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Bioresource Technology 315 (2020) 123840

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Pyrolyzed fabrication of N/P co-doped biochars from (NH4)3PO4-pretreated T

coffee shells and appraisement for remedying aqueous Cr(VI) contaminants

Jianqiu Lia,1, Feifei Heb,1, Xiaoyang Shena, Dongwen Hua, Qiang Huanga,
School of Materials and Energy, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, PR China
School of Agriculture, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, PR China


Keywords: In this study, an agricultural residue-derived biochar was fabricated by pyrolyzing coffee shells using (NH4)3PO4
Agricultural residues pretreatment. The influence of pyrolysis temperature on the structure and properties of biochars was in-
Coffee shells vestigated. The elemental analysis, spectroscopic and textural studies showed that the biochars were endued
Biochar sufficient N and P co-doping and large specific surface area by (NH4)3PO4-pretreatment. The appraisement for
Heteroatom doping
remedying aqueous Cr(VI) contaminants demonstrated that the N/P co-doped biochars offered high efficiencies
Hexavalent chromium
above 95% for aqueous Cr(VI) removal. The mechanism investigation displayed that the adsorption and re-
duction of Cr(VI) were boosted by the synergistic effect between the hierarchical pore structure and the groups
related to oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. Moreover, the biochar can be readily regenerated by HCl solution
soaking for reuses several times. This work should permit for providing a convenient utilization of coffee shell
agricultural residues, and the coffee shell-derived biochars supplied potential for remedying Cr(VI) in effluents.

1. Introduction terms of environmental management, biochars based on agricultural

waste have attracted much attention due to their renewability of
The disposal and resource utilization of agricultural residues are feedstock, low cost, simple processing and remarkable effects (Varma,
issues of concern to governments and environmental organizations. 2019). Several groups have exhibited that fabrication of biochars from
Although China is not a large coffee-growing country, its annual coffee coffee residues through pyrolysis offered economic and environmental
production has reached 150,000 tons, most of which is distributed in benefits for the removal of organic pollutants (e.g., dyes, formaldehyde
the southwestern province of Yunnan. It is estimated that coffee shells and phenols) and toxic heavy metals (e.g., Pb(II), Cd(II), Cu(II), Zn(II)
account for approximately 20% of the dry weight of coffee beans and and Cr(VI)) (Ahmad and Rahman, 2011; Boudrahem et al., 2011;
thus, about 30,000 tons of coffee shell wastes come into being every Khenniche and Benissad-Aissani, 2011; Suganya and Senthil, 2018). In
year (Sun et al., 2019). Compared with the coffee residues from husks order to achieve highly efficient removal of contaminants, an inde-
and pulps, which can be used as raw material for the production of fuel, pendent two-step process of carbonization and activation was often
animal feed additives, or nutritional supplements (Oliveira et al., 2009), employed to increase the specific surface area in these previous works.
coffee shells lack effective utilization ways on a large scale, and most of The activators generally involved chemical reagents such as ZnCl2,
them are thrown in the fields. Not only does this cause environmental KOH, and H3PO4. Among them, metal chloride activators are banned in
damage, but it also wastes the valuable resource. Therefore, the de- many countries due to severe corrosiveness, while strong base activa-
velopment of a practical method to process coffee shells on a large scale tors, although relatively less corrosive, cause a low carbon yield
is conductive to environmental management and resource utilization of (usually < 30%) (Mohammed et al., 2015; Cuong et al., 2019). As a
the agricultural waste. result, H3PO4 was regularly recommended as a suitable treatment agent
It is cognizant that coffee shells are rich in cellulose and lignin for pyrolysis of biomass (Kan et al., 2015; Chen et al., 2020a). Fur-
(Ioannidou and Zabaniotou, 2007), which can be acted as a high- thermore, if the contaminants can be degraded during adsorption, this
quality carbon source material with potential applications in battery will greatly avail the reduction of their toxicity. Many studies have
electrodes, energy storage and environmental remediation (Creamer demonstrated that doping of N, P heteroatoms can provide biochars
and Gao, 2016; Deng et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2019). Especially in the extra adsorptive sites and strong delocalization of electrons to enhance

