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This walkthrough The Last of Us 2 (TLOU Part II) will guide you through all objectives.

It also includes
Collectibles and other Items (Artifacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Training Manuals,
Workbenches, Safes, Coins, Weapons, Upgrade Parts, Skill Unlock Supplements).

Day: Jackson
Chapter: Prologue


 No collectibles in this chapter

The game starts with a cutscene, where we see a bit of a recap what happened in the first game and
Joel telling his brother Tommy what he did in the Hospital – saving Ellie.

Follow Tommy

When the cutscene ends, we take control of Joel and his horse.

The game shows you some simple mechanics for riding, mainly to jump obstacles and to
gallop. You can’t get off your horse, though. There is nothing to pick up along the way – no
collectibles here.
Stick to Tommy and enjoy the scenery while heading back to Jackson, the small town in Wyoming
Joel and Ellie now live in.

This short chapter ends with some nice views over the small town and transitions seamlessly into the
next one.

This finishes Chapter 1: Prologue in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 2: Waking Up.
Day: Jackson
Chapter: Waking Up


 Artifacts: 1

 Trading Cards: 2

Now, we are taking control of Ellie, who slept in and is woken up by Jesse, one of the game’s
supporting characters. Get your jacket from the desk, pick up your knife by the door and head out.

Follow Jesse

We are late for heading out to Patrol. Follow Jesse into town and talk about last night’s events.

When arriving at the crossing, head left to pick up our first collectible, a Trading Card, which is
hanging on the noticeboard at the side of the building.

Easter Egg: Here a fun fact – on the other side of the crossing, the Banjo-Player is Gustavo
Santaolalla, the music-composer of The Last of Us 1 & 2.
Continue following Jesse through the town. Before heading into the Tipsy Bison Bar, check the right
side of the road for the “Blacksmith” shop. Here you can scavenge 7 Parts from the bench where the
Blacksmiths are working (they are in a box that says “Free Parts”). Parts are used to upgrade
weapons at workbenches which you find later in the game. Closeby, also on the right side of the
road you can find an Artifact on a crate at the very end of the path (circled red in image below).

Once you picked up the Artifact, head into Tipsy Bison Bar on the left side. After the scene with
Maria and Seth in the Bar, check the Dartboard for the final collectible in this Chapter,
another Trading Card.

Exit the bar and while you follow Jesse and Maria, you can find another 3 Parts on the right side,
under the scaffold of the Public Library. At the end of the snowy road, there are 5 Parts on a box that
a squirrel is looking at.

Snowball Fight

When you have rejoined with Dina, you need to partake in a Snowball Fight against some of the
town’s kids. Pick up Snow with and throw with .
Winning or losing doesn’t really matter, but anyone who can defeat hordes of Infected should have
the upper hand here!
Follow Dina

After the fight, head to the stables together.

This is where you will get your horse, called Shimmer.

Now, Jesse will give a short speech and everyone heads out to their assigned Patrol Routes.

This finishes Chapter 2: Waking Up in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 3: The Overlook.
Day: Jackson
Chapter: The Overlook


 Artifacts: 1

This Chapter will teach you the most basic traversal, stealth and combat button-combinations.

 to jump

 + to sprint jump larger gaps

 + to vault obstacles and squeeze through gaps

 to crouch (tap)

 to go prone (hold a bit)

 to escape an enemies grapple

 to dodge incoming melee attacks

 to melee-attack yourself

 to aim and to shoot your weapons

 to use listen-mode (hold)

 to grab unaware enemies from behind

 to stealth-kill them

 to open your inventory and craft items

Follow Male Companion

After the introductory cutscene of two characters inside of a lodge, we will gain control of the

The man wants to show us something, while the rest of their friends stay there, still sleeping.
Along the way, we will be taught how to use the basic traversal functions, as listed above.
While heading to the destination, the names of the characters are revealed – Abby and Owen. He
has found a small city that appears to be Jackson, the place they have heard of and are looking for.

Head towards the Overlook / Outpost

While Owen heads back, Abby seems determined and wants to reach the nearby Overlook to speak
with the people.

While navigating the world with your knowledge about the traversal options, the mechanics of
fighting will be introduced now, as Abby is grabbed by an Infected. Mash to escape the struggle.
Use to dodge incoming attacks at the exact time (mashing it will often fail the action, thus
resulting in receiving damage) and hit them back with .

After fighting a few more of them, Abby will eventually reach a house in which she needs to crawl
underneath the floorboards.
An Infected will come crawling to you, shoot him with + . Immediately after crawling out of
there, you want to head around the left side of the building and jump through a window inside again
to find the only Artifact of this Chapter!

In the next house, there are unaware enemies – this is the moment to learn about stealthy
approaches. Hold for the listen-mode, to see silhouettes where enemies are standing / walking.
Crouch to them slowly, grab and kill to thin out their numbers.

While cleaning out the enemies in the previous sections was hard to avoid, the final encounter of
this Chapter gives you a choice on how to approach. You can either clean out the Infected stealthily,
with melee or gun-combat (mind the low ammo), or simply sneak past them using gaps under cars to
stay undetected. The choice is yours!
Once Abby squeezes through a gap to cars and sees tracks in the snow, this section is completed.

This finishes Chapter 3: The Overlook in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 4: Patrol.
Day: Jackson
Chapter: Patrol


 Artifacts: 6

 Trading Cards: 2

 Journal Entries: 2

 Workbenches: 1

 Safes: 1

First Patrol-Stop

Follow Dina on horseback to the first destination of their patrol-route.

Once you reach a building you will automatically dismount your horse. Follow Dina, the two of you
will reach a balcony and enjoy the view for a moment. After this scene, you can take a Journal
Note of the balcony view, which is the first collectible in this Chapter.

Once you have climbed up a rope in the same building, there are some 5 Parts in the first room to
your right. Pick them up to upgrade your weapons a bit later.
Ride to the next Stop

While heading to the next scheduled spot, you will encounter a few houses along the way. You can
get several collectibles here, so dismount your horse and grab them, while you are here.

In the RV in the middle, there will be 7 Supplements & 8 Parts.

In the house on the left, head to the upper floor and open the drawer of the nightstand for
an Artifact, plus additional 2 Supplements in the Bathroom.

The right-hand side house also has some goods on the upper floor: A Trading Card on a shelf
and 2 Supplements on the nightstand.
Greenplace Market

Continue to ride until you reach a huge pool of blood from a moose. Enter the building from a
window on its left side and kill the Infected from behind. Before heading through the door on the
left, hop out of the other window and enter the building from another angle to get 7 Supplements.

Behind the door on the left, there is a small scene where you have to throw an item at a
storming enemy to stun him and take him out. Inside this room are also 4 Parts you can gather.
When done, hop out of the window in the corner where you entered the room.

Outside will be a few more Infected, but they haven’t noticed you yet. Take them out, preferably
stealthily and gather the resources around. Ultimately, you have to crawl under a truck, will be
attacked by an Infected and saved by Dina.
After that, climb into the truck from the side for 7 Parts and from the back for
an Artifact and 8 Supplements.

Now, climb the truck from its front and jump into the Market through a hole in the roof. There will
be Parts here as well as resources to craft a medkit.

Ellie and Dina will now put on their masks to enter a spore-infested part of the House. This section
features a range of collectibles for you. The first room on the left contains 3 Parts. Continuing on the
path to the right, you will fine the supermarket’s back-office (before the kitchen). There is
an Artifact that gives a clue for the Safe next to it. The combination is 07-20-13 and inside are
some 4 Supplements and 12 Parts to pick up. By now, you should have enough Supplements to
invest your first skill-point and get Apprentice.

Fun Fact: It takes 1900 Supplements to fully upgrade all skill trees (this is impossible in a single
playthrough and requires some New Game+).

There are some additional 8 Supplements in the locker of the kitchen area, next to the back-office.
Make sure to pick them up before squeezing through the gap shown below, as this advances the

Going through the gap, Ellie will fall down and attract a Clicker, which Dina will shoot. When you’re
back on your feet, there are two more Clickers in the room, which you can stealth-kill by walking
very slowly towards them.

Clear the way into the next room with Dina. Inside, she will give us a Molotov and now we learned
the recipe for it as well. Also, there are 27 Supplements in this room, so make sure to pick them up
before climbing the window.
The next room is also infested with Enemies. Make use of your listen-mode to see your enemies
positions and navigate between the shelves to get them at the best angles.

Once you have taken out all the Infected, you need to get the rope from the corner of the room and
throw it over the air duct to make it climbable for Dina and yourself.

The Storm and the Library

Once you are on horseback again, a snowstorm will reduce the visibility drastically and you will lose
sight of Dina for a while. Once you ride through a broken truck, stick to the left side to find her again.
If you get lost, Dina will call for you after a while.
Dina knows a place to wait out the storm nearby, an old Library. Once inside, you want to get to the
back area by breaking a window of the Copy Center. Simply punch the window, no need to waste
ammo on windows. Remember this for future windows, too.

Inside this first room will be 24 Parts you should pick up. When going through the next door, Ellie
will automatically pick up an Artifact hanging next to it.

Upon entering the back rooms, make a Journal Entry on the Plush Giraffe to your right and head to
the darker room in the left corner for a Trading Card.

A bit further into the room, there are more collectibles. An Artifact in the nightstand drawer as well
as another Artifact and 7 Parts on the desk on the opposite side.

Head into the last section of the room and start the Generator . Now you can interact with
the Workbench to upgrade your Weapons. Your first successful upgrade is rewarded
with Tinkerer.

Fun Fact: It takes 1920 Parts to fully upgrade all weapons (this is impossible in a single playthrough
and requires some New Game+).

Turning on the lights reveals that there is something underneath the room as well. Head to the shelf
close to where you entered room and push it aside.
In the basement, there are a total of four items you can interact with. The one circled on the right
below (a glass jar) will advance the story, so make sure to check the other three first, if you want a
good laugh. They are not collectibles so no worries if you missed them.

This finishes Chapter 4: Patrol in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 5: The Horde.
Day: Jackson
Chapter: The Horde


 No collectibles in this chapter

Outrun the Horde

While on her way towards the Outlook, Abby will encounter a huge number of Infected trying to
swarm her.

Make a 180° turn and run through the Container.

Generally, you want to head down and towards the water.

From the water you can make a run up a small slope and jump a car.
While still on top of the car, you can spot a fenced area with an opening – use this to shake the
Horde for a moment.

After jumping the fence, you can squeeze through another gap and head up some stairs.

While pushing through the next gap, Abby will get grabbed by an Infected but is saved by Joel, who
happens do be on Patrol here.

Escape with Joel & Tommy

Follow Tommy through a partially opened door, after he throws a Molotov at Infected in front of

Inside the next room, grab the pipe from the wall – you will need a melee weapon in just a second.

The room will be swarmed by some Infected – give them hell.

When the door to the next room has been opened, proceed through there. You will eventually
escape through the window on the left side, but need something to climb on first.

Give Tommy and Joel a hand to push a gondola.

While Tommy pushes the cart towards the window, it is up to you and Joel to keep the Infected at
distance. There are several spare melee weapons around, once yours breaks.

Additionally, you have your pistol as well to fight from mid-range. Reserve all your pistol ammo for
Clickers (the strong infected with the infectious heads). They spawn later on. The first few waves are
just some normal Runners, use Melee Weapons against them. Run towards them and strike. Don’t
forget to dodge if they go for a counter-attack. When your weapon breaks, quickly run around the
room to pick up a new one. You don’t want to fight them hand to hand here, especially because they
just keep spawning from all sides and will overrun you if you don’t kill them fast enough.

Once Tommy has pushed the gondola to the window, hop on top and through the window. Then
follow Joel to their horses. Time to get away!
This finishes Chapter 5: The Horde in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 6: The Chalet.
Day: Jackson
Chapter: The Chalet


 No collectibles in this chapter

Head into the Lodge

Ellie, Dina & Jesse have split up to have a look for Joel & Tommy who have not returned from their

When you see the lodge, head towards it, along the cliff, until you see a fence.

Near the end of the fence are some holes you can squeeze through.

Enter the lodge from the opened sliding door in front of you.
Head down the stairs to the ground level to investigate further.

Check the noises from the basement, which can be accessed from the kitchen.

After entering, you will watch a very decisive cutscene.

This finishes Chapter 6: The Chalet in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 7: Packing Up.
Day: Jackson
Chapter: Packing Up


 Artifacts: 1

 Journal Entries: 2

Joel’s House

Before Ellie heads out for Seattle, she wants to grab a few things from Joel’s House.

Inside the house, you can interact with a variety of things, which remind us of the first game and fill
some of the gaps between then and now. Three of them are collectibles, one of them unmissable.

You do want to interact with the Mug in the kitchen downstairs for a Journal Entry.

The second collectible is another Journal Entry. Have a look at the guitar in a room upstairs.

The final – and unmissable – Artifact is located in a red box on a bed, also upstairs.
After grabbing it, feel free to check out anything else you want and then head downstairs to talk to

This finishes Chapter 7: Packing Up in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 8: The Gate.
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: The Gate


 Artifacts: 6

 Trading Cards: 4

 Journal Entries: 1

Woods and Outskirts

This Chapter starts in the woods, just a bit outside of Seattle with Ellie and Dina riding together.

After a short while you will see the first signs of civilization. Head to the Bus Stop, one its side hangs
a Trading Card.

A bit along the Freeway, you’ll see a construction trailer on the left side. Head inside to grab
a Trading Card as well as an Artifact. The latter one is a map of Downtown Seattle, which will be
featured in the next Chapter.
Outside the Gate

Once you have arrived at the outside of the large Gate, there are a few collectibles along the way.
The first one being a Journal Entry about the message on the wall.

Also, check both of the large trailer buildings. Both contain an Artifact each.

Before climbing up the ladder, check the little guard house in the fenced area (left of the Journal
Entry) for 3 Parts. Now go find a truck parked in the back corner of the area, it has 7 Parts on its
back. From the truck you can climb up to the cages and reach the ladder on the side of the big wall.

While climbing, you have to make some sprint jumps + to successfully cross the larger gaps.
Once you have scaled the wall, there is a good overview on the inside perimeter and the locations of

There will be some in the watchtower, inside the trailer and on top of the trailer.

Behind the Gate

But there are even more collectibles we need to obtain earlier! Before heading down the ladder,
take the ladder on the left that’s going up. It’s easy to miss as it is not in the field of view when
entering. On the upper level you’ll find a Trading Card, an Artifact and some 5 Parts.

After getting these, head down both ladders and into the trailer in front of you. There is an
important Artifact, which tells us the combinations to unlock all gates in this chapter and later

Get to the backside of the trailer and you will see a generator. There are three things you can do
with the cable attached to it:

1. Throw it diagonally over the trailer to climb it and access the roof-collectibles: An Artifact,
a Trading Card, 4 Parts & 13 Supplements. It might take a try or two to get the correct angle
and not have the cable interfere with the large sign on top of the trailer.

2. Take it through the nearby door to power up and unlock the small inner Gate.
3. Throw it over the large fence to the other trailer – this will let you power up the Main Gate

Once you have obtained everything you need, head inside the second trailer to enter the
combination 0512 and let Dina and your horse in.

Hold on – don’t leave this building yet! From the code console, turn around 180°, smash in the
windows and climb through. This leads to an easy to miss backyard. From there you can climb the
watchtower for 12 Parts & 17 Supplements. It can be reached by breaking a window inside of the
second trailer.

Now, we can proceed and head towards another Gate nearby.

This finishes Chapter 8: The Gate in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 9: Downtown.
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: Downtown


 Artifacts: 18

 Trading Cards: 5
 Journal Entries: 2

 Training Manuals: 1
 Workbenches: 1

 Safes: 3

 So Great and Small, for obtaining a certain Artifact

 Sightseer, for visiting all Locations in Downtown Seattle (can be glitchy, but is easily
obtained in either NG+ or via Chapter Select)

This is the largest Chapter of the game and the only truly open-world mission. Here you can use a
map to navigate around.

While your main objective – to gather gasoline – can be achieved by just visiting two locations
(Dome & Courthouse), there is a whole lot more to explore. This Chapter features the most
collectibles of all, has many upgrades and items to find, and also has two trophies on its own.

You could go about most of it in any order you like, however it is advised to stick with the order
below to not get confused with the different locations and their items. (If you go in another order, a
few items can spawn in different locations which means parts of the guide will no longer work for

Main Objectives Note: if you want to skip over all the exploring and just need to know where to go,
skip to the only two Main Objectives “15 – Synagogue” & “16 – Courthouse”. It doesn’t matter in
what order you visit them, the first you visit will always have a fuel canister and the second will have

1 – FEDRA Gate

Ellie and Dina are headed for the Serevena Hotel, which is blocked off by yet another gate.
The small Guard Post to the left features our first Collectible in this Chapter, an Artifact inside a

When trying to start the generator nearby, we notice that it is out of gas.

