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Assalamualaikum wr.wb. Peace be upon you, and Allah mercy and blessings.

Whom i respect, Mr. Mulyarman as the EASY's instructor and Ma'am Mei as the EASY's coach. Also
greetings to all EASY members and audiences.

First of all, please let me introduce myself. My name is Ratu Evelina Gunawan and on this occasion, i
want to tell and discuss with you about our topic today, namely Indonesian goverment officially shuts
down tiktok shop.

As you know, social media is very important in today's modern era, where the TikTok application is one
of the most frequently used social media applications. In our beloved country, Indonesia, is recorded as
the country with the second largest number of TikTok users in the world.

However, recently Indonesian TikTok users were shocked by an announcement which said that the
TikTok Shop service would officially close in Indonesia on Wednesday 14 October 2023, at exactly 5

This announcement not only shocked TikTok users but also sellers at the TikTok Shop and loyal
customers who often use TikTok Shop feature to buy goods online.

Of course, this issue involves several opinions from different parties. For sellers in the TikTok shop, this
is detrimental to them for several reasons, including because they have tried to make their merchandise
sell by selling online on TikTok via live, promotional videos and others. For them, TikTok Shop is very
helpful in increasing employment opportunities for people and also for affiliates to earn income without
having to bother leaving their homes.

TikTok Shop users are also really helped by this application feature, some of them say that of all the
online shopping applications, TikTok Shop is an online shopping application that sells goods at cheap prices.
So this makes them feel they don't agree with the TikTok Shop feature being removed in Indonesia.

On the other hand, the main reason the TikTok Shop was closed was because of the disapproval of
traders in Tanah Abang who felt they had been disadvantaged, and because the TikTok Shop damaged
the sales ecosystem for local UMKM, especially offline.

In my opinion, offline traders in Indonesia also have to keep up with the times, by selling online so they
can compete with foreign products. However, foreign products that are entering Indonesia must also be
limited so that local products can run optimally, especially selling on Tiktok Shop.
Probably that is enough for the speech that I can deliver on this occasion. If there is any mistake, I
apologize profusely to all of you.

I hope what I say can be useful for all of us, Amen.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

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