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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 563 (2022) 169892

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Anomalous Nernst thermopile made of a single element iron

Ting-Wei Weng a, 1, Tsao-Chi Chuang a, 1, Danru Qu b, c, *, Ssu-Yen Huang a, c, *
Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan
Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan
Center of Atomic Initiative for New Materials, National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan


Anomalous Nernst thermopiles that utilize spin–orbit coupling in magnetic materials are beneficial for energy harvesting. Under an out-of-plane temperature
gradient, the thermopiles can generate sizable and scalable thermoelectric voltages due to the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE). In this work, we show that a ther-
mopile made of only one element, Iron (Fe), can generate a significant spin-dependent thermoelectric signal. We find that by varying the thickness of Fe, the
anomalous Nernst signal changes sign and becomes exceptionally large in the thinner-thickness region. As a result, the anomalous Nernst thermopile consisting of
only Fe exhibits a sizable thermoelectric signal. Moreover, the plateau behavior in the thermopile owing to the sequential flipping of magnetic moments demonstrates
that the ANE could serve as a sensitive tool to detect magnetic switching. The multi-level ANE signals further indicate the anomalous Nernst thermopiles can be
utilized as the ANE valve for logic gates. These results provide an essential guide for energy harvesting and spin-dependent electrothermal sensor using magnetic

Spin caloritronics studies the interaction among charge, spin, and transverse Seebeck coefficient, and m is the unit vector of the magnetic
heat. Intensive studies have been focused on the spin Seebeck effect moment. According to Eq. (1), the thermoelectric voltage is directly
(SSE) and the anomalous Nernst effect (ANE), where heat currents proportional to the Sxy . In order to obtain a large ANE signal, intensive
generate spin and spin-polarized currents in magnets longitudinally and studies have been devoted to searching for materials with large Sxy ,
transversely, respectively [1]. The SSE is often observed in magnetic including the topologically nontrivial quantum materials, for example,
insulator, and an attached metallic layer with sizable spin–orbit Mn3Sn [4], Co2MnGa [5], Fe3Ga [6], YbMnBi2 [7], etc., which have
coupling converts the spin current to a transverse charge current via the band touching points in their band structures, and have Sxy of a few
inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) [2]. The ANE is often observed in con- microvolts per kelvin at room temperature.
ducting magnetic materials, including metals, semiconductors, and to- To further boost the thermoelectric voltage, fabrication of anoma-
pological semimetals and it is caused by the spin–orbit scattering of lous Nernst thermopile is crucial. In the anomalous Nernst thermopile,
unbalanced electrons with up and down spins [3]. The thermoelectric as shown in Fig. 1(b), strips made of magnets with opposite signs in Sxy
voltages generated from the SSE/ISHE or the ANE are typically in the are located alternatively and parallelly with each other while connected
order of microvolt, which are too small for practical applications. in series. The anomalous Nernst thermopile is scalable; the total thermal
Therefore, boosting the thermoelectric signal is of crucial importance for voltage is a sum of the ANE voltages of all the strips. By further reducing
efficient thermal energy harvesting from heat and is one of the strongest the width and increasing the total effective length of the strips, the
driving forces for spin caloritronic research. anomalous Nernst thermopile can reach a high heat flux sensitivity
One approach for large heat to charge conversion is to search for comparable to or even exceed some of the commercial Seebeck-type
magnetic materials with large anomalous Nernst coefficient. In the ANE, thermopiles [1,8]. It is worth pointing out that since the anomalous
the thermoelectric signal (E), the external magnetic field (H), and the Nernst thermopile is made of thin films, it could be extremely flexible
temperature gradient (∇T) are mutually orthogonal to each other, as compared to the Seebeck-type thermopiles. Moreover, for the anoma-
shown in Fig. 1(a). The ANE signal can be described by. lous Nernst thermopile, the applied temperature difference (ΔT) and the
detected voltage (V) are in the transverse direction, which in principle
EANE = − Sxy m × ∇T (1)
allows arbitrarily large voltage when the strip length is increased. In
where Sxy is the anomalous Nernst coefficient, also known as the contrast, for the Seebeck-type device, ΔT and V are in the same direction,