Ellie remembers that one of the letters she picked up mentioned gasoline in the Courthouse and a
building with a Dome (which turns out to be a Synagogue) in Downtown. Heading west, we can now
access our map by holding .

Once you have visited all of the areas main POIs, it will look like this; the circled question marks
being the Courthouse and Synagogue, respectively. Visiting all 10 question marks should give
you Sightseer, however it can be glitchy, quite possibly because of the several directions you can
approach the buildings from, which can trigger different dialogue.
2 – Westlake Bank

We start with the southern-most location, which is to the left of where you enter the large area
(remember, you came from the east!). It’s a former Bank and surely has some goods for us. For easy
reference, this walkthrough will have a heading for each new location with the map circled red to
show you exactly where to go.

Head down the collapsed main entrance into the dark. Once you reach the main area of the Bank,
there are a few Infected around, which can easily be cleared stealthy.

Now, head into the Vault area to the back left. There is an Artifact, which also reveals the
combination for the Vault (60-23-06), which is our first Safe of this Chapter.

Inside the Vault are three things we want to pick up: The Shotgun from the Bankrobber,
an Artifact on the middle platform as well as another Artifact in a box in the far right corner. This
particular one will be rewarded with So Great and Small as well.
While exiting the Vault, two more Infected enter the foyer-area. They can be avoided altogether if
you decide to sneak around them.

3 – Small Ruins
Very close to the Bank, there are some smaller ruins – our next stop.

This area features an Artifact located in a satchel.

4 – The Tank

Heading west, we can see a Tank, which also triggers more dialogue when interacting with it.
This area also has an Artifact within a satchel, like the previous one.

5 – Trucks at the Bridge

Next stop on our list are the collapsed bridges a bit to the north-east. Climb the truck and make your
way over to the firetruck.

Grab to rope and rappel down to the plataeu beneath which has a truck fallen on its side.

Inside the truck is our first Training Manual, as well as some 16 Parts & 10 Supplements.
Note: If you have the Pre-Order DLC that gives you a bonus Manual, it won’t spawn here. If you pre-
ordered the game digitally or bought it physical and redeemed the pre-order bonus, check your
backpack (Touchpad). A Training Manual should already be in there. Players who have the Pre-Order
Bonus will instead find a 2nd Manual spawn in the hotel at the end of the chapter (upstairs
bedroom), which won’t be there for other players.

6 – Larger Ruins

A block to the west has some larger Ruins. You can head up the first flight of stairs, smash a window
to continue on the outer side to jump a gap and be able to get to the top.

Upstairs, we have a Trading Card as well as 18 Supplements & 7 Parts to pick up.

7 – Valiant Music Shop

Very close by is a Music Shop we can enter via the main door.
Behind the counter is a drawer with a Trading Card. Also, there are 13 Parts scattered on the top
floor (smash the glass cabinets), as well as a possibility to play guitar.

8 – The Stairs

Just north of the Music Shop, there are some outdoor stairs with the letters WLF drawn on the wall.

At the top of the stairs we can find an Artifact and a Supplement.

9 – Guard Post
Just around the corner to the west of the previous spot, we can see a barricade with some Guard
Posts on top of it.

The marked Post has an Artifact in its drawer. After picking it up, you can take a Journal Entry at the
exact same spot!

10 – The Tent

Just adjacent to the Guard Post, there is a grey Tent you can enter.

Inside is the only Workbench of this Chapter, as well as 16 Parts. You’ll usually find some Parts near
Workbenches, so keep that in the mind for the future.
11 – Gate West

To the north of the Tent is the location of Gate West 2.

Squeeze through the gate and open the Safe (04-51) to find a Trading Card, as well
as 17 Parts & 20 Supplements.

12 – Ruston Coffee Shop

Even further north is a Coffee Shop, called Ruston.

Inside the main room, there is an Artifact, some 12 Parts and a Trading Card in the back drawer.

While heading to the back area, pick up the 12 Supplements along the way. Inside the restroom, we
will be surprised by an Infected, so be prepared by aiming down your shotgun as you enter (or rifle)!
In this restroom we find a Key (Artifact) for Barko’s Pet store, where we will be headed next.

After heading back outside, check the little guard house next to Ruston Coffee Shop for 7 Parts.

13 – Barko’s Pet Store

The Pet Store is located a bit to the south, almost next to the Music Shop. It can be entered from the
Delivery Entrance at the back.

Inside the store, we can find an Artifact on the copy-machine and 18 Supplements on the shelf on
the left.

Further back, on the right side, there are 8 Parts and the Stun Bomb (a new throwable weapon &
crafting recipe).

On the adjacent left side, we can grab the Long Gun Holster Upgrade.
14 – Waterfall Truck
To the north-east of Barko’s, there is a tagged truck in the water, near the small waterfall.

Inside, we can find an Artifact, together with 12 Parts.

15 – Synagogue (Main Objective)

Now, where we have taken care of all the side locations, it is time to head for the two main
objectives to get the gasoline we need.

First stop is the Synagogue, which is easily spotted by the large dome.

Still outside, we can grab an Artifact from the Guard Stand marked above. After stepping through
the fence, turn left for a ladder you can climb to reach it.
Next up, we want to head inside. For that we have to climb a scaffold in the back garden area, which
has a few Infected along the way. Try to stay in stealth, for example throw a bottle or brick to lure
them away and taking them out one by one.

Once we are inside, there are a total of 10 Parts scattered across the ground floor of the Synagogue,
mostly in the darker back part.
This is also where we want to push the cart towards the gate of the gasoline tank.

Sadly, the tank is empty, but at least we found a canister here (assuming you haven’t visited the
Courthouse yet). If you visited the Courthouse first, you’ll have found the canister there and will find
fuel at the Synagogue instead.
Jump out of the fenced area and push the cart inside, so we can make our way out. Once we have
climbed up, there are another 11 Parts right in front of us.

Now, we want to use a rope to swing over on the other side. Before leaving the building, head
towards the door on the right (marked below), as it contains some more collectibles.

Have a look at the Calendar on the wall and talk to Dina about it for a Journal Entry.

Lastly, pick up the 8 Supplements on the table and check the drawer for an Artifact.

16 – Courthouse (Main Objective)

Our final stop in Downtown Seattle is the Courthouse, to the north-west of the Synagogue.

To get inside you must climb a ladder to a catwalk south of the Courthouse. This lets you enter
through the window.

Inside, there are a few Infected, which you can clear out if you like. Be sure to pick up the 11
Supplements in the room behind the first Clicker you see, on a desk. The next objective is to head
downstairs through the doors seen below.

Once you are headed down, there 8 Parts on the right side, across from the elevators.

Further down the hallway, there are some corpses at the end, one of them carrying an Artifact.

Looking to the left, you will see an office. Break the window to head inside.
Inside, there are 3 Parts, as well as an Artifact on the corpse below the whiteboard (pull Machete
out of him to reveal it). A second Artifact is in the drawer to his left.

The whiteboard also reveals the code for the Safe in the room, which is 86-07-22. Inside the Safe
are 7 Parts & 19 Supplements.

When you’ve gathered everything, it is time to head down the elevator-cable to the garage.

About half a dozen Infected await you, so ready your guns to protect yourself.
To the right side of the garage is the gasoline tank, which luckily contains what we need. Once
you’ve filled the canister, use the gate in the far corner to get out of this place.

17 – FEDRA Gate (again)

Now it is finally time to return to the FEDRA Gate.

Insert the gas and type in the code 5345 at the Gate, while Dina starts the generator.

Proceeding through the Gate will advance the story and you can’t go back!

18 – Serevena Hotel
The very final stop in this Chapter is the Serevena Hotel, where a WLF hideout is supposed to be.

Once you have climbed its fence on the left side, there are a few Infected around. To fully explore
the ground floor, you should give them the treatment of your choice.

There are 7 Parts to be found behind the Reception to the left of where you entered, as well
as 11 Parts in the Concierge room to the right side. Once you are done, head upstairs.

Headed into the first room, right across the stairs, take a left for 18 Supplements in the Bathroom.

Going through this bedroom, you can go into an adjacent one. Don’t advance to the hallway just yet,
as you won’t be able to go back!
This bedroom has the final two collectibles of this Chapter. An Artifact in a drawer below the TV to
the left and a Trading Card in the Nightstand to the right.

Note: Players with the Pre-Order DLC (which adds a bonus Training Manual) can find an additional
Manual spawn here in the bedrooms. This won’t be available for players without the Pre-Order
After you’ve picked up those, proceed through the room and enter another one across the hallway
for a cutscene.

Now it is time to leave the Hotel via a broken balcony.

Ride to the next Gate and start the generator. This time, Dina puts in the Code.

After crossing the gate, there is a bit more dialogue to hear. When jumping the second barricade
next to the white RV, a cutscene will start and this Chapter comes to an end.
This finishes Chapter 9: Downtown in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 10: Eastbrook
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: Eastbrook Elementary


 Artifacts: 3 (2 automatic)

 Trading Cards: 1

Escape the School

This Chapter starts with us tied up in a School. Grab the piece of glass from the floor and take care of
the capturer, who currently “attends” to Dina.

After this scene, our first 2 Artifacts are automatically added to our inventory!

The WLF soldiers in the area are alerted to our presence, however. The first two will rush to your
location instantaneously. Flank them from the left and get rid of them. This is the first encounter
with human enemies in the game.

When proceeding through the door, another round of enemies heads towards you.

There are rooms to the left and right of the hallway, which means you can potentially get flanked,
once open combat breaks out.
If that is the case, you’re better off by sticking to one side and use listen-mode to get the
whereabouts of your enemies.
After this enouncter, you will be in an inner courtyard with tall grass. The exit is basically right above
you, so climbing the roof is the next objective here.

However, there are more enemies to be dealt with. Use the tall grass to your advantage (crouch /
crawl to stay undetected) and thin out their numbers.

Before heading on the roof, check the cafeteria on the other side for 8 Supplements & 16 Parts!

Shortly after scaling the roof, there will be another small wave of enemies coming towards you. Use
the structures to hide and take them by surprise. Once the area is clear, grab the 8 Parts on the right
side of the roof.
Continue through the door on the other side of the roof. Inside will be an Artifact as well
as 23 Supplements & 16 Parts on a table.

From the hallway, we are able to leave the building through a ventilation grid.

Head over to the right to see a balcony you can jump over. Our way out is through this apartment

Inside of the first apartment, we can find a Trading Card, as well as some 11 Parts & 3 Supplements.
The adjacent apartment has an additional 6 Supplements and 16 Parts, which you should pick up,
while you’re there.

Proceeding through this door triggers a cutscene and ends this Chapter. However, you are still able
to get back to these apartments, once the next Chapter starts.

This finishes Chapter 10: Eastbrook Elementary in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 11: Capitol
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: Capitol Hill


 Artifacts: 7

 Trading Cards: 6

 Training Manuals: 1

 Workbenches: 2

 Safes: 1


This Chapter starts with Ellie and Dina in a neighborhood of apartments. Follow the road until you
see an outdoor pool. Next to it is a hallway with Apartment 6.

First of all, follow the hallway to the end and turn right. The blue house is apt. 3 and has a Trading
Card in a drawer next to the sofa and 1 Part in the kitchen drawer.

Now, head into Apt. 6 and go upstairs to find an Artifact on a bed. Also, this flat
has 8 Supplements and 3 Parts strewn across both floors.
Next, we want to head to the Capitol Inn Motel. There is a Trading Card in the Apartment left to the
one with the open door. Walk through the open one, picking up the 9 Supplements, jump out of the
window and inside the locked one from the backside.

Close to the Motel is a dumpster you need to push to advance. But before climbing the fence with it,
place it next to the open balcony.

Inside this apartment, we can find an Artifact in the kitchen drawer, the Trap Mine on a bed
plus 15 Parts & 3 Supplements in various spots.
Once you have picked up everything, you can now push the dumpster to the fence next to the Motel
to jump over and proceed.

The upper Stores

Walking the street, you want to head to the back section with the Gas Station.

Inside the Station will be a Workbench, as well as 14 Parts & 8 Supplements. The area will be
patroled by a few WLF soldiers, so keep an eye out for them as well.

Now we want to head over to the Book Store on the other side of the street, which has 3
collectibles. There are a few Infected inside, which you probably want to take out first.
Two collectibles are in the same room; an Artifact behind the counter and a Training Manual on an
opposite desk.
Note: If you have the Pre-Order Training Manual DLC (that adds a Stealth Manual in Chapter 9), you
might already have found this in Chapter 9: Downtown. If it doesn’t spawn here, check your backpack
and you’ll probably already have it from the Pre-Order Bonus (no worries, doesn’t affect trophies).
For players without the Pre-Order DLC this is the first possible spawn of the Stealth Manual and it
should spawn here.

Also, there is a Trading Card, back in the darker hallway, on a table. Check the bathroom for 3

The lower Stores

At some point, you will come across this section and need to jump down in order to proceed. There
are three stores here:

 A Market to the right, which has Infected inside.

 A Bank straight ahead, with WLF soldiers.

 A Bagel Store to the left, also with soldiers.

You could fight them individually or lure them together. This way, they would thin out each other a

Anyways, once you are done, head inside the store to the right for a Trading Card in a locker, as well
as some 9 Supplements & 8 Parts.

The Bank and Bagel Store also have Supplements scattered around, the latter one across both
floors. Ultimately, you want to continue via the Bagel Stores upper floor.

From there, you can jump down and proceed.


From here on until the end of the Chapter, the area will be covered in Tripwires. You will be
introduced to them by a Clicker who tears himself apart.
After you have witnessed this, head inside the Liquor store to the right and pick up a Trading Card.

Now, be careful not to miss the upcoming collectible! If in doubt, create a manual save beforehand.

Proceed carefully through this gate and don’t slide down the muddy slope yet!

Instead, climb up the well-hidden ladder to the right side to get yourself an Artifact and 13 Parts.

Once you have picked that up, slide down the slope and continue along the left side of the area.
You will reach a truck after a short while. It contain another Artifact.

Keep following the path. After the cutscene with the horse, you will come back to an area with a few
stores, which is also heavily covered in traps. Throw bottles / bricks to get some of them to explode.

The store to the right has an Artifact on the wall as well as a Workbench in the back.

There is one more store at the end of this road that we want to check out, as it has more collectibles
Inside this building, we can get a Trading Card from a shelf as well as an Artifact on the wall in the
adjacent hallway.

Additionally, the backroom has some a Safe containing 7 Supplements. The Safe combination is 55-

Now, we are close to the TV Station. Always tread carefully and look out for bottles/bricks to throw
into all the traps blocking the way.

This finishes Chapter 11: Capitol Hill in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 12: Channel 13.
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: Channel 13


 Artifacts: 1
 Trading Cards: 1

Find Leah in the TV-Station

Once you are in front of the TV-Station, check the van on the right to pick
up 7 Parts before scaling the structure.

The inside of the building can be reached from a rope on the terrace-area.

When you’ve made your way inside, follow the hallway to the end. Behind the
door are 12 Supplements you can pick up, before heading into the air duct left of
the door.
When you are inside the center of the building, you can check the control room
for 15 Parts.

Ultimately, you have to scale alongside the building on a narrow ledge you
continue your way.

Shortly after doing so, there is a Trading Card to be found in an office nearby,
sitting right on the desk.
Head through the door with the body in front of it and go up to the next floor. After
you open this glass door, a cutscene will play.

Before leaving, check the floor for 10 Supplements and the last office to the right
for an Artifact.

Once you got everything, hop out of the opening in the wall.
Exit / Escape the Building
By the time you head back to the inside, the building is swarming with WLF
soldiers. Use listen-mode to get their whereabouts.

The exit will be on the ground level, through the large opening. Because a chase is
to start immediately and there is nothing more to be found here, you might as well
sneak or run in this direction to save on resources.

There will be enemies on the top floor in the Atrium section. Don’t waste your
bullets on them and continue.
Shortly after this, there is no other way than to make a run for it.

The general direction is pretty much “downwards” and will end at the Tunnel
Entrance, which you will barricade from the inside.

This finishes Chapter 12: Channel 13 in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 13:
The Tunnels.
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: The Tunnels


 Artifacts: 5

 Trading Cards: 3

 Journal Entries: 1

 Workbenches: 1

Navigating the Tunnels

When this Chapter starts, we will take our masks on, because there are spores ahead.

After squeezing through some rubble, we find ourselves in a train station with Infected to our left
and soldiers to the right. Lure them together and let them decimate each other, leaving you just a
few behind.

At the end of the station, we need to interact with a train door to get ourselves away from more
Infected coming our way.
In the train, there are a 12 Supplements to pick up along the way. At the very end of it is
an Artifact hanging on a wall to your immediate left.