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Q. Huang).
Li J. and He F. equally contributed to this work.
Received 1 June 2020; Received in revised form 8 July 2020; Accepted 10 July 2020
Available online 15 July 2020
0960-8524/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Li, et al. Bioresource Technology 315 (2020) 123840

the reduction of aqueous Cr(VI) ions due to the supplied Lewis base prevent moisture absorption. The biochars based on (NH4)3PO4-pre-
sites and improved hydrophilic surface (Chen et al., 2020a; Shin et al., treatment under varying temperatures were denoted as NPBC600,
2019; Valix et al., 2006). For this, Urea, ammonia and phosphates are NPBC700 and NPBC800, respectively. For comparison, raw biochar
commonly used to introduce N, P heteroatoms into carbon networks (RBC700) without (NH4)3PO4-pretreatment was prepared under 700 °C
(Leng et al., 2020; Shin et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2018). However, low with the similar procedure.
doping amount, serious corrosivity and high consumption limited their The yield of biochars was estimated by Eq. (1):
practical application. Thus, it is significant to exploit a simple and ef- WBC
fective method to introduce heteroatoms into biochars with high yield Y (%) = × 100
WCS (1)
and safety.
Ammonium phosphate ((NH4)3PO4), a nitrogen-phosphorus com- where WBC and WCS are the weight of biochar and dried coffee shells
pound fertilizer, can gradually generate H3PO4, and NH3 during heating respectively.
(Wang et al., 2013). It is well demonstrated that H3PO4 can assist the
dehydration, aromatization, crosslinking and porogenic effects of bio- 2.3. Characterization
mass during carbonization (Valero-Romero et al., 2017; Chen et al.,
2020a). Moreover, the escaping nitrogen species can react with the The elemental composition was determined by X-ray fluorescence
carbon substances to produce nitrogen-containing functional groups spectrometer (XRF, Rigaku ZSX100e, Japan). Thermogravimetric/dif-
during thermal process (Xia et al., 2017). Therefore, it is reasonable ferential scanning calorimetry (TG/DSC, SDT Q600 America) was used
that (NH4)3PO4 treatment should offer a simple yet efficient method to to analyze the thermal properties of coffee-shell powders pretreated by
simultaneously create N and P sources for N/P co-doping of biomass- (NH4)3PO4. Raman spectra (Renishaw inVia microscopic confocal
derived carbons, which can be easily scaled-up due to the gradualness spectrometer system, UK) were recorded with Ar+ laser (514.5 nm)
and safety afforded by the in-situ generation of the activators. In this excitation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM, FEI Nova NanoSEM
study, we reported a novel N/P heteroatom co-doped biomass-derived 450, US) was performed to take on the micrographs of biochars. Fourier
porous carbon by directly pyrolyzing coffee shell feedstocks after transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR, Nicolet iS10, US) was recorded
(NH4)3PO4 treatment. One-step activation-carbonization process assists to identify the surface functional groups in the wave number range of
osmosis of (NH4)3PO4 into the cell walls of coffee shell that restrains 400–4000 cm−1. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Thermo
aggregation of neighboring walls during pyrolysis while evenly carbo- ESCALAB 250 US) was operated at 15 kV and 15 mA with an alumina
nizes biomass materials. The obtained carbonaceous materials ex- target (Al–Kα, hv = 1486.6 eV). The specific surface area and pore size
hibited features such as large specific surface area (1133 m2∙g−1), distribution were determined by nitrogen adsorption–desorption mea-
hierarchical porous structures and sufficient N/P heteroatom co- surements at 77 K (Micromeritics TriStar II 3020 US).
doping. The appraisement for remedying deleterious Cr(VI) ions
showed that the coffee shell-based carbons was endowed with highly 2.4. Batch experiment for Cr(VI) removal
efficient adsorption/reduction of Cr(VI) to lower hazardous Cr(III). The
main objectives of current work are i) to render a method for mass Cr(VI) ions removal experiments were performed in a batch model.
production of heteroatom-doped coffee-shell biochar, ii) to investigate The reaction flask was surrounded by a thermostatic water circulation
the adsorption performance and influence factors of aqueous Cr(VI) to maintain the temperature of 30 ± 1 °C. The stock solution
removal, and iii) to identify the effect of N/P heteroatoms on the re- (1000 mg·L−1) of Cr(VI) was prepared by dissolving 1.00 g K2Cr2O7 in
duction of Cr(VI). 1000 mL DI water, which was further diluted to the required con-
centration before use. The solution pH was adjusted by adding NaOH or
2. Materials and methods HCl sulotion (0.1 mol·L−1). In a typical experiment, 100 mL Cr(VI)
solution (50–300 mg∙L−1) was poured into a quartz flask with a fixed
2.1. Materials amount of biochar (100 mg) and the flask was oscillated for 240 min. At
a certain interval, 5 mL of the suspension was withdrawn and cen-
Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) shell was a wet processed endocarp and trifuged quickly for solid–liquid separation. The total chromium con-
silverskin collected from Baoshan, Yunnan Province of China. Before centration ([Cr]) in the supernatant liquid was measured by ICP ana-
use, coffee shells were crushed to 18 mesh, washed and dried. All lysis (ICP-AES1000, Shimadzu Japan). Residual Cr(VI) concentration
chemicals used in the experiment were of analytical reagent (A.R). ([Cr(VI)]) in liquid was analyzed by spectrophotometer (U-4100,
Triammonium phosphate ((NH4)3PO4), potassium dichromate Hitachi Japan) using DPC as the complexing agent at a wavelength of
(K2Cr2O7), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), hydrochloric acid (HCl), and 540 nm. The Cr(III) concentration ([Cr(III)]) was calculated by Eq. (2):
1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC) were purchased from Sinopharm
[Cr(III)] = [Cr] − −[Cr(VI)] (2)
Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd (Shanghai, China). The experimental water
was self-made deionized water (DI water). The removal ratio of Cr(VI) ions was characterized by Eq. (3):
[Cr(VI)]0 − [Cr(VI)]
2.2. Preparation of coffee shell-derived carbons Removal ratio(%) = × 100
[Cr(VI)]0 (3)