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: (D. Qu), (S.-Y. Huang).
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Received 14 June 2022; Received in revised form 19 August 2022; Accepted 26 August 2022
Available online 6 September 2022
0304-8853/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
T.-W. Weng et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 563 (2022) 169892

thus V is fixed for a fixed ΔT regardless of the lateral dimensions of the and 30-nm thick Fe is about 3.7 μV and –1.5 μV at the saturation field of
device [1]. 60 Oe, respectively. Surprisingly, the ANE for 3-nm thick Fe is about +
In the anomalous Nernst thermopiles, two different materials are 7.4 μV, which not only changes the sign but also becomes 5 times larger
usually used since opposite signs in Sxy are required for the head-to-tail than that for the 30-nm thick Fe. The results for other thicknesses,
series connection. In this work, we show the Sxy can be different and ranging from a few nm to 100 nm are shown in Fig. 1(d). For Py thin
even changes sign for one single element magnet Fe with different films, the ANE voltage is about 3.7 μV in the thicker-film region (>9 nm)
thicknesses. Most importantly, we find the anomalous Nernst voltage and decreases to nearly zero with decreasing thicknesses below 9 nm. In
increases drastically at lower thickness region indicating the modifica- sharp contrast, the ANE for Fe is about –1 μV in the thicker-film region
tion of the band structure of ultrathin Fe. This observation eventually (>9 nm) and decreases to zero when the thickness reaches 6 nm. For
leads to the thermopile consisting of only Fe. The fabrication process for even thinner film (less than 6 nm), the ANE signal surprisingly becomes
the anomalous Nernst thermopile could be exceedingly simplified with positive and drastically increases in magnitude. According to Eq. (1), the
only one element required. The single-element thermopile is not only ANE signal is proportional to the transverse Seebeck coefficient Sxy ,
scientifically interesting but also technologically exciting. which is expressed as Sxy = ρ(αxy − Sxx σxy ), here ρ is resistivity, αxy =
The magnetic films studied in this work are deposited on 16-mm π 2 k2B T ∂σxy π 2 k2B T ∂σ
wide, 16-mm long, and 0.5-mm thick Si substrates by DC magnetron 3e ( ∂E )EF is the transverse thermal conductivity, Sxx = 3eσ (∂E)EF is the
sputtering under an argon pressure of 10 millitorr in a chamber with a Seebeck coefficient, and σ xy is the transverse conductivity. As shown in
base pressure of 10-7 Torr. The anomalous Nernst thermopiles are our previous work [3], we have utilized the Sxy and αxy derived from the
fabricated by sequential photolithography processes. The thicknesses of Mott relation to investigate the scaling relation of the ANE. We show
the thin films are determined by atomic force microscopy, and the that the enhancement in thin films is primarily caused by the intrinsic
magnetization is measured by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). and side-jump mechanisms.
During the ANE measurement, the sample is sandwiched between a We have also performed the X-ray diffraction (XRD) study to inves-
silicone sheet and a Cu heat sink. The silicone sheet is directly contacted tigate the crystalline structure of our thin films. We confirmed the body
with a resistance heater and has an area size of about 1 cm2. A constant centered cubic structure for the 180-nm thick Fe films. However, for thin
heat power of 5.3 W is applied throughout our study. From COMSOL Fe films less than 6 nm, we could not capture any XRD peaks, possibly
simulation, an effective heat flux ϕq = 3.6 × 104 W/m2 , which considers due to the limitation of our instrument. Therefore, we could not exclude
the different sizes between the substrate and the heating silicone sheet, the possibility that for very thin Fe, its crystalline structure changes to
is maintained throughout our measurement. face centered cubic structure or amorphous structure. This awaits
We first show the ANE for Py (Ni80Fe20) and Fe thin films on Si further experimental studies.
substrate. For an in-plane magnetic field along the x-axis and an out-of- Next, by head-to-tail series connection of strips with opposite ANE
plane temperature gradient/heat flux along the z-axis, we obtain sizable signals, the same as connecting batteries in series, we fabricate two types
anomalous Nernst voltages for Py and Fe thin films with various thick- of thermopiles based on Py and Fe, and Fe only. The alternatively ar-
nesses ranging from a few nanometers to 100 nm along the y-axis. The ranged and laterally connected thermopile is assembled as portrayed in
ANE signals for the 30-nm thick Py (blue), 30-nm thick Fe (green), and Fig. 2(a) and 2(b). Each component is named after the shapes, which are
3-nm thick Fe (red) are shown in Fig. 1 (c). In all cases, the square-like “I” and “Z”, and there are 10 and 9 of them, respectively. Each strip in
hysteresis loops are presented, which resemble their magnetization the thermopile has a width of 200 μm, a length of 5 mm, and they are
loops. The difference in the width of the loops is caused by the different separated by 480 μm. As shown in the upper panel of Fig. 2(c), the
coercivity of the ferromagnetic films. The ANE for the 30-nm thick Py thermopile of Py(30)-Fe(30) which consists of 30-nm-thick Py and 30-