After exiting the train and crawling underneath it from the other side, make sure to head along the
blue train left to the door with red light shining through. A Trading Card is very well hidden between
some garbage.

Continuing the obvious way through the aforementioned door, we need to climb up a ladder. Head
right and into the room to find a Workbench and 7 Parts.

Now we can use the rope to throw it over the air duct to swing across the gap.
Head into the room to the right to pick up 8 Supplements and continue through the small gap in the

The Shambler

The what? You’ll see. Ellie and Dina spot a sort of Infected they’ve never seen before and it seems
they will cross paths in just a second.

Not only one, but two of these tanky enemies are in the rooms we have to go through now. They will
emit acid spore-clouds which will damage you. They release them when you get too close, or will
throw them at you from a distance.

Choose your favorite tool of armed combat and introduce yourself.

Once the encounter is over, make sure to make a Journal Entry about your new pals.

Escaping the Tunnels

The Shamblers give us all the more reason to leave the tunnels and get back to the surface again.
After going through the chain-door and heading along a corridor, head into the first blue door to the

Inside, you can climb behind the desks on the right side to crawl into the fenced area in the middle,
which contains a Trading Card and 12 Parts.
In the area behind the next door are 3 Artifacts. The first is located next to a Microwave.

The second and third are almost next to each other. On a table and inside the vending machine.

You’ll find a clue for the code to the locker-room, which is a separated room within this one. The
code is 15243 and you can find some Supplements behind these doors.

After the next short encounter with Infected, Ellie and Dina will close a double-winged door behind
them and find themselves in a Metro Station. Heading through, you will need to climb a red box. But
before doing so, check underneath the train next to it to find a Trading Card.
Shortly after that, you will walk right through a train from side to side. Directly inside to the right will
be the final Artifact of this Chapter.

After a short cutscene, the Infected will come from nearly all sides and it is very much time to pick
up the pace and run!

After heading the obvious directions of where the Infected are not coming from, we can head
through the turnstile and back outside.

This finishes Chapter 13: The Tunnels in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 14: The Theater.
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: The Theater


 Artifacts: 4

 Trading Cards: 2

Explore the Theater

When Ellie and Dina finally found some shelter, we take a little tour of our new base, while our
friend rests for a while.

Head straight ahead and you will come across our first collectibles. There is a Trading Card in a glass
cabinet behind the counter, which you need to smash. Also, there is an Artifact to the left of it, close
to the restroom (which also contains 9 Supplements).

The main door to the right will be locked for now, so we make our way upstairs. Head past the Bar
and to the very end of the hallway to get a Trading Card sitting on the floor next to some couches.

Across the Bar is a small balcony section, which has an Artifact on a table next to a tent.
Now, take the Staff Door next to the Bar/Stairs and proceed. The Projection Room is pretty dark for
now, so follow the yellow cable leading out of the window.

Climbing outside and on to the roof, we can restore the power in a small utility room, which also
has 6 Parts around for us to pick up.

Back in the Projection room, we can pick up an Artifact on top of the Radio as well as 4 Parts.

After interacting with the Radio itself, we will find a set of keys. What are the odds for them being
the set for downstairs?
Now, we can go back downstairs and into the main part of the Theater. There is an Artifact on a box
on the stage which you should pick up before going behind the curtain.

This finishes Chapter 14: The Theater in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 15: The Birthday Gift.
Day: Seattle Day 1
Chapter: The Birthday Gift


 Artifacts: 1

 Trading Cards: 2

 Journal Entries: 2


 Looks Good On You

Follow Joel

Joel has a Birthday surprise for us. Follow him for a while and enjoy the scenes and dialogues.

After a while, we will arrive at a museum. Take a Journal Entry at the plaque in front of the

After entering the museum, take the hat to the right side. For now, Joel is hesitant to wear it.
But after you showcased it on some of the Dinosaurs in the Exhibition you can also put it on his
head, giving you Looks Good On You.

In the same room, you can pick up a Trading Card on the right side of the Exhibition Hall, located on
a bank close to the restrooms.

Once you have made your way to the upper floor, take a Journal Entry at the benches in the Space-
After you are finished with all activities and scenes in this part of the museum, Joel will eventually
boost up into the Natural History Center on the other side of the water.

In the main Exhibition room (with a statue of an Elk with Wolves), pick up a Trading Card underneath
a bench to the right side.

The final collectible is an Artifact not too far away. Once you’ve entered the adjacent dark room, it
will be located next to a corpse in the section where you crouch to meet up with Joel again.

This finishes Chapter 15: The Birthday Gift in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 16: Hillcrest.
Day: Seattle Day 2
Chapter: Hillcrest


 Artifacts: 10

 Trading Cards: 5

 Journal Entries: 1

 Training Manuals: 1

 Workbenches: 2

 Safes: 1

First Set of Stores

Ellie will start her way through Hillcrest in an area with a few Stores. Before heading into any of
those, turn around and grab the Trading Card from a car in the ditch behind you.

This area has three stores you want to check out.

Head into the Natural Remedies store on the front left side for 18 Supplements.

The Majestic Laundromat on the far left side has an Artifact in its back office.
Finally, you want to head into the clothing store Rosemont on the right side. Behind the counter is a
hole you can jump through.

Downstairs, there is a Workbench alongside some 27 Parts & 6 Supplements, as well as an Artifact.

Second Set of Stores

When you are done in the first area, climb up the truck at the end and watch a short scene of some
WLF soldiers driving off in a Pickup truck.

Jump down and head to the left side.

At the end of the muddy way, head into Caroline Paper Co.

Once inside, grab an Artifact from the middle table and a Trading Card from a cardboard box behind
the counter. Additionally, 10 Supplements can be picked up here as well.

Now, go back where you came into this area and enter Used & Rare Books to the left.

Inside, you can find an Artifact on the counter.

Next to this shop, take a Journal Note of the graffiti on the blue tarp outside.

Inside the Ruston Coffee Shop, you can also gather 4 Parts.
Heading up the ladder behind these shops will advance the story and put you in the first encounter
with dogs.

First Enemy Encounter

Dogs can pick up your scent. Use listen-mode to see the scent-trail and move around to not get
spotted by them.

Your goal is to reach the red door on the other side of this area. As there are no collectibles here,
you could easily sneak through the whole section without bothering about the enemies.
If you do, make use of the tall grass and some gaps in the building walls to thin out their numbers
and making the escape a bit easier.

After heading through the red door, you can pick up 4 Parts on the right side before continuing.

Now, you need to get the dumpster from the backside of the alley (3 Parts are located under the
dumpster). Push it next to the flat roof to make a jump on it. You need to do this somewhat quick, as
the ground is uneven and the dumpster will roll down.

Third Set of Stores

After jumping down, you will find yourself in a Bicycle Store with a Workbench in front of you.
If you turn right, you can pick up a Trading Card in the dark Corner. And heading into the adjacent
room to the right, there is an Artifact and 15 Parts on the table.

If you head out of the shop’s main entrance, you will be on a road with more stores. Velvet
Tattoo & Shear Lux on the same left side and Goldstar Liquor & Pet Boutique on the opposite right-
hand side.

As you would expect, there is a lot to find in this area.

Start with Velvet Tattoo, which is directly next door. You can find an Artifact and 9 Supplements in

The adjacent Shear Lux has 8 Supplements to pick up.

In the back alley behind those two stores, there is a dumpster blocking an entrance.
Pull it away and open the door. There will be a bunch of Infected behind this door, so prepare a
Molotov and your Shotgun!

Inside, there will be a Safe, which features a Short Gun Holster and 9 Parts. The code for the Safe
is 30-82-65.

Also, the back office close to the Safe has more 5 Parts & 7 Supplements for us to grab.

Now head back to the start of this section and into Goldstar Liquor, the first building on the right
side. Go through the dark cellar inside (before of the Shamblers here) to
find 4 Parts & 10 Supplements. Climb out of the cellar to reach the nursery which has a Training

The final two collectibles of this area can be accessed through the Pet Boutique (building on the right
with police care parked in front). The first Artifact is in a back room – smash a window to get in
there. The same room contains 16 Supplements. Beware, smashing the window may attract a
Shambler from the adjacent Bar.

For the next Artifact, we have to enter the adjacent Bar through a hole in the wall and pick it up in
the kitchen area in the back. The same kitchen has 16 Supplements.
Crossing Town

When you are done with this area, head up the outside stairs behind the Bar, picking up some
arrows along the way. At the top, Ellie sees some smoke. This will be our marker of the general
direction we have to take.

When hopping into the first backyard, check the playhouse for a Trading Card.

Inside the house, there will be an Artifact and 11 Supplements on the couch-table.

Another Artifact is to be found on a drawer next to the kitchen.

When you head into the garage, you will be attacked by an Infected.

This is a very agile enemy, which requires constant dodging .

When he is dead, Ellie will pick up the Bow Weapon, which is quite handy in the next encounters.
Also, there 9 Parts in the garage to pick up.

Second Enemy Encounter

The next area is quite large and features several enemies, human and dogs. The only collectible you
need to keep in mind is located inside the large house at the end on the right side.
The Trading Card is hidden quite well under a bed. The adjacent bathroom has 8 Supplements for
us as well.

The garage underneath us contains 11 Parts, if you happen to swing by.

Generally, make use of the tall grass in the area, as well as the bow to clear your path.

You leave this section by heading into the shed next to the gazebo in the backyard of this big house
we’ve been into. This shed contains 10 Parts, too.

Now you are going through a neighborhood of burnt-down houses, still roaming with soldiers and
dogs. Stick to the tall grass to remain concealed.
A few houses down this way, you will be greeted by smoke grenades and a few enemies storming
down the stairs. Open combat is not to be avoided here.

Now, we are nearly there. When you jump down to what seems street level again, a cutscene will

Car Chase

We have teamed up with Jesse and need to find a way out of this area. The car nearby is our best
choice. Take down the soldiers and hop in.

The final part of this Chapter forces us to shoot enemies – Human and Infected – while Jesse drives.
This finishes Chapter 16: Hillcrest in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 17: Finding Strings.
Day: Seattle Day 2
Chapter: Finding Strings


 Artifacts: 1

 Trading Cards: 1
 Journal Entries: 1

Follow Tommy

At the very start of the chapter, turn right to the cliff and make a Journal Entry about the view.

Tommy will lend us his rifle to teach about using the rangefinding reticle. There is a total of three
spots where you need to clear out all Infected from afar.

Once you’ve taken care of all the Infected, head down to the large building nearby to rejoin with

Head out with Joel

Take whatever supplies you find around and head on your horse to follow Joel.

Once you get off the horses, head to the end of the street with the red trailer. Behind it, you can find
a Trading Card in a broken vehicle.

As this road is broken, we need to cut through the Hotel to get to the other side.

The Hotel

Joel will lift up a few beams, so you can crawl inside and open the door for him.

When you’ve entered the section with spores and wear your masks, head inside room 107 for
an Artifact.
To further continue, we need to jump over a broken wall in room 105.

The upcoming section features some Infected. Preferably stay stealthy for now.

Once the room is cleared and you try to head out the exit to the right, more Infected will swam in
from above. Use your weapons and counter their melee-attacks.

When the room is finally cleared for good, take the exit. When squeezing through a gap, a Bloater
will appear.
You can try to pump everything you got into him, but ultimately he will grab you. Joel will come to
our rescue.

After heading through a few more doors, an important cutscene will play.

This finishes Chapter 17: Finding Strings in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 18: The Seraphites.
Day: Seattle Day 2
Chapter: The Seraphites


 Artifacts: 7

 Trading Cards: 6

 Journal Entries: 3

 Training Manuals: 1

 Workbenches: 2

 Safes: 2

The Stores

Our way towards the Hospital starts with some Stores. After going through the turnstile climb the
boxes to the left and on to the small roof to find 10 Parts.

On the opposite side, head into the Quickmart and grab the Trading Card next to the cash registers.
Also, there are 5 Parts in the bathroom to grab.

Exiting the store on the other side, we will face the Kingsgate Brewing Co. Inside will be some
Infected, one of them will drop an Artifact once killed. In the same building you find 15
Supplements in the kitchen and 4 Parts on a dining tale.

Now, go through the public entrance of the Conference Center. You can take a Journal Entry about
the writing on the wall.
Turn left and climb the ladder in the elevator shaft to get one floor higher. Smash the window and
the glass roof above it (there are some bottles here you can throw at the glass roof). Now you can
throw the rope over the roof where the glass was to climb in the adjacent room.

Inside this room, you can find 18 Parts, an Artifact and a Trading Card.

Follow the main road a while, pick up 6 Parts at the yellow Taxi and climb the truck on the left side
to head inside an apartment via the balcony. An Artifact can be directly found in the living-room.
In the adjacent bedroom, there is a Trading Card as well as a Safe, which opens with the
combination 08-10-83 (if this doesn’t work, try 10-08-83, it seems to be one or the other differing
from player to player). Inside are 24 Supplements amongst other things.

Head out of the apartment into the hallway and enter the flat on the other side. Here you can find 5
Parts in the living room. In the kitchen, you can interact with a Workbench. Doing so will trigger a
scene, where you are attacked by a few soldiers.

Once you have taken them out, you can go in a previously locked room in the same apartment to
find a Training Manual (on bed), an Artifact (in front of TV) and 29 Supplements (in shelf and
nightstand left of bed).

Before you leave, pick up the 5 Parts in the living-room.

The Conference Center

Now, it is time to cut through parts of the Center. Jump the fence and head into the orange door at
the end.
Inside, push the dumpster up the slope and let it go. Run towards the chain-mechanism at the
door to get it open in time.

This way, we can climb the adjacent wall using the dumpster. After climbing up a few more steps,
Ellie will automatically take a Journal Entry at the top.

Break the large glass front and head inside. Jump the scaffolding step by step to reach the ground.

Now, break one of the two windows shown below to get access to the locked room, which
contains 7 Parts and a Trading Card.
Heading through the door and making a jump into another section, we will be greeted by a few
Infected who swarm the area.

This section can be left via the outside staircase, where you can make a jump for the other stairs.

Going through the window on the other side, there will be more Infected in our way.

When trying to get out of those offices, we will be grabbed by an Infected and land in the water and
head downstream quite fast.

Once in this sewer-like area, you can dive to the left under a half-broken gate to reach 15 Parts.
Now advance in the sewers until you see a ladder on the left. To reach it, you need to climb out of
the water on the right and walk over the thin pipe.

The Scars

Finally outside of this area, we need to cut through a nearby park to get closer to the Hospital.

In the park we are attacked by a faction calling themselves Seraphites, commonly referred to as
Scars. While navigating, make use of stealth whenever possible.

At the other side of the park, you can make a Journal Entry at the bus stop about a corpse. This is
only possible if you killed all Scars around. Stealthing won’t reveal the prompt.
Next up is the Apartment Complex Garden Suites 113. One level up, we can find a Trading Card in
the hallway.

Head into apt. 201 and pick up the 13 Parts inside, before heading out the window.

Climbing the outside stairs another level up, we can find an Artifact and 35 Supplements in the

The next enemy encounter is quite a big one. It starts in an overgrown area, through a parking lot
and a bit further.
Because stealth does take quite long and shooting everyone is a waste of ammo, you are actually
better of ignoring them or running through.

At the far part of this section, where many trucks are parked and their possible reinforcements
spawn, you can simply make a jump to a lower section to the left to advance.

Trying to enter a red door behind a store counter will result in a mini boss-battle against a pickaxe-
wielding brute.

After this section, we will be on a roof and see that we are luckily still on track to the Hospital.
After being forced to swim a bit, don’t head towards the ambulance just yet, but check your left side
to spot some stairs leading up to Weston’s Pharmacy.

At the counter, we can find an Artifact as well as a Trading Card.

Also you can see a hole in the wall, which we need to crawl into.

On the other side, we find a Workbench. The Safe nearby opens with the code 38-55-23 and
contains 18 Supplements.
Before heading out, make sure you have picked up all additional 7 Supplements next to the

The Hospital

Now, we can finally proceed into the Hospital by swimming and diving through some obstacles.

After killing the girl playing the PlayStation Vita, pick up the 4 Parts next to her and head up the
stairs to face the next section with human enemies.

Use the tall grass to your advantage while thinning out the numbers of soldiers around. The outside
section also features 4 Parts and 10 Supplements in the Watchtower and Tent.
Inside the Hospital we can find 7 Supplements in the Lab area, before heading through the Exit-door
where many cables run through.

After heading through this door and going up one level, we can find
an Artifact and 3 Supplements in one of the first rooms we can enter.

To make our way to Nora, we need to crawl through an air duct. On the other side, we can stock up
once more on 11 Supplements.

Confronting Nora will result in a chase through the Hospital floors.

Ultimately, we will end up in a spore-infested area in the basement. Nora will head through a door,
which we also need to take. You can get there without caring about the enemies by sticking to the

At last, we reach the final cutscene and demand answers.