Coffee shells of 10.0 g were well blended with 10.0 g (NH4)3PO4 And the reduced percent of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) in the solution was
using a pestle and mortar. DI water of 100 mL was added and the denoted by the ratio of [Cr(III)] to [Cr] (Eq. (4)):
mixture was sealed for 24 h at room temperature (16–28 °C). After the [Cr(III)]
mixture was heated to 110 °C to dry out free moisture, the resulted solid Reduction ratio(%) = × 100
[Cr] (4)
was transferred into a ceramic crucible. The pyrolysis was completed in
a box-type furnace. Before heating the furnace, nitrogen gas was purged
to replace the air inside the chamber. The furnace was heated to 200 °C 3. Results and discussion
at a heating rate of 5 °C/min and held at this temperature over 30 min
for volatile removal, then it was further increased to a set temperature 3.1. Synthesis and characterization of coffee shell-derived biochars
(600, 700 and 800 °C) at the same heating rate and kept at this tem-
perature for 120 min. The obtain solid was repeatedly washed with hot 3.1.1. Elemental analysis
DI water, dried at 110 °C for 8 h and then, stored in a desiccator to The elemental composition of biochar products under different

J. Li, et al. Bioresource Technology 315 (2020) 123840

Table 1
Composition of the raw materials and biochars.
Sample Ultimate analysis (wt% by dry basis) XRF analysis (wt%)

Moisture Volatile Fixed carbon Ash C O N P Metals

Coffee shells 5.61 47.22 45.36 1.81 / / / / /

RBC700 1.33 13.88 81.46 3.33 77.8 19.2 0.8 – 2.2
NPBC600 1.78 21.33 73.66 3.23 73.6 14 7.1 3.6 1.7
NPBC700 1.51 15.36 79.43 3.7 75.8 12.6 6.5 3.2 1.9
NPBC800 2.17 10.77 83.85 3.21 79.1 10.2 5.8 2.8 2.1

