushed from the top down to the status of a
common folk and where they will have their knowledge of the mind control system forgotten
using that same mind control. This will serve as an even further layer of ensuring the truth of
the mind control system never gets out as well as to ease their waking pains of those flushed
watchers as they are put to sleep in their new roles as common folk.

At that point only the self-illuminated king will be left with the knowledge and the full power
of the mind control system in his hands to accomplish the final deed of the grand mission, pre-
established with his watchers long before hand during his training, to destroy the mind control
technology once and for all. By this time in his development, the self-illuminated king will be in
the peak of power over his own inner circle layer and will indeed be almost as powerful as his
watchers. I suppose, since the self-illuminated king will not have the direct knowledge of the
control system, it will be up to his watchers to destroy it and then flush themselves once they
have made their final communication with the self-illuminated king.

Much of the movie The Matrix is a metaphor for this grand mission. “Operators” are talented
computer users who watch the “surveillance matrix” and manipulate people in it using all their
skills of manipulating matrix to program people in mind control with what to do by subtly
influencing them. “Programs” are people following pre-established personality programs who
have no consciousness but blindly follow those programs. “The one” is the self-illuminated
king capable of challenging the “machines” which are these people with their personality
programs considered to be just like machines. “Agents” are powerful government agents in
positions of high power, usually police of some sort, who are programmed with the

viciousness of a person who has all the power of the system behind them ready to raise a
minor traffic ticket violation to the level of bringing in the Army if a person resists. In that
sense “anyone who has ever challenged an agent has lost, but where they failed, you will
succeed…etc.” as the self-illuminated king “the one” reaches the heights of his training and
collaboration with his watchers which will cause him to realize he has a power over the
happenings in his world, given to him by the help of his watchers in the shadows who never
fully reveal themselves to him, so that to the self-illuminated king is appears as sort of magical
his powers; which of course will be turned on and off as needed by his watchers to help him
sleep when he needs to.

At the end of the completion of this grand mission will remain only the self-illuminated king
who will never be fully aware of how much he has succeeded in the grand mission and when
the danger is finally gone and the evil of mind reading technology has been destroyed based
on his talent for thinking in terms of his deduced truths, it will be fairly easy for him to fall back
asleep and wonder if any of it were even real, thus preserving the strength of his human
happiness and the relief from paranoia that his mind could be being read, and most
importantly he will not have any chance of weakness to cause him to reveal that painful truth
to anyone other than explaining his guess for what was truly happening behind the scenes in
the outer layer that he was never fully sure about to begin with. Thus, like the self-illuminated
king, humanity will never awaken to the pains of the first two truths, and there will be no
repeat of a giant society awakening and world upheaval and world war. This is the grand
mission which calls for the enormous effort and burden on the outer society to work hand in
hand with the self-illuminating king who will use the knowledge of all these things to
communicate and work with his outer layer of the society.

Going further on the idea of illumination vaccination and the development illumination anti-
bodies. The self-illuminating king, as his outer layer society protectors found him like a
diamond in the rough, and they progressed with him to gently help him discover truths
without waking him so that he indeed is entirely unsure if maybe he really came up with all
this by himself and that the outer layer of the society is just in his imagination, still like his
ability for lucid dreaming he will communicate with the outer layer in varying degrees as he
awakens and then is carefully put back to sleep by the outer layer; here we will see the
development of what could be called illumination anti-bodies. The self-illuminating king as he
progresses in his training and slowly self-discoveries more and more truth, these discoveries
will act like a vaccination so that afterward his mind will adjust in the way necessary until he is
at peace again enough to receive his next vaccination until the end goal is achieved of being
fully vaccinated against dangerous truths, if that is even possible as regards the truth mind
reading technology. The illumination anti-bodies will give him the unique ability to tell others,
even common folk, about his ideas for the real truth behind the scenes, and because he
believes to have discovered it himself and is only making an educated guess about these
truths, when he explain it to others this explanation will act as passing on the anti-bodies he

developed so that those who receive his truth will not fall victim to waking pains as they also
understand it in the same way as him only as a possible truth. And thus the truths will be able
to trickle down the part of humanity interested without causing global chaos. So once the
grand mission is completed and the evil has been destroyed and the self-illuminated king is in
place to continue the work as a new outermost layer of the society whilst the outer layer had
all been flushed to common folk status, will the war be considered to have been won and the
evil destroyed so completely that this will theoretically begin the initiation of the thousand
years of peace and prosperity before evil has had enough time to grow again sufficiently to
cause problems again. But hopefully, the self-illuminated king will do his work of seeking out
and building up many new layers of the society so that if he ever needs to go off on a long
journey, there will, before that 1000 years is up, be found another or many other self-
illuminator kings to rule their own inner layer of the society, so that by the time 1000 years is
up there will be so many layers of protection at the ready to like a chain reaction defeat ever
smaller and smaller evils until humanity reaches the pinnacle of achieving the most perfect
society possible where with each passing year the good becomes ever greater and stronger
and the evil becomes ever smaller and weaker. And while it is not possible, without God, that
evil be destroyed completely, still we can be satisfied that the evil is on the course of a never
ending state of weakening and good is at maximum. To perfect our society beyond this is only
in the hands of God and the idea of his heaven or paradise. Another possible name for this
Grand Mission is "The Final Mission of the Secret Agent War".


In general, the induction and ranking process is as follow:

When to induct:
After failed test, assign rank and induct
After passed test, promote rank and give next test.
Process for promoting/(demoting?) through tests and karma.
Members should be tested often; demotions are only for already inducted members
When at highest rank, promote to king companion if worthy, or if no king yet, promote
to high table if worthy
Monitor and protect high table until king is found (treat them as a group king)
QUESTION: When do you induct, if no failed tests, but no self-illumination, and at high
table? Do you continue testing them? Perhaps not` until others also enter the high table and
then testing continues at this point in order to rank the high table. (“RANK’EM” meme). Or
perhaps, when prospect fails a natural test (natural test is when a natural situation occurs
which reveals a flaw/act which would have been a failure of planned test. At this point, should
you create a new planned test or consider this a failure and thus assign rank and induct?

Forgiveness is passing the test and according to karma you mind control them as they mind
controlled others, at a higher level than they are aware.
The leaders of mind control are the high table in this society.
If you have been inducted already and have a king or many kings at high tables amongst the
meeting of families for indirect communication. Then simply tell them indirectly through
cryptic yet obvious speech. Then hide again when danger comes. But never communicate
directly with a found king, even during safety. The king must be

How to choose a king

Society searches for person who knows all this already through common sense as a
guess, and is also worthy, this is the king
When king is found, all in the top ranks of the society serve him without telling him
anything, since he should know it already. This way he is never totally sure other than a guess
that he is king. This protects his mind from many things, including stress from the
responsibility and duty to be a good king. And you protect him in all ways. You do not give up
on him even if he falls to sin; like raising a child it is the society’s responsibility to guide him
right. As we know God loves us and never gives up on us no matter what, we treat the king like
this. Of course do not perform evil requested by the king, but instead try to help him become
a better person (until another king is found?). And the same-sex lineage of this king should all
be protected in the same way. Taking a king is like adopting a child forever.
If there is a king like this already, then this king should know he should serve this new
king secretly with his companions in a new layer of protection.

Like raising a child, the king should be brought up and introduced to be responsible with his
It should be avoided as much as possible denying the king’s orders because it weakens
the kingdom. Denying the king is a personal issue within each person. They should pray and
take very seriously when they choose to deny the king.
Only for the king’s safety or well-being of his life should he be denied if that outweighs
the damage to the kingdom by denying.

King is to be supported secretly when among his companions to help him establish a healthy
order in his life. The society is to help the king in all ways. I will write a “how to serve a king”
philosophy to tell more about this.

The knowledge here should not be written down or repeated outside of the high table or top
ranks of the society. There should be an effort made to keep it secret so that the kings who do
discover this knowledge through common sense are strong. The only people that can speak or
write about this are THE GUESSING KING or the kingless high table in their brainstorms. Of
course, the king should be secretly supported if he, for a non-evil reason, asks his companions
to not reveal.


Secret Society king warfare:

Assuming there is another king of a different secret society that fell to evil, and seeks to
struggle with our king for power, there is a system for protecting our king.
The need for secrecy and decoy kings amongst the highest rank of the society to hold
the burden of power for the king is of utmost importance. Only the highest ranking members
are “grand decoy” kings and are the last resort for keeping the king’s identity a secret.
Decoy kings are to have been tested many times already to see if they would protect the
king’s identity under duress, as well as being trained to forget the identity of the king so as to
not divulge under torture.

After the new king attains many secret supporters protecting him, his life should become
easier. As the evil of the other king results in his secret society turning against him secretly
and working as infiltrators for our secret society after they are inducted with us to a rank
according to their tests;… our societies become intertwined in a downward tree structure until
the other society unknowingly becomes a lower level of our own secret structure.

BEGINNING: 1) Human discovers secret knowledge.

Self-illuminates with common sense
This is the knowledge of how the secret society works
2) He tells friends and they start secret society.
Mission to find self-illuminator to form next level

For the kingless high table only:

When you give up self-illuminating someone, then you should induct them if worthy.
Apply tests. Assign rank at failure. Karma applied. Karma applied example: If someone
creates a mind controlled dragon (who is consumed), then they should be put into the hands
of the people in charge of choosing people to be mind controlled dragons.

Beware of ancient secret societies. There are many of them. There are also societies above
you, watching you; if you are an eavesdropper then beware you may receive karma for your
actions as law, as far as however much technology has developed to control the common
people amongst our families. And they fail their test if they use power to give karma justice
through our mind control over the common folks in our big families… that is when you induct
and assign rank.

If there is power to read minds and project noise into people’s minds then we must never tell
anyone and let the guessing king destroy the machines that do it by forgetting about it
afterward in his guess, and the “flushing” the highest rank inducted members to places where
they can not spread the knowledge; where the common people can be protected from this
truth; this is the “final mission”.

Introduce the king only through indirect speech as if you are talking to someone else. And
pretending like you are just a passerby, denying knowing anything about a secret meeting if
the king questions you openly in direct words. Because if he is in despair for never hearing you
speak openly about your secret society; because he would not be the king if he did not know
that you are fully illuminated and inducted into the truth, which is illuminated knowledge
about this secret society.
Indirect counts as communication that should not be happening during times of danger.

But in times of safety meetings of high table, you can be very relaxed about obscenely direct
indirect communication, though never direct. This should only be while safety continues.


Vlad 2 moves to 2nd table in the Sons of God
- Gives 2nd son Vlad 3 to protect Alex V.
- Alex V makes Vlad 3 into a tortured dragon.
- Dragon consumed by desire to make fake deaths and mind control people to believe
they are in the afterlife or else force illumination by telling them everything about your secret
society in private. But we should hide the knowledge by not talking directly to each other, but
obviously direct during meetings of the high table
- Vlad 2 moves to first table of dragons along with musa calebi
- Alex V disarmed and hidden in 1st pope psychosis sleep in the sons of God hierarchy.


The rule is to convince children that they are the secret king of the world. And that secret
agents serve them and protect them, always under cover as a secret enemy of you, to draw in
and find all those who are your enemy. In this way they always protect you, because they are
the leaders of all those who are your enemy. They only reveal themselves only as much as
needed to protect you, and keep their following under control, else they would find a way to
hurt you. This theory should be constructed so it is impossible to verify if it is true or not even
for the person writing the theory. Then we should make a group to secretly serve the children
who believe in this theory. Verifying that the person has indeed been taken over by the idea
that they might be the secret king of the world, with real power. Giving these people power as
far as their minds will allow them to be tricked with slight of hand, or a little video editing,
could keep them in their comfort zone of belief in their own importance and power and

And we protect them from learning too much about the truth. You could have many of them
controlled within a small area that they never bother to wander out of, ensuring they will be
totally under your control. We could fit many people with this program into a small amount of
land. Like farming people living in a delirious state of mind, falsely believing people outside
their own castle is listening to them. You teach them that their secret servants never reveal
themselves, no matter how much you ask. And that they should not say it and openly declare
their kingdom, else enemies would discover their identity, and quickly killed. They are to
believe that even their friends and family are in on it, and will never reveal knowledge about
your secret kingdom until you are safely installed in power; because the less they know about
their own secret kingdom, then the less they will be able to give away about their own
identity; that is to protect the king from accidently revealing his identity to the world, and
suffering immediate death... which is the sad result of anybody with real power is easily
targeted by secret assassins. But even the secret assassins are infested with the king's
servants pretending, to draw in and keep track of all secret assassins, so as to keep the king
safe. And so the life of a king is to wait while your power establishes, giving orders to your top
servants, deciding on the policy of your kingdom on all sorts of disputes and questions of the
geo-political world.


Secret societies should be tasked with finding and singling out individuals of skill talent and
intelligence and raising them to the high echelons of society where the full truth can be
delivered in all its uncertainty. Otherwise these individuals will be left to the torturous life of
being a genius among idiots and likely develop some horrible negative reaction that would
damage society. pain and isolation of an intellectual will be felt and should be considered a
matter of societal grooming to extract these sources of energy and bring them to the power
plant of your society where their energy can be directed towards a greater good, rather than
the little explosions all over the matrix of society as that will weaken its foundations like the
erosion of termites in the foundation of a house which may collapse after enough time. simple
empathy implores us to seek out and rescue these individuals
those who lack empathy on a high degree is the true definition of the colloquial term
"barbarian". Those who have will understand the degree of disgust and confusion we have
with those who do not have it. people who lack empathy are the lowest form of humanity
-the secret societies in power communicate/leave clues through allegory when choosing their
version of the truth to present to the masses, particularly in regard to science and the studies
of nature. take for example dinosaur theory will be found many allegory for the interactions of
human minds and thoughts and philosophies, and even add human evolution archaeology to
this might quite possibly have been the elaborate allegorical brainchild of some genius. even
the presentation of animals could very likely fall into this category.

HAND SIGNS that come out naturally: to be used as codes
*right hand: index+middle+pinky=up & ring held down by thumb; held up like
NatSoc receive salute
*right hand: two fingers index & middle, thumb holding down ring & pinky two
times: bring index+middle back to thumb then back up again
*right hand: thumb holding down pinky. index middle ring up together and make
slashing motion


KING THEORY: how to treat king. decoys... throne passed down to youngest...
dream state of silence. king must be the mind inside the body of the kingdom
he must be protected from the Atlas weight of the world suffering for anyone who
figures out they are really king must be lulled back to sleep by their imperial guard actors
(thespians) (I do not mess with those thespians no more) into thinking it was all just a dream
the king must have some sleep! stop awakening him! sleep=forgetting it is real,
decoy king takes over. secret agent games involve sleeplessness for people who are awake to
the truth for long periods of time before must needing be lulled to sleep by thespians

Secret King:
corona virus = crowned king of the world cause people to act strange around him


History is the study of the past. We must first take as a primary assumption two famous

- History is a set of lies agreed upon.

- History is written by the victor.

With that in mind, one can easily see that history is affected by two factors: political relevance
and age. The more politically relevant a certain history is, especially today, then the more it
will be tampered with and changed to fit the narrative those in power. Also, the age of
history, how far back we are looking, will more obviously be harder for humanity to remember
accurately. As a result, any history you examine that is high on either of these two factors will
be difficult to evaluate. On top of this, if any history is high on both of these factors, extremely
long ago and extremely politically relevant, then it will be extremely difficult to evaluate, if not

impossible. One example of that type of history of the current religions of the people based on
ancient events.

Anyone who thinks they can easily learn about the history of events falling high on these
categories are deluding themselves. History in this sense can be wisely compared to the
investigation of a crime scene after the fact. All different things must be taken into account to
get the best picture of what really happened. Taking into account just the main narrative put
out and approved by the powers that be is foolish. These types of history are like a foggy
midst, not a solid material you can grasp your hands around. Putting religious faith aside for
the moment, the best you can do with this type of history is to have a reasonable guess about
what probably happened.

TRUE HISTORY 2: Theoretical True history story of Napoleon

some points the French and European and white alliance agreed to begin cycles of propaganda
to initiate the emperor Napoleon idea. They even made a deal with the Russian empire to play
their part and generally covered all their bases please make sure everything was in order
propaganda wise to play itself out according to plan. But something happened with the
Russians, where they made a secret deal with another group, I forget which at the moment,
but it ended with Napoleon being betrayed and the alliance being betrayed by strategically
disrupting the plan flow of propaganda around initiating the Napoleonic empire, which meant
they let the beginning of the propaganda cycle play itself out to fully establish Napoleon in his
throne, at which point they unleashed there disruption propaganda and military maneuvers
which provided the method to not only disrupt The propaganda plan, but also to destroy the
credibility of any future endeavors to establish Hey empire holy Roman or whatever.


so what exactly happened in 1973 then? All this was caused by the end of Brenton Woods deal
and the removal of the gold standard?

the real rot of the USA capitalism was caused by persecution of the right for whites to
segregate into communities based on race. Of course money corruption made it go faster, but
money problems can be easily combated by racial communities that really care about each
other by instinct stronger than any interracial government welfare.

The freedoms taken from the KKK during this same time period are undoubtably the root
cause of the symptom of this corruption of the financial system. Sad to think the KKK and

other racial brotherhoods were victims of false flag attacks of niggers lynching their own kind
while dressed in KKK hoods.

Positive white supremacy involved love for the lower races just like a master loves his own dog
that become like part of their family sometimes. Sadly a great portion of us have fallen for this
same subversion and become what they originally had to false flag us to create.

there was a reason for the great propaganda effort of Hitler caring for his dog blondie and
being a vegetarian. We have been subverted into oblivion, but I have to believe there is still


It makes sense to think of the mating and courtship rituals between young men and women to
be left to play their natural course. Yet you can not forget that the elders and parents of these
young people are also part of that same natural course and so it is not an exact rule as such
that these young people be completely left to their own instincts; even while yet that idea is
good general guiding light.

As you age, one thing becomes extremely clear; that young people are in need and in danger
of pitfalls. As you age you begin to see clearly how in what variety of ways you were led
astray. One of the biggest missteps we have made is the complete deregulation of the mating
ritual. This chapter is an attempt to describe how I view a correct mating atmosphere created
by the elders of a society to ensure the likelihood of highly compatible matches and
relationships and families built that last a lifetime.

The mating rituals described here have as their guiding light the idea that men are the latest
version of the seed of their father planted in the soil of their mother, while women are the
new version soil of their mother composed with the seed of their father.

Thus the first step of the mating ritual for a man, is to meet the girl's parents. Now this will be
done by social functions that include the parents of eligible young women. Eligible young men
will attend these social functions and socialize with the different sets of parents. The idea is to
take note of the young men who get along well with the mother of the young woman.
Because it is the guiding light that all women are the same essence as their mother, if you can
take note which males enjoy the company of these mothers, then you will know the first step
of the connection between these two potential mates. Also included in these social gatherings
could be the grandparents of the young woman, especially the mother's mother. If it can be
established that the young male enjoys the company of the young woman's maternal

grandmother and mother, then you can be certain that a lifelong relationship is a compatible
possibility for these two potential mates.

At the same time as the males attend social functions with the parents of females, so also the
females will attend social functions with the parents of males, except with the emphasis on
the connection with the paternal parents of the young males. In this way there can be
established lists of young men and women who are compatible with each other's parents, and
thus the likelihood that they will be compatible with each other will also be high. This is all to
occur without the prospective mates ever having met each other, preferably.

When a young woman is compatible with the paternal parents of a man, and a young man is
also compatible with the maternal parents of that same young woman; then you can say that
you have a potential match. When potential matches are numerous enough; there can finally
be social functions involving the young men and women themselves meeting one another.
However, the pressure of knowing someone is a potential match is dangerous and will often
put a stress on what should be a care-free natural meeting. Thus the men and women must
not be told that they are a potential match.

Because sexuality connection is such an important part of the human mating process, and also
because human’s evolutionary memory originally involved the absence of clothes, we must
realize that the natural form of the human body must be expressed in a mating ritual. From
the perspective of evolution, clothes are a relatively new phenomenon. Thus, these meeting
of the young men and women are to occur in the nude, with separation to prevent pre-mature
sexual escalation. The idea is to prevent the situation where two potential matches are
compatible in all ways except sexual, which is a deal breaker. The sexual enjoyment
connection is the glue that holds a young relationship together which then provides the
nostalgia for the relationship to continue into old age. The excuse for modern dating and
loose sexual behavior before marriage is often precisely due to this factor that how can you
know you are sexually compatible with someone before you actual have sex? The ritual at this
point of the meeting of matches will be to insure sexual compatibility in addition to mental
compatibility. This is why the meeting in the nude has to occur.

Because men are instinctually drawn to physical attraction due to the instinctual need to find a
good place to plant their seed which will grow well, thus men are attracted much at first to the
physical qualities of a woman. Thus one of the first meetings of matches will involve the
natural desire of women to display themselves. While of course some of the most backwards
and perverted forms of humanity can be found in the modern strip club, still the basic root of
the instinct is there, and you can learn much from these places. In this same way, women will
be given the opportunity to display themselves in the nude to the watching young men in
these social gatherings. Then men can be monitored and set up in such a way as to be able to
verify the important first connection of a man being visually attracted to a woman. If it is

noted that a man is visually attracted to one of his potential matches, this will be noted and
will be cause for initiating the next level in the match connection ritual.

Whether the social functions of the potential matches of young men and women be separated
into separate days which focus on the initial physical attraction; or whether there should be an
aspect of physical attraction for a woman to be noted and the men to display themselves in
such a similar yet masculine way, these things will be left to the wise men charged with ironing
out the fine details of this basic system I describe here.