This finishes Chapter 18: The Seraphites in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 19: St. Mary’s
Day: Seattle Day 2
Chapter: St. Mary’s Hospital


 No collectibles in this chapter (there is a document in front of the first door you enter but it
doesn’t count as a Collectible)

Explore the Hospital Floor

Ellie is looking for answers and went to the Hospital of the first game to find some.

Inside the second room to the left, we can find two Documents to interact with and Ellie is starting
to learn what happened here.

Next to the infamous red door, there is another object to interact with.

Heading inside the surgery, approach the bag and grab what’s inside.
After this, we will watch one of the most decisive cutscenes of this entire Game.

This finishes Chapter 19: St. Mary’s Hospital in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 20: Road to the
Day: Seattle Day 3
Chapter: Road to the Aquarium


 Artifacts: 3

 Trading Cards: 4

 Journal Entries: 1

 Workbenches: 2

The Theater

When starting in the Theater, be sure to pick up the Trading Card on the stage before heading
through the red curtain.

The Stores

Starting outside with Jesse, go inside Frontier Rental Car to obtain 3 Parts from a Backoffice drawer.

Our next building of interest ist the Shipping Company WDL. Go inside to find 17
Supplements and 17 Parts.
While still inside, we can crawl under rubble blocking a door to access a Workbench and pick up
a Trading Card and additional 6 Supplements.

When we are finishing picking up everything, we need to leave the building by pushing a shelf aside
and squeeze through.

On the other side, an enemy encounter awaits us. While navigating through this
section, 10 Supplements can be found in an unnamed store on the right side.

Going for a Swim

After a short while, Ellie and Jesse will check their map while overlooking the streets. The Parking
Garage marked below will be our next stop. You need to drop down into the water and swim
through. But not so quick, at the end of the water you can dive down to find 9 Parts on the ground
Once you have emerged from the water, head into the garage, which features Infected enemies
inside. The Artifact sits on a broken road in the far left corner, which overlooks the whole garage.
After picking it up, grab the Parts in the small office close to the entry/exit.

Coming out of the garage, our next stop is Kingston’s Bookstore, across the road – or what’s left of it.

After climbing inside, we want to pick up three collectibles. The first is a Trading Card on a shelf
below a collapsed part of the ceiling. In the children’s corner, we can pick up an Artifact and make
a Journal Entry about the Mushroom on the wall.
To head out of the Bookstore, go up the escalator and drop down on the other side. Once you did,
head back a bit to get 11 Supplements and 1 Parts from behind the rubble.

This will soon put us in the middle of our next encounter with WLF soldiers and dogs. Once the area
is clear, head on the upper floor of Rachel’s Fabrics for an Artifact.

After the next dive, we will approach another ruined building.

This house has a Workbench for us to use on its first floor, next to 15 Parts.
After a short while, we are in a somewhat dark room and need to clear some rubble to
proceed. Before doing that, pick up the well-hidden Trading Card on the shelf next to it.

In the same room, to the right of the pipes you can crawl under some rubble to find 6 Parts behind.

The Mall

When coming out of the water, Jessie and Ellie find themselves in a Mall with a number of soldiers

Ellie and Jesse will split up and our goal is to obtain one of the boats around.

Reaching it can be done from both sides. However, it will be docked on the left side, which is also
the straightforward way.
After emerging from the water, continue to the far end and walk up the escalators.

Directly after this, we can take another set of escalators down.

This will lead directly to the spot where the boat is docked.

Hop in and start the engine and drive out of the mall and down some smaller rapids to
escape. While you drive down the rapids, the next Chapter will begin.

This finishes Chapter 20: Road to the Aquarium in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 21: The
Flooded City.
Day: Seattle Day 3
Chapter: The Flooded City


 Artifacts: 6

 Trading Cards: 2

 Journal Entries: 1

 Workbenches: 2

 Safes: 1

First Stop – The Gate

As soon as the chapter starts, before driving the boat over some sunken and bent fence, you can get
out of your boat to pick up 7 Supplements from an open truck to the right side, next to an

Now drive your boat over the almost-sunken and bent fences to navigate the city.

Our first stop will be inside the first house we pass through, as there is a Gate that blocks the way.
You want to head inside the dark room to the right to get a Trading Card.
Next, take the stairs to the upper level to take a Journal Entry on the view as well as to pick up
an Artifact from a corpse in the corner. After this, push the cart away and to the end of the room
where the Artifact was. You can this to climb into a vent with 2 Parts and some supplies.

Where you took the cart from, crawl under the rubble. When you drop down on the other side, you
can open the Safe with the combination 70-12-64 to get 7 Parts & 17 Supplements.

When you have gathered everything, open the gate with the chain and head out.

Second Stop – The Garage

Shortly after driving out of this building, Ellie has to restart the boat’s engine. At this location, take a
look to the left to see the Seattle Sleep Warehouse and approach the area.
When facing this building, head around left even further.

Drive towards the dark hole in the building. Inside will be a Workbench as well as 18 Parts, most of
them under water to the right side.

Third Stop – Carthy Hotel

Next, drive along or through the previously mentioned Seattle Sleep Warehouse. At the end, you can
see the Carthy Hotel to the right side.
Inside will be a small non-flooded section with a corpse. An Artifact as well as 9 Supplements sit
here, waiting to be picked up.

Fourth Stop – The Monorail

Outside of the Hotel, you can already see some collapsed pillars of the former Seattle Monorail.
Inside the last compartment are some collectibles for us.

Walk all the way up until you find a rope. Use it to swing across and into the locked last section of
the train. Inside, we will find an Artifact and 17 Supplements.

Fifth Stop – Kingsgate Brewing Co.

Our penultimate stop is the nearby Kingsgate Brewing Co. You’ve probably already heard some
shooting between WLF and Scars, when you approached the train.
The upper floor has an Artifact hanging on the wall, quite close to the staircase. There are also a
total of 15 Parts scattered across this floor, mainly around the balcony behind the small gate you can
crawl under.

Final Stop – W&B Arcade

After coming out of the Brewery, our final forced stop will be inside an Arcade, which has another
gate we need to open. However, we need to unblock the chain first.

On the ground floor, we can pick up an Artifact on a table and 10 Supplements in the kitchen,
before heading upstairs. On the upper level, there is a Workbench alongside a total of 29 Parts.

Still on the upper floor, push the cart towards to opening. However, this results in the floor
collapsing and we find ourselves in a fight against a Bloater.
Once you have taken care of him, open the shutters and climb inside. Before going out, pick up
the Trading Card behind the counter.

Heading up the stairs, take a turn to the right and inside the PC Cafe. There is an Artifact on the wall
just to the left of where you enter.

You can find 12 Supplements behind the bar on this floor before heading to unblock the chain.

Heading Out
Now, we can use the chain on the Gate and head out towards the Ferris Wheel.

The stormy sea will eventually knock us off our boat and we need to swim the last part.

This finishes Chapter 21: The Flooded City in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 22: Infiltration.
Day: Seattle Day 3
Chapter: Infiltration


 Journal Entries: 1

Explore the Aquarium

The main entrance of the Aquarium will be locked, so we need to head around to the right side.
Crawl through the fence and climb into the building.

When inside, you will eventually climb up a ladder and jump down into a darker area. In this room,
you can pick up 9 Parts & 6 Supplements.

Moments after this, you need to crawl through an air duct in order to continue. Dropping down at
the end, we are forced to fight against a dog. At this spot, there are 17 Parts on a shelf to our left.

Our only collectible in this chapter is a Journal Entry. To obtain it, open the bag in the kitchen area.
Going through the door with the crab painted on will advance the story and result in a series of

This finishes Chapter 22: Infiltration in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 23: Tracking Lesson.
Day: The Park
Chapter: Tracking Lesson


 Artifacts: 3

 Coins: 1

Find Your Dad

This chapter you are playing as Abby again in a flashback from 4 years ago. From the start of the
chapter if you check your backpack you can see that you already have two of the artifacts (Thank
You Card from Mel and Owen’s Drawing of Abby) already in your inventory, so there are only
actually two more items to find through the course of this short chapter.

From where you start you can just head forward down the obvious forest path, continuing until you
have to crouch under a fallen tree branch.

In the next area with the buildings, go over to the right side inside the gazebo to find the only
other artifact to pick up in this chapter, Zoo Holiday Brochure.
Go over to the building and couch under the bars on the door to get inside.

Grab the bottle that will have fallen out of the garbage can, then throw it throw the window to the
right to break it, allowing you to climb through it back outside.

Climb through the window, then go to the dumpster in the corner. Interact with the coin (Virginia)
on it to pick it up, which is required to progress so this first one is unmissable. You can then pull the
dumpster out and push it to be beside the building so that you can get up to the roof.
Sprint-jump across to the other rooftop, then drop off on the right side going towards the metal

Follow Your Dad

Having caught up with Abby’s father, he wants her to check on something with him. Continue
following him through the area.

Continue following him along the path for a while, then he will point out some tracks on the ground
that you can inspect. After that, you will be in a closed-off area, where you can look to the left to
find an item to interact with.

Find the Animal

Follow Abby’s dad through into the next area where you’ll then watch through a few cutscenes.

Enter the Room

After those cutscenes are done you’ll be in a hallway. Go through both doors at the end for some
more cutscenes and the end of the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 23: Tracking Lesson in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 24: The Stadium.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: The Stadium


 Coins: 4

Follow Manny

Another flashback chapter, still playing as Abby. Manny comes in and wakes you up to let you know
you need to get going. Follow him down through hallways then through the door at the end.

Get Some Food

Manny heads off and asks you to grab him some food too. In the Cafeteria, you can interact with
Jordan as you walk by for some option conversation, then continue further in. On your walk you can
also interact with the person Manny is talking to for another optional conversation.

Go over towards the food line, and you have another optional conversation you can start. Manny
comes in and grabs some food, then continues off.

Grab Your Bag

Continue following Manny, then open the door out of the cafeteria to leave with him. Follow him up
the stairs, then enter room 203 once you reach it.
There are a few things in the room you can interact with if you want, but to continue go down by the
bed on the right and grab Abby’s bag.

Head Out

Manny and Mel come into the room, then you can follow them out into the central stadium area.
Before going down the stairs, go immediately left after coming out of the door to find the Alaska
Coin sitting on the ground.

Now you can continue following Manny and Mel down the stairs towards the middle of the stadium.
After passing through the market looking section, you’ll see a number of people doing laundry by the
next set of stairs going down. Go past the stairs to the area with the benches to find the Maine
Coin on the first bench on the left just past the stairs.
Get the Dog

Continue down the stairs to an area with a number of dogs in cages. Go through the gate at the end
to pick up Alice. After you can throw the ball for the other dog, then go out the gate on the right

Continue following the group and you’ll go back inside the stadium building. In this hallway don’t go
through the door at the end yet or you can’t come back. Look underneath the large painting of the
wolf to find the New Jersey Coin sitting on the ground.

Target Practice

Go through the gate and then you’ll pick up your weapons from the armory. Manny will be standing
by the door to the target range, but first you should go through the hallway then around to the left
in the garage room. In the locker on the left, you can grab the final collectible for this chapter,
the Vermont Coin. If you’ve picked up all coins up to this point you will now earn the trophy Mint
Condition for picking up 5 coins.
Go back over to Manny then interact with the door to enter the target range. Here you can earn the
trophy Sharpshooter for beating Manny’s score. You need to score about 85 or more to beat
him, so just take your time and always aim for the center red point to 10 points per shot. The gun
sway will basically move in a figure-eight motion, so you can just wait for it to move back to the
center for each shot. Or if you want to make it super simple, turn on Auto-Aim in the Controls

When you’re finished shooting you can leave the room, then go back into the garage area and
interact with the back of the truck. You’ll have a long section where Abby and Mel are making small
talk in the back of the truck.

Survive the Ambush

A way into driving you will be shot at by a number of enemies on horses, who will then start chasing
behind the truck.
Manny will continue driving through the city while more enemies appear over time. Keep taking
them out, then after a while the vehicle will crash. Head into the bay door to end the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 24: The Stadium in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 25: On Foot.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: On Foot


 Artifacts: 1

 Coins: 4

 Workbench: 1

 Safe: 1

Check Out the Building

This chapter starts as soon as you enter the door on the building, with the cutscene or anything in
between. Right from the start in the first room, go over to the right side where there is a table to
find the first collectible of this chapter, the Kentucky Coin.

Just around the corner where Manny is, he points out some supplies on a shelf, which you can then
use to make a Pipe Bomb, which is a unique throwable item for Abby.

Follow through into the next room. On the left, there are some more supplies you can pick up, along
with a total of 14 Parts in the middle section of square shelves.
Take Out Infected

Continue around the corner and Manny and Mel will duck behind the counters, and you should
notice Infected ahead. There are 3 total directly forward: one each standing in place down the left
and right sections, then a third further back that’s walking back and forth. Take out either on the left
or right first with a stealth attack, then you can get the one at the end of the hallway once it starts
walking away from you.

After dealing with them at the end of the area there is a set of shelves you can climb. At the top you
can find some supplies, along with 7 Parts.

Climb to the Light

Drop down from there, then climb up the stacks of wood on the other shelf going towards the light
at the top of the area.
At the top of the first section, you can find a number of pill bottles on a table containing a total of 34

From there you need to jump across to the next shelving section.

Take Out More Infected

The shelving collapses as Abby jumps on it, and you end up on the other side in a different area
where you need to fight more infected. There will first be a number of normal infected, followed by
a Shambler that comes in behind the rest of them.
After the Infected are all dealt with, go all the way to the left in this area. You’ll pass through some
displays of Kitchen items, then at the end there are some checkout booths. On the one, you can find
a total of 9 Parts. From there you should now go towards where Manny should be standing, but first
go right now the second last section of shelving where you can find another 10 Parts, 7 on the right
and 3 on the left in the open drawers.

Search the Garden Center

Go over behind Manny and interact with the door, then push it open with his help.

Inside the Garden Center, there are a large number of parts all over the area in small numbers along
with other crafting supplies. Before exiting search all over, and you can find a total of 61 Parts. If you
go over to where the final checkout in the row is directly forward from the entrance you can also
find the Massachusetts Coin.

When you are finished searching inside the Garden Center, go to the right corner from the entrance
to find a wrecked car that you can climb on top of to get back outside.
Get Through the Boat Shop

The group is aiming to make their way to an FOB in the area, so to continue just follow along. A little
ways ahead there is an optional conversation you can have with Mel. There are also some supplies
inside the nearby truck you can grab, as well as 2 Parts on top of it.

Go over and try the door on the PNW Boat Repair building, but it will be blocked. You can then climb
the nearby power box and interact with the cable coming from the roof to boost Manny up to it.

On the roof grab the cable you just climbed up, then throw it into the building through the broken
skylight. Climb down and you can open the door to let Mel in.
Inside this room, before following Manny and Mel there are some parts and supplements you can
grab. The shelf in the middle of the room has a total of 14 Parts spread between both sides, then
there are 23 Supplements behind the cash register.

Go into the next room and immediately left on the benches you can find another 9 Parts. You can
then go around to the other side of the wall to find another 18 Parts on a table, across from
the Workbench for this chapter.

From the workbench go up the stairs to the right. On the upper floor on a table, you can find
another 18 Supplements.

Go back downstairs and over to where Manny is and crank the door up. The crank will break leaving
just you and Mel inside, and you’ll need to find another way out. On the lower floor before
progressing further there is another optional conversation you can have with Mel. After that is over
you can go over to the opposite end of the room and interact with the cage to boost Mel up on top
of it.
She will go and open up the door around where you climbed the stairs before, so go back around
there. The intent now is to use the nearby ladder to get over to the boat in the middle, but there is a
collectible to grab first. Place it on the nearby wall so you can get on top of the room you just came
out of. Climb up there where you can find the Ohio Coin along with 13 Supplements.

Drop back down, then grab the ladder again and place it so that it is going across to the boat in the
middle of the room. Climb across and there will be another optional conversation with Mel. Before
going further you should go into the compartment of the boat, where you can find some ammo
along with the Covert Ops Training Manual.

Pick the ladder back up and place it going across the girders on the other side of the boat. You can
then grab the nearby rope, and throw it across the catwalk above so that you can climb up to it from
the end of the ladder. Then go over to the end of the catwalk and climb out the hatch in the roof.
Continue to the FOB

Follow Mel off the rooftop to get back to Manny and Alice. There will be an optional conversation
you can have with him, then there are some items to grab on the inside of the trailer. Throw
something through one of the windows, then climb inside. In here you can find the Indiana Coin, as
well as the Artifact WLF Gun Cache Note, from which you can figure out the safe code 17-38-07,
which you will use in a minute.

Exit the trailer and go towards the left where Manny is. Just past the fence you can look to the right
and see a hole in the wall. Duck inside where you will find said safe. Enter the code 17-38-07, and
inside you can find some ammo, as well as the Hunting Pistol weapon. Turn around from the safe to
find 8 Supplements on the counter.