conditions is listed in Table 1. It can be found that with the increase of reflecting the activation of (NH4)3PO4 during pyrolysis. The tabulated
pyrolysis temperature, the carbon content in products gradually in- data also show that SSA and Vtotal increased with the rising pyrolysis
creased, while the content of other heteroatoms decreased. The ulti- temperature, and the two values for NPBC800 reached 1133 m2∙g−1
mate analysis also exhibited the similar tendency. The results reflected and 0.59 cm3∙g−1, respectively. The ratio of the SSA for mesopores
the elimination of volatiles and deepening of carbonization. The yields (Smeso) to the SSA for micropores (Smicro) was calculated to be 0.096,
of RBC700, NPBC600, NPBC700 and NPBC800 were determined to be 0.13 and 0.21 for NPBC600, NPBC700 and NPBC800, accordingly. The
33.7, 43.2, 40.3 and 37.8% respectively, which also clearly reflected gradually increasing ratio indicated that higher temperature enriched
the decrease in raw material left caused by the increasing temperature. the pore structures, which can boost the synergistic effects among pores
It should be noted that although the pyrolysis temperature was the with different length scales and offer more channels for solute diffusion
same, the yield of RBC700 appeared to be less than that of NPBC700, (Chu et al., 2018; Hu et al., 2015). Noted the Vmeso of NPBC800 was
which may be due to the phosphoric acid released by (NH4)3PO4 to significantly reduced to compare with the biochars pyrolized at lower
prevent the generation of volatile carbonaceous substances (Valero- temperatures. The most likely reason was considered the collapse of
Romero et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2020a). In addition, biochars contain a mesoporous pores caused by high temperature or the fact that high
small amount of metal elements (e.g. Ca, Fe, Al), which should be graphitization degree was not conducive to the construction of meso-
brought by the raw materials. The ultimate analysis also found the pores/macropores (Chu et al., 2018).
presence of small amounts of ash in biochars (3.21–3.33%). RBC700 All three NPBCs represent I/IV-type adsorption-desorption iso-
contains a trace of nitrogen (0.8%), indicating that the feedstock itself therms with well-demarcated plateaus over the low pressure range
stores nitrogen, while phosphorus was only introduced after (NH4)3PO4 (Fig. 1a), revealing the emergence of high-density micropores. The
treatment. The content of these two elements were significantly in- weak hysteresis loops that occur in the high pressure region are closely
creased after treatment with (NH4)3PO4. related to mesopores and macropores (Song Yang et al., 2019). How-
The TG curve gives a decreasing trend with the increasing tem- ever, the isotherm provided by RBC700 is obviously different, which
perature (Supplementary Material). The residual amounts of feedstocks belongs to the III-type without hysteresis loop (Fig. 1b). It also showed
at 600, 700, 800 °C was substantially equal to the yield pyrolyzed at the the difference in their porous structures.
same temperature. In the DSC curve (Supplementary Material), a sharp
endothermic peak about 200 °C corresponds to the decomposition of 3.1.3. Spectral characteristics
(NH4)3PO4, and the broadened and strong endothermic band above FTIR, Raman and XPS analyses were applied to provide the spec-
400 °C can be ascribed to the slow gasification and carbonization of troscopic characteristics of the biochar structures (Supplementary
cellulose, lignin and other components in coffee shells, indicating a Material). From the FTIR it can found that the biochars offered similar
progressive reaction that the evolution of volatiles and the rearrange- IR spectra. The bands centered at 3430, 2918/2850, 1617 and
ment of carbon occurred during the thermal treatment (Mohanty et al., 1388 cm−1 appeared due to the absorptions of –OH, –CH–/–CH2–,
2013). aromatic C = O/C = C and C = N groups respectively. Besides, the
region below 1200 cm−1 was identified as functional segments corre-
3.1.2. Morphological and textural features sponding to C–O and C–N bonds (Chu et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2018).
From the SEM images of biochars (Supplementary Material) it is The peaks of phosphorus-containing groups were also discriminated in
clear that these coffee shells-derived carbons have a honeycomb-like this range, for example P–O–C and C–O–P = O from phosphates and
porous structure. The visible pores vary in size, ranging from a few to pyrophosphates linked with carbonaceous frameworks (Wang et al.,
tens of microns. It can also be observed that NPBC800 sample appeared 2019). It was also found from the FTIR spectra that the absorptive in-
richer and deeper pores, which may reflect the evolution of volatiles tensities for NPBC600, NPBC700 and NPBC800 are gradually de-
and carbon consumption at the risen temperature. It is noted that the creased; implying that higher temperature treatment subtracted the
raw biochar without (NH4)3PO4 treatment (RBC700) showed a rela- amount of asymmetric vibrational groups (Jin et al., 2016).
tively smooth surface. The Raman spectra of biochars displayed conspicuous peaks at 1358
The textural properties were further analyzed by N2 adsorption- and 1601 cm−1, which can be attributed to D-band and G-band of
desorption measurement. The main parameters are presented in carbons respectively. The D-band derives from the K-point phonons of
Table 2. It is clear that compared with NPBCs, RBC700 gave negligible A1g symmetry of disordered carbon, whilst G-band is traceable to the
specific surface area (SSA) and total pore volume (Vtotal) values, fully zone-center phonon of E2g symmetry of sp2 hybridized carbon (Chen

Table 2
Textural properties of the biochars obtained under different temperatures.
Sample SSA (m2∙g−1) Smicro N(m2∙g−1) Smeso (m2∙g−1) Vtotal (cm3∙g−1) Vmicro (cm3∙g−1) Vmeso (cm3∙g−1) Average pore size (nm)