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration for (a) the ANE measurement (b) the anomalous Nernst thermopile, where H, E, and ∇T are magnetic field, electric field, and tem-
perature gradient, respectively. (c) The field-dependent ANE voltages for the 30-nm-thick Py (blue), 30-nm-thick Fe (green), and 3-nm-thick Fe (red). (d) Thickness-
dependent ANE signals for Py (blue) and Fe (red).

T.-W. Weng et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 563 (2022) 169892

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of (a) the Py(30)-Fe(30) and (b) the Fe(3)-Fe(30) thermopiles. The blue, green and red strips represent Py(30), Fe(30), and Fe(3),
respectively. Field-dependent ANE (upper panel) and magnetization (lower panel) for (c) the Py(30)-Fe(30) and (d) the Fe(3)-Fe(30) thermopiles. The blue, green and
red arrows represent the direction of Py(30), Fe(30), and Fe(3) magnetic moments, respectively.

nm-thick Fe exhibits a thermal voltage of 21.9 μV at the saturation field result, the ANE signals obtained in all samples are essentially the same
of 50 Oe. By further replacing Py with the 5-nm-thick Fe, as shown in the about 2 μV, as shown in Fig. 3(a), demonstrating their independence of
upper panel of Fig. 2(d), the thermopile of Fe(5)-Fe(30) reaches a width. These results also indicate under the same heat flux, for thin films
significantly larger thermal voltage up to 122.3 μV, nearly-six times of the same thickness, the ANE voltages are comparable with each other.
larger than that of Py(30)-Fe(30). Since the voltage generated by the We further confirm the linear dependence of the ANE signals on the
anomalous Nernst thermopile is directly proportional to the effective effective total length of the thermopile strips. We connect several 30-
total length of the wires, by further reducing the width in the nanometer nm-thick, 5-mm-long, and 200-μm-wide Py strips (blue) in series with
scale and accommodating 1000 times more the anomalous Nernst pairs 30-nm-thick Cr strips (grey) of the same lateral dimensions, as shown in
on the same substrate, we would expect a thermal voltage up to 100 mV. the inset of Fig. 3(b). Since Cr produces no ANE signal, the voltage V we
To verify that the ANE voltage is independent of the width, we study obtained under in-plane magnetic field H and out-of-plane temperature
the ANE in two types of 30-nm thick Py films with significant differences gradient ∇T solely comes from the Py signals. Furthermore, by
in width, 200 μm and 30 mm (30,000 μm), respectively, while keeping measuring different numbers of pairs of the Py-Cr strips, the ANE voltage
the same length of 5 mm. There are six individual 200-μm-wide strips on shows a linear dependence on the effective total length of the Py strips,
one substrate and one uniform 30-mm-wide film on another substrate as shown in Fig. 3(b), demonstrating the scalability of the thermopile.
with six different pairs of positions for Nernst measurement, as shown in These results again indicate that by reducing the strip width and
the inset of Fig. 3(a). Note that the dimension of the substrates are the increasing the effective total length while keeping the exact lateral di-
same, which is 5 mm by 30 mm, in order to keep the same heat flux. As a mensions of the device, an anomalous Nernst thermopile with large

Fig. 3. (a) The width dependence of the ANE signals.

The blue and red dots represent ANE signals of Py
with 200 μm and 30 mm in width, and they corre-
spond to upper and lower insets, respectively. The
insets are schematic illustration of the ANE measure-
ments. The 200-μm-wide sample has six individual
strips while the 30-mm-wide sample has six different
pairs of positions for the Nernst measurements. The
substrates maintain the same size in both cases to
keep the same heat flux. (b) The length dependence of
ANE signal in the Py(30)-Cr(30) thermopile. Inset is
schematic drawing of the Py(30)-Cr(30) thermopile,
where the blue and grey strips represent Py and Cr,