Go back outside, then drop down into the train yard left of the building.

Deal with Scars

Forward into the trainyard you will need to deal with a group of Scars to progress. There is a total of
10 through this whole area, and they typically wander around in groups of two when they are
unaware of you. The one group will come relatively close to where you enter, then the other two will
stay farther back, so if you want to take them out stealth-like you can get each group of two when
they are on their own. The final four at the far end seem to split up more, so can be taken out
separately more easily.

When they are all dealt with and you reach the end of the area, climb the red train car to get out of
the train yard, then interact with the gate that Manny and Mel wait by.

There will be another 3 enemies in this area that jump the fence and move towards you, as well as 4
to the left outside the fence. Once they are alerted to you, more will start coming in across the
fence, so get inside the gas station with Mel and Manny.

Take out enemies and try not to get killed, then after a short period a group of WLF members will
come in on two trucks and take out the rest of the enemies. Head out and hop in the back of the
truck to end this chapter.
This finishes Chapter 25: On Foot in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 26: The Forward Base.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: The Forward Base


 Artifacts: 1
 Coins: 3
 Workbenches: 1

Head Inside
At the start of the chapter, it’s just Abby and Manny on the outside of the base.
Before going inside though, go up the small stairs then around to the right on the
opposite side of the railing from the group of four soldiers. On the ground, you
can find the California Coin.

After picking it up you can head through the gate with Manny. After speaking to
the soldier at the gate you are supposed to head inside the building, but don’t do
that yet. Go immediately left and loop around the larger group of soldiers, then
you can find the New Mexico Coin on top of a green crate.
From that coin head into the nearby tent, where you can find a total of 18
Parts on the left of the table of people, then the Workbench for the chapter on
the right. There are also a couple of pipe bombs and some ammo you can grab
off the table too.

Once you’re finished tinkering you can keep following Manny through the tent
area. There are a number of optional conversations you can engage in, though
they are basically just Abby asking various people if they’ve seen Isaac. Head into
the medical tent that Manny stops at, then continue through the other side to see
Mel then out the other side of the tent and following Nora. After the scene is
over and you’re back in the tent area you can go left and head into the building
with Manny after speaking with the guy at the door.

Find Isaac
Inside take an immediate left and look at the end of the table opposite the two
people, where you will be able to find the South Carolina Coin, the final one for
the chapter.
After grabbing the coin go over to the hallway on the right, and before
progressing you can pick up the Artifact for this chapter on the table, WLF
Interrogator Letter.

After grabbing it head down the hallway after Manny. You can interact with him
for an optional conversation, then speak to the guy at the end of the hallway.
You’ll get another cutscene then the chapter will be finished.

This finishes Chapter 26: The Forward Base in The Last of Us Part 2. Next
is Chapter 27: The Aquarium.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: The Aquarium


 No collectibles in this chapter (There are documents around the

aquarium you can check but they don’t actually count as collectibles)

Follow Owen
There aren’t any collectibles or important things to pick up in this chapter, it’s just
a flashback of Abby and Owen from three years prior. At the start, jump down
from where you are, then follow Owen. When Owen says to take a breath you
need to dive underwater, then go into the tunnel after him.

After the short scene you’ll dive underwater again automatically, then need to
keep following him through the tunnel. After coming out of the water, go up the
nearby sets of stairs and open the gate. Go over and onto the boat, then inside. If
you want, you can look at the drawings on the table.

Exit the boat, then go up the nearby ramp to the next area, and Owen will boost
you over the door.
Continue into the room with the large objects suspended in it. In here you can
interact with Owen for some optional conversation, as well as inspect some notes
around the room if you wish. To continue further, go up the large flight of stairs
on the right of the room.

In the room at the top inspect the note on the chair on the left of the room, then
Owen will find some keys and you can head back down the stairs. Go down and
into the alcove, then through the door with the “MAX’S PLACE” label painted on

Go inside, then climb down the ladder after Owen. Head into the next hallway
and the room at the end, then the chapter will be complete.
This finishes Chapter 27: The Aquarium in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter
28: Hostile Territory.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: Hostile Territory


 Artifacts: 12

 Coins: 1

 Workbench: 1

Follow Manny

You start out on the roof of a building with Manny. Follow him down until you enter into an
apartment. Go through the broken wall at the back to the other side but don’t drop down yet. Go
into the bathroom first and open the drawer to find 12 Supplements. You can then go into the
kitchen and open the two drawers in there to find a total of 6 Parts.

If you wish you can then also go into the nearby room through the white door, then open the drawer
to find a note. This doesn’t count as a collectible and Manny will take it away from you after, so
don’t worry if you missed it.

You can then drop down the hole and continue following Manny. Outside he will boost you over the
fence, then you will be on your own.

Head through Town

The first thing you should do now is go directly forward into the “SPICY DUMPLING” shop in front of
you. In the kitchen on the left, you can find a total of 18 Parts on the shelves on either side.
Go out of the building, then down the first flight of stairs. Instead of going down the second flight,
look to the left to see a broken window on the back of the building. Climb into there, and inside you
can find the Training Manual: Close Quarters on the counter, as well as Artifact #1: Scar’s Suicide
Note on the body on the left.

Climb back out the window, then go down into the “TANG FABRICS & IMPORTS” building and up and
out the broken window on the other side. In the next area, climb the green car to get up onto the RV
and into the next apartment building. In this first room open the drawer near ground level to find
the North Dakota Coin, the only one for this chapter.

Go into the next room and squeeze through the gap in the wall, then you will need to deal with a
Clicker. Once you are actually in the next room you can find a total of 23 Supplements in the
Bathroom, as well as 3 Parts in the living room. After you have grabbed those, go to the large hole in
the wall and sprint jump across to the ledge on the other side.
The correct path to go is left, but first go all the way to the right to the guard tower to find
another 20 Supplements inside. Then go back left and crawl through the vent to proceed.

After dropping down you will see the face of a woman on a wall. The correct path to go is to the
right, but first you should go to the back left to drop into another room for more items. Here you can
find 12 Supplements on a washing machine, as well as some other supplies. When you grab them go
back and through the window on the right, then squeeze through the gap in the doorway.

Deal With Infected

As soon as you enter this room a truck will drive by thankfully drawing away the Infected that were
right nearby. If you have one available you can toss a pipe bomb over at them to make quick work of
them, and this will also draw over the Clicker and third Infected that are hiding in the other room.
When all 4 are dead you can search the room for supplies. There are 7 Parts on the bar in the back
left that you should grab, then when you’re ready to continue you can go out the lit gap at the back.

Search the Stores

Hop the wall, and you will now be in a Chinatown-esque area with a number of stores to search
through. Go into the first one on the left called “Jasmine Bakery” by breaking the window in the
front. In here you can find crafting supplies, as well as a safe at the back. You can go find the code
for this safe if you want, or just input 68-96-89 and open it right now. Inside you’ll find 31
Supplements along with some other supplies.

Go back out to the street and now enter the second store on the left, “GREEN PLANET HERBS”. In
here you can find a total of 20 Supplements on the shelves on the right. Now go into the third store
“RUBY DRAGON” and look behind the counter for a total of 16 Parts.
Still in the same store, go open the door at the back and go upstairs. Crawl under the table blocking
the doorway, and you should see two Clickers in the next room. Take them out, then jump across
from the balcony to the store across the street, “KING STREET RELICS”.

First head up the stairs to the right to the rooftop. On a corpse sitting at the table, you can
find Artifact #2: Plea to Seraphite Prophet. Go back down the stairs and turn right into the building,
and in the first room on a cardboard box you can find Artifact #3: Jasmine Bakery Safe, which is how
you would get the safe combo if you didn’t just put it in earlier.

Continue around the corner into the next room, but don’t drop down the hole yet. Look at the table
on the right side and you can see another pickup, Artifact #4: Strange Relic. Picking this up also
awards the trophy Relic of the Sages .
Now you can drop down the hole to the lower floor. As soon as you drop down you will be attacked
by a single Infected from the bathroom, but you should be able to make quick work one on one.
After it’s dead look behind the counter to find the Double Barrel Shotgun. Just around the corner in
the next room you can find some extra ammo as well as 7 Parts.

When you come back out of the room a couple more Infected will drop in, making great targets to
try your new gun on. After they’re dead go out the front of the store and continue down the street
and to the truck at the end. On this truck there are a total of 6 Artifacts you need to collect. 3 on the
left side, 2 on the right side, and 1 in the back. They are all slips of paper with writing on them. They
are named as follows:

 Artifact #5: Seraphite Prayer to Prophet – Peace

 Artifact #6: Prayer for Victory

 Artifact #7: Seraphite Prayer to Prophet – Respect

 Artifact #8: Seraphite Prayer to Prophet – Steed

 Artifact #9: Seraphite Prayer to Prophet – Prosperity

 Artifact #10: Seraphite Prayer to Prophet – Pairing

Make sure you pick up all of these before progressing, then check the area to the left of the truck.
On a table there you can find 3 Parts, as well as some ammo if you climb the ladder to the upper
platform on the left side. Then, go to the right side of the truck into the open building. Look on the
white counter just inside to find Artifact #11: WLF Soldier Meets Prophet Letter.

Continue through the door into the next room, and on the table you can find either the Long Gun
Holster or Short Gun Holster upgrade, which allows Abby to carry a second of whichever gun type
you get there (seems to be random which it spawns). There is also 1 Part on the counter in the

Get Through the Checkpoint

Go back outside, and climb the nearby bins to get on top of the roof structures. Then you can jump
across to the end where the large archway is, dropping to the ground and then crouching through
the hole in the gate.
Deal With Scars

Going under the gate there will be two Clickers that wander out, but they will be shot by some Scars
from up in the nearby building. The Scars will start moving towards you, clearing through the area to
the gate. You aim if you’re killing all the enemies or not is to get up into the building they’re coming
out of to progress. In this area there is a decent amount of tall grass for you to crouch or prone in to
hide, and lots of other structures to hide in. When the Scars come down they will split into multiple
groups, with two each going into the buildings on either side, then three staying up top in the
building you want to go to on separate floors.

After dealing with the enemies or sneaking past them, head into the building. On all floors there are
a number of crafting supplies, so search around if you need them. Go up one floor, then into the first
room. At the front near the windows there is a drawing you can open on a counter, and inside you
can find 4 Parts.

Continue to the top floor, then you will need to climb around and through a bunch of rubble. Once
you push a box out of the way and enter the main part of the floor go over to the left. In the room at
the back, you can find on a table Artifact #12: Letter from Seraphite Father to Son, along with
the Workbench for the chapter.
Once you’ve finished in there, go out to the room with the painting of the woman on the wall, and
drop down to the lower area.

Deal With More Scars

In the next building, there will be another large number of Scars you need to deal with to progress.
In the first room there are only the two, and they will separate and be easy to deal with. One will
walk towards where you drop down to, and the other will wander around by the windows where
they were talking when you came in.

If you look down through the hole in the floor to the left, you should see one walk by who you can
drop and deal with. There is another on that same floor who will do laps around and over to the
openings leading to the next building, and can then be taken out over there.
To progress now you need to move into the other building by jumping across. In here there are
another 4 enemies to deal with, who will wander around and move between the two floors. On the
bottom floor there will also be another one of the pickaxe wielding stronger humans who you ran
into in the earlier chapter with Ellie, so try to kill them stealthy or dump a bomb into him if you

Once you can, head down to the lower area down the slopes to end the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 28: Hostile Territory in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 29: Winter Visit.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: Winter Visit


 None (There are things you can look at but nothing that counts for collectibles)

Speak with Owen

This short chapter is another flashback with Abby at the Aquarium. There are a number of things you
can interact with around the room while talking to Owen just for story and flavour.

Win the Archery Minigame

If you go over to the left side of the room there is a purple toy bow leaning against the wall. Inspect
it, then Owen will let you try winning at their archery game. This is where you can earn the
trophy Put My Name Up if you can get a score of 11 to beat Owen. Make a save before you pick
up the bow so that if you mess up you can try again (or load the autosave, but that starts you
already holding the bow).

You need a score of 11 to win, but there are a total of 13 targets you can hit so you have a bit of
leeway. facing in the direction you start there are 4 targets.

Turn around and look to the right of the room there are another 4 targets.
Then to the left side on ground level there are another 4 targets, plus the 1 target in the mouth of
the whale sculpture.

If you hit all 13 before time runs out time stops immediately and Owen will reluctantly put you on
the board, earning you the trophy.

Follow Owen

Owen has something he wants Abby to see, so follow him upstairs and open the door at the top.
You’ll get a longish cutscene and the chapter will be over.

This finishes Chapter 29: Winter Visit in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 30: The Forest.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: The Forest


 Artifacts: 1

 Workbench: 1

Deal With Infected

As soon as you gain control at the start of the chapter you will be fighting against a number of
Infected with two other people. You won’t have any of your weapons, just a single hammer to deal
with the first three enemies.

Follow the Others

After the first group of infected are dealt with, follow the two people who helped you. Focus on
following after the girl with the torch at all times, only stopping if they do. After a short while she
will fall over and another handful of infected will attack, so take them out to progress further. In this
area there are a number of bricks and bottles you can grab to takes out the enemies more
efficiently, so make sure to use them.

When you reach a wall the other two will go into an opening and underneath a road, follow them in
right away, don’t worry about other enemies outside. On the other side pull the fence open to let
the other two through.
Defeat Your Attacker

On the other side you will be attacked again by the woman who knocked you other at the end of
Chapter 28. You only have your fists here, so make use of dodging as much as you can. Wait for her
to attack, then dodge and get some punches in yourself. After a while she’ll drop and you’ll get your
gear back from her body.

Search the Shop

Once she’s dead, go over and open up the door to the auto shop to go inside. Go to the left
immediately to find the Workbench for this chapter. You should also search around the shop for
supplies and a total of 27 Parts scattered all around.

When you’re finished with the workbench, head through the door the two kids are standing near. Go
into the room on the right first. On a cabinet at the back of the room you can find Training Manual:
Firearms, then you can open the drawer underneath it for 7 Supplements. Then go out into the
kitchen area, and on the table, you can find Artifact: Failed Truce, as well as another 11
Supplements in the cabinet below the microwave.
Continue through the building into the large open room. In the main shop area, there are another 18
Parts total for you to pick up: 1 on the wall to the right of where you enter, 17 at the back right by
the cash registers, then another 1 in the bathroom by where you need to go to exit this room.

Deal with More Infected

As soon as you get outside again you will be attacked by another 2 Infected that run at you from
down the stairs in front. Deal with them, then continue forward up the stairs and another two will
run at you. After they’re dead continue all the way up until you enter another building, but don’t
drop down to the lower level yet.

Go into the room on the left and you can find a total of 12 Parts and 8 Supplements on the desk.
You will then need to drop to the lower floor and deal with a total of 3 Infected spread around the
area. Drop down in the first room and the Infected will become aware of you, but you can take them
out relatively well since they will basically funnel towards you one at a time.

Search the area for supplies, making sure that before you interact with the door to exit you check
the room to the left of it in the back corner for another 9 parts.

Survive Infected Attack

After you interact with the door you will boost the two kids over so they can unlock a gate to let you
through. Before they can do that though you will be attacked by a number of infected all running
into this room. There will be three runners that come in first, two from the front then a third from
around where you picked up the parts. They like trying to squeeze through the gaps in the walls
which slow them down, so use that opportunity to shoot them. After those three a Clicker will come
from the central hallway by itself, and can be made quick work of if you are able to have it lose track
of you by being quiet as it’s running in.
Next waves will be two Clickers followed immediately by a single Runner, then one single Runner
and Clicker from the right. After them, a Shambler will drop down from the right side. As soon as you
kill it Lev will break through a truck window on the left of the room, allowing you to escape before
more infected come in.

Escape the Area

Once outside, Abby will pick up the girl with the broken arm and carry her forward. Follow Lev into
the area with the buildings, then go to the one on the right side to end the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 30: The Forest in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 31: The Coast.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: The Coast


 Artifacts: 3
 Coins: 4
 Workbenches: 1
 Safes: 1

Search the Building

This chapter starts immediately following the previous one, right after Abby exits
the door to the building she leaves the two kids in. From where you are looking
down the steps, go over and climb over the fence using the blue container.

Before going left into the building, go to the right side of it where you can find an
open container, and inside you can find 10 Supplements.

Now you can go to the left of the building and through the door. Inside you will
find the Workbench for this chapter, along with 18 Parts and some other
Go through the door into the large garage, then to the office on the left side. In
here you will find either the Long Gun Holster or Short Gun Holster upgrade,
whichever you didn’t get during Chapter 28. There are also 19 Supplements right
beside it on the desk.