NPBC600 787 706 68 0.448 0.264 0.124 2.28

NPBC700 825 743 96 0.464 0.269 0.141 2.25
NPBC800 1133 903 186 0.590 0.436 0.095 2.08
RBC700 2.63 – – 0.013 – – 1.98

J. Li, et al. Bioresource Technology 315 (2020) 123840

Fig. 1. (a) Porous size distribution of biochars prepared under different temperature with (NH4)3PO4-pretreatment: inset showing the N2 adsorption–desorption
isotherms at 77 K; (b) N2 adsorption–desorption isotherm of RBC at 77 K.

et al., 2019a; Hu et al., 2015). The intensity ratio of D-band to G-band potential with the growing H+ concentration to cause Cr(VI) the higher
(ID/IG) was estimated to be 0.841, 0.826 and 0.819 for NPBC600, oxidizing ability at lower pH (Chen et al., 2020a). It is also found that in
NPBC700 and NPBC800 accordingly. The declining ID/IG values sug- the high pH region (4.0–7.0), the downward of reduction rate was more
gested that a high pyrolysis temperature was more conducive to the significant. For example, from pH 4 to pH 7, the removal rate of Cr(V)
construction of ordered sp2 structure. The value of ID/IG for RBC700 is by NPBC700 decreased from 94% to 63%, while the reduction rate
0.845, which is greater than the ID/IG value provided by NPBC700, decreased from 90% to 42%. Overall, NPBC700 performed best in
indicating that the feedstocks treated with (NH4)3PO4 was more likely NPBCs due to the relatively high removal rates and reduction rates
to produce carbon with sp2 structure during pyrolysis. Furthermore, the under various pHs.
wider full width at half maxima (HWHM) of D-bands implied the di- The quantitative evaluation of Cr(VI) removal by NPBCs
versity of disordered carbon structures (Hu et al., 2015). (Supplementary Material) showed that the values of observed first-
The wide scan XPS detected C, O, N and P elements in NPBCs, while order reaction rate constant (kobs) were estimated to be 0.0192, 0.0278
the P element was not found in RBC700, and the content of N element and 0.0219 min−1 for NPBC600, NPBC700 and NPBC800, respectively
was also far less than NPBCs. The presence of the N and P elements (Fig. 3). This result reflected that the order of reaction rate was
further illustrates that (NH4)3PO4 pre-treatment can introduce het- NPBC700 > NPBC800 > NPBC600. It is noted that the order of SSA is
eroatoms into the biomass-derived carbon backbones. NPBC800 > NPBC700 > NPBC600, which is not completely con-
Based on the spectroscopic and textural analyses, it can be sum- sistent with the reaction rate order. Therefore, it can be concluded that
marized that (NH4)3PO4 played a role in at least two ways during coffee the textural characteristics are not the only determinant of the removal
shells pyrolysis: porogenic activator and supplier of N and P doping. efficiency, and the functional groups on the surface of biochars should
be considered to play an important role. According to the FTIR and N2
adsorption–desorption analyses, the contents of polar functional groups
3.2. Aqueous Cr(VI) removal appraisement
and mesopores/macropores in biochars were significantly decreased
under the higher pyrolysis temperature (800 °C), which may explain the
3.2.1. Effect of solution initial pH
attenuation of NPBC800 reduction/adsorption activity. It was demon-
A laboratory prepared Cr(VI) solution was used to evaluate the
strated that abundant hierarchical pores and groups related to oxygen,
adsorption/reduction performances of the biochars. Many previous
nitrogen and phosphorus were beneficial to Cr(VI) removal by biochars
studies have demonstrated that solution pH was a crucial factor on the
(Xu et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2018).
efficiency of aqueous Cr(VI) removal using biochars, which determined
the form of chromium species in the solution and affected the charge
distribution and functional group polarity of biochar surface (Chen 3.2.2. Adsorption isotherms
et al., 2020a; Suganya and Senthil, 2018). Langmuir, Freundlich, and Slips isotherm models (Supplementary
Fig. 2 shows the Cr species removal ratios by the biochars under Material) were chosen to estimate the adsorption behaviors of Cr(VI)
initial pH range 2.0–7.0. The higher pH was not chosen to avoid pos- solutions (50–300 mg∙L−1) by NPBC700 at different temperatures. The
sible precipitation of chromium ion. It is found that RBC700 offered an obtained isotherm parameters are listed in Table 3. From the tabulated
inconsiderable Cr(VI) elimination, by which the removal and reduction parameters, it is obvious that Slips equation matched the experimental
rates were below 20% over the tested pH range. For NPBCs, pH 2.0–3.0 data better due to the higher correlation coefficient (R2), suggesting
is an available pH range, in which the removal and reduction of Cr(VI) that chemisorption occurred. At low adsorbate concentrations Slips
were over 95%. With the increase of pH, the removal ratio of Cr(VI) model can effectively reduce to the Freundlich isotherm, whilst at the
showed a downward trend. At the intrinsic pH 5.3 of 100 mg∙L−1 Cr(VI) higher concentration range it predicts a monolayer adsorptive char-
solution, the removal rate dropped to about 80%. In addition, the Cr acteristic of the Langmuir isotherm (Zhang et al., 2018). Slips fitting
(VI) reduced ratio at different pH also showed a similar trend, that is, reflected the influence of solute concentration on the adsorption be-
the reduction rate gradually decreased with increasing pH. Within the havior.
low pH range (2.0–4.0), the reduction rate of Cr(VI) was almost equal to Several studies have focused on coffee residues and the derived
the removal ratio, indicating that Cr(VI) was completely reduced to Cr carbonaceous materials for chromium pollution treatment. For ex-
(III) during adsorption. In fact, many studies have exhibited that acidic ample, it was reported that the untreated coffee husk biosorbents can
conditions favored Cr(VI) reduction due to the incremental Nernst remove heavy metals from aqueous solutions. The Langmuir maximum

