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11/9/23, 20:03 Semana 8: Revisión del intento

Página Principal / Mis cursos / Ciclo Escolar / 2023_07 / Trivias del Saber Intermedio NRC-523 / Actividades / Sema

Comenzado el domingo, 20 de agosto de 2023, 20:41

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en domingo, 20 de agosto de 2023, 20:47
Tiempo 5 minutos 32 segundos
Calificación 5.00 de 5.00 (100%)


Read the information 1-4 and select the letter A to G that expresses the same idea.

0. You use this to overlay text with a fluorescent substance.



Pregunta 1

Se puntúa 0.72 sobre 0.72

With this you can stick papers, objects and materials together.

Seleccione una:
a. Text book

b. Pencil

c. Glue 

Pregunta 2

Se puntúa 0.72 sobre 0.72

This is made of with carbon and wood and you use it to write.

Seleccione una:
a. Dictionary

b. Pencil 

c. Reading book 1/4
11/9/23, 20:03 Semana 8: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 3


Se puntúa 0.72 sobre 0.72

Página Principal / Mis cursos / Ciclo Escolar / 2023_07 / Trivias del Saber Intermedio NRC-523 / Actividades / Sema

The place where you can buy school and office supplies.

Seleccione una:
a. Stationery 

b. Glue

c. Text book

Pregunta 4

Se puntúa 0.71 sobre 0.71

When you don’t know a word, you have to use it.

Seleccione una:
a. Reading book

b. Stationery

c. Dictionary  2/4
11/9/23, 20:03 Semana 8: Revisión del intento


PART 5 Principal
Página / Mis cursos / Ciclo Escolar / 2023_07 / Trivias del Saber Intermedio NRC-523 / Actividades / Sema

Read the text and answer the questions 5-7.


Are you a coffee lover? Do you know where coffee came from? This aromatic energizing drink came from the
Abyssinia known nowadays as the Ethiopian region. Although, there is a probability that African tribes had known
this plant since the antique and used its grains to feed animals, give warriors energy for battle and to stand long
religious ceremonies.
The coffee plant grows in countries such as Arabia, Vietnam, Costa de Marfil, Hawaii, and South America region in
particular countries like Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, being this one the most productive region. It is planted in a
warm and cold climate and plenty of sun. It is believed that coffee was brought to Colombia by Jesuit Jose
Gumilla around 1730 through Venezuela, and the first coffee crops were planted in the eastern part of the country.
Since then, it has been cultivated in different regions such as Santander, Cundinamarca, Antioquia and lastly in
Caldas, Quindío, Tolima which produce the best coffee in the country.

Coffee was considered as an important export product in the half of the XIX century and so, farmers and
landowners started to find great opportunities in the international markets. The first consumer country has been
the United States, followed by Germany and France in Europe. Coffee experienced a good expansion and
interesting international prices during the end of the XIX to the XXI century; despite different crises, farmers and
businessmen have faced the situation to overcome economy, weather conditions and disease problems.
Moreover, it was created the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation in 1927 which improved the coffee industry

In conclusion, coffee has generated income for many coffee farming families in many regions of the world, and it
is the first favorite drink of many people. Moreover, there are many coffee lovers who prefer three or more cups
during the day because of the flavor, aroma, smells, and acidity as well as, the health benefits that this beverage
can bring to your body as energy, burn fat, make you smarter and lower risk of serious diseases.

UNIMINUTO (2022) Uniminuto UBVD: Virtual English Department

Pregunta 5

Se puntúa 0.71 sobre 0.71

Where did coffee come from?

Seleccione una:
a. Arabean countries

b. Ethiopia 

c. Africa 3/4
11/9/23, 20:03 Semana 8: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 6


Se puntúa 0.71 sobre 0.71

Página Principal / Mis cursos / Ciclo Escolar / 2023_07 / Trivias del Saber Intermedio NRC-523 / Actividades / Sema

What kind of problems have coffee farmers faced?

Seleccione una:
a. Economic crisis, weather changes 

b. Disease and global warming

c. Competition and low prices

Pregunta 7

Se puntúa 0.71 sobre 0.71

According to the article, in the past coffee grains were used for:

Seleccione una:
a. Economical support of families

b. Feeding animals and giving energy 

c. Making business among the countries 4/4

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