Once men are verified to be attracted to the naked body of their potential match, you can
proceed to verifying other necessary connections. The mental connection, the enjoyment of
each other's company and basic compatible of their personalities could alternatively come
before establishing the physical connection, but my instinct is telling me that the male nature
necessities the need to establish the physical connection first. If we assume my instinct guides
me right, and we first went through the process of establishing the physical connection
between matches, and once we have enough potential matches we can then proceed to the
next step of establishing the mental connection. In order to prevent that particular danger of
the emotional pressure involved that occurs when two potential matches know that they are
potential matches, thus we must not reveal to the young people who is their potential match,
and thus compose these social functions with groups of them. The mental connection part will
involve discussion table in the nude, switching individuals in a calculated way in order to
ascertain when the two potential matches finally have a one to one conversation with each
other in the nude, separated by a boundary physical or otherwise to prevent pre-mature
sexual contact; you finally can ascertain when they meet if these two young people are in fact
compatible with each other's parents, compatible with physical attraction, and compatible

Once the structure of these social gatherings established by the wise men reveal the possibility
of two matches, can finally be the next step of revealing that they are indeed a match for each
other. The social gathering must be arranged to eliminate the possibility of two non-matches
forming a lasting connection based on incomplete compatibility and possibly giving them a
tunnel vision where they can not focus on any other potential mates. The discussion meetings
should be relatively quick to prevent over attachment from developing. The physical displays
of the women to the men could possibly be maskless to prevent contamination of the mental
connection part that comes later. There are a lot of factors to consider here, and obviously
something as complicated as this would be a forever work in progress that slowly gets more
and more perfected. And even if at the beginning the wise men get it hardly correct with
many mistakes, we can ease our pain in knowing that anything is better than the massive
disaster of mating ritual today.

The social functions should progress in a way toward this one final goal; which is the marriage
of the two matches, but not in the same subverted marriage ritual that our modern society is
accustomed to. This is all based on the true nature of humans developed over the time of
natural selection and instinct, and thus sexual activity was not something that occurred after a
long series of unnatural mating desire killing procedures that often destroyed a good match to
begin with neurotic developments from such an unnatural state of affairs. The marriage itself
is the act of sexual intercourse. The idea is to find the perfect match between two young
people and once everything is set up in such a way to finally remove the barrier between the
two matches which will result in the extremely private sexual ritual.
Another guiding light of this philosophy is the idea the purity of a woman sexual breeds purity
in male children of the father. And thus when a woman is touched sexually, it is forever for her
and is no small choice to decide to be the bride of that chosen man for the rest of her life.
Gone are the false dystopic assumptions that women can be with more than one man; we are
attempting to build a better society and the right of the man is to have a pure woman to
provide him with children that are purely his own. Thus also on the other hand of that
sentiment, is the built in foundation that when a man takes a woman as his wife that it is
forever and he shall never shrug her off into a life where she is impure and her man deserted
her. Thus great lengths will be gone to create this idealistic pressure in the greater

To ensure sexual connection at the point of contact is successful there are ways for us to lead
up to that sexual first contact which provides opportunity to abort the match before sexual
contact occurs. The details of this will be for the wise men but I will start the scaffold: First
something like the freedom for the man and woman match to touch hands, and then from
there build to maybe a clothed meetings, building maybe finally to a unclothed meeting after
all the arrangements of the marriage have been made to the point of launch yet somehow
monitored for the small chance of an incompatibility being discovered just before sexual
launch. Perhaps in addition to this could be discussed amongst the wisemen the observation
of these meeting by the parents of the two young people in order to observe them under
more highly sexual scenarios just before the main launch occurs until finally the launch is
engaged and the two young people are given their privacy for the permanent sexual
escalation which is the point of no return for the woman and the man will be responsible for
caring for her the rest of his days no matter if the small possibility of the sexual match failing
at that last moment. This is the danger for the woman which is inherent in the process and
why the community must be taught to respect the foreverness of marriage for a woman, and
while a man biologically is able to have more than one wife for whatever reason the first
match goes wrong or society allows for an additional wife; yet not so for the woman because
the internal nature of sex causes her body to be impure after sex and after that point can only
give birth to pure babies of that one man.

But assuming all goes well, it will result in a beautiful relationship of love and children that
lasts for the rest of their happy lives.


women respond to male social status the same way that men view physical beauty

dating restructuring in an LGBT world. requires return to evolutionary beginning of nude first
a good structure would be s social event with the parents and bachelors. bachelors
socialize with a crowd of parents of single women. bachelors socialize and see where positive
connections are made, especially with the mother, to assure a good chance of family
compatibility. bachelors will collect list of parents they are compatible with. Also the same
thing with the single females will meet with bachelor's parents at social event. Another social
event of the bachelors and the single females (nude event, but with barriers to prevent
touching) will also happen to gather list on which males and females are attracted to each
other and compatible, without letting them know before hand of any matches in parent
compatibility (there must be no pressure to be compatible) and if there is a 3 point matching
compatibility on all three social events then the next steps should be taken let down the
barrier between the two as they naturally choose each other.
Care should be taken not to let an alpha female distract a male from a potential 3 point
care should be taken to cause the male and female to naturally choose each other
before they realize they had a 3 point match. once the 3 point match is known to the male and
female it will interfere in their natural attraction due to pressure
care should be taken to indoctrinate males and females to train themselves to be
attracted to partners that look like them "genetic match", fat with fat, thin with thin...
tall/short/body type/hair... the more they look like they could be twin siblings the better.

marriage must return to being ritual to guarantee paternity. society should progress to
complete virgin girls to guarantee the purest offspring of their corresponding father. marriage
is for life for a woman physically, while marriage is for life for a man by honor.
men can have multiple wives if special situations warrant it (possibly societal reward for
public service), but women can not have multiple husbands. due to catastrophic results of
woman cheating, it can not be left to chance on the whims of a single woman and thus there
must be measure of security for a husband against this.
marriage involves the philosophy of "two become one" thus the male and female are
part of a single body and laws should be applied to them as if they were a single individual.
thus a man could technically abuse physically his wife or vice versa and there can be no law
against it. freedom of family is above all laws and family members can interfere as they see fit.

societally there should be a wife’s club and husbands club and many avenues for an abused
wife/husband to take up with these organizations to step in and reason with the
corresponding abusive party. These measures will guarantee lifelong healthy marriages and
prevent torturous "forced together" marriages


note on potential mates meeting each other’s parents and "getting along with them" this
should preferably be a higher level of getting along, and not merely just being polite, but
genuine intellectual connection and enjoyment of company. measures must be taken to assess
if this connection is indeed made with the parent and not mistaken for what really is a series
of polite uninspiring annoyances between the potential mate and the parent.

MATING RITUALS PERFECTED 4: Corruption of youth via vampire sexual metaphor

people are born with an instinct to be satisfied by one sexual partner, but the corruption
comes in somehow via the polluted culture to TURN someone into having the sexual thirst for
non-monogomous sex. they are then now vampires who when they "bite", spread it and turn
others... even into more and more non-natural forms of sexuality... could also be like
psychological STD's... it is so bad now to the point where nobody knows what the true form of
human sexuality is as all children are "bitten" before they are ever given a chance to develop
their natural sex instincts.


Are you that confident in your technology security, that you do not think you draw more
attention to yourself by putting in so much effort to hide? Maybe they countered all your
security measures already, but are happy to let you continue thinking you are hidden. Unless
you are one of the elite of the elites, then at this point in history, everyone is under full
totalitarian surveillance. You must come to terms with it. Some consider themselves to be very
skilled at remaining anonymous on computers and the internet. Any security measures you
have in place are likely not really protecting you; but rather those security measures simply
make you stand out, and gives them cause to raise you to the VERY TOP of their watch lists.

The best security measure you can hope for is to blend in with the crowd of people who do not
practice any security measures. In all honesty, it is fair to assume they have already sequenced
your DNA, and run your psychological profile through extensive automatic analysis to arrive at
the focal points of your psychology, in case they ever need to easily manipulate you. To truly

hide from the surveillance state, you would need to be unplugged from society in a special
way, to be ferried away from permanently to some dark dungeon-like corner of the world
where the last remnants of free unsurveilled humanity exist like homeless dogs who barely get
by each day.

If your goal is hide from lowly hackers and lesser government agents; then this is reasonable;
so long you accept that you are in no way whatsoever hiding from the elite powers who, like I
said, probably focus on people who attempt to hide more than anybody else. I use a virtual
private network (VPN) while on the internet for that same reason; to hide from the lowest
tiers of the surveillance system; people who can not bypass a VPN; but I do not pretend to
think that my VPN hides me from those higher surveillance powers.


ARGUMENT: Hitler's Mein Kampf was in the hands of some 500 thousand Germans.

Oh where did you get your hands on that precious bit of truth you are so confident in? From
the internet 5 years ago? From the PUBLIC LIBRARY!? GASP!! A book you read from some
NatSoc memoir published by book publishers thriving in this post WW2 Weimar Republic 2.0?
After the enemy of NatSoc won the war and collected all the power to run a totalitarian state
for the next 75 years? Like searching for a pot of gold in a toilet latrine, but my, you found it
against all odds?

You underestimate the ability for such a totalitarian state in a low tech era to fabricate realistic
backstories for all your "evidence". You actually think if they were to fabricate history that
they would not try to make it realistic in order for people like you to swallow the pill easier?

ARGUMENT: Leon Degrelle is a first person source who only died in 1994.

Yeah so was Albert Speer. You think they both were not carefully made an arrangement of?
The sad truth is that all history passed the point of living memory is now in the fog. Maybe
you could have argued your point better in the 80's, but now that time is passed and even the
80's is in the fog as modern technology allows them to mass propagate false versions of events
incrementally until they are complete false-hoods

Oh yeah, Goebbels published a newspaper in the 40s. The victors would not change it
gradually until nobody was left to remember it clearly, and then the power of the enormous
media propagation system swallowed whole anyone who tried put up resistance to the new
lie. A few individuals with good memory can not stand up to the elites of society. At the very
least you must agree that my possibility is plausible and not entirely unlikely. Have you not

ever heard the quote from napoleon? History is a set of lies agreed upon. Wake up. Is it so
hard to believe that you have been lied to?

World War 2 history is gone. Let go of it. It is midst. All you have is educated guesses. Are you
seriously going to use that guess to swallow 70% of the main narratives of history, or to
believe in the stories used most which attack Hitler's legacy? Will you believe the Nazis hated
every single Jew before they met them and desired to kill them all? Which other slanders do
you believe? Be realistic.


ARGUMENT: in 2021 there are still people alive who lived under National Socialism, and read
Mein Kampf

They would have to be 91 years old in order to be 15 in 1945. Oh yeah, a 90 year old after
being tortured with 70 years of post-war propaganda can be trusted to tell us about a book
they read when they were 12 years old. You are not smart.

ARGUMENT: But if you are right, and they somehow managed to manipulate every single copy
of Mein Kampf in existence, and somehow prevent any of the millions of people who read it
from noticing, why would not they throw in a little proof for the Holocaust?

They literally did, remember: "I gradually came to hate them"; and that is the root of much
Jew-derangement-syndrome. But against the point you meant to make: effective sub-version
is realistic and if they put too much in their favor then even morons like you might notice it.

ARGUMENT: There are no good Jews, and Jews have no right to Palestine.

Well THERE IT IS ladies and gentlemen. The true goal of all this Jew-derangement-syndrome
subversion is to support, at the end of the day, continued Muslim Arab Turkic Ottoman Hunnic
control over south eastern Europe.

Even if you hate Israel, you can at least appreciate that they are a direct hit against continuing
the 500 year Muslim occupation in the Eastern Mediterranean, and more specifically

If you are white, then who cares about Jerusalem when these brownies are running the Hagia
Sophia? I say let the Jews continue to disrupt any possible return of the Ottoman empire. But
not this anon here. He supports Palestinians, literal Arabs. Literal Muslims; Turkey’s best

friends. At least Israel is not in Constantinople. Even if Israel is a bad state, continued Turkey-
Muslim-Ottoman-Arab occupation is worse. Lesser of two evils. You know I am right.

ARGUMENT: I do not believe in Christian Identity.

No kidding. Have your Jew-derangement-syndrome version of the Nazis, and I will have mine.
Mr. Good Jew is safe with us, and if you try to change that, then your guys with guns and come
fight our guys with guns. The volk is on our side and instinctually hates you; and thus hates us
by association but that will change soon. Christianity is safe with us, and if you try to change
that, then you can come face our crusader division. You are not one of us. Jew-derangement-
syndrome is the main assault upon National Socialism and so our main assault is thus on Jew-
derangement-syndrome, and thus upon your kind.

ARGUMENT: Ghostwritten: Half of the English Mein Kampf is made up "paraphrased"

I believe that and that perfectly demonstrates my point. Not only is it paraphrased, but it is
paraphrasing a subverted German version of Mein Kampf.

ARGUMENT: a book the ZOG forces white children to read in their identity-implantation camps
they call "schools" is required reading. 1984 is garbage. Big Brother is right. GAS EMMANUEL

That is why George Orwell was killed less than 2 years after releasing 1984?
Even if you are correct, still the book demonstrates a plausible method of subverting history
and historical texts. Even subversion can be cherry picked to aid you, and you should not shy
away from that.


Vestal Virgins Reborn

We consider a girl's virginity like a candle in the wind, it must be shielded.

We consider it an ideal to be sought after, that it be unusual to find women who have sex
before marriage; and that it be commonplace to find virgin women of all types to marry.

We guard the most virgin girls by rank up until most virgin. The plan is that women will
voluntarily join, and through our council will remain pure and inside our realms of protection

We will seek honorable men to marry these girls. We will guide them through all their trials, to
help them wind up in a loving relationship with one man for life.


Mission Warpath for Women: School of Virgins & Wives Club

If these girls only understood their own worth, they would sell themselves for a lot more than
a few thousand dollars.

Women this beautiful could become world moguls of politics, as the most powerful and rich
seek to gain their favor.

But they need serious protection to achieve their peak value.

Meaning they must live in society under authority of men. Only in the case of women does
"exchange freedom for safety" actual rings true.

We can ally with women under this promise.

Have a school of virgins, given everything free.

We guide them right, away from the dangers of war propaganda, raise them into excellent
then introduce them to men who we have found honorable in ritual ceremonies and balls. A
wife’s club after marriage would give them all the social activity and "fun" their hearts could
imagine. Far from being a tortured imprisoned housewife, we would be there for them as a
mediator in case one of you morons lose their mind and treat their perfect wife terribly.

Really, they are really losing out with this whole freedom thing, we need to convince them
that life is a lot better under the thumb of a man.

Yes, girls who want to be sluts as their right would hate this, half of them, but all the others?

We could win elections under an extreme right view on women. We desperately need that

Seeing these quality women having their soul virginities destroyed in porn is severely
depressing me. And good men deserve good virgin girls. Amen.


The women of the school will all be subordinate under the head woman representative, and
we will support her power. She is to make decisions only when none of us are there, for the
women; who are to be looked after in as much as is possible by as few men as possible, if it
were possible only one, the high guard of the vestal virgins to stand guard. He is also principal
of the school.

The women are divided among two houses: the vestal virgins, and everyone else. Each house
has one woman representative report on behalf of the whole; so that they entirety of the
women could be represented with one, or three, depending on the need. Only the vestals will
have their virginity kept track of; with the girls with the highest virginity kept especially safe,
protected, in the inner core of the society.

From here, everything is about the ways we protect the virginity of the vestals; those who
voluntarily wish to keep a high level of virginity the freedom to do so. It is a delicate process,
removing a girl from the vestal virgins, if her virginity becomes violated either voluntarily or by
force. Everything is based in metaphor in degrees of seriousness around the process of a girl
losing her entire virginity, and thus not considered part of the vestals any longer. These
women are protected by a different group of men to council them on how to live with the loss.
Many of these women become guardians of the vestals, to serve and protect the society from
the outside; as many workers are needed to guard and teach these girls as they progress
through the school within their separate houses. But even the act of a woman, who has lost
her virginity to more than one man, to look upon and care for the vestals, is the same as to
decrease the virginity of a girl, for which these things are particularly kept track of according to
elaborate theories of science and mathematics. These things are constantly changing
according to the developing theories of the school. But the process of protecting these girls
from losing their virginity involves a long process of trying all available means before the final
process occurs. It is expected that if a girl chooses to leave the vestal virgins, that we will find
out about this ahead of time, and talk her through it before she makes the final decision, at
which point in ceremony she will be released from the protection of her virginity. She will be
warned in elaborate ceremony crafted by theories of highest science and mathematics.

When she finally makes the decision to be released, she will be brought to the gate in
ceremony. The lower guards of the vestal virgins will escort her

As females have contact with male teachers; if a female blossoms according to his eyes, then
he is to declare her puberty; and have her removed to a post puberty house of the school that
takes special care of girls when they blossom, and to ensure teachers are not tempted; where
their interactions with men and be guarded. This be the maximum extent, if any, male

teachers should have with females in their pre-pubescent child hood. When a woman gets put
into the post puberty group, anyone is legally allowed relations with her.

The only true currency is women. The only true weapon is the sword of the male.

If a female becomes loose in the school, breaking the rules to damage the society of vestal
virgins, like things as dressing too sexually, and seducing men. As she is identified by the male
guards, each should try to contain and reign her in. If not possible to convince her to stop, and
her sexuality becomes difficult to resist, she should be passed up the chain of command of the
guards, according to the hierarchy of the guardians of the vestal virgins, to deliver her to
places where she will be safe in the vulnerable state she is in, and chance that the wisdom of
the highest officers will be enough to turn her mind around. But if not, then she progresses
through the highest offices. For example, it is not right that we bind a woman if she desires to
remove her clothes. Thus, if as a guardian, you can not convince her out of undressing, then
you are too weak to reason with her mind and should pass her up to your commanding officer.
Until the highest office is achieved, the principal and high guard of the vestal virgins. If she
should still not be contained and brought to a better mind, then she should be left alone with
the HGVV. At this point, the departure of all the high officers, leaving her alone with the high
guard, signifies the releasing of the girl from our protection from the desires of men; and the
high guard is to be with her during the first part of this process. At this point, his marriage with
her can be consummated if he desires to take her as permanent wife. If not, he will lead her
down the hierarchy of vestal virgin guards; letting any man feel free to use the powers of his
mind to overcome, and seduce her. It is the hope of the guardians of the vestal virgins, that
any one of our members would have honor and would not take the girl unless he intended to
make her his wife. And so, her honor and virginity would hopefully not fall very far, and could
per chance save her as lightly damaged for a husband in the future willing to take her.

It will be up to the departing girl, if she wishes to have her virginity kept track of even outside
the vestal virgins. This will give her access to an alluring high society in which girls can go who
wear the damage done to their virginity on display. This will be motivation for her to keep her
virginity low and attached to our outer organizations. Women with high damage to their
virginity will be protected from psychological attack (attaching friendships to her from our

But if she decides to decline membership in this virginity society, she will be labeled according
to us as a woman outside of our society entirely and so give high caution to our men to be
careful not to fall in love with girls outside of our circles. For women as this are indeed
dangerous, and we strive to protect our men from them the same as we protect our women's


For reference, here is the list of the original 78 ideas, 78 point platform that I often refer to
from my old attempt to simplify the world for common folk in easy to digest truths.

1) I have come to rescue my people, and to free our land from tyranny.
2) Voluntary education works better than violently enforced laws.
3) Economy laws are more efficiently enforced with voluntary education.
4) The Cold War has not ended, and has been psychologically abusing the people with
5) There is a hidden secret agent war, so vast, that human trust has been destroyed and
nobody can be sure who is or who is not a secret agent.
6) Secret societies trick people into selling their free speech, only to regret it later. This is a
7) We want complete freedom of speech. There should be no crime for speech alone.
8) Psychiatric hospitals torture innocent people and take away freedom of religion.
9) Spy technology secretly takes statistics on the people in order to brainwash easier.
10) The people are controlled by giving hypnotic suggestions on their technology devices.
11) The people are also controlled by overwhelming them with secret agents playing mind
12) At times, the entire might of a government will focus on one person at a time, until the
entire nation is brainwashed.
13) Languages have been corrupted and used as a weapon to confuse the people.
14) The common folk have been trained to be unkind to each other, alienating lonely people
and creating monsters that commit atrocities.
15) Populations were grown specifically to provide legions of brainwashed common folk to
bully intellectuals.
16) They are trying to turn all men gay.
17) They are trying to make all women slutty.
18) They are trying to eliminate the father from the family.
19) Heterosexual groups are demonized by false claims of homophobia, because their strength
is feared.
20) This Cold War has destroyed all human trust in knowledge, so that we need a new school
to re-learn everything.
21) We must compete with enemy propaganda and education for the minds of the common
folk, else they might be used against us.
22) We must discourage passivity, because people are often conquered by targeting one group
at a time. Therefore we must defend each other.
23) Our current election system is not used to serve democracy, but only to prevent riots by
teasing the people with a false hope of progress.