J. Li, et al. Bioresource Technology 315 (2020) 123840

Fig. 2. Chromium species removal under various initial pH: (a) removal ratio, (b) reduction ration. [Dosage] = 1 mg∙mL−1, [Cr(VI)]0 = 100 mg∙L−1,
Temperature = 30 ± 1 °C, Time = 240 min.

corn straws has much higher Cr(VI) removal capacity (116.28 mg∙g−1)
than the untreated one (Zhao et al., 2017). By comparison, NPBC700
offered the largest Qm value, reaching 223.5 mg∙g−1. Not only that, the
aforementioned reports seldom mentioned the reduction of hexavalent
chromium. These advantages should benefit from the huge SSA of
NPBCs and the abundance of N/P heteroatoms co-doping. Or the bio-
mass feedstocks are also the reason for the difference in Cr(VI) removal

3.2.3. Adsorption thermodynamics

The isotherm data was also utilized to determine the thermo-
dynamic parameters of the adsorption process (Supplementary
Material). The obtained Gibbs free energy (ΔGo), standard enthalpy
change (ΔHo), and standard entropy change (ΔSo) were given in
Table 4. It can be seen that the values of ΔGo gradually decrease with
the rising temperature, but their absolute values gradually increase.
This result clearly illustrated that the adsorption process occurred au-
tomatically and a higher temperature favored the sorption of Cr(VI)
Fig. 3. Kinetic plots under pH 3.0: inset showing the linear fits of ln([Cr(VI)]/ (Kera et al., 2017). The positive value of ΔSo suggested an endothermic
[Cr(VI)]0) to contact time t. process and increased randomness over the solid/solution interface
during adsorption. Additionally, the ΔHo value was determined to be
20.3 kJ·mol−1 in this study. It has been denoted that the typical ΔHo
capacity (Qm) for Cr(VI) adsorption was determined to be 7.0 mg∙g−1 at
values is from 2.1 to 20.9 kJ·mol−1 for physical sorption while che-
pH 4.0 (Oliveira et al., 2008). The coffee ground waste was found to
misorption involving complexation is in the range of
adsorb Cr(VI) corresponding to 87.7 mg∙g−1 of monolayer maximum
20.9 ~ 418.4 kJ·mol−1 (Karthik and Meenakshi, 2014). The current
capacity under pH 2.0 (Cherdchoo et al., 2019). Suganya and Senthil
ΔHo value is just located on the critical region of the two adsorptions.
prepared activated carbon from coffee waste by a chemical activation
Combined with the isothermal analysis, it was recommended that
with H2SO4 and ultra-sonication (Suganya and Senthil, 2018). A Qm
chemical adsorption with weak bonding forces such as electrostatic
value for remedying Cr(VI)-contained effluents was measured to be
interaction should occur at the solid/liquid interface (Hercigonja et al.,
156.7 mg∙g−1. Other research groups have also paid attention to the
remediation of aqueous Cr(VI) using biochars from other biomass
modified by P, N alone. N-doped magnetic biochar from ager powders
3.3. Cr(VI) removal mechanism investigation
was proven 142.86 mg∙g−1 Cr(VI) capacity at pH 2 and excellent re-
collection ability (Mian et al., 2018). H3PO4 treated biochar based on
The analysis of Fig. 2 confirmed that Cr(VI) in the liquid phase was

