Vol-III - 10 - Attachment-27-Certification by The Bidder Per DoE Order

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765kV AIS Extn. Substation Package SS-01 for (i) Construction of 2 nos. of 765kV line
bays at Sikar II for Sikar II – Bhadla II 765kV D/c line (ii) Construction of 2 nos. of
765kV line bays at Bhadla II for Sikar II – Bhadla II 765kV D/c line associated with
Transmission Scheme for evacuation of power from Solar Energy Zones in Rajasthan
(8.1 GW) under Phase II-Part E.

Spec. No.: CC/T/W-AIS/DOM/A06/23/02699

Certification by the Bidder per order no. F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23/07/2020 issued
by Public Procurement Division, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance,
Government of India (DoE Order) in line with ITB 2.1

Bidder’s Name and Address: To:

Name:……………. Contract Services

Address:………………. Power Grid Corporation of India Limited,

……………… “Saudamini”, Plot No: 2, Sector-29

Gurgaon (Haryana)

Dear Sir,

We have read and understood the provisions of Order no. F.No.6/18/2019-PPD (Order
Public Procurement no.1) dated 23/07/2020 regarding “Restriction under Rule 144(xi) of
General Financial Rules” and F.No.6/18/2019-PPD (Order Public Procurement no.2) dated
23/07/2020 regarding “Exclusions from Restriction under Rule 144(xi) of General Financial
Rules” issued by Public Procurement Division, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of
Finance, Government of India [hereinafter collectively “DoE Order’’] and any subsequent
modifications/Amendments, if any.

Particularly, we, the Bidder, have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from
a ‘Bidder of a country which shares a land border with India’ and on sub-contracting to
contractors from such countries.

We certify that we, the bidder is/are not from such a country or, if from such a country, has
been registered as per provisions of the Bidding Documents with the Competent
Authority and will not subcontract any work to a subcontractor/sub vendor from such
countries unless such subcontractor/sub vendor fulfils all requirement in this regard and is
eligible to be considered. [Where applicable, evidence of valid registration by the Competent
Authority shall be attached.]

We further declare that any misrepresentation or submission of false/forged

document/information in this regard shall be dealt with as per the provisions of Integrity Pact
and/or Bidding Documents and/or POWERGRID’s policy and procedures.

Date: Printed Name:

Place: Designation:

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