24) Politicians must not be forced into fame to run for office, or else elections will become
puppet shows.
25) Family is an alliance of patriarch and matriarch groups.
26) Family must be allowed to rule their own family without interference.
27) Families should remain free, so long as they do not take the freedom of others.
28) Child protective services are destroying the sacred independence of the family.
29) The death penalty is an issue for each family to decide on their own.
30) Laws against plants give women power over men, and destroy the family.
31) Family nationality is determined by the home of the oldest ancestor in your patriarch or
matriarch group.
32) All land should be ruled by its native families.
33) All land must be gradually given back to native families.
34) There should be at least one road of free travel through each land.
35) Any woman forced into prostitution is a great shame upon all men.
36) Young vulnerable girls are often tricked into thinking prostitution is fun.
37) If women are being abused anywhere, except within their own family, we must rescue
38) Society is manipulated to give youth power over their elders, because elders are too
difficult to control.
39) New parents need freedom to be continuously present in the lives of their young children.
40) Marriage must return to being a ritual to guarantee paternity.
41) A father should get custody of his son, while a mother should get custody of her daughter.
42) Technology disrupts the natural instincts of common folk.
43) Technology is disrupting the sex instincts of men, to give women power over them.
44) We desire treehouse cities instead of giant concrete cities.
45) We must reconnect with nature by holding large meetings on each solstice and equinox,
and smaller meetings on the full moon.
46) Less technology means local communities will be self-sufficient and protected from fake
financial crisis.
47) Technology destroys small town culture in favor of worldwide celebrities which steal the
48) The courts are corrupt, favoring the rich.
49) Juries should have the power to convict, and also to forgive. Victims should have the
power to forgive.
50) We do not torture.
51) Prison should serve only to prevent crime, and not to punish it.
52) Police have no principals on when not to get involved, always sticking their nose where it
does not belong.
53) Legions of people are pretending to be police by flashing fake badges and terrorizing the

54) Police and secret agents are too strong to challenge directly. Instead we should infiltrate
and bring them down from the inside.
55) To protect our infiltrators, we must teach the people not to treat all police as the enemy.
56) Starving people must not be fed too much too quickly, or else they will die.
57) The common people have been starved of freedom, and we must gently transition them
back to freedom.
58) When people become free for the first time, there will be a short period of poor behavior
as they adjust to their new life.
59) A group of spiritual guides should be ready to help the common folk adjust back to
60) Food has been poisoned with chemical additives that humans have never eaten before.
61) We wish to guide the common folk to eat natural foods.
62) Biological diversity is being ended by enforced race mixing. They label diversity as
prejudice, when really it is just the opposite.
63) There are enough resources so that everyone could be rich, but financial trickery keeps the
people poor.
64) We want these resources released carefully, or else the common folk might destroy
themselves and the environment.
65) A race war is being instigated in the common people to use as a cover for inevitable
67) Their plan is to assassinate the political figurehead heroes of the left and right, in such a
way as to create a race war.
67) Communism preaches better conditions for slaves, while we preach freedom to choose
better conditions.
68) We must teach the people about false flag terrorism, so that they will not be deceived
69) The common folk are wrongly taught to ignore spiritual healing in favor of drugs and
70) Good will is diverted when corrupt charities steal donations. We should donate directly to
the needy.
71) People have been taught to harass celebrities, but we must care for all people.
72) They are planning a new Muslim holocaust modeled on the Jewish holocaust.
73) They are planning for current political figurehead hero of the left to lead the United
Nations, while his wife becomes president of the United States, to use their popularity to form
a global tyranny.
74) Nuclear bombs do not exist. They are an illusion of brainwashing, to control the people
through fear.
75) The government of Texas is very suspicious. We must find out for sure if they are good or
76) It is more satisfying to solve a difficult task than an easy one.
77) We desire a spiritual enlightenment to bring us all back to good health.

78) Caution the common folk to choose honest politicians instead of script reading puppets.


Cops must be punished for enforcing bad laws

The one thing the right and left might be able to see eye to eye on, though through different
Cops must not get away with enforcing unjust laws afterward when a law changes. Future
cops need to fear enforcing unjust laws precisely because current cops were made example of.
If you really need me to name an example of a bad law they upheld, you do not belong here;
but let us just say their sins against free speech via hate speech laws, or the right to segregate
and discriminate against degeneracy. There are many others.
I know we hate weed here, but the weed laws changing should not suddenly makes us forget
the amount of government overreach they allowed on their watch through the excuse of
hunting and crop growers.

When a law changes, the cops who enforced the old laws must become criminals. Modern
cops are domestic terrorists by last century's standards if you step back from it all and see the
bigger picture.

Just takes one generation of cops getting punished for enforcing unjust laws, and you will
secure the future from tyranny for the next hundred years; because cops enforcing bad laws is
required for tyranny to exist.

Minimum 1 year prison sentence for anyone who has been in law enforcement the last 50
years, even old retired men. It should be like how Jews still hunt down old NatSocs even today,
except based on a real holocaust upon human rights (particularly white humans) by modern
police. From the 1 year minimum you can raise the prison time according to how many lives
they have destroyed, or how much damage to or freedoms they do while enforcing bad laws.

Police themselves know they deserve it, and have a lot of self-hate for what they do for their
paycheck. A large portion of them will take it willingly once they understand how it serves
justice to punish them.

Some prosecutors are some of the most evil men our society has ever seen. They will not go
down without a fight.



COMMENT: the race mixer area is a great concept, but I believe mixed people should be
confined to big cities, and forced to assimilate into their racial components

No. We believe in freedom, albeit organized freedom. To force race mixers into ghettos, or
force them to breed one way or the other, it plays right into the false enemy narrative of white
nationalists "hating" race mixers and making cruel laws against them. It also opens the slippery
slope door for enemy infiltrators to use those laws excessively to destroy the reputation of
segregation, like what they did in South Africa.
No, our society is great precisely because real freedom has always been our theme. Especially
in the Holy Roman Empire known as popularly known as our "German Freedoms" is where
"muh freedom" culture originates. It is degenerate to make it illegal to race-mix. Freedom
comes with a degree of risk, but there are better ways to protect ourselves from things
extreme race mixing than brute force. Segregated schools are enough to ensure continued
purity of race, because children most often choose breeding partners in school. That is why
de-segregating schools is such a big issue for the anti-white agenda. Race-mixing need not be
outlawed. Why enforce with draconian laws what you could more efficiently control with
propaganda. With good education & propaganda, race-mixing will never become big enough
to be a problem. Just look how much simple propaganda has been at increasing the
transgender population. Taking the bait of setting race-mixing laws is a trap set by anti-white
enemies, as happened with South Africa.

To make an open enemy of the whole of race-mixers, is an uphill inefficient battle. Far better
to make peace with them and give them mixed race land on the borders of white homelands,
to also act as a buffer states between other racial homelands. It gives race-mixers a place to
go rather than feeling backed into a corner and thus adding to the ranks of our enemy.

It also makes sense race mixing between the different white races. Germans rule Germany and
French rule France, but if a German and a French mix, then they go to the border region
between. Sometimes race mixers of the same kind rise to such a population that they form
powerful hybrid entities in them: like the Slav/Russians, or the French/German/Italian/Celtic in
central Europe that are of particular importance to European affairs.

During the time of Atilla's invasion of Europe, it forced white peoples to come together,
especially Germans and Romans. Race mixing happens. You need a sensible plan for it that
does not involve making enemies out of giant groups of people.


COMMENT: force race mixers to assimilate into their racial components if they wish to live
outside, so if they are half or more white, they become white, and if they are half or more
nonwhite, they become that nonwhite race.

Yes, IF THEY WISH TO LIVE OUTSIDE. If not, then let them live in peace however they want in
their race mixed region.
Certainly there will be visitors and freedom for people to host guests, with the guiding light of
policies like segregated schooling to ensure the pure populations do not die out.
What you really mean is IF THEY WISH TO PARTICIPATE IN THE GOVERNMENT of racially pure
lands, then yes they must be re-purified first.

Some definitions are necessary for productive discussion of racial re-purification in a corrupted
RACE: Your true identity coming from your same sex parent, can never be mixed. A German
father and Negro mother give birth to German sons and Negro daughters.
ETHNICITY: Is the "look" someone has. Some ethnicities are more potent (black) than others

"Race-mixing" is more accurately ethnicity-mixing. So-called races like Russian, German,

French, are more accurately a sub-ethnicity of the white ethnicity. Race comes into play in
long lines from father to son or mother to daughter; known as Patrilineal or Matrilineal
groups. In biology, it is known as the Y-chromosome for men and mitochondrial DNA for
Through history, Patrilineal and Matrilineal races have existed, and as they mixed and lost
track of their "race", they developed into ethnicities, which in English is often translated as a

If you are the son of a German father and Negro mother, then your race is German and your
route to re-purification will be with German women for successive generations until your
German ethnicity returns. Mixed-race regions are also desirable because it encourages mixed-
ethnicity racial Germans to breed with each other as a first step. There could even be a
system of rewarding race mixers for a heroic action with access to white women to help re-
purify their race if they so desire to re-purify.

Once your ethnicity has returned to the point you are not recognizable as mixed, then you are
considered purified and able to participate in your pure racial government.
Patrilineal/Matrilineal descent awareness has been a theme of humanity, and even old
Germany had laws stating citizenship extends from father to son.

COMMENT: Race re-purification is not allowed.

This is idiotic thinking. Patrilineal and matrilineal ancestry is sacred. You do not disown your
patrilineal descent children because they are race-mixed. Race-mixers run the border regions,
but if they breed back into their race then this is reasonable.


Even National Socialists, such as myself; should support Israel because they are literally our
weapon against global Islam world sharia order. pic related.

ARGUMENT: Everyone prefers Muslims over Jews
not when Muslims control 95% of middle east/central-Asia/north-Africa.

this is my biggest problem with Jew-derangement syndrome retards. how can you be against
Israel, at this point in time; with pic related in the map here: >>269446

I CAN NOT STAND IT THAT TURK-ARAB MUSLIMS are in Constantinople. Of all places. I am not
Jew-lover by any rate, especially not the anti-Nazi leftist Jew-types; but still I have enough
common sense to know that Islam is a bigger enemy.

ARGUMENT: (quotes from Adolf Hitler as supporting Palestine)

From a quick internet search, that quote is sourced to Mein Kampf. Mein Kampf is the most
highly tampered with book ever.

I do not believe Uncle Adolf took any stand against Jews more than to identify a statistical
significance of their racial traits to make them more likely to be criminals. Truly good Jews
exist who have overcome their nature to be criminals, just like blacks exist who have
overcome their nature to be stupid. this is the whole lie based on a grain of truth that was
spun to make Nazism out as it is today in leftist media.

but aside from that. there exists a lot of theories an evidence that Adolf supported a Hebrew
state in Canaan. Like the Transfer Agreement. The opinions of Adolf Hitler are highly valuable;

but in my opinion we have reached a point in time where it is very difficult to separate fact
from reputation slandering.

with all that said; it would seem to me like you have a slight case of Jew-derangement
syndrome. blinding you to the fact the Muslims are performing force feed Islam on all the light
green areas of that previous map.

No doubt Jewish organized crime is performing all kinds of bad deeds; maybe even at greater
degree than other races; but that does not mean we group all the bad Jews with the good
Jews together

The best thing we can hope for is the continued resistance of the state of Israel against the 500
year occupation of non-Arab lands by the Arab Muslim caliphates and conglomerates.

ARGUMENT: The Transfer Agreement is technically in favor of a locked down police state in

looking at the transfer agreement again is a little tedious for me at the moment; but in the end
I imagine even if you are right about it; still I will contend that Hitler and the NatSocs were not
a lot nicer to Jews than people think, to the point of it being very reasonable to support Israel
in their fight against the enormous beast of a 500 year long victor of Islam in the middle east.
the common man who thinks he is a Jew deserves to follow their personal truth. not all Jews
are bad and the first step to defeating bad Jews is to divide them by supporting good Jews
against them that also hate bad Jews. otherwise you are committing the novice error of
uniting your enemy into a difficult to defeat whole. and I really do not believe average joe
blow good Jew is an enemy. NatSocs are truly accepting of the diversity of all different racial
groups. what a shame that their reputation gets slandered to say otherwise. WW2 history is
on the level of Greek legend mythology at this point; to talk with absolute certainty about any
event is a child's error.

ARGUMENT: just let me know which group of Jews are the "good Jews."

I CAN NOT BELIEVE how I am a proponent of the idea that Jews may be more likely to exhibit
immoral behavior more than any other race, statistically as a racial characteristic; and yet
because I am firm that good Jews exist, I am constantly boxed into the corner of endlessly

I feel like a darn lawyer for the Jews; but I guess it is necessary when I am obligated to defend
my people from being weakened through Jew-derangement syndrome causing strategic
miscalculation in regard to bad Muslim expansion.

Good Jews? Well, this involves a deep dive into the JQ; but let us do it. Let us work our way up
from the easiest case. A man with a single distant Jewish ancestor, but not on his patrilineal
line of fathers.

An example of this would be Hitler's driver: Emil Maurice. Assuming a person such as this lives
a moral lifestyle both inwardly and outwardly; is this a good Jew?

What about if your brother had a son with a Jewish woman? Does your patrilineal nephew
inherit the inability to be good? If it is the case that both these partial Jew types can be good;
then let us move on to the full Jew; both mother and father.

ARGUMENT: Remind me which Jews are good again. The religious ones who suck baby penis?

The religion/ethnicity is not fully unified. There are religious Jews, who have different customs
which do not involve that procedure when performing their ritual mutilation. But on a serious
note, I think the penis sucking circumcision technique is an extreme fringe element situation
most assuredly not practiced by the majority of circumcisers; but if you come at me with some
kind of evidence that it is a majority; then I will simply refer to the minority that could be good

ARGUMENT: Remind me which Jews are good again. the ones stealing other people's land?

What, Palestine? Are you serious? They are an invasion force against Arab Muslims who have
stole and controlled it for 500 years and used it as a religious base of operations expand force
feed type bad Islam upon the world. When the islamist horde to finally cut down to size, then
we can rightly talk about who that land belongs to… in my opinion it is native to the Egyptians;
but that is another story.

ARGUMENT: Remind me which Jews are good again. the Jews blackmailing the world?

Again. Every day average joe Jew; I have met many who are not taking part in Jewish organized
crime. How about the example of Isaac Kappy who got suicided after he released a video
exposing elite pedophile circles? and before you say "but muh controlled opposition psyop",
okay maybe, but I am sure there are a lot of examples like that of Jews doing something good;
is every single good deed a Jew has ever done been a psyop?

I believe the furthest right you can go on the JQ, without having Jew derangement syndrome,
is to recognize a racial characteristic tendency of Jews similar to a pit bull to savage bite; there
are pitbulls born who are very gentle as a rule of the source of mutational genetic variation,
and would be possible to breed out that characteristic specifically to create a gentle pitbull
breed in the same way that pitbulls were original selectively bred to create their statistically

savage nature. do you deny even the possibility for a Jew to have received a genetic variation
which causes them to be extremely good? and this is the extreme case, surely AT WORST the
percentage of good to bad Jews is 25-75; which if you take an assumed 15 million world Jewish
population, that means there are over 3 million good Jews. but honestly, I would guess that
the statistical stereotype results in difference much more minor; for example whites might be
10% bad, while Jews 25%. whites 10% dumb while blacks 25% dumb. 75% is a gross
exaggeration IMO, but I mention it as a worst case assumption for the sake of debating with

if you want to bring religion into; I can definitely go there; but to label me as some kind of
extreme Jew supporter just because I defend Jews against Jew-derangement syndrome is a
gross exaggeration. I am truly in the middle of the spectrum here; but my constant defending
of Jews makes me falsely appear like I am on the far left.

In my opinion, Palestinian / Arab / Islamic center of power is most responsible for co-opting
Nazism post ww2 to push the Jew derangement syndrome psyop on average joe Nazi, for
obvious reasons… Israel is a thorn in their side directly preventing Islamic force feed expansion
and their desire for global sharia law

ARGUMENT: how much does Israel pay you to sit here and poorly defend the fake Jewish

How much does Palestine pay you to sit here and defend the invader Muslim states? You
neglect to respond with reasoning or logic and resort to insults. This is a sign to anyone
reading our dialogue that you are wrong. have a conversation if you have a truth to tell.

ARGUMENT: Palestine existed before Israel with sourceable roots, not merely religious texts.

The name Palestine for the region comes from the term Philistine; the arch rival of Israel. and
the Philistines inhabited the land of modern day Gaza.

Before the patriarch of Israel, Abraham, moved to Canaan from Babylon (the true native origin
of Jews) that land was always controlled by Egypt; who I say have the most right to Canaan
"tracing their lineage" there.

Around year 100 or so, Emperor Hadrian subdued a Jewish revolt, and his anger with the Jews
was so much that he banished them, put a statue of Jupiter and himself in the most holy place
of their temple, such that Jews would never again return to the area until modern times.–

And on top of all that he renamed the province from Judea to Palestine; which was an insult to
the Jews because he chose that name for the exact reason that it was the contemporary name
of the greatest Jewish enemy in their history, their arch rival "The Philistines".

That is the origin of the name Palestine. I actually went through a lot of painful study before I
came upon that whole sequence of connections.

I am not taking the side of Israel or Palestine. I am just recognizing that Israel is a strategic
positive against the currently greater enemy of Islamic states in the middle east

once the evil form of Islam is contained to the Arabian peninsula where it belongs; I will then
proceed to admonish the Jews in Israel that their true homeland is in Babylon, the birthplace
of Abraham. Jews are Mesopotamian. There is a reason why Cyrus deported them all to

can I really be declared anything more than a temporary supporter of Israel?

ARGUMENT: What Islamic groups are you referring to

Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine, Gaza, Libya, Algeria,
Albania, Azerbaijan, Kosovo

all those places are either literal Islamic governed states, or else indirectly Islamic
governments with 90% Muslim due to force fed Muslim policies.

and that is only mentioning the MOST Islamized ones. others in the light green are also highly
Islamic in a similar way.


and I also did not mention the Islamic government states in the Arabian peninsula, only
because I know there are good Muslims too; and Arabia is rightfully theirs to run however they
want with their Arab mythology; I have no problem with them there.

ARGUMENT: Before the creation of the Jewish State where were the Islamic terrorist attacks in
America and Europe?

Do you not consider every attack ever from the Ottoman empire to be an Islamic attack? all
the way up to World War 1 which was the first step in getting Islam domination off Europe's
doorstep. shoving a Jewish stake straight through the center of their territory. then isolate Iran

and Pakistan by plowing up Iraq and Afghanistan; and now the Islam world order is crumbling.
Pakistan is up next. How you going to turn a bunch of Hindu Indians into a bunch of Islamic
freaks. Then Iran will be the last pillar standing, and the traditional Persian Mesopotamian
cultures can finally return to their rightful place; but you want to talk about removing the
Israeli sword from their heart, at this moment… when we have come so far?

make no mistake; war and historical framing for the common people is a war game just as
much as any other. the Arabized Islamic Turks had their hands deep into Germany and so I am
certain Germany was calculated as a necessary controlled opposition during World War 1,
whilst they were TECHNICALLY allied with the ottomans.

ARGUMENT: the hagia Sofia was conquered in the 1400s. That is insignificant.

What is your time frame? every day the hagia Sophia is a mosque is the equivalent of a daily
terrorist attack on the white racial legacy.

just because it is been over 500 years, does not make it any more correct.

Think about it. The ottomans and their heir of Turkey, is like the equivalent of Whites going
into Japan and establishing a religious Christian state called "White-Land". Is this not one of
the biggest insults ever to the white race? The Bosporus straight is the UNDISPUTED HEART OF
THE WHITE RACE since pre-ancient times. And if you go there all you say is Arab looking or
Mongol looking people spreading their Islam out like butter on bread… and you are more
worried about Israel which spends all their waking energy keeping their sword stuck deep in
expansionist Islam’s LITERAL EXACT CENTER of the entire Muslim sphere of influence.?

I will give it to you. After Islam falls back into the Arabian peninsula where it belongs; we might
have a problem with expansionist Israel based Jews; but that is a problem for another day.

the western white world has been at war with expansionist Islamic Arab Mongol Turkic
Kazazian shove it down your throat Islamic proxy states ever since Muhammad died and some
twisted Arabs seized on his legacy to imitate all the worst parts of subverted Christianity, and
successfully did do. whites sacrificed much in the short term in Europe and Anatolia for the
sake of building up the west and the Americas; and now the time has come for those short
term sacrifices to result in the long term advantages that we now have.

but you want to take our Israel claws off their Islamic throat NOWWWWW??? 300 years of
hard work to beat back this plague of subverted Islam that can turn peaceful Buddhist Hindu
uppity relaxed people like INDIANS into absolute atrocities against humanity in the forms of
Islamic extremism that take place in Pakistan… you want to remove Israeli axe gushing blood
out of their Islamic chest to give them respite at this time? when we are soo soo sooo closeee,

just because an army of crypto Muslim Palestinian Islamic supremacist have been dedicating
all their energy toward turning white man against this most painful Israel wound through
endlessly supporting Jew derangement syndrome. it is so so so obvious that Palestinians have
EVERY reason to support Jew derangement syndrome wherever they can. but like I said, I am
in the middle I am not Moishe here with my Israeli flag, not even close, but dammit go Israel
seeing Palestinians whine about "muh Jewish settlements" YOU DONT BELONG THERE TO
BEGIN; they label every damn thing here and there as the "3rd, 5th, , 8th, 15th most holiest
place in Islam; CLOSE YOUR MOUTH, mecca and medina are your holy places THAT IS FREAKIN
IT. MAN I wish right now I still was a vulgar cursing type I would have so many f words to add
here, but I will not do it.-

I hope no extremist Muslim Palestinians read this and want to kill me. honestly I want Islam
and Arabs to live peacefully and independent in Arabia; you all are just confused about the
history of your people, most of them.

ARGUMENT: Israel openly admitted to support various muslim extremist groups in the middle
east, like Al-Qaeda and ISIS

I am not a super expert on all the different play by plays with the recent events with ISIS and
all the other al-XYZ groups. but I know the general trends and bigger picture of history. if you
zoom in too much on specific events all that war fog proxy / controlled oppositions / public
opinion tango / tit for tat / shuffling / pump fake / diversions …etc. etc., I mean you need to be
plugged into high level classified military intelligence to even have a chance of knowing exactly
what is what with all the details; it is the bigger picture and larger trends that average joes like
us have any chance of accurately pinning down. but I am sure if we knew all the dirty detail of
every single secret mission, it would fall in line with the bigger picture I am trying to paint

there are a million and one reasons to explain away any microcosm specific headline or event
to one interpretation or the other. so some Israeli official said they supplied some Muslim
terrorist groups? okay, here is a quick possibility; maybe that headline was calculated to help
deal a blow to the credibility of those organizations amongst their Islam supremacist
brethren? and I was not even trying that hard, it could get so much more complex than that;
do not waste your time on microcosms; that is a black hole. focus on the bigger picture.

>Yes. You steal people's land, treat their people like garbage, and they attack.

look at these maps again! who stole who's land first? the world was a reasonably stable place
until post Muhammad Islam stole everyone's land.