Table 3
The main isotherm parameters from NPBC700 adsorbing different concentration Cr(VI) (50–300 mg∙L−1) at varying temperature (30–40 °C): [Dosage] = 1 mg∙mL−1,
pH = 3.0, Contact time = 240 min.
T (°C) Langmuir Freundlich Slips

Qm (mg∙g−1) KL (L∙mg−1) R2 KF (Ln∙mg1–n∙g−1) 1/n R2 Qm (mg∙g−1) KS (L∙mg−1) 1/nS R2

30 223.5 0.428 0.920 97.95 0.202 0.965 272.3 0.096 0.223 0.998
35 227.2 0.487 0.932 100.9 0.207 0.975 289.7 0.111 0.244 0.980
40 235.5 0.528 0.909 107.0 0.211 0.978 301.3 0.152 0.256 0.972

J. Li, et al. Bioresource Technology 315 (2020) 123840

Table 4 Table 5
Thermodynamic parameters for NPBC700 adsorbing Cr(V): XPS integration results for fresh biochar (NPBC700) and used biochar
[Dosage] = 1 mg∙mL−1, [Cr(VI)]0 = 300 mg∙L−1, initial pH = 3.0, Contact (NPBC700-Cr).
time = 240 min.
Sample Peak Position FWHM Atomic Assignment
T (°C) ΔGo (kJ·mol−1) ΔSo (kJ·mol−1·K−1) ΔHo (kJ·mol−1) Concentration

30 −2.81 0.0011 20.3 (eV) (eV) (%)

