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LESSON 2: Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage

T Marriage
I and
V Dissolution
of Marriage
Bachelor of Science in Criminology 1
LESSON 2: Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage

Bachelor of Science in Criminology 2

Kinds of Marriage Country Practices

LESSON 2: Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage

1. Adoptive Marriage This is practiced in Japan. If
the family does not have son to
preserve their surname, the
prospective son-in-law adopts
the family name of the bride's
JAPAN parents before marriage. In
doing so, the bride's family
name is not changed.

2. Sororate Marriage This is sometimes called

MARRIAGE. It is called as
such because a man remarries
BHUTAN his deceased wife's sister.

3. Levirate Marriage his is a marriage where a

woman marries the deceased
husband's brother. There is a
similar custom of the ancient
Jews by which a dead man's
SOMALIA brother is obligated to marry
the widow if there were no

Ghost Marriage This is similar to LEVIRATE

CHINA MARRIAGE. Under this form
of marriage, the children of the
woman who married the
deceased husband's brother are
considered "sired" by the dead
husband. That means, the
second husband or the brother
is only a "surrogate" or who
substituted for his brother

4. Endogamy Marriage This refers to the norms which

dictate that an individual
should marry from a member
of one's clan or ethnic group.
INDIA However, parents may contrive
to have their children marry
Bachelor the religious
of Science group or
in Criminology 3
social class.

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