ARGUMENT: Why support Israel if they are not truly genetically connected to the ancient Jews
of the past. They are fake Jews

I honestly would not be surprised a giant mass of secret agents were created (fake Jews) in
order to bolster that pretense of an excuse for a militarized invasion of Canaan. you need a
good propaganda excuse for any military thing nowadays or else the Islamic world order could
just relentlessly hit "muh poor Arab" in the propaganda war to turn common whites against
the war. with the Israel homeland thing, they can run that game so easily.

how crazy would it be if the secret agent war was that deep so that half the Israel population a
generationally committed CIA or Jesuit secret agents trust pretending to be Jews for literally
generations! hah! I heard the Jesuits were known to get dirty like that. I wonder…

I am definitely with you though; I think any real genetic connection to true ethnic Jews is long
gone; but hey, who am I to tell someone that they are not who their heart tells them they are?
the beauty of national socialism is that everybody goes to where they believe their native land
is, and then everybody works it out for themselves separately. I am about to battle it up in
Germany is I ever get; that is my right; nobody going to tell me I am not German. I try to put
myself in other people's shoes like that.

but there is definitely a sub-race of something that seems to have descended from the
Khazarians, that intermixed with whites to eventually become the Ashkenazi genetic collective
in eastern Europe which likes to believe they are someone how the tribe of Judah, a patrilineal
tribe, even whilst they are a matrilineal group. kind of confusing that they do not see it clearly
like that. there a definitely a lot of fake Jews in the mix for sure.


What is wrong with Iran? - The Last Pillar upholding the remnant of expansionist Islam

Iran is fine, but it should not be an Islamic state government by force as it is now. Saudi Arabia
okay, but not Persia. That is really the big problem with Iran. Ethnic Arab Shia need to return
to Yemen (Shia were originally based in Yemen right?) and work stuff out with the Sunni, not
create a base of operations in Iran and subvert force feed Islam to a people who are more
inclined to Zoroastrian religion and secular government. It has taken a thousand years to get
expansionist Islam to this point of almost being back in the bottle. Everybody is fed up with it,
even moderate Muslims will agree, and Iran is the last major fortress holding up this whole
house of cards. Islamic government in the Arabian peninsula is the most anybody should
tolerate now.

Hitler was known to be friendly with Iran, but that was before it forced its common people
into Islam. Big difference. Forcing Islam involves propaganda tactics to psychologically box the
people into it, unnaturally, and will fall apart as soon as that pressure is removed.

Islam has a lot of negative culture (remove kebab) associated with it that Saudi Arabia is doing
a good job of reigning in. But darn it all if you think half the Islamic commoner horde is not
still hung up on ideas like creeping into Spain and forming another Islamic version of the
roman empire based on a Turkey sultanate.

Republican USA leaders put Iran on warning for good reason. They must drop the Islamic force
feeding and just be Persia again. Go to Arabia if you want to be a Muslim fanatic. End of
story. Once Iran's Islamist government fails, the Islamic culture monopoly in Indonesia will be
disconnected and fall shortly after. After that, Islam in the Africa will not be able to stand
alone, leading to the final cap of a 1300 year Islamic cultural disturbance of the world balance,
leaving the Islamic nucleus in Arabia where it belongs to pacify any leftover Islamic war
tendencies, where I predict the Arabs will eventually figure out amongst themselves that
Muhammad was just a spiritual Arab politician significant to THEIR race alone, and will finally
stop trying to copycat the development of Christianity out of jealousy.

There is NO WAY the Islamic version of Iran is getting out of the cross hairs at this point.
Everyone, even China, is fed up with Islam; and we have worked far too long to get here.



ARGUMENT: Modern Jews are not related to the ancient Hebrew or Israelite peoples. These
people are a nation in their imaginations.

I am happy to get into the deeper policy of national socialism world structure. people are
whatever they claim to be. Even outside of Jewry, who are you to tell someone that their
family tradition is wrong? That is a slippery slope, it will not work. You must allow room for

if some negros really believe they are Swedish, then let them come to Sweden battle it out
with the swedes. national socialist debate will prevail, and conflicts will be settled most
efficiently this way as time goes on. Brute enforcement of some random person in power’s
opinion will never work. The national socialist system is what works.

if two peoples claim nativity to the same land, then conflict will be isolated to that land, and
let them battle it out like you would stay out of any other family feud that is not your place to
get involved in. unless you want to take a side from the view of violating national socialist law.
thus national socialism steps toward shrinking and containing conflicts by instituting a code of

ARGUMENT: but Palestinians are related to Hebrew/Israelite peoples.

Palestinians are so obviously Arabs. They are native to the Arabian peninsula. But if some of
them want to claim that Ishmael decent from Abraham, then they can join the Jews in a family
conflict over the land in southern Iraq/Babylon where Abraham was native to, and battle it out
there. these "Hebrews" are Sumerians from Babylon. Israel is just a stepping stone; just like
France is a stepping stone to French origins in Anatolia (aka Paris & Helena). Ishmael claiming
Arabs do not descend from Israel, and so have less of claim to that Israel land temporary
stepping stone. Canaan itself was always in the Egyptian sphere except for like 200 years
amidst the middle east chaos in first millennium bc.


First: research positive Christianity developed by the German national socialists. not all
Christians are the same. not all Christians believe Christ was Jewish. not all Christians believe
that one particular bible compilation is the end all be all of Christian doctrine. national
socialism is an ally of Christianity and a gentle un-subverter of what became a widespread Jew
emphasized version of Christianity after the martin Luther old testament translation was
released. the Catholics were right about one thing: common volk are not equipped to
understand the complex subject of dogma and wise spread release scripture in the common
tongue was a mistake that left Christianity open to being subverted into what much of it is
today. but to declare war on Christianity is racial suicide.
embrace freedom of religion.



ARGUMENT: Turks are not native to the areas such as Uzbekistan Also, Kyrgyzstan is a white
land that is currently run by Mongoloids.

My study on Turkish roots is not heavy, but not light. You have to convince me. Who do you
think is Native to East Caspian? Turks have a lot of ancient history there and a Turkic language
map shows them concentrated in this area. To my knowledge, they are Western Mongols. But

you seem certain, so tell me what you know. Something about people desert people near the
Aral sea?

A historical time map video of Asia will show evidence of a dividing line between the white and
Asian races starting at the East Caspian coast, then north at the Sayan Mountains which is
equally as significant of a natural boundary as the Ural mountains.

Turkey in Anatolia is unnatural. It would be just as unnatural if Turkey were in, let us say,
Japan. It would make no sense and anywhere else those Japanese fled to would also displace
native populations to other places to displace even more native populations, until by chain
reaction Turkey in Anatolia is the root cause of more than half the world's problems.

Turkey in Anatolia must be stopped, and whites have been trying to stop them ever since they
arrived there, albeit unsuccessfully until World War 1.

Tokyo is the heart of the Japanese race.

Constantinople is the heart of the white race.
Turkmenistan is the heart of the Turkic race. See the problem here?

To Turks who demand Turkey be left alone, that would be like asking Japanese not to leave
you alone after making Tokyo the capital of a Turkic empire.

Yet, you can not have a discussion of Turkey without Turk supporter saying "but we are mixed
race, not just Turk; only culturally Turkic. So we belong there." If that were really true, then it
should not be named Turkey. If it is true to any extent, then these "mixed race so-called Turks"
should suffer the consequences of race mixing and retire from central racial homelands like
Anatolia and banish themselves to mixed race border regions like north western Kazakhstan or

Everyone knows by instinct that all land should be governed by the people/nationality native
to that same land. Turks with more racial purity should be the first ones admonish their own in
Turkey, because they are giving the Turkic people a bad name. If Germans made an empire in
Japan while Germany was left undeveloped, then I would be the first one there saying, "Why
are we wasting our resources here while our homeland is growing weeds?" Racially purer
Turks, I ask you to do your duty against these half-brothers of yours in Anatolia.


ARGUMENT: Magyars came from a region with a similar climate to Hungary.

Where? Central Asia? Then that is where they belong.

ARGUMENT: The Hungarians are pretty much fine staying where they are. They are relatively

If they are white and not Hunnic like they claim, then they can stay, but I am not dealing with a
state named Hungary. Would Japan tolerate a state named "New Europe" in their territory? In
the Hungarian capital there is a statue of giant statue of Arpad, descendent of Attila the Hun,
on prominent display on central government grounds; and he is considered the father of their
country. What is really going on here. Something is off. I am not dealing with a country that
has a statues of a descendent of Attila and calls him the father of their country. What of the
Slavs that were native to that region before Attila arrived? There must be a reckoning.

When it comes to legitimately white Hungarians, I am not trying to make enemies of them, but
at some point they need to do the same as the Ukrainians and shrug off the Turkic subverted
cultural state that has been pulled over them.

Hungarians, do not be offended; I am not anti-Hungarian, but rather anti-Hungarian in their

current location because of the idea that "All land should be ruled by its native families." Do
you deny that Hungarian culture is a descendent of Atilla the Hun? Connected through the
Avar Khaganate, then separated from Bulgaria.

If memory serves me right, is not the "Hungarai" and "Bulgari" tribes descendent of one of the
tens sons born to the she-wolf in the foundational Turkic Origin myth?

Hungary via Bulgaria has their historical fingerprints all over the Ukraine conflict. Attila the
Hun's empire was originally founded exactly where Ukraine is. Bulgaria itself was also originally
settled there. Even Volga Bulgaria is evidence of the true origin of Hungary being in Central

ARGUMENT: we Hungarians have survived against all odds for more than a thousand years

Yeah. The Ottoman Turks say a similar thing in Anatolia. It does not change the fact the
BEFORE that thousand years, that land was white ethnic European culture homeland for Ten
Thousand years.

ARGUMENT: the only ethnicity we should get rid of is the gypsy; either back to India or you
mutts can have them for all I care. Hungarians are a mixed race culture.

I know Hungarians claim to be white, and a lot of them indeed do look very white, but to that I
would say to the Hungarians:
1) Are you a Turkic or Hunnic Hungarian? then you do not belong in the Carpathian Basin.
2) Are you an ethnic-white-European Hungarian? then get your head on straight and be loyal
to your own race and not a Turk subverted racial creation.
3) Are you an unrecognizable race mixture of the two? then congratulations, race mixers go to
the border regions, get off of European central racial homelands.

I get it that Hungarians have an attachment to the history and culture they have developed
over the last 1000 years; I am not trying to disrespect that. But the origins of that culture are
hunnic/Mongolian/Turkic/Asiatic. If you truly feel blood related to those original founders,
then why not reconnect with the ancient origins of your fathers in central Asia?
Or if you feel completely European ethnically then why not view those founders as a type of
adoptive parent that you honor yet still recognize their origin in central Asia. Adoptive parents
can be honored without renouncing your biological parents who love you and miss you even
through the chaos of history that originally took you away.

ARGUMENT: have you really missed the headbutting Russia and Turkey have been doing? both
are the second strongest countries of their respective military alliances (NATO v SCO). would
you prefer a full all-out war between the leaders, i.e. USA and China?

No, I do not want war. I do not hate Hungarians, Turks, or Bulgars, or Cossacks. But the larger
idea is that the only way to put an end to the greater conflict is to follow a code of ethics that
says native races belong in their ancestral homelands. That is the guiding light of

Imagine if white Europeans built a state in Japan, married into Japanese families and over time
looked very Japanese, or even assimilating so much that the people could be considered pure
Japanese with a drop of European, yet they still called their country something like Europe-
Land and practiced very European-related traditions, and then after 1000 years could you say
this state belongs there in Japan? How is that any different from Hungary or Bulgaria?


I get it that after 1000 years, it would be difficult to just close it all up suddenly, which is why
the transitional state in South eastern Ukraine, in what used to be Old Great Bulgaria, is a
perfect first step for those who feel very strongly about their Hungarian heritage, since that
heritage is directly connected to Old Great Bulgaria.

I am not trying to just throw insults, but want to discuss it. If I am wrong about something tell
me; I try to update my ideas with new information, but I also hope you can do the same. The
purpose is not to win the debate, but to get closer to the truth and the best solutions.


ARGUMENT: You want me to be loyal to my race? But race is an American concept. We do not
play by that stuff here.

What? You do not believe in the importance of extended family and thus race? An American
concept? Is this what the average Hungarian believes? That they have no race or that it is all
just mixed into oblivion and not important? blasphemy.
You can not even recognize race at the extremes of African, white, and Asian? You do not
believe in those people unifying as greater collectives that care for each other and create
culture? I get the feeling you are an atheist too.

ARGUMENT: You want land to be ruled by its native families, but how long are you willing to
go back in history? you can not bring back homo neanderthalis

Notwithstanding the false premise of archeology in a dystopic society. Beyond Neanderthals

and other foggy evolution theories; at least 30 thousand years ago up until 1500 BC, Racial
homelands were established and constant.

Racial Nationalism is the study of racial homelands at that time, until crucial events like the Fall
of Troy upset the world order like a first domino to create our modern era.
A history map video timeline is a good place to start in studying racial homelands. My study
tells me that Hungary is right smack in the middle of where Slavs have always been, even 30
thousand years ago. Or if you want to bring population increase into it, then it was a gradual
process that solidified as the populations grew.


ARGUMENT: Actually, I do deny that Hungarian culture is a descendent of Atilla the Hun. we
have nothing in common except a few shared names and live in the same area.

You are extremely downplaying it. the connection is far more serious than that. Doesn't
Hungary have lot of statues in their cities of the original founding heroes of Hungarian culture
that are recognized blood descendants of Atilla?

Emphasis on “culture” rather than blood, I made that mistake before I knew Hungarians
believe firmly in their whiteness. But culturally, it is as if Turkey said it hardly any connection
to the Turkic race (which they actually do say at times). Just the name of the country as a
starting point. Can you at least agree that the name of the country should be changed? Or
enlighten me; what exactly is the typical Hungarian’s views on their connection to Asiatic Turks
and Huns and Bulgarians? I thought it might have been an adoptive reverence thing, but you
did not like that.

ARGUMENT: our history is unique. so is our language. sure, some claim we are either Turkic or
Baltic because the three languages happen to all be agglutinative, but the similarity ends
there. They are just too pozzed to come out and admit that Hungarian is a language isolate.

Are you saying Hungary is just an independent stand-alone people, not Slavic, not Turkic, not
anything? I guess you said it yourself, you do not play by that racial identity stuff there?
But you do value Hungarian racial identity, so according to you, how far back do you go, if not
1500 BC, until racial identity is not important to you? I know you are going to say racial identity
and homeland is important only up until exactly how long Hungary has been around, right?

ARGUMENT: our relationship with Turks is actually a very painful one, since the Ottoman
empire has occupied half of our territory for 150 years, only to be then conquered by the

Not just 150 years, but ever since Atilla, that area has been a back and forth chaos between
white Europeans and Asiatic mongoloids. Can we agree on that? Can you accept that at least in
the past of history, racial groups have battled with each other and the Turkic Hunnic groups
decided a strategy against establishing a straight up Turkic Mongol state because it caused
resistance, so they created these half and half states like Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, that allow
them to maintain a degree of control against white nationalist elements without throwing it in
their face.

Hungary & Bulgaria are a long term power play for Turkic invaders to keep their foot in the
door of Europe. I am giving you my interpretation here of history. Where am I wrong?

ARGUMENT: Hungarians are a mixed race culture. Look up our genetic data. We are no
different from the Serbs, Slovaks, Austrians

That is why I said mixed race CULTURE. I get it, Hungarians claim to be white, okay okay. But
Serbs, Slovaks, Austrians at least are not mixed race cultures. They are white-European
traditions and do not have statues of Attila the Hun’s children in their city central squares.
Again, if Hungarians are truly white then they should be loyal to their race. Do you like what
Atilla did?


ARGUMENT: Okay, that land was white ethnic European culture homeland for Ten Thousand
years. But then Rome got infected by feminism and fell. the same thing that is happening to
the USA right now.

What point are you even making? Rome, USA, Soviet Russia; all examples of successful
wartime subversion. Any people are vulnerable to it. We fight against it. The only thing that
makes any sense of the whole mess after you clean it up is racial homelands. It is the only
guiding principal, like a natural law, and without it the world would be in chaos, and it is.

ARGUMENT: ending wars is against human nature. It is against nature period.

What? Have you not a young idealist bone left in your body? Humanity is capable of great
achievements and peace is definitely a possibility. How can I argue with you, if this is your
bleak outlook on life; and you do not want to try to solve any problems because you do not
believe they can be solved. Blasphemy.


ARGUMENT: The greater solution is to return to and repair a Constitutional Republic such at
the USA at its founding; then “we the people” will be empowered to fix things.

so long as we have "votes" on process; the enemies of our people will succeed in distracting
and polluting the minds of the voters and thus win their "central bank" and other ways they
subverted USA institutions.

You desire to return to a flawed system. You want to rebalance the ball on the pencil; and
each time it falls off, via terrible war and terrible subversion and degeneracy, to help re-
educate the subverted public minds; and then do it all over again and again.

The people are too hopelessly subverted. They will not "WE THE PEOPLE" anything. They play
video games and watch cat videos. You have too much faith in the broad masses. They need
guidance. We need our great leader. A great emperor of great power

ARGUMENT: I do not think the US Constitution, as an idea, was flawed in any way.

The collapse of our society, which the constitution was unable to prevent; is not a flaw?

ARGUMENT: for the most part our Constitution gave our nation independence, strength and a
lot of wealth over many generations

yes, it balanced the beach ball on the pencil; that does not mean the pencil is the best place to
balance a beach ball.

ARGUMENT: It is the usury of the central banking system that corrupted the economy, our
politics and our foreign policies.

the central banking which was only made possible because people gamed the flawed
constitution through its dependence on mass voting.




Let us assume you are in my tribe. I would tell you that Anarchism contradicts itself because
anarchy itself is a social system. A social system is just another word for government. Do not
let the bad guys get you highly focused on words to distract you because LANGUAGES HAVE

So how does an anarchist enforce a lack of government? If a few people want to set up a little
social order for themselves, is that to be considered government and dismantled? How big
does it have to get before you decide it qualifies as a government and thus enforce anarchy
upon it? Even if you had a set rule about that, or a set group of people responsible for
enforcing anarchy, then you would be off in the realm of having a government, which
contradicts the idea of anarchy.

Thus, anarchy is not possible. It is simply the primordial state of mankind, yet like trying to
find the smallest particle in the universe, is not possible, because you can always find a smaller
particle. Even the human body itself, the greatest model for the perfect _social system, is only
possible because there is a built in order/government which allows it to function. Being an
anarchist is like wanting to return to single celled organisms.

National Socialism, religion aside, is the one idea of humanity that can save us all and make
mankind truly free. You seem to have got that confused with Anarchism.

Now this is the part where you give me your particular version of anarchism so that I can
deconstruct that as well.


Safe guarding identity with mask. Is not supposed to be an energy draining vigil, but a care free
task. If someone doxes me, then we can do 15 fake false doxes to cast doubt.

Constant decoy exercises can be done by passing the mask around, so that there will be no
fear of removing my mask in private. The only purpose is to shield me from massive fame
among the public; not obsession with guarding myself from people suddenly grabbing to
remover my mask, or extreme vigilance for not removing mask.

End goal of identity concealing is achieving middle of the road identity: Middle Between the
lowest rank and file masses, and the highest elite authorities in our party: A middle between
the lowest people never doxed and under no suspicion of possibly being the Fuhrer, and the
highest of people most doxed and most suspected of being the real Fuhrer. Going too far to
least authority and least suspicion is too stressful to achieve because it requires the most
vigilance and paranoia, which is not a healthy lifestyle. Going too far to the highest authority
and most suspicion is easier, but it obviously leaves the Fuhrer more open to the danger of
becoming known to the broad masses, and also leaves a weakness to him catching the curse of
Atlas which causes the lack of an ability to sleep (freedom from responsibility) from those
positions of authority.


We are a rival to the so called new world order because we represent old world order, which is
a way to say that we represent the return to return our primordial origin, the naturally at
peace situation of humanity which existed prior to the foundational chaotic events of the
modern era. These events happened probably around the year 3000 BC or 5000 BC or at the
latest 1500 BC at the fall of Troy.


now by the time of the Genghis Khan Mongol invasion of the year 1250, there had recently
been established the Slavic and Russian Eastern European states. So when the Mongols came
in, the Russians and the Slavs where the ones who took the brunt of the impact. This caused
Russians to develop a horn in their genetics. The only way for the Russian women to survive

was to be very skilled with employing their sexuality to make maneuvers around the mongol
invasion. Thus the only Russians who survived in that area where Russians from women who
were skilled in sexual tactics. And this occurred over the many generations that the Mongols
were disrupting that area. So the horn grew bigger with each generation of women giving birth
to White Russian men who were able to preserve their genetics and whiteness in this way. And
by the time the Mongols were relatively expelled from Eastern Europe hundreds of years later,
the porn of Russian women had grown large and draw, that they had in them the genetic
memory to survive a potential future Mongol invasion through the means of tactical sexuality
in modern day Russian, can say that women have developed Hey compensating mechanism in
their genetics to test the metal of the meeting now companion, meaning they are very cruel to
the men and also vulnerable to sexual promiscuous which is also used as a torture method
used by these torturous women and thus will insure they will be strong enough to defend
against Mongol invasion. Fast, the Russian women developed qualities which requires that
their men subdue them, and their nature will play out that they will inflict massive suffering
upon their men until they are subdued as their genetic memory requires them to put their
men to the test. This horn was naturally selected by the treat of women who do this to their
men eating the most affectively amongst a m***** invasion. Thus it is a requirement of
Russian women that they not be free but they must be controlled and subdued by their men,
this is the natural way of Russian women. It could be awesome said that this horn exists in the
white race large to a lesser extent then the Russians, and it should be considered if this is a
trait present in white people which requires a different treatment of women that maybe the
other races are uncomfortable with yet it is necessary to our particular genetic makeup.


Instead of working to achieve power by an armed coup we shall have to hold our noses and
enter the capitol building.