35 −3.13
40 −3.57 NPBC700 C1s C-1 288.24 6.40 24.7 O=C
C-2 285.42 2.35 37.1 C–O, C–P,
C-3 284.72 1.12 38.2 C = C, C–C
reduced to Cr(III) during sorption, so the removal mechanism of Cr(VI)
O1s O-1 535.17 4.00 11.8 −OH, H2O
was proposed considering the electrostatic attraction and coincident O-2 532.84 2.35 65.9 C-O, P-O
redox reaction. Within pH 2.0–4.0, the predominant Cr(VI) species in O-3 531.07 2.09 22.3 C = O, P = O
solution was defined as HCrO4− upon the present concentration range N1s N-1 403.59 2.01 9.3 N-X (oxides of
(50–300 mg∙L−1) according to our previous works (Chen et al., 2020a; N)
N-2 400.72 2.41 72.7 N-Q
Huang et al., 2019) and others (Karthik and Meenakshi, 2014; Zhang (quaternary
et al., 2018) through Visual MINTEQ simulation. While the protonated N)
surface of NPBC adsorbed negatively charged HCrO4− ions, a redox N-3 398.46 1.53 18.0 –N = C
reaction occurred within acidic solution. The generated Cr(III) and P2p P-1 134.31 2.36 35.3 P = O, P-O
P-2 133.39 2.24 64.7 C-P
NPBC adsorbent regained the adsorption–desorption equilibrium. The
NPBC700-Cr C1s C-1 287.89 5.94 22.6 O=C
reactions between NPBC and Cr(VI) can be described by Eqs. (5)–(7): C-2 285.41 2.33 38.6 C–O, C–P,
NPBC + HCrO4−→NPBCHCrO4− (5) C-3 284.76 1.12 38.8 C = C, C–C
− O1s O-1 534.14 3.02 31.6 –OH, H2O
+ 3+
+4H2O (6) O-2 532.75 2.40 39.4 C-O, P-O
O-3 531.16 2.26 30.0 C = O, P = O
HCrO4−+7H++3e−→Cr3++4H2Oφθ = 1.35 V (7)
N1s N-1 403.61 5.63 28.0 N-X (oxides of
XPS spectroscopy was performed to detect the changes of chemical
N-2 400.75 2.40 55.4 N-Q
composition and valence on NPBC. To compare the core-level Cr2p (quaternary
spectra of the fresh biochar (NPBC700) and spent biochar (NPBC700- N)
Cr), it is detected that after the uptake of Cr(VI), two obvious peaks N-3 398.45 1.48 16.6 –N = C
appeared in the Cr2p region corresponding to Cr2p1/2 and Cr2p3/2 or- P2p P-1 134.27 2.40 54.5 P = O, P–O
P-2 133.2 2.25 45.5 C–P
bits, which can be separately resolved into two Gaussian bands
(Supplementary Material). The bands with larger binding energies at
592.25 and 582.34 eV was attributed to Cr(VI) while the smaller ones at biochar edge by the high potential Cr(VI). (Chen et al., 2020b; Mian
587.61 and 578.08 eV belong to Cr(III) (Zhou et al., 2016). The atomic et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019). The content of heterocyclic nitrogen
ratios of Cr(III) were calculated to be more than 90%. This indicated was relatively stable, only decreased from 18.0% to 16.8%. Hetero-
that Cr species attacked to the surface of sorbent was trivalent form in a cyclic nitrogen was usually considered as active sites in heteroatom
great measure, further revealing the occurrence of redox reaction. doped carbon (Zhou et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2018). But in the current
More details of XPS integration referred to Table 5. The high-re- case, the significant changes have not been detected for heterocyclic
solution C1s XPS showed that before and after use, the binding energies nitrogen, which may be due to the fact that the great mass of hetero-
and relative contents of carbon changed little, indicating that the che- cycles in the carbon networks was the relatively stable six-membered
mical state of C element in the biochar was relatively stable. However, ring, and the content of five-membered ring that was easily oxidized
the heteroatoms including O, N and P have been changed significantly. was limited (Navalon et al., 2017).
In the case of O1s, the proportion of groups –OH (534.14 eV), C = O In addition, C–P bond can also be considered as another electron-
and P = O (531.16 eV) has been raised after use, while the content of donating fragment. From the P2p changes it is detected that after
C–O and P–O (532.84 eV) decreased from 65.9% to 35.4%. The changes contacted with Cr(VI) solution the content of C–P band (133.39 eV) was
indicated that partial C–O and P–O were oxidized to form groups decreased from 64.7% to 45.5%, during which the content of O–P
containing C = O and P = O during reaction respectively. The groups (134.31 eV) was increased correspondingly (Chen et al., 2019b). The
of C–O and P–O were involved in the adsorption/reduction of Cr(VI) binding energy shifts reflected the direction of electron transfer in the
(Xu et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2016). valent bond and thus, the changes of P2p resolution suggested that C–P
The role of N/P doping can also be defined in the high-resolved N1s bond was electron donors during Cr(VI) reduction. This result was
and P2p signals of the fresh NPBC700 and spent NPBC700 contributed to the electron cloud density of the P atom was increased,
(Supplementary Material). The N1s of NPBC700 was deconvoluted into causing an added binding energy bands detected (Chen et al., 2019b).
three bands of oxidized nitrogen (N-X, 403.59 eV), quaternary nitrogen
(N-Q, 400.72 eV) and heterocyclic nitrogens (–N = C, 398.46 eV) such
3.4. Regeneration
as pyridinic and pyrrolic (Mian et al., 2018). After Cr adsorbed, the
relative proportions of these nitrogenous groups have significantly al-
Regeneration is very important for the recovery and reuse of the
tered. Clearly, the atomic ratio of N-Q has dropped from 72.7% to
biochars. It can not only test the adsorption mechanism, but also relate
55.4%, while that of N-X increased from 9.3% to 28.0%. The results
to their economic performance. The mechanism investigation has
signified that the partial N-Q was oxidized to form N-X during Cr(VI)
shown that chromium species was immobilized on the surface of
uptake, supporting that quaternary nitrogens were closely connected to
NPBC700 in the form of trivalent cations. Therefore, high concentra-
the adsorption/reduction process of Cr(VI). In an acidic solution, the
tions of H+ should release Cr(III) through competitive substitution. For
edge N-Q can be protonated. The negative charged Cr(VI) was adsorbed
this, the spent biochars were immersed into a 0.1 M HCl solution under
by the formed positive charged groups and then, the electron-rich ni-
stirring for 240 min. The filtered solid was washed with DI water and
trogen moieties were easily oxidized to produce amine oxides on the
then dried at 110 °C. The recycled biochars were performed to remove

J. Li, et al. Bioresource Technology 315 (2020) 123840


The authors thank the financial supports from the National Natural
Science Foundation of China (No. 51964045) and the Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Training Program for college students
(201910673067, 201810673006).

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://


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