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Topic Chapter 1 It’s English Time! “Attention, understand, opinions, and appreciation” Topic Chapter 4 Come to my birthday party!

1. Expressions of opinion
A: What do you think of your classroom?
B: ____________________

2. Expressions of opinion
A: ____________________
B: In my opinion, smoking in restaurants is a bad things!

3. Expressions of appreciation
A: Look at the painting!
B: Wow! ____________________
1. What kind of event is it?
4. Expressions of attention 2. Who will have a birthday party?
A: ____________________. Can you tell me where the post office? 3. Where is the party will be held?
B: Sure. It’s near the Corner Bank
5. Expression of understanding
A: ____________________
B: I do understand. 5.

Topic Chapter 2 CAN or WILL

1. Dinar has visited many islands in Indonesia. She ... speak five local language
2. I am very thirsty, I … grab some juices. Topic Chapter 5 Greeeting Card!
3. Your luggage is very much heavy. I … carry it for you.
4. I … play tennis when I was in the elementary school.
Dear Serbina,
5. I looked for my bag but I … find it CONGRATULATIONS On passing your Music exam!
With Love,
Topic Chapter 3 Should/Should not or Must/Must not Mom and Dad
1. I think you … visit my parents this weekend. They say they miss you.
2. Your daughter … stop eating sweets. It’s not good for her health.
3. You have final exam tomorrow. You … study to get a good mark. 1. Who is the sender of the text?
4. They … park here. There is a “NO PARKING” sign. 2. Who is the receiver of the text?
5. I think you . . . take a raincoat with you. It’s the rainy season now. 3. What does Serbina get?
4. What is the meaning of CONGRATULATIONS?
5. Does Serbina pass the music exam?

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