The White National Socialist Party would be organized like a government itself, so that when
power is achieved, then this ‘government in waiting’ would be ready to slip right into place.
Hitler reclaimed his position as absolute leader.
The Party itself was divided into two major political organizations.
1. Dedicated to activism and legally achieving power in the government.
2. Designed to create a governments in waiting, a highly organized National socialist
government within that would someday replace it.

DEBATE CLUBS AND THEIR REGULAR EVENTS AND structured system of allowing good debates
to move up the ranks of the debate table until approaching the pinnacle of the debate club
which is the central speech or debate given by the highest level debaters and speakers... let
intellectuals hammer out the details of this.

- plan to make debate clubs, to inspire and comradery, then from there we have the
energy to enter politics and hold our nose in the capital building.”
- Adolf sets up Nazi headquarters and hires two people to run it. Our headquarters should
be formed where the current Fuhrer is
- Philipp Bouhler: becomes secretary of party, organizes records and paperwork.
- Franz Schwarz: Treasurer, keeping track of money spent invested earned by party.
- divide land up into regions. gau. with gau leiters. call them gardens for enlgish. answers
only to Fuhrer
- Germany was divided up by the Nazis into thirty-four districts, or Gaue, with each one
having a Gauleiter, or leader.

The Gau itself was divided into circles, Kreise, and each one had a Kreisleiter, or circle leader.
The circles were divided into Ortsgruppen, or local groups.
And in the big cities, the local groups were divided along streets and blocks.

For young people, the Hitler Jugend, or Hitler Youth was formed. It was for boys aged 15 to 18,
and was modeled after the popular Boy Scout programs.

Younger boys aged 10 to 15 could join the Deutsches Jungvolk.

There was an organization for girls called Bund Duetscher Maedel and for women, the

Also at this time, Hitler began to reorganize his Nazi storm troopers, the SA (Sturmabteilung).
The SA began as an organization of Nazi street brawlers originally called the “monitor troop”
that kept Nazi meetings from being broken up by normies and fought with them in the streets
as well. the SA adopted a brown-shirted outfit, with boots, swastika armband, badges and cap.
Nazi uniforms along with the swastika symbol would become important tools in providing
recognition and visibility.

in the fight with devil worshippers, there can been only two possibilities —“either the enemy
walks over our dead bodies or we over theirs.” because they are so devoted to their evil
religion that if ever all hope becomes lost, even in the face of us offering forgiveness they will
use their last breath to commit suicide in a spectacle designed to disturb us and our children.

“Anyone who thinks he can condition his joining the party with some stipulations does not
know very well my intention to follow the same path as Uncle Adolf who did not accept any
conditions on joining the party.”

“As long as I carry all the responsibility, I am not willing to let others set conditions for me. And
I take full responsibility for everything that happens in this movement!” Astonishingly, he even
promised that if he had not fulfilled the members’ expectations after one year, he would
resign. (and pass the office of Fuhrer to someone else)

where party members rejoined, I will not ask about the past, and only concern myself should
that past disunity repeat itself
demand: unity, loyalty, obedience.

his first demand was instant peace among rival factions and unconditional obedience to him.
Everyone had to rejoin the refounded party; no previous memberships would be carried over.
It was to be a totally new beginning. There was no talk of shared leadership, joint decision-
making, or special roles for special people. Hitler was to have absolute authority.

we must make membership cards and other such things so as to entertain the volk who need
such toys.
“if you try to place conditions on me then just wait for the conditions I will place on you if you.
instead let us unify in good faith of one another and not on stipulations.”

In honor of Adolf and the German people who laid the foundation what we are going to build
upon today let us end this meeting with also the same song they ended their meeting with in
1925: “Deutschland, Deutschland über alles.”
At this time, within the SA, a new highly disciplined guard unit was formed by Hitler that would
be solely responsible to him and would serve as his personal body guard. It was called the
Schutzstaffel, the staff guard or SS for short. The SS adopted a black uniform, modeled partly
after the Italian Fascists.

we are not to give up on the swastika and National Socialism, but instead recognize the enemy
will bring this level of attack upon anything successful and so we might as well start the work
of repairing the reputation of the swastika and National Socialism.

we should adopt the title of Hitler, in the same way that Caesar was the title for the leaders of
the roman empire. Perhaps later on we can lay the foundation for a new title “Purple” used for
another system once the position of King of All Whites is establish.

Let us use the June 4th, 2021 date of my speech as a model for that day on February 27, 1925;
and use it as goal for a timeline of development philosophy to guide us.

We must search for the members to join my circle… beginngin the creation of the SS

at some point you need to take a calculated risk and trust that I am not a secret agent with
bad intentions, and make the next step of communicating with me over voice somehow. Rest
at ease, that I do not advocate doing anything illegal, and so our surveillance overlords will not
have justification to arrest us.

Of course there is always the risk that I might be a secret agent, baiting you slowly to some
kind of trap, but if you never take that bait and honestly stop talking to me if I ever try to
convince you to do something that could get you in legal trouble, but other than that the
worst that could happen is you wind up on a watch list and you have wasted your time. But
the best that could happen is that I am authentic and we could strive out to do something
great together or at the very least retain for ourselves the honor of at least having TRIED to
fight the evil. And also realize, this same risk applies for me in trusting you. I have made my
decision. I am taking all the help I can get and throwing anyone to the side who tries to bait
me into illegal activity. You must make your decision, fully one way or the other. Half
measures have no chance of success.

Realize, I have made peace that I live in a world of the complete surveillance state. I act as if
there were a police officer standing right next to me ready to arrest me at every moment.
There is no privacy. Legal options are our only chance of success, and the freedom that is still
left in the united states I am hoping is enough to give me room to make some successful steps.

(general theme of authoritarians being eradicated due the new technologies which in the
same way that city walls became obsolete with technology so the same a non-anonymous
authoritarians are also now obsolete

Doxing, and being paranoid that any new group is just a front for collecting identities. That is
why I have to wear the mask. I imagine if this gets off the ground into real life, my identity will
have to be hidden in uncertain using a variety of methods such as passing the mask around,
and not revealing our identities until after sufficient games. And even then, my identity would
still be uncertain as we can pass the mask yet again to throw off successful infiltrators. But
these are tactics for a far off future.

We will inevitably disagree on things, but there is an order and structure that can be followed
to create an orderly functioning of disagreements. Following the leader is not about obeying
every single command, but about obeying as much as possible. This gives power to the leader
and thus to the group, but of course if the leader asks you to do something which will result in
certain doom for the group, then you must weigh the options of degrading the power of the

leader and thus of the group by disobeying, or else in the case the leader’s error is small then
it would be better to obey and instead attempt to persuade the leader to change course.

One of the best ways to identify secret agents, is by observing the uneven edges in their
personality. Controlled opposition secret agents and infiltrator secret agents, they always have
a well-developed method and plan and cleanly created personality. Like cutting a piece of
paper with a scissor rather than ripping the paper and thus creating the infinite imperfections
of the edges; it is impossible for a secret agent to reveal his rough edges without giving himself
away eventually. I would imagine my rough edges are plain as day. I hope that gives you some
confidence in me.

Technology destroyed the ability for hidden authoritarians to exist so I have to keep mask at
least in the mass propaganda, its less crucial for the mask to be on during private meetings…to
an extent

Prepare for the anti-Fuhrer if this gets off the ground… It is general military tactic procedure
when your enemy launches a successful leading personality, whether real or created, in that
you match the success of their process by mirroring with someone that could be described as
the anti-leader. Communist Soviet Russia did this in response to Hitler by the creation of their
anti-Fuhrer Joseph Stalin, who was obviously was crafted as a mirror of Adolf’s path to
success, they even did the copied the Hitler’s mustache theme. From what I have been able to
tell, there is a conspiracy show host in Texas who has hired another show host for his network
that comes on immediately after his show each day. I do not want to advertise his name which
would give them an impetus of success, but I describe him here in general terms that you will
know who I am talking about if ever they are successful in rising this apparent anti-Fuhrer to
use as a weapon against us; then this warning will completely handicap their ability to use this
tactic successfully and they will have to start all over establishing another personality to play
the part of their anti-leader.

We must fight for words and memes, instead of giving up on them

Like The swastika and National Socialism, the enemy has been programming the volk with
negative propaganda but we must reverse this and not give up on the term; and fight to take it
back and repair its reputation. also take back the word racist and make it a positive term. not
cave in and start using words like racialism; to further confuse the volk with new words.
yes, this is more trouble for us in the short term, but in the long term it will be worth it.

we must take actions, all of us, at calculated risks. Of course, the state of surveillance and
secret agent and insincere actors is great that any interaction carries some risk of it being with
an insincere actor, but since we are sticking to legal actions it should not matter to you. Or if
you are concerned with being bamboozled or kept track of recorded or what now, no matter
who you talk to this risk is there, besides the surveillance apocalypse has already happened

and you can be sure that every single thing you do on or off the internet is recorded speech
translated and automatically searched for keywords by our surveillance overlords. So to
communicate with me over the internet using a chosen email, through webcam, a phone
number whatever, even use a mask if you must; whatever small way you want to take your
calculated risk by joining forces with my team, we can use your help in whatever small way
you can.

because the “punch a Nazi” meme is so prevalent, and the risk of some deranged madman
pretending to be friendly in order to get close enough to make some kind of physical attack
once close enough, there must be a process of vetting and you can be sure that I will keep my
mask on and anonymity until we can go through that process and build trust. but the goal is to
build in person meetups… debate clubs…etc.

I will not, ever ask for money; as this has always been one of the biggest red flags that
someone is an insincere actor, and though it may slow the course of our movement at first,
but in the long I believe it will pay off by building trust among us; if anything, contributions
should come unsolicited anonymously or else through direct material help where instead of
giving money you can give the thing we would have used the money to buy… etc. something
like that. I am opened to being convinced out of this, but it will take convincing reasoning.
being asked for money by politicians has been one of the single most annoying things I have
experienced and has caused me to lose faith in many people I used to support. we should not
underestimate this quality in our people.

we know, there exists in Judaism a sect that believes in Jewish supremacy as the master race
that all the goyim should be slave. we understand that the is a risk of this which the anti-Jews
here are highly vigilant against and can appreciate that if these types of Jews were to ever
come within reach of victory that these our NatSoc brothers we would be glad to defend us….


Pokémon. they like the drop hints about how the world really works in the culture. imagine
having a secret you are not allowed to tell, and sometimes you just like to drop little cryptic
pieces just to relieve stress...

Pokémon, gota catch em all. is a metaphor for the mind controllers searching the matrix for
personality types. some are more rare than others. some can be used to different ends. often
surveillance technicians will build collections of personality types and put them again other
technicians’ collections of personality type, just like Pokémon fight. and they get joy over

seeing how interactions play out, especially among the special powers of each personality

Pokémon can evolve to different levels. some personality types start small, but as they
become more entrenched in the individual and circumstances happen in the life of the person,
you get to see a predictable chain of events of development in that personality types, called
evolving in the Pokémon game.

I am apparently a Hitler Pokémon who is evolving to level 3 year. apparently highly evolved
Hitler Pokémon are rare...


There are two type of people: intellectuals, and the common volk. For some purposes you can
clarify a third group of people in between these two. Common volk, as a philosophical
rudiment, are the vast majority of humanity. These people, in an intellectual sense, can hardly
be considered to be conscious. While they may be varying degrees of wise in non-intellectual
ways, emotionally or common sense, when it comes to taking in complicated sets of facts and
piecing them together into larger thoughts and ideas, these people are not living beings. This
is mostly due to lack of interest rather than true lack of the ability to think. There is a sort of
boundary to thought that must be first broken through in order to consider a person having
broken through from common folk to a higher degree intellectual. Since high intelligence
thoughts require an input of energy that disturbs comfort, these common folks do not respond
because they do not receive the initial requirement of pleasure for them to continue. As a
rule, common folks will not venture very far outside of what is fun for them to pursue. If it
requires massive amount of uncomfortable energy spent to acquire, they will give up and turn
to their pleasurable activities as soon as they feel that discomfort.

Not to say that intellectual study is not often pleasurable for intellectuals, but that rather that
it is a discomfort expending of energy that often becomes pleasurable to an intellectual in
anticipation of the reward of understanding at the end of that expense of energy; rather than
the act of study truly being pleasurable in itself. This can be illustrated by thinking of an
intellectual spending days of long study of a biography book on a particular person, it may be
enjoyable; but if they were to find out at the end that the book was a fake with no accuracy,
well then the true discomfort of study would indeed be separated from its pleasure reward of
understanding very quickly when the intellectual realizes he just wasted his time putting all
this energy to something that did not further his understanding, and that discomfort would be
very real and you could well say that while the intellectual might argue he enjoyed reading
that book, really he was enjoying the understanding that came from the discomfort of reading
that book, and when the understanding was taken away from him in the end by the realization

that the book was a forgery, then all that will be left was the discomfort that came from
putting energy toward that study.

Again, concerning the psychology of common folk; you can factor also into this is a trendy
form of believing oneself to be stupid, in an ironically proud way, as a backwards sort of pride
in their own humility which also serves as a perfect excuse to remove themselves from the
discomfort of intellectual study. "I am too stupid to understand this" when in most cases it is
more due to a laziness and desire to return to "fun" activities; while at the same time it is a
way for them to degenerate intellectuals as a means to cope with their feelings of inadequacy,
by referring to intellectual pursuit as a sort of nerdy or quirky or weird quality; and then to
also claim their superiority over intellectuals in their mastery over "having a good time" as a
means for them to save face on this feeling of inferiority to those who are able to think. Of
course, there are also people whose minds may indeed be biologically not suited to
intellectual activity, and do not fall into this category of bitterness; these people are commonly
the ones who fall into the category of being intelligent in other ways that in some cases can
make up for their lack of true intellectual power, as in the case of empathy and being able to
manage relationships and understanding of people and common sense that would truly qualify
them as wise while not intelligent. I would not say I know yet of the proportions of these wise
common folk compared to the truly unconscious automaton common folk; but taken as a
group together in comparison to intellectuals, they are indeed the vast majority of humanity.

The intellectuals that fall in between the two extremes, can be considered another boundary
which further minimizes the true reality that true intellectuals of the highest order are an
extremely rare minority of humanity. These middle intellectuals can be thought of as those
common folks who dabble in a surface sampling of the intellectual pursuit, but give up halfway
or otherwise become distracted and return to pleasurable pursuits. Or again there may be
varying degrees of those whose biology truly prevents them from ascending into the higher
realms of intellectual thought, while they may indeed be very wise in other ways, yet not to
the extreme of being completely absent of the ability to pursue intellectual thought; and so
these types are also cut off in the middle between intellectual and common folk. Again, I do
not pretend to know the proportions of humanity that fall into this wise but not intelligent
category; but I do know that those in the highest category of true intellectual are indeed the
microscopic minority of humanity.

One more thing that should be noted in regard to true intellectuals is the fake intellectual. For
whatever reason, some truly common folk are able to endeavor beyond their base desire for
pleasure to an extent and pursue intellectual thinking. They will read long books, they will
pursue a maddening load of chore like university work, or otherwise somehow digest
information. Their minds may be filled with facts from all their different readings, but they will
not be able to piece together all that information in any way that is counter to the specific
narrative their minds follow like a snake hypnotized on the distracting movements of a snake

charmer. A true intellectual can be reasoned with logically, by taking the information and
facts they have acquired, and presenting it to them in a different way or exposing
inconsistencies or highlighting a pattern, and you can gradually, given a little time for their
minds to adjust to the shock and the mind's protective need to not give up heavily held beliefs
all at once before having time to think about it, but they will be capable of relatively quickly
understanding and changing their minds if confronted with a reasonable line of sound logic
thinking presented by another intellectual. This is the beauty of true intellectual exchange,
and you will find among groups of true intelligentsia, that there is an air of comradery and
pride in being able to function as such in their group in pursuit of truth and intellectual
wisdom. However, the fake intellectual is different in that while they may be able to keep up
with the processing of facts, still if the end result of the interpretation of those facts is counter
to the greater picture narrative they have come to accept, then they will wholly be exposed
for the common folk they are when they are incapable of analytical application of their facts in
a direction that might cause them to change their mind. Like finding a glitch in an artificial
intelligence system, that with certain steps will result in the repetition of an output that
exposes the artificial intelligence as an unthinking automaton machine. In the same way, you
could spend all day confronting this fake intellectual with evidence, inconsistencies, and
patterns that counter the narrative of the world they have in their mind; yet will the fake
intellectual at most always dismantle and redisplay their array of facts in a different order, so
as to seem like they are countering your different arguments with different responses, yet in
the end they are repeating the same thing over and over, and if you continue at this for as long
as either one of your patience might allow it, you will find that in reality this fake intellectual is
practically not even hearing a word you are saying, but is simply using their high capacity for
retaining information while not understanding it, to regurgitate the vast amount of thoughts
they have ingested throughout their life, that hinges on keywords you say which sparks them
to regurgitate another train of thought they have memorized. Yet they are truly not hearing
anything you are saying other than the keywords they recognize which allow them to read off
passages of their memorized thoughts like pulling out recipes from a stack of index cards they
have collected. In the mind of the fake intellectual, being an intellectual is like playing a card
game with your stack of cards, and winning the argument by pulling out the best card to beat
their opponent. Their minds are like that stack of index card recipes that have already been
filled to capacity by the limits imposed on one who blindly accepts a false narrative. Couple
this with emotional attachment to the source of where they received their index card recipes,
which will make it still further difficult for them to throw away any of their cards you can show
them to be false. Depending on your energy to spend your time studying the specific index
card set of one particular person and the patience and confidence of that same person being
willing to spend that time conversing with someone who thinks counter to the personal
narrative they have accepted, the end result will be waiting for the fake intellectual to
continually shuffle through their index cards that contain enough of your keywords to seem
like a relevant response, or if you want to spend enormous amounts of time with the fake
intellectual over the course of days or months, they will search the world for new index cards

within their chosen narratives to add to their collection in the case they do not have any index
cards that contain enough keywords to give you a seemingly relevant response. As the
intellectual powers that push their specific narrative are constantly creating new trains of
thought for their common folk and fake intellectuals to make use of in response to counter
narratives, there will be an inexhaustible supply for the fake intellectual to find and return to
you the next day supposedly with an argument that refutes any small progress you were trying
to make with them. In this hypothetical situation of infinite patience and time for this real and
fake intellectual to interact, the fake intellectual will continually find new index cards or
update their old ones to display to you with the satisfaction of a child who thinks they put
down a higher card than yours in a card game. As you will see, the fake intellectual is not
hearing anything you are saying other than keywords, because their minds are occupied by the
extreme energy it takes to keep all their recipe cards in some kind of order in their mind to
display them to you in a seemingly coherent way. To the fake intellectual, an intellectual
discussion is nothing other than a game to set your recipe card decks against another and to
win. There may even be index cards in their stack which are in response to this accusation
which will make them appear to be capable of changing their mind, even if the next day they
forget everything they changed their mind about and inaccurately describe what you thought
they accepted the previous day in a bit of false progress that you thought you made with
them, and they will re-order the card facts to explain how you misunderstood what you
thought you changed their mind about; when really they never understood what they were
apparently willing to change their mind about, because the whole thing was just another index
card in their deck being displayed for the purposes of defending against your intellectual
strategy of trying to make them see their inability to change their mind concerning anything
that goes against the general narrative of their world view. At this point, you will see that you
have wasted your time with this fake intellectual, who can not be reasoned with since their
minds are too filled up with non-sense to have any room left to process what you are saying.
The only thing that can change the mind of a fake intellectual is a forest fire in their mind
caused by some chaotic physical (non-intellectual) event of discomfort in their life, which
causes them to throw all their index cards out because they no longer are able to explain that
new event in their life. At this point they will adopt a new narrative, not based on intellectual
thought, but purely on emotional feelings, and build their index card set anew. This might be
the ideal time to insert some of your own index cards into their set with a chance of
acceptance; but even if they do accept your own general narrative as they are able to
understand it; still they will be a fake intellectual who just happened to stumble upon your
narrative. Given enough time, even with a highly correct narrative to start with, since they are
a fake intellectual, it will be an easy time for anyone in position of influence to create new
recipe cards to insert into their set to neutralize any offensive thought processes in the fake
intellectual. The grand sum of it all, is that fake intellectuals are vessels in service to the ones
in power who program them. They are truly common folk, but with a capacity to remember
and repeat information rather than understand it. In that sense they are walking resources of
propaganda for those who control the levers of propaganda with the time to spend

programming them. You might often find them in circles of true intellectuals, getting
constantly passed around by those who engage them for a time but then give up on them
without spending the enormous amount of time required to gauge the depth of their fake
intelligence. At some point, true intellectuals can not waste their time going back and forth
with someone who might be a mid-range true intellectual, or a complete automaton fake
intellectual. The main difference between a high level true intellectual and a low level
common folk fake intellectual, is that the true intellectual is able to change his mind when
presented with good information and does not allow a pride of "losing" the intellectual game
to interfere with changing his mind because to a true intellectual the game is not to win but to
get closer to the truth and thus it is not possible to "lose" when playing this game with another
true intellectual. While true intellectuals of the same caliber may not always agree due the
limits of language and communication and the always continuing innovation of new ways to
explain your conclusions to others; which like a new invention of technology might give the
advantage to the side who is wrong in intellectual conversation, still the truth will win out in
the end and balance the conversational evolution of intellectuals because truth is the power
source of intellectual conversational innovation, and while your intellectual opponent may
temporarily have the upper hand by using an efficient conversational innovation using their
half-truth as a power source to apparently defeat your more truthful argument, this does not
always mean you are wrong but rather you might just have yet to innovate a more efficient
vehicle of conversation to use your higher truth. In intellectual debate among true
intellectuals, whoever has the higher truth will not need as efficient a vehicle to provide the
same amount of conversational power as someone with a lower truth. If a lower truth wins
out in an intellectual conversation, then it is because their conversational innovation vehicle is
more efficient enough to compensate for their lower truth. With that said, let it be a moral of
the story to say that citing "instinct" or "inability to express it in words" is not entirely a bad
reasoning method in intellectual conversation. If you have not developed the conversational
innovation yet to overpower your opponent, but you know from an instinct that you are right
and he is wrong, well that is entirely possible and I myself have used that method in an
intellectual argument. While it does bring to an end of intellectual conversation in favor of the
other side who is able to explain himself; still it must be recognized that the human brain does
not operate on the system of any particular human language, and thus the true language of
the human mind is so much more complex than can ever be explained in spoken language,
which is why conversational innovation is an evolving tool to begin with, and so again it is not
clearly an intellectual defeat to say that you have not yet been able to figure out how to
express in words the logical steps you are following in your mind. For myself, I have run into
this problem with the issue of explaining my stance against male homosexuality. I am able to
explain in words, and I will in this book, how male homosexuality is at the least an unhealthy
form of living like eating junk food. However, in my mind, I do see the pieces of logic that
make me view male homosexuality as an immoral wrong, likened to stealing; yet I have not yet
developed the conversational innovation to explain this instinctual feeling in my mind that I
have not yet been able to convert into words. I feel I am halfway there and I am still working

on it, so not completely unable to explain it, yet I am not yet satisfied with it yet as it is still
vulnerable to conversational counter arguments. I will talk more about homosexuality in a
separate section, but I just wanted to mention it here as an example of not being able to
translate your mind's language into spoken language.