When you’re finished inside, climb the boxes stacked outside the office, then out
the window above it to get outside.

Kill Infected
In the container area you drop into there will be a number of Infected that appear
to attack you. There will be a Runner inside the container to the left standing still,
and a Clicker over on the far right. At the back line of containers there will also be
two Stalkers that move back and forth whenever you kill another enemy, so
watch for them hanging around corners. If you get spotted or once you get far
back enough, there are one more each of a Runner, Clicker, and Stalker in the
area behind the fence.

There are a couple things to grab in this area once you have killed all Infected. Go
over to the right side and there will be a container to the right of a truck. On top
of it you can find 9 Parts. You can also check in the container on the left by the
fence line to possibly find some ammo and supplies. Once you’ve searched the
area, head to the front where you go into a covered around and behind a
concrete wall.

Continue to the Aquarium

Climb up the broken road sections to get up to the road. When you reach the top
you are looking at a dead-end, but instead of turning around go forward and to
the right to find the Alabama Coin beside a corpse on the ground. Then turn
around and continue down the road.
Try to jump across, then climb up through the rubble to the other side. Across the
water, you can see a crashed boat. Jump in and swim over to it. As soon as you
enter the first room look down at the shelf on the left to find 6 Parts.

Search the Ship

Continue in the ship into the next room where there will be a number of bodies
on cots. Beside the skeleton on the right you can find Artifact #1: Infirmary Note,
then if you check the last skeleton on the left before exiting the room you can
also find 16 Supplements. Go through the door in the corner and up the steps in
the next room. Push through the door, then you will automatically obtain
the Crossbow.
If you look down the hallway you can see a couple of Infected hanging out, not
doing anything. Perfect time to try out your new crossbow on them for silent kills.
After they’re dead go down this hallway to the end to where you can find a
couple more cots. On the one at the back you will find Artifact #2: Mutiny Note,
then if you look beside the turned over vending machine there are 16
Supplements on the ground behind a body. The mutiny note gives you the safe
code 90-77-71, which you can use in a moment.

Go back down the hallway and up the flights of stairs. Watch for an Infected
standing still just past the top, as well as for a Clicker potentially walking in the
hallway directly to the right. The Clicker will come all the way through into the
hallway behind the other Infected, so if you want to wait you can take it down
from behind. After those, there are two more Infected, in the right and back right
corner of the floor, and another Clicker that will be wandering back and forth in
the farther hallway opposite where you came up the stairs.
When they are all dealt with you can search the floor for more supplies. Right
near the top of the stairs where you came up there is a door leading into a small
storage room. On the shelves you can find 17 Parts and 12 Supplements on the
shelves. Go back out and down the hallway immediately right of the staircase. Go
to the end then right turn again into a dead-end corner where you can find
the West Virginia Coin on a suitcase beside a stuffed bear.

Once you’ve grabbed those items you can turn around and go to the far end of
this floor, outside the ship then up the stairs to the top floor.

Clear Out Infected

On the top floor there will be another group of Infected you want to clear out so
that you can grab some items. If you look to the left there will be a Runner that
walks back and forth around the corner of the wall, then to the right there are
two Clickers, one standing still and one that walks in and out of the boat interior.
Inside there will be three more Runners, as well as a Shambler. A fun trick you can
do here if you have extra pipe bombs is wait for the Clicker inside to wander out
and stand outside the door, and throw a bomb at it to blow it up. This draws over
basically every other enemy in the area, and you can throw another pipe bomb to
take them out, then clean up any left behind. As long as you are still a little ways
down the stairs the Infected shouldn’t spot you, so can move back if you need.
When they are all dealt with, take a left at the top of the stairs and go into the
area with the ship’s wheel. Beside the consoles you can find the Safe for this
chapter. Enter 90-77-01 to open it and find a number of goods, including 16
Parts, 18 Supplements, and Training Manual: Ordnance. If you got all manuals up
to this point in the game you will also earn the trophy Journeyman for finding
all 8 of them.

After grabbing everything there, go all the way to the opposite side of this floor.
Push through the door, then check on the ground beside the body to find Artifact
#3: Ferry Log. Climb the nearby ladder to get up top, then instead of continuing
turn around and go to the other side of the cabin rooftop. Just behind the wall
beside a crate you can find the Utah Coin.
Get into the Aquarium
Go onto the end of the fallen pillar and drop down back onto the highway.
Continue down the road a short distance and climb the ladder on the right to get
to the top level. Follow the road along, all the way until you drop off the road into
an area with trees and the aquarium building off to the left. Go up to it, then
climb into the fountain that’s in front. Underwater on the side opposite the
aquarium you can find the Mississippi Coin in the water, the final thing to pick up
in this chapter.

Go up and try the front door of the Aquarium, though it will be locked. Head
around to the right side climbing over the fence, then climb into the broken
window in the building to the right of the next locked door.
Inside there is cord you can use to climb. First, through an object through the
window above to break it, then toss the cord out of it. Climb back outside, then
use the cord to climb up onto the rooftop. Up top, toss something through the
other window so that you can drop down into the room.

When you drop down inspect the bag on the ground, then go through the door to
the left. Go through the next set of doors, then interact with the radio. From
there go down the lit hallway, through the final set of doors, then open the door
on the boat for a cutscene.

The Hallway
You’re here again. Walk to the end of the hallway and through the door at the
end to finish the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 31: The Coast in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 32:
Return to the Coast.
Day: Seattle – Day 1
Chapter: Return to the Coast


 No collectibles in this chapter

Cross the Highway

At the start of the chapter, you are heading back to check on the two Scar kids
who helped you before. Grab the nearby plank and place it down to get across to
the next section of the highway. Go to the end, then down the ramp and into the
container area.

Kill Scars
The area that was previously full of Infected will now be full of Scars that you
need to deal with. There will be a total of 4 with guns who basically wander one
each in the corners of the area, as well as one of the heavy sledgehammer
wielding enemies. The gun ones are easy enough to take out as they are mostly
on their own, then you can focus on the sledgehammer one. He really doesn’t like
the shotgun fire ammo if you have any available. After they’re all dealt with you
can head to the door into the garage.
Head through the Garage
Go through the garage the same way you came in before. Any supplies you didn’t
grab first time through will be here if you can carry them now, and you can use
the Workbench on the way by (though it will have already been counted towards
the trophy first time through). When you’re finished, go outside and hop the
fence to get back to the building. Go inside to end the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 32: Return to the Coast in The Last of Us Part 2. Next
is Chapter 33: The Shortcut.
Day: Seattle – Day 2
Chapter: The Shortcut


 Artifacts: 6

 Coins: 2
 Workbenches: 2

 Safes: 1

Follow Lev
After the cutscenes at the start of the chapter you will be back outside the Aquarium following Lev.
If you check your inventory you will already have one of the collectibles for this chapter, Artifact #1:
Amputation Supplies. Follow Lev along until you reach a flooded area and he points out the building
to you. To the right of the waterfall is a building “FRANKLIN’S BARBER SHOP”. Go inside and look
behind the checkout to find the Nevada Coin.

Go back out front and climb the broken road to the left of the waterfall. Look to the immediate left
and you should see a beam you can walk across. Go try the door, then Lev will jump in and unlock it
for you. In this room you can find crafting supplies along with 10 Supplements.

Go back across, and you now want to jump across the broken sections of road to get into the
building on the other side of the rushing water.
Go up the stairs in the building to the second floor, then look just in front of the door in the room
you enter to find Artifact #2: Survivor Plea. Break the glass on the window to get onto the fire
escape (where you are supposed to go to progress) but then also break the window to get into the
room that the note was in front of to find 7 Parts.

Follow the Road

Now head up the fire escape to get to the roof of this building. From the roof do a sprinting jump
across to reach the highway. Go left first and beside an open car door you can find 8 Parts. Then you
can continue down the road.

At the end of the roadway you need to go left into the blue building from its balcony. Go inside, then
on the table with the whiteboard you can find Artifact #3: Neighbour Exchange. From this note, you
can figure out the safe code 30-23-04. Go through the door on the right into the large bedroom to
find the Safe, which will have 8 Parts in it. You can also check the other rooms for the supplies, and
there will be 7 Supplements in the bathroom.
Head out of the apartment and up to the roof. On the rooftop once you go up the stairs onto the
higher level of the roof take a right and look inside the fenced-in area for 9 Parts.

Get Through Infected Store

Follow the bridge off the roof and drop down to the balcony below. In this store there will be a total
of 6 Infected, with 1 of them being a Shambler. The windows inside are all intact, so if you break any
of them you’ll have all the infected on you outside. To get them moved away, go to the right side of
the balcony and look just to the right of the large window to see a smaller one that’s broken. You
can throw an item in there to alert the Infected and have them move away from the windows. You
could then toss a pipe bomb through one of the windows, so that the explosion will keep the
infected away (and hopefully kill a couple) then you can sneak inside to deal with the others.

Check through the building for supplies, then when you’re ready to leave climb out the window at
the back over top of the crashed van. You’ll have to jump across some more broken roadway, then
enter a store on the other side named “INTERBAY”. Directly across from the entrance you should see
a body, check beside it for Artifact #4: Scavenging List.
Left from the door you can find a Workbench, then around this room there will be 28 Parts total.
Two groups of them out in the open, then some more each in drawers behind the cash register and
by the stairs.

When you’re ready to continue go up the shorts steps and across the next part of broken roadway.
Climb into the store, then take an immediate right and go to the window on the side. Drop out onto
the blue platform, then at the end you can find the Colorado Coin. Go back inside and down the
hallway going left, entering into the “Examination Room”. In a drawer on the right you can find 19

Scale the Building

Go back to the main room and then head through the blue doors. Climb up the rubble, then go down
the hallway to the right. To get to where Lev jumps to, go through the door to the right then jump
across the smaller gap. Go across and follow Lev up the ladder to the next floor. You’ll go across the
first wooden bridge, then you should check the floor right after to find 7 Parts sitting on the ground.
Follow Lev up another floor, then he will jump across some bars. You need to go into a room on the
left to progress, and midway through you can grab Artifact #5: Seraphite Truce from a table on the

Fight Scars

Follow Lev up one more long ladder, then at the top you will be shot at by a number of enemies.
There will be 4 total who attack, and they are actively aware of where you are right away. You can
sneak around them somewhat by going left through the side room, but that is basically the only path
around them. Once all 4 of them are dead you can search the floor for supplies, then go around to
the far side to climb another ladder.

In the next room there is a shrine you can interact with if you want, then have some optional
dialogue with Lev. After that go into the room on the right where you can find the
second Workbench for this chapter, along with 13 Supplements and 21 Parts on the shelves in the
room. When you’re ready climb up the next ladder.
Fight More Scars

Once you reach the top of the ladder you will be in another large area with more Scars to fight. This
time at the least they aren’t aware of you from the start, and they also all are on the sections of
building opposite from where you are. There are a total of 7 in this area, spread between the floors
of the sections of the building across from you. If you have available crossbow bolts this is a great
time to use them, as the enemies are typically very spread apart so you can take them out one by
one without alerting the others as long as you do it in one shot each. Enemies will all be primarily
weapons, plus one of the heavy axe enemies that will be normally on the bottom-most floor. To get
up top to where you need to go you basically have to work your way around the entire area to get to
the top. The way to exit is through the door that is under the covered area.

After going through the door Abby will block it, and you are safe from enemies. In this room you can
first go over to the right to find 10 Supplements, then head to the left to find 13 Parts on the shelf to
the left of the red toolbox.

Continue Higher

After grabbing the items in this room, go over to the elevator where Lev will be waiting. Interact
with the door to close it, then you’ll start your way up. Once the elevator stops you can interact with
the next door to get off. In the hallway after you can find 6 Parts on a bed, then Artifact #6:
Seraphite Orders on the wall to the right before going into the next room.

After grabbing those you can continue following Lev. After the first bridge you will have to crouch
under a structure to continue. Instead of doing that, climb up to the right side and then up onto the
metal structure. At the end, you can find 11 Parts. After grabbing those continue following Lev until
you reach the end of the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 33: The Shortcut in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 34: The Descent.
Day: Seattle – Day 2
Chapter: The Descent


 Artifacts: 3
 Coins: 5
 Safe: 1

Explore the Building

This chapter starts immediately after you fall in the pool off the bridge. Wait for
Lev to finish talking to you about where you are, then jump back into the pool. On
the bottom left, right on top of the white drain cover, you can find the Illinois

From there you can then go through the nearby double doors. You can check
inside the gym area and the women’s locker room for supplies, then head to the
right of the area to “ORCHARDS JUICE BAR”. Go into the back room to
find Artifact #1: Gym Safe Code, which using some detection you can learn is 12-
18-79. You can also open a door near the register to find 7 Supplements.
Go out of the bar area and to the opposite end of the hallway. Open the door at
the end and you can find a safe, which you can enter 12-18-79 into to open, and
find yourself 17 Supplements. This is the final safe in the game, so if you have
opened all prior ones you will earn the trophy Safecracker after opening this

Go back into the hallway and push your way into the stairwell to continue. You
will automatically obtain Artifact #2: FEDRA Orders off the body that was blocking
the doorway, warning off Infected in the building. Head down the stairwell now
to continue.

Find a Gas Mask

Abby will enter the spore infected area on her own, and you need to find a gas
mask so that Lev is able to come through as well. As soon as you go through you
will be facing towards a pit. Turn around and go into the room at the end of the
hallway, then search the drawer at the back right to find 8 Supplements.

Go back and you can now cross the beam going across the pit. On this floor first
go to the back left corner from where you start, and you should find a bathroom
with a hole in the wall attached to room 1907. In a drawer in here you can find 8
Supplements. Exit and go to the right into room 1904, where you can find a total
of 14 Parts, 9 on a table and 5 in a drawer under the TV.
Now in this same room look at the body by the bed to find a gas mask. Interact
with it to pick it up.

Deal with Infected

After picking up the gas mask there will now be a large number of Stalkers
running around in the rooms outside. There is 6 total, and they will move around
constantly, so your best bet is probably to do a lap around the area counter-
clockwise and clear out the rooms as you’re going. There are a decent number of
supplies in this area, so it would be a good spot to use your normal handgun with
the crafted silencer to take the Stalkers out with one shot each without alerting
the others. As you kill them they will basically continually move closer to you, so
you can just hang out in the first bedroom and most of them will wander over as
you shoot them.
After they are all dealt with, go over to the now opened room that all the Stalkers
were hiding in. On the bed, you can find 9 Supplements. Then head back the way
you came to get the gas mask to Lev.

Continue Down the Building

After returning to Lev you’ll be back in the spore area. Lev will point out a fire
hose to you up above. Interact with the wall and you will boost Lev up to it so you
can use it to rappel down. At the bottom of the area enter the room immediately
right. Beside a body, you can find Artifact #3: FEDRA Final Note.

Continue along the main path, and you will have one Clicker burst out of a wall to
attack you. After it’s dead continue again and jump down to the next floor. As
soon as you cross a beam you will be able to hear a nearby Clicker hanging out,
which will be around the corner to the left. There will also be another just to the
right that will burst out of a fungal growth to attack you if you get too close, like if
you want to grab the box of explosives sitting beside it. You are able to shoot it in
the head and kill it while it is still inside immobilized though.

Directly across from where the left Clicker was you can find 12 Parts sitting on a
table. Continue on and squeeze through the door into the bathroom, then go
across the next beam. In this next room if you look to the left you can find
the Flamethrower weapon, then also another Infected in the wall to shoot. There
are also 10 Supplements on the counter to the left of the wall Infected.

Go back across this beam, and then take a right to where the crumbled floor is
and drop down to the next floor. The correct way to progress is to go into room
1302, but first you can check the room in the opposite directions for a number of
supplies. In the bathroom drawer, you can find 7 Supplements, then in the next
room beside the ledge you can find 14 Parts.
Go back and into room 1302. In this room there are two Clickers standing still
with their backs to where you enter, so you can take them both out quietly with
shivs. Alternatively, you can just drop down to the lower area through the first
door on the left if you don’t want to search the room they are in. Go across the
next beam, and in the room across there will be a Shambler walking back and

If you want this would be a fun time to try out your new flamethrower, as it
should make quick work of it with concentrated fire. After it’s dead check the
drawer in the table to the right to find 3 Parts. Then go back and take the second
beam from where you got off the first.
Across the metal beam you then need to sprint jump down to the next floor.
Immediately in front of you there will be another wall Infected, then to the right
of it on a table you can find 10 Supplements.

From there turn directly around and you will see another open doorway. Jump
into there, and on the right side on a small ledge, you can find the Oregon Coin.

Jump back across, and then follow the path over the next beam. Drop down to
the final floor where the door leading to the area with the windows. Behind
where you dropped down there is a nightstand, with a total of 23
Supplements on top and in its drawer.