T.-W. Weng et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 563 (2022) 169892

voltage output can be achieved. Table 1

For a more illustrative view of the exceptional performance of the The thermoelectric coefficient Sϕxy determined from Eq. (2) for various thermo-
single-element thermopile made of Fe, we compare the heat to charge piles. For Pt/YIG-Nb/YIG, FePt-Cr, and CoFeB-IrMn, the heat flux ϕq = ∇T • κ
conversions in several SSE/ISHE and ANE materials. When making such are estimated using the reported temperature gradient ∇ T of 10 K/mm, 1 K/
comparisons, correctly determining the temperature difference across mm, 21500 K/mm, and the thermal conductivity of 7.4 W/Km (YIG), 30 W/Km
the film is crucial. The anomalous Nernst coefficient, Sxy, is commonly (MgO), and 10.3 W/Km (CoFeB)-8.4 W/Km (IrMn), respectively. For FeAl-Au, at
used for bulk materials, and it is estimated as the electromotive force 0 T Sϕxy = 2.4 μVcm/W, at 140 mT Sϕxy = 8 μVcm/W.
normalized by a temperature gradient across the bulk sample, as shown Materials V (μV) L (cm) ϕq (W/cm2) Sϕxy (μVcm/W)
in Eq. (1). However, it is extremely difficult to accurately determine the
Py-Fe (this work) 21.9 9.5 3.6 0.64
temperature gradient across a thin film since not only the thermal
Fe-Fe(this work) 122.3 9.5 3.6 3.57
conductivity of both thin film and substrate are different, but also the Pt/YIG-Nb/YIG [11] 126 9.7 7.4 1.76
thermal resistance between the heat sink, the film, and the substrate are FePt-Cr [12] 6.6 1.2 3 1.83
all nontrivial. Moreover, it has been shown that the thermal conductivity FeAl-Au [13] 50 ~ 170 50 0.42 2.4 ~ 8
of thin films differs from that of bulk [9]. The complexity of accurate Mn3Sn [8] 254 192 0.97 1.36
CoFeB-IrMn [14] 10 0.013 20,900 0.0368
experimental determination of the temperature gradient across the thin
films places a barrier to the essential quantitative comparison of Sxy
among different materials.
Instead, we can quantitatively compare the heat to charge conver-
sion in various thin films through the heat flux method. The heat flux ϕq
is the heat power per area. It can be nicely controlled by supplying a
constant heat power and maintaining the same lateral dimensions of the
device. One of the prominent advantages of the heat flux method is that
the contributions from the bulk substrate and the interface to the tem-
perature profile can be ignored, since by keeping the same ϕq , the ∇T is
the same for a thin film of the same thermal conductivity κ, according to.
ϕq = ∇T • κ (2)

Our recent work has shown that with the same heat flux, the
anomalous Nernst voltages are the same for the same 5-nm-thick Ni thin
films on Si and MgO substrates with different thermal conductivities
[10]. We thus propose to use a thermoelectric coefficient, Sϕxy , to study
the heat to charge conversion of the spin-caloritronic effects with
transverse geometries, e.g., SSE, ANE, etc. This thermoelectric coeffi-
cient is defined as.
Sxy ≡ E/ϕq (3)

where the thermoelectric motive force E is normalized by the heat

Fig. 4. Comparison for the thermoelectric coefficient Sϕxy , which is the trans-
flux ϕq instead of the temperature gradient. Here, E = V/L, with V verse electromotive force averaged by heat flux, for various thermopiles. For
being the thermal voltages and L as the total effective length of the visibility, data of CoFeB(8)/IrMn are multiplied by a factor of 10. For FeAl-Au,
thermopile. Noted that here we compare the thermoelectric voltages we plot the Sϕxy = 2.4 μVcm/W obtained at 0 T.
generated for thin films under the same ϕq instead of the same ∇T,
where the two quantities can be converted by κ through Eq. (2). Mn3Sn thermopiles. The CoFeB(8)/IrMn thermopile has the CoFeB,
For the Py(30)-Fe(30) thermopile, with the total effective length of pinned by different degrees of exchange bias from IrMn [14]. Its thermal
0.095 m, under a heat flux of ϕq = 3.6 × 104 W/m2 , the generated voltage is a combination of both ANE and ISHE/SSE. However, since it is
voltage is 21.9 μV. Thus Sϕxy = 0.64 μVcm/W. For the Fe(3)-Fe(30) extremely difficult to determine the temperature gradient across a thin
thermopile, with the same lateral dimension and heat flux, the ther- film experimentally, a COMSOL simulation is used. Based on the simu-
mal voltage is 122.3 μV, which results in a Sϕxy = 3.57 μVcm/W almost 6 lation, we estimated a large ϕq for this study, according to Eq. (2), which