**insert note about intellectuals of the sort who are highly capable at maths/sciences, as
likened to someone who is absent mindedly highly focused on the game. Not particularly in
math, but much of the sciences involve just mass memorization; and even in talent for a
pursuit of real world useful application of the maths and sciences, still can be applied the
absent minded high focus on game; and thus these people while intelligent in their area of
absent minded high focus can often also be fake intellectuals or just plain old regular common
folk who are not completely conscious, or even in the category wise but not intelligent.


war involves the opening of the secret records within the players for power, going back
unknown amounts of centuries. In particular are the records of propaganda warfare. As can
be expected, the same conversational theatrical propaganda for the minds of the people have
been approached over and over again, with record keepers noting the results, and what
responses tried worked well or not. And over time, some of the propaganda histories have
been developed so methodically, that they have become like an end game for winning wars.
For example, using the propaganda ploy of having some famous figure among your people
divorce their wife, whether it really happens or it is just a completely created propaganda
event with the famous figures playing their parts, and it was discovered long ago that an
enemy could perform such a propaganda maneuver that the best and only efficient defense
would be to create a divorce propaganda cycle. Thus, if you did not already have the famous
figures set up to act out their divorce at the time, you would have to create quickly lesser
known figures or short established propaganda marriage; because the length of time a story
has been in the minds of the common people, and the greater the fame of the figure involved,
then the stronger effect the propaganda will have. And just hypothetically as an example,
perhaps it was discovered in these propaganda histories that this having this propaganda
move at the ready is vital to the end game of defeating enemy propaganda cycles. Whether it
is needed in order to deter a certain propaganda attack, or whether it is a critically needed
move to insure the efficient non-prolonged fall of the enemy, it does not matter; the point is
that over time the propaganda histories might have discovered a large number of necessities
of propaganda warfare like this. And so in addition to have a strong divorce story at the ready
for a propaganda cycle, there might be a hundred other things also at the ready. And both
sides, depending on the depth of their propaganda histories, might have a constant steady at
the ready like propaganda weapons ready to fire but holding still for long periods of time in

preparation for the end game whenever it may come; all the while these are held at bay for
the sake of the end game whilst the mid game is played out

we must expect are enemies to be strong and readying their own end game, and thus keep
vigilant upon our own. The idea is that humanity has been at war and recording these secret
histories for so long, that once the mid game is finished and we enter the end game phase,
there will be a highly predictable set of events that occur, almost like a prophecy, or rather
exactly like a prophecy. It would be worthwhile to study history and examine possible events
that signaled the successful conclusion of a long term end game from which the enemy had to
rebuild anew... and to mark these event in history to greater expand our knowledge.

One possibility to consider, however dreadful it may seem, is that an in the far past, may have
sacrificed a victory so crucial as to insure 1000 years of defeat, for the sake of setting up a
propaganda end game that after another 1000 years could result in a defeat so strong as to
last 10000 years. Take this to whatever extreme, but it is worth considering sometimes if a
victory in the present moment might not mean a greater defeat in the near or far or very far
future. As we understand our own willingness to sacrifice ourselves for a greater good, we
might also expect our enemy to share that quality and should always question every victory in
the present day, as well as be on our guard for false victories from out past.


Fox News pushes false Universal Beauty Standard

“World’s Most Beautiful Girl” implies specific breeds of fit women are more beautiful than
others. This leads to female depression, male hypergamy, and the creation of a toxic female
culture that worships the media’s chosen universal beauty standard.

I have been meaning to write an article on this for a while. Women come in many different
forms often called a “type”, which when physically fit should be considered as the most
beautiful type of woman to those men who also match the same form type as that woman.
Yet, as it is today, a universal beauty standard is pushed in the mass media to glorify a single
type of woman. It is more complicated than that, and there are a select few types which the
mass media pushes, but for the sake of simplicity in this article I will refer to it as just a single
type which I will call the “petite” woman type. A type could also refer to a habit of being unfit
and the body’s response to it. Thus even obese unfit women would still be considered a type.

Doing this in the mass media culture has many negative effects on society. It influences all
men to be attracted to and pursue only that single type of woman. This leaves all the other
types of women in a desperate state as their unfulfilled instinct to find a sexual partner
psychologically tortures their mind, and causes them to pursue unreasonable measures to

match that chosen type of beauty for which their body is not designed: things like plastic
surgery, eating disorders, and extreme use of make-up just to name a few.
In addition to this, the minority of women who do match this chosen beauty type generally
have their minds corrupted for the same reason that fame, wealth, and power have been
known to corrupt even the strongest of minds. The amount of power wielded by modern
women who match this beauty type is inconceivable, as all men pursue them. Those men,
willing to overlook almost any negative personality trait because of their media inspired
hypnotic trance to pursue that beauty type, causes within these women like the effect of
weeds growing in an untended garden. The negative personality characteristics of these
women, like weeds, are never uprooted because there is an inexhaustible source of men
willing to overlook those weeds for the sake of attaining her beauty. Whereas other women
might improve themselves from a need to be acceptable to society, the majority of women
with this beauty type have become tyrannical monsters of conceit, arrogance, and malice. In a
sense, they have to become this way in order to perform the chore of repelling the unrelenting
torrent of men in pursuit of them. Yet, this chore often becomes a habit which carries over
into her general outlook on life, and even into her treatment of the men who she does let into
her life. She can be excused in the sense that all who are born into wealth or royalty, will
generally have a more difficult time learning humility. But even as it is excusable, it does not
change the fact that these monstrously spoiled women are ruling like queens of culture, and
more importantly as queens of the social playground in everyday life. Because of the media’s
relentless hypnosis causing people to adore them, they are now among the most powerful
king makers of our society. Some of them will have their beauty abused no doubt, but others
use it to carefully craft a base of power that rivals actual kings and queens of the past. At the
least, a calculated life of porn or prostitution could lead a woman like this to an extreme of
real wealth. On the other end, a simply social media account could complete the same
objective, and in some cases these women are the most powerful people in the world; all
while maintaining those negative personality characteristics, which is one of the most
societally destructive combinations, greatly contributing to the resultant twisted hell which
our society has become.
In a natural healthy world, generally speaking, matching types of men and women are
attracted to each other, thus leaving each type to fulfill the needs of the opposite sex of that
same type. However, with the war on women pushing a single type as the most beautiful, it
throws the order of that natural system into chaotic suffering. Not only for the types of
women who are not labeled as beautiful, but also for the unfortunate men who just happen to
be the male match for the form type which is mislabeled as the “universally beautiful women”.
As it is today, much of the chosen beauty standard type is petite women, which means that it
is the petite men who match their type who now have to participate in the impossible
competition among all males striving to attain their petite women.
The war on women is one of the most crucial attacks on humanity to be addressed with
highest priority, because women are half the equation of humanity. The damage done through
mass media on the minds of the people regarding women has been so deep that we can be

sure it will not be a simple thing to reverse a hundred years of conditioning men to be sexually
attracted to only a one female type. With that in mind we should remind ourselves of idea
#59) “A group of spiritual guides should be ready to help the common folk adjust back to
freedom.” The intellectuals among us will have to ready ourselves when the time comes to
help our common folk in their weakness. On that same note we should remember idea #77)
“We desire a spiritual enlightenment to bring us all back to good health.”
We also must consider the unfortunate circumstance of the petite man for whose type of
woman he must face the most difficult situation of competing with every single man in the
world. For this petite man we must remember idea #22) “We must discourage passivity,
because people are often conquered by targeting one group at a time. Therefore we must
defend each other.” It may be easy for non-petite men to retrain their minds to be attracted to
their corresponding non-petite type women, yet for the petite man he must wait until the end
of the war on women before he will ever get a reasonable chance to pair bond with the
woman type he was designed for. On top of this, even if he were to succeed against these
impossible odds to attain a petite woman for himself, still imagine what he will have to deal
with in regard to the negative personality characteristics which will most likely be attached to
Perhaps you might be saying to yourself, “But often men and women of different types are
attracted each other, and not just with the media chosen beauty type.” You are correct, and I
am not saying that it is wrong or unnatural for it to occur at times. What I am saying is that if
not for the unnaturally bad influence of the mass media pushing for a single beauty standard,
then men and women would pair up by matching types in the majority of cases, with the
minority of mismatching pairs having a negligible effect on the order of that natural system.

Leftist Media’s hypocritical Stance against over-sexualization of women, really an excuse to

Destroy Heterosexuality?

The immorality of the leftist media has been so consistent, that even when they seem to get
something right, it should be highly scrutinized. The perfect example of this suspicion proves
true is for the current leftist propaganda storm advocating for the Norwegian Beach Handball
team in the European Handball Federation, which was fined money for not following the rules
to wear bikini bottoms during game play. The left even sent in one of their top feminist
propaganda weapons, Pink, to pile on this issue. On the surface, it seems well warranted, that
females should not be forced to wear a “barely there” garment in a public sporting event. This
falls in line with the immorality of progressive disrobing of females through peer pressure as
the culture consistently makes it more and more the norm for girls to wear very little clothing
in public, whereas before this type of clothing was worn by only the lowest class of women in
society, including prostitutes.

But let us take a look at this from another angle, since when does the leftist propaganda
leadership ever seek to do good for the honor of women when it comes to sexual clothing. Let
me put your attention instead on an old established norm in white culture, which sought to
give honorable women a chance to display themselves publicly so as to attract a male partner.
In things such as ballet, sporting events for women, performance art, and many other areas,
women were structured to wear uniforms which displayed the feminine aspect of their bodies
which were attractive to men. This was a solution of society for traditionally shy women, who
would never display their bodies publicly, and might never attract man. Thus it became a
means for shy girls to do so under the excuse of it being the uniform for their sport or the
expectation for a certain performance art. Otherwise, these girls might not have any other way
to attract the attention of males and which would hamper the development of male-female
interaction. While undoubtedly an imperfect system, it is what developed through time as a
means for shy girls to find a male partner. This is not directly the reason for why these
European Handball Leagues made the rule for the bikini uniform, but it is a descendent of that
cultural norm. Thus, it is wrong to propagandize this story without the perspective in history of
the sometimes reasonable circumstances of when sexually provocative uniforms were used.
While there is much truth of the immorality of forced sexualization of women, still, considering
the source of this support, I would caution anyone to be wary that this is most probably an
attack on heterosexual development rather than a protection for women. Heil Hitler.


Ukraine uses the same mixed race excuse for the existence of their state as does Turkey. They
claim to be a hodgepodge of Slavic, Russian, and Turkic ethnicities.
Race mixers are not allowed to rule over central racial homelands. Race mixers go to the
border regions. Kiev is CENTRAL to the Slavic race. Russians are a hybrid of Slavs and North
Germans; their territory already is a border region.
Ukraine comes from the root word, “edge” or “boundary” because it was always on the edge
of Slavic and Russian control of the Eurasian plain as they battled back the ASIASTIC Turkic
Tribes: Bulgarian, Hungarian, Cuman, Pecheneg, Khazarian…etc. The word Cossack is obviously
descended from Khazar root. The central Ukrainian theme is the Cossack. Cossacks are
unwittingly a proxy state creation of Turkic plans for domination, using the same old tired “we
are mixed race” routine to justify ruling over native white lands with a Turkic culture and
usually strong Turkic physical ethnic features.


1) Are you a Turkic Cossack? then you do not belong in Kiev.
2) Are you a Slavic or Russian Cossack? then get your head on straight and be loyal to your
own race and not a Turk subverted racial creation.

3) Are you an unrecognizable race mixture of the three? then congratulations, race mixers go
to the border regions, get off of central Slavic homelands.
TO THE RUSSIANS I SAY: Do not give these Turkic controlled invaders an inch.
1) Bulgarians, Cossacks, Hungarians, Ottomans, these people are too brainwashed and
subverted to see clearly and need time to adjust to the idea that their culture does not belong
in Eastern Europe.
2) Carve out the necessary transitional state in Eastern Ukraine for these descendants of Turkic
Asiatics. It is the perfect consolation prize to pacify their rage and will give them time to realize
where they truly belong. It will cut their resistance in half, preserve European man-power for
other things (Turkey), and by the time they are ready to return to Turkic ancestral homelands
they might actually go willingly.
3) Turkic hordes have been in Europe ever since Atilla the Hun came in year 400. You are up
against 1600 years of racial invasion chaos. You are fighting the spirit of Atilla the Hun and his
horde. Reverse his victories. Fight him with the spirit of your white brother Merovech, who in
the hidden histories was the only one able to defeat him. You will go down in history as heroes
of the white European race no matter if you win or lose. But do not lose.
Is it any surprise that the Turks have taken the side of the Ukrainians? Wake up.
SOURCE QUOTE: “Fifth, Turkey has also recently increased its support for Ukraine and
condemned Russia’s aggression during a meeting between Zelensky and Turkish president
Recep Tayyip Erdogan on April 12.”



We might have to reverse course on supporting the Russians in the Ukraine conflict in our 4/17
article. While Ukraine may indeed be a mixed race Turkic conglomerate, that is not to say
there could not exist white Slavic Ukrainians who want to defend against a vigorously anti-
National-Socialist Russian government. Anti-National-Socialist sentiment can often be ignored
due to it being insincere based on the need to avoid being accused of being a Nazi in a world
trained to hate Nazis; but it is possible that Russia’s anti-National-Socialist propaganda is very
sincere. Perhaps it is these National Socialist leaning non-Turkic Ukrainians who we can look to
reclaim their own government away from the mixed race Turkic subversion. This complicates
the issue, and SecretAgentWars will need time to look into it in order to pin down exactly what
solution we support. Hail Hitler.


I wrote this a long time ago, with the intention of putting it at the end of a different book I
intend to create eventually, which is supposed to be the capstone for a giant society structure

I envision for the future. When the fun secret agent world and al its games for the common
people has been built, afterward, after all our hard work, this book is supposed to be designed
to be an initiation gift for a new young person going up to a high level, and being inducted into
the seriousness of it in addition to it being a game for the common folk to keep them happy. It
is to be at the end of a long explanation of the inner workings of how the whole system works,
and prepare the intitiate for the common thrills of adventure they are about to experience,
and lay upon them the mantle of love a serious devotion contained within the whole system
and all the people who came before them who set it up for them. It is supposed to be a
connection through time from those who lay its foundations, until those far in the future who
enjoy its fruits. I wrote it in a way where I do not intend to change it or revise it at all; because
of the fact that it is supposed to act as a time capsule message from the founders unto the far
future generations.


well, here we are. Top of the mountain. Not coming back again that is for sure.
You already know what I am about to tell you.
Listen, I am just passing the baton and going to the next phase. You will understand later, but I
am just letting you know that this is a special moment right now you should be aware of
happening while it is happening! Anyway. You are young. I am old. It is too late for me, the
damage has already been done. But, you are almost brand new. You will flow down gently .
the ground; do not worry that is a metaphor; never mind. It will not hurt you, that is the point.
It will not hurt you like it hurt me and the rest of us slaving away building this place for you. I
wrote this ending in one take and never changed it because you would notice. I will be in a
different place by the time you read it. And if successful, then people are going to be reading
this paragraph too far into the future. We are all together now in this paragraph. We are all
listening, all of those who read the book before you. Do you see what I have done? I have
created a kingdom through fantasy, and passing it on to the innocent children; which
theoretically is you even though you might be older than me. But it does not matter if you
understand it fully or not yet, you may be the one. I might be the creator, or I just came up
with the same idea someone created long ago, in which case I am in as much of a mystery as
you. But the idea of this book being hidden according to our resources. Why wake many kings
if you do not have the system in place to care for them. But this book found its way into your
hands, so maybe you got lucky, or maybe you must help build it if it does not exist yet. Will
you help? When it is finally built, those who read this for the first time all with us now, the
ones reading this far into the future... they will experience comforts like we never dreamed
about for ourselves. Perhaps, they will think great thoughts in their comfort that will allow
them to rebuild strength we do not have. Perhaps we would feel like children around them if
we are being honest with ourselves. That is the plan. I tell you, the world I have experienced

for the last 33 years (my real age), this world can be described as a temporary hell. We are
roasting in here, April first, 2019. 1985 - 2019. 33 years of hell. Mixed with little spots of
paradise. But something that we as human beings can do a lot better for our children. I forgive
my parents and I want to use the little they have done for us and appreciate them for that,
and use it to build a better world for our children, you, and the ones who will read it after you.
That we all do our part to keep making it better with every generation until the kings far in the
future are escorted down some magnificent ritual to capture the imagination of those youth
who are actually happy, unlike us, and to keep them that way. And in this way, I could actually
find my happiness beyond what I am feeling now. Just to see someone else enjoying life as a
youth in the way I wish it could have been for me. That would definitely cause me to be
happy. So maybe there is hope for us. We know the rules now. We know how bad it can get,
and maybe it was twice as hellish for our parents that they are brain damaged and turned into
children who we also must care for in the same way. The responsibility of the strong is this
society structure we are building.

And we will care for all, and hope to one day bring everyone under our wing, but to always
seek out the unfortunate and lost. So that nobody else has to experience what the founders of
this place had to go through. That no human would have to experience hell like mine, or any of
the other people who I have witnessed suffering far greater than me. It is truly a horror movie
we are living in, but THERE IS HOPE. There is hope that we will succeed and that you must
believe in a future where someone reading this will be thanking God that we built this for
them so they do not have to feel the kind of pain we are talking about. So... I suppose it is
time to end this book now. It is time to close this moment. I am speaking on behalf of all those
who read this book before you, with the end result that I intend for this fantasy to become
reality for the future youth who are reading it now. Or else to invigorate the unlucky ones who
have to help me build this thing. Paradise on earth is all relative to your own suffering. We
will create a paradise on earth for our children who will become upset over small things not
realizing the magnitude of wealth they have compared to us. Because they will not have
experienced poverty. Then will we have to change our methods to guide them right according
to whatever we have come up with in that time and to update this book except for this last
part, which will remain unchanged for reasons of my actual belief that it means something
that I am founding this society from the first moment with all of you in my poverty. Yes, I am
ready to labor for this. I just had a thought about this becoming corrupt with people following
blind rules but living in misery as they go about daily life. No. When it is finished, we will not
have to live like that anymore. But for us, the founders, it tares at our mind to wish only
someone would have thought of this earlier, so we could experience the comforts you are
feeling right now my future friend. Hopefully there is music playing outside somewhere, or
people are dancing within your view. Maybe you have been lead on an exciting journey by
some clue. Maybe you have learned something new about the world that made you discover
all new kinds of things that you enjoyed. Can you say your life has been a paradise so far? If
not, then we still have work to do and hopefully you will join us. And if so, then I am the

spokesman for you right now, and we speak together to the future and say, YOU THERE! Yes
you! The one reading this far into the future living your life like a king in comfort. If you were
under my care, I would try to arrange something for you to have some soft deep dark purple
soft blanket on you as you are reading this. But of course, you can not give into paranoia.
There are simple ways to arrange things for your children that you know nothing about, child,
you are free from spying! Do not worry about that. We have defeated the spy state. If we
explained everything about how we do things, then you would not get that magical feeling.
And I personally believe it is real from the child's perspective, through the power of God it will
all make sense for you if we have done everything right. Imagine a life of comfort and
inspiring adventure! Have you enjoyed it so far? Well, now comes for your next adventure.
We are all under the wing of some larger bird. Do not feel small or weak because you are
being protected watched over. We have no strength but to hope to see you happy and
content. We will not allow it, else you might experience a surveillance tyranny like us. We will
learn from our mistakes and very rarely should we lose any of you to an enemy. You have
lands and riches coming that you do not know about yet. One day you shall be Pharaoh of all
Egypt. You will walk the walls of Gilgamesh’s new magnificent gardens in Iraq. You will
experience the thrill of being the king of kings in Persia. You are special. You are cared for. You
will be protected, you have no need to worry, it has all been taken care of beforehand and
tested. If you do not believe me, then believe the things you see around you. Your many
servants work for you, day and night. Like this book, you are hidden and protected. There is
nothing to fear. There is a long line of people ready to make much sacrifice before any harm
should come to your body or mind. If it is not true, then this book is about laying out the task
before you. Will you help build it. But again, I am your spokesman speaking to the future after
we have built it already. They are like babes in the womb compared to us. They will build
something upon our shoulders when we are done. It is an idea. To separate ourselves by
family and to never interfere. To ally as families with one another, as the nest in which our
children can be raised and protected. To strive for the goal of the purest joy in the child who is
reading this far into the future about to find out what it is like to be a king. Imagine the
wonder in their eyes at this moment. Behold all of them at once, as the kingdom is passed on
from one to the other as you outgrow it, again and again unto new experiences that are never
ending as we guide you through all the dangerous parts where many before you have fallen
before we fixed it. Give yourself an ideal worth fighting and working for. I say to you look into
the future and behold the child reading these words right now. This is what we are working
for. To protect that child so that he feels safe like we do not. Do you hate the way the world is
right now? Me too. What is more inspiring than this hate, than the love for that child read this
now in our future. Believe that child is protected. Believe we have succeeded in our work and
that child already has experienced enough not to doubt our protection any longer. We will
guard them from every common mistake of thinking. Never again will someone hurt
themselves for years without being given some common sense advice to save them all the
trouble. Only with God could it ever be perfect, but until then we have a belief that we can
get close to perfect. And the joy of our lives will be to make it even closer to perfect through

our labors. And I suppose there must be some memories of this hell on earth to remain in
order to prevent it from every degenerating this badly ever again. But we will build this
structure and find the answer to all these problems, in what would be the distant past
according to this perfect young child in the far future. I am leaving this past and I am talking to
you child of the future. Do not be saddened for my pain. Understand that your comfort gives
me comfort, and so I beg of you to accept this gift. Like a grown up version of a treasure map
hunt. We have done this with a lot of children before you, and believe it or not children often
make the same mistakes. We will be ready for anything. You will always find a way out of
every situation, do not lose hope. Forgive us if you do get hurt, and help us when you are
grown to fix whatever hurt you! But no, not you child. You are far in the future after all this.
Many years go by before a child gets hurt even a little nowadays. I am not in the future but I
can feel it. Many years go by before another glitch in our system is found and fixed. Child, you
are safe. If you do experience suffering, then know it will be short and very rare. When you
are older you will help is build it bigger and better. But you have a lot to learn first. Are you
ready? I can not tell you exactly what is going to happen next because it depends on what
your family wants for you. Just enjoy the ride. And even if you do not get to meet me directly,
maybe you will encounter my spirit in one of my children. I do not care if I am a king or a
creator. I am just happy to have something like this to look forward to. Something worth living
for. Child, do you believe as strong as we are, it is only because your joy gives us strength.
When you have lost so much, and experienced so much pain, nothing really matters anymore.
Nothing could ever fix you or undo what has happened to you. It is permanent. But then your
joy, and the fact that this has not happened to you yet suddenly bring MUCH JOY to my heart.
To see you living happy, strong and free, this is enough to make my heart burst for joy. I
wonder if my joy is not more than your own for to experience joy after such hell might it that
much better! Who knows! All I know is that, you future child, are content. I believe it will
happen. And so it is possible to end my own suffering. You have no debt to us. Your joy is
payment enough. I thank you for accepting this gift from us. No need to thank us, but just to
think of us, and to go off and close this book and enjoy your life! The beginning of this wild
idea is speaking to the end completion of it. From me, and the many others who will labor
during the middle, we say "Repay us for our service to you. We demand you accept this gift as
your payment to us." Just in case you have trouble accepting because you do not feel worthy.
I need to end this book now, I have been going on too long and I have already decided not to
go back and edit any of this ending. Have a safe and wonderful journey. I will speak to you
again, sometime in the future. Until then.