Get to the Elevators

Continue dropping down until you reach a spot where you drop in front of a door
and hear Infected moving around. Push through the door, then you will be in a
large area with a number of Infected. Directly in front of you as soon as you enter
there will be a Clicker walking away, then if you look towards the end of the
hallway there is a Bloater standing still that you probably don’t want to make
aware of you yet.

If you want to use stealth as much as possible, go through the gap to your left
first. In the next room will be a Clicker standing still that you can shiv, then
continue through the room. In here there will be a Clicker that is walking around,
so wait for it to get in a good spot to also hit with a Shiv.

Go back to the main hallway now and you can easily Shiv the third clicker. If you
want you can now move through the right side of the area, but be aware there
are wall Infected that will jump out if you get too close and alert the Bloater.
When you’re ready there are a couple options for how to deal with it. You can
toss something to get it away from the elevators and then sneak by, or hit it with
the flamethrower and other heavy weapons. While shooting it with the
flamethrower it will be continually stunned, so can’t attack you as long as you are
spraying it.
When you’re ready go to the elevator at the back of the area and interact with it
to get in the elevator shaft.

Get Out of the Building

In the elevator shaft, jump down to the lower elevator then exit out into the
hallway. Look to the immediate left, and smash the glass on the vending machine.
This causes the Wisconsin Coin to drop into the coin slot for you to pick up. There
are also 8 Parts on the cart to the left.

Continue out of the building and you’ll enter a large outdoor bar area. Go behind
the counter in the middle where you can find the Rhode Island coin on the end by
a cash register. You can then go over to the covered area with the couches in the
corner to find 15 Parts.
Get to the Hospital
Head towards the back of this area and you will enter another building. You can
now basically just follow Lev to get where you are going. In this first building there
will be a small drop, then you should immediately look to the left to find a
bathroom which will have 18 Parts sitting on the toilet.

In a moment you will leave Lev behind and go up to the hospital by yourself. Swim
across the water, then you will be let into the hospital compound. When you’re in
the gate and done talking to the guys, don’t go towards the hospital yet. Turn to
the right and walk into the building past the tall grass. On the ground inside you
can find the Missouri Coin, the final collectible for this chapter.
After that you can check around and talk to people for some optional
conversations if you want, then go and interact with the main door of the hospital
to end the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 34: The Descent in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 35:
Ground Zero.
Day: Seattle – Day 2
Chapter: Ground Zero


 Artifacts: 5

 Coins: 2

 Workbench: 1

Get to the Oncology Center

At the start of the chapter, Nora lets you out of the situation you are stuck in and agrees to help you
get to the lower floors to look for some supplies. Follow her until you get down to the cafeteria area
after the first full flight of stairs. Go over to the left behind the counter to find the Washington
Coin. Then continue following her until you reach the Oncology Center.

Search for Supplies

When you reach the door to the Oncology Center Abby will proceed on her own. Continue down the
path into the Atrium, then stop when you reach the first staircase. Before going down look to the
right to see a spot that you can crawl under. Directly in front of where you crawl through there is a
body that will have Artifact #1: Annex Letter beside it.

Crawl back through, then go down the stairs. At the bottom drop down to the lower floor. Look to
the right beside a body to see a brown bag. Interact with it to get Artifact #2: Soldier’s Letter. In the
same room you can go around behind the boxes you dropped down on to and find 14 Parts sitting
on a FEDRA box on a shelf.
From those parts turn around and enter the room that has the altar at the front. On top of the altar
you can find Artifact #3: Chapel Note, then on the left side of the room on a cart there are 12

Go back to the main hallway, then through the yellow door on the Quarantine barrier to progress.
Go all the way to the end of the tunnel into the next area.

Grab Supplies

This next area you will need to search around for the supplies you need. Starting out go to the
second door on the right with the “24” beside it, and break the window to get inside. On the
stretcher, you can find Artifact #4: Patient’s Note.
Exit that room, then go left past the “Trauma Center” door to where you can find the gap to squeeze
into the “Surgery” area. Turn around from there to a small examination room, then look in the
cabinet to the left to find 12 Supplements. Then squeeze through into the “Surgery” area to

Turn the Power On

The surgery area is full of a large number of Infected, but there are also things in here you need to
collect, as well as turn on the power. Go forward and look into the open room to the left first, not
moving too far in. Look to the wall on the left and you’ll see an Infected stuck in the wall that you
should shoot or avoid going near. Go back in the hall and into the next room, and on the counter you
can find Artifact #5: Doctor’s Note. Check the drawer to the left of it and you can also find 6

In that same room, look directly above the cabinet to see a hole in the wall. Climb through to the
other side, then directly in front of you there are 9 Parts in a FEDRA container. Go through the door
to the left to find a Workbench, along with another 27 Parts total on the shelf to the immediate left
of the workbench and a shelf to the right of the door you came in.
When you’re finished dealing with those, use the nearby generator, then interact with the power
box to turn on the power for the area.

Deal With Infected

Go back out and through the now powered door, and you will be back in the prior area but now the
doors are open. There will now be three Clickers in this area that you will want to deal with so you
can grab more items. One of the Clickers wanders into the room to the right where you might have
dealt with the wall Infected before, then wanders back out which is the likely best time to deal with
it. The second will have gone down the hallway the way you entered this area, then will come back
towards you. Once those two are dead, the third will break out of the far room. If you’ve made noise
killing the first two it will basically sprint down the hallway in your direction, so it might be best to
just shotgun it right as it’s coming towards you.

Now that the Clickers are dealt with you can grab the items in the now open rooms. Take the first
door on the left into the “Recovery” room. On the left side on a shelf, you can find 18 Supplements.
Note that the wall growth in the middle of this room is another trapped Infected that will attack if
you get close.
Now go into the room at the far end of the hallway on the right. In here you can find a total of 40
Supplements. 2 on the shelf in the middle of the room, then 19 each in two of the cabinets that you
can smash the glass to get into. After grabbing them go out of this room and back through the door
you originally entered this area from.

Obtain Supplies

Coming back into this area, you might notice the large fleshy hole that now exists in a previously
closed door. Follow the blood trail on the floor into the now opened new area.

In the garage area go to the left side and search the ambulance to finally obtain the needed medical


Follow the linear path through, going through doors as needed. When you reach a spot where you
are able to turn left instead of going straight towards another door. Interact with the axe in the door
to pull it out, then mash when prompted.

Kill the Infected

Now you’re stuck down in one area with this big guy and nowhere to run away to. This large Infected
is the closest you come to an actual boss fight in this game. You cannot get away from it, and it will
very actively find you at all times if you run away from it to another room, so you need to always
keep aware of where it is. You can basically abuse its size to put distance between you and it though
if you need to regroup. If you go through the tight spaces or around things it will struggle to get
through spots or slowly walk around things.

If it gets close enough to you it will spray out acid similar to a Shambler, and if you get within
reaching distance of it it will instantly grab and kill you like a Bloater, so it’s just the best of both
worlds. After you do enough damage to it, one of the Infected that is stuck to it will pull off of it,
then run around acting like a Stalker at the same time you have to deal with the big guy. You should
primarily be focusing on the big guy at all times though, as once you kill it the Stalker will run away.
Your best bet for it will be explosives and flamethrower if you have ammo for it. The Incendiary
Shells can also be good if you have them. but if you’re crafting items mid-fight you’d be better using
the supplies to make more pipe bombs.

Find Your Way Out

After the Infected is dealt with, check the area for any ammo or crafting supplies you might not have
used. You can then head to the marked exit door to continue out.

Take a right and climb up into the ceiling space. Midway down, you’ll get jumped by the Stalker and
dragged down to the lower floor, where you will now have to kill it for good too. The shotgun and
flamethrower are your friends here, as the Stalker is a lot quicker to get away so you can’t as
effectively hit it with explosives, but it lights on fire very easily and is stunned momentarily by
shotgun shots. After it is dead you can again double-check this room for supplies, then go through
the garage door to continue out.

Now in the flood garage, take an immediate left to the small security booth. To the left of it you can
find 20 Supplements, then smash the window on the booth to pick up the Hawaii Coin.

Continue around the garage to where there is a truck that you can climb into the back of. Inside you
can find 16 Parts, then squeeze beside it to get out of the hospital and end the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 35: Ground Zero in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 36: Return to the
Day: Seattle – Day 2
Chapter: Return to the Aquarium


 No collectibles in this chapter

The Hallway
You’re here again. Go to the end of the hallway and through the door.

Find Lev
Yara and Lev have had an argument over what to do now. Follow her to help
search. When you reach the shark room, toss Alice’s toy for her.

When the prompt comes up you can talk to Yara to get her to throw the toy for
Alice too. After that go interact with the door to exit into the main area to continue
looking for Lev. In the next area when you go to look at the map, you can interact
with Yara again for more optional conversation.

Find Something to Cheer Up Lev

Drop down into the gift shop area and take a look around for something to give to
Lev to cheer him up. For the correct item go through and in the large treasure
chest, inspect the toy shark, then Yara will take it to give to Lev, then the chapter
will end.
This finishes Chapter 36: Return to the Aquarium in The Last of Us Part 2. Next
is Chapter 37: The Marina.
Day: Seattle – Day 3
Chapter: The Marina


 Artifacts: 1
 Coins: 2

Head to the Marina

Right as soon as you start this chapter, turn around and go up the small set of stairs
to the platform behind you. On the ground you can pick up the Kansas Coin.

Go back by Yara and start going down the stairs. When you reach the bottom
you’ll need to jump into the elevator shaft to progress, then drop down to the next
stair section and down to the ground. Follow Yara until you reach a tram station,
but before going up and into the train, go around the right of the ramp to find
the Louisiana Coin.

Go up and into the tram where you can find a number of supplies, including 15
Parts at the left end and 16 Supplements at the right end.
Go out the other side of the tram, then start following the fence to the left. Drop
down into the water and continue to the right. When you pass the rusty looking
truck you can grab 7 Parts from beside the box on the back of it.

Turn around from the truck and go into the narrow passage in the broken ground
(Yara will probably call you over to it). Go in and open the gate to let her in, then
follow through the small sewer. Continue forward and climb up onto the pier, but
don’t go up the ladder yet. Go forward and climb into the small shop, then check
the left side to find 13 Supplements and Artifact: Marina Note on the counter.
Turn around and you can then find 8 Parts sitting on the sink.
Avoid Sniper Fire
Go out of the shop and climb the ladder. There will be gunshots going off in the
background from Scars fighting WLF nearby. Follow the path for a bit, and you’ll
run into Manny of all people who is trying to deal with the sniper. What your aim
is here is to move up along cover, watching for when the sniper is shooting. You
can tell when they are aiming because there will be a bright white light on the
bridge in the distance, so wait for that to disappear before moving up. There are
multiple routes you can take going up, just make sure to stay as much in cover as
possible. When you get to the areas with the water you can also prone and go
underwater to progress, not just move behind cars.

You’ll reach a point with Manny where there is a ramp leading into the back of a
truck. You can grab the cart in it, then pull it to the side while moving towards the

When you enter the building check around for supplies, and you can grab a total
of 23 Parts from two spots before progressing.
Deal With the Sniper
When you’re ready to continue, open the gate that Manny is waiting by. In the next
area the sniper will start luring Infected near to you. Take out the two that are
coming, then follow Manny up the stairs behind you.

On the second floor there will be more Infected, four Runners, and one Clicker
waiting further up that the sniper will lure to you when you move up slightly.
When they are all dead continue pushing forwards towards the bridge. When you
get to a point where the sniper is blocked by the left wall another group of Runners
along with a Shambler will start coming at you from the right side around the
Follow Manny to the end of the area, then jump across to the bridge and go
through the door. Watch at the end, as the sniper will still be standing at the end of
the bridge shooting at you as you go. Continue following after Manny, don’t try
shooting at him as he’ll just shoot you first, just keep pushing up to make him run

When he locks himself in, go over to the right side to the white door and interact
with it to move through. In the restaurant, you need to move to where the open
door on the right side is to head outside, and then the chapter will end.

This finishes Chapter 37: The Marina in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 38:
The Island.
Day: Seattle – Day 3
Chapter: The Island


 Artifacts: 4
 Coins: 3
 Workbench: 1

Make Your Way Inland

At the start of the chapter, Abby and Yara have just reached the island by boat.
Follow her along the path until you reach a ladder, then follow her up. At the top
look to the left where you can see an open truck that you can get into the back of.
Inside you will find the Idaho Coin on the ground. If you missed a Training
Manual earlier as Abby you will find one in here as well.

Go back out and follow Yara. Just on the right beside the hanging body, there is
one on the ground. Beside it, you can find Artifact #1: WLF Scout Journal.
Check the back of the car to the left and you can find 14 Parts.
Continue following the path, and Yara will comment about the warning signal
going off. Before dropping down to the area with the waterfall go around the left of
the car. Sitting on a book on the ground you can find the North Carolina coin.

Drop down and continue until you reach an area with wooden huts. In this area you
can find a number of supplies, and inside the first one, you can find Artifact #2:
Venison Distribution Note along with 16 Supplements. Sitting on the same table.

Follow Yara over to the next building. Push the cart to the left so that you can
climb up and into the window.

Get Through Scar Village

Inside you drop down to the lower area, and you’ll be in the first enemy encounter
of this chapter. There are a number of items in this area you want to collect before
progressing, so you’re going to want to take out all Scars that you can. The actual
spot to go to progress is the far building with the torches on it that Yara points out
to you.

There are a total of 5 buildings in this area (not counting the one you start in). Two
to the left (one small one and the large one before the Sawmill). One large one to
the fight, then two farther in front (one of them being the Sawmill). The enemies in
this area are all relatively spread out, so stealth is the way to go here. The
Crossbow is very useful for dealing with enemies due to the range and possibility
of getting bolts back on headshots, so try to make use of it if you have ammo and
always go for headshots. Pistol with the silencer is also very good if you have
resources to craft multiple.

Starting out, take out the two Scars patrolling to the right side. One will wander
outside around the cart, and the other will go in and out of the right-side building.
Then go for the one on the left, which will do similar going in and around the small
hut. Finally, there will be one more than wanders in and out of the farther left
building, standing on the front deck by the railing then going back inside. Being
careful still because there are enemies farther back that can still spot you, go into
the hut on the right side, and just left inside the door you can find 19 Supplements.
Move left onto the deck of the larger house on the left, watching out for if one of
the enemies by the mill has moved inside. Take them out if they’re there, then if
you can see the enemy patrolling in front of the sawmill you can probably take
them out too.

Watch in the sawmill for what should be the final two enemies, one up top looking
out the window, then one patrolling around the bottom floor. If you can take them
out from range and that will be all the enemies in this area.

Now you can search the rest of the area without being bothered. First in the large
house to the left go in the bottom floor. Sitting on a table in the middle of the room
you can find 7 Parts. Then go outside and climb up either a ladder or a pile of logs
to get to the second floor, look on the boxes near the front window to find
the Montana Coin.
Head towards the sawmill, and just inside on a table you can find another 13 Parts.
Search it for any more crafting supplies, then follow Yara out the other side and
down the path.

Search More Huts

Up the path you will see a large number of boats heading towards the island, then
continue around the path leading right. Immediately after you can hear two Scars
running towards you, and Yara says to get down. If you’re quick enough, you can
lie prone in the grass and they will run right by you and you don’t need to deal
with them. Go up the hill where they came from and climb into the watchtower to
find 16 Parts. You can climb to the top floor and look at a log from the Scar
lookouts, but this doesn’t count as a collectible.
Continue forward to where there is a hut on either side. Go inside the hut where
you can find a large shrine. On the right wall you can pick up Artifact #3:
Mournful Prayer Note.

Go back out and inside the left one, check on the bed for Artifact #4: Young
Seraphite’s Journal, along with 17 Supplements on the nearby shelf. Go to the
back of the hut and you can find a Workbench along with 11 Parts. When
finished go out to the right of the workbench and continue down the path.

Deal with More Scars

The next area you need to go through is a large open space with a number of
cornfields. These fields can be used to hide inside as they act the same as tall grass,
so you aren’t completely out in the open. Starting out there will be two Scars in the
hut to the right, and one walking the path to the immediate left. Note that the guy
on the left is one of the heavy enemies carrying a pickaxe, so if you want to snipe
them do it with the crossbow so you actually take them out in one shot.

Go up to the building on the right and take out the two enemies, then the third that
will now likely have moved in front of it through the path between the corn. Head
to the right along the edge towards the small hut, then behind it the second large
hut. There should be two enemies here patrolling outside, then two farther back to
the right. Finally, there should be two more far-left wandering through the fields.

With everyone dealt with (or if you can sneak by) go into the second large hut. On
the table in the middle, you can find 23 Supplements. Then continue down the
path to the right of that hut following Yara.
Get to Yara’s House
Follow Yara over to the fence on the left, then interact with it to squeeze through,
then follow into the hut. On the right side on a table before exiting you can find 18
Supplements on a table. You can then follow her into the next area, and interact
with the door on the house she goes to and the chapter will finish.

