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Information of interest to the student and lover of Indian music

Pardon our dust…
We are in the process of converting the entire site from HTML to WordPress.
This will take some time. During this process, many things may not work right,
but we will fix them as fast as we can.

When all the work is done, I am sure that you will find it to be a much more
pleasurable internet experience.

What’s New
NEW MUSIC VIDEO – We have just released a new music video. It is in rag

SEARCH FUNCTION – We have just added a search function. This is located

in the navigation pane.

ON AN UNRELATED MATTER – It seems that my Wikipedia page (David

Courtney) has not been updated in a while. There are several books that have
come out that have not been added to the bibliography. Specifically The
Music of South Asia, Elementary North Indian vocal (Vol 1 & 2), An American
in Hyderabad, and History of Valhalla. If someone would take the initiative
and update it, this would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to This is THE place to come for those who
enjoy Indian music. We have several thousand pages covering the subject.
Relax, spend some time leisurely browsing the various topics; and if you find
something that you like, remember to click the social media links at the
bottom of each page to share it with your friends.

NOTE TO CELL PHONE USERS – There is a navigation pane which is

accessible by clicking on the three small lines next to our picture.
Search – This is a domain wide search function.

About Us – This will let you know who we are.

Products and Services – Our books, recordings, and other services.

Glossary of Terms – There are a lot of specialised terms. This is a good place
to quickly look up their meanings. You may wish to bookmark this section for
future reference.

Learning – These are resources for those interested in learning Indian music
and dance.

Indian Music and Dance – Everything that you ever wanted to know about
Indian music and dance.

Misc. Topics – A few pages that are interesting, but a bit off topic.

Videos – Hundreds of videos that are either by us or about us.

Forums – Here you can participate in discussions about various aspects of

Indian music. (There is also an archived forum that is no longer active, but still
has a few gems buried there.)

Bios – Biographies of a number of people who are significant to Indian music.

Works Cited, Biblio., & Disc – Bibliography, Discography, and Works Cited.
These are sources to double-check the information provided here.

Contact Us – Here is how you can connect with us if you have any further
Author WordPress Theme by Compete Themes

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