Part 3:

I sit down here to write the introduction to this book Mein Kampf 2.0 volume 2. In accordance
with how Adolf Hitler wrote Volume 2 and released it approximately 15 months after volume

Welcome. If you have made it this far, then you realize what I am trying to do. Hoping to do.
To effect a change in the entire world. I must not boast. But this is what I want to do. To set
upon a rational philosophy that we can build the laws of our world upon. PURPLE NATIONAL
SOCIALISM, as it is coming to be called in my mind. Is it possible there could be king of the
human race called the Highest Purple. I am not sure. But I know there should be a Purple of
each Race, or if the people can not be unified yet, then a Purple of each sub-race; and from
these we should decide if one should rule over the others. In Volume 1, I declared that if we
met intelligent non-earth-human life. Then we should unify after that, but I have not found
evidence it exists yet.

I am going too fast too quickly. The world is moving between the volumes of this book. I am
busy with action. It is difficult to write a book during this time. I am trying to fulfill the things I
talked about in volume 1, which involves action. But I will persist, I think, in writing this book. I
am involved in the fierce cold of the normy world, trying to break free. Remember my reader?
To break the bonds of my suffering with your joy, my reader. I will fight for you, friend of the
future who reads these words in peace. I hope that I can help lay the cornerstone of that
peace. Heil Hitler. Heil Purple. Each Race, I ask you, to choose your leader. Every group should
choose their leader, their purple; and from there these leaders can choose a leader among the
leaders, building closer in each layer until a purple exists to lead with the rationality of a single


The great war against chaos! This formless evil tramples people in the streets! Many call it the
jews; just because a great number of powerful bad jews have had devastating effect, and in
fact rule a significant piece of the world. Still, good jews exist, and I seek them, to assist them
in the battle against bad jews. Heil Hitler. Turn against your normy instincts reader! You know
what I have to say is valuable, because I fight for you. No matter your race, but especially the
white race I want to rescue my own family as a priority. But along the way, I will help anyone I
can, including jews; even ones only lightly stepped into evil. I pick up my fellow man from
whatever problem might befall them. Yet, some sins might cause a person to rarely be in my
presence, else I might assist them to resist the evil.

My specific Christianity causes me to be non-damaging to everyone I contact. It is a weakness,

but others of violence who love this about me, will protect me, I would hope. I am not afraid
of violent men. I do not fear to be near them or their power circles. There are many layers of
protection for the religiously non-violent. Yet, can I lead the violent? They know better how to
win at violence with an enemy than I do, this is their expertise. They will do whatever is
necessary. I feel reasonably safe, to no choice of my own, because they do not listen to me
even if I were to tell them not to protect me.

I am careful not to go too far too fast. I have learned many things since volume 1, and it is
extremely difficult to understand. Maximum technology is an incredible idea.


I am alone writing this book. My saddness arises principally from being alone, in the wilderness
of this society. I have not achieved many men to join my quest against evil and disorder. My
progress is slower than I thought, that I am beginning to lose hope. Then descends the
darkness of normy life upon me; all alone.




two important things to note

1) while Adolf may have been against race-mixing, I believe he also felt philanthropic toward
other races; not hateful or thinking of them as "subhuman" but with the view of a positive
form of white supremacy as being like "an older brother race" which is supreme over his
younger brothers.... yet they are still our younger brothers and we should accordingly be kind.

2) The case when a white man race mixes to have a mixed race son, or a white woman race
mixes to have a mixed race daughter. These would still be PATRILINEALLY WHITE and
MATRILINEALLY WHITE. My view is that OUR TRUEST connection to our ancestors is through

patrilineal and matrilineal ancestry. If one of our brothers gets race mixed, but has the same
patriline as us, I am ADAMANT that this man still be treated like one of us, part of our most
sacred family... and that the policies I outlined in Mein Kampf 2.0 be applied to race mixers in
this situation, and avenues be left open for them to "re-purify" their whiteness along with the
policies I outline in Mein Kampf 2.0 .


[ Photo Novgorod Republic flag ]

Something to seriously consider. Russia appears more and more every day to have been a
puppet state of Mongol Asiatics ever since its inception when Muscovy was first born through
making deals with the retreating Mongol khans.

I mean, who founds a state on the Volga river point FURTHEST from its Caspian sea delta,
without having any connection to the lands between? This is COLD HARD evidence that
Muscovy was a controlled opposition state left behind by the mongols after they gave up on
direct rule of that territory.


the slow creep of nato seems to be working nicely. once finland and sweden get secured into
nato, then ukraine . then belarus can be partitioned, then georgia can be secured and
separatists defeated. then azerbajan can be taken back by armenia. and THEN maybe we could
think about invading openly "golden horde" russia. because of nuclear war risks, the days of
large scale decisive battles is over and we have to settle for victories that come slow and
steady like the rise of a ocean tide.

I can not wait until the tomb of Lenin is overrun and maybe some secret underground devil
worshipper complex is cleaned out. I get the feeling the tomb of lenin is the entrance to a
underground playground of evil extending to china itself. It seems like they are looking to re-
animate lenin in a propaganda display to resurge necromancy and witchcraft into the common
people, after which they will unleash all their underground goblin armies, which is in effect
another kind of nuclear weapon we want to avoid. Or maybe nothing exists underground.
Either way, we must be methodical and patient. praise to the brave ukranian defenders of the
white race for enduring the front line of the battle and starting the shift of the tide in our
favor. victory is in sight.

Yet the corruption of the homosexual agenda taking hold upon the west and correspondingly
in Ukraine is something to worry about. There also seems to be an oddity in the amount of
Jewish leadership in Ukraine. But nothing is certain, and suspicion arises on all sides. I worry
some enemy might control both sides, and is orchestrating this blood bath.

At any rate, pure slavs deserve the Volga. and I would not mind Russia being partitioned and
then renaming what is left Ukraine; because Russia really is basically the “edge” of white
native lands. I do not want to lose siberia to china.

If the western half of russia is secured for slavic nationalism. Would the slavs ever be open to
returning poland to the Germanic sphere? i understand that the mongol hordes pushing fins
and slavs west is what got Poland and scandinavian finland started in the first place. i am
hoping the poland question can be resolved in better fashion after russia is retaken for pure
slavs; it is bothersome that the Russians ignore their Germanic mixture and claim to be
principally slav. Look back to the origins of the Kiev Rus. it seems just very very natural for
poland and the baltic states to be part of of the germanic/nordic/scandanavian sphere rather
than slav, since it is the coastlines surrounding the central Germanic lands. i would hate to see
germanics and slavs ever become rivals again after uniting in this war against "golden horde"



Genesis 15:18-21 (KJV): In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto
thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river

Okay, you taught me something today by showing me this verse. I will have to change my
views a bit to be on guard against bad jew torah supremacists who want to fulfill this greater
Israel. But it will need to be a balance. I do not want to defend against this greater israel if it
comes at the risk of islam expansionists continuing to occupy and force feed islam outside of
Arabia. There must be a balance. It is also something to explore, that the patriline of jews goes
back to Abraham born in the Babylon region. I always thought that jews really belonged there
in southern Iraq. But what share do the jews have amongst all the various peoples spread
across from Canaan to Iraq, so that it might not be right for them to rule over all of them via a
greater Israel. I need to polish my thoughts on this, but certainly the arab Islamic conquest has
spread much too far, and I would much like to see anyone else ruling those lands besides

And besides, jews are divided. I do not worship the old testament, but I wonder if somehow
because the evil jews killed God in his human form, Jesus, and thus they violated any
"covenant" God made with them. Many jews, the non-torah-supremacists, might feel inclined
toward that thought; and thus divide them. The book of Isaiah is ALL ABOUT THAT, saying

Israel has broken its covenant and that punishment is coming. I support the book of Isaiah as a
higher quality source over genesis and exodus.

But thank you for highlighting this for me. It certainly pushes me further in the middle
between jew and muslim.


perceived protective relationship of people who believe in acceptable violence with those
who are devoted to non-violence, particularly christians. catholics who believe in violent holy
war and crusade, good muslims... etc. while i am a zealous believer in non-violent christianity;
it appears to me like God put these others in place as a protector. muslims might righteously
serve some role as a protector of christians; similar to pope and emperor;


>As to who the "real Jews" are, I think that's a matter for the future to investigate.
In my opinion, I think none are left. But many are hung up on it. Particularly the ashkenazis,
and a growing following of blacks calling themselves Black Hebrew Israelites claiming the true
mantle of the ancient jews.

When coming to the issue of "everybody go to their native land and mind your own business"
it brings to the forefront the problem of family traditions of people telling them this or that.
the only solution I can come up with, is to let people work it out for themselves in conflict with
each other on the land they claim is theirs by nationality. otherwise, you come to the problem
of telling people their family tradition is wrong, not just with the case of jews but anybody. if
some negroes want to claim they are the true swedes, then let them go to sweden and debate
with the other swedes; for example.


My philosophy is that you go there; and organize among your peers until you've worked things
out and chosen a leader or representative. Likewise, I want to go to Baden in Germany and
organize with my peers until we have a chosen leader. Then the chosen leaders of all the
different areas of France meet and do the same thing to choose a leader; same with Germany
and all the other sub-white races. Then those leaders meet with their regional counterparts to
choose still further leaders; if union is even possible. So on with all the white races until the
regional leaders all meet together and, if it can be done, choose a single leader for the entirety
of the white race.

French lore claims to be from Troy; which I believe; and once the Turkz are GONE from
Anatolia, the french should move back to their Native land and reform the Byzantine State.

but again. many people in both Germany and France, are different combinations of Celtic,
German, and French, and Roman. Racial purification is needed to untangle that mess; and then
the true french can return to Troy, whilst the celts stick around to make a new Gaul.

SOMEONE SAID: (the leader of all whites) can not come by way of election
I didn't say election, but just implied a group gathering. So I agree with you. The alpha of a
pack is not chosen by vote, but it just becomes slowly apparent to all the obvious choice as his
superiority wields itself among his peers. A measure must be added at the end of this process
to quell trolls who would make a disturbance against any leader that arises simply from
jealousy or from being a race-traitor.

But even with the leader of all whites; each region should have their own local leader; chosen
in the same way. I do believe the local leaders must come first before the Leader of all Whites
can be found amongst them. A leader allows a region to be communicated with like a human
intelligence. I will often refer to this leader interchangeably with the term Purple.



Some people, in their own beliefs, insist on believing in death and the possibility of my death;
it should be contended with them, rather than submitting to them. I believe that death is an
illusion given to us in this world, and really there is a birth of life into a new world, which only
appears like death.

I imagine the creation of a “living tomb” as a middle compromise. Using myself as an example,
if there ever comes a time when people believe me dead, then I imagine my body being placed
on a comfortable chair, with an empty chair placed next to me, where God can sit and speak
with me, in a comfortable appropriately decorated room, of an appropriate chosen location;
and also a third chair placed for visitors. And anyone who doubts my continued living can visit
and speak with us to soothe their doubt. And if this wants to be considered my tomb by some,
that is fine; but I will continually say that I am still alive, and their perception of my dead body
is an illusion. I imagine my hand is to be extend on the arm rest, and if desired, a visitor may
touch my hand on top of it, but not to move it or go underneath it. No pieces of my body are
to be taken as a relic. I am to be clothed comfortably and sitting upright with a slight recline.
The chairs is to be facing a fireplace, with some tables and stools in between, bookshelves. The
chairs should be designed for long term erosion resistance; my body is not to be picked up in
order to clean the chair, in case those who falsely view a decaying body imagine they can clean

things up, no, I am to be let alone and no credence put into their delusion beliefs of my dead
body illusion. The room should be expandable and possibly there can be added additional
chairs for my children and other family members as they wish to have family gatherings with
me and God. There should be a place within arm’s reach of running water through the room,
with cups available also within arm’s reach, and additional cups on shelves for visitors. There
can be places for candles, and there should also be a candle next to me and another next to
God's chair. Only I should ever be allowed to light my personal candle, and visitors should not
light it in the false belief that I am not able to light it myself; and the same with God's personal
candle. There can be a single plate on the table besides God's chair, with the meaning that his
body, the true bread from heaven, can be the food we eat and the plate may be passed
around according to visitors beliefs of their own personal communication with God giving
them permission.

The door to the room should remain open. And there should be a path for airflow that can
keep the room with fresh air with an appropriately sized window, which can also serve to fill
the room with sunlight and also have curtains. There should be a sign placed at the entrance
of the door, declaring to any potential visitor of the expectations of the room and also to warn
that they should not enter unless they feel that God would approve of their entry; or if they do
not believe in God then they are invited to discuss this with me and then afterward if they
begin believing in God to then follow their heart as to wonder if they have permission from
God to enter again in the future.

A place besides God's chair on the floor should be prepared for those who desire physically
prostrating displays before God when they sense his presence in the chair. Nobody should
ever ever ever sit in God's chair except God himself.

Musical instruments can be laid about on stands for entertainment. There is to be no

advanced technology.

There should be other things available near God's chair, which only He should be allowed to
touch, reserved for Him; and visitors should be warned. Their personal belief that God isn't
present is merely their own opinion, and that in our eyes we believe he can be present, and
may actually be using these devices outside of their inability to see through their own illusion
of emptiness, and that these things should not be snatched out of God's hand unless he wills



When our king is finally chosen, hopefully with a minimal number of personality flaws; the
enemies of our order will begin the process of microscopic analysis of our king's flaws; and will
seek to inflame them and cause him to make poor choices in a grand strategy to cause the
eventuality of the worst possible expression of his flaws. In the case of a strong king, this may
not happen in his original form, but may come in a future generation of his patrilineal
descendent heirs; who are to ascend the throne at the age of stability calculated from the
original king; in my case it is 35 (as currently calculated); and the patrilineal descendants of the
king are to rule starting from the eldest at the age of stability, and then the next youngest as
they reach the age of stability; continuing down the youngest. This will prevent wars among
brothers for the throne because all will get a chance to rule and afterward will ascend to the
honor of protecting the young of the family, and will also provide a needed safety mechanism
to calm the people in case one of the patrilineal iterations of the king obscenely misbehaves.
the people can console themselves that the next iteration of the king will come soon to
replace him at his appointed age. After the youngest attains the throne amongst the first
generation of the king; after this will the brothers rule the separate branches of the king's
patrilineal descendants as the king's of their separate branch, passing down the throne in the
same way, so that there will always be a representative king for each branch, representing the
spirit of that particular brother, and from thenceforth the children of the king will exist as
great spirits of the founding brothers of those branches; and they can interact so through their
king representatives as if the original family was still alive, and i do believe they are still alive
but in a larger form not just as a single human body but as the larger collective of their
patrilineal descendants organized into a king government modeled on the human body the
same as the original government of the king. And after this the youngest brother king
representative will rule as the king of the family, and reign as the singular representative spirit
of the original king; as they come to the age of stability. Yet there is one more process to
model the age of stability on a new patrilineal age of stability; counting from the original
oldest patrilineal ancestor considered as a still living yet unstable individual as represented by
his patrilineal descendants in chaotic form until the patrilineal group became stable; in my
case it took 7 generations in about 170 years before my patrilineal group became stable in
myself when i reached stability at age 35 and laid the foundation of the awakening of the mind
of my patrilineal group with my own awakening as I represent the mind of my patrilineal
group. and so as each son of the king reaches the age of 170 years, it will be considered that
his branch has reached this "patrilineal age of stability" and thus the representative king of
that brother branch will once again become the reigning king of the patrilineal family
representative of the spirit of the original king; and there will be a repeat of the original
process of the original generation 1 brothers in which they inherited the kingdom from their
father in sequence from oldest to youngest; except at this point in time it will be the throne
being passed from the currently reigning king of each brother branch, until the youngest
branch receives the throne again when they also hit 170 years. As the qualities of the

patrilineal family present themselves, there might be additional "ages of stability" which are
longer term than 170 years, which would also cause additional periodic resets of the brothers
receiving the throne again from oldest to youngest; and in between these periods should the
youngest retain the throne, guided by his older brothers who are happy to deliver him the
kingdom in the same endearing way as a father is happy to deliver the throne to his son and

In the same way, as the differences between the brothers and the branches within each
brother, there will develop qualities different of "age of stability" particular to their individual
histories as they develop, and it might happen that one brother branch might find they
inherited characteristics which cause their age of stability to be older than 35, in my case,
before the throne is passed within their branch, but never can it be less than 35, in my case, or
the age of stability of the original generation 0 king.

note: daughters are considered part of the patrilineal group, and retain the rights just as any
other male member except for the privilege of ruling the family as a representative king; until
they lose their virginity; because their father is one of us, and so their patrilineal ancestry is of
us; but when they lose their virginity, their bodies are considered changed to their chosen man

note: idea 40) "Marriage must return to being a ritual to guarantee paternity." Because of the
chaos causing impossible to know verification of patrilineality; we recognize paternity as a
process of estimation until time that we can establish the structure of the process of paternity
guarantees through a well thought out marriage process; and in that case will designate
descendants of the king as illegitimate or legitimate, or rather "estimated" or "guaranteed".
And once each patrilineal member has this label, then only can guaranteed descendants of the
king be included in this process of passing on the kingdom as a future guaranteed to be a pure
iteration of the original king; and those of estimated paternity are to begin their own
patrilineal line of guarantee, starting with themselves as generation 0. In times of chaos and
instability and weakness of the kingdom, either in the present or the future, designated
"estimated" descendants of the king can take the place of guaranteed descendants in case
they don't exist or the process hasn't been formed yet or the process has broken down; and in
that case the closest most highly probably estimations can take the place of fulfilling the need
and ascendence of heirs; and the highest estimation child will then attempt to begin the
process of producing guaranteed sons to restart the process.

now that all that throne passing process is clarified; let's return to the idea of the personality
flaws of the king being targeted by enemies. the king is not just represented as his original
form generation 0; but his patrilineal guaranteed decendents are to be considered as one
body, the growing and developing body of our king. and it can be assumed, that with enough
time, and in enough generations, even the smallest of flaws can be given the 100% focus of an
enemy for even extremely long terms as much as centuries before they are successful in the

harvest of that flaw by bringing their longterm plan to fruition by finally seizing on the flaw as
much as they possibly can at their calculated time to cause the maximum effect of their attack.
And in this situation the flaw of the king contained in one of his future ruling iterations, or
even possibly in his generation 0 form, which might possibly be expected since original flaws
stemming from the chaos he conquered will be strongly present as his people have had no
opportunity at his sudden appearance to heal him yet of his original most obvious flaws; but
this same process will apply in this generation 0 on a shorter term as will apply to a longer
term application of the process; so this advice can apply to both situations; and in the case of
generation 0, if the king's flaws are not immediately sizable by his enemies, then we can
expect the longer term process of his enemies targeting his greatest flaws with slow
methodical constant feedings of that flaw until it grows large enough and they prepare their
attack propaganda in coordination to perform this most expected of attacks when they
calculate the time is ripe to harvest the maximum effect of their attack.