times the Py(30)-Fe(30) thermopile. We also estimate the Sϕxy in ther- results in a relatively small Sϕxy . The much larger ϕq compared with other
mopile devices from other groups based on their reported results and studies, as shown in Table 1, could be caused by the inaccurate deter-
make a comparison with ours, as shown in Table 1 and Fig. 4. We esti- mination of the temperature gradient from the simulation for Ref. [14].
mate the heat flux using Eq. (2) when only temperature gradient ∇T and These results again highlight the importance of the heat flux method
thermal conductivity κ are provided. Among these thermopiles, the Pt/ when making comparisons among different studies. It is worth to
YIG-Nb/YIG is a thermopile composed of Pt and Nb with opposite spin mention that among these studies, the Fe(3)-Fe(30) thermopile reported
Hall angles grown on YIG, and the thermal voltage is generated as a in this work exhibits the largest value of Sϕxy = 3.57 μVcm/W if we
result of the combined ISHE/SSE in both materials [11]. The FePt(30)-Cr exclude that of FeAl-Au which works at relatively high field of 130 mT.
thermopile has the thermal voltage originating from the in-plane Besides, we show that the ANE measurement can be a sensitive tool
magnetized FePt [12]. For FePt with perpendicular magnetization, to detect the magnetization states along the short edge of the strip. In the
since the temperature gradient is applied in-plane, it is hard to estimate magnetic hysteresis loop of Py(30)-Fe(30) measured by VSM, as shown
the heat flux for the thermopile wires, therefore, we could not make a in the bottom of Fig. 2(c), the magnetization switching of the Py strips
comparison for this case. The FeAl-Au thermopile generates significant (blue arrow) and Fe strips (green arrow) are narrow. By adapting the
thermal voltages at a high magnetic field but reduces to about 4 times ANE measurement, the Py switching “plateau” becomes broader. The
smaller when the magnetic field is absent [13]. The Mn3Sn-Au ther- contrast is marked in yellow in Fig. 2(c) and 2(d). Note that the coer-
mopile consists of the magnetic Weyl semimetal Mn3Sn and Au strips civity of Fe(3) is smaller than that of Fe(30). The difference in the
[8]. Despite the negligible magnetization, sizable ANE is observed in the “plateau” width between the magnetization and ANE measurements

T.-W. Weng et al. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 563 (2022) 169892

may be caused by the misalignment between the magnetic field and the Data availability
short edge of the thermopile strip, where the magnetization and ANE
measurements detect the magnetization parallel to the magnetic field Data will be made available on request.
and the short edge of the strip, respectively.
Furthermore, this multi-step plateau behavior gives the ANE a po- Acknowledgments
tential usage in logic gates, namely the ANE valve [15]. To manifest the
degree of contrast between different states, we define an anomalous The authors would like to thank Professor C. L. Chien for his
Nernst valve ratio (ANVR) as (V↑↑ − V↑↓ )/(V↑↑ + V↑↓ ), where V↑↑(↑↓) de- tremendous support and enlightening discussions on science and other
notes the anomalous Nernst voltage of the thermopile with parallel aspects for many years. Happy Birthday, Prof. Chien! This work was
(antiparallel) magnetization configurations. The ANVR for the Py(30)- supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan under
Fe(30) thermopile is 20 %, and for Fe(3)-Fe(30), it is 10 %. These re- Grant No. MOST 110-2123-M-002-008, and No. MOST 110-2112-M-
sults demonstrate that the ANE could serve as an alternative approach to 002-047-MY3. This study was also partially supported by Center of
detect the magnetic switching sensitively and can be potentially used as Atomic Initiative for New Materials (AI-MAT), National Taiwan Uni-
the ANE valve for logic gates. versity, under Grant No. 110 L9008 and 111 L9008 from the Featured
In summary, we demonstrate an anomalous Nernst thermopile con- Areas Research Center Program within the framework of the Higher
sisting of single-element Fe. We show its large heat-to-charge conversion Education Sprout Project by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan.
characterized by the thermoelectric coefficient Sϕxy , which is thermo-
electric motive force averaged by heat flux. Besides, we show that the References
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