This finishes Chapter 38: The Island in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 39:
The Escape.
Day: Seattle – Day 3
Chapter: The Escape


 Coin: 1
 Workbench: 1

Escape the Island

This chapter starts right after you leave the house you find Lev in. Follow the two
down the path until you reach an area with more huts. When you reach the hut on
the right that you can enter go inside and to the back. On a shelf, you can find 17
Supplements and 7 Parts.

Continue following the other two, and you will progress through a building. You’ll
go out on to the street, then drop through a window into a second building. In here
you can find 17 Parts and 8 Supplements on the lower floor, then upstairs
another 9 Parts.
Follow out of the building, then take an immediate left. Look behind the shopping
cart to find the Arkansas Coin sitting on the ground. If you’ve collected every
coin up to this point you will earn Numismatist .

Continue under the truck, then interact with the fence to help the others
underneath. Go through the building, then climb out the other side.

Find A Way Out

After a cutscene, you will be in another building and need to find your way out.
Before doing anything else look immediately to the left, and you can find 34
Parts sitting on a pallet. Now go over to the left of the door you came in from and
there are 17 Supplements on the top shelf of the other locker. To exit the building,
climb out the window to the left of the large white door.
Get Past WLF
In the next area you will now have a number of WLF soldiers trying to kill you.
When you drop into this area immediately move up to the wall of the building, as
there is one soldier that will walk out into this area to look up into the building

Inside the main building, there will be a large number of soldiers patrolling around,
mostly on the bottom floor but there will be a couple up top. This area is very good
for using the silenced handgun as well as stealth takedowns. If you can kill
enemies on the lower floors without other ones noticing they typically won’t
actually see the bodies because they will be hidden below the water. Keep moving
around and using the plentiful cover to avoid enemy sightlines and everyone in
here is relatively easy to take out. When you have there are a total of 11 Parts in
here you can grab. A single on a register by where you enter, 9 on a counter to the
back left by a meat grinder, then another single at the back on top of the bar area.
When you have found everything and area ready to leave, go to the back of the
building where you can exit out a white door. Outside continue following Lev.
There is a split in the path shortly that goes around an overgrown truck. Check in
the back to find 9 Parts.

Continue forward and boost Lev up to a building, then he’ll drop the ladder down
for you to get up. Climb up and into the building, where you can find a bunch of
supplies. There is the Workbench for this chapter in this room, as well as 16
Supplements and 11 Parts on the shelves.
Reach Haven
When you’re ready go out of this room, then drop down and follow the road. In
front there will be a number of WLF and Scars fighting each other, and you can
largely avoid them here and let them deal with each other. Your best bet is
probably going to the right through the tall grass, as the Scars on that side will
likely either be taken out or push up farther on the WLF soldiers blocking the path
to the left.

Continue doing the same in the next area, pushing up the right side behind the
other enemies. You’ll probably end up right behind some Scars, which you can
shoot with your silent weapons to clear yourself some space. Your goal here is to
get inside the restaurant building in the middle and out the back of it. When you
get close you’ll probably have to gives the Scars some assistance, taking out a
couple of the WLF that are just inside the building. You can effectively wait the
entire fight out, then take out the couple enemies left over to get through.

Check inside the restaurant for supplies, then go out the right side to find a horse
you can use to proceed. Interact with it to get the body off, then you and Lev will
start riding towards Haven. Here you just need to follow the path forward, avoiding
enemies and fire when they are in front of you. If you have an enemy grab onto
your horse mash to get them off.
When you reach the open area there will be other enemies that come in on
horseback trying to kill you. Aim and shoot towards them yourself, you don’t have
limited ammo in this part. Continue through the burning town area until you’re
knocked off the horse.

Get to the Docks

You now have to make your way through a large burning town to get to the docks,
while another large number of Scars and WLF are fighting each other. You want to
stick to the right side here as well, waiting out the fighting, only engaging if you
need to. When you reach the narrow part where you’re blocked on the right, you
want to move to the left through the next large house. Wait for any enemies to
move farther up, or shoot a couple yourself to help them push farther.
When you move into that left house watch behind you, as more soldiers will come
up from the rear to stop you backing up. Keep moving to the left, shooting any
enemies that are on the ledge you need to climb to. When you reach the dead-end
climb up into the building, then go across the beams to the other side. Drop down
to the ground, then interact with the fallen wall to get out of the building.

Outside you need to kill the man that is attacking Lev. This works similar to the
prior one on one fight you had as able. Wait for him to swing, dodge it then attack.
After a certain amount of damage, he’ll be knocked down and you’ll have
a prompt, but that won’t be enough to take him out. Now he will do multiple
swings at once instead of just one, so make sure to wait for at least 2 – 3 attack
animations before you attack again. After a while he will grab you and you will get
knocked down to the lower area, then you’ll have a prompt to break the arrow off
from his shoulder and stab him with it, finishing him off.

Find a Boat
Lev will drop down, and you now need to proceed along the path to the end, then
interact with the boat.
Go Inside
After the cutscene, you will be back at the aquarium. Go into the door on the side,
then push through the next door. Continue into the main area of the aquarium to
end the chapter.

This finishes Chapter 39: The Escape in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 40:
The Confrontation.
Day: Seattle – Day 3
Chapter: The Confrontation


 No collectibles in this chapter

Get Inside the Theater

You start out in front of the theater. Go over to the right side, and interact with the
ladder to boost Lev up to it. Climb up, then go into the theater and down to the
front entrance.

Follow Ellie
When you are inside and gain back control, follow Ellie. Interact with the door on
the stage to go through it.

Fight Ellie
In the next areas you need to avoid Ellie shooting at you, then get behind her and
attack when her back is turned. The first spot is easy, go to the left then hop over to
avoid when she checks around to the side, then hop back and wait for her to
advance into the middle area with her back turned to you.

When you drop down you want to immediately move back behind the shelves,
don’t try and hide behind the box to the left. Wait behind the right side of the shelf,
then when Ellie moves to check behind the box you can hit her.

Next she will back up into the other area of the room. Here she will start laying
traps on the floor, so watch for them going around corners. You can grab items to
throw to use on the traps as well or to bait Ellie to a specific spot. You still need to
try and hit her from behind now, as she has pulled out her bow and will still shoot
you with it if you go from the front. You can also throw an item at her to stun her,
allowing you to get in to attack her. Once you’ve done this for the third time, the
chapter will be over.
This finishes Chapter 40: The Confrontation in The Last of Us Part 2. Next
is Chapter 41: The Farm.
Day: The Farm
Chapter: The Farm


 No collectibles in this chapter

Go Downstairs
You are back to playing as Ellie now. Head downstairs from where you start and
into the kitchen.

Put on Some Music

Go over to the record player in the corner and interact with it to put some music
on, then go over and interact with Dina.

Get Ollie
Go to the front door and interact with it to go outside. Walk up ot the tractor and
interact with it to get Ollie. Hit when you’re finished what you’re doing, then go
back inside and follow Dina, then interact with her again.

Check the Gate

Go over to the right and interact with the gate.

Herd Some Sheep

You need to herd all the sheep over into the barn. Walk behind them, then towards
the open barn door to get them to go in that direction. After they are all inside,
interact with the gate to close it, then interact with the lamb at the back of the barn.
The Stairwell
You’re here again. Interact with the door at the end.

Head Back to the House

After a cutscene, you’ll be outside by yourself. Follow the path back to the house.
After some cutscenes, go downstairs and interact with the window in the room by
the stairs, then complete the guitar minigame. After that you’ll get a cutscene and
the chapter will be over.

This finishes Chapter 41: The Farm in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 42:
2425 Constance.
Day: Santa Barbara
Chapter: 2425 Constance


 Artifacts: 1

Find the House

This chapter you are playing as Abby again. You are on a street, looking for the house
numbered 2425. Start heading down the street, and shortly you will run into some Infected
around a green house. There are two that will be outside, then one just inside.

Deal with those three, then go into the window on the house. Inside there will now be a
Clicker for you to deal with.

After it’s dead, go into the bathroom where you can find an Artifact. This one doesn’t have a
name and can’t be viewed again from Abby’s bag, but still needs to be picked.
Search 2425
Continue down the road until you find the yellow house on the side with the odd numbers.
Interact with the garage door to open it up, then head inside.

You can check around for supplies, then when you want to continue go out the glass door
into the backyard. You can search the shed in the corner for more items, then jump through
the open window in the back of the house.

Unlock the door in the room then go back around to the living room and push the bookcase
out of the way when prompted. Go down into the basement, then interact with the lit panel
in the far corner to turn the power on, then interact with the radio.
Leave the House
After the cutscene go back up and out of the house and the chapter will be over.

This finishes Chapter 42: 2425 Constance in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 43:
Pushing Inland.
Day: Santa Barbara
Chapter: Pushing Inland


 Artifacts: 3
 Trading Cards: 1
 Journal Entries: 1
 Workbench: 1

Head Up the Shore

In this chapter you are back to playing as Ellie. Right from the start before leaving
the boat, look to the counter on the left to find Artifact #1: Abby’s Note. Then
exit the boat and start climbing the cliff to get to the house at the top of the
cliff. When you reach the top hop over the fence to get into the main housing

Search the Houses

This area there are a number of houses to search, along with a number of
Infected to deal with. From where you are start following the fence to the right to
reach the first house. In front there will be one Infected to be dealt with before
you go inside the garage. On the bench on the left you can find Artifact #2:
Mansion Note plus 22 Parts right beside it.
Go out of the garage and continue following the fence to the right. In front of this
large house, there will be a number of Infected patrolling around, one Runner,
two Stalkers, and one Clicker over to the right side farther away. The Stalkers here
will actually hide sort of in bushes to watch you, so be aware when looking for
them they won’t just be hiding behind walls like they were when dealing with
them prior. When they’re all dealt with go to the wall with the broken section
and climb over or under it to continue.

At the next house when you go around to the side you’ll see a Clicker wander over
on the roof, which is actually where you need to go. Shoot it from a distance or
lure it down, then climb up the car and into the open window.
Go to the right and into the bedroom with the faded blue walls. On a table in
there you can find the Trading Card: CBB-73. Go into the attached bathroom to
find 8 Supplements by the sink.

Deal with Infected

Drop down to the lower floor, then you should immediately hear Infected moving
around nearby. There are a total of 4 on this floor, two Shamblers that will be
very close, and two Stalkers that will start farther left and outside. If you can try
and get the Shamblers both together, then you can hit them with molotovs or
placed traps. This will likely lure the Stalkers inside as well, and then you can deal
with them when they’re doing a bad job of hiding behind furniture.

When they are all dead you can search around the rest of this floor. Go into the
kitchen, where you can find Artifact #3: Runaway Warning sitting on the counter.
Right beside it you can find 9 Parts, as well as this chapters Workbench.
Once you’re finished there and have searched the house for other supplies, head
outside through the broken windows, then crawl under the broken section of the
fence in the yard. Just ahead there is a police car in the road. Go to the left of it
and you will have an prompt to look at the houses in the distance, which when
pressed will give you a Journal Entry.

Continue to Santa Barbara

Follow the road going to the left. Before going through the broken rail and down
the hill, climb in the back of the nearby truck. In here you can find some supplies,
along with 9 Parts.
Down the hill a short distance there is an overturned truck on the right. Crouch
and look under it where you can find 6 Supplements.

Follow the cliff to the left, and in the next lower area there will be more Infected
wandering around. There are two up on the first ledge, then one farther down by
some crashed vehicles. Once you get down to where the third one is you need to
squeeze between the two vehicles, then the chapter will be finished.

This finishes Chapter 43: Pushing Inland in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter
44: The Resort.
Day: Santa Barbara
Chapter: The Resort


 Artifacts: 2
 Trading Cards: 1
 Journal Entries: 1
 Workbench: 1

Deal with Rattlers

Note that you start this chapter with a new weapon in your inventory,
the Silenced Submachine Gun. If you had acquired all weapons through the game
prior to this one you will now earn the trophy High Caliber .

Right at the start fo this chapter you will have a group of enemies in front of you
of the enemy faction Rattlers. There are four total that will be patrolling around
this area. Two stick in the area in front of you looking around the cars, a third that
will be back to the left patrolling around with a dog, then a final one past him
walking along the edge of the house.

Search the inside of this first building for supplies, then make your way towards
the second building. Watch for enemies as you get near as there will be more that
wander out of it and start patrolling in front, along with more to the left and
another dog. Watch for enemies here as there are ones that now start having
helmets on, so they can’t do killed with one headshot from your guns.
When they’re dealt with go up the tracks to where you can find a green van with a
Rattlers logo painted on it. Interact with it to get the final Journal Entry of the

Head to the left of this van into the building you saw the Rattlers come out of. In
the left part of the building on the counter, you can find 13 Parts, as well as
supplies spread throughout. Once you’re done searching you can go to the right
of this building, then interact with the door on the train car to proceed.

Get Into the Compound

After watching the cutscene and dropping down, start heading to the left. Look in
the corner of the building ledge to find a body with Artifact #1: Santa Barbara
Slave Note stuck to a keg.

Turn around from that note, then crawl underneath the blue train car to get into
the yard. In this main yard there will be more Rattlers, along with an Infected
they have attached to a chain. You can actually release this one by interacting
with the bottom of it’s chain on the block, letting it run around and attack the
Rattlers and do some of your work for you.

In this area there will be two normal enemies, then two of the enemies wearing
armor and helmets. After they are dead one more will drop down and come
investigate starting from behind the building in the middle. When they’re all dead,
you can search this area for some more supplies. Hop up on the white container
first, and you can find 9 Parts sitting on a cooler. From there drop down and go
into the middle shop area where you can find 1 Part on the bench in the middle,
as well as the Workbench for this chapter. If you have found all prior
workbenches up to this point you will earn the trophy Prepared For the
Worst .
Exit the right side of the shop and check the smaller villa building on the right. The
bottom floor has some supplies, then climb up to the top floor where you can find
another 12 Parts. When you’re ready to continue out of this area enter the large
building through the front entrance.

Reach the Prisoner Area

Just inside the entrance to the main building look immediately right. On a small
table beside a radio, you can find the Trading Card: Sparkthug. If you collected
every trading card up to this point you will earn the trophy Master Set .
Squeeze through the nearby gap in the wall to get into the dark room, then climb
up through the window on the opposite side. This next area has another sizeable
number of enemies in it, along with another chained Infected you can unleash on
the Rattlers. Watch for the guy on the immediate right with the helmet on
(stealth kills will still work fine on these guys) then try to get over to where the
chained Infected is and let it out.

Push around to the right side, then if you look in the pool there are two chained
up Clickers that you can also let loose on the Rattlers, making your life even
easier. Drop down into the grass behind them, then crawl near enough to the
chain block to let them out without alerting them to you being behind there.

With them out and distracting the enemies, you want to be making your way into
the building at the back of the area and up the circular flight of stairs. Take a right
at the top of the stairs in the area with the beds, and look at the nightstand on
the right. Here you can find Artifact #2: Rattler’s Letter Home. This is the final
collectible of the game, and if you have acquired all Journal Entries and Artifacts
up to this point you will earn the trophy Archivist .
Now on this top floor make your way to where the balcony is, then head left
towards the large circular building. When you get close there is another large
group of enemies that will come out and start hiding behind the tables, watching
for you to move up. If the Infected from downstairs are still alive they can wander
up here too if noise is made, though this group of enemies typically makes quick
work of them. This is the last combat encounter of the game though, so use
anything you have left to get past the guys here.

Keep making your way to the back of this area around or through the enemies,
then down the stairs and through the doors at the end.

Head to the Beach

After the cutscene, go through the doors at the end and start walking down the
path. Once you hop the wall the chapter will end.

This finishes Chapter 44: The Resort in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 45:
The Beach.
Day: Santa Barbara
Chapter: The Beach


 No collectibles in this chapter

Go to the Pillars
This chapter starts right off the last one without any cutscene or break in
between. Follow the linear path down to the beach. When you reach the pillars,
interact with the marked one, then follow along the linear path.

When you reach the boats, you will then have another one on one melee fight.
You can treat this the same as the prior melee fights, where you wait for the
opponent to attack, dodge it, then attack yourself. There will be a points where
you need to mash in between sections of the fight, but otherwise it is
mechanically the same as prior ones. Once it is over, the chapter will end.

This finishes Chapter 45: The Beach in The Last of Us Part 2. Next is Chapter 46:
Day: The Farm
Chapter: Epilogue


 No collectibles in this chapter

Go to the House
The chapter starts you in the field, walk up to the house and go inside. Go upstairs,
and into the closed room and interact with the item on the floor. After some
cutscenes the chapter, and the story, will be over.

This finishes Chapter 46: Epilogue in The Last of Us Part 2.

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