When this attack finally comes, either in generation 0, or a far off future iteration of the king;
it will present itself as a behavior of the king which is extremely upsetting to his people and
also showcase his weakness toward overcoming it. This could come in the form of a specific
behavior, or even a flawed thought pattern that is offensive to his people. It is also not too far
off to consider that these flaws of the king could also be flaws in his people, and as it is the
king's responsibility to overcome the flaws of his people and with his kingly powers be the only
power possibly strong enough to stand firm against the flaws of his people to also heal them;
the king and his people in this way serve a reciprocal relationship that cannot be scientifically
codified or described in a cold logical way because it requires that "human element" that
"human touch" that impossible to describe "instinct" thing which will ultimately guide the
process. But let's assume it is the case that it is the king's flaw which is obviously wrong and his
people are in the right in diagnosing this as a flaw that must be dealt with. As I've described
before; humanity is lost in the woods, and the choosing of a king, a purple, is the first step of
finding the way out of the woods in that it is the choosing of a direction which is the best guess
as to be the way out. as different peoples of humanity choose their kings, "the best guess"
refers not to just blindly throwing your hands up in the choosing of the first person most
easiest person to choose that is already halfway into power, but instead to "make a best
guess" in the way of obviously, there is a cliff immediately to the east (just as an example) then
obviously it would not be a good guess to choose that direction. in the same sense if some
murderously insane person is halfway into power then it might be reasonable to go with
another choice of king; or metaphorically north and south could be ruled out because in case
the woods are distant in that direction it might lead eventually to extreme colds as it receives
more indirect light from the sun: in whatever metaphorical way you want to interpret that, I'm
not intending to imply any veiled meaning as to a preference for east or west in the same way
as I feel al the separate races of humanity are of equal value in the eyes of God.

going on: it is not the immediate choosing of a king that is most important but instead of the
relatively soon choosing of a king, meaning the relatively soon choice, after examination of the
woods, that a certain direction is a reasonable choice; and relatively soon means that there
should not be spent too much time calculating the most reasonable choice; the point is to
relax, take a breath as a unified people, and then pick a good direction; that is to pick a king.
Once that king/direction is chosen; it might come eventually to an unforeseen cliff; but since
the direction has already been chosen at this point, it is now not a case of going another
direction; but instead to survey the land and make plans of how to continue in that direction
and get over the cliff; either by walking around it in some fashion, or at worst having to climb
down it or up it in some way or a combination of those things. This could be considered the
coming upon one of the king's major flaws that I've been describing. And this same process
will occur eventually, no matter how great of a first generation 0 king you choose; and thus I
am preparing you for that eventuality that we will have to continue on through this obstacle
and never abandon our king. At this point we must console the people by reminding them of
long term gains at the expense of short term losses. Especially in the case of future
generational iterations of the king, where flaws that were hard to detect in the generation 0
king might present themselves in ways which the original generation 0 king was known to be a
highly moral person. In this case, the people should be comforted, even excited, to have finally
arrived at one of the personality flaws of the king; because it is a widely held opinion that it is
convenient to get the difficult labors over with as soon as possible so that afterward we can
finally relax and enjoy the fruits of our labors. in the case of a king's flaws, the fruit of our
labors will be that afterward we will have a strong king to protect our people. It must be
resisted at all costs, at this point, of giving up on the king and choosing another. No, because
this other king will eventually have flaws too, and we can not continue as a people to
continually change directions when lost in this forest, WE MUST ESCAPE, WE MUST CONTINUE
the scenario that an enemy of our people is aware that we are JUST ABOUT to escape from the
woods, and thus at this point he will throw all his energies into fooling us to change directions,
even offering us the most difficult to resist temptations and bribes; DON'T GIVE IN TO THIS
PERMANENTLY GOOD FUTURE! We must make this sacrifice for all the future generations of
our children, so that we do not pass on the burden of this responsibility to them by our
weakness. We must make it out of these woods, for their sake.

I imagine that a reasonably god choice for king will result in a moderately difficult personality
flaw situation such as this occur in the generation 0 king because he will be the first to lift
himself out of the swamp of chaos to deal with never before seen scenarios; and then another
moderate flaw during the kings of the generation 1 brothers because they will be the first
generation to become kings without having to have first had their personality flaws purified
through the fire of overcoming the swamp on their own like their father did, as goes the saying
that "hard times build strong men, easy times build weak men" and thus this generation 1 will

be the first to face that difficult situation of persevering in morality even without the threat of
a swamp chaos apocalypse causing misbehavior to result in immediate punishment. Then also
in the same way will the generation 2 kings also have a moderate flaw in that they were the
first to be full submersed in the protection of the kingdom, without a father who had direct
experience of the swamp chaos apocalypse and without any memories at all of what it was like
to live without being an heir of the kingdom. Thus the flaws that come out in both generation
1 and 2 can be expected to be of the type that occurs from a lack of discipline in an easy life;
the flaws will present themselves in parenting failures that must be met and overcome, and
then learned from in the next generation, with which to prevent this lack of discipline and all
other kinds of parenting failures. Like the father of generation 0 king could be propagandized
as "The Swamp Father" and it be explained to future generations that The Swamp Father, that
is the chaos of the times the generation 0 king lived, harshly disciplined the generation 0 king
to make him very strong, but also to cause him much suffering as payment for that strength;
and so the goals of the future iteration generations should be to find the balance between
causing suffering in the disciplining of their children balanced with causing strength of
character within the child. It should not be expected that every generation after generation 0
be exposed to the same terrible trials and hardships and massive suffering of the generation 0
king; it was his duty to withstand those sufferings so that his future generations wouldn't have
to; it was his duty to withstand those sufferings without being broken in order to lay the
foundation of a peaceful happy living for his future generations. It is a mistake of many fathers
I notice, that they feel like they must expose their sons to the same suffering they experienced
in order for them to survive like that he did. No, generational improvement is progressive, and
the fathers will lay the foundation which their children build upon, so that a new foundation
not need be laid every generation, and their children will experience different scenarios which
require different solutions, and in this way his children will lay new foundations upon his to
build the house of protection for the future of his family.

In generation 3 there will be one last moderate flaw in the same way as generation 1 was the
first generation to face the situation of parenting children outside of the Swamp chaos residual
in their father, and so generation 2 will be first generation to be fully submersed in parenting
generation 3 with absolute no direct memories of the swamp chaos. Thus with generation 3,
this will be the last moderate flaw to present itself; and the people of the kingdom after this
point will be able to rest and enjoy the extremely strong and well behaved and excellent
parenting kings to protect them from the chaos monster.

note: remember, these flaws should also be expected to be present in the people, as a
collective entity and not any individual person specifically but rather the collective soul of the
people in how they act in sum total of all their actions as a group; they can be similarly titled
with generation 0,1,2 and 3; and that the reciprocal relationship, symbiotic, relationship
between the people and the king will have to play itself out with all the strength of family love
and bond, to help them through the hard times of contending with each other's flaws, and

coming to decisions of who exactly has the flaw or not or coming to conclusions of some kind
of partial blame. This will also apply to the apocalyptic personality flaw in the king, which I am
about to describe now; this apocalyptic personality flaw will also appear in the collective hive
mind of the people in the same way; but for simplicity I will describe it from the perspective of
analyzing the king's apocalyptic personality flaw.
note 2: it's conceivable that enemies of the king and kingdom will structure the flaws of the
people and the king to harvest them both at exactly the same time so as to double the
sufferings of the kingdom in that the king and kingdom will be contending each from their own
flawed perspective.


now, I’ve been referring to these first four generations as moderate flaws, even while at the
time they might appear to the people as a bit more worse than moderate; and that is because
I have not yet described the apocalyptic personality flaw that i see coming the future of any
kingdom loyal to their generationally iterated king. Imagine by the end of generation 3 kings,
the people will have done their duty helping the kings overcome their flaws, in the variety of
scenarios that they present themselves; comparable to stepping out of the swamp, you can
expect there will a time of having to clean up the mess of the swamp on your body and clothes
and that even while you are out of the swamp, still it will be a considerable time before you
are fully rested and cleaned up. But by this time, when generation 4 arrives it should be al
bright and sunny days ahead and I might actually consider the start of the thousand year
golden age; the thousand year golden age being the time after evil has been extinguished fully
and it will take 1000 years before it has had time to grow back as a natural gradual occurrence
in humanity that can not, by anything less than God himself, be fully rooted out. But as far as
the king's personality flaws; I imagine there would be a moderate one that has to be overcome
once every couple centuries; as the enemies of the kingdom and its people continually
calculate the best means of attack to exacerbate the king's remaining flaws as the only means
to hurt the kingdom and the people; because with a strong and well behaved king, almost
nothing could hurt them except the strongest of an enemy power; and in that sense I believe
that the model of a well functioning kingdom is the best protection a people can hope for,
whilst that protection is not absolute, still it is the best a people can hope for, and after that to
place your hopes in God.
----But now imagine after generation 4 comes in to bring the rise of the most fantastic
accomplishments of culture and happiness within the people, the enemies of the kingdom will
go back to the drawing board and realize that they are going to need a long term plan in order
to destroy the king and the kingdom. In the same way as our own passion for fighting against
the evil chaos caused us to take upon ourselves much suffering for the greater good, even the
future good that we might never see, still our love for each other gave us the passion needed
to overcome; and it can be expected that these future enemies of our will similarly desire to
destroy our king and kingdom, even whilst their passion arises from just being mistaken to
think the king and kingdom is evil; thus we must consider that these future enemies will fight

against us thinking they are doing so for the greater good; and with that in mind, like us, they
will stop at nothing and make any sacrifice imaginable to destroy their perceived enemies. And
with this type of thinking, they will go back to the drawing board during generation 4 and
begin constructing plans that might not come to fruition 200 years in the future, 200 years for
precisely the reason that the kingdom is too strong to be hurt in any less of a time: and this
will result in that moderate flaw I spoke of that the kingdom will have to overcome every 200
years. Yet, after 200 years, if you take my advice as a people to persevere through all with your
chosen king, your chosen direction out of the woods; the people and the king will rally every
time these flaws present themselves, and all will take upon themselves the necessary actions
in order to ensure the continue ever increasing civilization of peace and happiness, in order to
continue on past even these bumps in the road; and with every flaw overcome and healed, the
king and kingdom will become even stronger than before and reach even greater height so of
culture, peace, and happiness.

Yet, after this 200 year point, after the enemies of the kingdom have failed once again to
overthrow it and bring the people back to the deepest parts of the forest: it will become
apparent to them that they need a much longer plan than 200 years to succeed; and let's say
they decide upon an 800 year plan, so that at the end of the 1000 years since generation 0, the
will make their calculations with such strict adherence to discipline and covering absolutely
each and every possibility for failure; and at this point the enemy calculations against the
kingdom will reach the peak of being a religion dedicated to the destruction of the kingdom
and deploy a prophecy of how the kingdom will be destroyed at that time after 1000 years.
And thus, they will calculate their plans by seizing on the greats existing personality flaw in the
king's generational iterations; and they will make the calculations of the actions needed to be
taken over 800 years.

Let's be frank. What person exists out there, any choice of king you could come upon; who is
strong enough, disciplined enough, naturally good hearted enough: enough to resist the
calculations of an entire multitude of an organized religion dedicated to calculating a
personality flaw and biding their time over a thousand years to see their attack come to
fruition? And thus I bring up the Personality flaw apocalypse that will arise at this thousand
year mark; which the kingdom, the king and his descendants will be powerless to resist, and I
dare say that it is the final boundary to being out of the woods to achieve maybe something
like a ten thousand year golden age after this point. And it will be an extremely troublesome
time for the kingdom. And the generation of the people at the time will face a choice. They
can replace the king, and start the thousand year process anew, to be repeated again in
another thousand years; and thus they will have the temptation of deposing their king,
choosing a new king and going through the moderate sufferings again of the first 4
generations; and afterward to enjoy the fruits of another thousand year golden age, all being a
MUCH MUCH MUCH easier road to travel rather than to have to overcome this 1000 year
apocalyptic flaw of the current king, which could even be so severe as to take multiple

generation to overcome before peace and happiness returns to the kingdom and the kingdom
is healed from that flaw. Which choice would you make? Think also, if that 1000th year
generation could find the strength in themselves, to withstand the sufferings at that time, for
the sake of achieving the ten thousand year golden age; and thus achieving the glory and
honor for themselves of sacrificing for the sake of a generation that is another 1000 years
away who would otherwise have to deal with another 1000 year apocalyptic personality flaw
of the next chosen king; yes, this 1000th year generation could lay aside all those comforts of
life in order to help the kingdom persevere through that time; suffering for the greater good;
withstanding the most ugly atrocious flaw contained in a king abusing his power, yet
remaining with him; in the grand hope of making it out of that next stage of lost in the woods.
It is my hope that this writing of mine, because I have predicted it before hand, will give the
people of that time the strength and passion needed to succeed during that time. Because it is
FOR US! If our ancestors a five thousand years ago would have made the sacrifices needed to
overcome the chaos, then maybe we could have been enjoying ourselves today. But it is
because that our ancestors five thousand years ago did not consider us that we are suffering in
the chaos of our modern age. Let us not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors; let us not pass
problems on t a future generation. Even from the point of greed, why not let us achieve one of
the most honorable sacrifices for our future that will cause our generation to be remembered
forever in glory! Or even more so to make an honorable sacrifice that nobody person will
know about, to exponentially increase the glory and honor we receive precisely for the reason
that it will not be remembered by anyone; and thus God who knows al things can be the final
deliverer of our rewards: this is the type of greed for glory that I am talking about which can
possibly inspire the passion needed to perform the great tasks needed to be done.

Now imagine this thousand year personality flaw apocalypse were to be overcome by that
generation to usher in the ten thousand year golden age. I predict the process will repeat itself
again at the end of those ten thousand years; and that in between those ten thousand years
humanity and civilization will reach a level of peace and happiness and beautiful culture ten
thousand times better than what we have now. But, every time the evil is destroyed for a little
longer, the enemies of our kingdom will go back to the drawing board and make the
calculations necessary to destroy the kingdom after biding their time for ten thousand years,
since one thousand years was not enough to destroy us. And thus, you can imagine that the
carefully laid plans of ten thousand years by our enemies will cause and even greater
upheaval. Perhaps even as bad as a hundred year cursed age of war and resistance against the
ten thousand year laid plans of our enemy. And again the people of that ten thousand year
generation will have to make the same decision as the thousand year generation... will they
make the sacrifices needed to ensure the king and kingdom carry on, or will the depose the
king and start anew another ten thousand year process and cause a new generation to have to
fight once again the thousand year apocalyptic flaw; and leave the problem to be solved by a
future generation to perhaps one day defeat the chaos monster of the ten thousand year

apocalypse. What greater hope for glory than fighting in such a terrible war; it is simply my
personality type that I hope for glory almost above all other things, and I only wish I could
participate in that resisting that ten thousand year apocalypse; and make the sacrifice needed
to make sure our king remains the king. And I predict the reward for humanity after victory
during that time, will be evil so efficiently cleansed from the king and kingdom, and the kings
personality will be so perfected, and the collective personality of the people will be so
perfected after this victory; that it will usher in the Million Year Golden age. And so on the
process will repeat itself again after a million years of a peace and prosperity a million times
greater than we have now; and at the end of it will occur the millionth year personality flaw
apocalypse; which if it is overcome then will rise the Billion year Golden age. Then after that
perhaps the Trillion year golden age. If ever these words are read by someone a Trillion years
from now: I want you to know that I love you and I am determined, as an individual, to follow
the golden rule, and to not be guilty of the same flaw my ancestors a trillion years ago were, of
stupidity or otherwise cowardice, Trillionth year generation, know this that I think of you; and I
will fight for you while I am here; and I hope that if all others of my generation have failed you,
even if I fail to convince them to follow my path with me, It is my hope that you would not
consider my a partner in their failure and remember me for raising the flag of this hope for the
future of humanity, and that whether I succeed or fail in this mission, that you will not
consider me having failed the duty of TRYING to perform this mission on your behalf. If not for
my knowledge of their ignorance, I might hate them for their selfishness. Trillionth year
generation, please do not include me in their guilt; and know that a trillion years before you
were born, I existed, and I thought of you, and I loved you. Heil Hitler.

Year Zero: 1 Generation: Out of the Swamp. Thousand year golden age.
Year Thousand: Ten year: apocalypse. Ten Thousand year golden age. = 0.001
sacrifice/reward ratio
Year Ten-Thousand: Hundred year: apocalypse. Million Year Golden Age. = 0.0001
sacrifice/reward ratio
Year Million: Thousand Year: Apocalypse. Billion Year Golden Age. = 0.000001
sacrifice/reward ratio
Year Billion: Ten Thousand Year: Apocalypse. 10-Trillion Year Golden Age. =
0.000000001 sacrifice/reward ratio
Year 1,000,000,002,021: 100 Thousand Year: Apacalypse.100-Quadrillion Year Golden Age =




The office of the Purple, the word for leader. That there be established a Purple of each race,
or a set of Purples at the smallest possible. That there be made ever smaller Purples in a group
by getting the 2 of the Purples to elect a greater Purple among them. Then there be small
numbers of people to deal with in solving problems. Only in this hierarchy of command
authority order can there be hope of solving problems.


There shall be a octagonal pyramid trapezoid, made of stone; to create a flat octagon surface
at the top the height of the tallest man who ever lived. the inclines extending from the
platform to the ground should be a 30 degree incline. the length from flat opposite flat edges
of the platform should be double the height of the tallest man who ever lived. this is the place
of the throne or office of the king, who shall furnish it and decorate it as he wishes.

There should be 8 guardians standing one at each corner of the pyramid; these guardians
classified as Masters of Mercy; each having passed the most extreme of tests upon their
devotion to delivering mercy to the current king. As a new king begins his reigns, these 8
should be switched out once there is found those who have demonstrated their mastery of
mercy towards the new king personally. Their duty is to face toward the throne, and watch the
king and each other; each ensuring that the other 7 maintains mercy toward the king; and if
necessary to protect the king from any attack as they see fit. They are to have been the most
extremely tested and proven non-violent people; and also tested and proved to have a
genuine belief in the one God all powerful. There should be no steps up to the throne, but just
flat even inclines on each of the 8 sides of the platform; and if necessary the 8 masters of
mercy are to help the king ascend and descend the platform as they see fit. If the king desires
that someone else also join him on top of the platform; they must receive permission from all
of the 8 masters of mercy. If even one objects, then they should not be allowed on the
platform with the king; even if the king demands it. The 8 masters of mercy should rotate
counter clockwise their posts at each corner at most once ever 1/256th of a day, that is 5
minutes, 37.5 seconds; and according to their collective judgement they can continuously walk
in a counter clockwise circles around the platform.

There should be 7 guardians surround this central platform, at a distance from the edges of
the platform 2 times the height of the tallest man who ever lived. These guardians should be

classified as Masters of Justice; each having passed the most extreme of tests upon their
devotion to delivering justice upon enemies of the king. As a new king begins his reign, these 7
should be switched out once there is found those who have demonstrated their mastery of
justice towards enemies of the new king personally. Their duty is to face away from the
throne, and watch outwardly for enemies of the king, and if necessary to protect the king from
any attack as they see fit. They are to have been the most extremely tested and proven violent
people; and also tested and proved to have a genuine belief in the one God all powerful whom
they genuinely believe gives them permission to carry out violence. If the king desires that
someone else also join him inside the 7 master of justice, then they must receive permission
from all of the 7 masters of justice. If even one objects, then they should not be allowed
inside; even if the king demands it. The 7 masters of justice should rotate clockwise from their
posts at each corner at most once every 1/256th of a day, that is 5 minutes, 37.5 seconds; and
according to their collective judgement they can continuously walk in clockwise circles around
the platform.

No advanced technology is allowed inside either circle; not even the king, and not even the 7
masters of justice are allowed to have any advanced weapons.

outside this central area; there is to be another 78 boundary, in sufficient distance as is

needed to comfortably contain the amounts of people within. The same rules of no advanced
technology go for this area. This second outer boundary is to have another set of 8 masters of
mercy, facing inward, who are permitted to carry any technology they deem necessary to
perform their duty of ensuring that mercy is delivered to the inhabitants inside and if needed
to protect them from attack as they see fit, and also each is to keep a watch on the other 7
masters of mercy. they are to rotate counter clockwise at most once every 1/16th of a day, or
90 minutes; but according to their collective judgement they can continuously walk in counter
clockwise circles. nobody is allowed to enter this central area without the permission of all 8,
not even if the king demands it.

at a distance according to the same ratio of distance between the inner 78 boundary; that is
twice the height of the tallest person in the world accordingly with the same ratio of the radius
distance inside the outer 78 boundary with the radius of the inner octagon throne platform.
This second outer boundary is to have another set of 7 masters of justice, facing outward, who
are permitted to carry any technology they deem necessary to perform their duty of ensuring
that justice is delivered to any exterior person or enemies of the contained people, in the
same way tested and proved to believe in God giving them permission to perform violence, to
protect the interior from attack as they see fit. they are to rotate clockwise at most once every
1/16th of a day, or 90 minutes; but according to their collective judgement they can
continuously walk in clockwise circles. nobody is allowed to enter this central area without the
permission of all 7 outer masters of justice, not even if the king demands it.

The collective judgement of each of the two 7 justices and each of the two 8 merciers is to
determine when and how to substitute alternate guardians as they need their rest. their
highest priority duty, that of delivering mercy to the king himself and delivering justice to the
king's enemies is to supersede their duty of obedience the king himself, who might put his
own person and the office of the king in danger by his own misjudgment, and so the duties of
these 30 on duty persons is to protect the king and the king as a first priority; and second
priority to obey the king. Even at the sacrifice of their own status in the eyes of the king, or the
sacrifice of their own safety; this is the sacrifice required by the 30.

the masters of violent justice are to also be proven masters of mercy toward the king as well;
having a double skill set. masters of mercy are to also be proven masters of non-violent
justice; having also this double skill set.

the inner 78 boundary should be composed of singular individual guardians, while the outer 78
boundary should be 7 and 8 groups lead by singular leaders in the king form of government;
with grouping sizes probably in the same ratio as the size of the entire area as compared to
the size of the central 78.


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